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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 960x717, 1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7637987 No.7637987 [Reply] [Original]

>in Chicago, they would call this pizza

>> No.7637992


Nice try goulash boy.

>> No.7637996

It's hungarian-style deep dish pizza!

>> No.7638116

why do you have blueprints for barrel bombs? are you donkey kong?

>> No.7638147

>le epic chicago deep dish isn't really pizza meme

Fuck off.

It has all the ingredients of a pizza, it tastes like a pizza, it looks like a pizza, it's shaped like a pizza, it's a fucking pizza.

>> No.7638154

>look mom I posted it again


>> No.7638163

Not pizza.
Jew York can fuck off as well.

>> No.7638174

So if I take whole-wheat pasta, make it into circle shape, add tomato sauce and cheese, it would be pizza by american standards?

>> No.7638188

america decides what is and isn't a pizza Giuseppe

>> No.7638196


Yes, because pasta is obviously the same thing as pizza crust. Take that pasta dough, shape it into a circle, and bake it with tomato sauce and cheese, then yes it would be a pizza, if a shitty one.

>american standards

You should see the shit I've been served as "pizza" in Hungary, Russia, Thailand, and Cambodia.

>> No.7638199

The people fighting about this shit are probably not even from NYC or Chicago. We actually don't give a shit about the other city's pizza since it makes no difference in the end.

>> No.7638205

>muh pizza nihilism

>> No.7638208
File: 2.36 MB, 2592x1936, Chicago pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more tomato sauce

>> No.7638211

That's not a pie

>> No.7638213

>using 3rd world countries as comparsions

>> No.7638218


Isn't Italy basically 3rd world?

>> No.7638227


Mamma mia now that's-a piiizza, justa like mama used to a make in the olde country.

>> No.7638243

>3rd world
I'm gonna guess you're american.

>> No.7638257

>everything but USA is 3rd world

U S A! U S A! U S A!

*breathes heavily*

>> No.7638260


Hard finding Cambodian pizza that didn't have either heroine or marijuana. "Happy Pizza" under the category "Happy Food".

>> No.7638264


>t.New York Pussy that can't even handle the deep dish

>> No.7638271


>been to at least hungary, russia, thailand, and cambodia
>makes a statement you disagree with

I-it surely must be a sheltered American!

>> No.7638274

italy is practically a third world country

what a fucking hellhole

>> No.7638280

/ck/ struggles with this word.

>> No.7638296

Yes, full of poo in loos and chinks. The poor Italians are very crafty bastards known for pick pocketing. Haven't been back in a while but I'd imagine there's a ton of kebabs and more poor people given their current economic state.

>> No.7638303
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I think I know what your problem might be.

>> No.7638334
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>> No.7638340
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>> No.7638341

>on /ck/, they call this a shitpost

>> No.7638343
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>> No.7638356
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>implying the french don't make one of the best pizzas in the world

>> No.7638367

Do you even know where Lampedusa is? Do you little /pol/tard really think there are hoards of reguees roaming mainland Italy? Because Italy is the last place in Europe where you want to deal with bureaucratic bullshit such as getting an asylum.

>> No.7638371
File: 48 KB, 600x400, Alsatian Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw living near French border of Germany
>tfw we share a lot with alsatian/lorraine cuisine
>tfw flammkuchen/tarte flambée all you can eat until 3 á clock in the morning

>> No.7638374
File: 392 KB, 2508x1672, bread meat pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had this pizza here, I'm not sure what exactly it is called but it's easily my favourite pizza.

>> No.7638398

That looks like shit and anchovies are pleb tier. French food is probably the most disappointing in the world there's basically no harmony with their flavours and they don't know how to cook seafood.

>> No.7638402


>anchovies are pleb tier

Stopped reading there.

>> No.7638406
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Mirin norwegian pizza? Its popular for lunch

>> No.7638414
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>> No.7638427
File: 139 KB, 958x420, 414416-1-eng-GB_welsh-rarebit-958x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welsh pizza is the best. These retired coal miners opened up a cafe near me, so i know its authentic welsh pizza

>> No.7638431


>constant shitposting about how there's variety in 'murrica
>yuropoors wont shut up about fucking kebab, as though it's the greatest thing in the world

>> No.7638433
File: 14 KB, 236x236, lazy-town-cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7638437
File: 70 KB, 570x360, macaroni-and-cheese-new[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just add ketchup and WALA

>> No.7638439


That would be Canadian.

>> No.7638445

>it looks like a pizza, it's shaped like a pizza, it's a fucking pizza.
no, no, and no

>> No.7638446
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 26d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Welsh pizza"

>> No.7638451

In Chicago, they *do* call that pizza.

>> No.7638452

that's the joke.jpg

>> No.7638457
File: 773 KB, 1024x893, aal-qasr-qeema-naan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Pizza was actually invented in India in approximately 3000bc. Marco Polo was given the recipe on his travels, and proceeded to claim its origin as Italian. Only now is world learning the truth about pizza.

>> No.7638470

>Cheese and Tomatoes were available in 3000 BC India.

>> No.7638486


>and tomatoes came from the new world and pasta came from the orient

Do Italians even have a cuisine they can call their own?

>> No.7638495


Fact: Virtually every culture in the world has independently come up with some form of flat bread.

>> No.7638518

this is wrong, America invented pizza, not Italy. The inventor of pizza, Abraham Lincoln, one night had a dream where Jesus came to him and gave him the pizza recipe. Then he woke up the next morning and under his pillow found a recipe for pizza pie so he made the first pizza. The mafia later stole it but it's still American. Climate change is a hoax.

>> No.7638524


I've been to Lincoln's house, and can assure you that it was not equipped to cook pizza.

Nice wallpaper though.

>> No.7638533


He cooked the pizza in a secret underground chamber built for this purpose by a hand-selected team of Freemasons and Knights Templar. The oven was fired by souls of the damned. I'm not surprised you didn't see this because the entrance to the secret chamber was carefully hidden by its constructors. The secret door is only openable by performing fellatio on a certain candlestick in the main residence.

>> No.7638726
File: 43 KB, 865x331, QUICHE_9164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love chicago-style deep dish pizza.