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7633973 No.7633973 [Reply] [Original]

What's so bad about butter?

>> No.7633975

Ir goes hard in the fridge

>> No.7633977 [DELETED] 

Low smoke point.

Make clarified butter for high-heeled-heat applications and you're solid though

>> No.7633981

Who said butter is bad?

>> No.7633984

I prefer it over ketchup on rice and baked potatoes

>> No.7634002

i go hard in your mom's bedroom

>> No.7634004

It's b-b-b-utter.

>> No.7634005
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>> No.7634012

What? That's like saying you prefer it over being shot or kicked really hard in the balls.

>> No.7634019

Heath fadders in the 80s, and its just stuck for some reason.

To be fair though, back then people were all dying of heart related diseases in their late 30s-40s. Thats what prompted that whole health shit in the late 70s early 80s.

They just threw shit at the wall crucifying all sorts of stuff.
They really thought that vegetable oil was healthier for the heart than Butter

>> No.7634045

Haters hating so hard if cute had a taste it would be that one moment you bite in to a simple butter toast sandwhich

>> No.7634048

Saturated fat, cholesterol, animal proteins, retards spewing their paleo and dairy shill shit like >>7634019

>> No.7634052

People were dying of heart disease because of their shitty diets and lifestyles. Cutting out butter won't cure your stupidity. I'll never understand people.

>> No.7634091

There's nothing wrong with butter if you use it in moderation, just like anything else.

>> No.7634102

The first half is true. The last half isn't. There are some things that are objectively bad.

What's "wrong" with butter is that, like all fats, it is high in calories. It's a reasonably healthy fat but it's wrong to use as your only source of fat and it's wrong to use too much. But butter is delicious and versatile and works slightly differently from other oils because it contains milk solids and water.

Margerine is objectively shit. I don't know why people buy it. I know it's cheaper but cost per calorie, it's a bargain even if you're buying the most expensive organic grass fed hippie shit.

>> No.7634104

Do you cook? Unsalted butter is one of the most versatile ingredients you can have in kitchen.
Although I use in moderation to avoid unnecessary calories also I fear BPA contamination since it comes in a plastic container. I generally avoid everything that makes contact with plastic for a little time.

>> No.7634113

the poor man's Kraft Single

>> No.7634137

The definition of 'moderation' varies between foods. Of course there are disadvantages, but figuring out how to balance it is the key.

>> No.7634143

Unsalted butter here comes in 500g blockd wrapped in a wax paper... I'm not sure about BPA in wax paper but it's probably marginally better

>> No.7635667

probably jewloving commie-libtard socialists.

>> No.7635678

>>Unsalted butter

t. Weenie who keeps butter in the fridge.

Get salted butter and a proper butter dish and keep it on the counter.

>> No.7635688

I guess you don't bake anything but pre-made garlic bread, then, gayboy.

>> No.7635765

It's a saturated animal fat.

>> No.7635786

>implying that's bad
spotted the vegan memescientist

>> No.7635803


>butter is good
>vegetable oil is bad

look at the ingredients of your butter in your fridge faggot. bet its 60% vegetable oil

>> No.7635814


In what country is it even allowed to be called "butter" if it contains oil?

All the "Butter" I have ever bought (England, Denmark, Canada, and three states in the US) has always contained zero vegetable oil.

Perhaps you're confusing "butter" with margarine, or other butter substitutes?

>> No.7635831


US fag here. almost every stick of butter in the store contains X% oil.

>> No.7635835

US fag here, I have never seen butter with oil in it.

>> No.7635848
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That's not true though, unless you're buying Country Crock or a "butter substitute"

>> No.7635850

Stop buying shitty butter poor faggot

>> No.7635853

I've been baking with salted butter all my life.

It's never too salty.

>> No.7635856

Retard alert.

>> No.7635859


i don't buy shit butter but i literally have to wade through 50 boxes of "butter" to find the couple that don't have oil in it lowkey

>> No.7635863

The only thing bad about butter is that it's not duckfat.
Otherwise, it's pretty motherfucking glorious.

>inb4 b-but cholesterol!!!
I eat butter and other saturated fats daily. I just had my physical on Friday. My cholesterol is absolutely perfect. The secret? Don't overdo it. Enjoy it, but in moderation.

>> No.7635867

>Heath fadders

God damn I hate that Fadders guy so much.

>> No.7635870

>meme science

Is that what it's called when pretty much every public health organization around the world agrees on something?

>> No.7635873


>i eat it everyday
>the trick is moderation

this shit is like saying "ive been smoking cigs for 30 years and i don't have cancer, cigs are perfectly healthy"

sure eating butter and working out regularly is probably going to be fine, half you faggots are adding butter to your 70/30 hamburgers though and weezing as you look for your inhaler

>> No.7635875

Do you by any chance live in a town where there are seven country & western radio stations?

>> No.7635877
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B-but muh cherry-picked studies

>> No.7635878

>Here comes the cherry picking

Oh boy, it's Vegan Science hour! Again!

You'll keep posting it until reality agrees with you I assume?

>> No.7635880


no its mostly white girls listening to nigger music about making crack in your kitchen because multiculturalism is cool

>> No.7635895

Nigger I live in a small city in the midwest.
I just checked my fridge, I bought store brand butter, and it has Salt and Cream in it. Thats it.

The only other brand at my local store is Land O Lakes and it has only salt and cream.
I have bought Costco salted butter and it is nothing but salt and cream.

There is high end butter that is like 7$ a pound, but I have never purchased it. No way it has oil in it.

Even in a small shitty city it has never even crossed my mind.
Butter costs close to 4$ a pound no matter what I buy, and its all pure butter

>> No.7635915

Gay cowboys should never get to be batman.

Again, I eat butter. I eat fat. But I don't go overboard with it. And yes: I exercise, too. Enjoy food, just enjoy responsibly. Reasonable portions.
I was happy to learn yesterday when I got the email of my physical that I have no pre-diabetes, no cholesterol problems and great blood pressure (112 over 72). I was concerned my BP would be high because I eat really salty food, but it was "ideal" as my doctor put it.
As you said: don't put a pat of butter on a 70/30 burger. That's overkill.

>> No.7635948
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it's okay I guess

if you like eating butts!

>> No.7635953

>cherrypicking scientific consensus

How horrible, we should only listen to pop science articles Joe Rogan links from his twitter

>> No.7636013


>> No.7636014

Screw duckfat, rendered horsefat is where its at.

>> No.7636018

Read it in his voice, I even subconsciously added his laugh at the end. 8/10

>> No.7636033

I find Pee Wee terrifying.

>> No.7636066

A lot of salted butter in this thread.

>> No.7636459

I know you think it is butter, because you grew up with your family calling it butter, but look at the fucking package.

If it says "butter" it does not contain vegetable oil unless that "butter" is preceded by "I can't believe it's not"

My wife's family insists on calling margarine "butter" and it is kind of a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.7636470
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If it comes in a tub, its probably not butter.