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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 1034x1300, pouring-soda-67993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7634387 No.7634387 [Reply] [Original]

how much soda do you drink per day?

>> No.7634393


>> No.7634394

2l of diet coke/pepsi max. Whichever's on sale.

>> No.7634401

None. I'll have a can or bottle sporadically, but not enough to be able to document it.
I do drink 0 calorie rockstars for my weekend job though. One for Saturday and one for sunday.

>> No.7634404

4.5 oz. per day on average, which looks like two 16 oz. sodas per week when I get fast food.

>> No.7634405

5-10 oz. a day, I'll usually get a small can or a redbull

>> No.7634406

i will occasionally have a friday mtn dew to celebrate the end of shitweek

(i use the 20oz bottle of dew to drink the litre of vodka)

>> No.7634409

I drink a 2-liter a month, sometimes I'll drink two a month and sometimes I'll go two months without any soda.

It's a special thing, not an every day thing. Same with chips and fast food, once a month is good for me.

>> No.7634411
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Nothing normally but that picture sure is tempting me to get some

fuck you OP

>> No.7634414

About half a liter every month.

I do drink a fuckload of iced coffee and Ice Capps (basically just iced coffee but even worse for you - Canadistanis know) though, so that's pretty bad.

>> No.7634415

None, but I make up for that by having at least two half litres of beer a day.

>> No.7634416

None. Sometimes i drink a red bull when im tired and i dont want any coffee.
My four drinks are water,milk,coffee and beer.
all day all month all year long.

>> No.7634419

The only soda I'd drink is diet root beer, because the ph, 4.5, is a little higher than a Budweiser.

>> No.7634427


>people actually drink carbonated corn-syrup sugar water every day

>> No.7634431

>people on a Mongolian meme manufacturing site actually feel self actualized because they don't

>> No.7634451


>not being a fit and healthy shitposter
>still falling for the corn-syrup meme

>> No.7634453

Haven't had a soda in like 8 years.

>> No.7634470


>> No.7634486

I sometimes walk down to the corner store to grab a coke in a bottle after I mow the lawn. Beyond that, I don't really drink soda.

>> No.7634490

Too much lately.
Only picked up this last 2 months.
I'll stop for a while after this case is done.
The feel of the carbonated gold going into my mouth is extasy

>> No.7634501

>> No.7634529

Iced coffee is bad for you? You mean milk and sugar?

>> No.7634539

>> No.7634544

r u me?

>> No.7634549

Probably 2L a week if I decide to go a bit wild with my meal deals.

>> No.7634553
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Oh, and I also ate veggies today.

>> No.7634566

>drinking soda

disgusting, just like cigarettes

>> No.7634567


>> No.7634571

>> work in a clinic
>> unfortunately spend a fair amount of time in the lab
>> see the urine samples of soda guzzling basketball Americans.

It ain't pretty bros.

But the worst by far was from a healthy looking 20something guy who claimed to literally only drink energy drinks.

Urine sample the consistency and color of sludgy motor oil that had not been changed for ~15k miles.

>> No.7634572

~3 liters.

>> No.7634576

>> no soda, no fast food, super fit posters

These threads are pretty much the /ck version of the virtue signaling, fake ego stroking, BLM posts from white kids on other social media.

>> No.7634582

Are you drunk?

>> No.7634589

Perhaps a can once a week or if I am drinking then a cup whenever I am drinking.
It usually happens when I am visiting friends or family, because I don't buy the shit on my own.

>> No.7634600

I was in high school with a kid who ended up with liver failure from drinking three of those huge red bulls every day. He survived, but was only allowed to drink water for over a year.

>> No.7634604

1.5L a day of pepsi max.

>> No.7634606
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either this or beer

so. none.

>> No.7634607



Never liked drinking sweet stuff.

>> No.7634610

Or one 1,5l bottle per month.

>> No.7634619
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>super fit

Not exactly, Euro 90 Kg / 184 cm
I simply replace soda by sparkling water

>> No.7634647

>never heard of laguna seca

>> No.7634662

>> No.7634669

>There are posters on /ck/ who actually get offended by the idea of people not drinking soda

>> No.7634680

I drink sporadically. Yesterday I downed a 2l of Dr pepper but before that it'd been about 4 months without having any, don't plan on getting any more today euther. When I was a kid I would have at least 3l a day, I'm amazed I don't have diabetes from it frankly.

>> No.7634684


>> No.7634702

2-10 glasses a year, only on the hottest summer days, with a large amount of ice.

>> No.7634722
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Soda is for fatties.

>> No.7634726

I don't drink soda.

>> No.7634729

I would honestly rather be addicted to cigarettes than soda, you get cancer from both but at least cigarettes don't make you fat

>> No.7634744

1 drink (can or medium fountain cup) a week. Unless I'm drinking and pop happens to be a mixer, I don't count that.

>> No.7634745

The only time I drink soda is when I visit my parents, like once every two weeks

>> No.7634757

I make my own soda Anon, so it really depends on how much I want to drink.

There's a science behind the syrup process though, I've only perfected Ginger Root and Garlic soda.

Now that I've said that, you can imagine how much of those I drink.

>> No.7634792

I will typically have 1-2 sodas a week.

Don't understand why anyone would want to drink more than that.

>> No.7634837

One small glass or two

I pretty much use it as an energy drink....a bunch of sugar and a little caffiene in the morning to cut through the grog, i otherwise mostly drink water so it works and i'm not a fan of hot drinks

>> No.7634957

I haven't had an entire soda at any point of my life

>> No.7635010

I like beer better

>> No.7635031

I have like 10 sodas maybe throughout the year, you do the math.

>> No.7635033

One can with breakfast and one can with lunch. Helps with my migraines

>> No.7635035

Don't drink it normally. The last time I had pop was some lemonade in a radler a couple of weeks ago when the sun was out.

>> No.7635059
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Only drink soda with mah cuba libres

>> No.7635080

I haven't had soda in about 5 days and I feel like death

when will it get better?

>> No.7635091

eat an orange and pop a caffeine pill. you'll feel fine.

>> No.7635152

I only drink soda when I eat out, which I rarely do

>> No.7635182

1 liter I guess.

I know it's bad for you but whatever

>> No.7635192


>> No.7635217

Like 2-3 cans. My mom keeps buying this shit for me, I have no choice.

>> No.7635222

You could choose to not drink it.

>> No.7635223
File: 116 KB, 600x374, Monster-Energy-Juice-Pipeline-Punch-Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much

>> No.7635225


>its near me so i have to drink it

nice willpower faggot

>> No.7635226

None packaged, I carbonate my own water then mix it with fruit juice

>> No.7635227

i drink 4 cups of coffee everyday with no noticeable effects and one monster still makes me jittery and uncomfortable. what the fuck is in it? i can do redbull fine

>> No.7635233


the 3000% of your daily b6/b12 vitamins probably

>> No.7635270


The levels of b vitamins in energy drinks and b12 supplements are so absurdly high because the absorption rate is so terrible. Your body is absorbing, at best, maybe 5% of that b12.

>> No.7635274

thats probably it especially since i take that in a pill anyway.

>> No.7635296

like 2 cans a day probably.

I don't drink coffee or alcohol though >inb4 underaged so it's pretty much the only really unhealthy thing I eat on a regular basis

>> No.7635306

Hardly ever drink soda, but I drink a fuckton of milk and quite a bit of orange juice

>> No.7635308

None, unless Im having a gin and tonic and the tonic water counts as soda. I find most carbonated drinks unpleasant... they all taste bitter to me and feel awful going down my throat. I dont mind beer because the bubbles are smaller. I occasionally do drink soda, mainly lucosade at work for the sugar, but I knock all the air out first.

>> No.7635319

>quite a bit of orange juice

Might as well be drinking pop.

>> No.7635329

can of coke once or twice a month
a grape nos once or twice a year if i find myself in a redneck convenience store

>> No.7635331


I drink:
Tomato Jouice
Green Tea
Seltzer water
Sleepy Time Tea

In that order throughout the day

>> No.7635357

None. The only thing I drink is water, coffee, and tea any given day.

>> No.7635392

Too much, and it varies greatly.

>> No.7635410

>drinking the carbonated jew

t. brainwashed ameriburger

>> No.7635422

Jack fucking tits to be honest with you family

>> No.7635423

I have 1 can of pop a day, other than that water is all I drink.

>> No.7635427

Well aren't you a good boy for only drinking one can of sugar poison a day.

>> No.7635471

Depends daily. I used to be a soda junkie drinking ten 12oz cans per day but I have cut myself down quite a bit. Some days I won't drink any, other days I may find myself drinking a couple 20oz bottles.

>> No.7635482

Just a few sips

>> No.7635511

maybe a can a month

>> No.7635518
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as much as i can carry home everyday

>> No.7635542

I would guess I go through about 10l annually as I buy about six or so 1l bottles each year and drink soda rather seldom, besides, so I average under 30ml per day, I'd say. I drink water mostly along with iced tea and iced coffee.

I don't know what Canuckistani iced capp is, but my iced coffee is pic related. It's just coffee, whole milk, a little sugar (that glass may have 10-12g of sugar in it) and frothed skimmed milk on top.

I just made lemon iced tea today, just shy of 2l of it. I brewed 1,8l of tea, added the juice of 1 lemon to it and 60g of sugar, so each glass may have about 8g of sugar or so.

Combine one iced tea with lunch and one iced coffee with breakfast with the sugar I add to my morning porridge and that's about 35g or so of added sugar per day. Is that bad? Isn't that two tablespoons and a half or so?

>> No.7635559
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>pic related
>there's no pic related
Here's your pic related.

>> No.7635642

Used to drink only cocacola and tea since being like 16 untill 16 then i added vodka. I literally never drank water by itself thought it was tasteless crap. I pretty much drank 1 to 2 litres of coca cola per day for most of my life.

Im 22 now and only drink water and tea without sugar.

>> No.7635646

Since being 5 years old lol

>> No.7635656
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Pair your cola with some potato chipsu

Are these any good? I like the way most energy drinks taste with that certain tang

>> No.7635660
File: 1.19 MB, 480x360, SodaMan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a documentary recently about the Showbiz Pizza animatronics, and it was a meh documentary.
But there was a guy who built a garage and installed the whole original animatronic band in there.

He said he literally doesnt drink anything but mountain dew, no beer no water no other sodas, just the dew.
Pic related, the type of fucker who drinks nothing but soda

>> No.7635750
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none usually, but then
>drinking or eating pizza/burgers
and i will drink 20 oz. to 2L in a day
>coke for drinking, root beer for pizza and burgers
so usually a 2 liter a month

>I drink Shasta almost exclusively

>> No.7636966

None usually, but I drink a coke/pepsi if I go to a fast food joint.

>> No.7636999

The only excuse for drinking soda when you're older than the legal drinking age is you're somewhere that alcohol is prohibited or expensive.

>> No.7637009

0.5-1l coke zero

>> No.7637018

Once every few weeks.

Or a few if I'm at a bar having jack & cokes.

>> No.7637023

I drink one glass or so every other month at the most. Unless around christmas when I drink julmust.

>> No.7637056

He is clearly a biological weak link with a serious genetic issue or something. Drinking a moderately excessive number of energy drinks wouldn't cause a normal teenager's liver to fail.

>> No.7637064

Every 2-3 days I'll drink a Coke Zero, maybe two. About once a week I'll drink a real soda, usually Mountain Dew of some variety. Normally I'd rather just have tea, water, or black coffee.

>> No.7637076

Or if you have to drive

>> No.7637079

I find that people who hate on soda often have horrible diets or drink tons of Arizona

>> No.7637088

t. fatass who eats fast food every day and washes it down with water

>> No.7637091
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I stopped drinking pop and iced tea two months ago and lost 25 pounds

>> No.7637096

damn, how much were you drinking? I drink a little more soda than I should, but nowhere near enough that I would lose that much weight just from stopping.

>> No.7637105

I only have a Coke Z with my whiskey, otherwise I don't touch it.

>> No.7637110

I drank pop once a day almost everyday and drank a local iced tea way too much

>> No.7637155

I drink soda almost every day and I'm nowhere near being overweight

But I only drink soda to compliment food, when I'm actually thirsty/dehydrated I drink water.

>> No.7637158

A can of coke has like 140 calories while a meme burger/sandwich has like 1000

>> No.7637163

Well lucky you for not having a problem with weight gain

>> No.7637172
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I'll drink maybe one or two diet sodas a week, but I'll have a regular coke if I go out to eat somewhere which is somewhat rare, maybe four or five times a month

I'm all about that sparkling water for the most part now

>> No.7637188

No, I have gained weight from eating too much

>> No.7637199


>> No.7637205

Yes indeed. Good reading comprehension

>> No.7637215
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3 12 oz cans when i'm sneaking vodka around my wife or at work.

>> No.7637218
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I drink a case of root beer with eggnog every christmas, but I don't really buy soda any other time. Not really good for you, and it's kind of expensive - I can get like 150 cups of tea for the same price.

>> No.7637271

One can of cola almost every work day with my lunch

>> No.7637420

6-7 cans of diet pepsi until recently.

I've switched to Arizona diet green tea mixed with minute maid light lemonade. I only get pop when I get fast food.

>> No.7637485

4 16 oz cans on average.

>> No.7637487

Don't forget, you look cool while doing it too :^)

>> No.7637489

I hate soda and never buy them. I only buy bottled water.

>> No.7637497

>how much soda do you drink
>per day

>being this much of a degenerate fuckwit
>be you
>pick both senpai

>> No.7637500

he probably took drugs, right? ;)

>> No.7637741

back to /pol/ you fat fuck
>i-i cant be fat if i make fun of soda drinkers on /ck/

>> No.7637872

About tree fiddy

>> No.7637929

It will get better in a few weeks or a month. Drink plenty of water. I used to be addicted to soda most of my childhood through being a teen. Quit cold turkey and never went back. I haven't had soda in years.

>> No.7637959
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>All these water only drinkers

>> No.7637972


>> No.7637977

>implying beer is soda
>implying drinking soda at parties means you drink water on the regular
If anything, soda numbs your taste, it's too sugary and too sour, can't have anything with it (unless it's tonic then all is forgiven).

>> No.7638103

2 or 3 cans of seltzer water typically, but I doubt that's what you meant.

>> No.7638109
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fa/tg/uy here

2 liters.

>> No.7638119

however many ounces are in a medium cup from mcdonalds. 1 of those every 2 months or so

>> No.7638131

>want to drink soda
>realize that current available soda is all shit and freshly open has so little carbonation, feels like it was open for two days

I miss late 90s/early 2000s 1l glass bottle coke.

>> No.7638151

None. If I did I'd be soo much fatter.

>> No.7638155

I just drink water when I'm lazy, which is most of the time.

When I'm not lazy I make lemonade.

>> No.7638166

One or two cans a day. Love the stuff.

I also drink a lot of water.

I'm basically always drinking something at all times of the day. I feel weird without some kind of drink nearby.