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File: 62 KB, 500x500, bacardi-rum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7628780 No.7628780 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good light rum? I usually drink pic related.

I'd try a good dark (not spiced) rum also. Something in the normal price range pls.

>> No.7628928

guys i need your help. apparently this shit is a "3" rating and ive been drinking it almost exclusively for 15 years now

i didn't like ten cane, it tastes too sugary

>> No.7628977

>What's a good light rum?

Light rum

Pick one.

>> No.7628989

suggest a rum then you fuckkin fagot

no spiced shit

>> No.7629000

Just buy a Bacardi carta oro, fag.

>> No.7629002
File: 69 KB, 500x560, 1259069598827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629064

I like cruzan OP. Got a 1.75 of that. When i can find it i pick up flor de cana white as well.

If you want to mix, goslings and myers dark are fuckin dope. Check em out

>> No.7629111

Gosling is my grocery-store tier rum of choice.

Or kraken, but OP didnt' want spiced rum.

>> No.7629164

This guy knows what's up. If you can find it, cruzan black is like mixing with this molasses coffee bomb. It's unlike any rum.

Havana club 3yr of course for mixing, forgot that. Bacardi has it's place. 10 cane is overpriced, shellback or whatever is like bottom shelf rubbish.

>> No.7629167

isnt cruzan just..bacardi tier though

not to sound snobby i guess i was looking for something a little better...like the way woodford reserve is for bourbons. not super pricey, but better and more expensive than baseline

i really enjoyed the special bacardi "maestro de ron" that just came out, but the review sites made me feel bad for liking it, like i'm a pleb motherfucker

>> No.7629180 [DELETED] 

There are about a gazillion varities of cruzan, bro. Probably more than bacardi itself.

The 2 year cruzan is an alright light rum. I know some people like something a bit younger but personally if I want something fresh I'll go for something a little more interesting than cruzan.

>> No.7629190

Cruzan tastes a bit different than bacardi to me. I prefer it. I drank a fuck ton of bacardi too. Cruzan feels lighter and imo simply mixes better.

If you wanna get into all the fancy shit dude, look into a book called RUM by dave broom. Like an encyclopedia on rum.

>> No.7629202

man I don't need to jump off the deep end into full-on faggotry, I just want to know the name of something like ten cane that's not ten cane

>> No.7629237

Ten cane is full on faggotry if you ask me. So is woodford. I'm headin straight to the shit that says bottled in bond like old granddad or evan williams or shit like cruzan or bacardi. You want fancy fru fru umbrella type drinks read books or ask bartenders dude.

>> No.7629314

Appleton estate or Mount Gay make decent rums.

>> No.7629319

>ask for rum that isn't faggot shit
>you literally recommend an entire mountain of gay

i'm done with this board

>> No.7629345 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 115x341, barbancourt-white-rhum.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with you people, why are you so hung up on image and your fragile sense of masculinity? Grow the fuck up, if something tastes good, that's what should count.

Anyway I used to drink a fair amount of this when I was drinking more spirits, but I cut all that shit out of my life after I got a bit too far into the deep end of alcoholism. It's a good mixer, enough character to stand up on its own but still tastes like rum and not like say, cachaca which some people like to sub out for white rum. In general I don't like white rums from islands that speak spanish or english. Some of their aged rums are good but that's a different discussion.

If your ratios are low enough it doesn't really matter, you can just use Bacardi as long as your friends don't all make fun of you and ostracize you for drinking wrong brand of drink abloo abloo.

>> No.7629347

Mount Gay is a legit rum, but if that triggers you feel free to leave.

>> No.7629354

ill check it out i've heard of it before

>In general I don't like white rums from islands that speak spanish or english
isn't that...all of them? r u being clever

>> No.7629388 [DELETED] 

I hope you're joking

>> No.7629391

Real rum or go home, you fucking pussy

>> No.7629405

im actually from south carolina

but isn't the only significant rum producing region the carribean?

>> No.7629411 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 548x375, Map-caribbean_languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the south
Oh, that's why.

Anyway here you go.

>> No.7629436

>Oh, that's why.

yeah, fuck yourself, I have a 140 IQ and a better education than you.

your fucking nitpicking ass image, all carribean islands speak primarily english and spanish. ALL of them. this is 2016 not 1660

>> No.7629449 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 900x900, jm-rhum-agricole-blanc-white-martinique-french-carribeans-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a better education
In what? Bible thumping? Incest?

Also, food and cooking.

>> No.7629454

>French rum

fuck off with that shit tbqhf

>> No.7629469 [DELETED] 
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>southern education intensifies

>> No.7629524
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This is my current bottle of (non-spiced) rum. Its good, and it doesnt break the bank.

However...I dont really understand dark rum. I only have a bottle because it was a gift. I think spiced rum is amazing. If I had to choose a drink to sip neat, it would be spiced rum. But I think id sooner go for a whiskey before dark rum. Id rather have a sherried whiskey such as Glendronach or Glenfarclas over a dark rum.