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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 735x348, coffee_versus_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7619397 No.7619397 [Reply] [Original]

Choose, /ck/

>> No.7619420

Although tea is pretty good when it's a shitty, rainy day.

>> No.7619424
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I love coffee and I love tea. However I'll choose tea every time.

I'm American too.

>> No.7619432

tea with lemon is okay once in a while

>> No.7619441

Why choose?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuanyang_(drink)

>> No.7619456
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>drinking tea with any additives
>not drinking it black

>> No.7619463



I prefer toffee or a key.

>> No.7619467

Tea. I only drink coffee if need to stay awake.

>> No.7619475

Also I drink it plain, I don't put any cream or milk in it. Sometimes I'll put 1-2 teaspoons of sugar if I'm in the mood.

>> No.7619477

For some reason, I use tea to stay awake while coffee makes me want to go to sleep.

>> No.7619566

Once in a blue moon I'll get a mocha cappafrappachino thing but I don't like actual coffee or any kind of tea.

>> No.7619675


At least two or three cups of coffee during the day (I teach, I fucking need the caffeine) and then tea in the evening.

>> No.7619756

I've only ever drank bagged tea and never got a buzz from it. Was I doing it wrong? Is tea buzz real?

>> No.7619767

I like both, but I like coffee a lot more than tea

>> No.7619795

coffee is quicker and I'm not patient enough to make good tea.

>> No.7619799

I drink black coffee because I like the smoky taste and its cheaper then cocaine.

>> No.7619834


You can't make me faggot, I will keep drinking both.

>> No.7619840

tea>coffee anyday

>> No.7619925


Making good tea does not take longer than making any coffee. And if we're talking about good coffee, you have to grind the beans right before you brew, which takes longer than placing loose-leaf tea into a pot, and is more troublesome to clean up.

Good tea is much less troublesome to make than good coffee, and not any more troublesome than shitty/mediocre coffee.

>> No.7619926
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coffee is fucking disgusting

>> No.7620026
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Depends what tea you're drinking. I've got some Irish Breakfast that'll make me really jittery if I'm on an empty stomach.

>> No.7621166

I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hates tea.

>> No.7621173

>smoky taste

Get yourself some lapsang souchong tea my man

>> No.7621273

>I've got some Irish Breakfast
>Irish Breakfast
>muh heritage
hello Mr American.

>> No.7621307

you can always tell when out of touch white boys make these

>> No.7621317

I never claimed to be a potato nigger. I am American.

>> No.7621334
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I recently put my hands on top tier quality tea and got the appropriate set up to brew it optimally.

I used to be a coffee lover, going to specialty cafés to enjoy the best coffees.

My verdict good quality tea is better than good quality coffee.

Low quality coffee is better than low quality teat tough.

>> No.7621341
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Coffee milk.

>> No.7621381

Tea doesn't taste good by itself.
>yes it does
then why don't you eat the leaves instead of adding water?

>> No.7621384

This. Exactly this.

>> No.7621387
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Bread doesn't taste good by itself.
>yes it does
then why don't you eat the dough instead of baking it?

>> No.7621390

It's harder to fuck up a cup of coffee, but the best cup of tea is far greater than the best cup of coffee.

>> No.7621393
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>> No.7621397

What's the proper procedure for brewing tea?

>> No.7621400

Depends on the type of tea

>> No.7621402

Because that's not bread.
Tea leaves are tea flavored. They're not like "raw" tea.

>> No.7621416

I want to say Tea but only because I doubt I've ever had real coffee. I mean the only time I even drink coffee is if I'm visiting the gram in the morning and she decides to make breakfast

And its some instant kcup stuff

>> No.7621417

Dough is bread flavored. It's just not bread.
Like how tea leaves aren't tea. "Tea" is a drink. Leaves are not.

>> No.7621425

No, cooking changes the flavor of things. You're just flat out plain wrong and trying to have a point when you don't.
The original point was the faggot was saying "additives in tea" when tea is just leaves but they add water to it. He's a hypocrite.

>> No.7621471

at home tea, usually sencha
away from home coffee

mostly because i cant make good coffee and in cafés they just use teabags

and i'm quite sensitive to caffeine so neither in the evening

>> No.7621482

>hot, bitter water
>hot water that with the diluted bitter juice of leaves in it

HMMM, I wonder.

>> No.7621491
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green tea

>> No.7621493

Tea is the beverage.
The plant is camellia sinensis.

You might as well argue against coffee because no one eats the raw cherries of the caffea plant, pits included.

>> No.7621497

>not appreciating all tastes on the spectrum

>> No.7621516

If your tea tastes bitter or diluted then you made it wrong.
If your coffee is too bitter for your liking then make it differently or try another bean. My brew is rich and nutty rather than bitter.

>> No.7621521

I do. Why would I drink hot bitter water? Do you heat water up to boiling water, toss 10 teaspoons of sugar into it, then sip it? Do you do the same with salt? What about sour?
Coffee tastes like ass. Tea tastes like diluted ass. I can't see why people drink them other than cultural reasons and tradition.

>> No.7621536

I love both.

>> No.7622273

Uncultured swine detected

>> No.7624405

Green tea, but it has to be imported. I don't know why companies like Twinings, Bigelow, etc., think they can get away with selling blander tasting black tea as green tea. Either its from Japan or its something else entirely

>> No.7624408
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Pic related. What the fuck?

>> No.7624411

Oh great now Firefox is uploading the wrong images again

>> No.7624412


Black tea needs a little artificial sweetener, then it's great.

Green teat is fine as is, but better with sweetener.

>> No.7624415

Sounds like an opinion to me. A shit one at that

>> No.7624434

I drink coffee for the caffeine first and foremost and for flavor a close second. Tea is the opposite. I drink tea for flavor and the caffeine is secondary.

>> No.7624480

Good quality black tea shouldn't need any sweeteners. Get some good Darjeeling tea and see how naturally sweet it is.

>> No.7624849

Coffee all the way. I cannot stand tea.

>> No.7624971

Strong light roast coffee.

>> No.7625039
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>> No.7625056

I like both but coffee has too many negative effects on my emotions. Excitement turns to euphoria turns to anxiety and eventually depression. Tea just makes me feel calm and clear.

>> No.7625070


>> No.7625089


Ever since I was young I've hated the aftertaste of coffee, no matter if there's ample amounts of milk and sugar in it.

>inb4 you still are young

>> No.7625127

I drink both. Why the fuck would you choose between one or the other you autistic fucks.

I just ran outta irish and english breakfast tho

>> No.7625167

Lol nerd

>> No.7625796

I don't mind coffee but I don't drink it for the taste, just to wake up. Makes me jittery though. If I have more time to spare, green tea is better to wake up with. Also tea is more versatile imo.

and idk if you count herbal tisanes as "tea", but shit's pretty good too

>> No.7625834

Coffee (usually with plenty of milk and sugar) is a woman and nu-male drink. Real men prefer tea.

>> No.7625882

Not him, but I do indeed eat tea leaves and so do several million other people. It's fermented or pickled and used as a salad green.

>> No.7626094

this is the most counterfactual thing I've ever seen
>"real men"

>> No.7626123


nah brah, I'm not a huge fan of tea at all. Very rarely ill force myself to try and enjoy it. I legitimately enjoy just drinking plain coffee that's made right.

>> No.7626177

>brew pot of tea
>brew pot of coffee
>pour into same pot

>> No.7626197
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1728, cafe_latte_black_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why brew them separately when you can just put coffee beans in with the tea?

>> No.7626203

What am I, some sort of savage?

>> No.7626206


>> No.7626224

At least I don't drink nigger bean and chink leaves

>> No.7626295

I have one cup of tea every morning and one cup of coffee every afternoon, so both I guess

>> No.7626312

>have great idea to shitpost in a coffee thread
>decide agains making my own and wait for the next
>coffee thread rolls around but i forgot myt idea
this really sucks familia

>> No.7626317

wouldnt coffee completely overpower the tea taste?

>> No.7626356

mint tea(from mint leaves)

>> No.7628112

Coffee is a drug.
Choose to be drug free!

>> No.7628131

>not popping half a caffeine pill with your loose-leaf black tea


>> No.7628151

Coffee over tea all day err day. But I like to drink unsweetened iced tea in the summer

>> No.7628571
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>> No.7628579
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they literally taste about the same to me

water with a slight hint of tea leaves or coffee

coffee in the morning, non-caffeinated tea in afternoon

>> No.7628582

Depends, if we are talking shitty markets and restaurants, coffee. Skys tge limit, and tea. Good tea wakes you up too

>> No.7629924

My method is to take brewed coffee and put a teabag in it. Tastes bitter as fuck but pretty good.

>> No.7631034

Black Coffee if i've got a heavy day
Brekky Tea if i'm chilling
Green Tea later in the afternoon/evening