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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7615250 No.7615250 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of Chipotle?

Just read an article saying they had a disastrous quarter (financially) sales are down around 30%.

I hope they don't go bankruptcy

>> No.7615254

It's good, but tremendously overrated, and gets boring really fast.

>> No.7615258


It's the same flavors every time you go there, for better or worse.

>> No.7615282

Well it's not Willy Wonka's factory. What do you want them to do?

>> No.7615289

>I hope they don't go bankruptcy

Stop weaponizing burritos, and maybe the people will come back.

>> No.7615293

Have better food?

>> No.7615294

>Make a mexican restaurant
>Everything is bland as fuck
Seriously put some actual peppers in the damn salsa and some citrus on the chicken or something.

>> No.7615297
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I never had the chance to go to a Chipotle.
Can any canadian tell me if it's better or worse than Quesada?

>> No.7615305

I found some ground work for comparisons.

>> No.7615310

I'll explain why. It's very simple - People are bored of it.

People's tastebuds are starting to become more adventurous thanks to the internet and memes in general.

You think the Reddit crowd is going to want to eat at Chipotle when they don't even serve 'cha with their burritos? They'd rather ironically eat at Taco Bell. Chipotle is old-hat to novelty-obsessed millennials, just like Baja Fresh once was.

Meanwhile, the older crowd that used to eat at Chipotle as a "safe" Mexican option never really had any brand loyalty in the first place, and they're keen to move on to higher-end or more exciting, niche options instead of what everyone is starting to realize is Walmart: The Burrito.

>> No.7615311

Same thing is going to happen to five guys. Gourmet fast food is just a fad believe it or not.

>> No.7615314

I know this is probably a shitpost but the reason their sales were down was because of the ecoli scare they had a few months ago.

>> No.7615319
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You realize that nobody on 4chan uses the word 'shitpost' as a noun right?

>> No.7615335

pretty much this
Pretty bland and boring

>> No.7615358

nice shitpost m8

>> No.7615427

even if they made it better to you, it would be the same every time you go. That is the idea behind a restaurant. Consistency. I know where you're coming from with that but you would get tired of that all the time after a while also.

>> No.7615460

I think you're also forgetting its fucking $10+ for a burrito and a coke. Want guacamole? thats and extra $1.50. Want chips? Those are $4. Want to order a bud light in a bottle? that'll be $4.75

If you link this with the high suicide increase articles, you'll see people are fed up with paying idiotic prices for regular food thats been hyped and memed. Tacobell still works because its the same shitty food for $6. Yeah chipotle has identifiable meat and tastier ingredients, but the marginal increase of satisfaction per dollar spent isn't there.

>> No.7615462

I'm a fan. there's one within a mile from my house so I go there probably every other week -- not often enough to get bored/tired of it. my go-to is as follows:

bowl to go with a tortilla on the side
brown rice
black AND pinto beans
mild and hot salsa
sour cream

sometimes I steal a chipotle tobasco on my way out. ends up being a super filling or sometimes two meals for about 8 bucks after tax. I would guess that people worried about getting sick from chipotle have never worked in a restaurant before.

>> No.7615501

It's a fantastic experiment for all natural organic eaters to learn from. You don't get food that's any higher in quality than food raised with antibiotics and pesticides, and you're at higher risk of foodborne illnesses.

>> No.7615506

I don't even see the point of going to Chipotle, you can get actual Mexican food for cheaper

>> No.7615512

The point is organic and naturally raised ingredients. Basically everyone in on the organic meme will pay for it.

>> No.7615513

You're a piece of shit for stealing things.

>> No.7615518


I go to chipotle when I don't want actual mexican food.

I go to mexican places when I do.

Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.7615519

I've never even been inside of a a Chipotle but I have a seething hatred for it. Maybe it's because it's all anyone would talk about for a long while and they toted it like it was God's gift to this green earth. Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of Mexican food to begin with and it seems like Chipotle is a mediocre version of my least favorite aspects of it. I was glad when it became infamous for food poisoning, which only added to my disgust.

It's all quite irrational honestly, but I hope it goes under.

>> No.7615525

But it's not like Taco Bell where it doesn't claim to be Mexican food
oh okay, I didn't know it was organic

>> No.7615533

>I've never been inside
>I've never tried it
>I don't like Mexican food
>least favorite aspects of the place

>It's all quite irrational
>quite irrational

>> No.7615549

>Maybe it's because it's all anyone would talk about for a long while and they toted it like it was God's gift to this green earth

In a way, it is. Imagine: a fast food restaurant where you can actually watch the food being cooked fresh on-site with minimal, if any, processing.

That's a massive improvement to the typical fast food franchise where the food is made in factories hundreds of miles away and then re-heated in the store.

Sure, some people may not like it. And that's fine. But you gotta admit that it really is a rarity among fast food.

>> No.7615552

>fast food

>> No.7615574

They should market it as "Rapidly prepared hot meals"

>> No.7615578


What else would you call it? You order and get your food at the counter. There's no waitstaff or table service. Thus it's clearly fast food as opposed to a typical restaurant.

>> No.7615597

Well, >>7615574 isn't too bad, little long but, seeing as Chipotle won't be around for a lot of time it's fine.

>> No.7615600

Oh, actually they should call it a cafeteria.

>> No.7615613

y u mad tho

>> No.7615615

Where I live Chipotle is the "timid soccer-mom hipster" burrito place, for people who are too good for the hundreds of authentic mexican places. Usually located next to Starbucks, Mcallisters deli, Barnes and Noble, etc. You know, the overpriced hipster part of town where everyone drives egg-shaped hybrid SUVs at really slow speeds.

It's not very busy, but I guess their prices make up for it.

The average taco truck is more popular.

>> No.7615642

it's good stuff for the price but i'm a cheapass so i either eat at home or buy real fast food. if i'm splurging i go to actual restaurants, not fast-casual places.

>> No.7615685

I love chipotle. Have it once a week or so. I like that everything is fresh and not laden in oil. I don't mind paying $8 for a one pound burrito that's free of preservatives and made to my specifications.

>> No.7615687

Told you it was the hipster crowd that thinks organic food is special. TOLJA TOLJA TOLJA.

>> No.7615835
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This post made me laugh irl.
I'd give it a
Would read a blog or novel written by you / 10

>> No.7615903

That's not hipster. It's just flyover "sophisticated" parts of town for soccer-moms and insurance agents on lunch break or grimy high school kids on dates.

>> No.7615988
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Yeah, its great. I like how they have pasture fed animals, and organic food. I mean I would eat them even if its GMO anyway but its kinda nice they go for more expensive shit.

It's bland if you eat it every day but its always good when you want a good burrito.

lol at the ecoli outbreak though.

>> No.7616206

>cooked fresh on-site
You are very mistaken, google it cunt. it comes precooked in BAGS

>> No.7616210


its just because they had a significant E. coli breakout lately

>> No.7616226

If you can't afford to eat there then don't, simple as that.

>> No.7616230

The multimillion dollar company has to restock on hot sauces a day early

>> No.7616235

I always found chipotle very bland compared to mexican restaurants and taquerias run by mexican people.

>> No.7616237

Pesticides and antibiotics don't have anything to do with e. coli, you mongoloid. It's all about how the meat is handled post-slaughter. And Chipotle fucked that up royally.

>> No.7616241

>lukewarm goop wrapped in tortilla.

never understood the appeal.

>> No.7616249

I don't own stock in them or anything, I don't se how shorter lines are anything but beneficial to me unless it gets to the point that they close my nearest location

Why does the media focus so much on minutia that only really affect the tiny portion of the population with a financial interest in them

Also they are adding chorizo and I have gotten 2 frde burrito coupons from them recently so its pretty much win win win for me

>> No.7616251

margins are tight bro

>> No.7616254

Yeah, when you decide to shun modern crops in favor of outdated farming techniques it dramatically increases the probability of food borne illness. Also 'natural' gimmick people have bad quality control

>> No.7616259

I personally can afford it, but the value just isn't there for me. That and there are actual sit down restaurants that can compete with those "fast food" prices.

>> No.7616292

>tfw chipotle doesn't have snozzberries

>> No.7616600

Yes it does you moron.

>> No.7616761

chiptole shits on quesada imo

>> No.7616957

Rubios > Baja Fresh > Chipotle

>> No.7616970

it's nearly $10 for a chicken burrito w guac. I'll start going back when it goes back to being somewhat affordable.

>> No.7616972

I like it a lot. Haven't been able to afford it recently (although their kids meal is a spectacular value), but I really like the cilantro rice and the meat and stuff.
It's not what I go for when I am in the mood for 'Mexican' food, but neither is a burrito.

>> No.7617021

I never trust any of the vegetables from a Mexican food franchise.

Feels like it it safer to just eat meat these days when you want fast food than anything that includes vegetables.

>> No.7617032
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Yeah. I'm sure the reason more and more people are killing themselves, in a society that is in the process of crumbling to ashes, is because Chipotle is too expensive.

>> No.7617073

>Eating poison

>> No.7617086

Baja fresh went down the shitter a long time ago

>> No.7617090

I eat chipotle twice a week. Always get a bowl with chicken, brown rice, no beans, mild, and lettuce. When I get home I open a can of tuna and mix it with olive oil and Mrs. Dash. Makes for an even better bowl.

>> No.7617094

No come on

>> No.7617110


>> No.7617116

I like them because they are fast and I can be in an out in 2 minutes if there isn't a line. I can get a bowl with beans, rice and meat if I want to be 'healthy', but otherwise there isn't much to them. I just wish I had a better mexican place close to where I live.

>> No.7617120

Good, I hope the DO go into bankruptcy. Fuck Chipotle, it's overrated, bland, cookie-cutter food.

>> No.7617130
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I gave it an honest try when i had a free burrito and chips and salsa voucher. Got the carnitas on a recommendation from /ck/ and both beans, no rice (hate rice in burritoes) the green salsa, cheese, and guac. It was very underwhelming, though, it is baffling how you can make all of that taste like nothing. I could make much better at home if I could find large enough tortillas for it.

The chips and red salsa was the worst offender, chips were too salty to eat and the salsa was almost a ketchup consistency that tasted like black pepper and Tabasco.

>> No.7617192

I prefer eating Moe's nowadays. Better choice for meats, rice, toppings, and free chips with every order. I haven't tried any of the chip dips though.

>> No.7617799

cmon, correlate the data. The articles had linked hopelessness and despair from economic forlorn, young people not being able to afford a house, nice car, pay off student loans and fulfill the american dream. You can't do that if you're paying $10+ for chipotle.

>> No.7617812

No, you can literally watch them cook the food in the restaurant. The kitchen is open. While you're standing in line to get your food you can watch veggies being cut for salsa, the meats being grilled, and so on.

>> No.7617821

Let's dispel with this fiction that Chipotle doesn't know what they're doing. They knows EXACTLY what they're doing. Chipotle is undertaking a systematic effort to change burritos, to make them more like California's.

>> No.7617845

Jesus Christ do you even know what a fucking noun is?

>> No.7617849

I live in California. What is different about chipotle burritos and california burritos?

>> No.7617852

literally who is spending more than $7 on chipotle

>> No.7617853

To be fair Chipotle is way better than Taco Bell. Unfortunately both are fake Mexican fast food. And you are correct in posing the question of how much customers are willing to pay for fake Mexican fast food. Chipotle is trying hard to ape the model that made Subway so successful: you build it, and there are "healthy" options compared to other fast food. But regardless of how hard the industry works to promote the idea that "fast casual" is somehow different from fast food you're still left with the question of whether you're willing to pay $10 for a fast food meal, even if it is better, or just pay $6 somewhere else. Because even though Chipotle is better than Taco Bell it's still not great, so is it worth paying more for? You're still eating fast food. Part of the allure is that it's cheap, and Chipotle isn't exactly cheap.

>> No.7617860

Chipotle burritos ARE california burritos.

>> No.7617865

>What is different about chipotle burritos and california burritos?
Chipotle burritos suck just a little more than your average Cali burrito. They're not nearly as bad as Baja Fresh, but they're pretty bad.

>> No.7617866

A carnitas burrito here has a base price of $7.15. Add tax, maybe a drink, or chips and you're well over $10.

>> No.7617984

Shitty chewy beef even though it's "grass fed"
Substandard vegetable freshness and quality
Shitty salsa recipe that they use
No refried beans just shitty whole beans that makes your burrito look like a meme burrito
Putty guacamole
Expensive chips that come in a brown unsealed paper bag so they are stale af famiglia.
Open kitchen/ meat cut and cook area openly shows under/un marinated/seasoned meat being cooked
Burritos are drippy and soggy without fail
Death by a la carte

>> No.7618007

no no no no. chipotle is mission style. a "california burrito", specifically, has french fries instead of rice and/or beans.

>> No.7618122

>I, the King of 4chan, decree that 100% of this website's populace does not use a word a certain way

>> No.7618252

The amount of preparation that goes into chipotle burritos is remarkably similar to what goes into Taco bell burritos.

Source: worked at both

>> No.7618257

Go the fuck back to reddick, you shitpost cunt. That's the most egregious shitpost I've seen in years.

>> No.7618262

I can't believe nobody is talking about this. Look at the stock chart. Shares plummeted exactly in October, when the outbreak first began.

That said, I also feel people are getting tired of Chipotle. Honestly, if I were running the place, I'd revise their salsa selection. It's been the same exact stuff for years, which can be fine if you have a large menu, but the burrito gets most of its taste from the ingredients besides the meat, and these are limited and generally sort of bland.

>> No.7618267

A California burrito is made with steak and French fries.

It isn't a fucking name to refer to burritos made in California, just like a Sonora burrito doesn't have to be fucking smuggled across the border.

>> No.7618273
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Only poorfags don't like it.

>> No.7618276

Oh i've had those. I thought he was referring to some special way or special ingredient. I really don't think chipotle will put french fries in their burritos ever. Rice is cheaper (more profit), reasonably authentic, and too many people would think thats weird.

>> No.7618295
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Wonderful shitposting. An absolute marvel. A gem. Screencap worthy. Archive this thread.

We did it Reddit! Chanfags BTFO

>> No.7618989

I've always thought Chipotle should start doing breakfast burritos. I'd buy the shit out of one of these:
>instead of rice you get potatoes
>instead of beans, eggs
>meat choices are chorizo, sausage, bacon

Either way, Chipotle is fucking amazing and I'm convinced now is the best time to go there. You know their health standards are through the roof right now and they have to be paranoid about anything getting contaminated again. There's also no lines ever. It's perfect.

>> No.7618995
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>5 (You)'s

Wa la!

>> No.7620221
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>Go against the gmo jew
>All of a sudden e-coli "breakout" with literally no evidence to support it in any way at all
>Surprise Surprise stocks plummet

I think the answer is obvious to all of us friend.

>> No.7620222

I eat it everyday or at least almost everyday

Dem fucking macros bruh

>> No.7621861

don't worry dude, every chain that has a food safety scare has a flat year but comes back from it

>> No.7621921

Very plain and not worth the meme. I really just don't get how it became such a popular trend.

>> No.7621926

That's not true at all. If he likes the food and he wants to go back, he'd just go back. But people just don't like Chipotle's food because it's Latino cuisine for white people. Tasteless, uncultured slop. Boring. What is it, 7 ingredients total on the menu? I know that's irrational but they have the same thing all over the menu. It's not like Burger King bringing back the same chicken fries after hogging them for some time.

>> No.7622017

I grew up in a commuter town with a big office lunch crowd. Before Chipotle came around the only remotely good fast dining experience around was Panera. Now we have all sorts of stuff like Potbelly's and noodles n company because of them. I don't think Chipotle created the fast casual restaurant but after the economic downturn in 2007 they were set up perfectly to capture the younger crowd who wanted better food than Burger King but didn't want to spend 15 dollars if they could get away with a 7 dollar burrito, and people 18-35 are now primed to like that dining experience

They were a real trend setter back then but now people are familiar with Chipotle so it has settled into kind of a rut. You know what you are getting and it's kind of like applebee's in the sense that it's not really objectionable food though not really stellar, and everyone will at least not be disappointed if that is where you decide to go for lunch