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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 704 KB, 1909x2546, barf sandwiches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7613460 No.7613460 [Reply] [Original]

do you ever eat those sketchy looking gas station sandwiches that look like pic related? I only do it when I'm real desperate and just need something solid to fill the void temporarily. earlier I was out bird watching and forgot to eat lunch before I left and I started to feel like shit in the woods. I realized I was starving so I hauled ass to the nearest gas station and grabbed a sammie. I didn't even bother to look to see if it had a date on it or if it was growing mold and I don't even know what kind of meat it was I just inhaled it. About 3 hours later I'm at home having projectile vomit in the back yard, not sure if it was sandwich related. It wasn't Deli Express, I somewhat trust them as I've spoken to the guys that deliver them a few times, they regularly come in to replenish, rotate, and throw away bad stock. This was something I'd never seen before, it looked like some regional shit. The package was very simple and similar to pic related but it just said "Moms" on it. I barely looked at it, it's still in my car and later I'm going to get it and investigate.

Anyway, thoughts on premade gas station fare.

>> No.7613618

I worked at a gas station about a year ago. We had Deli Express and a couple of other brands of those sandwiches. Just make sure you check the hand written dates on them before you buy. We would receive the sandwiches frozen in a crate, thaw them in the back coolers, and then write the date 28 days out from when we put them on the shelf. Most of my co-workers would forget to write the dates on them and pull the old ones, which led me to check each sandwich I sold so the person wouldn't get sick or pissed off.

They all taste like cold plastic anyway.

>> No.7613624

I often eat them. Sometimes I make it a meal by adding a can of soda and a bag of chips.

>> No.7613640

I do that too! I'm definitely not some pretentious douchebag who scoffs at anyone who decides to eat those things for lunch.

>> No.7613645

i do not understand the economics of these sandwiches. how can a product that 90% of the stock gets thrown away for not being sold and passing its use by date exist profitably?

>> No.7613646

Nice meme kid

>> No.7613664


If I have to warrant a guess, I would say they would be recycled for other uses if the production care enough (Food for shelter?), or just thrown away because they are produced so cheaply, that even with other costs such as transportation considered, they would make a profit.

That or it's a business not aimed at making money, but instead for other more nefarious purposes. Though it's hard to say what other purposes would be more nefarious than sandwiches that cause projectile vomit.

>> No.7613666

This. I've only bought one once, and only did so because I was on a time crunch but didn't get sick from it. With so many hot fast food options, why bother?

>> No.7613669

How much do those cost?

>> No.7613684

They were $2.49 for the normal ones at my store and $3.19 for the "deluxe" (one extra slice of bread, slightly more meat). And I lived in Middleoffnowhere, Oregon, so it's not like the price was a result of the location.

>> No.7613713

I'm pretty sure they sell. I'll buy them when I'm in a crunch for lunch and a bag of chips won't cut it. I'd like to think other people do the same. You basically buy it to get full quickly, and you can't be assed to find a McDonalds.

>> No.7613821
File: 93 KB, 1179x883, 1461712854117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying upwards of $3.49 and tax for 2 slices of bread meat and cheese
K e k

Literally they should only be eaten when absolutely desperate/drunk. They usually dont come with condiments, and if they do, I dont trust them.

3/10 would not bang

>> No.7613827

>Not going to Publix and buying
>A loaf of Rye bread
>Boars head cheddar or Gouda
>Pastrami or Roast beef from the deli
>Spicy mustard
>Organic tomatoes
>A bottle of Fiji water
>And a George Forman grill

Nice meme, enjoy your shit sandwich

>> No.7613879

We've got those and similar items (boiled eggs, anyone?) in our "upscale" vending machine at work. I think they all look like some plastic derivative and won't touch them; other people seem to live off of them.

>> No.7613892

Not everyone is a Rockefeller like you, anon.

>> No.7613899

They probably have almost no overhead and sell them at a massive profit. Seriously, what's involved in mass produced sandwich? You have a bunch of immigrants slap the shit together and then some guy delivers them. That's it. Cost per sandwich is probably a dollar at most and they sell for like 3 to 5 depending.

>> No.7614005

Very very occasionally. The quality is usually shit and it always costs more than I think it's worth, but I've never gotten sick from one.

>> No.7614021

The sketchiest sandwich I have even eaten was a year ago, in London. I was staying at a shit tourist hotel because the conference was in a shit area of London and there was nothing else nearby, and said shit hotel didn't do food. Like, at all. So coming back from an evening in the pub the only place open at 11:30pm was this sketchy as fuck paki shop; I mean, even by paki shop standards this place was poor. The food in the fridge was some random collection of different brands; no two sandwiches were alike. I can only assume they collected up left-over stock from shops that had closed earlier in the day or something. Like there is no way a proper supplier just gave them this random assortment of sandwiches from different producers.

I took a gamble on a chicken salad sandwich, which was one of the most dissapointed things I've ever eaten when drunk. Yet, somehow, I did not die.

>> No.7614035

What a good meal

>> No.7614057

When I was back in my last year of high school (2010), my ex worked at a convenience store. Sometimes I'd go to pick her up at work or just visit her there, and I was told I could have some of the sandwiches that were close to expiry (usually a day before the date) for free. I always ate them: egg salad, tuna salad, ham and cheese, turkey, etc. Never got sick once. Granted, I'm not a pussy though; they're really not too bad. I'd never buy one unless I was man-was-trapped-on-island-and-ate-grubs-for-month type of desperate due to the price though.

>> No.7614127

I remember like 25 years ago, I worked at a place that had snadwich vending machines in the caff...they changed most of it up one day through the week, but I worked weekends only, so I never knew when they did this...
They carried these ham sandwiches, that when aged properly, when you could see the meat? develop this kinda rainbow effect...that was the moment to buy them...
Something about them at that moment...strange, yet unmistakable flavour, I couldn't help myself...if there were 3 left, I bought and ate them all...
It was, I admit, difficult the first bit, yakking them back up...but I eventually developed a tougher constitution, my stomach, my body was able to finally keep them all down...
It was glorious...I miss them soooo much...

>> No.7614170


Nice meme meat

>> No.7614200
File: 37 KB, 650x283, f3643884a02b50cc1de495a509340916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have too when I'm really drunk and don't care as it's the closest to a meal that's nearby (not going to walk 25mins to Mick dicks in the ghetto at 11).

Coincidentally the only time I've had food poisoning was from one of those mom sandwiches a couple of weeks ago. Not fun

>> No.7614205

>dirty arab
>mismatched brands

How are you still alive

>> No.7614208

I would never opt for these weird semi-handmade alternatives when I can trust in the safety of processed mass produced junk food

>> No.7614259

You know that scene in The Simpsons where Mr. Burns has "Three Stooges Syndrome"? I assume that sandwich had so many things wrong with it that they just couldn't get through the door.

Either that or I did actually die, and this is hell.

>> No.7614264

The amount of Mayo or sour cream they put on sandwiches and wraps is disgusting

>> No.7614539
File: 228 KB, 400x400, X8u2Wj8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat that stuff from Quiktrip. For some reason I think they're ok.

>> No.7615268

>thoughts on premade gas station fare.

Standards are pretty high for them in britain. We take sandwiches seriously, and shit ones just do not sell.

They're still not great, but the 'all day breakfast' ones are pretty good. Best alternative to being so hungry I can't concentrate on driving, at least when I don't have time to eat properly.

>> No.7615351

top kek

>> No.7615354

i did.. once.. it was gross.. never again

>> No.7615385

goddamn plastic wrapped supermarket sandwiches. they taste like taste and nobody likes it.

>> No.7616474

Well memed oldfriend

>> No.7616584

I'm sure food-poisoning takes longer than 3 hours from ingestion to show symptoms.

>> No.7616629


seems generous, doesn't seem like any sandwich would cost more than a few cents to produce

>> No.7616633
File: 479 KB, 1280x1920, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616663
File: 125 KB, 360x399, Chicken-Breast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicely done, chap. Some chicken for you.

>> No.7616806

Why would you EVERY buy these? Why not just go to an actual sandwich place?

>> No.7616823


Yeah, I know who makes the sandwiches at a nearby small local chain gas station. It's homemade sandwiches, Kaisers, Subs, wraps and god tier Pizza as well.

Bigger chains or other places I don't know, I'm more leery about.

>> No.7616828

Perhaps hurry and hungry?

>> No.7616854

>boars head
>fiji water
>organic tomatoes
>foreman grill

Dude you're a fag

>> No.7616856

Sorry, I live in the first world Cletus.

>> No.7616882


no actual sandwich places on highway rest stops. I certainly would rather eat one of these than subway

>> No.7616896

Why wouldn't you just by milk and a granola or protein bar if you just need a quick snack?

>> No.7616903


because I'd prefer something vaguely resembling a meal rather than a glorified candy bar

>> No.7616918

But you can get just a s many calories from milk and granola/protein bar and they're not as perishable and dependent on freshness as a sandwich. It just doesn't make sense to buy gas station sandwiches instead of more typical prepackaged food.

Oh and you could probably get peanuts and other filling stuff that doesn't have a 90%chance of being awful.

>> No.7616923
File: 933 KB, 978x900, 1430724343900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one of these I've had in my adult life was when I was either in Japan or Mexico (can't remember, fly lots).

Was either drunk, hungover or jet lagged as fuck, waiting at the gate for my flight and hungry as fuck.

For whatever reason, felt like I needed a sandwich. Got a ham and cheese sandwich from essentially a 7/11 (I know both countries have 7/11 style stores in their airports, Mexico has straight has 7/11s).

Not terrible, but sort of a rip off. Borderline stale, cheap bread, two slices of meat tops and a slice of very cheap """""cheap""""".

I'd never do it again, since it was fairly expensive. I'd rather get beef jerky or chips, desu.

>> No.7616926

Supposed to be cheese """""cheese""""".

I'm drunk, sorry.

>> No.7616936

because I wanted to fake myself into thinking I was having some sort of meal. And for those giving me shit I was starving in a tiny ass "town" in the woods and there was not a single restaurant or fast food place for 20 minutes. There was one gas station and they had sandwiches. These sandwiches aren't good but if you just need something to fill up when you're starving, they can make you content.

By the way I'm OP and the sandwich wasn't out of date. I've concluded that I vomited because I drank heavily the night before, didn't properly rehydrate before hiking around in hot weather, and sweated my ass off. Then when I got home I ate instead of drinking water, got an upset stomach, felt like death and puked all over the yard.

>> No.7616973

This is why wawa needs to be a national thing

>> No.7616975

I worked at a gas station. I ate this stuff all the time and never got sick. I had regulars that ate those sandwiches and salads every day. Food safety laws are super strict because of litigation, in your personal life it's safe to take them a little lightly. Like... when you're driving do you really slow down to 35mph for that shallow turn like the sign suggests? If you're a weak old lady maybe take it safe yeah but a normal healthy person can handle day old pizza no problem. Keep in mind that heated food goes bad much faster than chilled or even room temp.

>> No.7617001
File: 613 KB, 5312x2988, _IMG_000000_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some good shit for 2 for a $1.

It's a shame my campus store sells one for $2.30, so I gotta get it at the convenience store near my house if I want to impulse buy it

>> No.7617010

It's a very high calorie snack both for the price and volume. $1 will get you a significant shot of salt, protein, and nut fat. Would be a decent /fit/ snack along with a muscle milk.

>> No.7617048

Yeah two packs get you 560 calories (400 from fat), 360 mg of salt (16% dv), 24g of protein (24%) and a good chunk of nutrients in there too.
I'm surprised two packets only has 14g of sugar.

Milk was a perfect idea to wash it down

>> No.7617468

>thaw them in the back coolers, and then write the date 28 days out from when we put them on the shelf.
>28 days
How on earth can those be good for 28 days? And I am not talking about the taste, I am talking downright dangerous molds and whatever forming on those.
In order to have such a shelf life, you have to pump them full of unhealthy shit to start with.

That said:
I sometimes eat those things. Not really good, but mostly OK. dont know if that is the difference between the US and EU, but I never had one that felt/tasted like total shit.
But dont look at the ingredients. It looks like some bread with some meat, cheese and greens, but it in fact is (even in the EU) some bread like sponge, + sugar + fats + preservatives + flavouring.

Damn, I am getting hungry. I guess I head to the organic salad bar…

>> No.7617635

I lived on similar sandwiches for breakfast, lunch
and dinner for a whole year due to a fucked kitchen while at uni, a drug habit and a good dose of autism.

nice egg and bacon in the morning.
tasty cheese salad for lunch
something with meat for dinner - chicken, roast beef.

I even ate two turkey, stuffing and cranberry ones on xmas day. lost about 20kg that year. good times.

>> No.7617772

Oh no.. Hope you feel better soon anon.

>> No.7617797

>How on earth can those be good for 28 days?

The bread and the fillings are highly processed and contain preservatives. The airtight packaging is also filled with inert gas when it is sealed; this prevents anything from going rancid inside the package.

>> No.7617828

>Literally they should only be eaten when absolutely desperate/drunk.
Even if I were desperate or drunk, there are probably better options within that very convenience store. Probably better off eating a whole bag of chips and salsa, or a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

>> No.7617832 [DELETED] 

>Americans eat every hour for a break

>> No.7617835

I'm relatively new to /ck/. Why is almost every brand of anything called a "meme"? I know that the world has lost its meaning for most of 4chan, but this board seems to be the absolute worst.

>> No.7617837
File: 342 KB, 740x589, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm relatively new to /ck/. Why is almost every brand of anything called a "meme"?

Oh you poor innocent child.

>> No.7617855

I've never eaten those sandwiches but I have eaten a metric ton of the frozen burgers and ribwiches that you microwave after a night of drinking Steel Reserve in the shed I share with half a dozen other losers.

>> No.7617896

i had them once or twice but every time i have one i can't help but think how much better it would be if i had me sum MAYONNAISE to put on it nom nom nom gibe me lotsa mayo lmao :D

>> No.7617935


>> No.7618021

>out bird watching
see anything good?

i wouldn't buy anything perishable at a gas station. i'd probably just have a bag of chips or a protein bar or something to tide me over until i got home for a proper meal.

>> No.7618118

My wife craved those when she was pregnant with out second kid. made me drive out and get her some. I was afraid she was gonna die or poison our kid.

>> No.7618128

i tried them once while staying overnight in an airport and couldnt stop eating them. i had like 10.

>> No.7618184

Are you meming at us?

>> No.7618226

When I am too depressed to eat anything else I sometimes get those.

>> No.7618234

>Eat dodgy sandwich
>Projectile vomit 3-5 hours later

>What is classic exotoxic Staph food poisoning

You'll be fine, but don't buy no sammiches from that place again.
Probably avoid that food brand too.

>> No.7618280

why not just make some shitty sammies for her?

>> No.7618314

scope this fat nut

>> No.7618399

She only likes sandwiches made by her son. He learned how she likes them from his dad.

>> No.7618403

>actually getting food poisoning

You all have the constitution of old women.

>> No.7620170

the autism in this thread is off the charts, mane

>> No.7620242

enjoy your branded tap water
>why are you so fucking dumb?