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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 453 KB, 1500x1370, A15JVJk8aiL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7611881 No.7611881 [Reply] [Original]

I've always wanted to try this.

>> No.7611882

>I've always wanted to try this.

So mail order some.

>> No.7611894
File: 1.09 MB, 2250x3514, spencer_holiday_ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm belgian & craving for pic related

>> No.7611897

Get the Giant pint can and chill it to as cold as you can before drinking.

>> No.7611905

Literally the best drink distilled from actual iron girders.

>> No.7611920
File: 336 KB, 493x370, Screen-Shot-2016-01-14-at-13.19.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why I can't get a bunch of garbage in a box here in America.

>> No.7611924

What does it taste like? It looks like orange soda.

>> No.7612045

It tastes like irn bru.

>> No.7612056


It's extremely sweet and artificial tasting. The best comparison I can give is bubblegum but it's much tastier.

>> No.7612061

Hard to describe. Kinda like lemonade and orangeade mixed together...I think.

So good though. Drink of the gods.

>tfw you work in a shop and you can buy Irn Bru whenever you want.

>> No.7612069
File: 63 KB, 639x344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight milk

>> No.7612072

I went to Scotland once and tried it, wasn't very good desu.

>> No.7612100

To me it tastes a bit like creaming soda.

>> No.7612104

It just tastes like Inca Cola

>> No.7612106

Scotsman here. I went to america once and was able to buy irn bru. Tasted slightly different than back home for some reason even though it looked exactly the same.

Take carbonated water. Add lots of sugar. Then add all of the artificial fruit flavouring you can find. All the fruits except maybe apple and blackcurrent.

Tastes like that.

>> No.7612107

Irn Bru is toptier.

Wonder how its will change post sugar tax.

I tried Baja Blast in america, that was prettygood. How can i make myown baja blast? does the powerade + Mtndew mix really work?

>> No.7612108
File: 168 KB, 640x640, 79211011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently tried some for the first time after a coworker brought some back from his vacation and I liked it. It's probably expensive as fuck to buy online though.

>> No.7612134

>I went to america once and was able to buy irn bru. Tasted slightly different than back home for some reason even though it looked exactly the same.

The ingredients are different here which is unfortunate.

>> No.7612137

It's crap. The porridgewogs big it up like all their other shit products because they can't admit their culture produces such literal shit.
>irn bru - crap
>tunnocks caramel wafers - crap
>bridies - crap
>stovies - crap
>scotch pies - crap
>scotch whisky - crap
>haggis - crap
Some of them Scottish girls are zingers in the bedroom though.

>> No.7612143
File: 26 KB, 498x412, 1459539358443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy it for me

>> No.7612159

>tunnocks caramel wafers - crap

Reminder this is the taste level of the average /ck/ poster.

>> No.7612162

I import that stuff all the time. It's not very expensive at all.

>> No.7612168

Anon, when everything else is crap you should stop to consider that it is you that is the crap one.

>> No.7612175
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>scotch whisky - crap

>> No.7612416
File: 26 KB, 188x637, Raak-gazeuse-Campagne-Pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. A friend of mine studied in Glasgow for a month and booked an extra suitcase just to bring some of this glorious nectar home. He was kind enough to share some and I must say that it was delicious. Pic related is available in the Netherlands and it tastes vaguely alike. Just not the same and they have recently added aspartame and now I find it disgusting.

Also, I'd like to try some Kool Aid, as it's often drank in US television series and I'm curious as to what it tastes like.

>> No.7612461


>> No.7612475
File: 80 KB, 600x800, melonfanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the best soda in the world

>> No.7614279

Kool Aid is pretty underwhelming.

It all depends how much sugar you add.

>> No.7614288

Isn't that stuff already, like, 30% sugar?

>> No.7614290


some of it is just flavoring and zero sweetener, you add as much or as little as you want.

>> No.7614320
File: 106 KB, 550x458, Acerola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mo'fuggin' acerola. These things are crazy delicious.

South America has a ton of weird fruit you don't see in the states, but these are the ones I miss the most, mostly because they're goddamn delicious in mixed drinks and full of enough vitamins and whatnot to mitigate all but the gnarliest of hangovers.

>> No.7614345


Usually like Cyanide, I think

>> No.7614552
File: 89 KB, 108x420, Krusovice_Cerne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only find this cerne of this brand in the Netherlands, but it doesn't taste as good as the stuff I got in bars and restaurants in Prague.

>> No.7614582
File: 97 KB, 500x500, Julius_Brewbuzz-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this and other northeast IPAs

>> No.7614758

I tried it in Scotland when I was there. Not worth trying. It tastes like 2 parts cough syrup 1 part orange soda

>> No.7615140

>tfw Huefag and can gorge myself on acerola whenever it is on season

I do miss Cinnabuns, though. I lived for a while in Montréal and, as a borderline cinnamon addict, those things were like crack to me.

>> No.7615153

Imagine orange soda with a hint of ginger.
You have now tasted Irn Bru.
Thank me later.

>> No.7615161
File: 778 KB, 1705x1705, Vegemite_marmite2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm american, and wanna try these.

and i know you're supposed to spread them very thinly on buttered toast.

>> No.7615163

Surely you must be able to get this in the USA?#
I was in California last year and Wal Mart had a whole isle of British food.

>> No.7615166


>> No.7615167

>like Inca Cola

Not in the least

>> No.7615169

Old chewing gum

>> No.7615171

I live in the middle of Missouri and I can find both of the products in local groceries.

>> No.7615176

I always wanted to try superman icecream

>> No.7615189

Kangaroo meat.

>> No.7615196

Ale out of a can? Wtf is this shit. Sort it out you Yankee Doodle fuck

>> No.7615299

This is not that granpa tier boring CAMRA stuff m8

>> No.7615345

Try Powerade and Sprite instead of mountain dew. Tastes almost perfect.

>> No.7615353

Here is another (you). All of those you listed are fantastic at the correct quality.

>> No.7615563
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 2818_case_o_bawls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one corner store in the city that had this almost a decade ago and then they stopped stocking it.

Easily the best tasting energy drink.

>> No.7616141
File: 151 KB, 736x552, superman_icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need that feel anon

>> No.7616164
File: 203 KB, 700x479, smokes-poutinerie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, munchie boxes look so American, it's crazy we don't really have them here, looks like the perfect drunk food. I know Jack in the box tried to do something similar but I don't have those where I live

Also, poutine. Some places in America offer it, but not readily available or as good as in Canada. I had Smoke's when I was there and it was tasty as fuck

>> No.7616181

very much like classic bubblegum flavor. Kind of strange to drink bubblegum soda, but not bad.

>> No.7616184

I wish I could get a variety of ramen here. There are places that serve good ramen few and far between but they only ever have 1 MAYBE 2 styles available

>> No.7616187
File: 130 KB, 1100x449, Doner-Kebab-Image-for-website1-1100x449[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had more Doner Kebab places

>> No.7616208
File: 137 KB, 1440x1440, MA_00600259_vpf1m0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get sick of poutine fast though. It's always good when you're drunk though. I was in Montreal last semester for school, and went to La Banquise at least a dozen times. Drunk or not, it was never as good as the first time.

Speaking of my time up in Montreal; Fucking horse meat! Shit's insanely good when done right, and the fact that I could do it right on my first time in a shitty dorm kitchen means that there's seriously no excuse.

>> No.7616242

>La Banquise

just googled that place, fuck that looks good. But I suppose it's like any drunk food, never as amazing as the first time...but still hits the spot every time

>> No.7616247
File: 203 KB, 334x483, cheetos-crunchy-flamin-hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried these for the first time this past weekend. Did they just become available in Canada? They're not bad and actually have some decent heat. Better than the shit Jalapeno ones I'm usually stuck with.

>> No.7616314

Protip: dip in cream cheese. You feel like a fat fuck but it's delicious.

>> No.7616907

>things said by no one ever

>> No.7617465
File: 255 KB, 700x700, 115RZi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care fi it's illegal next chance I get I'm smuggling a few of these back

>> No.7617484

Blackcurrant candies/drinks

We just dont have that flavor here in the states.

>> No.7617513


Go to your local British expat shop, should be one if you live in a decent town/city. Or just order online.

>> No.7617659


You've got good taste anon.

>> No.7617665 [DELETED] 

>le look at me I like sheep stomach on my pizza XDD
>i'm le such a special snowflake with le such diverse taste XDDDDDDDDDD

Fucking kill yourself you autistic niggers.

>> No.7617666

Isn't it made from girders?

>> No.7617732


>Hasn't tried it
>Too much of a child to eat offal

Tendies aren't real food anon.

>> No.7617734

people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

>> No.7617766

You sound like fun at parties.

>> No.7617790

It tastes like a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of sugar and some weird, chemical, undefinied taste.
so in a word:

Seems like the scots have even worse taste buds than murriburgers.

>> No.7617831

>girlfriend is from Newcastle
>we live in Hong Kong
>we're shopping in a bigger supermarket than normal
>we see that
>she nostalgiasms and we buy a bottle with the plan to go back for more if it's as good as she remembers
>when we go back it's all gone
>can't find it again

it was alright, I don't drink soda though so its relative unfizziness was appealing to me

>> No.7617836

>order poutine outside of Canada
>restaurant thinks they're clever and tries to "spice it up"
>adds nonsense to it
>uses shredded cheese instead of curds


>> No.7617879

Blackcurrants are rare because of a ban on the bushes brought about because of a blight fear.

>> No.7618467

wish i could get some of this around here and pretend to be a good old alcohol maniac tosspot on the dole in good ol blighty :D

>> No.7618852

Obviously you are only familiar with the meme and not the dish itself.
Unfortunate, most unfortunate.

>> No.7618931

Fucking northerners
At least buy a drink that TRIES to taste like something other than sugar and chemicals

>> No.7619057
File: 31 KB, 359x233, Asimina_triloba_red_fern_farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it's within my country but I wish I could easily find Pawpaw fruits for sale in Southern California. Fuck those northeast bastards, they look delicious.

>> No.7619082

It's bad. Think red bull with a more acrid, chemical-plant taste, and little to no caffeine.

>> No.7619095


I dont think I can get poutine anywhere where I live

>> No.7619108

They have a Smoke's in my town, but I don't really want to go because it's where the street names are just numbers (5th street etc), which is generally code for "this is where you can get shot"

>> No.7619153

Very strong 2nd, I literally grew up drinking this. It didn't taste like an energy drink at all, and yet it was.