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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7609908 No.7609908 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /ck/ work in the food service? Please share your stories and experiences here.

I'd like to know how it is behind the scenes.

>> No.7609914

yes but I like my job too much to talk about it

>> No.7609923

Dear Anon,

I will teach you everything you need to know about working in the food service industry:



Professional Cook Anon

>> No.7609932

Sometimes it's fun.

Usually it's really stressful and has horrible hours. The fun times don't make up for the shit pay.

>> No.7609935


>> No.7609941

Everyone in the kitchen only speak spanish and whenever I go to eat in there on break they all just stare at me with soulless mexican eyes and don't say anything.

>> No.7609945

You will be called a faggot more than on the internet.

>> No.7609985


Basically this. You are easily replaceable and will be paid fuck all for a job that is stressful, physically draining and with shit hours.

That being said the banter in a kitchen is tops and is one of the reasons I find myself coming back. There are few jobs left where there is such abandonment of political correctness and modern workplace standards, which is probably why misfits of society continue to find themselves cooking.

Also, servers are all stupid fags who will try to make small talk with cooks about how hard the service is as if the jobs are comparable.

>> No.7610000

I bet a dirty faggot like you would work in a kitchen. Surrounded by sweaty men in tight spaces. It's like a personal Fire Island isn't it?

>> No.7610010

the food service industry turned me 100% racist.
i no longer have any sort of good will or sympathy towards black people. this sentiment is slowly spreading to other races, and soon i will end up hating everyone.

>> No.7610020

Chef staff is like trying to keep a fucking pirate crew together on land.

You're fucked if it's not cohesive and functional. It should work like pure clockwork when it works.

A five be ry on 10,2 means something when you're really moving.

>> No.7610021
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>> No.7610025

It's not racism, it's just the beginning of Misanthropy.

>> No.7610054

My sister and brother in law are both chefs. Terrible hours, terrible stress, terrible working conditions, terrible life. Dont do it.

>> No.7610065

I want to start my own restaurant so fucking bad.

I just wanna make good carnitas, chili, soups, various italian dishes, steak, fish, etc, and make something in my hometown finally have something more than a 3-star yelp rating. And maybe Tripadvisor wouldn't be like "skip this town, there's nothing good here"

Just getting feelings off my chest I guess.
My dad just started working in real estate recently and just got paid nearly 100k on a single sale, and he has 3 more sales lined up. I think if he starts getting, like, filthy rich, I might pitch the idea of a loan to him, and use that loan to start my restaurant.

>> No.7610183



I do catering in the summer because the money is good but don't become a chef.

All you'll deal with is zero respect and torture in spite of being the most educated person in the restaurant.

Do, not, do it.

>> No.7610226
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10 years experience, Cooking school 2 years on top of that. Its such a love hate relationship. You see people breaking every day. you literally see souls crushed every moment. At a point for every chef who works at the highest end of this industry, You lose the reason you got in this profession. Those that are still here replaced their passion to create with usually a desire to just not drown in all the shit filling up the room around you. I replaced my love for food with an unhealthy ambition to beat everyone around me. either way its not a healthy profession. I don't recommend it unless you are a crazy person, or a lazy person who doesn't want to work hard now in school for a better profession later. I'ts even worse now that i'm a chef and not just a chef de partie. All i do is babysit children and put out fires. I watch people who break every day and quit, and wish I was one of them. Institutionalized bitch!

>> No.7610234

You didn't even mention the pervasive drug abuse and broken relationships.

>> No.7610246

That is true, those that are just desperately trying to not drown in the proverbial shit this career lends you, tend to love their vices. To cope with all the shit pay, long hours, lying to yourself and others about how I love what I do, and failure to ever make enough money to buy a nice house, spend what little money they do have on cocaine, or alcohol.

>> No.7610254

Well I'm not a chef nor work near a restraunt. What I am is security at a 5 star hotel that has a 1 michelin star restraunt and we have cameras in the kitchen. I sometimes turn on the audio and lurk and it sounds fun. Everyone is on 50% of the staff are on coke 100% on cigs. Females in kitchens are major bitches or whores no in between. Servers are whores and there is a staggering amount of gay sex happening.

I got a cook fired because I ordered a burger and fries well done and he dropped the patty and bun and didn't replace it. Sent that shit to the head chef floor manager and Gm gone in about an hour and escorted that faggot out. Nobody fucks with my food.

Our chefs are actually well paid at $25

>> No.7610409

$25 an hour working at a Michelin star restaurant kek.... I was considering switching to being a chef, but that pay makes the sailing business seem so much better rofl.

>> No.7610568

Gonna get shit because all I do is wash dishes at Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park, but as a dude who cleans shit for a living, fuck you if...

>you stuff napkins in cups
>put gum on plates
>drown plates in dressing and place all your plastic cracker wrappers in them
>order a hot brown

>> No.7610944

I didn't really realize that this was common in a kitchen, but you're right. There actually is a lot of gay sex going on in a kitchen. And drug abuse. Lots of people doing coke, meth and other things.

>> No.7610962

i only know 1 gay cook, but plenty of gay waiters

>> No.7611059

How do i become a funnier guy at work?

I am just the weird guy, while other people laught at "normie" /b tier shit and jokes, i just stare and feel like i am above this childish people...

>> No.7611076

Its true about the gay sex. I've worked in four upscale restaurants and sucked like a dozen cocks. On three separate occasions i was working on one and we got caught by some random guy and he's like "oh shit" and pulls his dick right out. Better than grindr imo Also you can be drunk/high at work and most people dont care at all if you dont fuck anything up. Pay's terrible though. 8/10 would recommend if you're looking to suck dicks or make more weed connections than you need.

>> No.7611889

why though?

>> No.7611927

It's a cultural thing.

Food is a very personal experience, I would say it's the next most personal thing that anyone does besides sex and going to the bathroom.

People from different cultures treat food and food service very differently. It starts to feel like a personal attack and everything falls out of control really quickly.

Also, high stress situations tend to bring out the most basic emotions in people. You can really tell what kind of a person someone is when they're wearing cotton in 130 degree room surrounded by fire, boiling grease and someone is yelling at them to do 100 things at the same time.