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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7607873 No.7607873 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you own rust resistant CI yet? Seems like it wouldn't rust even after 100 cycles in the dishwasher.

This will shut the CI haters up.

>> No.7607960

Great, now if only they could make it conduct heat

>> No.7608371

>putting it in the dish washer
le why

Mine werks fine. Call me when they smooth the surface though

>> No.7608411


buy one from china. lots of super smooth cast iron skillets from there

>> No.7608430
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>not letting machines wash it for you

>> No.7608437

And get lead poisoning

>> No.7608522

here's your (you)

>> No.7608530


not sure where you've been m8 but China's ability to produce high quality durable goods far exceeds the US and is right up there with Germany and Japan. It's still a bit of a gamble, but most anything from China these days is superior quality

>> No.7608544
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>all that fucking rust
Handwash with steel brush or chainmail
>picked up the same IL griddle at goodwill for $6

Really? Have a small mini skillet I bought at a thrift store that says made in china on it, haven't used it though

>> No.7608596

Nah sorry, fuck knows where Chinese source their iron scrap from and who made it. I'll go with Lodge, thanks.

>> No.7608610


China is the world's largest importer of iron ore and the world's largest exporter of steel

>> No.7608637


I work in manufacturing and have dealt with Chinese vendors for about 15 years now. It is certainly true that the Chinese are capable of producing quality work. Given that they can manufacture satellites, microelectronics, etc, it's a no-brainer that they could make a good CI pan.

But that's assuming that there is motivation to do so. Chinese manufacturers are notorious for offering high quality samples early in a production bidding process only to provide crap once they have secured the contract. Sorting that mess out is literally what I get paid to do. It all comes down to how closely the customer monitors their quality control.

>> No.7608773

>buying into american propaganda
>muh china boogeyman

>> No.7609069

I bought a made in china CI pan, got home and googled it and isn't safe apparently based on those mom blogs. I returned it and got a lodge. Lodge manufactures their dutch ovens in china, they probably have the same standards as the US factory.