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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 500x375, 3698686621_b986f320a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7605106 No.7605106 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these called sausages when they're clearly not sausages?

>> No.7605136

Why must you attack the system in such ways? You are not suppose to question it. Just accept it and baaa baaaaa on.

>> No.7605140

Sausage is a blend of ground meats and spice, you just associate the term Sausage with the casing is it packed in.

>> No.7605145

So a hamburger is a sausage? So is a hot dog by what you say.

>> No.7605151

Well of course a hot dog is a sausage, what else could they be? Admittedly they're really cheap sausages, but still.

>> No.7605161

It needs to be in some sort of casing to be a sausage.

>> No.7605167

Well that is probably why I don't consider them real sausages and that is my bad on that one. They are such shitty meat I don't tend to associate them as such. Still, some are pretty good regardless but I would take a good normal sausage of any type over a hot dog any day.

>> No.7605173

What if you took a good sausage, grilled it, put it in a toasted bun, and topped it with mustard? What would you call that?

>> No.7605176


>> No.7605182
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>> No.7605190

I would call that lunch.

>> No.7605199

its a sausage patty

>> No.7605229

I think those are called hamborgurs OP I'm not sure but with some nice potato strings it will surely taste like cow turds and hay

>> No.7605245

reminds me that summer is almost here

>> No.7605273

That is fresh sausage, not cured and/or smoked sausage, which is sold loose or in patty or link form. Stop being stupid.

>> No.7605278

Wrong again, idiot.

>> No.7605284


>> No.7605285

Its a sausage patty, just like the name says.

>> No.7605288

>A sausage is a food usually made from ground meat, often pork, beef or veal, along with salt, spices and breadcrumbs, with a skin around it.
>with a skin around it


>> No.7605292


>> No.7605296

That refers to the ground meat part.

>> No.7605297

Do you not know what usually means?

>> No.7605302

No, it doesn't.

>> No.7605305

>cherry picking

>> No.7605317

well fuck SJW on /ck/ let's just say it's ground pork with herb and spices formed into a patty so we don't offend the pieces of shit

>> No.7607360

They are either rounds cut from a sausage or breakfast sausage spiced patties, they use a spice mix similar to other breakfast sausages.

>> No.7607368

>Wikipedia, that open source encyclopedia that anyone can edit is a credible source.

>> No.7607387


you two are stupid

>> No.7607392

Clearly this. Everyone else has no idea how the English language works

>> No.7607402

As opposed to anon, the uncited retard? Just how many caseless traditional sausages are there out there anyway, I can only think of two.

>> No.7607411

yet another hopelessly autistic /ck/ taxonomy quibbling thread.

it's called sausage because it's sausage meat. a filling that traditionally gets put in a sausage. people took it out of the sausage but continued to call it sausage so that other people would know it tastes like a sausage.

there you go where's my fucking nobel prize.

>> No.7607470

I'm German and if it doesn't look like a sausage, it isn't a sausage for me.
It was weird as fuck to see people using "ground sausage" in cooking. We don't have shit like that here.

>> No.7607473

They're patties ya dingus.

>> No.7607474

The west is such burgers land we need the everything in burger form

>> No.7607476

A "sausage patty" if you will. Autists are stupid

>> No.7607478

They arent sausages, they are sausage patties

Fuckin morons ITT, theyre even labelled as such

>> No.7607490

They ARE sausages, they're just not sausage links.

>> No.7607494

I don't know what sort of fuck head would call those sausages, but I don't want them anywhere near me.

>> No.7607500

Based on a thread in the past, apparently Americans are the morons who do that. They buy a big tube of minced pork, split it open, make burgers out of it and call them sausages.

They are a backwards people.

>> No.7607511
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Why are these called fish sticks? They're clearly not fish, they don't even have gills.

>> No.7607517
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>> No.7607518
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The tube is already sausage you dingus, you slice off a round and cook it.

It's literally the same thing as the giant sausage tubes you yurups have.

>> No.7607522
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>> No.7607524
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>> No.7607527
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>> No.7607529

Good lord.

>> No.7607532
File: 23 KB, 400x300, a_clockwork_orange_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well of course a hot dog is a sausage

>> No.7607546

Wrong again, idiot.

>> No.7607551

What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7607554

Americans need to be banned from talking about sausages, they spout utter nonsense and it always ends up in a shitstorm.

>> No.7607556

Indeed, ignore those yanks twats.

>> No.7607557

lol fag

>> No.7607559

They don't give them away for spewing shit on a screen. You're out of luck.

>> No.7607562

The evolution of language is an ugly thing.

>> No.7607564

Who the fuck is Patty? What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.7607566

Yeah but I don't hold it against you.

>> No.7607568

"I know you are but what am I" most excellent good sir

>> No.7607569

It is when it isn't an evolution and just clappyfats screaming insanity.

>> No.7607571

Takes one to know one.

>> No.7607572

They're also called frankfurters and weiners, as in "sausage prepared in the style of Frankfurt and/or Vienna"

>> No.7607575

Hotdogs and sausages are two completely different things.

>> No.7607576

Setting aside the fact that Americans are using the word 100% correctly, you Brits are the retards who decided "mincemeat" should contain neither mince nor meat so you've got no right to judge.

>> No.7607581


>> No.7607582

it depends only on if it's remembered that way or our way, and there's more of them than there are of us

do you know the history of mincemeat and why it's called what it's called?

>> No.7607583

You're retarded.

>> No.7607586

>you Brits
Interesting conclusion. I have noticed that everyone who disagrees with an American is an island monkey.

>> No.7607588

What the fuck sort of sausages are you eating that they are the same as hotdogs?

>> No.7607589

my god this thread is stupider than the one i made threed days ago when i was drunk and having dizzy spells from my hep

>> No.7607591

The word sausage literally just means "salted" and yet you're still throwing a hissy fit over seeing sausages not shaped like a penis, the history of mincemeat is irrelevant.

>> No.7607593

ITT: Pedantic meets ethnocentric.

>> No.7607595
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, 0003900008664_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot dogs, for one.
Since they're sausages.

Vienna sausages are also quite similar.

>> No.7607596

>Any concept of history

>> No.7607598

Where was I throwing a hissy fit, I was saying that meanings of words change not that anybody is right or wrong.
>the history of mincemeat is irrelevant
well, fundamentally everything is irrelevant, the history is interesting though. they used to have mince meat in them, the name stuck, that's language for you.

well now you're just being mean

>> No.7607602


do i have to draw a fucking venn diagram you uncomprehending nigger

>> No.7607604

Well with an argument that compelling I must be wrong.

You stupid horse fucker.

>> No.7607605


"A hot dog (also spelled hotdog) is a cooked sausage, traditionally grilled or steamed and served in a sliced bun.[2][3][4][5] Hot dog variants include the corn dog and pigs in blankets. Typical hot dog garnishes include mustard, ketchup, onions, mayonnaise, relish, cheese, chili, olives, and sauerkraut."


>> No.7607608

Well, you're wrong but I don't know what the fuck that abomination is but that picture looks like hotdogs.

>> No.7607612

a graph is what this thread is lacking

>> No.7607615

What is it about sausages specifically that cause Americans to sperg out? It's really fucking weird.

>> No.7607617

but anon, we've already established that wikipedia is editable by everybody and so is useless junk, and you should all accept my opinion given without any references instead

>> No.7607621

When did "sausage patty" become "this this a sausage fuck off yuropoors"?

>> No.7607631

>The word sausage literally just means "salted"
What the fuck fills Americans head up with this utter shit?

>> No.7607633

Well yes, if you are going to make an incorrect claim then you should at least have an infographic to support it. Give us a real chuckle at your stupidity.

>> No.7607634

that is literally the etymology of sausage
please don't shit the bed

>> No.7607636

what a word means and what its etymology is are different things

>> No.7607639

That doesn't answer anything. You are an American calling hotdogs sausages so posting an American written wiki entry doing the same means nothing.

All you have to do is simple explain how they are the same. Don't even fucking dare try and say they are the same purely because they have the same shape, because that would just make me lose all remaining faith I have in America.

>> No.7607642

I love it, sausages are like /ck/s Kryptonite. If you want to ruin a thread and you know Americans are scooting about, you just bring up sausages and watch the tards flail about.

>> No.7607644

>You are an American calling hotdogs sausages

What's the problem with that? Hotdogs are made of a forcemeat put into a casing. Surely that qualifies as one of the many types of sausage out there?

>> No.7607647

cheese is a good one, also.

>> No.7607650

what are biscuits again?

>> No.7607656

now I'm british but isn't a frankfurter/hot dog just finely processed sausage meat in a casing?

>> No.7607658

They are different ingredients, manufacturing processes, cooking methods, tastes, texture, look, casing and eating style.

How in the fuck are they the same to you? The only way they are even vaguely similar is the phallic shape.

>> No.7607659

Ooh yes, cheese and biscuits too. Good call.

Beer should be thrown on the list too I think. If i see another muh craft brew again I will split my sides.

>> No.7607660

M8 hotdogs are tubes of jelly, that has fuck all to do with a proper sausage.

>> No.7607661

1) I am not american, but I was a few times in USA and eat hotdogs there...
2) finelly minced meat put in a casing and boiled is a sausage
3) putting this sausage in a bun with typical garnishment like sauerkraut makes a.. hotdog!

>> No.7607664

Don't forget that hotdogs are even stored for sale in a completely different way to sausages.

>> No.7607667

oh so you're debating what's really in them not what's supposed to be in them

>> No.7607668
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>> No.7607670

The entire thing is completely different. It's like calling a pork pie a sausage because it has minced pork in it even though that would be much more similar to a sausage than a hotdog.

It's asinine.

>> No.7607675

Tell me, what country do you live in because I don't believe it is a country that consumes sausages.

>> No.7607678

>How in the fuck are they the same to you?

I didn't say they were the same. I said that they matched the definition of a sausage: a forcemeat stuffed into a casing.

Many things that we call "sausages" have very different production methods, but those are still sausages:

-hot dogs and frankfurters are made of a very finely ground meat emulsion which gives them their characteristic texture

-coarsely ground sausages like bratwurst, Lincolnshire, etc, are very common. Sometimes they are smoked, sometimes they are not.

-things like salami are fermented: the filling is treated with a bacterial culture (and often mold as well) after which point they are aged to allow them to lactoferment, which preserves the sausage and allows them to be stored at room temperature. "Summer sausage" is a similar concept.

-some sausages are made from cooked ingredients, like cajun Boudin

....there's all sorts of variations among sasuages, and hot dogs are just one of the many types; it's all forcemeat stuffed into a casing.

>> No.7607679

what makes it different, the way it's cooked or what goes in it or both?

>> No.7607685
File: 23 KB, 300x225, lowres-0525-hots01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we do have natural casing pork hot dogs in the US that are very similar to sausages and they are white not red. The ones I know about are zweigles brand out of Rochester, NY and are in the left in this photo and still called hotdog except it's a white hot and has the skin encasing it for the snap. Don't know if this helps us Americans in any way or not but they are good.

>> No.7607687


'sausage' is a category. both hot dogs and whatever sausage you're talking about fit into that category despite being made differently. the more you know!

>> No.7607689

Yes actually.
Hamburgers are from Hamburg in Germany.
Just like Frankfurters are from Frankfurt.
They're all "sausage" - a ground, formed, spiced meat.

>> No.7607693

Americans really need to just stop talking. It's clear they don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.7607695

France... we have hundreds of diffetent types sausages , and we make the difference between "saucisse" ( raw , must be cooked grilled, poached, etc) and "saucisson" (cured and dryed like salami, or cooked and smoked etc)

>> No.7607704

Burgers are officially sausage

Mc Donald's is a hot dog stand

>> No.7607717
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>mfw yanks try to talk about sausages

>> No.7607725
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>> No.7607726

And hot dogs are sandwiches!

>> No.7607729

And hot snow falls up.

>> No.7607732

Why do Americans call Cheese & Tomato Roundbread "pizza"?

>> No.7607756

You just said it, it has tomato. it's a vegetable.

>> No.7607762
File: 293 KB, 200x600, Lisicki approaches.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You starting shit? I'll walk over there and smash you out sunshine.

>> No.7607816

>they're clearly not sausages
They're ground sausage patties.
Have you never heard of ground sausage vs link sausage?

>> No.7608157

As a Viennese I take offense in you equating your beer hot dogs with our Frankfurters.

>> No.7608161


>> No.7608174

As a German, you should be ashamed for your stupidity. You should know that just because you don't have a particular kind of food available to you, that doesn't mean it's bad. That's one of the most retarded, village-idiot fucking arguments I've ever heard. Stop being stupid.

>> No.7608176

So, you ARE an idiot. Okay then.

>> No.7608180

Ameribro here. I hate to break it to you, but mincemeat does have meat in it. Well, suet to be precise. You can buy it without the meat in it, but it's not as good.

>> No.7608183

It's fucking pain in the ass, it what it is. This is why I hate people.

>> No.7608185
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Because the people who name these things in a stupid manner are also the sort too proud for revisioning afterwards when they're proven wrong and rather commit into thick-skulled battle about their right to name things in as unintuitive and awkward manner as possible so they can hold their deluded sense of pride intact.

>> No.7608188

I don't know if you've been even attempting to follow the past few sausage fight threads (pun intended), but it was the dumb Europoors who started it.

>> No.7608206

Holy fuck look at this, the French actually know what they're talking about.
You know, there's a reason why we used to be bros, France.

>> No.7608215

>on /ck/

>> No.7609703

No because that's asinine. Why would you grind a sausage?

>> No.7609708

But he didn't comment on the quality of the item, merely the validity of the name and in that regard he is correct.

Say squirrel.

>> No.7609720

Well gee whiz Billy, that was sure some counter.

You lanky streak of piss.

>> No.7609736
File: 68 KB, 457x175, American shit tube mistakenly called a sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I have been a central part of them. I refuse to acknowledge this things existence and to this day have no idea of what type of sausages it is supposed to be.

>> No.7609763

Sounds like Americans when we get on the topic of cheese and they bring up their ripoffs that they slapped the names of the real products on like they were Chinese.

>> No.7609792

Well, that sounds like a personal issue to me. Seek sausage therapy.

>> No.7609802

>if it doesn't look like a sausage, it isn't a sausage for me.
>It was weird as fuck to see people using "ground sausage" in cooking. We don't have shit like that here.

Explain yourself. Your post doesn't even make sense.

>> No.7609806

My post doesn't make sense? I don't even know what you're asking of me.

>> No.7609807

There's no need to counter the village idiot.

>> No.7609810

Which Is why I didn't bother lowering myself to your level.

>> No.7609823
File: 44 KB, 500x294, kronkbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you sunk even lower than village idiot, and are continuing too. Just how stupid are you?

>> No.7609832

Grow up.

>> No.7609834
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>> No.7609859

Did posting that make you feel all warm and fuzzy, anon? Are you jizzing on your keyboard right now from your rush of self-importance? I'd imagine your pencil dick has literally sucked back up into your body because of your own shame in being such a shit tier troll in a fucking sausage thread.

>> No.7609870

You aren't baiting a (you) out of me.

>> No.7609890
File: 19 KB, 240x240, andywarhol-blood for dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.7609922

>Hotdog = Sausage
>Hamburger = Sausage
>Hotdog =/= Hamburger

Get it straight, faggot. They're KINDS of sausages. Hamburgers and hotdogs are 2 different KINDS of sausages.

>> No.7609959

>Hamburger = Sausage
is this some meta-level trolling shit?

>> No.7610116
File: 16 KB, 200x150, autismhash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better question. Why are Europeans so autistic about the precise definition and taxonomy of foods that they are practically willing to go to war over them? If an American makes the logical deduction that a hotdog is a sausage because it shares characteristics with sausages and with no other foods, does this harm you in some way? Does a helpless little British or French girl get anally raped by a Muslim immigrant every time an American "incorrectly" classifies a food item? I'm genuinely curious where all of this rectal ravishment is coming from.

>> No.7610199
File: 8 KB, 215x165, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sausage roll

>> No.7610228

Here you go. If you want to be super technical you can group them all together as forcemeat.

>> No.7610875


there are autistic people everywhere and trolls eager to harness that autism to further their own jingoistic campaigns

>> No.7611027

to be honest... I thought a sausage patty was just an actual sausage stuffing cut out of the casing and then cooked as a burger patty.

I'm probably wrong, but who cares.

>> No.7611117

Why do you call burgers "patties"?

>> No.7611120

>Why do you call burgers "patties"?

Because that's the word for them:

>noun, plural patties.
>2. a thin, round piece of ground or minced food, as of meat or the like:
>a hamburger patty.

>> No.7611130

Sausages are defined culinarily by the way you use fat and meat to provide a more consistant interlinking network of meat, this causes it to firm up and retain moisture even when cooked.

>> No.7611133


as a way of distinguishing between the whole hamburger with bun and condiments and its synecdochical component, the burger patty.

>> No.7611136


>Sausages are defined culinarily by the way you use fat and meat to provide a more consistant interlinking network of meat,


>> No.7611397

anyone who thinks this is a britain vs america shitfest should google lorne sausage

>> No.7611722

They're called sausage patties.

>> No.7611940

It's the same meat without the casing, idiot.

>> No.7611971

Holy shit this is hot

>> No.7612208
File: 101 KB, 704x484, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe the first time I've seen an anon use the word "synecdochical" in a sentence - and correctly - is in a shitty argument thread about sausage. What a world.

>> No.7612406

I guess chorizo isn't sausage
thanks /ck/

>> No.7612514
File: 635 KB, 939x1213, Chorizo1-edited[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it say that?

>> No.7612518
File: 36 KB, 500x335, mexican-chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire thread.

>> No.7612522


>> No.7612526

no, nigger, you don't call sausage patties "sausages" you call them either "sausage" or a "piece of sausage." "Sausages" is used when they're in link form.

>> No.7612530

Nope. It's chorizo.

>> No.7612542

The meat is simply called a burger. Patty is some weird Americanism.

>> No.7612547

And that is simply sausage meat, not sausages. You cretinous melt.

>> No.7612551

I don't know what that is but it isn't chorizo.

>> No.7612552

How convenient.

>> No.7612556

Do you know what a chorizo is? f you did you wouldn't be saying this thing.

>> No.7612557

>Do you know what a chorizo is? f[sic] you did you wouldn't be saying this thing.
Right back at you, uncultured moron.

>> No.7612573
File: 87 KB, 597x359, Chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chorizo is a PDO. Your shitty image is litterally illegal to be named chorizo, you stupid swine.

>> No.7612649
File: 101 KB, 472x732, lain smilain'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7612655

Chorizo isn't sausage, it's saucisson anyway

>> No.7612746

How does it's categorization in French affect its categorization in English? Why, exactly, is it not a sausage?

>> No.7612796

It's not a sausage because it has no skin.

People call them sausages because people are retarded.

>> No.7612810

Ctrl + f
No mention of it.

Is not a sausage without its casing a faggot?
Its a sausage patty or a faggot.

>> No.7612812

Yea, I'm confused how people even managed to misinterpret it any other way.

>> No.7612835

Not all hotdogs are shitty, just as not all bologna is shitty, and less expensive does not always mean shitty. Some people simply don't like the milder mix of smoothly ground meat, which I understand, but I think the bad rap is undeserved and perpetuated by people with sticks up their asses.

>> No.7612847

What metric are you basing that on? It is minced meat in a casing and in a sausage shape.

>> No.7612851

No because faggots use organ membrane as a casing. Faggots have casings.

>> No.7612874

Sausage doesn't have to have a casing. Even if it did, you can buy tubed hamburger meat, which is arguably just as much sausage as chorizo in that same packaging. When you crumble sausage to cook for a dish, does it magically become not-sausage? If it only had to be in a casing at some point, if I put ground beef in a casing, took it out, formed it into a patty, grilled it, placed between a sliced bun, would it not be a hamburger?

>> No.7612883

>you can buy tubed hamburger meat, which is arguably just as much sausage as chorizo in that same packaging.
Mexican style chorizo didn't (and still doesn't) always come in a dog food looking plastic tube, friend.

>> No.7612888

>Sausage doesn't have to have a casing.
You're simply wrong there's nothing more to say about it

>> No.7612903

>Sausage doesn't have to have a casing
Yes it does.

>you can buy tubed hamburger meat
You mean minced beef? What does it being available in a tube in America have to do with sausages?

>which is arguably just as much sausage as chorizo in that same packaging
This sentence is faulty for several reasons.
How is minced beef anything like sausages?
How is it being in a tube in any way like chorizo?
What does chorizo have to do with beef?
What does raw minced beef have to do with a cured pork sausage?

>When you crumble sausage
How the fuck do you crumble sausages? Over cook them to high hell and then break them into pieces?

>if I put minced beef in a casing, took it out, formed it into a burger, barbecued it, placed between a sliced bun, would it not be a hamburger?
*Edited for correct English*
Yes and what in the donkey dicked hell does that have to do with sausages? That part in particular doesn't make sense.

>> No.7612908
File: 1.93 MB, 1414x1078, Thumbs up - Marge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good hustle kid, your bait won you three replies.

>> No.7612911

Just as hamburger meat doesn't always come in tubed packaging, friend.
I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.7612914

no, all good sausages use organ membrane, faggots are uncased, they can look like meatballs.

After looking into though I see its usually a culinary term for a more specific mix that usually includes liver and offal. I just thought it was a more universal term for a sausage without its casing.

>> No.7612919

>faggots are uncased
They do use caul fat.

>> No.7612950

holy shit, any new recipe calls for them to be wrapped. Well shit ignore the post then

>> No.7612969

Just a few off the top of my head:


>> No.7612975

Americans call the sausages that they put inside buns "hotdogs", as short for hotdog-sausage (what everyone else would probably call a frankfurter). So one would put a hotdog inside a bun to make a hotdog. It's very confusing.

>> No.7612979

Stop denying the obvious fact that as sausage is ground meat in a tubular casing

>> No.7612981

And hot dogs don't have a casing.

>> No.7612985

Both of these aren't sausages.

Read the thread.

>> No.7612991

Because farmers would us meat scraps and form then into little tube shapes and call it sausage, even though it had no casing. It was cheap, greasy, food to keep them going for the day. Thus breakfast sausage was born.

The breakfast sausage patty came out of convenience for people because you didn't have to take the time to form them into little tiny loafs and you could put them is sandwiches.

Its just the evolution of vocabulary.

>> No.7612997

nigga you shitposting
Lorne sausage is a loaf of sausage mice, yet you leave that out, while both goetta and breakfast sausage are often found cased

>> No.7612999

I have read the thread. No post has been made which offers a solid definition that makes them not sausage yet would allow Lorne sausage or some other accepted traditional sausage of varying characteristics to be included as sausage.

>> No.7613004

sausage mince*

>> No.7613040


>Americans call the sausages that they put inside buns "hotdogs", as short for hotdog-sausage (what everyone else would probably call a frankfurter)

No. We call hotdogs hotdogs. A hotdog is a specific kind of sausage that is put on a special kind of bun called a hotdog bun. We do also put other kinds of sausage on other kinds of buns, but the word "hotdog" doesn't simply refer to any type of sausage which an American happens to put on a bun of some kind. "Frankfurter" is the original type of European sausage from which the American hotdog originated, and is also used as a cognate for "hotdog". It's not "short" for anything. It's also not confusing at all, you're just a smelly foreigner.

>> No.7613043

Lorne "sausage" gets let off due to historical usage. They are jocks so don't know any better.
