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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7601113 No.7601113 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else fall for the "Mexican neighborhoods have great food!" meme?

It's literally just a million taquerias, maybe two of them any good, and a couple hipster bars. You can find a Burger King of you're willing to take a drive. Ffffffucking great, right?

I wish I'd moved into a neighborhood with Mediterranean food instead.

>> No.7601120

Why is everything in your life a meme?

>> No.7601132

you're right a lot of those mexican fuckos just slap cheap tacos together

>> No.7601136


Slap cheap tacos together and sell 'em for 3.15 a pop

I don't mind cheap quality, so long as it's priced to match.

I did learn that cilantro and onion beats lettuce and tomato any day, though.

>> No.7601141

>I wish I'd moved into a neighborhood with Mediterranean food instead.

Shawarma for days

>> No.7601143


Strictly speaking, any unit of cultural information shared with someone who hasn't experienced the idea firsthand is a meme. "I love all the authentic taquerias in this old neighborhood!" is a meme.

>> No.7601145
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italian food master race reporting in;

you have inferior genes op

>> No.7601153

What the fuck are you talking about? It would be retarded to expect all of them to be of a superior quality, normal distribution tells us that much. But for the price, the food offered in Mexican neighborhoods is amazing! I live in a fucking West Indies neighborhood where the traditional food is expensive and sub par, the Deli sandwiches are meager, and the other options are hipster restaurants.
Cheap tacos are cheap tacos, but you have to concede that, for the price, the food is amazing. Also, the two good taquerias are probably sublime.

And what the fuck is this shit about things in real life being "a meme"? Every time I read this shit it reminds me of the saddest characters that dwell 4chan.

Go have a fucking life.

>> No.7601180

What are you trying to say exactly?
That because you like Italian food you have better genes than OP?
That you have Italian genes and you like Italian food and that makes you genetically superior than OP? If that is the case, you don't really know what OP's genetic heritage is, he just moved to a Mexican neighborhood.
Or maybe you moved to an Italian neighborhood and that makes you genetically superior?
I honestly cannot see a way in which what you said makes any sense.
Are you sure you belong to a superior caste?
Or maybe it's that you are part of a superior lineage, but pregnancy complications left you without oxygen for extended periods of time, in which case I understand you. I'm so sorry

>> No.7601193

>Slap cheap tacos together and sell 'em for 3.15 a pop
Tacos in my Mexican neighborhood are $1.75 for small and $2.50 for large. If you're paying over $3 for a taco you're not in a Mexican neighborhood, you're in a hipster neighborhood.

>> No.7601195


What is a cheap taco supposed to be, by the way? I've yet to see a taco less than 2.50 here, most of them are higher, and the only place I've seen cheaper is on the other side of town where there are no Mexicans.
I'm a big advocate of for-the-price quality over absolute quality, but this shit ain't cheap.

And also there's literally just only taquerias. Complete lack of variety unless you're willing to shell out 20+ per person at the "We want the gentrifying market!" places

>> No.7601200
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it's a social experiment relax bro

>> No.7601207
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>> No.7601221

>And what the fuck is this shit about things in real life being "a meme"
We have cycled through so many generations of shitposting that "meme" cycled back to its original real-world definition of "any transmissible idea" somehow, albeit used cancerously. It's bizarre

>> No.7602822

What neighborhood do you live in, OP?

>> No.7602830

Not true, NY rents are expensive so the tacos tend to be $2.50-3.00

Anyway, I've been very satisfied with the Mexican food I've had in NY. I'm not sure what you're expecting, some greasy Cal-Mex style food smotheted in cheese and sour cream?

>> No.7602833

I've seen plenty of actual restaurants. Cinco de Mayo in Flatbush is pretty good.

>> No.7602840
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Nigga the fuck do you live? I'm in SoCal and there's a taco truck I frequent that has 2 for $1 tacos with a choice of meats.

Comes with meat, onions, cilantro, a side of beets and free hot peppers and lemonade if you ask

Youre getting ripped off if you pay more than $1.5 for a taco unless you feel like splerging

>> No.7602841

I like how west coasters always try to convince the rest of us that their random taquerias are better than chipotle, even though 94.39% of them are shit

>> No.7602846
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>any good

Those niggers working there don't even know how to wrap a burrito properly

>> No.7602849

Taco trucks in Cali have a more established clientele, here in NY they're newer and there's less of them. But the one I ate from is really good, even though it's $3 per taco. The quality seems good though, the tilapia they use in their fish tacos is delicious.

>> No.7602855
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Ah makes sense. No fish from mine, and I wouldn't eat it. It's chicken, lengua, carnitas, or carne asada . also burritos or a torta for $2. Pretty tasty that's normally what I get

>> No.7602857

All of the tacos are $3 at this truck, and the burritos are $7. I guess they can get away with it because there's no other authentic Mexican food within walking distance.

>> No.7602859

>cheap fish taco senorita detected

>> No.7602863

Do you live in Flatbush?

On a side note, people who complain about authentic Mexican food not being good enough probably have the pallettes of 8 year old kids.

>> No.7602868

Not the guy you're butthurt over, but I agree that people on /ck/ overstate the quality of mexican food in NYC, and no spergy, this doesn't mean that I don't like mexican food just because taqueria el asco on flatbush is the closest thing to real mexican food you've ever had.

>> No.7602894

Brit here
Isnt Mexican food just reheated dogfood that seppos eat to try and pretend they're Cowboys in front of each other?

>> No.7602896

I doubt OP has experience with "authentic Mexican food", I'm just guessing that he's disappointed by the lack of sour cream and cheese.

Anyway, there are plenty of places that are nicer than hole in the walls but not hipsterized either. I've seen a place called "Mexicosina" in the Bronx that I want to try.

>> No.7602902

No, actual Mexican food is very highly regarded.

>> No.7602910

I'd rather eat a sour cream and shredded cheddar joint than a "real mexican" food serving practically expired ingredients.

Authentic doesn't mean good. Just look at all the shit-tier Indian joints in Jackson Heights. Maybe 1 out of 10 actually takes pride in what they serve, the rest is supported by the Indian version of your average tendies and ranch /ck/ shitposter.

>> No.7602920

Is that what you tell yourself while you eat refried beans and your eyes thin to slits as you look at the busboy and call him pardner?

Fucking role playing food. Grow up

>> No.7602924

I know authentic doesn't mean good necessarily, but just because a restaurant doesn't have a fancy awning and serve hipsterized dishes doesn't mean it isn't good.

>> No.7602927

It sounds more fun than role playing with fish and chips.

>> No.7602933

They do have good food, but you're probably a fat 420fag expecting Taco Bell-tier shit, so what the fuck would you know?

>> No.7602936

>just because a restaurant doesn't have a fancy awning and serve hipsterized dishes doesn't mean it isn't good.
No one ever claimed that. Nor will I claim that you implied that a restaurant where everyone is speaking spanish inside and the awning has a ridiculous eagle eating a snake on it and they're playing tucanes de tijuana on the cerwin vega is automagically good. Although I just as well could have.

>> No.7602940

That's what I was thinking.

>> No.7602953

Why role play anything?
If food is so banal and bland you have to create a fantasy around the ritual of eating it then it's shit.
Americans do this with burgers all the time too, every bite tastes like Liberty.
It's disgusting.
At least china knows it's a authoritarian hellhole and makes food that actually tastes good.

>> No.7602954

I want to drink pozole out of a cute Mexican girl's shoes

>> No.7602959

Have you ever had real Mexican food, you autist? And not just Taco Bell shit

>> No.7602963

Mexican girls are friendly and will smile at you and make you think they're into you but the classy ones with the white skin who don't look like stumpy little gnomes are infuriatingly hard to get unless they are somehow fallen women (you can tell a fallen woman because she will willingly sleep with you, this kind is undesirable and is best avoided because what woman in her right mind would sleep with you? A corrupted, diseased slut with no standards. Reject her for your own good)

>> No.7602970
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>> No.7602971

Refried beans and rice is like eating the still warm vomit of a Chinamans dog

>> No.7602975

I don't care about skin color, you autist. As long as she's cute and pleasant to be around.

>> No.7602993

The thing about the stumpy little olmeca type is that they're probably just looking to climb up the social ladder. Sure they might be really good in bed and they might cook better food than you ever imagined possible, but it's just a ploy, next thing you know you'll have little mestizo babies and who wants that.

The guerras are the way to go. Trust me on this. You can always hire a stumpy little domestic olmeca to do the cooking for you later. Even fuck her while the guerra isn't looking, as long as you put it in her pooper only and not her scheming conniving vagina, or as I call it, "the deceiver".

>> No.7602998

So your mum then ?

>> No.7603044

That's a bunch of white supremacist BS

>> No.7603050

Actually it's far more misogynistic I'm genuinely disgusted

>> No.7603096

Tumblr it's time to go.

>> No.7603145

what are some good, inexpensive places in New York?

>> No.7603256

life is a meme, and then U die


>> No.7603262

So many different Hispanic cuisines available in New York, and I've only been able to try 2 so far

>> No.7603267

>New York

>> No.7603269

inexpensive for NY standards

>> No.7603426

God so much this.
It's disgusting
No wonder so many beaners end up fat

>> No.7603442

hot dog cart with a line of people

>> No.7603810

Mexican Taquerias historically were a front for gay hook up joints.
Mexican Men who were on the down low would make excuses to visit them to have sex with their friends, whilst insisting the wife stay home to feed the children and not waste food.

>> No.7603811


Why are all Brits such angry insecure man children?

Mexican food is the best cuisine ON THE PLANET

>> No.7603828

yeah it's the best I've had so far

>> No.7603984

Yes you can really taste the eColi

>> No.7604003

mexican white supremacists are a thing though. they hate the little olmec people like the one Jeb Bush married.

>> No.7604008

it does explain why Mexico is the fattest nation on earth.

>> No.7604015

That trend dates to NAFTA, when American megacorporations began to flood Mexico with American-style shitfood.

>> No.7604019
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Also what's really interesting is that Americans began to eat healthier around the same time

>> No.7604323

Oh bull fucking shit cunt

>> No.7604327

Who smells more?
British or Mexicans?
Who's cleaner and bathes more often?

>> No.7604341

>I'd rather eat a sour cream and shredded cheddar joint than a "real mexican" food
>shit-tier Indian joints in Jackson Heights
opinion discarded

>> No.7605010

Most of them are, just because you've never seen a gulab jamun before doesn't mean the shit they gave you out of a can was actually good by any objective standard.

>> No.7605042

Mexicans actually

>> No.7605394
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>implying that refried beans is the vast sum of that which is Mexican food

I feel sorry for you, who

>has never had hand made tamales
>does not know the eclectic and delightful flavor fusions of a good mole sauce
>has never sipped an ice cold glass of horchata to cool off on a hot day
>has not experienced the pleasure of garnishing a spicy dish with queso fresco

And there is a rush of warmth and joy that you have never felt from biting into a fresh pan dulce. Pic related.

Keep feeling superior for eating canned baked beans and toast for breakfast every day, though.

>> No.7605417

Americanized Mexican food is ass. They throw in sour cream and lettuce into everything. I like authentic mexican food because the spices are much better and they don't throw in disgusting sour cream and american cheese.

>> No.7606004

H3h3 pls let me fuck hila

>> No.7606322

who cares about those autists

>> No.7606337

They are normies though. Latin Americans in general tend to be fairly racist, at least, as you get towards the upper classes of society. They're not nearly as bad as white south africans. Maybe more like chinese indonesians/malaysians.

>> No.7606347

But like 95% of the people in Mexico are brown, and it's similar in most Latin American countries outside of the Southern Cone. One guy I know who is Uruguayan and actually white, he does not look down on brown Hispanics and he gets Dominican pussy. Another guy I know is a white Chilean, and again, he doesn't look down on brown Hispanics and seems to identify more with Latinoness than American whiteness.

>> No.7606371

>I know two latinos here's my meta-analysis of latin american race relations
Ok buddy

Protip: in the USA, outside 4chan, open racism isn't cool, and your Uruguyan/Chilean buddies likely know that

>> No.7606385

I know there's racism in Latin America. Yeah there are lighter skinned people who might think they're superior, but they don't obsess over it like you're doing.

And I doubt they're as racist as you're implying, or else they would only hang out with white people.

>> No.7606390

>pointing out facts is obsessing
Sure, you must be right

And no shit they hang out with white people

>> No.7606397

Yes, you're making up entire fake scenarios about "Olmec" women.

>> No.7606399

That is how they talk though, when you're actually friends with them and not just acquaintances.

>> No.7606400

And I said they DON'T hang out with just white people

>> No.7606402

>$1.5 for a taco
Not on the best coast
It's usually 2 minimum and even most of those have went up to 2.5 in the past few years. 3 and 4 each are very common, here. I regularly see 5-6 for shitty empanadas here.

>> No.7606405

I've literally never heard anyone go into detail about indigenous women or whatever, in the US most Hispanics are lumped in together.

>> No.7606412

Except they do, because class is divided almost precisely along racial lines, especially outside of major capital cities.

>> No.7606416

Are you talking about the East Coast?

If so then yeah, it's usually 2.5-3 dollars here. Rent is high even in crappy neighborhoods, so 1 dollar tacos probably won't make them enough money to stay open.

>> No.7606418

>in the US
Maybe you should get a passport and see what people are like outside of the US.

>> No.7606428

I've probably been to more countries than you. Also I have family in Ecuador who would be considered higher class, and they're brown.

>> No.7606431

That's BS, you're just trying to push an agenda. They might hang out with other higher class people mainly, but most Latin American countries are overwhelmingly mestizo. There aren't even enough white people in most places for that sort of segregation to exist.

>> No.7606437

Sure, and my dad works for nintendo.

There are always exceptions, but the reality is wealth in Latin America is concentrated in the hands of whites, and the more wealth, the more white, as a statistical fact.

>> No.7606446

Having a majority mestizo population doesn't really change the fact that the money, land, and power is, for the most part, held by people of predominantly European descent.

You can project whatever agenda you want on me, but facts are facts. Maybe I'm a stormfag, maybe I'm an SJW who thinks all white people need to die. Does it really matter? You're getting butthurt over facts.

>> No.7606448

Well yeah, the higher classes tend to be of heavier Euro descent than the lower classes, however mainstream society in general is largely mestizo. Also a lot of mestizos who are upper class likely consider themselves "white".

>> No.7606452

>a lot of mestizos who are upper class likely consider themselves "white"
And this is supposed to be evidence of a lack of racism amongst Latin Americans? Quite the opposite, if you think about that even for a second.

>> No.7606457

It's certainly not the West Coast.

>> No.7606470

I'm leaning towards stormfag.

And you're nitpicking really hard, the vast majority of people in any country are not rich or powerful. The fact that the wealthiest people in Latin America tend to be white or near white doesn't have much impact on people's day to day interactions.
I never said there was no racism in Latin America.
Best and East don't rhyme though, so that's why I was confused.

>> No.7606478

>wealth is unevenly distributed therefore racism doesn't exist
Your logic is really quite unusual, perhaps you should think that through a bit more carefully.
>I never said there was no racism in Latin America.
You pretty much did though.

>> No.7606490

dat pan dolce tho
a coworker brought some in and it changed my life

>> No.7606502
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This this this. Don't fall for the Jeb Bush meme

>> No.7606525

No I did not, I know racism exists in Latin America, but in a different way than what you describe.
She looks fine for a 62 year old woman