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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7559780 No.7559780 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a whisky thread /ck/. Recent purchases? Old favorites? Currently drinking?

>> No.7559793
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I've just poured a glass of Old Pulteney 12. It's insane to me how reasonably priced this is comparatively for such a characterful whisky. Really underappreciated.

>> No.7560422

had some jim beam devils cut on the weekend wasn't bad at all for just mediocre bourbon

>> No.7560423
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Grandpas cough medicine representing.

>> No.7560426

god thats exactly what it tastes like struggled through a bottle of it

never again

>> No.7560428

Taste fine with a couple of ice cubes to me.

>> No.7560432

nah rye isn't for me

tastes to much like medicine to me

>> No.7560434

This is my shit right here. I've only gotten it in bars, wasn't even sure if they sold Rye in stores

>> No.7560443

It's pretty common in the US. They sell a few kinds, though. 101 is the only Wild Turkey I like. The rest taste like what they are, cheap whiskey.

>> No.7560458
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Whiskey is a meme.

>> No.7560460

but i like memes

>> No.7560551


I have been drinking this recently:


At £18 a bottle you really can't complain. It is very nice for a daily drinker, a lot better than some more expensive stuff I have had.

Current favourite is Highland Park 18, or maybe Jura Prophecy.

>> No.7560559
File: 497 KB, 428x284, crownroyal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crown Royal is my favorite. Not just because it tastes good and is affordable, but the drawstring cloth bag the bottles come in make GOAT dice bags for /tg/ related activities.

>> No.7560621

To me it tastes like cherry cough syrup, and dust. And even a little of it shits up any bourbon its in because its so strongly flavored. Which is unfortunate because its flavor is usually gross.

>> No.7560631

Overpriced sugar liquor

>> No.7560702
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Recent purchase - Kilchoman PX cask
Aged 5 years. Tastes young. Aggressive flavors. I'm usually a fan of PX finishes, but this one just didn't sit well with me. It's all over the place flavor-wise.

Old favorites - Ardbeg Uigedail. I keep coming back to this one. Extraordinary balance and poise for what I'm assuming is a young spirit. No age statement. I just hope that time and success doesn't ruin this one.

Currently drinking - Well nothing currently, but last night I had a glass of Black Arts 4.1. It's a breathtaking unpeated scotch that you can nurse all night and never get tired of. Worth the high price tag. pic related

>> No.7561083
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>> No.7561112

This is no longer true

Unless you want to pay for some premium shit that barely tastes any different they only give the bags around Christmas time.

>> No.7561120

I doubt that considering I bought one with a bag just about a month ago. 14 USD for a 375mL bottle with a bag. Might be a bit pricey for whiskey, but a similarly sized dice bag will run you about 10 USD in game shops, plus I get a bottle of pretty good tier whiskey out of it.

>> No.7561284
File: 111 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Laphroaig_10YO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried my way through most of the popular brands of scotch, but I just keep coming back to the 10year Laphroig. It's just so salty and unique. I realize how this might sound like "muh 'froig", but I just consistently enjoy it every time.

Is it worth getting the 15yo while it's still available? I didn't even enjoy the Quarter Case that much, so I'm a little hesitant to buy a bottle thats 2-3 times more expensive than the 10yo

>> No.7561409

Shared a bottle with a friend a couple of years ago. Didn't really think too much of it. I guess it's not my kind of whisky. It was good, but not delicious.

>> No.7561421

It depends on if you think you can afford it, really. It's great whisky, but it probably won't blow you away.
I prefer Lagavulin in general though. It's smoother without being less flavoured.

>> No.7561694

Haven't tried the 15, but I did go through two bottles of the 18 while it was around. It was so delicious and easily drinkable. Found out it was gone. Regretted not buying more.
I can imagine the 15 is probably similar, but I haven't tried it yet. Also I don't know where you're getting your pricing info from, but locally I get the 10 year for $42 and 15 year for $70.

>> No.7563276

Just got: Glendronach 15 Revival, Benromach 10, Glenfarclas 12

Love the Glendro more than life itself. Went and bought another bottle the week after because I also discovered its been discontinued.

Benromach is lovely as well, with a splash of peat in there. Well-balanced.

Glenfarclas I'm mixed on, I've had a few drams I loved, but then I've had probably 3-4 drams I didn't finish. I've never had a whisky I've not finished so many drams of. Definitely wouldn't re-purchase.

Also loving my bottle of Kilchoman Machir Bay for the peatier aggressive stuff.

>> No.7563283

Fuck. The 18 is gone? That was the best Laphroaig I'd ever had by far. The most balance between malt / peat. I have a bottle of 10 I keep for guests who like peatier stuff. I've been trending way harder towards sweeter sherry-finished stuff lately.

>> No.7563310
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My dad used to have a blanket made from those that his college gf made for him but he threw it out after the cat peed on it.

>> No.7564045

I been to their distillery on the bourbon trail. Shit was awesome.

>> No.7564201

Is there some way to get used to whiskey? It makes me want to vomit just smelling it and i can barely keep down a shot? How do you guys drink it? Do you sip it over ice? Does it numb your taste buds if you drink it like that and let you be able to taste it better or something? Everyone in my family likes whiskey but i could never stand it

>> No.7564228

I found it to be acquired taste. Much like steak or beef tartarre. You try it once and think to yourself meh. But then after a while you think back on the taste and want to experience again. If you can, dont mix it at first, just add some water or ice, sip on it while shitposting or something.
Going with less mainstream branded blends at first seems to save you from shitty experience. What I mean get a William Lawsons or some other non-threat blend, defo not the paint thinner that Jonnie Walker red is, for example.
Or if you have the chance, go to a whisky pub and try out some highland/lowland single malts.

>> No.7564306

>rye tastes like cough syrup meme
I can't understand this, if you never developed an appreciation for rye bread, or anything that has rye in it then I could see the mix up, but whenever I taste a(good) rye it has a bit of a spicy edge that fresh rye bread does.

>> No.7565179

I made myself sick on that stuff the other night. I don't know if I'll ever have any whiskey again after that, the memory of the smell and the taste makes me want to throw up.

>> No.7566356

It will get better, just takes time.
I got sick off of Jim Beam Black(not a very good whiskey in the first place), for some reason I decided it was a good idea to drink 6 ounces in a very short amount of time.
Couldn't drink bourbon for months.

>> No.7566452

I've spent a lot of time making the rye-est rye bread one could possibly make, which I enjoy, but I still find rye whiskey to taste like cherry cough medicine for some reason. It isn't the same.

>> No.7567944

That sounds like quite the endeavor anon. I'm sorry rye whiskey doesn't taste good to you.

>> No.7567965
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Live in scotland, near a bunch of distilleries but never tried whisky.

any recs?

>> No.7567970
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I drink a lot of this.

>> No.7567978

just go on a distillery tour, you'll get to sample a few different types.

>> No.7567983

are you mixing it with something, thats the only reason to go blended.

>> No.7567996

I drink it clean. THB I drink it because it is cheap.

>> No.7567998

Not true. There are some blended whiskys that taste great on their own.

Although famous grouse is not one of them. Might as well just drink some sewage.

>> No.7568155
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Who else /poorfag/ here

>> No.7568195

I am, I still manage to pay my bills and get a nice whiskey every once in a while.
I also don't drink much, I've got 5 bottles of various whiskeys with amounts in them varying between 20%-90%

>> No.7568204
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>> No.7568230
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I got 2 bottles of this recently as I heard that it was GOAT and a good starter for nip whiskeys.

It smells really nice but less smooth than expected; when I sip it I can't taste any of the flavours over the burn. I was a bit underwhelmed.

>> No.7568237
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do you guys like to smoke with your whiskey?

>> No.7568246

Yes. Smoking and drinking go hand in hand for me. Cigar, pipe, or a cigarette. Depends on my mood really. I also like smoking when I drink coffee.

>> No.7568247


uigedail is from reserve barrels between 15-25 years iirc.

also im jelly, want to get my hands on some 4.1

>> No.7568419

Erryday homie.

>> No.7568533
File: 128 KB, 720x720, hibiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamazaki isn't my favorite jap either.
Got some Hibiki 17 for Christmas two years ago and was blown away. My introduction to jap whisky. The bottle didn't last until February. Had no idea it was a $250 bottle. Went to the store for a re-up and got floored by the price. Ended up walking out of there with a $95 Hibiki 12 and a $50 Nikka Coffey Grain, both of which were great on their own, but I miss that 17, man. Shit was so good.

>> No.7568584
File: 160 KB, 900x1200, octo63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I've heard that oogie is made from the older sherry barrels, but also that they mix in the young ex-bourbon barrels for that peaty kick. I guess what I was saying is that with oogie you get that sherry mellow sweetness and the peaty nose, but it's so well balanced that you aren't getting that fire that you tend to get from most NAS younger malts.

On the topic of younger malts - Octomore 6.3 is an insane peat monster. Ignore the 64% abv and don't add water for the first couple sips. The ridiculous alcohol content actually helps manage the off the charts peat levels in this thing and you can taste the toffee sweetness. Then you dilute it and the peat comes alive. Smoke, engine oil, moss, honey, butter, and then a floral finish that you can still taste the next morning.

>> No.7568601

Yer ma is a meme

>> No.7568606

why dose not glass fill

fuck magic, not cool

>> No.7568733

I love whisky and I love smoking a pipe but they just don't go together for me for some reason. Coffee on the other hand is the GOAT drink for when I'm smoking a bowl.

>> No.7568761
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Just ordered a bottle of pic related. Been sipping on a 10 yr Talisker the last couple of weeks and while I liked it less than Lagavulin, Caol Ila and Laphroaig (my favourite peaty Island whiskies) it's really really grown on me. It literally tastes like the sea.

In any case, the Caol Ila will be a great replacement as it's a firm favourite of mine.

Any good Speyside recommendations? I've only just started drinking them and I'm really beginning to like them.

>> No.7568770

I'll accept any recommendation you guys give me between 35 and 45 quid.


>> No.7568851


>> No.7568892

Buckfast, tonic, wine..... Sung in a cheery advert like sting

>> No.7568909

..... In reply to my self... Sing it like three blind mice

>> No.7568954



Tastes 15 years old at 10 years old.

>> No.7568967

Thanks for the suggestion I'll try it! Not a bad price either..32quid

>> No.7570023
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This and glenlivet

>> No.7570203

Isn't that because that's the NAS version of Yamazaki 12? I believe it's Yamazaki 12 that's actually the good starter whisky from Japan.
>saw Hakushu 12 for sale
>selling for 60 dollars over its normal price (almost 200% markup)
>doesn't even have a box
Noped the fuck outta that store.

>> No.7570208

Excuse me, 100%.

>> No.7570281
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I can highly recommended this, a little pricey though

>> No.7571767
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Pretty new to whiskey, tried glenfiddich 12 and knocnando 15 mostly. I had a taste of this last night and I really liked the taste of smoke (probably has a term for it?), I bought a bottle and I was wondering if there was any other I should try with that same kind of taste? If it's not too expensive like the talisker, all the better.

>> No.7572115
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Completely new to whiskeys. Friend bought the Famous Grouse, I bought the Naked Grouse. Price difference was almost nonexistent, but naked grouse had completely different tier taste. It's easy and laid back, soft. At least comparing to famous grouse, it had this ridicilous, kinda stingy taste.
Will surely buy Naked Grouse again, like the bottle too. Anyone experimented with the grouse family of whiskeys? What does it mean when whiskey is "blended"? Is it a mix of different kind of whiskeys? Like I said, I'm a newb.

>> No.7572123

I drink Bushmills

Good for the price

If I'm being poor I buy a jug of Jim Beam though. Tastes bad, but it's better than vodka or gin or rum at that price.

>> No.7572157

This guy has good taste

>> No.7572162

Yeah its OK got a 1ltr through duty free, its a good representation of the area

>> No.7572168

Yeah good start mate, its called peat, that's where the smokey flavours come from predominantly from the Isle of Islay, plenty of big bold flavours to explore from that region.

>> No.7572171

i think old crow is better than beam for the price.

>> No.7572181
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Pic related.
It's affordable and I personally like the taste.
Quite possibly a meme whiskey, but usually my go to.

>> No.7572221

Glenlivet 12 if I had the choice (and didn't want to spend too much), otherwise I like trying anything really. One of my customers brought a bottle of Buffalo Trace and it's decent.

>> No.7572223

Bushmills is much better to be honest

>> No.7572757

I like both bushmills and makers.
I just like makers more for some reason.

>> No.7572772

That's an entirely different kind of whisky. Doesn't make sense to compare bourbon to irish whisky.

>> No.7572830
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Tonight's malt, from back before they went NAS with this line.

>> No.7573300
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>> No.7573358

Go for the No.12 instead. It's well worth it.

>> No.7573678


>> No.7573866
File: 25 KB, 240x240, ralfystuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do malt mates think of ralfy

>> No.7573872

If he really can taste all that I'm impressed. I usually only detect about 4 different flavors in any whisk(e)y

>> No.7573874

I want to add I'm not huge on whisky though. I like beer more.

>> No.7573934

Comfy vids. I differ in opinion most of the time, but his analysis is always on point.

>> No.7574142


Well recommended my friend. Love that spicy finish. Amazon had it at a crazy reduced price during their lightning deals, I would suggest keeping an eye out there.

>> No.7574147


Love him. Really opened my eyes to the world of a good dram.

>> No.7574174
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It's a fairly new offering so I figured I'd give it a try.

>> No.7574202
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Glenfiddich Millinium ftw

>> No.7574209
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Gonna go buy a single malt today and I'd like a recommendation.
My budget - anything under $300 usd
What I like - Islay, Anything heavily peated, Sherry (PX or otherwise) finished, Madeira finished, experimental distilling methods (Octomore, Supernova)

Currently contemplating - Bunnahabhain 25, Octomore 7.4 Virgin Oak, Bruichladdich Cuvee 382 - La Berenice, Bowmore 16 cask strength.

>> No.7575559

Is Dickel 12 superior to the barrel select version too?

>> No.7575599

I've heard it's just gimmick shit.

Does it live up to the hype?

>> No.7575603

Don't spend that much on a single bottle unless you're a collector. Don't know how much they go for in your area but you can get at least 4 really good bottles with that money. Get one from each region if you're a beginner

>> No.7575656

Please stop having money you are offending and triggering me.

>> No.7575678
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Not pictured, my Laphroaig 18 and Dalmore 18 which are at a friends house. Just finished the glenmorangie nectar d'or so I left the bottle.

Favorites of the group would have to be the Highland park 18, and Laphroaig 18.

I just got back from vacation, I visited a wonderful place...

>> No.7575680
File: 3.62 MB, 5312x2988, 20160226_220747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder whats in here...

>> No.7575689
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Something amazing, if I lived near here I might die

>> No.7575693
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All whisky and bourbon except for one small section at the very end, and reasonable prices for a bar.

>> No.7575695

I stopped drinking whisky. Was out of control. But Wiser's will always have a place in my degenerated liver.

>> No.7575700

Based Ralfy is informative as all hell but manages to also avoid being snobby and pretentious.

>> No.7575705
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Alas, I only had two. Both were wonderful. I wish I had recorded some notes about them... I don't remember much about the rest of the night.

If you're ever in Auckland, New Zealand, be sure to go here though.

>> No.7575717

Not a beginner, but not an expert either. I dunno if I'm a collector or not, but I don't mind spending the $ if its great scotch. Every Octomore I've bought was in the $150 range, and while some would say that's a ripoff for a 5-year scotch, I would say that flavor-wise there's no question they're worth it. The Octomore line is right in my wheelhouse though. May not be for everyone.
Laphroiag 25, Black Arts... There's just not anything sub $150 that can compete with the sophistication in those bottles.

Don't get me wrong - there are definitely UNDERvalued bottles out there. Auchentochan Valinch, Oogie, Laphroiag triple wood - these are all priced way under where they should be

>> No.7575735

> Auchentochan Valinch, , Oogie, Laphroiag triple wood
That's because those are all NAS bottlings which aren't valued a lot in the whisky community. Go for more obscure labels. There are many small distilleries that the big guys use for their blends and who make some really good whiskies and they've recently issuing their own bottlings.

>> No.7575766

Go on the whiskeyexchange website and look at the old&rare section.

>> No.7576798

Been thinking of trying out a Lowland Scotch recently. Anyone know a good brand to get in the US?

>> No.7576842

Your choices are pretty limited with Lowland single malts, just not a lot of distillers bottling from there at the moment. I would recommend the Glenkinchie 12 year old.

>> No.7576862

It still comes in a bag. Shit, there is a different colored bag for every variant. I got purple, black, gold, white, and green so far.

>> No.7576868

I actually prefer the Gentlemen Jack over their single barrel.

>> No.7576869
File: 15 KB, 298x162, valinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of the Auchentoshan triple wood and Valinch and I've tried Glenkinchie 12 and like >>7576842 says, it's good. I need to give it another taste because it's been a while.

>> No.7578729

What is it about whiskey/whisky that makes you want to buy them even when you won't drink them?

>> No.7578733


You gotta factor in cask strength though, you're effectively getting 50% extra compared to a 40 abv bottle

>> No.7578747


Almost all scotch is blended, single malt means that all the whiskies used are all from one distillery and made only from malted barley. Blended scotch contains whiskies from multiple distilleries and can also contain a certain percentage of other grain whisky

>> No.7578818

The more you get to know

>> No.7578826
File: 200 KB, 602x472, Old_Crow_advertisement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EW is tasty for the price... especially if you can get Evan Williams 1783.

True poorfags know the crow

>> No.7578830
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Not... drink? Huh?

>> No.7579899

>drinking whisky

>> No.7579901

So Wild Turkey Rare Breed vs Eagle Rare 10 vs George Dickel 12, which one is the best of the three?

>> No.7579919

Should be ER > GD > WT as far as I know.

>> No.7580049

What do you want the box for? Somewhere to keep your legos?

>> No.7580116

Whisky that cost that much should be kept away from light virtually all the time and the box helps to do that. Without the box, you don't know just how much exposure to light a bottle of whisky has endured and you're not going to want to risk spending over 50 bucks on a drink that might be damaged already when you get it.

>> No.7580148

Is there any real difference between Tennessee Whiskey and Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey?

>> No.7580252

Those terms are a function of marketing / origin rather than process or end result. They are the same thing.

>> No.7580797
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So, what are the least bad cheap whiskeys? So far the only thing I've had is pic related, which I got solely because I found it for next to nothing. Anyway, after having it I'd really like to try more, better whiskeys. I can't really do $80 a bottle though. I remember trying a buffalo trace at a friends place and enjoyed it, but what would you guys recommend?

>> No.7580919

A "straight" whiskey has no additives, non straight whiskeys are allowed to have 2.5% additives.
Kentucky, Tenessee, whatever is just about the origin, which is funny because there's plenty of whiskey that says that, but it could just as easily be produced or bottled in Indiana.
It's a shame the American industry is so fraught with dishonesty, but on the consumer end there's a lot of superstition. Every company wants their claim to the prohibition era to change the consumer's perception.
The European whiskey markey is easier to understand.

>> No.7581026

American -
Four Roses: Good flavor. NOT smooth. Best with ice.
Rebel Yell: Less flavor, but smoother than Four Roses and usually about $5/bottle less.
Evan Williams: Bold flavor. Sweet as honey. Good for mixing.

Scotch -
Black Grouse: A little pricier than cheapo "Famous Grouse", but worth the extra $8. Smoother, smokier, and oakier.
Monkey Shoulder: Not usually consumed on its own. Versatile for mixing. Really sweet on its own.
Laphroaig 10: Can be found for under $40, so I classify this as a cheap whisky. Honestly the best value for the price. If you're into boldly flavored peated scotches, this is a classic.

>> No.7581141
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What whiskey does /ck/ recommends for whiskey beginners? I'm a big fan of sweeter alcohols like Brandy, Amaretto and other liqueurs

>> No.7581146

>steam profile


>> No.7581278
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What does /whisk/ think of based Horst?

>> No.7581285

Check out the laddie 10

>> No.7581297
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Forgot pic

>> No.7581304

ive actually started seein how poor blended cheap scotch is.......
johny walker red was alright, bit medicinal and fiery but not awful

>> No.7581322

I'm interested in trying blended malts to see if they're any good. Since they consist only of single malts the quality should be good and after having tried quite a few single malts, I find the idea of combining them to create new whiskies quite interesting. Blended whiskies like JW and the like are pish because they use a lot of cheap grain whisky blended with some single malts for flavour.

>> No.7581351

Thanks a lot, I'll check these out.

>> No.7581370

agree, its more like research for me tho, hoping to find something thats good value for money or overlooked by single malt snobs

>> No.7581392


>> No.7581416

True, single malts are certainly in vogue just now although there are many small distilleries that are yet to be discovered and thus don't cost much. A good blended malt might be a good investment as it will be comparatively (to the single malts) cheap and is probably the next type of whisky to become fasionable.

>> No.7581450
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, HL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey Shoulder is a blended malt. Good value too.

Good luck finding it. They discontinued it and replaced it with Classic Laddie, which is a forgettable unpeated Laddie that should be skipped.

I kinda get sick of the pretentious and ritualistic tastings in addition to those fuckin noises he makes... But he has a similar palate to me though, so I do value his honesty and opinion.

That's an interesting take on it. Does anyone know of a bottle that has malts blended from different countries? Scotch malt + Jap malt in one bottle?

>> No.7581554

No, but that's an excellent business idea. Look for independent bottlers like BBR or Gordon McPhaill (or however the fuck they spell their name).

My logic behind this is that if you have a look at the blended malts section on whiskyexchange you will see that most of them are either old brands without much street-cred or new edgy-named hipster brands that are clearly marketed to hipsters. The "premium" trend has reached them yet and that's also reflected in their prices and how little you hear about them. Problem is that, since most of them look quite terrible I don't know which one to make an investment on, there really don't seem to be any brands that I can imagine being considered a "classic" in 20 years time.

>> No.7581575
File: 25 KB, 394x1000, islay-blended-malt-27-year-old-number-2-batch-1-that-boutiquey-whisky-company-whisky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean just look at this shit! And it's a shame because I read the description and it looks like a decently good whisky. Which means I'd happily drink it, but it probably won't work as an "investment".

>> No.7581759

Absolutely disgusting bottle. I've never taken those bottlings seriously simply due to the font. Not to mention the fact that they only use clear bottles.

>> No.7581760

Jeesus christ you are retarded

>> No.7581774

That anon ain't retarded, homie. He speaks the truth.

>> No.7581778


My dad fucking loves Glenlivet. I got him a bottle of it for his birthday last year.

>> No.7581800
File: 158 KB, 540x720, vatted_com25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand who the hell they're trying to market these to? Even people in their late 20s-early 30s who I assume are the youngest malt whisky drinkers who can afford or even care for something a little better, would find that label horrible. Here's another one. What the fuck is this shit? It looks like the label for some kind of hipster hot sauce!

>> No.7581803

DIRECT sunlight can affect a bottle over a LONG period of time, to worry about buying from a store without a box is seriously autistic.
If you are buying high end booze it will generally be from a store that knows what they are doing. Are there display cases in the front window? Is the label sun bleached?
When does he exactly think the bottle has been exposed?

>> No.7581861


>> No.7581881

Move on from peat and discover Campbeltown
You won't be disappointed

>> No.7581913

Wait, doesn't Campbeltown also have peat?

>> No.7581924

>If you are buying high end booze it will generally be from a store that knows what they are doing
This is not always the case. I've gone to big franchise and smaller specialist places that sell Yamazaki 12 and 18 for example, and they store the bottles horizontally.

Also, if a bottle does not have a box, you don't know how long it did not have a box. Was it taken into the store without a box, or, was it taken to the shelf with a box.

Some whiskies are really sensitive to sunlight and some shitty reviews are caused by sellers not taking proper care of their bottles.

>> No.7581935

Does anyone know what mountain whiskey is? Just saw a commercial about it during the NBA playoffs. Is that a real thing in the US?

>> No.7581952

This has been a question of mine since a long time ago: How about direct artificial sunlight on hard liquor? Like really direct with the display light being less than a ruler's distance away from an exposed bottle?

>> No.7581990

Maybe you should try a PX-leapfrog should one become available? It is a bit pricey in general but a good taste. Reckon you would appreciate Lagavulin 8, they are doing a special and the young ones tend to be heavier in the peat character.

coke and whiskey seems to be a good start, worked for me. Now I really enjoy different types neat or with a dash of water.

Had this and moch for roughly the same price, went for moch. Needless to say I got memed and regret my decision.

Good range but I would attempt to finish the almost empty ones. Poor surface to volume ratio makes a poor whisky over time.

>> No.7581992

>move on from peat
>to enjoy peat

>> No.7581997

Yet another NAS. Don't fall for the marketing anon, especially if its not cheaper than an aged one.

>> No.7582070

How often do you see bottles of wine sold in boxes? Do you think a bottle of whiskey is more sensitive to incorrect handling?

Bad reviews might also be because taste is subjective.
Ive bought literally dozens of bottles of whiskey, brandy and other spirits at auctions, most bottles over 30 years old, none with boxes, the biggest problem is always the cork and ullage.

Wine on the other hand, unless I get it myself from the persons cellar I rarely buy second hand.

>> No.7582115
File: 165 KB, 670x400, fuck this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are marketing to hipster bartenders with their names and bottle art. I've been to a number of "uptown" bars in numerous cities in the past few years. Whenever I order an Uigedail or Bruichladdich, I have been recommended "Peat Monster" or "Spice Tree" as my next dram. I've tried them and they're okay. Nothing spectacular. But the level of shilling I'm getting from these different bartenders may not be a coincidence.
It only takes one time buying a skunky bottle to make you think twice before buying something unboxed. I'm not the autist, but I have bought a skunky Kilchoman PX and I do pay attention to things like clear bottles and boxes in brightly lit stores.
... but then again who knows? Maybe that was just the Kilchoman.
I'm not ready to "move on" from peat. The taste has been acquired and it is what I seek out. A friend of mine has a Sherry cask Springbank 17 or 18 that I've tried and it's definitely a solid malt and I can definitely see why Campbeltown has a following, but its just not something I'll spend my money on.

>> No.7582157

I think I get it now. I guess I didn't consider that the companies don't make their most profit from people buying bottles for the house but from bartenders who place orders for big batches. As such, it makes a lot of sense to tune their product to the tastes of asshats like in your pic.

Regarding peaty whiskies and non-peaty ones, I feel that the difference is so big (e.g between a Glengoyne and a Lagavulin) that you could almost call them a different drink. As such I like to keep a bottle of peaty island whisky and a bottle of speyside, because sometimes I just want something beautifully smooth and sweet and sometimes I want a proper full-on peaty smoky dram.

>> No.7582210
File: 228 KB, 1600x1067, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes I just want something beautifully smooth and sweet and sometimes I want a proper full-on peaty smoky dram
I know what you mean, man. You're reminding me how bummed I am that Jim McEwan is retiring from Bruichladdich. He really brought that place back to life. He's single handedly crafted my favorite unpeated whisky (Black Art) AND my favorite peated one (Octomore 6.3).

>> No.7582219

Need to try Bruichladdich, still never tried any of them! Which would you suggest?

Whiskeyexchange has a two bottle order limit on their 10s, because its been discontinued so maybe it's a good investment but I'd like a bottle or two to drink as well.

>> No.7582291
File: 32 KB, 562x1000, elijah-craig-small-batch-bourbon-12-year-old-whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any love for Elijah Craig?

I love the 12 year old. But... how's the others taste? The 21 and 18 and 23 and the Barrel Proof.

>> No.7582295
File: 886 KB, 2400x1600, laddiewagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laddie 10 is solid and definitely worth getting since it's not made anymore. That would be a great intro. Classic Laddie is trash. Bottle color and look is similar, but the product inside isn't.
Most of the Octomore line is great. They're all super heavily peated, young, and have high ABV. There's also a ton of different versions out there and they are all quite different. I find that the X.2 and X.3 releases are better than the X.1 releases. I believe those 2's and 3's are finished in sherry/port/wine/rum casks and have tons of unusual and other-worldly notes, while the 1's are a bit one-dimensional and just knock you over the head with peat.
But if you have the opportunity to try the Black Art line - do it. Fuckin insane flavors.

>> No.7582330

Definitely getting a bottle (or two) of the 10. Just had a look at the Octomore line's prices and damn they're expensive. The reviews are raving though and even the bottles are all excellent.

>> No.7582528

Really? Some people put Dickel 12 over Rare 10.

>> No.7582655

Drop the idea of one being "the best", no such thing. The best whiskey is the one that YOU enjoy the most.
Dickel is quite different to the other two, which share more in common with eachother.
You may like the higher proof of the WT, the wood and dryness of the ER, or the funk of the dickel, which some people cant stand.

>> No.7582695

Woah, looks like we got a post-structuralist over here.

>> No.7582782

barrel proof is always good
i liked the 18 but it's definitely mostly oak, i can't imagine any of the older ones being pleasant

>> No.7582786

i wouldn't call dickel's aftertaste "funk"; it's a weird minerality that i tend to associate with chalk or flouride

>> No.7582795

Jim Beam Honey is my go to. It's cheap and tastes... alright

>> No.7582798

Suit yourself, its a natural progression , like when you start drinking wine you like heavy cab savs and merlots then you refine your tastes to pinot .
Whisky is the same, you like the big bold flavours now but you will get bored with them eventually.

>> No.7583437

Whoah looks like we have a first year philosophy major here

>> No.7585099

I'm completely new to whiskey what should i buy for my first foray into whiskey?

>> No.7585495

Try a few basics and see what you like.
Scotch - Johnny Walker Black label
Canadian - Crown Royal
American - Jack Daniels
Irish - Jameson
Japanese - Yamazaki

These are by no means the best, but good entry points.

>> No.7585507
File: 57 KB, 375x500, nikkacoffey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everybody drinking tonight?
pic related.
Just poured myself some.

>> No.7585553
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1552, tin-cup[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried this shit? I keep seeing commercials for it, but i haven't seen it on the shelves, yet.

>> No.7585651

Some Knob Creek.

>> No.7585670


i usually stick to laphroig but my last bottle was caol lla, it was ok i guess.

best whisky i tried so far is nikka all malt, shit was smooth

>> No.7585701

Which do you prefer? Laphroaig or Caol Ila?

>> No.7585708


>> No.7585720

Not him, but Caol Ila is definitely oilier and not as well rounded. Also not the same liqourice/tar depth. Much prefer Laphroaig. Both are well worth drinking though.

>> No.7585732

i concurr and im "him" :D

>> No.7585747

I agree, and I sort of regret ordering the Caol Ila now. Although to be honest Laphroaig can sometimes be too "in your face" when you just want a relaxed drink..What do you gents think of Lagavulin and Talisker?

>> No.7585752
File: 92 KB, 540x720, ldgob.10yov1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And while we're on the topic of peaty Island whiskies..This is great! Went on a tour of their distillery too.

>> No.7585754
File: 48 KB, 200x200, Ard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a better comparison is Ardbeg vs. Laphroaig.
For me it's Ardbeg by just a tiny bit.

>> No.7585770

>muh smoke
>muh peat
>muh idione
What's that smell? Is it the smell of someone trying to reseason the cast iron pan mommy wommy dunked in dish soap when anon was busy playing the Steam?

>> No.7585783

Haven't had Ardbeg in ages, can't even remember what it tastes like really!

>> No.7585795
File: 185 KB, 804x1000, P4190001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me pour a dram.

>> No.7585807

'Not him' again. Lagavulin is more than decent, Talisker is window wash. So is Bowmore. >>7585795 is nice when not in an Islay mood.

>> No.7585809

Hotter. Less liqouice. Very similar imo.

>> No.7585853

Talisker ain't window wash! At least not the 10yr old one. If you're used to more mellow ones it might shock you at first but the more you drink it the better it gets (lol). The smell in particular is amazing! I know "iodine" is a bit of a meme but it really comes through! Why on earth don't you like Bowmore? Have you tried the 18?
My father has a bottle will get to try it in a few weeks when I visit!

>> No.7585881

>Have you tried the 18?
Yes, unfortunately. If I ever need to unclog the drain again I might revisit. But, to each his own.

>> No.7585895

Of course, to each his own! I find it strange though, it seemed very mellow to me! Not complex or particularly interesting but not harsh at all either.

Anyone tried Auchentosan? Got pressured into buying it from the guy at Duty-Free and I kinda regret it now.

>> No.7586197
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20160418_223328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me do this, /ck/.

>> No.7586215

Argh you bastard! Wish I could do the same, but I've got work to do!

>> No.7586217

I love the label by the way, don't know why something about it!

>> No.7586759

>have drunk wine, sake, and shochu before
>have tried beer before
>about to try my very first 80 proof hard liquor
I tried to drink some Wild Turkey 81 and I just couldn't drink the entire shot. Damn, that was nasty. Smelled bad, tasted bad too.

>> No.7586779
File: 66 KB, 1200x800, 139957_the-glenlivet-founders-reserve-1l_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a rye bourbon lad can taste a bit like medicine or dr pepper

try something like jack daniels or makers mark or buffalo traces

i generally just mix bourbon with coke and thats how i drink it

the only whisky's i drink straight are single malts

get yourself some glenlivet founders reserve have maybe 3-4 beers before hand to get you in the mood then drink it on the rocks

if your not fond of beer have cider first the reason is it takes away the harshness of the whisky

glenlivet founders reserve is a great introductory whisky if you ask me

>> No.7586802

Thanks for the advice, boss-man.
Why JD, MM, and BT? Are they sweeter and less rough or something?
>i generally just mix bourbon with coke and thats how i drink it
I really try to enjoy alcohol on their own merits and not with any added sweeteners. It's how I got to enjoy shochu and wine (but not really beer and sake, but I could stand them).

It's just the WT smelled really astringent and bad, then when I tasted it, it was just really weird taste. Medicine, yeah, that's somewhat what I felt it tasted like.

>> No.7586827

I have also tried drinking WT and was completely put off by it. So much, that I have not tried whiskey since. I've had some beer before and that was kind of serviceable. I probably won't be able to drink actual whiskey, or, is bourbon just tough to drink compared to other scotch, irish and japanese whiskies?

>> No.7586835
File: 69 KB, 433x650, JB_SmallBatch_433x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they are sweeter desu i've moved away from sweeter bourbons i like jim beam small batch for instance

i think entry level you go for the less harsh sweeter bourbons then you work your way into it

its like beer your first beer is always going to be some tastely macro brewery shit and then you start branching out into APA's, IPA's, pilsneres and lagers etc...

same goes for whisky...

>It's just the WT smelled really astringent and bad, then when I tasted it, it was just really weird taste. Medicine, yeah, that's somewhat what I felt it tasted like.

thats definitely the rye whisky taste your getting just avoid rye bourbon whiskys and you should be sweet

try no 7 or black label as it is referred to i think you'd enjoy that

its probably a good beginner bourbon

like i said though generally i mix bourbons and drink single malts straight

> I probably won't be able to drink actual whiskey, or, is bourbon just tough to drink compared to other scotch, irish and japanese whiskies?

bourbon is a little rougher i'd say than other whisky's but many people enjoy drinking it straight just try something that isn't a rye bourbon and is half decent

trust me i've been drinking bourbon since i was 13 and only discovered rye bourbons recently and i detest them so not all bourbons taste like wild turkey

>> No.7586847

Is Eagle Rare 10 a good replacement for Wild Turkey 81? I'm still willing to give American whiskey a chance or two.

>> No.7586858

beer general if your interested


>> No.7586868

>i think entry level you go for the less harsh sweeter bourbons then you work your way into it
I guess that makes sense. Thought I could handle this after being able to handle some 50 proof shochu.

>> No.7586872

i've never had eagle rare so i cant comment but i don't think its a rye bourbon so i say go for it

just have it a on the rocks and see if you like it

>> No.7586878

Eagle Rare 10 got some rye in it too, guys.

>> No.7586879

yeah like i said i've never had it i heard theres only a hint of rye in it though

try umm woodford reserve thats a very smooth bourbon but its a bit expensive for a beginner

>> No.7586895

Woodford Reserve isn't very good for the money.

>> No.7586920

i tend to agree but as an entry level its great very smooth bourbon but yeah its over priced

any suggestions?

>> No.7587093

>tfw I lived in Spain for half a year and William Lawsons was 7€ for 700cl while every other branded blend, even fucking red label was at least 10€.
I still drink William Lawsons from time to time, just to bring back the memories.

>> No.7587144

Woudlnt bother, over marketted and over priced NDP crap, dont give the jerks your money.

>> No.7587154


I found Woodford very disappointing. Makers Mark is good, or maybe Wild Turkey. Not sure of prices in the US but pretty reasonable in the UK.

>> No.7587179

so im the buyer for a craft beer/high end liquor store in LA. reason jap whiskey is being marked up like crazy is because the demand right now is sky high and distributors are honestly having a rough time importing it rn for some reason.been like this for the past 4 months

>> No.7587185


Founders reserve is a great starter whisky, in fact a pretty decent whisky in general. Very well priced too.

However, I would recommend that for Scotch whisky you add some water as opposed to ice as you tend to find that cooling it dulls the flavour which doesn't happen with bourbon / American whiskey.

I tend to take a sip straight, then add water until the burn goes away. Some people like a couple of drops, some people like a bit more. Worth experimenting with.

>> No.7587211

>or maybe Wild Turkey

not being a fag but the dude doesn't like rye whisky and he wants something that doesn't taste like medicine

early on i suggested makers mark

and no i'm not having a go at you just saying

>Founders reserve is a great starter whisky

thats pretty much why suggested it but anon has his heart set on bourbon whisky's which are a bit harder to drink straight imho

>> No.7588033

As someone who's a novice whiskey drinker but enjoys their Yellow Label: would you recommend the Small Batch, or just spring the extra 10 or so bucks for Single Barrel?

>> No.7588156

Is that stuff good? I just bought my brother a bottle for his birthday. Just picked it out by random from the top shelf. I don't know anything about whiskey.

>> No.7588166
File: 364 KB, 900x1200, gfdob.15yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a bottle of this yesterday. It's okay.

>> No.7588178
File: 52 KB, 600x600, smokehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend offered me this Smokehead bottle.
The skull is edgy as shit but it's not on the bottle hopefully.
I like peaty whisky.

>> No.7588547
File: 155 KB, 540x720, Bowmore Legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a bottle of Bowmore Legend. Find it pretty decent for it's price. But not really used to the "peaty" side of islay's whisky...Maybe it will come with time.

What do you guys think of this whisky ?

>> No.7588622
File: 153 KB, 640x960, cutty-sark-s-prohibition-scotch-is-the-greatest-thing-since-the-end-of-prohibition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly I'm no connoisseur. But this is stupid good value for my palette at 30 uSD. Regular cutty sark (water) is 23usd and will not get you anywhere but drunk eventually.

For a budgety bottle though the prohibition has some burn, spice, character, and goes well with or without lemon and/or ice.

>> No.7588914

This. Damn, I thought bourbon was going to taste good and boy was I wrong. I couldn't even stand the smell.

>> No.7588952

How about Lowland whisky? Would that be good for a whisky beginner too?

>> No.7588970
File: 22 KB, 250x433, 250px-Old_Grand_Dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7589621

Speyside is the most approachable IMO. Realy sweet and smooth. Glenfiddich, Balvenie, Glengoyne, Auchentossan, Glenrothes. All good choices.

>> No.7589656
File: 1.69 MB, 2164x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here here

>> No.7589708
File: 431 KB, 1627x1078, yoichi bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might finish off my Highland Einar, it's really nice, I'm quite into it. I find it a little easier to drink than the 18.

>Pic unrelated, yoichi distillery, sorry for potato quality

>> No.7589747

Lowland Scotch is easy drinking stuff but I don't know if it's something for a beginner necessarily. It tends to be pretty subtle in terms of flavor so someone new to whisky might find it boring even.

>> No.7589978


Goofy image aside that stuff's pretty good.

>> No.7589988
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, w-Crystal-Decanter-199870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it is! There are many of these blended malts that sound really interesting if you read the description. It's the marketing that kills them. Of course this doesn't change how drinkable they may or may not be, it does affect their collectibility though (which is what we were discussing).

I just got an idea though! I could get a fancy old fashioned decanter or two and keep them in there! Problem solved.

>> No.7590012

You could...but whisky DOES start to oxidize noticeably after a while. Heavily peated whisky especially is affected relatively quickly by that, the phenolic character degrades a lot even if left in the bottle.

>> No.7590016

I suppose I would only really have a regular drinker in a decanter but you raise a fair point that I hadn't considered. How long would you give it in there before it lost it's character?

>> No.7590650

Some people can't handle alcohol well. Some can't even handle drinking wine. But rye bourbon seems like too advanced for a new drinker.

>> No.7591779

Nabbed a bottle of Talisker Storm for £21 last week.
Currently have a taste for a Lidl blend, Queen Margot 8 yr old. As blends go it's pretty bloody good, much creamier and honeyed compared to Johnnies Black Label

>> No.7591897

is that a fucking octocat glass. Actually I shouldn't be surprised, programmers are some of the heaviest drinkers I've seen I say this being one myself.

>> No.7591928

What you're looking for is a high quality decanter. Google 'ground glass joint' and you'll see it's easily made airtight and there's no way being in a properly sealed decanter is any worse than being in its bottle. It might even be better sealed in the decanter than in the corked bottle.

>> No.7592380

I hate Bowmore, but Im not saying you cant like it. If you want peat go Lagavulin 16, Ardbeg 10 or Laphroaig QC. If you want more peat go Octomore.

How is the Storm? I think the 10 is quite alright, but heard less favorable opinions on their other bottlings.

>> No.7592497

I tried to like whiskey once, but I am shit

Your cunt?
When did you start to like it?
How many of you are posing?

>> No.7592503

And a follow up question
Was it an acquired taste for those of you who actually like it?

>> No.7592935
File: 957 KB, 1879x1057, tasting event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your cunt?
>When did you start to like it?
>How many of you are posing?
>Was it an acquired taste for those of you who actually like it?
I was taken to a "Johnnie Walker Tour of Tastes" event when I was 22 and was introduced to the world of Scotch by a weird drunk in a kilt that literally goes around the world introducing people to Scotch. Everyone at the event had multiple glasses of about .5 oz of each of the different regions of Scotland and was told all about what to expect from each region and how Johnnie Walker blends them all together and comes up with a magical blend that is perfectly balanced. At the time I hated most of them, but could handle the more mild regions and actually liked the Gold Label Johnnie Walker blend. The key bit of information I was given by the Scot was that you're not going to like all of them right off the bat, however you will acquire a taste for certain flavors in your whisky if you keep drinking it. As a 22-24 year old I would keep ordering different scotches at bars since I knew my fair share about it due to kiltbro, and I wanted to develop a taste for it. In many ways I was posing at the time, since I didn't truly have a taste for it and didn't always enjoy it. I'd say that by the time I was 25 years old, I definitely enjoyed the range of JW black thru blue blends and Macallan 12/18 frequently. These days over a decade later I prefer heavily peated Islays single malts almost exclusively. Back then I hated them. Now it's all I like.

>> No.7593707

Well, if they get used to Lowlands, then they might get used to more flavorful whiskies in the future.

>> No.7593900

The Storm is peaty but sweet, especially compared to the 10 yr old. It has a honeyed palate upon the tongue which gives way to a smooth smoke and peaty finish.
I quite like it, it's not in your face like the 10 yr old initially is. Very warming.

>> No.7594087

umm i don't mind the sweeter single malts but definitely dont enjoy the more harsher malts like talisker if thats the word for it

>> No.7594106

Around 17 i guess
Not an acquired taste, i don't drink often drink whiky, but when i do, i enjoy it.

>> No.7594133
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, fireball-canadian-cinnamon-whisky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is probably my favourite at the moment, I'm also a big fan of Jack Daniels honey. I don't see either mentioned ITT, if you are into your whiskys give them a shot.

>> No.7594200

lol drinking meme whisky psshtt

get out of here kid

>> No.7594208

Would you rather receive the most expensive blended Scotch money could buy (JW Blue, Black Bull 40 yr, Chivas 25 yr, Dewar Signature) or a less expensive single malt (Longrow 18 yr, Glenmorangie Signet, Lonach Glen Moray 25 yr, Glendronach 21 yr)? This is a gift. What's your perspective?

The liquor store near me has a 42 yr Ledaig Malt that's close to 5k. I get how expensive single malts can be.

I drink blends, and it's typically cheap shit with ginger ale/ginger beer ala Cutty Sark, J&B, Dewar's White, JW Red, so I'm out of my element. The person in question is not.

I also understand blends get a lot of hate for whatever reason.

>> No.7594456

Whisky is whisky. The real question is coke, or pepsi for the mixer?

>> No.7594534
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20160421_161728_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb here.

Suck my dick.

>> No.7595696

If it's a gift, I'd want something that's limited in production. Single malt or blended doesn't make much difference. Age doesn't either.

>> No.7596339
File: 51 KB, 838x591, Johnnie Walker Black Label logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading and scanning the thread and still need some information if some fellow Americans might assist...

I started my whiskey journey long ago when I first tried Jack Daniels No.7 at a party. I was less than pleased and it never passed my lips again even to this day. I liked the idea of whiskey though and pursued Wild Turkey at a different time and place. This did not meet my tastes expectations either. Admittedly swigging a bottle was probably not the best way to engage but such is youth. I enjoyed Crown Royal when it came across my path in a similar fashion but never really pursued it individually. When I finally got to an age where I began actively pursuing finer experiences I tried Johnny Walker Black Label and it stuck.

When I drink whiskey, Black Label is generally it. It's the only liquor I really like to sit and drink by itself. I can drink it as is but really prefer on the rocks. I doctor my glass as it weakens and find my sweet spot. I have continued my whiskey journey slightly and tried the Rye Blend that Johnny Walker has/had. It was good and I liked it for something more defined. I have tried Maker's Mark and found it sweet for my tastes but it grew on me as the bottle went on. Definitely prefer less sweet though. I am really unsure where to go from here. There are so many bottles on the shelf and my instinct says go for a higher priced bottle but my ignorance stays my hand since finances do not flow freely around here. I have looked around the net and everything is so mixed. Thoughts from the experienced /whisk/ers here on what I should try next?

Thanks in advance for any help!

>> No.7596490

There are blends that are blends of malt whiskey, which can be very good. JW green is a good example, I think Compass Box makes a few of these.

For blends in the general sense, I'd generally say no, since the fact that they're largely relatively bland corn liquor tends to make them less interesting.

However, that might make them more drinkable for someone who's not really into whisky. But there are plenty of lovely single malts that are not at all hard to drink. And anyway you seem to state that the person is not new to whisky. If that's true, get a good single malt, because they are on average more distinctive than blends and so should be more interesting and potentially unique for the drinker.

>> No.7596924

Honestly, how do people enjoy whiskey? I'm convinced that everyone who does it simply does because it's what is expected. Jack Daniels for example. Tastes like ass, mixed or by itself...what am doing wrong /ck/

>> No.7596931

>what am doing wrong /ck/
You're drinking Jack Daniels.

>> No.7596945

I hate Jack. Jack is one that you either like or hate. I've been growing into whiskey, but overall I'll prefer rum, tequila or beer/wine.

Try predominantly rye whiskeys, I tend to gravitate towards them myself as they are more floral, herbal and sweet. NOthing too high in alcohol either, aim for 90 proof or lower when starting out

>> No.7597052

There's tons of different varieties of whiskey. JD is pretty shitty, though. If you're a person who is sensitive to alcohol, it might just not suit you, though that is something you can get accustomed to, and if you do you'll find that there's tons of interesting flavor in it. I buy nice whiskey and drink it in increments where the alcohol is basically a non-factor, because it is delicious flavor-juice. You can find scotch that tastes like anything from vanilla and strawberries, to smoked fish and seaweed.

>> No.7597055

Dr. Pepper

>> No.7597366

I've been a fan of mostly peaty scotch, tried a few bourbons but never a rye.
I'm going to at an airport soon, any ryes I should try and get duty free?

>> No.7597371

Ginger ale or ginger beer.

>> No.7597391


I haven't had the small batch in ages so I can't vouch for it.

>> No.7597419

Which bourbons don't have rye that are good to drink straight?

>> No.7597498
File: 2.79 MB, 3984x2988, Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for my birthday, I'm enjoying it,
My tasting notes,
Creme brulree on the nose, with citrus , pink grapefruit, and a hint of white pepper and cedar wood. The palate is rich and sweet, with American Oak and butterscotch.

>> No.7597532



Bought myself a bottle of Laphroaig on my 18th birthday because I was reading a bunch of Trevanian novels where it was the protagonists drink of choice.

It was quite challenging back then but I took my time and learned to appreciate it, the bottle lasted me almost a year.

I was an occasional whisky drinker until I settled down and stopped clubbing on the weekends and took life a bit slower.

>> No.7597535

Makers Mark - all variants, slightly overpriced
Larceny - great value
WL Weller - hard to find

get the Larceny.

>> No.7597563
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Eagle Rare
Buffalo Trace if you want to go cheap

Maker's Mark is VILE, it is definitely not a sipping whiskey

>> No.7597570

Nice reading comprehension fag lord

>> No.7597753

I'm curious have anyof you edgeyMc Edge Lords even been to Scotland?
I didn't think so
can tell by by the 4th rate reviews from regular shelf whisky's one would find at their local supermarket.
ALL of you except a few are doing this, you know who you are.
time to lift your whisky game BITCH, no one cares about stock standard shit,
because everyone has had it before,
time to go out of your way to buy and try something new,
>whats a good
we talking single mother fucking SCOTCH MALT bitch.
>get it ?

>> No.7597763

Are you trying to tell us that your gay, or what?

>> No.7598446

Knob Creek is excellent.

>> No.7598548
File: 631 KB, 2048x1152, 20160422_152216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...I just went out and grabbed something new to try. (Pic related) probably the tastiest thing I've ever tried for whiskey so far. It is like black label got better. Lighter, sweet with a hint of smoke and wood. I like my Johnny usually on the rocks and let it melt just a smidge. Decided to try this straight off and no burn or anything that was what I DIDN'T like about Johnny. I recommend it if anyone else wants to try. Definitely a cheaper bottle at 40 bucks but I am very much enjoying. Light years ahead of black label. Time to relax for the evening :)

>> No.7598568

>pretending to like Whisky just so people think I'm le cool Don Draper guy.

You all know you wouldn't drink it without the high alcohol content. Alcohol-free Whisky is something even thirsty people wouldn't take if you offered them two bucks a shot.

Pretentious retards. All of you.

>> No.7598597

That's because you need some alcohol to dissolve all the phenols and tatsy things. Th'as why alcohol-free whisky is not good, while normal whiky is.

>> No.7598657

Hard bait

>> No.7599594
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these two. Sippin' on the one on the left (It was on sale for £25 the other day).

Who else drinking?

>> No.7600489

Managed to get some Yamazaki 12 for cheap
Apparently, there's a lot of Yamazaki 12 out there. They just end up selling for a x2 markup.

>> No.7600683

So how good are Japanese whiskies? I've heard that they are a like a go-between from Speysides and Lowlands.

>> No.7601239

I recently read they make peaty whiskies too. I am quite curious to try one at some point.

>> No.7601762
File: 549 KB, 2048x1152, 20160423_153804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home with this today. Gonna give it a whirl. Seemed to have decent reviews when I poked around. Not a single malt but highly recommended bang for buck. Will update later when I open it.

>> No.7601818

I tried it last night for the first time just because I've seen it here on occasion. It's very drinkable, incredibly subtle and not harsh in anyway. That being said it might be a little TOO subtle, there's not a lot of flavors that really come to the forefront. I suspect it would make a really good cocktail of some kind.

That brings me to a question. What's a good cocktail I can make with this? I have limited options, but I'll see what I can do.

>> No.7602021
File: 152 KB, 800x533, penicillin_cocktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



2 oz blended scotch.
1 oz ginger honey syrup.
1 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice.
1/4 oz Laphroaig

The 1 oz of ginger honey syrup can just be made by mixing together 1/2 oz water and 1/2 oz honey then muddling it with some chunks of fresh ginger root in a cocktail shaker. Then add the lemon juice and blended scotch. Shake all that with ice, then strain over a glass with a large ice chunk.
Float the Laphroaig.
Garnish with whatever lemon or ginger shit you got. If you have candied ginger or twisted lemon peel, go for it.

>> No.7602061

What's the best poorfag whiskey? I'd rather a healthier product than a tastier one made of shit, as dark liquors tend to give me shitty hangovers. Sobieski vodka for example is amazing quality considering that I can pick up a 1.75l for 15 dollars. Anything similar to that in the whiskey world?

>> No.7602080

Knob Creek is my favorite cheap bourbon. I haven't had a lot of cheap scotch, every scotch I've had was 40 or over.

>> No.7602098

Just poured my second glass. First was over ice. This time I added water with the ice. Much better. Can taste more diverse flavors although still not quite to my taste. Can't help on the cocktail advice. Just don't really know any. This sounds good though>>7602021

>> No.7602101

Teachers is a pretty good poorfag whiskey

>> No.7602168

Thanks gents I'll look into both of them. Any of yall have any more suggestions?

>> No.7602231


>> No.7602501

>p-please read my shitpost, I worked really hard on it

>> No.7602549

Fuck off faggot no one is impressed by your extended sets, only your idiot friends you scribbled on the guest list

>> No.7602781

thanks cheers

>> No.7602887
File: 3.01 MB, 2368x4208, IMAG0048_BURST002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had so co. Makers. Evans. Jack. And this stuff. This stuff is rough but is amazing with a lil sprite.
Other than that my dad made his own corn whiskey and aged it in oak barrels.
So smooth and a great buzz. If I could find a whiskey like that.. any suggestions under 50..?

>> No.7602917
File: 113 KB, 950x442, nikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikka Coffey Grain is an excellent corn whisky. Price might be a bit over $50 depending on where you live, but it'll be near $50.

>> No.7602982

I'll look for it next time thanks

>> No.7603105

Isle of Skye 8 is a good scotch blend.

Speyburn and Tomatin make cheap-ass single malts that go for cheap because they have no prestige. But they're not bad. I found the latter at 12 years old for $26 and it was worth that.

>> No.7603489

Bourbon is not inherently expensive like Scotches, Knob Creek is probably a mid range bourbon as far as price.
When you say cheap I think of Evan William, JD, Jim Beam, etc.

If you're paying above $60 for a bourbon then you can probably assume it's not worth it.

>> No.7603654

Four Roses Small Batch.
Love that shit. Love the single barrel even more but I couldn't find it and couldn't be arsed to drive like 15 minutes to go get it.

>> No.7603659

It really does have a weird syrupy taste to it.
Something a little off about Wild Turkey...not terrible, just not amazing.

>> No.7603671

Ok, that color alone puts a tear in my eye. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
Yellow label is extremely light in comparison. Small batch is really good but also a little light. I can still vouch for it though. Single Barrel for me is a step up. A little less blatant spice but also more really nice dark notes and actually a tad bit of fruit like a Speyside or sherried cask.
Good shit, really good shit.

>> No.7603738
File: 651 KB, 2048x1152, 20160423_230622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling it too anon

>> No.7603905

Hahaha, OK Andrew, while I'm drinking my discontinued line of Elements of Islay, or Duncan Taylors Rare Auld, I'll spare a thought for the supermarket whisky enthusiasts, like yourself, but hey you've had a Port Askaig 25 y/o, Blue Hanger 30 y/o, Balvenie 21y/o Port Finish, Glenturret 19 y/o, Lochside 1981, haven't you?
Yes when all you faggots realize SMS is a rich man's sport , your eternally underdeveloped tastes based on pleb tier, supermarket entry level
>that's all I could afford
Collection entails you will bounce back to wine and beer harder than Jordan dunked on Ewing back in the 90s

>> No.7603913

>P-P-Please know that one time my redneck girlfriend spewed nigger jizz and Johnny Walker up on me when she puked in our bed was the best whisky I-I-I ever had, top blend.

>> No.7603931
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>> No.7603963
File: 74 KB, 768x1024, penderyn myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to the old aqua vitae and therefore a 1-bottle-at-a-time kind of guy, who's currently sipping pictured. Really keen on the peaty stuff (Caol Islay and Lagavulin in particular) but find them a bit too reminiscent of those cold autumn and winter nights; which is why I really appreciate some 'fruitier' tasting whisky when the weather gets warmer.

Any recommendations for a whisky (or bourbon or rye) now the weather's brightening up?

>> No.7603987


That shit is rancid. My brother bought a jar of it shortly after his 18th birthday, had maybe 2 drinks and never touched it again, I think it's still sitting on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

I've tried it a couple times when I was desperate to keep a buzz going and I can't do it, I would rather be sober.

>> No.7604002
File: 107 KB, 170x600, glentalloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7604123

Just stop, nobody is amused or irritated, its just sad.

>> No.7604147

Hello Ghost. How's Templeton?

>> No.7605015

>its just sad
like your whisky collection

>> No.7605049

no way, not even close IMO
this is probably where youd want to go if you finally want to get out of jack daniels. good all around and i come back to it often.

wild turkey 101 for me tho, cheap and gets me fucked up with decent flavor. little too sweet, but its not gonna ruin it for me

>> No.7605367

my coworker drinks this. she is a cock hungry milf and i love her. but this is a bitch drink, not to mention it tastes like shit. im gagging just thinking about it. do crown royal apple if you want that flavored shit

>> No.7605373

its easy, but its not distinct. its something i would give to a kid that has only had jack daniels, but not something i would give to someone who actually drinks whiskey regularly

>> No.7605607

Its not a whiskey bro, its GNS, sugar and flavour.
Its no more a whiskey than peach schnapps is

>> No.7605633
File: 10 KB, 158x319, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very good. Although I prefer rum or gin desu.

>> No.7605772

>Duncan Taylors Rare Auld
>Elements of Islay
Those aren't even really that expensive. I have discontinued Flora and Fauna bottles that cost 4x-5x that

>> No.7606205

I enjoy whiskey with a side of nacho chips or tortilla chips or whatever the fuck you call them.
Corn triangles.
God tier burps.

>> No.7607112
File: 260 KB, 600x862, HP-12yo-bottle-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just turned 21 and bought a bottle of this for my birthday. I tried it when I was in Scotland and absolutely loved it. Are there any other whiskeys near this price range that anyone can recommend?

>> No.7607243

Fuck yes