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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7596994 No.7596994 [Reply] [Original]

I got a DUI (2 gross mist. because I was over twice the limit too) and was incarcerated for about 4 days before I was able to get out on conditions until my court date.
I'm checking into a treatment center for a year, and will be going in tomorrow. (supposedly checking into a treatment b4 my court date will most likely prevent me from going to prison for 2 years.)

So I have one opportunity to have a last meal of my own choice; either home-cooked or eat-out. What would your last Freedom Meal be?

I'm thinking Filet Mignon (Slightly past rare, but rarer than medium rare). Topped with sliced portabella mushrooms and sliced sweet vadalia onions; caramelized in skillet; with a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce added.

>> No.7596997

For me it's the Big Mac

>> No.7596998

Fuck off shill

>> No.7597025

have fun living in delray, chode

>> No.7597028



You get sensible healthy balanced meals every day in state custody.

They are bland and boring within a week.

Makes you want COKE and CHIPS.

>> No.7597032

Prime rib with horseradish and au jux

>> No.7597035

Yeah I remember when I was locked up. I suddenly got a craving for taco bell or carl's jr.

>> No.7597036

I hear you op, going to court for a felony and mis on Tuesday, we will be ok

>> No.7597038

some nice tube steak
oh, oh no wait you'll be getting plenty of that in the can

>> No.7597040
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Fuck the meal! Party like you got diagnosed with cancer!

>> No.7597046

>a year.

Where did you get a DUI? I've had a DWI in Texas, I was 2X the legal limit and I was on probation for a year, no jail or anything. Except for 2 days...the bean slop made me puke.

>> No.7597047

What shithole do you live in where your first DUI gets you a two-year prison sentence? Or is not your first?

>> No.7597074

All of the answer to these please - that seems awfully fuckin harsh for DUI

>> No.7597078

I think in my state a fifth DUI gets you a two-year sentence.

>> No.7597079

What did you ALLEGEDLY do, anon?

>> No.7597114

I have zero sympathy for retards like you who endanger my life and my family's lives. Zero. If it were up to me, I'd throw in you slammer for like 3 years and put your license on probation for life, one more fuck up and you're done.

Fucking assholes.

>> No.7597131
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>mfw i drive drunk nearly every day
>mfw cops will almost certainly not catch me
>mfw i'll get a slap on the wrist even if i do get caught
>mfw i drive better than you sober when i'm drunk

>> No.7597133

My coworker was twice over the limit, t-boned a police car while running a red light and just got a huge fine. You must live in Alabama or some shit.

>> No.7597179

I would probably go for a degustation, the most expensive one you can afford

>> No.7597193

You need to work on your bait some. It's just too obvious

>> No.7597208

Fuck you pussy DUI laws are made to make money. I drive better drunk than you do sober. Be a good goy and believe in our justice system.

>> No.7597209

Just drink an entire bottle of the most expensive whiskey you can find. It's not like you're going to need the money.

>> No.7597210


>> No.7597214

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.7597225

Come on, it's fine if you're confident in your drunk driving skills, but it's clearly a problem, and an easily preventable one. Who needs to be drunk all the time? Do you not believe in seatbelts either?


>> No.7597251

Fuck seatbelt I grew up NH. Its my god givin right to choose to wear them or not. Seatbelts are gay so I don't wear them.

>> No.7597259

You're trying to hard.

>> No.7597884
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OP here:
Going in at 2pm, (4 hours from now). I wound up having a "premium" frozen supreme pizza (rising crust which I didn't eat the crust). Tabasco doused on it.
I don't know why, but I just had a craving for the pre-processed pizza. Also had like, 6 rockstar energy drinks, stayed up to watch Colbert and James Corden while eating said pizza.
Since I was working at a job that started at 4am, I haven't been able to do that for a loooong time, since I graduated college in 2010. Reliving a "college night" felt better than fancy food. Bye.

>> No.7597897

Minnesota. My state has (or DOES) have the strictest DUI laws in the entire USA. I'm not even joking; you get royally but-fucked so bad you consider just rolling over and dying as the funeral would be cheaper.

>> No.7597962
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>> No.7597973

For me it's the Big Mac

>> No.7598045


im a mt bro and this is the most lax state in the US

>> No.7598052

jesus i hope youre baiting

>> No.7598466

Former mt bro, yeah its pretty lax there was nice. You used to be able to crack a beer n drive around.

>> No.7598472

Fuck no, seatbelts suck. They kill more people than they save. There also uncomfortable and just overall gay

>> No.7598477

Night night keep your butthole tight

>> No.7599537
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Pic related.

>> No.7599541

fuck you, Jon. you have a fight tomorrow against OSP.

>> No.7599556


What fucking alcohol treatment program lasts an entire year?

>> No.7599562

Bamafag here. Was riding with someone who was drunk and he hit a cop, got a big fine as well.

>> No.7599597

massive amounts of alcohol

>> No.7599624

>not the McDolphin

>> No.7599628

A massive steak with poutine and a shitload of booze

>> No.7600018

>They kill more people than they save

You're thinking of airbags.

One can only be so good at drunk driving, until they get into a pretty bad accident. Happens to most everyone. I hope you think about that before your brain covers some pavement somewhere.

>> No.7600058

Nah seatbelts too, seat belt laws were pushed by ralph nader backed by lobbyists for big seatbelt companies.

>> No.7600068


Box of wine with a 12 pack of beer.

>> No.7600077



>> No.7600126

/o/ here, the anti-seatbelt/airbag posters are massive faggots

>> No.7600135

This with a lobster tail, a side of steamed asparagus with garlic butter, a baked potato w/sour cream and chives, then you're all set

>> No.7600148

A bullet

>> No.7600155

Seriously. I got into a massive car accident back in September when a massive tour bus hit me, spinning me out 4 lanes, causing me to be hit by 3 more cars while spinning to the median. If I hadn't been wearing a seatbelt, I definitely would have died.

>> No.7600162

Most rehab places have great food and a shit load of it.

>> No.7600199

I went through medical detox and ate like a goddamn king. The food wasn't amazing but it was alot better than what I had been eating prior to my hitting rock bottom. And the portions seemed huge to me. It was really the only thing I had to look forward to in there between the hours of sheer boredom, withdrawals, being freezing, and constantly having my blood drawn and vitals tested. I always ate a whole lot and then some more so I'd get so full I wouldn't think about drinking.

>> No.7600201

Anecdotal evidence;
I'm glad you didn't die, but in 2011 seatbelts killed 30000 people in the US. Also laws don't make people do things, making drugs illegal really stops people from using them right?

>> No.7600220

Shut the fuck up shithead, fuck your family. Not everyone charged with DUI in Murga is guilty, not with police quotas, private prisons and groups like MADD privately lobbying.

>> No.7600226

Thank god some sensibility here. This thread is full of cucks that hate freedom.

>> No.7600234

New York (police) State is one of the worst in the U.S. to get a DWI. They cleave your asshole apart. 2nd one within 15 years of the first is automatic felony. Most other states it's not a felony until 4th or even 5th one. Not justifying drunk driving, because that shit does kill, but they are hardcore as fuck on drunks. Just don't fucking do it.

>> No.7600236

>I'm checking into a treatment center for a year

Total bullshit. Your life is a fantasy that you are now trying to sell.

>> No.7600240

If someone is black-out drunk or swerving all over the road, pull his ass over and give him a DUI. But shit, if someone had 2 or 3 beers and is driving just fine but gets pulled over for dumb shit like no turn signal and some diabetic cop with an 8th grade education claims he smells alcohol, just fuck that shit right in the ass.

>> No.7600269


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