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7592137 No.7592137 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite dim sum dish?

>> No.7592143

Cow long balls or whatever those soup dumplings are called

>> No.7592147
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I'm so fucking hungry right now.

>> No.7592150
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xiao long bao?

>> No.7592155

Yeah thats the one

>> No.7592183

I love dim sum, and so does my family, but my dad (in typical dad-style) calls it "50 Ways to Squish a Shrimp". So every time I eat or talk about dim sum, that's rolling around in the back of my head.

>> No.7592234
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Wu gok absolute goat. I wish I could get the recipe down at home.

>> No.7592332

all of it

>> No.7592346

Aw shit nigga. I know what I'm getting tonight.

>> No.7592350
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>> No.7592355
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>this triggers the white boi

Nothing rustles my jimmies more than a bunch of 30 year old white men egging each other on like they're on Fear Factor to bite a toe off these succulent chicken feet, a delicacy I have pined for since I was a wee boy.

>> No.7592373

I fucking hate these things. theyre full of loose bones that are really hard to not eat.

>> No.7593135

Almost as bad as duck tongues.

>> No.7594163

A gal I used to know grew up eating those in Hawaii, hella white but that's beside the point. I've always been a very adventurous eater, stomached balut, love things people think are gross a lot (fermented foods, raw shit general), but these put me off a little bit just because eating the actual bone felt so foreign to me. If I'd gone in more bravely and just crunched, I'd probably have been fine. Didn't even expect full bones in there to be honest. My level of reservation was too much for my gf, and I actually put her off of them as well. Ended up throwing out half the order. I'm sorry I offended your culture. To be totally fair, I think that I got them from a pretty shit dim sum place.

Should I give them another try?

>> No.7595498

Gonna be going to a place with dim sum on Saturday, any recommendations?

>> No.7595505

Nah dont eat that shit

>> No.7595614

From left to right, top to bottom here: >>7592234

Yeong yeh (pork and prawn stuffed aubergine)
Wu gok (pork and prawn filled yam fritter)
Char sui bao (bbq pork filled bread bun)

Char sui cheong fun (bbq pork filled rice noodle)
Lo mai gai (glutinous rice with a bunch of stuff)
Ha cheong fun (prawn filled rice noodle)

Sin zu gyun (bean curd skin roll, usually pork, prawn, or both again)
Shu mai (pork and prawn meatball)
Dan tan (just an egg tart, but they're usually great)

Those are my favourites, I'm just guessing the spelling though. You have to try wu gok.

>> No.7595630

What's that one thing called that's got the pasty stuff around the egg and lotus? My friend loves it, but I can never get into it.

>> No.7595637


A moon cake?

>> No.7595640

Might be, idk

Guess I'll find out when he inevitably orders some

>> No.7595646

My Asian wife always takes me to dim sum every other weekend or so because she's a bitch.

Regardless,everything's pretty good.I just put the chili oil on everything, makes it badass

>> No.7595655
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Does sound like mooncake, unless it's a rectangular thing you're thinking of.

>> No.7595656

Inside looks the same, but it's got a kinda white doughy outside.

>> No.7595658
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>chili oil

Awwwww yiss.

>> No.7595665
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Not one I've seen before, so I don't know the moon name, but it's lotus paste and salted egg bao.

>> No.7595684
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pic related is awesome imo

any dumplings also qualify

>> No.7595688
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>> No.7595703
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>Lo mai gai (glutinous rice with a bunch of stuff)

He should also try nu mai fan.

>> No.7595710
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I like just about everything but I'm pretty sure I could eat cheong fun until I was sick.

Also lo mai gai with a big piece of sausage in the middle.

>> No.7595743
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muhfuggin fried shrimp dumplings. Hnnngghhh.

Honorable mention to shrimp and chive dumplings though.

>> No.7595756

Just had that for the first time last week. Tasty as all fuck.
A Chinese family friend gave it to me after I helped her with her computer.
I had to amp myself up to try it since I half expected a chicken foot or something in it.

>> No.7595764

Help computer

>> No.7595955

White boy here. Chicken feet is my favorite! Don't knock it til y ou try it.

>> No.7596067

>tfw grandma makes these from scratch
They take like 3 days to make and Jesus Christ they're so good.

>not liking chicken feet
Smh Americans.

>> No.7596099

>They take like 3 days to make

This kills me when I try to make anything authentic. It feels like a lot of the traditional recipes are built around having a constant rotation of leftover roast and braised meat, a thousand year stock, tonnes of rice every day and a stove that's never extinguished.

>> No.7596121

Yeah some dishes take a lot of effort, but honestly the hard work pays off. If you're lazy you can just make friends with a Chinese person and mooch off their mother's/grandmother's cooking.

>> No.7596380

>try to cook my own cha siu bao
>tastes like thit kho
>also the dough is shiny, unlike in restaurants where it's pure white

>> No.7596399


I'm Chinese, you retard.

>> No.7596406

Better read up on your contextual analysis there then, Ping

>> No.7596415

I don't eat dim sums because i'm not some chink loving cuck. I don't eat shitty asian food considering we nuked them twice yet they still flaunt superiority.

>> No.7596422

I'm white as fuck, and I eat chicken feet and duck feet. I actually like the flavor of duck feet better, but there's not as much good chewing as chicken feet, duck feet are more cartilage-y, with less crunchy bits.

>> No.7596431


>dDon't knock it til y ou try it.
>implying that wasn't directed at me

here comes the backpedaling.

>> No.7596437

Flyover detected

>> No.7596441

Chill man, gwailo was agreeing that you shouldn't "knock it til you try it", just bad phrasing.

>> No.7596443

Nah, this is some Aussie cunt.

>> No.7596444
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>chill man


>> No.7596450

Even worse then. Not to mention it wasn't your country that nuked Japan
>mentioning Japan in a Chinese food thread
Go back to your Aussie containment board

>> No.7598067
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Some place in LONDON makes this abomination. Don't get me wrong, I like wasabi, but using it in a dumpling skin just destroys any taste from the filling.

>> No.7599735

i wanna eat dimsum but im afraid to go into ethic restraunts if i havent eaten that kind of food before because what if there is some practice im supposed to do

>> No.7599741

>being a white man and afraid to go someplace in your own white country

Disgusting. Grow a pair, drive to your favorite ching chong or spear chucker restaurant, park on the sidewalk, kick the door open, and start shouting your order immediately. Wear a 10 gallon cowboy hat and make fun of their language while reading the menu.

It's our country, we can do whatever we want. If they don't like it they should have stayed in Chingchongland or one of those ____stan countries in their mud huts.

Own it, girlfriend.

>> No.7599764

Nigger, southern white bois have been eating chicken feet long before you ever first jerked it to cartoon porn