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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 970x1500, keurig_k15_brewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7592172 No.7592172 [Reply] [Original]

I thought the whole thing was pretty silly at first but last year I managed to try a cup brewed by her K15 and it was, honestly, the best cup of a store-bought coffee blend I've ever had. I just bought my own on clearance ( was somewhere between $50-$60 ) along with some of the cup things she uses and am wondering what else the Keurig universe has to offer. I'm also wondering what /ck/ thinks of Keurig brewers ( like/dislike and why? ) and am hoping for feedback.

>> No.7592178
File: 148 KB, 340x293, newmans_own_organic_special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O.P. again, forgot to mention the cups were pic related.

>> No.7592198

please buy the newman's own loose ground coffee and use the reusable K-cup included; the disposable cups are taxing on the 'viroment.

>> No.7592216

I was planning to recycle the disposable cups but the fact they make reusable k-cups is neato and I'll look into those. Thanks friend!

>> No.7592475

This. So much cheaper than buying the prepackaged cups, less waste, and you can put whatever coffee you want in em. You can even do hot cocoa in it.

>> No.7594247

Won the k500 in a raffle. It's very convenient but the plastic cups kill me.

Mine always leaks out the sides of the brewer, and then the coffee doesn't extract properly, so I get brown hot water. But it's my roommates 3rd party reuseable cup, should I just buy the keurig brand cup?

>> No.7594390

Coffee in cups
>not on my watch!

>> No.7594464

Yeah. I'd buy the first-party cups. I've had no problem with my K15 and I'm using the brand-name cups getting a perfect and ( perfectly ) consistent cup of coffee every time.

>> No.7594504

They burned down Chris-Chan's house, I wouldn't buy one

>> No.7594680

He was using it in the bathroom, on an outlet strip, next to his tub. While he was on the shitter.

I have one of the older models and while it was great for a while, wear and tear got to it eventually and despite cleaning it dilligently and trying to take care of it it doesn't really filter cups all that well any more, it just kind of shits out the water no matter what kind of cup I use. I had one of the original models though, don't remember the name so it very well may just be a design flaw, or it might have been between all the people in my house I don't think it was ever actually turned off. Even then it lasted damn near 4 years.

I turned from coffee to teas after a while and the k-cups for teas were pretty shit, but maybe they're better now, the reusable cups were great, definitely worth the like 15 bucks for a solid one.

>> No.7594712

Its literally two steps back

It's a cool concept but the amount of garbage it produces is retarded

And their way of being green is burning them for energy...

>> No.7595022

That pic is the best one. Ive tried the the bigger ones and after 10 cups its gets clogged up but no matter how much you clean it it'll never be the same. When I returned mine at costco some chick in front of me (returning the same keurig) said it was her 5th one. That was all I needed to hear.

>> No.7595037

>not plugging your Keurig in an old fire hazard extension cord in your overcrowded bathroom while you take a shit

That's the only time I even want coffee

>> No.7595047

Decent cup of coffee won't be bad or good but consistent and cheap. Pods are expensive but if you pick them up in Costco or on sale it's not too bad still more expensive then drip coffee. There are also reusable k pods where you can fill with your own grind again not the best coffee but quick and good.

>> No.7595261
File: 707 KB, 260x195, steve_harvey_smh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ladyfriend has had hers for years and never really cleans it. I'll go visit and open it up to find a used k-cup in there that has been there for idkhl but her machine hasn't let her down yet, nor has it let me down when we are up talking into the very early hours of the morning. The truth is I bought that model only because I couldn't afford one of the more expensive ones ( bought mine on clearance for under $60.00 U.S. ) but it seems I dodged a bullet by not buying a "better model."

Do what I do: Take your already made coffee and/or cocktail INTO the bathroom with you. No need to brew in the basin or mix in the medicine cabinet when you can just take what you want with you. Pic related.

>> No.7595287

It's expensive, it is terrible for the environment, and I've never had coffee that wasn't bland and watery from one.

>> No.7595687

You could recycle the cups, couldn't you?

>> No.7595704


That's better than throwing them in the trash, but it's even better to never use the damn things in the first place.

>> No.7595727

i dunno guys, my father has one and i always use it when i go visit him and his wife. it makes really strong coffee really fast. i mean rich-black coffee, where when it sloshes in the cup, a yellow froth clings to the side for a bit.

>> No.7595744

Used to have one and used it everyday. Then my friend made me coffee from his aeropress, and I felt nothing but hatred for my keurig.

Sold it off as soon as my own aeropress came in

>> No.7595746

Keurigs make terrible coffee, buying and using them is bad for the environment, and you end up spending more money on coffee. If you buy one, you are an idiot. I don't even know how these things caught on.

If you do some research you will find that most don't even hest the water to the proper temperature for caffeine extraction. The water doesn't make contact with the beans to produce any meaningful flavor of caffeine. The coffee in those pods is generally terrible and the quality of sawdust. You can't even see through most so you never know that it's shit. All that plastic is terrible for the environment, I'm not the greatest steward of the environment but it's bad.

Get me a drip coffee maker, a grinder, and some decent beans any day of the week.

>> No.7596356

I used to use one with the reusable cup, but I don't anymore after getting a french press and drip cone. Not the same model, but after a week, ours got really noisy when the pumped was running. Cleaning didn't fix it, but it never actually seemed to be a problem; it was just weird.

I guess its selling point is convenience, but other methods are better.

>> No.7598004


I have the exact same model, and with clever shopping and coupons the cups come out to close to the same cost as buying grounds. I'm the only one who drinks coffee in the house so making a pot is a waste. Love mine.