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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 175x164, ss+(2016-03-03+at+11.12.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7587543 No.7587543 [Reply] [Original]

>salt on cookies
>a strip of bacon on maple bar donuts

This shit is now being sold at my local bakery. Why are pretentious hipsters trying to ruin perfectly good food?

>> No.7587553

America lmao

>> No.7587555
File: 105 KB, 920x1000, 1404234285891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salty and sweet don't go together

>> No.7587559 [DELETED] 

>a strip of bacon on maple bar donuts
They've had this in Canada for years

>> No.7587581

North america lmao

>> No.7587584

>can't tell if yuro troll or flyover making flyovers look bad once again

>> No.7587629


>implying "muh sweet and salty" isn't a marketing ploy to get fatties like you hooked on extra salty hamburgers and fries and huge liters of soda.

I have had not one salted cookie that tastes good. Enjoying them is literally the height of pretentiousness.

>> No.7587636


>> No.7587637

>if you don't like exactly what I do your pretentious!!!!

Sorry, I don't like cheetos with fedora dust

>> No.7587639


You know that the vast majority of cookie recipes include salt, right?

>> No.7587641

>a marketing ploy
It's science

>> No.7587651

mine don't because I'm not a sodium addicted retard american obsessed with being fat and stupid

>> No.7587658

you're right! I was just tricked into thinking it tastes good!

>> No.7587660


>> No.7587664


There is a difference between throwing in a dash of salt into the cookie batter and sprinkling a bunch of salt on the top once it's cooked.

Salt sprinkles on cookies are a fucking hipster meme.

>> No.7587667

Ooh, hit it directly, didn't I mr. butthurt. Go tongue rape your salt lick, maybe heart disease will grant the world mercy from your immense weight.

>> No.7587672

europe, please

>> No.7587680


what's the difference

>> No.7587690


Sweet doesn't balance out salt, water balances out salt.

Muh sweet n' salty is a false dichotomy. Sweet and salty is what ketchup is, and it's used to drown out all other flavors.

When you put a greasy slab of bacon on top of a maple bar you are drowning out the subtle flavors of the maple and the donut pastry for MUH SWEET, MUH SALT.

>> No.7587691

>if I don't like it, it's a meme

>tips fedora

>> No.7587693

So what you're saying is that your sense of taste is objectively garbage because you're incapable of tasting strong flavors when salt is present.

>> No.7587695


> water balances out salt.

haha what

>> No.7587697

I thought you were just trolling at first, but you're actually retarded

>> No.7587704

Your palate is shit! SHIIIIIITT!

>> No.7587706


>even though you get your daily amount of salt within the food alone, you need to add MORE salt because muh sweet and salty is such a good combo

>> No.7587708


no one said they needed to, anon.

>> No.7587711


Wow, it's a rare sight to see a /fit/ fag go beyond, "it's all calories and macros", even though you're still just saying food is fuel and nobody should care about anything beyond that.

>> No.7587712

Just because you feel the need to pile salt on everything doesn't mean everyone in the world does, fat boy.

>> No.7587754


>heavy breating as a bite is taken out of a McDonald's cheeseburger
>"mnomph nomp glurg mmph too salty now"
>reaches over for it gallon cup of soda
>"mmm slurph muh sweet, you know what op?"
>heavy breathing intensifies, dips french fries in milkshake
>"hurgh, nomp, you just don't have a"
>drizzles chocolate over pepperoni pizza
>"blurg *burp* sophisticated palate like me"
>spreads cake icing onto hash browns
>"don't you know that sweet and salt"
>bites into a Krispy Kreme donut hamburger
>"is the best combination? Bill Nye told me so on the TV"
>Crushes saltine crackers into chocolate milk

>> No.7587762 [DELETED] 

>t. fatty

>> No.7587982
File: 2.87 MB, 466x346, 1394130168802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things that taste good are marketing ploys
>should have bought a manual civic
>he fell for the ssd meme
>Ping Pong is AOTY
>not reading IJ

>> No.7587995

Adding a bit of salt to pancake batter makes it taste sweeter though.

>> No.7588011
File: 246 KB, 800x534, no+fail+donut+recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea op. donuts are way better without anything on them at all, but stores dont even sell them without amerifat levels of sugar.

>> No.7588021

Every donut shop ever sells plain donuts

>> No.7588028

I'll never get tired of the salted caramel meme. Salt on caramel is delicious.

>> No.7588034

>Salt on caramel is delicious
Nope. It's definitely a marketing ploy

>> No.7588036

no, they don't. I've been all over. What you are probably thinking of is a glazed donut, a sugared donut, or worse than either of those two, a cake donut. Nobody sells yeast donuts absolutely plain in most public places such as washington, california, oregon, wisconsin, tennesee, texas. etc. and while they probably exist in a corner here or there for the most part no, they don't get sold.

>> No.7588046


not him but yeah... they sell plain donuts. try asking them instead of running in glancing at the counter then running to your car and crying because you almost had to talk to someone

>> No.7588054

Really? Never had a problem finding them where ever I went.

Plains donuts are the best idk why anyone would eat any other type

>> No.7588289


Holy shit how wrong can a person be?

>> No.7588296

yeah those salt companies are always trying to make a buck by slipping 0.5 g salt on caramel products

>> No.7588311

using salt in anything is a meme

>> No.7588555

>Le pretentious meme

Fuck off furfag, not everyone likes the same shit as you

>> No.7588563

Anon, some of us aren't fat asses, and we aren't as concerned about our cholesterol and such as you

>> No.7588663

projecting hard son

>> No.7589451

Stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.7589535

You don't have to buy it you autistic sack of shit.

>> No.7589558
File: 8 KB, 262x192, Dib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.7590789

>a strip of bacon on maple bar donuts
Fuck, that sounds delicious.

>> No.7590816

Whose tumblr did you copy that from?

>> No.7590991

>mfw plebs can't handle real food
>mfw plebs can't even eat anchovies with peanut butter

>> No.7590997
File: 289 KB, 177x177, 1459921664310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw "bacon on everything"

It's babbies first salty/sweet combo combined with the bacon meme.

Salt goes on chocolate and caramel, it doesn't need to go on any other sweet food.

>> No.7591055

Fuck off furry samefag

>> No.7591064

Do people, in real life, walk around saying shit like "dude that's such a meme what the fuck are you talking about" and shit? I think that would be hilarious to over hear.

>> No.7591227

I appreciate that the combination if sweet/savoury or sweet/salty is great with certain flavours. I just can't stand you fucks that think it's invariably the greatest marriage, such that you indiscriminately pour heaps of sugar or HFCS over any savoury or salty food you eat, and it actually tastes better to your palate.

Pineapple with gammon is cool, cranberry with turkey is cool, tomatoes with cheese is cool. Syrup on bacon, doughnuts as burger buns and salt on fucking cookies is not cool.

>> No.7591233

Strawman. Grow up kid

>> No.7591277
File: 780 KB, 540x360, 1359118125858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seasalt on cookies is bomb.
Did you consider the fact that maybe it is you that is salty and not the cookie

>> No.7591324

I've literally seen people say that salty and sweet is always good together. Several times in the last few days in fact.

>> No.7591329

>salty cookies are pretentious hipster shit
Dude, the shittiest, most lowbrow cookie you can get is an Oreo, and those are salty as fuck.

>> No.7591353

As a yuro, Oreos are gross. They have a bitter and slightly sour taste which doesnt belong in cheap sugary junk food. I like dark chocolate, but cheap shit needs a richer, sweeter taste than that to cut the mustard. Is that what cheap American chocolate tastes like?

>> No.7591376

no, I wouldn't say they taste anything like what we generally consider chocolate to taste like

>> No.7591379

I'd fuck the fox but all the porn is just him fucking the rabbit.

>> No.7591382

Good to hear. I'm still eager to try some Hershey's out of sheer curiosity. The only American chocolate I've tried is Milka, whichever actually pretty fucking good.

>> No.7591388

So how do toy raise them, baking powder and baking soda are both salts.

>> No.7591408

While Milka is owned by an American company, almost all of it is produced in Germany, so I wouldn't exactly call it American chocolate

>> No.7591460

Never heard of milka, but if you want to try the most basic, cheap chocolate that every kid in the US is familiar with then hershey's is your go-to. We all recognize there's way better stuff available but I've never in my life seen anyone turn down a piece of a hershey bar, even among my hipster friends

>> No.7591499

Because it IS good together. That doesn't mean they only eat sweet and salty, you aspie

>> No.7591516
File: 195 KB, 983x1013, 1460328214826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes like a french toast breakfast with bacon. I do not give a FUCK who you are I will NOT let you talk shit about maple bacon bars. They're PURE

>> No.7591547

For everyone saying his palate is shit, take in mind that simple sweet and salty flavors are literally what your brain instinctively looks for in food and why simple flavors like that are so common in junk food. Bacon on maple bar donuts is perhaps the most American heart-clogging food I've ever heard about and liking them doesn't make your sophisticated. Not any more than eating a bag of chips with soda, in any case.

Actual babies like bland food

>> No.7591593

OP you're being mind controlled by sugar eating bacteria. It is paramount that you understand, that this is not being written by you willingly, but bacteria mind-controlling you.

>> No.7591800

>doesn't know what always means

>> No.7591896
File: 41 KB, 866x356, Kraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oreos are totally fucking gross, but there are plenty of gross foods people develop a love for in childhood and just keep eating as adults. Pic related.

>> No.7591956


Why dont you just make your own? Its pretty simple and you seem to want em that badly.

>> No.7592384
File: 27 KB, 480x342, 1086014119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a yuro
Shut the cuck up.

>> No.7593278


Kraft is good though with just a tiny amount of doctoring.

>> No.7593328
File: 49 KB, 720x540, 1460013715133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7593432


Who puts mustard in their cookies? God your country is awful.

>> No.7593813

>water balances salt
Did you sleep through the second half of your lecture on osmosis in high school bio, and just assume that all foods have a semipermeable membrane - and that the flavor of salt is only balanced with water as a result of diffusion through it?

That's just about the only way I can imagine you ending up at your conclusions.

>> No.7594207

OP doesn't need any salt on his cookies, he's far too salty in his own butthurt to taste anything else

>> No.7594211


oreos taste of roasted cocoa. i fucking love the bitterness of oreos and i think it elevates the product.

>as a yuro

don't pretend to speak for us you cunt.

>> No.7594214


salty and sweet is complimentary. that doesn't mean all salty things are good with all sweet things, there are obviously other considerations.

>> No.7594421
File: 75 KB, 160x231, doritos-nacho-cheese.tmb-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't. If you hadn't grown up eating that kind of garbage you wouldn't think it's good. Also, pic related.

>> No.7595769
File: 187 KB, 370x368, rockinbeta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a healthy reminder that you're still taking the bait if you respond to it, no matter what the content of your post is.