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7586592 No.7586592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you vegan?

>> No.7586597


>> No.7586598

Because meat is delicious.

>> No.7586601

You don't care about the suffering you're putting millions of sentient beings through?

You don't care about the suffering of the environment?

The suffering of your own self?

>> No.7586605

Because I'm comfortable with the state of farm animal welfare in the USA. Not perfect but at least they die quick painless deaths. Because chickens will continuously lay eggs and cows need to be milked. Why let the eggs to to waste and the utters to painfully swell up?

>> No.7586607


>> No.7586610


>> No.7586613
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Because I've come from 1000's of years of meat eating genetics.

>> No.7586620

Because its tasty. I ease any semblance of guilt by purchasing overpriced, humanely-raised stuff.

>> No.7586622


>> No.7586626

That's mostly not true at all in regards to quick and painless

>> No.7586628

Humans are herbivores

>> No.7586631

Theres no such thing as a strict vegan that is a normal person people actually like being around. The only bearable vegans are the ones who eat their daily meals as vegan because they are trying to lose weight, but have no problem ordering on the menu and eating meat when invited out at restaurants.

>> No.7586632

That's nice, sweetie.

>> No.7586651

Instant electrocution is not quick and painless? Tell me more.

>> No.7586659

Cows aren't any different than other mammals when it comes to producing milk. When they are lactating they produce milk for their young. In nature their udders wouldn't swell up because their calves would drink the milk.

In order to keep their milk production high, most dairy farms keep them in a constant state of pregnancy. The calves produced as a byproduct of this are almost immediately turned into veal. I'm no vegan but you're being pretty disingenuous when you describe the process.

>> No.7586663

That's not a majority of how it's done. The animals overall are treated very poorly throughout

Electrocution isn't painless either

>> No.7586665

>Humans are herbivores
No we're not!!! If humans are herbivores then why we the have canine teeth?? It's for chewing meat!!!

We are omnivores. Scrub.

>> No.7586666

Fair enough, but you don't seriously think the docile domestic cow would be better off being eaten by wolves and shit in nature? ....do you?

>> No.7586667
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>1000's of years
kek, you need to get out of your Biblical mindset. Human ancestors have been eating meat for at least 3 million years

No, humans are not herbivores. Our guts are far too short to support this claim and though the very fact that humans have a taste for meat that is not normal for herbivores undermines your assertion quite a bit you ought to know that some herbivores knowingly consume other animals on occasion.

>> No.7586678

This is what always got me about vegetarians. Unless you're getting your milk from a local, small farm, it'd be more humane to eat steak than to eat dairy. products. The best thing you can do if you give a shit about animal welfare is to either hunt your own food, or find a small farm.

>> No.7586685

Maybe not all vegetarians are in it to save the animals.

>> No.7586691

Because the relationship of domestication means that those species of animals that are domesticated have avoided extinction that other, undomesticable, species have suffered.

Ethics are complex. Is it better to destroy something or create a relationship that is both mutually advantageous and mutually detrimental? Humans are not entirely in control here. What would 99% of people do if our crops all died and our herds/flocks disappeared? We would die rapidly because we are as dependent upon them as they are upon us.

We benefit, they benefit. Not equally, that is difficult enough between humans in states where individual rights have legal protections...but evolutionarily we all benefit through continuing to pass on genes.

Also, veganism is unhealthy. Humans are not herbivores and it requires a global system in which mass quantities of fossil fuels are used to support veganism for a tiny portion of the top 10% of the global elite. Stop pretending that you're some ethically pure Buddha when your lifestyle is based on the exploitative global market system.

>> No.7586695

Compared to a factory dairy farm? Yes. In the wild they would at least get to eat grass, roam wide spaces. It's the reason why hunting deer is one of the most humane ways to get food.

>> No.7586703

Yeah, I should have clarified.

>> No.7586711

>our guts are far too short to support this claim

Our small intestine proportions are equally relative to other herbivores, meaning we have intestines 10-11x our body length, others are 10-12, omnivores and carnivores are 3-6 relative to their body length

Also look at our teeth, we are more similar to herbivores than carn+omni, our colons are long and sacculated like herbivores, not small and smooth like others, our stomach acids are nowhere near as acidic as omnivores or carnivores

>on occasion

Some, not all, and on occasion.

>> No.7586731

>have avoided extinction


>mutually advantageous and detrimental

It is far more advantageous for all than detrimental

>and our herds and flocks disappeared

That's quite an extreme situation, nature usually does a decent job of regulating itself, it's also why we have population controls via hunting

>veganism is unhealthy


>it requires a global system in which mass quanitities of fossil fuels are used to support veganism for a tiny portion

We are already contributing A LOT of pollution through various forms of farming, both through their mass production and the fact we are feeding them MASS amounts of grains and vegetables

>10% of the global elite

Now that is entirely presumptuous, many populations have subsided just fine on mostly plant based diets, plenty of people do throughout various parts of the world

>> No.7586737

>mostly plant based diets
At some point you're going to need to supplement the diet with animal fat.

>> No.7586740


>> No.7586743

Because I like food that actually tastes good and accept that Homo Sapiens evolved on an omnivorous diet. I could live with cutting out red meat, I'd miss my grilled burgers in the summer but I could if absolutely necessary; but you will never pry the cheese, fish or chicken out of my hands.

>> No.7586747

Vegan food is fine, you're just a shit cook in all likelihood

>accept that Homo Sapiens evolved on an omnivorous diet

No. you're entirely cherrypicking to fit your beliefs. There is no concrete and/or overwhelming evidence that indicates humans evolved because of an omnivorous diet. There are other far more supported theories such as cooked foods or even having the ability to walk upright sparked our great evolutionary change

>im going to cherrypick the suffering I cause because reasons

>> No.7586761

no, I don't care about animals outside of my own pets

yes you can call me selfish

I care about my own species, that's about it

>> No.7586765

The small intestine is exactly the wrong anatomical structure to point out.

Herbivory requires either extended/multiple stomachs such as those of cattle or long large intestines for the fermentation of plant matter. We have neither multiple stomachs or long large intestines. Among our close living relatives the gorillas are the only herbivores and due to their evolutionary history, as apes, they are ill adapted to the diet. That is why they are well known for consuming their own feces:
This allows them to digest the same food for a second time and therefore gain the necessary nutrients from hard to digest plant matter. Primates are not an herbivorous clade, though frugivory is common and is amenable with the relatively short digestive system that humans and other primates have.

Yes, our evolutionary history has given us a mixed package as primates evolved as general omnivores with some groups specializing. Human ancestors may have specialized in fruits at some point which helps to explain things like our relatively non-carnivorous teeth.

However, there is clear evidence that our ancestors (yours and mine) were consuming animals at least 3 million years ago. Since H. erectus began using fire around 200kya the selective pressure on our digestive systems (from mouth to ass) has been substantially reduced as that allowed for preprocessing of all foods, plant and animal.

Our closest living relatives are quite capable and willing to eat other animals, sometimes each other. Every known human society has included animal flesh in its diet, even if only as a small portion of said diet. NO society has flatly rejected meat consumption prior to the last couple of thousand years and those people have been a minority who used that rejection to make claims regarding ethical purity rather than being a reversion to the 'true human state.'

>> No.7586767

You are incredibly selfish and hypocritical

>I care about my own species

Then why are you fine with people poisoning themselves with meat and animal products? Why are you fine with mass environmental degradation?

>> No.7586772

>>Then why are you fine with people poisoning themselves with meat and animal products?

Because they're not poisoning themselves and even if they are I don't care enough to stop it.

>Why are you fine with mass environmental degradation?

Because I won't live long enough to where it will effect me even if it's true. I just don't care.

I admitted I'm selfish and you respond by calling me selfish. If that's your only argument you might as well save your breath.

I love eating meat, I won't change my ways, and I simply don't care about animals.

>> No.7586773

Because it tastes good, and until climate change gets worse, I ain't stopping

>> No.7586775

>There is no concrete and/or overwhelming evidence that indicates humans evolved because of an omnivorous diet.
You need to read his post again, your comprehension was lacking.

>> No.7586785

Vegan food is not fine, I've tried the crap you call "food" and anything apart from fresh produce is overprocessed garbage stuffed with a dozen and a half different chemicals never meant for human consumption in an attempt to emulate the texture or flavour of meat and/or cheese. You know nothing about me or my level of culinary skill.

I didn't say the omnivorous diet is what caused us to evolve, that's stupid and demonstrates an elementary school understanding of evolution. I said that, during the course of our evolution and development as a species; we and our ancestors ate an omnivorous diet that consisted of both animals we killed and fruit/veggies we could find or later grow.

Nature is cruel. Suffering will happen with or without us, and at this point the vast majority of the animals we raise for livestock would go extinct within a few decades if we ever stopped raising them as a food supply. You and the rest of your Vegan buddies want to elevate yourselves, remove yourselves from the food chain and from nature. It doesn't work that way. I know hunters and farmers who have a hell of a lot more respect for the animals they hunt or raise than you holier-than-thou hipster shits ever will.

>> No.7586786

>the small intestine is the wrong anatomical structure to point out

It's about its relative length to our body length, we are far more similar to a herbivore in that regard

>that is why they are well known for consuming their own feces

It has more to do with introducing certain bacteria to the food and reconsuming it to get more nutrients, it's essentially recycling with added benefits

>like our relativenly non-carnivorous teeth

Very non-carnivorous teeth, and all those other things like our colons, teeth, jaw and facial structure.

>there is clear evidence that our ancestors were consuming animals


>NO society has flatly rejected meat

It's irrelevant to our digestive structures. Regardless, societies don't have the information we do today.

>> No.7586789

Please point out where I'm wrong. Because making the statement "I accept humans evolved on an omnivorous diet" is completely irrelevant unless you're making a statement about our diet and its affects on our evolution.

Your comprehension is actually lacking or his choice of words is poor

>> No.7586792

>because they're not poisoning themselves

That's clearly not the case

>I don't care enough to stop it

So you don't care about your own species after all. You're just self-centered

>because I won't live long enough to where it will effect me even if it's true

You don't know that for a fact. That's also incredibly arrogant and hinters on the sociopathic

>I simply don't care about animals

Clearly. You're a fucking clueless careless retard.

>> No.7586795

The act itself is constantly worsening it, the climate is getting worse and affecting the entire world, just because it isn't in terms of The Day After Tomorrow doesn't mean it isn't already affecting your pocket, or other people around the world

Very stupid statement

>> No.7586798


Incorrect. Where are the dodos? Where are the aurochs(oh, they're domesticated cattle)? Where are the giant ground sloths? Where are the mammoth? Where are the great auk? Where are the Moa of New Zealand?

Humans hunt, we have hunted for at least a million years and we scavenged for at least two million years before that. We have driven, or helped to drive, many hundreds of species extinct just from hunting them. Domesticated species are far more profligate due to the relationship between species than they would be without domestication and many of them would be extinct, some of them are in the wild, without that relationship.

>far more advantageous than detrimental
Agreed, it is far more advantageous. We all continue to pass on our genes, though there are some significant down sides

>nature does a decent job of regulating itself
Yes and no, mass extinctions are rare but they happen.

>other things
Veganism is not particularly healthy for humans, we did not evolve for a vegan diet and even in the last 8ky a portion of the human population has undergone selective pressure in favor of consuming dairy products from domesticated animals. Human development in childhood benefits greatly from consumption of animal fats and a balanced diet of proteins. It's possible to get proteins from non-animal sources but it's not always easy, totally dependent on local plant foods, unless there is a large scale network of trade or ready access to animal proteins.

>many populations have subsided just fine on mostly plant based diets
Now you're conflating the economic systems of recent state level societies, already dependent upon agriculture and with significant inequalities, with the evolution of human subsistence. Sure, lots of people have survived with limited access to meat. Those people universally took advantage of every opportunity they had to consume meat, including organs, feet/hooves and heads. Basically using any leftover parts.

>> No.7586805

Do you know what vegan food even is? It's not just fucking tofu, it's other fruits, vegetables, and grains

>overprocessed garbage stuffed with a dozen and half different chemicals never meatn for human consumption

That's absolutely hilarious. Do you have even have the faintest idea of what goes into your meat? The sort of reactions meat and animal products have on your body?

>I didn't say the ominivorous diet is what caused us to evolve

Then it was a poor choice of words and an even poorer justification for eating meat.

>nature is cruel

We can make it less cruel. Evidently. You're just making very weak justifications for not doing your part to heavily alleviate this because you apparently have poor self control

>the vast majority of animals we raise for livestock would go extinct

Even if that were true, that would only be because we even raised them for livestock to begin with

>I know hunters and farmers who have a hell of a lot more respect for the animals

I'm sure they do. That doesn't justify the fact that your reasoning is absolutely fucking moronic and just indicates that you're a weak willed dumbass

>Nature is cruel, holier than thou

How hilarious. Apparently someone being holier than thou just pushes the limits of nature too far :(

>> No.7586808

>That's clearly not the case

Ok, it really doesn't matter though to me, but you're free to show me how this is true as I'm slightly interested.

>So you don't care about your own species after all. You're just self-centered

Nah I care for a lot of people, it's just that my level of caring doesn't really extend outside of my immediate family or friends. If you expect that I meant I cared for all of humanity then you either misinterpreted or I misspoke.

I'm incredibly self centered. I enjoy being selfish.

>You don't know that for a fact. That's also incredibly arrogant and hinters on the sociopathic

So far I do, and I've yet to see evidence otherwise.

I think you're just getting frustrated with the way you're elevating your insults, which I really don't understand. You probably meet people as selfish as me every day. If you're this bothered by it at this point in your life then your life must be a constant hell.

>Clearly. You're a fucking clueless careless retard.

That's fine. If ignorance is bliss than I'd be happy to die a blissful, ignorant man. Better end than most people.

>> No.7586816

Certain animals going extinct has absolutely zero correlation that they would be extinct without us raising them as livestock.

>it is far more advantageous

Then I don't really see why you're even arguing anything

>we did not evolve for a vegan diet

Evidently not since it is entirely fine for us

>selective pressure

Selective in what way?

>human development in childhood benefit greatly from consumption of animal fats

Completely baseless

>balanced diet of proteins

Has it ever occurred that we simply do not need as much protein as people insist? People are so overfocused on protein

>unless there is a large scale network of trade

Which we have and don't even necessarily need

>universally took advantage

But still subsided on plant based diets despite not being "global elites" or the "top 10%"

>> No.7586828

>it really doesn't matter though to me

Animal fats and proteins have been consistently linked with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer, and it's not just they're linked with them, they have fats, cholesterol, and proteins in these amounts that contribute to the likelihood of them, far greater than almost anything on a plant based diet

Red meats alone are a type 1 carcinogen

>Nah I care for a lot of people

Obviously not

>I enjoy being selfish

Well, then you're just as worthless as you think those farm animals are

>so far I do, I've yet to see evidence otherwise

Evidently not, as per your behavior

>I think you're just getting frustrated

I'm frustrated because you're an absolute fucking moron along with being so blatantly selfish and self-centered. There are a lot of stupid people. When I have to interact with one to this extent, it is frustrating. Does that give you some relief from realizing that you're a moronic prick?

>That's fine

I'm sure it is. Tell me how it works out in the end being so devoid of anything human. You seem to be trying to convince yourself more than me at this point.

>> No.7586831

You can throw all the insults at me you like; in reality you know nothing about me save that I eat meat; and you're not going to change my mind, especially not on something that you very clearly have no actual knowledge on. You're insecure and looking for a reason to feel better than others; maybe Mommy and Daddy never praised you enough or maybe you were a "genius" in grade school and realized upon going to college that you're really just painfully average. We are part of nature, not divided from it, not better than it. But hey, that's just like, my opinion, man.

Don't let me rain on your parade, you enjoy your beans and lettuce. As for me, I'm thinking I'll make some bacon for breakfast tomorrow to go with the usual apple, croissant and coffee. Good night.

>> No.7586833

You literally cannot be vegan. It is impossible.

There are so many products produced with animal products that you don't consume that you're guaranteed to be in contact with it if you live in a modern house, walk on side walks, use most grooming products, plywood, and a list of other things.

If you avoided all of that, you would be required to be a hermit in the wildrmerness, and in that situation you would require to eat meat or at the very least eggs or milk.

Yes, animal conditions arent the greatest and we should be eating creatures that live in open spaces outside, but it is literally impossible to be vegan.

>> No.7586843

You need fats and proteins for hormones and you would never get enough in a survival situation from nuts. You can try as a vegan, but they have several medical problems from the lack of a surplus in fats, cholesterol, etc. That's why it's reccommended for people with depression to eat high fat diets. Go ahead with nuts, but the macros aren't going to be good for you in the long run to be healthy

Also, it's not the meat itself that gives cancer. It's all the the other shit they pump into it. It's the same idea as being irresponsible with pesticides.

>> No.7586844

Fuck off, you just got absolutely rekt. Why would you even bother to post such a pathetic response.

>> No.7586845

I know enough to realize that you are obviously insecure yourself and realize how fucking stupid you are actually being. The rest of your post is such obvious self-projecting

>you very clearly have no actual knowledge on

This is absolutely riveting. Tell me more.

>we are part of nature, not divided, not better than it

This is just fucking stupid. This literally means nothing

I think you realize that you're just being fucking stupid. Unfortunately you're too much of an arrogant retard to ever change. Combine that with the fact you're obviously a complacent little bitch and you have the formula for yourself. It's fine (for a little while). I used to be that dumb myself.

>> No.7586854

Cause not everyone is a fucking pussy like you. Humans are omnivores and I could not find less fucks about the animals, unless they are overcooked then I do care.

I'm fact you've made my hungry I might go make a bacon sandwich. Fuck me it's good to be at the top of the food chain.

Now fuck off and eat some lentils.

>> No.7586857

You can get plenty of fats and proteins from a vegan diet.

>you would never get enough in a survival situation from nuts

That's very circumstantial. That entire survival situation is.

>they have several medical problems for the lack of a surplus of fats

Not really. Most issues that vegans may face that have these issues are not watching their diet and becoming deficient in certain nutrients

>that's why it's recommended for people with depression to eat high fat diets

There are countless recommendations for people with depression, many of which also do not have to do with diet

>but the macros aren't going to be good for you in the long run to be healthy

But meat well, okay

>it's not the meat itself

That's just not true, unprocessed red meats are also designated as type 2 carcinogens

I'll translate your post, FOR you: I have absolutely no idea what I'm going on, I just hate vegans so I"ll post stupid shit and act like the retard I always have been.

Do not even bother contributing to the discussion if you're just going to be some little cheerleading dumbass

>> No.7586861

You just sound like a little psychotic pussy who should probably be farmed for animal consumption.

>> No.7586875

You may happen to cohabit the top of the food chain with other humans, but you are obviously at the shallow end of the genetic pool. You're more of a parasite taking advantage of the benefits attained by true humans, really.

>> No.7586877

>Animal fats and proteins have been consistently linked with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer, and it's not just they're linked with them, they have fats, cholesterol, and proteins in these amounts that contribute to the likelihood of them, far greater than almost anything on a plant based diet
>Red meats alone are a type 1 carcinogen

Where can I read about this?

>Obviously not

Not sure how you would know about this anon. That's like me claiming you don't care about your own mother.

>Well, then you're just as worthless as you think those farm animals are

Ultimately I agree. That's part of the rationale behind my lack of caring. For the record I think you're just as worthless but for different reasons.

>Evidently not, as per your behavior

I do. You're free to try and convince me. Otherwise you're just whining and it's apparent to everyone.

>I'm frustrated because you're an absolute fucking moron along with being so blatantly selfish and self-centered. There are a lot of stupid people. When I have to interact with one to this extent, it is frustrating. Does that give you some relief from realizing that you're a moronic prick?

I can't imagine how miserable and constantly stressed you must be from forcing yourself to interact with people in this manner. For what it's worth I feel genuinely sorry for you, and if you'd like to stop throwing out insults I could recommend some light reading to help you deal with it more productively.

When you get older you need to be able to cope and possess the skills to deal with people who you don't agree with, else you're putting yourself up with a lot of strife.

>I'm sure it is. Tell me how it works out in the end being so devoid of anything human. You seem to be trying to convince yourself more than me at this point.

I think our definition of what being human is would widely differ if we could sit down and compare. I'm actually quite happy with my life and I'm sorry that offends you to this degree.

>> No.7586889

The World Health Organization literally said red meat was a type 1 carcinogen. If you're asking about before that, check the links in the video


>not sure how would know about this

Well you don't care about anyone else's well being because you'd want them to consume red meat or something like that and contribute to environmental destruction which affects humans.

>ultimately I agree

Then there's clearly a deeper seeded issue going on here

>you're free to try and convince

I have been trying. Your behavior is quite evident to it. I am whining because your reasoning is just plain stupid.

>from forcing yourself to interact with people in this manner

I don't.

>possess the skills to delal with people you don't agree with

I already do. Especially people who are so ridiculously careless and moronic who are ultimately doing nothing than annoying me and wasting my time

>would widely differ

I'd imagine so, because you're incredibly stupid

>I'm actually quite happy with my life

Your previous statements contradict that, whatever though

>> No.7586891

And here I will stay. Cooking delicious steaks and pissing on peta posters

>> No.7586898

And you'll still be a fat worthless fuck


>> No.7586900

>I don't.

Anon, this whole thread you've been doing nothing but throwing vitriol at me when I've returned nothing but simple explanations. I have nothing against what you believe in, I just don't necessarily subscribe to the same doctrine.

I guess that's my point. If you're really this motivated to try and bring people to your side on this discussion you need to better handle this kind of opposition. Otherwise you're largely wasting you're time.

I'll watch the video you provided but I've seen this guy's content before and I kind of had the same issue. He's incredibly confrontational and seems to have a hard time making an argument without adding insult. It detracts from any sort of confidence he tries to get from the same people he's trying to convince.

That's essentially the core of what you'd call a circlejerk.

>> No.7586901


>> No.7586904

food isn't poison, idiot

>> No.7586910

>Vegan Gains

isn't this the same chucklefuck who laughed at his grandfather while he was on his deathbed? because he ate meat?

and then immediately made a video about how he laughed at his dying grandfather and how he was right?

>> No.7586912

>but throwing vitriol when I've returned nothing but simple explanations

Obviously you don't understand the context of your own statements. I am not like this with everyone or even almost anyone. Just absolutely fucking moronic careless retards such as yourselves that engage me with equally moronic, careless, and retarded reasoning and continue to attempt to justify yourself

This little rant you're going on about me is about as equally worthless and wasteful of your own time

If you feel fine then why do you even bother to continue discussion?

>he's incredibly confrontational

The video isn't the point. It's the links in the description

Your issue with vegans is not so much that you disagree with them. You're just a little stubborn pussy retard that gets mad at being called the obvious moron that you are

So in place of actually listening to the subtextual reasoning. You just pick out irrelevant things because you're apparently a woman who can't reason.

You're essentially part of a core of what people call a "pussy"

>> No.7586917

Go ahead and eat nothing but meat to get your nutrients then. Tell me how that works out

>> No.7586939

Anon, don't waste your breath or your time on people like this Vegan. There are a handful of them just like him/her where I live, harassing people just trying to go about their lives and eat lunch, they've had the cops called on them dozens of times and they just flat-out do not listen to anyone else. In their head, they're absolutely right, they act and feel like they have Divine authority and we're some evil, stupid sinful scourge, it's like a religion or a cult. I can tell you're a decent dude, so please, just close the thread and go do something else.

>> No.7586943

Lmao, not who you're replying to but eating a solely plant based diet will rot your brain from B12 deficiency. What a shit argument.

Balance is the key you mongloid.

>> No.7586946

Yes, anon, continue to be a completely ignorant fucking retard and go around saying stupid things that will get you berated like a retard

God, you wonder why people call you stupid, ever come to think "maybe I'm being fucking retarded?"

>> No.7586947

i'll straight eat the back half a goat while the front half still breathin motherfucker you skinny faggots wanna talk food lets fuckin talk food you pussy bitches

got my teeth cut the fuck out and replaced with teflon coated titanium bitch i got a thirteen million dollar artificial intelligence bionic swallow muscle designed by nasa that can straight push an unplucked turkey down my fuckin throat fuckin feet and all you fuckin busters

sometimes i order like three four double quarter pounders and walk out into the parking lot and just start cold whippin em at passing police cars i don't give a shit nigga the cops know i eat taser electricity like a german nigger eat mustard that shit like fuckin parsley to me

the sun don't set bitch i just get hungry at dusk

>> No.7586948

nah i eat all kinds of food because i dont play by imaginary rules like you

>> No.7586951

That wasn't necessarily the point. You misinterpreted, intentionally I imagine

Even then there's trace amounts of B12 in certain plant foods and evidence that farming practices have essentially sterilized our soils of B12

There are numerous practices throughout the world will they will fortify animals with B12 which are later consumed for consumption

That was irrelevant to the debate and the fact we can fortify B12 into our diets or take supplements or injections

To put it briefly, you're being moronic on all levels

>> No.7586953

That has nothing to do with your claim "food isn't poison"

That's inherently false from numerous perspectives

>i dont play imaginary

That means nothing. I suspect you were just trying to make a sly barb

You didn't.

>> No.7586975

If animals weren't meant to be eaten then why did God make them so delicious?

>> No.7586978

To play a prank on you because it's horrible for humans. God is the king of banter

>> No.7586991
File: 112 KB, 409x409, comfythur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm not retarded.

>> No.7586992

>Why aren't you vegan?
Read the thread.

That's why.

>> No.7586995

God? You mean the deity that deems all human pleasure a sin?

>> No.7586997

>being this mad
You cannot be real, holy shit

>> No.7587015

Calling a retard a retard isn't being mad

Go kill yourself now. You're irking me

>> No.7587016

No. You're very retarded

Oh look, another little bitch who can't handle insults in the face of reason :(

>> No.7587019

That's the spirit, don't stop now man you're so close! No really, you're just one insult-filled, comically buttmad post away from convincing us all to go vegan.

>> No.7587021

why are you virtue bragging so hard? nobody gives a shit what you eat. fuck off nerd

>> No.7587022
File: 116 KB, 1000x667, 1375655195139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go away mad. Just go away.

I'd bet real-people money against Vegas odds that you're not even vegan.

>> No.7587026

Being passive aggressive is still being passive aggressive

And ad-hominems do not substitute logic and reason

No one is virtue bragging. You're just a fucking retard

How about you just kill yourself?

>> No.7587028

If anybody wanted to kill themselves, all they'd have to do it climb up your ego and drop down to your IQ.

>> No.7587030
File: 397 KB, 245x138, 1435515003792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny.

I'm the meat-eater, and yet you're the one who should be worried about having a coronary.

>> No.7587033

>that video

holy shit this guy is getting pissed over a stand up routine. vegans are fucking defensive cucks

>> No.7587034

It really isn't. You're a fat worthless fuck feigning tranquility.

No, they'd just continue to stuff their disgusting faces with grease like you're already doing

Christ that was cringeworthy to read. You posted that and thought that was witty or something?

>> No.7587038

You literally did not watch any of the remainder of the video beyond that part

>> No.7587044

Wait what's happening?
I feel different.

Huh? Oh my god you did it anon, I'm cured! You made me vegan. I knew you could do it. attaboy~

>> No.7587063

No one cares. Go kill yourself already.

Oh, but that's right, you're actually upset so you keep responding :/

>> No.7587064

I'm on mobile, I'm not going to read every single post and when one like yours comes along with no context and is a blatant lie, it is acceptable for someone to correct you.

Your claim that meat is poison is completely incorrect. You would normally require meat to survive. Something that you require to survive (Or at the very least not have your brain deteriorate) is not a poison. Veganism is objectively less healthy. Hypothetically, if meat gave you the nutrience one needed but also shaved half a year to a year off of someones life it would be more of a benefit than a detriment, leading to a logical conclusion that on top of getting what one needa and it being delicious, the flaw is negligible

If your diet requires injections or supplementation in order for you to function properly it's a garbage diet.

If there's proper amounts of it in plants for human consumption you wouldn't require supplementation you retard, so that's an invalid point.

There was never a point in time where there was sufficient B12 in the soil in order for humans to survive. You're talking completely out of your ass and have clearly done no research at all. The consumption of meat and byproducts of animals was a requirement until supplementation.

If you're going to use the morality argument for your future posts instead of your blatant lie of meat being poisonous (Meat without additives and grown in natural conditions is not at all poisonous.) is useless, as there's nothing inherently wrong with painlessly ending a life as things are normally consumed and the cycle of life repeats. It most likely wouldn't even have a chance at life to start without meat farms, so from a philisophical perspective your position is also garbage. But I'm just assuming that's your position because the majority of vegans spout the exact same bullshit.

>> No.7587074

>cityfags actually believe this
I've worked on farms and can tell you that cows and pigs are treated pretty well, even the factory farm ones have it better than they would in the wild. Wild animals don't die of old age, they either get eviscerated by predators or waste away from disease. Every day is a struggle of finding enough food to make it to next day and avoiding getting eaten. Bambi was a work of fiction.

>> No.7587081

>with no context

There was context you fucking retard. You just didn't read it because you're a fucking dumbass

>is completely incorrect, you would normally require meat to survive

Evidently not

>Veganism is objectively les healthy

Now that's actually completely incorrect. Your following statement is autism garble that I'm not even going to justify responding to, it makes absolutely no sense

>if your diet requires injections or supplementations

Why do you even say that? We live in a modern society where these things are completely accessible and practical. And it seems you've conveniently ignored my previous statement about naturally occuring B12. B12 is a bacteria anyway, this does not mean it is exclusive through eating meat. Plenty of people require supplementations in their diet anyways, including meat eaters, there are some studies that even suggest having too much B12 can make you B12 deficient

>there was never a point in time where there was sufficient B12

That's heavily debatable

>you've clearly done no researrch at all

How hilarious. The person defending meat and saying veganism is a garbage diet for no reasons that actually have anything to do with current facts makes a retarded blanket statement that meats nothing

>the consumption of meat and byproducts was a requirement

This is what it looks like when you actually don't know what you're talking about

>wouldn't even have a chance without meat farms

Absurd. You're just a weak retard who can't wean off meat and cheese

>is useless

It's not. You're just a fucking retarded psychopath that actually has no clue what he's talking about

How about you fucking kill yourself and let other retards like yourself eat you and do the world a gigantic fucking favor you total dumbass.

Your post was basically a bunch of rhetorical entirely baseless nonsense. I applaud you for utter stupidity.

>> No.7587084

If they're being killed then they aren't being treated well.

>even factory farm ones have it better than they would in the wild

That's just a disingenuous and totally misinformed claimed.

>> No.7587087

So do you have a counter argument beyond nuh-uh?

>> No.7587092

Yes. The part about being treated well while these animals are being killed

In regards to disingenuous, it is disingenuous, those animals are objectively treated horribly, even meat eating retards like the ones in this thread can attest to that, regardless of whether or not they support it.

>> No.7587094

oh i did. i wish i didnt. didnt change the fact he got butthurt over a comedy routine

>> No.7587096

Do you believe that wild animals are immortal? It's regrettable that factory farm animals don't get more space to roam, but they get fed regularly, don't have a constant fear of death, on average live longer, and get a quick and painless death that they wouldn't get in the wild.

>> No.7587100

Most factory farm animals are treated quite horribly. If you're talking about "organic" farms for meat and all that, that's a different thing

Inevitably slaughtering something is completely wrong and slaughtering them for something completely unnecessary and detrimental is still wrong

Your justifications really only point to keeping them alive rather than needlessly slaughtering them

>> No.7587102

does it really bother you that people eat meat? like will you be able to sleep tonight or is the entirety of your existence just to fruitlessly argue your virtues upon the denizens of a chinese cartoon image board? go to sleep

>> No.7587104

Does it really bother you that people argue about this? Or that someone could have the slightest care in an issue that affections trillions of lives?

No. Let's just continue to be ignorant and close minded. That'll change things

Go kill yourself

>> No.7587106

That life my friend, they would be treated even worse by mother nature. Even if they banned keeping cows as livestock they would be extinct within five years (they are quite stupid). Pigs would survive, but we would be forced to kill them off in droves as they would severely damage the ecosystem and put other animals at risk. Chickens I could actually see acclimating, though there are so many of them that millions would die of starvation.

>> No.7587108

>an issue that affections trillions of lives

except your acting like an ass. you dont eat meat, good for you.

you are still a pretentious yuppie who is malnourished. congratulations

>> No.7587110

>they would be treated even worse by mother nature

There is nothing to support this. These and the remainder of your claims on this are baseless, the fact we have even introduced cattle farming completely skews this. This is an issue because we have mass produced them for slaughter, for us. When it is not necessary

>as they would severely damage the ecosystem

And current farming practices dont????

>> No.7587113

>except your acting like an ass

Oh god, he's being mean, I better cry about it and ignore the bigger picture, because im such a little pussy :((((((

Go fucking kill yourself already

>> No.7587116

you know youre acting like someone who just got bullied. keep giving me those (you)s i know you cant resist

>> No.7587117

My bad, I thought the dozens of posts you've made in this thread was for the sake of trying to convince people to go vegan.

>> No.7587120

I don't have a problem with using earth's resources

Obviously since I'm posting this on a computer from a large heated house

>> No.7587124

Because I couldn't live with the shame of being associated with people like

>> No.7587125

But you're willing to live as the current pathetic sack of shit you already are, interesting.

>> No.7587127

i love how you are ignoring people who are reking you.

>> No.7587129

I love how you're still a worthless piece of shit making absolutely irrelevant blanket statements like some retarded cheerleader

Your perspective of things is obviously based on your 12 year old sense of humor and nothing else

In other words you're an over-emotional child that listens to memes instead of reason.

In short, go end your life

>> No.7587131

Well, lets look at deer statistics since they are relatively similar to cows and are also domesticated. This data is from studies conducted by the Wisconsin DNR in 2011 and 2013. Only 58% of fawns survive their first 8 weeks. 78% of those were killed by predators such as black bears, coyotes, and bobcats. Bucks have a mortality rate of 50% a year.

>> No.7587132

>i have nothing to say
>kill yourself

you...do realize we are laughing at you

>> No.7587134

Take a few deep breaths m8

>> No.7587136

You're still just making stupid irrelevant statements that mean absolutely nothing. You are not laughing. You are upset and just trying to further annoy to relieve that anger. It obviously is unsuccessful

You should still end your absolutely worthless fucking life.

>> No.7587138

i started gigling at..

>you are not laughing

I'm also eating a ham sandwich while typing this. please continue to entertain me

>> No.7587139

Are you the same person as >>7587110 ?

>> No.7587142


That's a pretty key word there. This does not have to do with cows or anything of such, nor is there even a remote suggestion of releasing every single farm animal into the wild instantly

However there is also not remote suggestion of slaughtering them or continuing to disrupt a natural cycle

You even said it yourself "that's life"

If you want to keep them alive, you don't slaughter them, you don't justify raising them as cattle because you've already disrupted the natural cycle and don't know how to keep animals alive without having to eat them or brutalize them

>> No.7587145

Yet you keep responding with the same passive agressive nonsense. You're obviously quite upset and fooling no one.

>> No.7587146

>natural cycle
are you discussing pregnancy now?

>> No.7587147


>> No.7587148

i have a working penis

>> No.7587149

>don't know how to keep animals alive without having to eat them or brutalize them

so all animals? last time I checked we dont eat all the animals on the earth. this post is so stupid it hurts my head

>> No.7587152

I've never heard that term outside pregnancy related stuff. what does it mean?

>> No.7587153

Reading is hard isnt it

>> No.7587155

lol i was the anon asking for the (you)s earlier. you keep responding to me asshole. if not this post you will respond to me later in this thread, again, because you actually dont give a shit about veganism. you want to brag your virtues and will spew random bullshit to anyone that goes against your narrative

>> No.7587158

The natural cycle of life. Nature.

>> No.7587161

literally nothing you said is backed up by science. keep virtue projecting

>> No.7587162

Are humans part of nature?

>> No.7587164

And yet here you are still justifying why you aren't mad, time after time. Clearly you are upset

>brag your virtues

Nobody has bragged about virtues. You're just a retard oblivious to the fact he's stupid and probably sociopathic. Calling you this is calling you this, not bragging about anthing

>spew random bullshit that goes against your narrative

okay, whatever you say

>> No.7587165

It would be nice to live in a fantasy world where we keep million of farm animals alive and taking up space out of the kindness of our hearts but that's not realistic. There are three options
>Improve the treatment of farm animals, but continue to eat them
>release them into the wild
>using animals as a food source becomes unsustainable, so domesticated animals are killed and disposed of.
And only 1 and 3 are semi likely to happen.

>> No.7587166

That has nothing to do with your confusion. None of the claims I was responding to, do either

But of course you're just arguing with me at this point rather than the points because you have nothing to actually objectively argue against when it comes to veganism


>> No.7587172

In what world do you think not slaughtering mass amounts of farm animals for human consumption and human consumption alone means we continue to breed them at the current rate that we do?

>> No.7587173

Then isn't a human killing another animal part of the natural life cycle then?

I don't get the difference between an animal starving to death in the wild to a human putting a bullet in its head

>> No.7587174

i love how mad i am making you. you havent even talked about evil meat in about two posts! surely you must eat bacon

>> No.7587177


Your situation is something completely different than farm practices or even the consumption of animals as a whole

>> No.7587180

The difference here is that you're upset and trying to convince me that you're not.

I'm just simply telling you that you're an annoying retard who should go kill himself. You literally would not have even bothered with any of this beyond the first two replies if that were the case

>> No.7587181

i dont give a fuck about what people eat. you clearly do. Im just bored and want an emotional reaction from you. nothing you will say will change anybody's mind. think about that.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep responding.

>> No.7587182

Please paint a picture for me of the scenario you are envisioning, where we no longer keep animals for food.

>> No.7587184

You sound upset. You should kill yourself next time when you're bored

>> No.7587186

We're discussing the difference between an animal dying by a human to it dying by another animal, starvation or whatever

And what is this "as a whole" you're talking about? Every single country can have different regulations and every single farm worker can treat animals differently

>> No.7587187

why are you so obsessed with people killing themselves? is this common thinking for someone who is vegan? in conclusion veganism directly leads to suicidal thoughts thanks to my 4chan research on this particularly special child

>> No.7587189

I don't know. All I know is making dumb double standards about harming and treating animals isn't as simple as "we gotta farm them or else they'll be done forever!!!!"

>> No.7587190

you arent even arguing the main point of this thread anymore. i think you are buttflustered and cant come up with a better defense besides kill yourself.

>> No.7587193

The difference has been discussed. This does not justify farm practices.

>every single country can have different regulations

That's still missing the overlying point of not consuming animals no matter how "well" you treat them

>> No.7587195
File: 59 KB, 290x386, 1439228948572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you gotta waste my time like that man, I actually put effort into my arguments and shit. I suppose it's my own damn fault for falling for it

>> No.7587198

I am. I just happen to be arguing with you as well. Over nothing really, coincidentally the same thing you're doing because you're quite upset and want to get an insult in to relieve your own anger

Clearly unsuccessful.

>> No.7587199

OP isnt vegan. this is a troll thread

>> No.7587201

>The difference has been discussed.
Then I missed it. Please explain again how humans killing animals interrupts its "natural life cycle" when you've already said humans are part of nature

>That's still missing the overlying point of not consuming animals no matter how "well" you treat them
Now you're talking about the philosophy of consuming animals, not the problem of how they are treated before they are consumed. They are two different issues

>> No.7587202

Please point out what's wrong with my statement.

Never did I once remotely offer a panacea for saving literally every single animal like you suggested

All I've done is argue with you about the ethics of farm practicing and the aspects behind it

I'm sorry you're a moron that can't read. That's a you issue.

>I actually put effort


>> No.7587204

no i want replies like ive stated before. you keep giving them to me because you're alone and pathetic. did you skip reading comprehension in grade school? cus you cant retain information

>> No.7587207

The entire discussion of farming animals and solutions and what not is being discussed, refer to >>7587202 and the preceding posts

>when you've already said humans are part of nature

That doesn't mean humans killing animals is part of the "natural life cycle" inherently, especially in regards to consumption

>now you're talking about the philosophy of consuming animals

That's literally one of the main talking points of the discussion

>not the problem of how they are treated before they are consumed

You obviously jumped in quite late to this discussion. That has also been touched upon

>> No.7587209

No. You're just quite obviously upset because you keep responding, and responding with quite obviously angry statements that only get angrier

I suggest you just kill yourself. You've obviously nothing better to do and you value no one else's well being above yourself. Do humanity a favor

I'll be waiting for your next reply and (you)

>> No.7587210

>That doesn't mean humans killing animals is part of the "natural life cycle" inherently

>> No.7587212

What is there to explain? Humans don't need to consume meat, humans don't need to farm animals and domesticate them for consumption

>> No.7587218

But we can and we do, and we're part of nature

>> No.7587219

there it is! my (you)! nobody wants to have a discussion with you dude because you are a weirdo. you give reddit-tier opinions and get upset when people dont agree with you. ill just keep flaming because im imagining you trying to come up with a witty comeback only to ultimately end with your signature "kill yourself."

so heres some advice, go buy some bleach and chug my friend. because unlike you, i actually give helpful advice on suicide unlike the ambiguous nonesense you give me. dont forget to tell your mother you love her! may be one of the last times

>> No.7587221

>but we can and we do

That doesn't make it good

>and we're part of nature

You seem to be mincing words at this point

>> No.7587224

This post I actually laughed at. You're quite obviously upset and are trying your hardest to be witty. This must be one of those self-aware ironic posts I hear about

>ambigous nonsense

No. I've been pretty clear. Go kill yourself :)

>> No.7587225

I eat meat and you will reply to this.

>> No.7587227

>That doesn't make it good
We're not talking about good or bad, we're talking about this "natural life cycle" shit you're spouting. You've yet to explain why a human killing a domesticated animal is not part of its natural life cycle

>> No.7587228
File: 324 KB, 1050x810, scrot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too committed to my omnivore lifestyle, it would just be inconvenient to switch right now.

There aren't very many frozen vegan meals, and they're all pretty expensive. Non-dairy beverages are also expensive.

I also kind of maybe just don't really care about animals.

>> No.7587229

which subreddit are you browsing right now? for you, i would recommend r/teenagers :^)

>> No.7587232

>we're not talking about good or bad

Evidently, by the entire thread, including the preceding discussion, that is not true at all

>natural life cycle shit you're spouting

You're mincing words still. Humans have negatively impacted the environment through this mass cattle domestication and farming practices

>you've yet to explain why

Because it isn't. This is obviously subjective which is why we're discussing it. I think most would agree that killing an animal, especially when we don't need to and when it's more detrimental for the environment, others, and ourselves is not part of the "natural life cycle" that you're so stupidly fixated on that you're only really focusing on and missing the larger picture

>> No.7587233

which subreddit are you browsing right now? for you, i would recommend r/teenagers :^)

>> No.7587235
File: 16 KB, 270x270, 4567876532245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>"kill yourself"
>13 results

>> No.7587238

>just don't really care about animals.
I alternate between irrationally worrying about my environmental footprint by carrying a piece of rubbish in my pocket until I can find a bin to realizing that anything I do or don't do ultimately makes no difference in the ultimate course of human history which is more than likely steering full speed towards a well-deserved doom.

>> No.7587239


>doesn't counter any of my points
>completely fucks up and misquotes me about meat farms
>no evidence for his claims

Veganism is a brain disorder which causes further brain degerneration, as proven by you just now.

>> No.7587241
File: 2.84 MB, 408x264, bb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i...i think OP is gone guys. fuck that guy

>> No.7587242

>Evidently, by the entire thread, including the preceding discussion, that is not true at all
I was not part of the preceding discussion, it's not interesting to me. The only reason I started this discussion is because you claimed humans killing domesticated animal to be unnatural deaths and I disagree. I believe humans are part of nature

>I think most would agree
Why would most agree? Again you haven't explained anything or laid out the difference between an unnatural death and a natural one. Is a wolf killing a sheep for fun a natural death? Is a chimpanzee torturing another chimp natural?

>> No.7587245

which subreddit are you browsing right now? for you, i would recommend r/teenagers :^)

>> No.7587246

Troll or not, I want to thank killyourself-kun. This was a fun thread.

>> No.7587256


>i was not part of the preceding discussion

Irrelevant. You inserted yourself into the discussion in which what preceded it, is entirely relevant

>it's not interesting to me

That's your problem

>and I disagree

I get that. You are basically arguing semantics though

>I belive humans are part of nature

So do I, what does that have to do with anything with what you're saying?

>Why whould most agree

Because I imagine despite most people's habits, they aren't complte sickos

>you haven't explained anything

I have. But your dumb ass didn't find it "interesting enough" to read

>lay out the difference between an unnatural death and a natural one

Humans killing animals for consumption is not natural. Like I already said

Your issue of animals killing other animals is something entirely different. And as I previously explained, though you didn't bother reading because you're a moron who didn't find it "interesting", there is obviously no current perfect utopic world or solution for one, that's a separate issue that doesn't detract from the fact our practice of farming animals (which mostly includes brutalizing them) then slaughtering them is inhumane and wrong, unnatural considering the environmental burden, how unhealthy it is for us, and the fact it is just plain wrong

Reading is really hard, isn't it?

>> No.7587307

Just kidding this is a terrible thread and you're an enormous faggot

>> No.7587309

Not the guy you're replying to, but in face of pages of evidence, philosophy and reasoning against you, you refuse to see anything in it and continue to try and push your point when absolutely no one here interested or willing to change (This includes you). Not only that, but your attitude is far more likely to push people away from considering your point of view. You have come here to shit post or legitimately change peoples minds. You've succeeded at both, creating a shitstorm of a thread and making veganism unappealing through both the lack of food options and displaying the horrifying vegan personality.

You wrecked yourself and your cause.

>> No.7587336

>in faces of evidence, philosophy, and reasoning against you

How utterly absurd, there is zero evidence, zero philosophy, or reasoning. Your idea of this is just as much as you claim it is mine. Aka "muh feelings"

You're a fucking retard that only perpetuates the reason why retards like you are getting scolded

>your attitude is far more likely to push people away

That's no one's problem but theirs, that they are fucking absolute pussies. Including you

You're a fucking retard who only proves the point of why you should be shamed for willfully being so fucking stupid

Go kill yourself

>> No.7587354

my diet is what youd call vegan but i fucking hate vegans and all they do. theyre the 1st reason people dont actually consider eating healthy in a serious way. and by that i dont mean being vegan but just eating more reasonably and balanced, which even those who try and think they are healthy are not doing.

threads are not to answer op, threads are to answer the question


>> No.7587395
File: 2.99 MB, 628x402, 1443079654730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>28 results

>> No.7587415
File: 58 KB, 475x326, kittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f

>> No.7587425
File: 75 KB, 550x366, 7532578764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>27 results

>> No.7587541

You don't care that by having a shit ton of crops and not having good regenerative resource management you have shit like Soil degeneration and desertification. Are you fucking retarded bro?

>> No.7587576

ITT: One vegfag just keeps getting owned over and over and over again.

Man, it's so bad in here if he was black it'd be a hate crime!

>> No.7587640

Just about every one of your points was countered, stop spilling your vegan spaghetti and GTFO.

>> No.7587649
File: 20 KB, 270x224, bhutan_puppies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm vegan because im an unapologetic animal lover. I don't really care if that makes me a 'pussy' to be honest.

Do people really think they die painless deaths?

>> No.7587661

ITT: Tumblr tries to raid /ck/

>> No.7587662

>Do people really think they die painless deaths?

Do people really think that vegetables are farmed without killing either?

>> No.7587666

I can give up meat without a problem but I won't give up eggs, cheese and milk. Never.

>> No.7587670

Not a yurocuck

>> No.7587671

>first to say "fucking retard"
>either sperg, losing argument, or both

>> No.7587688

>one vegfag
That's the best part. Notice about half way through even the other vegans left because they didn't want to be associated with him.

>> No.7587696

>to eat grass, roam wide spaces
I bet the cow really enjoys this. I bet the cow is aware that it is eating grass and is certainly not doing it merely because of its need to survive.

>> No.7587705

>The World Health Organization literally said red meat was a type 1 carcinogen
Oh boy, you do not know how to read studies, do you?

>> No.7587719

ITT: Autistic man tells others to kill themselves because they won't adopt his memediet

>> No.7587736

The only difference id make if I could was go back to how it was when we hunted food rather than mass producing it

>> No.7587741

Our appendix is not made to live on just vegetation

>> No.7587755

That makes no sense we have canines which are made for tearing meat and molars to grind vegetation we are omnivores

>> No.7587756

Facts are carnist propaganda anon.

>> No.7587773

Goes to a Chinese image board to post about veganisim
>is upset when people don't agree with you

>> No.7587831

Because I don't want to eat what amounts to basically flavoured, shaped, and textured bread mould.

>sentient beings
THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG. Sentience, or sapience, is very clearly defined. Farm animals do not meet it.

And, fuck it, I'd eat humans too if I had to. I am more important than the feelings of what I am eating, simply by the fact that I am me.

>> No.7587929

I enjoy not having jaundice.

>> No.7587932

Sentience is not the same as sapience

There is pretty clear scientific consensus that animals are sentient... not to mention the fact that it's patently obvious

>> No.7587938

Why do you care?

>> No.7587942

And while anyone would agree with the notion that they are more important than the creature they are eating, the choice isn't between your life and theirs. It's between their life and you eating a slightly different (probably more healthful) thing

>> No.7587963

This guy is the worst meme.

>> No.7587971

>It's between their life and you eating a slightly different (probably more healthful) thing

Actually, it's not. IT could also be "their" very happy life. Not all meat comes from factory-farmed animals which suffer every day of their cramped lives. Some meat comes from happy animals free to run around and be themselves, far happier than they would be in the wild. Then that animal has one bad day.

Why do many Vegans seem to think the only alternatives are zero meat or factory farmed meat? There are other options.

>> No.7587973

Of course it actually is. What are you even talking about? Are you saying that you would die if you didn't eat animals? That's just demonstrably untrue.

I didn't say anything about factory farmed meat, so I have no idea what you're on about

>> No.7587984

>What are you even talking about?

Many vegans (not nessicarily you) tend to talk about things as if there were only two choices: eat horrible factory-farmed meat or eat zero meat. There is a 3rd option, which is to eat meat from high welfare animals who do not suffer in factory farmed conditions.

>>I didn't say anything about factory farmed meat, so I have no idea what you're on about

Again, I wasn't talking about you specifically--which is why I said "many vegans", not "YOU".

And since the whole point of the discussion seems to be revolving around reducing suffering then that's clearly discussing factory-farmed meat, isn't it? Truly free-ranged animals aren't suffering.

>> No.7587990

Well then why did you quote me, only to gripe about things I didn't say? That's obviously nonsensical behavior.

And if you do want to talk about this, we can talk about the FACT that you do eat factory farmed meat. The assfaces who bring this shit up don't eat local, grass-fed, or anything like that. They (and you, let's be honest) are simply looking for any "point" they can make to get their foot in the door, only so they can go back to doing literally whatever.

>> No.7587992


just remember for every animal you save i am eating three.

try to do something to stop me you scrawny malnourished fuck. im so /fit/ i could fight off 20 vegans.

only women should be vegan because skinny weak girls are attractive.

>> No.7587996

>Well then why did you quote me
My first sentence--the one under the quote--was directed to you.

The second sentence---separated by space--was a general question for the board in general, you included.

>> No.7587998

I just remember to forget about you instantaneously, because what you do has no effect on what I do, as I'm a fully formed adult with a self that is reflected in my actions.

>> No.7588002


>i dont care what you do
>here are my reasons why you shouldnt eat meat

>> No.7588006

Well your first sentence was about literally the exact same thing; that is, the existence of non-factory farmed meat.

Still totally irrelevant to anything I said

Did I give you (or anyone else) a reason to not eat meat here? I was only pointing out that 1) animals are sentient - that's just a fact; 2) The straw man choice implied by "I'm more important than the animals" simply doesn't exist in real life today.

And the real reason you shouldn't eat meat is because you aren't a fucking simp to agrobusiness interest who will lie to you, only to endanger your health and the health of populations with the sole goal of enriching themselves.

>> No.7588007

>you do eat factory farmed meat

You are correct, I do. I'm not proud of it though, and I'm working to correct it. My main motivation, however, has nothing to do with ethics. Rather it's the simple fact that well-cared-for happy animals taste better than factory-farmed bullshit. The ethics is a nice bonus. Currently most of the beef I eat is commercial beef as I haven't found a practical source of anything better. I did try some local grass-fed beef but honestly it wasn't any better than the supermarket stuff and it was hella expensive.

The pork I eat is 50/50 wild pig that I shoot myself, or it's artisinal raised heritage breeds. Buying those whole-hog is really no more expensive than supermarket pork; you just need a big freezer & be willing to work with the whole animal. The chickens I eat are either from my neighbor's backyard, or free-range from the Asian market.

>> No.7588014


>nothing you do matters to me
>i don't care what you think
>but remember they have feelings and you are wrong
>i didn't say you shouldn't eat meat
>but here is the reason why you shouldn't eat meat


>> No.7588015

>I'm not proud of it though, and I'm working to correct it
>My main motivation, however, has nothing to do with ethics. Rather it's the simple fact that well-cared-for happy animals taste better than factory-farmed bullshit.
Are you even paying attention to what you're writing? How, in one sentence, can you say that you're not proud of it, only to follow up by saying you don't care about the ethics of the matter?

Are you saying it's too low brow for you, and you're ashamed of that? I don't really understand what's to be ashamed of eating something that doesn't taste as good to you (that is your concern, after all)

>> No.7588022


>muh meat i shoot myself tastes better

i lived with a faggot like you in college. hundreds of pounds of freezer burnt gamey deer is definitely not what i would call living the dream.

>> No.7588030

What is insane about me correcting pure factually incorrect statements? That doesn't contradict the idea that I'm not going to adjust me diet because you threaten animals. What was posted was simply false, and I pointed that out. That is literally all.

I didn't say you shouldn't eat. But if you were to make that choice, the choice should be based in yourself and who you know yourself to be. If you are fine with being a simp to pyschopathic assholes who employ insanely inhumane practices (for efficiency), which practices cause diminished health of you and the rest of the country. And they also lie about that. If you are fine with blithely, blindly supporting and encouraging that sort of behavior, then you should continue to eat meat, because that is who you are.

>> No.7588056

Because Jesus wouldn't want that.

>> No.7588069

>skinny weak girls are attractive
>being this lowtest

>> No.7588082


it makes my penis look so much bigger and then i try to fuck them really hard to the point where its more of an assault than sex

i think i wanna get an asian girlfriend the nips are the ones that cry during sex right?

fucking badass this website is so cool i think im gonna go to an anime convention soon and find a nice asian girl to dominate

>> No.7588090

But I am

>> No.7588100


>> No.7588111

>having a shit ton of crops

What do you think all the animals raised for meat are fed? It isn't air. Raising animals uses up a shit to more resources than if we just ate the crops directly.

If you directly fed people the same amount of crops used to raise an animal you could feed a lot more people for a longer amount of time.

>> No.7588121

ITT: Autistic undercarbed carnists who should kill themselves getting BTFO by one vegan

>> No.7588137

But those "a lot more people" are all irrelevant inhabitants of 3rd world shit holes that if sustained by our cattle grains would just be even more of a wasteful drain of the worlds' resources.

>> No.7588138


>> No.7588144

...or we could use a lot less energy and resources in N. America and put that high-input agricultural land to better use.

>> No.7588149

Sheep nearly went extinct in the Middle East until somebody found a purpose for them, now they are one of the most common animals

>> No.7588150

Please elaborate, what do you have in mind?

>> No.7588665

>Why aren't you vegan?

Vegans suffer from a form of cognitive bias that tricks them into thinking the closer a life is to human, the more valuable and legitimate it is. I reject this notion out-of-hand on the basis that no evidence supports it.

>> No.7588682
File: 15 KB, 300x193, canine a vegans worst nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain this.

>> No.7588688


>> No.7588694

You do realize that these a relict from a distant past evolving back ever since?

>> No.7588696
File: 12 KB, 500x375, Chinese_water_Deer_skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, and you explain this.

>> No.7588701


I still use them plenty. They're not relics simply because you in particular don't use them.

>> No.7588706

Aren't those just tusks?

>> No.7588707

You don't actually think these prove we are carnivores? According to your logic, they show that we are moving towards herbivory because the canine tooth is clearly a vestigial organ in humans.

>> No.7588709

VegNs eat nothing but carbs and sugar. They sure are crazy about cakes and cupcakes

>> No.7588712

Those are tusks, they're not used to process food.

>> No.7588713

>my canine teeth that protrude 5 mm are used for tearing meat
yeah, sure buddy

>> No.7588714

My point was the "evolving" one, not the "you're still using them regardless since you have no choice".

>> No.7588727

>canine is vestigial
>wisdom molar tooth is literally removed because it's 100% worthless and officially classified as a vestigial organ.

If anything our dentistry is moving towards carnivore.

>> No.7588729

No, they are canine teeth.

The point is that many animals have odd dentition. Some horses even have large canine teeth.

I think veganism is silly. But the idea that humans use canine teeth for carnivorous purposes is beyond silly. They are far too small and our jaw muscles are far too weak for them to do any good.

Humans have canine teeth because our ancestors--apes--did. Apes mainly use them for displays of aggression.

Now if you wanted a good means of illustrating how humans clearly aren't herbivores, a comparison of jaw muscles would make much more sense. Apes, which primarily eat vegetable matter, have massive jaw muscles compared to humans. That's necessary for grinding up all that plant matter.

>> No.7588737

Every modern convenience we have would not be possible if we had not consumed or utilised animal products. If you truly want to be a vegan you should go live in a cave, otherwise you are a hypocrite. What happens when that life saving drug you need was developed using animal testing? Are you going to die for your stupid fucking beliefs?

>> No.7588741

lol no

human jaw size is decreasing because we eat primarily processed foods. Think about what you ate this week versus what someone only 200 years ago would have eaten - less fibrous foods, processed meats, no gristle, low fiber, etc.

>> No.7588747
File: 90 KB, 708x349, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitten by snake
>Have to literally let myself die

>> No.7588774

It's really not that easy. Animal products or animal tested products are all around us because there was never a interested group powerful enough to oppose those ideas. There are only little to none governmental rules that prohibit those practices, which really would have an impact.
The question is whether you want to remain the status quo or change it.

>> No.7588780

What about certain communities that absolutely rely on meat? Would you tell an inuit to stop eating whales? They couldn't survive.

>> No.7588785

Sorry, Inuits rely on government subsidies not whales.

>> No.7588792
File: 351 KB, 940x430, greenland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans are racist

Only for alcohol and that's a luxury.

>> No.7588822

We only eat meat for the taste. There is no spin or justification. We evolved as ___ is invalid today. 'Saving them from extinction' is equally invalid when we've bred them so far removed from their feral ancestry as to be artificial. 'For nutrition' is easily and cheaply solved, even in the third world. 'It tastes delicious.' You got me there, but only if you swallow the above. At the end of the day, your willpower would make a toddler cringe. You willfully allow suffering for a fleeting pleasure. That is all.

>> No.7588840

What about insects?

>> No.7588842

I agree with absolutely everything you just posted and will continue to indulge in this fleeting pleasure. Life is meant to be enjoyed, even if it comes to the costs of others.

>> No.7588850

What about them? It's an unnecessary compromise. Why eat crickets when you don't have to?

>> No.7588856

They taste pretty good and are a healthy source of protein.

>> No.7588860

Why do doctors advise pregnant woman to eat meat?

>> No.7588881
File: 126 KB, 480x608, 1458275907527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat has distinct advantages over veggies in some places such as a higher amount of fat and usually more calories.

If I eat meat because I need those things is my will power low or am I simply making the more rational decision?

>> No.7588893


How about the objectively observable fact that they are as of yet not extinct and other species have been?

>> No.7588913

No, you're not educated on food enough. Try to learn which vegetables/nuts/etc are available to you and what they contain.

>> No.7588917


Sure. In some cases, meat undeniably packs more punch than plants. But that's not an issue post-agriculture, we're not here to make every calorie count when we can eat our fill of our plant material of choice. If this is your measuring stick, peanut butter fucking rocks.

This falls under the "we've evolved to ___" argument, it doesn't apply at this point despite its objective truth. We can make a choice.

>> No.7588920
File: 37 KB, 640x492, 12642460_10156452633070293_8668138352109682107_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you vegan?

Because I'm not mentally ill.

>> No.7588929

Because while I'm gay, I'm not a fucking faggot like vegan dudes are.
Has anyone else noticed how straight guys just aren't vegan for any meaningful span of time. A year or two, tops their freshman year of college, but then summer barbecue comes round.

I've never in my life met a straight male dedicated vegan. They're almost all white women and variously coloured gay faggots.

>> No.7588931
File: 36 KB, 424x250, astrofood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about military food and astronaut food where you need to optimize the calorie:volume/mass ratio?

Just about all MRE's have meat in them to get as much calories as possible. Meat is easy on logistics too, just freeze it and cook it when you need to. Can't win a war with an army marching on beans and fruits.

>> No.7588937

If a vegan is gay, wouldn't it go against his beliefs to swallow his partners cum?

It's technically an animal product since we humans are animals.

>> No.7588949


If your only criteria is calories or fat, again, peanut butter or any other nut/veggie oil will meet your criteria in a tablespoon or two. Even in extreme labor/fitness cases, this is a problem long solved. Preservation is equally invalid, plant material is equally viable under dried/frozen conditions.

>> No.7588959

I used to fuck a faggot vegan who swallowed my load. I joked about it once. He said that for him, the point isn't to avoid all things that come from animals but to avoid things that come from animals without the animals' consent. Since animals can't give us explicit consent, he said implicit consent was good enough. Like if you have pet chickens that don't go broody and don't give half a fuck about the eggs they basically shit out, it was okay to him to eat the eggs. He was completely against milk, though.

>> No.7588985

I'm gonna go to sleep just a little bit less ignorant tonight, anon. Thanks.

>> No.7588986

What did you learn?

>> No.7589010

Always swallow loadz

>> No.7589114

>that pic
only teenagers are impressed by this argument

>> No.7589154

Meat eaters highlight how laughable modern leftist thought is
>Democrats open the borders for immigrants because guess how they vote? democrat
>We're le winning le culture war guys! Ur on the wrong side of history republicans xDD chipotle and netflix for everyone!
>Edgy young adult vegans make no dent at all in the meat industry because its huge and it makes lots of money for people so it will always exist
Maybe one day someone will find a way to make as much money off vegan products as they do off meat, until then you won't get your way vegan marxist college kids

>> No.7589158

why are you alive yet?

>> No.7589170
File: 29 KB, 656x544, meat industry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>beef industry exploding that much in a decade
Yeah, this is one fight you're never winning leftists. You don't have ethics on your side, you never did. You just have the will of the ruling elite which happens to coincide with your ideas sometimes, and sometimes not. There is no 'side of history' other than what politicians and businessmen want fucking idiots