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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7577484 No.7577484 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever eat pizza with a fork?

>> No.7577493

>paper plate
>pink blob in the upper left

And yes. Most pizza is very greasy and I don't like having lubed up hands

>> No.7577505


You know you can always wash your hands after eating? Only fags and retarded snobs eat pizza with utensils.

>> No.7577507

Only if it's Chicago style. Otherwise I use my hands. If it's New York style you fold that shit.

>> No.7577508
File: 75 KB, 752x440, chicago-style-deep-dish-pizza-ca-752x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes if it's more of a soggy casserole than a pizza.

>> No.7577516

OK listen here kid. When your hands are sweating from hours of playing dota and mom brings in a freshly delivered pie, there's no time for eating with hands.
Mixing in more grease on my sweaty hands will
1.) Make my mouse and keyboard gross
2.) Decrease my apm
Waiting until the game is over to eat defeats the purpose of buying a fresh pizza. I'm a smart enough man to use elegant tools to eat

>> No.7577525

yeah, whenever it would be too messy to eat by hand. in naples the pizza is pretty floppy so i use a knife and fork, but dominos type stuff is fine to eat by hand.

>> No.7577527

Italian here.
Basically it goes like this:
>pizza served on real plate: fork and knife
>pizza served on paper plate: hands
>pizza al taglio: hands

>> No.7577528
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>> No.7577575

>I'm so unpretentious it's pretentious


>> No.7577595


>Only fags and retarded snobs eat pizza with utensils.
>t. murrican

opinion discarded

>> No.7577604 [DELETED] 

What bitch?

>> No.7577620
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I'll cut off your dick and make you eat it.

>> No.7577775


Do you take your fedora off while you eat your pizza like a big boy?

>> No.7577780

No im from ny

>> No.7577858

When it's really hot or when I put spicy sauce on it, yes

>> No.7577933

NY pizza autist detected

>> No.7578048
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If we're talking about somewhere like this, then yes I'll use utensils.

If its fucking pizza hut or whatever then hands it is.

>> No.7578213

who the fuck?

>> No.7578263

No. It's more of a chopstick food. You need the stick on top to hold the toppings on.

>> No.7578274


>folding based new york style

nah man, i don't want all that extra bread at once.

>> No.7578395 [DELETED] 


>> No.7579616

I have been shown who is boss

>> No.7580408 [DELETED] 

Its not extra

>> No.7580416

>not using a spoon

Stay pleb

>> No.7580419
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>Jew york style


>> No.7580426
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, corelle-dishes_33532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corelle makes paper plates now? Fuck.

I wonder if the paper shatters into 10^14 laser sharpened shards of paper just waiting to administer Death by [(10^14) -1] Paper Cuts just for being within 15ft of it when it hits the ground.

>> No.7580445
File: 200 KB, 520x358, ClassActionCorelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. and the (-1) odd piece that gets away? It hides for a while and the people who move into the house after you find themselves having it surgically removed from their feet.

First argument i had with the ol lady when we first moved in was that my first action was to go straight to the cupboard and start chucking this shit into an empty 5 gal bucket for proper disposal. I can't sleep knowing this shit is in the house.

>> No.7580462
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Generally no. I've only ever been to one place that gives you a fork and knife with your pizza.

>> No.7580569
File: 13 KB, 300x250, pizza-slicer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I do.

>> No.7580995
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This is what I learned as well

>> No.7581000 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1460887778268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you eat fries with a fork?

>> No.7581038 [DELETED] 


>> No.7581041

Only if its so bendy that even folding it wont hold it up

>> No.7581378

Only if it's really thin pizza. Even then, I use the fork to support the end before biting it.
Otherwise, I use a fork to corral toppings and cheese back onto slices.

>> No.7581394

Only if it's been cooked properly such that the base can support the toppings.

Most places cook the pizza too slowly and load it with too many soggy toppings, so I find it necessary to use a knife and fork in those situations.

>> No.7582698

No. It's haraam.

>> No.7582727
File: 1.58 MB, 1024x768, gjgj.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
