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File: 114 KB, 220x390, jwames-squire-trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7573673 No.7573673 [Reply] [Original]

What are you lads drinking?

>> No.7573689

Oh god im so sick of IPAs.

I have a problem:
1) I'm not a poorfag, but I'm not rich either and I try to budget, especially nonessentials like alcohol
2) I really like most good beer but NOT IPAs
3) Costco has the best deals in my town on practically any food or drink you can name, including beer, and I buy shittons of groceries from there
4) Costco's beer is very reasonably priced but all of their 24 packs are at least half pale ales or IPAs

I would love to be sitting here drinking an $8 bottle of milk stout or kolsch or hefe. But I'm drinking Kirin Ichiban instead because if I'm going to drink pisswater it might as well be piss cheap as well.

>> No.7573737

That sucks.

>> No.7574603
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Very nice barreled version of the regular beer!

>> No.7574823
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Never had anything Yuzu before but i like it!

>> No.7574831

please link your dish drying rack and undermat

>> No.7574850
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>> No.7574856

Ikea stuff i think atleast.

>> No.7574897

Michelob ultra

>> No.7574920

That cat looks derpy as hell

>> No.7574930


Kek, major side eye goin' on. Hahahaha

>> No.7574985

PBR mixed with Svedka.

>> No.7576030
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I picked up a 4-pack of pic related. Only had one so far, and I really wasn't pleased. I love imperial stouts, but this one just tasted off (too sweet.orange-y). I'll see what I think after trying another.

On the bright side I got some North Coast Old Stock Ale and it's amazing. Also have some KBS left.

>> No.7576056

I'm with you dude. I've tried to like IPAs and they taste like bitter beer brand beer. Some even advertise just how bitter and packed with hops they are. Apparently IBU is a measurement of just how bitter the beer is. They really are the fedora of beers, where they make shit up to pretend their easy to make IPA is somehow different.

New brewery in town
>we've got 15 beers, and plan to add many more
>wide selection of various types of beers
Even better! When do you open?
>we have 12 different IPAs!
Not even going to try your remaining beers

Lucky for me competition is strong and theres a dozen breweries within 20 minutes of me, and grocery stores carry a shitload of beers from all over in bomber bottles.

>> No.7576057
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had a Wig Splitter coffee stout from 3 floyds, then a daisy cutter, now just drinking gin & tonic

>> No.7576059
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This just hit shelves. Split two 6-packs with a friend, only $14 after tax. So deliciously drinkable.

>> No.7576063


>> No.7576475
File: 428 KB, 1880x2263, Genesee_Cream_Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beerfags, how do you feel about cream ales? I never hear them discussed here.

>> No.7577219

Went to a new brewery near Milwaukee called the Fermentorium the other day. Was pretty good, especially their dunkel weizenbock and hefewiezen. Their IPA was just ok

>> No.7577230


>> No.7577328

Malty beers just taste like rotten grain to me....

But I guess I'm not contrarian enough for 4chan.

>> No.7577682

>just taste like rotten grain to me
thats literally what beer is, its delicious

>> No.7577707

I had one of those at Genesee Brewery once and it was good. Every other time out of the can it's been disgusting.

>> No.7578271
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>> No.7578364
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Last time I had this it was kind of a disappointment. I liked DFH apricot ipa better.
Drinking pic related. Always good.

>> No.7578377
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>> No.7578385

Picked up a 6 pack of GhostRider a "white" IPA yesterday. At first I thought it was decent but now it's disgusting to me :(

>> No.7578522
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Pretty good

>> No.7578819

I love orpheus but almost all of their beers are fucking sours

>> No.7578871

A mojito

>> No.7578945
File: 114 KB, 570x536, samadamsnitro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else try the Sam Adams Nitro series?
I just picked up a 4 of the White Ale.
It's...weird. It tastes like Sam Adams, but with the mouthfeel of a Guiness.
Kind of fucks with my head...

>> No.7578966
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All night, every night.

The quickest way to a man's heart is through his liver.

>> No.7579073

it's the hipster beer apocolypse

don't be part of the problem, shun overly bitter, sweet fruity, huge hops flavour, acidic, nasty craft beers

>> No.7579083
File: 30 KB, 492x492, hoegaarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New drinker here, this stuff has been pretty good. What should I try next? Also whats a good lager/pilsner I should look at? Haven't had any

>> No.7579095

But I like fruity beers.
Especially fruity wheat beers, it's like breakfast in a bottle.

>> No.7579232

Nothing great, just Coors Light... keg of good stuff is dry.

>> No.7579267

Went to the Beau's brewery today, currently drinking a cherry flavored black IPA
About to have a peanut butter grape jelly porter

>> No.7579283

Golden Monkey from Victory. I haven't had this for a while but holy shit I don't remember it being so boozy.

>> No.7579300

We have this at the bar I work at, I really wanna try it. Love wheat beers.

>> No.7579310


An Ottawa area fag...

>> No.7579452
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Bleh. Really wish I hadn't bought a six pack of this

>> No.7579840
File: 41 KB, 300x300, Murrays_Moon_Boy_Golden_Ale__15036.1437374280.500.440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had a moon boy golden ale

really nice and smooth with good aftertaste

>> No.7579849

and yes it haws a hipster on the front

i'm not drinking a brew dog - 5am red ale

its pretty meh the tastes are pretty alien to me cant pin anything down

>> No.7579852
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forgot pic

>> No.7579875

Do full memeness, try Schneider Weisse - Mein Grünes or Meine Hopfenweisse. These are moderately or not so moderately hopped wheats, the 2nd one tastes like dish washing soap if drank too cold so moderate temperature and good glass are your friends here.

For pils I would recommend pilsner urquell, should be readily available and is a nice introduction to pilsener.

Lager gets a bit more tricky but I have found Hofbräu's original or Weihenstephaner to hit the spot, but if you are in the states, consider this as a diminishing return since they are bound to be a bit more costly and might not be in tip top shape after the shipping.

>> No.7579886

lads whats the difference between lagers, ales and pilsners?

>> No.7579903
File: 279 KB, 479x1280, 0004048_murrays_angry_man_pale_ale_330ml_bottles__10780.1425432435.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not drinking the angry man pale ale by - murrays

its quite nice very sweet with a hint of honey

>> No.7579911
File: 274 KB, 625x431, 805 Ale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank way too many of these last night and a bottle of wine on top of it. I need to slow down.

>> No.7580576

Currently quenching the thirst with a Gulpener Korenwolf, nice Belgian-style white. Next up are IPA by Amsterdam Brewboys, Drei punkt Dreizig by De Eem, and finishing with a ridiculously tasty and strong sour ale from Alvinne, Phi.

>> No.7580596

If you like Hoegaarden, and are in Europe, try Gulpener Korenwolf, Grimbergen Blanche, Weihenstephaner, Franziskaner, or Vedett Extra White.

For good lagers, there's Pilsner Urquell, Grolsch, and Jupiler.

>> No.7580874
File: 35 KB, 640x640, Achel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened this one up for the first time, pretty good. Has a complexity in the yeasts that is uncommon in most non-Trappist dubbel beers.

>> No.7581005
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only having this Miller High Life because this place serves it with the bloody bloody mary

>> No.7581013

Beer sucks

>> No.7581114
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worries for another day

>> No.7581793
File: 27 KB, 480x640, f6779308-a72a-4c42-9f15-aaf35b27df52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a case of a local ale to try it out
>parents come to visit for the weekend
>break out the bottles with them
>get SUPER tipsy about halfway through the bottle
>shit what the fuck is in this
>check side of the bottle
>10.7% ABV

I was drinking it way too fast for how much alcohol is in it, but I'm a major lightweight when it comes to handling my liquor regardless. I got smashed drinking mimosas too quickly at a brunch with friends a couple weeks ago.

It's a good beer though.

>> No.7581796


Whoops looking at the bottle I got that number wrong, it was 9.7%

>> No.7581804

But anon the picture says 9.6%

>> No.7581816
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Well then I'm just a fucking idiot I guess.

>> No.7581820

You bought a case of old ale? Jesus. Save a couple then. They aren't really an every day beer

>> No.7581825

I don't understand why when Bud and Millet etc. add rice to their beers as an adjunct, it's devil's-piss, but when cream ales do it "for flavor," it's perfectly fine.

Genesee Cream is my go-to cheap beer, though. Perfect for working outside.

>> No.7581829
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Leinenkugel Summer Shandy because it makes the foot of snow on the ground almost seem like a distant memory. Almost.

>> No.7581833

Most cream ales use corn I thought

>> No.7581896

Beer's beer, bro. Just drink it and be grateful.

>> No.7581900

Maybe. I admit I don't know what adjuncts they use, I just don't get why one is acceptable and the other isn't. For taste or for production cost, it's still an adjunct.

Then again, I'm willing to drink the cheap macro beers (if not buy them), so it's not a big deal to me.

>> No.7581912

Well with bud they add a lot of the stuff, where as good cream ales add just enough to get that nice mouth feel

>> No.7581927

Makes sense. I do like the cream ales I've had, since I prefer more balanced, mild beers than the quad-IPAs and the imperial porters.

>> No.7581934

because adjuncts are not inherently bad, you have to consider the motive in their use

>> No.7582211
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Had one of these last night, 10% or so, very tasty.

>> No.7582284

sippin on a cali creamin' right now. good stuff

>> No.7582390

I'm trying to get into beers, do you anons have some beers that are perhaps not too complex, and one that a noobie would be able differentiate and appreciate the different flavors?

I've tried a couple goose island beers (green line was my favorite), a couple Sam Adam's (not as good as I was expecting), blue moon (delicious), but the best by far that I've tried is Bell's Two Hearted Ale. This beer opened my eyes to just how tasty and refreshing beer can be.

Please suggest some beers, or perhaps just your favorite beer, gonna pick some up tonight.

>> No.7582406

Hear hear. I've tried dozens upon dozens of IPAs, and maybe 2-3 of those at best haven't been bitter, disgusting, tryhard and/or flat nasty.

Is love of IPAs some sort of manly compensation meme? I struggle to understand why so many people flock to this bitter, unpalatable shit when there's SO many better types of beers out there.

The hops in IPAs were increased as a means of preserving beer for long travels by sea. It was never supposed to taste good. It's like the hard tack of beer. This IPA meme can't end soon enough.

>> No.7582412

A tip that I've found true; the wackier the labeling, the worse the beer is.

>> No.7582413

Yes, people only pretend to like things you don't in order to look cool, it's not because they have different tastes or anything :^)

>> No.7582415

They should stop liking things I don't like then.

>> No.7582424

sounds like your tongue is just messed up

The only reason hops weren't traditionally used in higher levels and only saved for the long voyages was for cost reasons

>> No.7582493
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what to drink

>> No.7582525

The weird canned one

>> No.7582537

Clorox wipes

>> No.7582556

Wolf Ridge's Cinnamon Toast Brunch cream ale. It's absolutely fantastic, tastes just like the cereal and more.

>> No.7582581

Sounds gross desu

>> No.7582606

>Pliny the Elder beer
>dat labelling

What in the fuck

I want some

>> No.7582647

Seconding the moonrunes can

>> No.7582790

jap ipa. it was ok

>> No.7582802

I meant the yellow one

>> No.7582817


I still have a few bottles, don't worry.

>> No.7582952

Pilsner is a style of lager from pilsen in the Czech republic. It uses pilsner malt, a pale highly nitrogenous malt with a distinct crisp almost grassy taste. Common hops are styrian goldings, and the german noble hops which have a herbal, spicy and sometimes grassy taste.
Ale is any beer that uses a top fermenting yeast, these tend to be femented inbetween 10-30C and tend to impart a yeasty flavour that is unique to each strain of the yeast used due to the various chemical byproducts of the yeasts metabolism. Lager is a beer fermented witha bottom fermenting yeast strain that prefers 4-10C these impart hardly any noticeable yeast flavour and tend to consume more of the residual sugar in the beer leaving a crisper tasting beer. Lagers require a long cold maturation, 60 days or more to fully get rid of some of chemicals lager yeast produces which unlike ale yeast, are not good.