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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7568564 No.7568564 [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree with this.

>> No.7568569

nice b8 thread OP, quality stuff

>> No.7568608

American corn pops belong in shit tier, but the Canadian version would appear in at least top tier.

>> No.7568615
File: 203 KB, 332x332, pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no waffle crisp

>> No.7568622

>Eating cold cereal with milk.

Pathetic, desu.

>> No.7568628

>honey comb in shit tier

>> No.7568635
File: 685 KB, 245x157, Glorious Kurt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did you put Fruit Loops and Applejacks in shit tier, but you also put Honey Combs there too. Just.. leave before you make me angrier friend.

>> No.7568640

>Mini wheats
>God tier

>> No.7568660

so fucking bait

here are some of the most egregious offenders:
>reese's puffs that high
>raisin bran that high
>honey comb that low
>applejacks/fruit loops that low
>frosted fucking flakes not at least in mid tier
>what the fuck is banana nut crunch and basic 4 you fucking baby boomer/canadian

>> No.7568663

>No Malt-o-Meal represented
Please don't

>> No.7568665

>Special K and Raisin Bran being anywhere but lowest tier

omg plz OP, plz.

>> No.7568670

I kind of agreed with most of the list, but you had to put Mini-Wheats as the first image in God Tier and FUCK IT UP IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE.

>> No.7568675

listen here cunt. If you can't appriciate the yum yum that is Frosted Mini-Wheats maybe you should return you tastebuds to god. They're going to waste you no dick having chucklecuck.

>> No.7568682


Not OP, but I like frosted mini wheats cuz they help me poop good and that's the main reason I even eat cereal.

If I'm gonna consume a shit ton of sugar and empty calories, I'd rather have something else, to be honest.

>> No.7568726
File: 1.77 MB, 1834x1056, tru_ceral_taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it

>> No.7568744
File: 1.52 MB, 1543x1056, Post cereal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACTUALLY fixed idiot

>> No.7568755

you made a mistake here.

you accidentally put golden grahams that low.

>> No.7568756

never had that 4 cereal before, is it actually good?

>> No.7568781

I think this one is the least bad of the charts

>> No.7568785

It was delicious

>> No.7568793

stop hating on Raisin Bran everyone

>> No.7568806
File: 133 KB, 498x276, 1402335211268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no captain crunch

>> No.7568807


OK, dad.

>> No.7568808
File: 31 KB, 450x335, 1451101622370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Raisin Bran sucks.

>> No.7568828

Kix, pops, honey comb, cheerios, crispix, special K, honey bunches, raisin bran, basic 4 are all good.
These seemed to get shittier and over-sugared the more they progressed to "god tier".

>> No.7568838

I love raisin bran. I also make 6 week raisin bran muffins and man are they delicious and convenient.

Here's a basic recipe. Tweak as you like. Good with pumpkin too. I reduce sugar to 2 cups when I make mine.


>> No.7568841

>mom detected

Everyone hide the good shit!

>> No.7568878
File: 25 KB, 480x360, tiers are for queers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots seriously need to reevaluate your life decisions.

>Fruity Pebbles not even on the list at all

>> No.7568891


>> No.7568922

Where is Boo Berry? That is best sugary cereal of all time.

>> No.7568923


>no Captain Crunch


>> No.7568934
File: 42 KB, 444x352, BeegSlowCrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like frosted mini wheats cuz they help me poop good

>> No.7568952
File: 57 KB, 270x203, 442b5e790c266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking try some honeycomb right fucking now and get back to me

fucking nerds baka

>> No.7568963

I know this is 4chan and all but on't be such a fucking weeb

>> No.7569016

And Pops as shit tier!? Fuck whoever made this. Fuck them right in the ass with a crowbar.

>> No.7569042

What kind of cum-guzzling faggot doesn't like Kix?

>> No.7569046

Why make this thread again so soon? If it was any good the last time it would still be alive.

>> No.7569065

Fixed what? You put Frosted Flakes at the top and neglected to send Cheerios straight to hell. Frosted Flakes isnt even cereal. It gets soggy fast and you have to chase the last two bites around the bowl for ten minutes. As far as Cheerios goes, bitch, you have no taste. I do not give a fuck what's good for my heart. I diet and exercise so that I won't have to eat Cheerios one day, and seeing if at the top of fucking TWO of these charts is an insult to cereal. Fuck you and fuck your chart nigger. I'm fucking done.

>> No.7569085

special k and frosted flakes should at LEAST be top tier

move coco puffs to shit tier

>> No.7569326

Yeah honestly I feel like everyone hates it because there are raisins but don't worry they're covered in sugar making them just as disgustingly delicious as every other cereal listed

>> No.7569359

I hate Raisin Bran because the goddamn flakes taste like cardboard and the raisins are usually gritty and too sweet to compensate, two fuck-ups for the price of one. I'll take Special K over Raisin Bran any day.

Raisin Bran Crunch gets a pass because the clusters help to mediate the awfulness.

>> No.7569457

huh, I always thought the flakes provided a nice contrast to the raisins.
Different strokes for different folks I guess

>> No.7569626

fuck you i like applejacks
>no fruity pebbles

>> No.7569652


>> No.7569655

I put most of that on the same tier. I only buy non sugar anymore so most of that stuff is god tier to me

>> No.7569838
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My niggas.

>> No.7569852

I chipped my tooth on raisin bran fuck that shitty cereal and its cement raisins.

>> No.7569875

Some people don't like having the roof of their mouth cut open.

>> No.7569882
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No Muesli? Bullshit!

>> No.7569915
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Forgetting something?

>> No.7570010

raisin bran (crunch) should be at least top-tier

honey bunches of oats is mid-tier, that shit has too many regular corn flakes

and fuck your mini-wheats

>> No.7570020

>frosted mini shit in god tier
>Cinnamon life in low tier
>Cpt. Crunch nowhere to be seen

OP should kill himself

>> No.7570024

oh shit

>> No.7570037
File: 113 KB, 736x413, thebestgovernmentsubsidisedcereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try that new Japanese cereal?

>> No.7570038

That happens to me with half of the cereals on that list. I was 12 before I realized why Cheerios taste like blood after the 5th bowl
I still love getting crunchitized desu Cap'n

>> No.7570047
File: 2.00 MB, 320x362, VVZVYP6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was 12 before I realized why Cheerios taste like blood after the 5th bowl

>> No.7570129

you're a faggot and if you believe half of that list then i legitimately hate you

>> No.7570149
File: 50 KB, 228x184, 94830428034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple Jacks not in top tier
>honey bunches of oats anywhere out of "disgusting mess" tier

>> No.7570173

Wait, there's a difference? I love Corn Pops, but I'm Canadian.

>> No.7570190
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Rice Crispy Treat Cereal was pretty based

>> No.7570251


Those are fucking gross.

>> No.7570304

The Korean ones are much worse than the original.

>> No.7570325

Sorry m8, but Pops tastes like morning piss.

>> No.7570334


Can agree special K is God tier

>> No.7570335
File: 107 KB, 850x564, enola_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all just sugary cereal

Nothing differentiates shit tier from god tier

>> No.7570346

People that have passed the age of 15 still eat this shit?
You might as well eat a handful of sugar cubes
>*sigh* amerifats

>> No.7570354


none of the god tier cereals is available in my country, if you can't buy it here...then it's crap

also kix is kinda ok

>> No.7570358


i eat lots of cereal and i would bet just about anything that i look better than you do.. just finished a box of lucky charms yesterday, senpai.

currently eating half a large pizza and for lunch before work i had a big mac/fries/mcdouble/a coke.

>> No.7570547
File: 196 KB, 962x1280, New-French-Toast-Crunch-Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has beyond triggered me.

>people hating on raisin bran
>kix not god tier
>honey nut cheerios not god tier
>people actually liking mini-wheats
>no cap'n crunch (especially peanut butter) rep
>pic related not saturday-morning-ascension tier

>> No.7570553

did they not have squats in 1945?

>> No.7570559

Holy shit OP, Frosted Wheats is my jam

>> No.7570567

>All that overly sweet shit
>Cereal designed and marketed towards children

What's wrong with bran flakes or oats?

I just miss they stopped making Force or my one sweet weakness honey nut bran flakes

>> No.7570858

No. Exercise was invented in 2006

>> No.7570864

It's true. The bigger beard you have the more muscles and gooey pussy slime you'll get too.

>> No.7570880

Honey Nut Cheerios should be alone at the top
nothing compares

>> No.7570902

Almost all cereal is awesome to be honest, even "museli". However, Smacks and Grape Nuts are SHIIIIIITT.

>> No.7570904

>Crispix low tier
>Kix shit tier

I am legitimately angry about this.

>> No.7570944

Standard Cornflakes with crumbled Oreos is fucking godlike

>> No.7570962

I thought the japs weren't into cereal. what's it called?

>> No.7570985

>everyone in this thread being massive turboplebs
>gotta do everything yourself
Listen up, faggots. Only gonna post this once.

>God Tier
Mini Wheats
Cinnamon Life
Honey Bunches of Oats
Lucky Charms
Grape Nuts

>Top Tier
Reese's Puffs
Raisin Bran
Apple Jacks
Cookie Crisp

>Mid Tier
Other "Cheerios" (Honey Nut, Apple Cinnamon, etc)
Golden Grahams
Original Life
Honey Comb
Corn Pops
Capt. Crunch
Peanut Butter Crunch
Corn Flakes
The Halloween Cereals (Boo Berry, Count Chocula, etc.)

>Low Tier
Golden Crisp
Froot Loops
Cocoa Puffs
Frosted Flakes

>Shit Tier
Crunch Berries
Any "Pebbles"
Any "Krispies"
Cinnamon Toast Crunch

>Transcended Tier
Oreo Os


>> No.7571011

rice crispy treats cereal on top.

i like it

>> No.7571021
File: 3 KB, 125x94, Shhhhhheeeeeeeeiiiitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is Boo Berry?
meme cereal fuck off

>> No.7571025

That cereal cave me cancer

>> No.7571039

>Wait, there's a difference? I love Corn Pops, but I'm Canadian.
I would also like to know this

>> No.7571051
File: 1.96 MB, 514x205, REEE This Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us faggot

>> No.7571059

It's shit

>> No.7571103

>kix and cinnamon toast crunch in shit tier

Literally kill yourself. Confirmed shit taste, confirmed diet coke drinker, IswearI'mnotgayIjustsuckedadickthatonetime/10

>> No.7571552

What does Grape Nuts even taste like?

>> No.7571571

bread no joke

>> No.7571676


>> No.7571685

crispix needs to be in god tier. also you don't have any chex here at all. where is count chocula for that matter too

>> No.7571690

>Man child tier: All

>> No.7571698

I am not the poster but is it perhaps kashi?

>> No.7571737
File: 612 KB, 2048x1536, Grape Nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no grapenuts
Awful list desu fampai

>> No.7571752
File: 38 KB, 240x320, Honey-Bunches-Of-Oats-Just-Bunches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously guys. get your shit together.

>> No.7571833


>grape nuts

Top fucking kek

that shit was designed to help senior citizens fart and take shits, LMAO

tastes like ground up raisin bran with all the raisins and sugar removed, NICE LA

(it is quite nice in some sweetened fruit yogurt, I must admit though)

>> No.7571840


>Look mom, I was an adult on the internet again!

>> No.7571856


the sad thing is that people think we should be feeding sugar to children, rather than consuming it in moderation as adults.

>> No.7571929

>Fruity Pebbles not even on the list
shit/10, not even going to bother with anything else

>> No.7571945

They're pilots. Having large legs would be a detriment.

>> No.7572517

>liking fruity plebbles

>> No.7572571

id say kill yourself but it doesn't seem like you're living at all anyways so keep on i guess

>> No.7574344

>raisin bran at shit tier in both
y'all mothefuckers need fiber

>> No.7574510

Daily reminder that Kix has no flavor.

>> No.7574521

They're all shit

>> No.7574542

listem, foo should be more the bowel movements to you

>> No.7574648


honeycomb is bomb aff

>> No.7574683

i think the only absolutely shit tier cereals i've had are reeses puffs and cookie crisp. Fruity Pebbles are only good if you eat them dry too.

>> No.7574695
File: 49 KB, 358x531, 1460614887470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC incoming

>> No.7574769

Did you not look at the image he posted?

>> No.7574857
File: 14 KB, 540x540, 1447739294477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> honey bunches of oats not being the only one in god tier
What are you retards even thinking?

>> No.7574974
File: 1.19 MB, 1672x1672, tyler_nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no French toast crunch either
Literal shit list

>> No.7575597

>shit-tier nostalgia cereal
>on a high quality list like this one

>> No.7575612

>special k in low tier
>no Cap'n crunch
>no oops all berries
I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.7575624



I could have sworn we had another month before summer vacation started.