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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 701x491, GoldenNeedles-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7534642 No.7534642 [Reply] [Original]

What are some teas you enjoy drinking whether in an independent shop or at home. What independent/non-mainstream coffee shops do you go to?

I am into white teas such as: shou mei, white peony, silver needle

>> No.7534715

Is that from Intelligentsia?

>> No.7534764

Yes, sir. I love their attention to detail

>> No.7535016
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Anyone tried filling their own teabags? I need something quick&easy (=disposable) to enjoy my (pretentious) teas at work.

I'm especially interested in pic related because they seem to be the thing that fills the first couple of pages on ebay when searching for empty tea bags. Anyone got these ones specifically? Do they work or do they explode in your face or something?

>> No.7535026

Can't directly help you out here, however I know Adagio sells special tea bags that includes virtually all of their loose leaf collection. Thus you could order from them without the hassle

>> No.7535031

I got these off AliExpress. They work but they're kind of small. I prefer the ones that fold over like coin bags.

>> No.7535098
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thanks for the suggestion, but living in EU backwater it doesn't help me personally


isn't fishing the bag out bit annoying without some string, or am I'm being stupid?

Anyways sounds like some bigger bags might be good idea, pic related are listed as bigger so I might get these instead

>> No.7535118 [DELETED] 
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Need to order some new tea

Where should I get it?

>> No.7535254

I grew up in a culture where it's normal to have teabags without strings so I guess it doesn't bother me. That said, if you're bothered about the string, the strings aren't really long enough for those teabags either in my opinion.

>> No.7536591


>> No.7536795
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So where are some good places to order tea?

I have been using crepes tea house.

>> No.7536819

I just drink regular black tea that I buy at the grocery store

>> No.7536834

Instead of being cheap, I'm frugal, so I buy 1/3 kilo bags of loose and spend less than you for better tea :^)

>> No.7536854

O5 in BS is best I've had by a mile. Try their experimental line if you feelin' adventurous.

>> No.7536887

mayan buzz is pretty good if you're in grand rapids MI.
I love gyakuro, never found white tea very good.
I've had good results ordering from yuukicha as far as green goes.

>> No.7537280

Pu Erh

>> No.7537283


>> No.7537526

Is silver needle really worth it?

>> No.7537680

ah yes. My good man I am sipping on a nice obscure tea. Not sure if you've heard of it but its an underground tea called Leeptaun. Its fragrance is quite arrivederci!

>> No.7537701

This could've been a nice tea thread. Too bad faggot OP had to call it "pretentious". Guess, it's time to ignore it.

>> No.7539135

have any of you ordered tea from aliexpress?

>> No.7539174

was at a tea place in the village called bosies i think. Had some coconut black tea and it was fucking delicious. usually just go to my local shop and get some english breakfast but that coconut was the best I ever had.

>> No.7540315

So this is a worn out comment but loose leaf is such a change. I couldn't stomach black tea and plain green tea before now, now I love it.

I know everyone's all like "oh its so much better you won't believe it", but I was actually surprised at the difference. The proper brewing time and temp etc also makes a huge difference. The taste of a 80 degree vs a 73 degree brew of green tea are worlds apart.

>> No.7540499

>be pretentious
>can set the temp of my kettle
>only dring multiple stepped green Oolongs or puers all day erry day

>> No.7540596

>This could've been a nice tea thread.
This sentence great for some reason

>> No.7540756

Usually snag some from Adagio. They're fairly solid for flavored teas

Arbor Teas is good too. Like I'll take their chai any day of the week

>> No.7540811


Try buying pyramid tea bags, they work better than envelope style for quality whole leaf teas.

>> No.7540814


Patrician as fuck

>> No.7540991

Move along if you can't stomach tea-cringe:
I normally have Twinnings ordinary English Breakfast. I recently bought a small box of Eng Break but this time it's "extra strong"
How did they make it extra strong without increasing the tea bag volume?

>> No.7541026

I have no idea, but I know the exact tea you're talking about. It's like the 1706 Strong Breakfast tea, right? That shit comes out blacker than coffee. I haven't been able to find it anywhere around the states, but it was my go to for so long.

>> No.7541076
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What do you guys store your teak
In? I've been using the bags that they came in from Crepes and honestly that's probably not the best long term solution.

>> No.7541438

Some nice airtight tins are probably the best solution, but to be fair, I just keep mine in the zip bags I get from Adagio.

>> No.7541504

its that black tea? probably it more oxidate.

>> No.7541800

It's a shame water has to reach 85°C/185°F at the end if the day, isn't it fellow patrician?

>> No.7541950
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Post your /tea/ gear fampai

>> No.7543132

Dig that thermos pot there.

>> No.7543196

>macintosh plus
my nigger

>> No.7543247

found it in my kitchen (share an apartment) covered in dust and grease, gave it a good wash and kept it, havent been able to take the coffee odor from the rubber seal but it doesnt flavour the water, at least noticeably so

>> No.7543528

Solid. If it wasn't like 2am, I'd go take some pics of my tea set up. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.7544100

Wish I had a bro to drink high quality tea with and shoot the shit about that feel when no gf.

All my guy friends are just alcoholic morons.

>> No.7544361

Converted a few friends actually, most dont drink it often on their own but come to my house often and we do a few sessions

>> No.7545142

>tfw no friends
W - wew

>> No.7545478

Not a big tea drinker. Usually I just drink it when I get sick and add some honey.

I wanted to give some tea as Christmas gifts this year to the few family members I have who do drink it often so I was waiting for a thread I could lurk. I ordered a couple of samples from that adagio site to try it out. Can I expect good things?

>> No.7545491

no is shit, import some oolong from taiwan.

>> No.7545492

>only drink experimental semi-wild exotic varietals brewed with my PID controlled kettle and hand crafted mineral water in a brew vessel that has thermal properties that suit the tea at hand and a cup with shape and material that most effectively delivers aroma to my truly patrician shnout

>> No.7545694

It's got some good stuff I imagine. But it's not too well received. Step above teavana I understand.

Take a look at crepes tea house and Upton tea imports if you really wanna go deep. Crepes is a personal favorite of mine since they have good tea at a good price.

>> No.7546435


I've roped people into trying my tea a few times, but none of them can appreciate my expensive stuff.

It feels like a big waste.

>> No.7546806

I know that feel. Have like 30 different kinds of tea, and they always just ask if they can have some earl grey

>> No.7546863


"Thanks anon, I like my tea with lots of sugar"

slowly puts away the 1980 vintage pu-erh

>> No.7546934
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>> No.7546944

>that cock slip

>> No.7546952

heh, was thinking the same thing

>> No.7546955

genmaicha. roasted rice really adds something to the green tea. it's a comfy feeling

>> No.7546993

I'm loving me some oolong. Been drinking Ginseng Oolong today, gonna buy a sample of Iron Goddess of Mercy and Big Red Robe next time I buy some tea.

>> No.7547024


Where do you buy from?

>> No.7547035

New Zealand based tea suppliers because otherwise it would be a lot of shipping or a long time. They import a bunch of teas and such.

Anyone know if you can get sample amounts in other online tea shops? The prices here are around $12 per 100g for most of the more common teas, so thats like 8ish bucks USD. The best part about the shop is that they sell 2 buck packs that give you enough for 5-10 teapots worth so you can try out different teas.

>> No.7547138


100g for 8 bucks is pretty damn good, what kind of tea is that?

I pay ~10-12 usd for two ounces(roughly 55g) but I drink high mountain oolong. Nothing grown at under 1,000 meters is worthy of touching my teapots or gaiwan.

>> No.7547196

So things like gunpowder green, english breakfast, sencha etc, are all like 7-8 USD per 100g, Big Red Robe and Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong are around 16 USD per 100g, and Silver Needle is around 30 USD for 100g, but there are cheaper whites.

I like white tea that comes in tea bags, but don't know if I can afford being that expensive with my teas at the moment. White Peony is like 18 USD for 75g, so that might be something I try out. They have a ton of different teas aswell.

Link: http://www.tleaft.co.nz/

>> No.7547223


Hmm, I should try to sell them tea.

If you lived in the states I would send you some free tea, I work for a wholesale tea importer. Shipping is too crazy international though.

Cheers though, sounds like you have patrician as fuck taste

>> No.7547237

I've liked tea for a while but only just got into loose leaf after I educated myself about how its actually cheaper, tastier and doesn't take that much time. Really loving it. Drinking way more tea, and it'll be cool to invest in new teaware when I have the cash.

Hmm we have a service where you can get a USA address, you get things shipped there, and then I would pay for shipping it on based on weight and size of the package. Would something like that work for you?

>> No.7547241


Yeah that works for me. As long as my cost to ship is under 5 bucks I can work something out.

Just out of curiosity, how much does this service cost you? I've shipped samples to New Zealand and Australia before and it's cost me ~20-25USD for USPS first class.

>> No.7547253


Its free to sign up for, and each parcel of anything under 500g is $17.25 NZD or around $11 USD.

Drop me an email anotherthrowawayemail111@gmail.com

>> No.7547268


Email sent.

>> No.7547615

Tfw just broke the lid of the pot, too ashamed to go to the antique store to buy another pot

>> No.7548322
File: 36 KB, 800x300, sweet-tea-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make your sweet tea /ck/? How sweet, how much at a time, and do you add anything special? Lemon or no?

Personally I like brewing mine with some spearmint sprigs, but I don't often go through the trouble to buy some.

>> No.7548657

Simpson & Veil has a good catalog of tea and they're pretty well-renown

>> No.7548701

can someone describe the taste of puehr?
I bought one and it tastes like my fireplace smells, always thought it would have a more delicate taste, granted it was stupid cheap and is low quality but is it suposed to taste like smoke, im afraid to get cancer or some shit?

>> No.7548710

this is the PRETENSIOUS tea thread m8, make the pleb one if you want to discuss sweet tea

>> No.7548764

Get in here pleb bros!

>> No.7548806


It's supposed to taste like stale paper, but in a good way.

>> No.7548829
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he actually made it, the absolute madman

>> No.7549042
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Hey you co/ck/tease, what sensha should I try in this list?
Is the Gyokuro worth the price?

>> No.7549056
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This. It doesn't taste like plastic. Easy to use. Eventually I'll buy a thermometer and a balance.

>> No.7549367

What do you call the silver spoon strainer thing thats on the white jug? I want one.

>> No.7549805

First day trying out cold brew with leaves from morning tea, gotta say, kinda enjoying it. Chose a weird tea to do it with, and didn't use cold cold water but its pretty nice to just sip through the day.

>> No.7549921


Gyokuro is thicc as fuck, it's like drinking broth.

So good.

>> No.7549962

Tbh its not very good, not nearly thin enough, got a gaiwan set today in the mail which came with a better one, just search for tea filter or strainer on aliexpress and youll find some cheap ones

>> No.7551395
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I have the 18 Oz version coming today (along with their second flush da jeering which I hear good things about)

Been getting sick of floaties in my tea so pretty hype. Thought about buying the bigger one but I figure if I ever needed multiple tea cups I could just break out my cup infusers

Will post results later on.

>> No.7552504
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>> No.7552521
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Of course.

>> No.7552524
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>> No.7552598

I'm a bit new to oolong, but so far, I really don't enjoy the subsequent steepings as much as the first (although I rinse the leaves in hot water for a few seconds before the first steeping, so some wouldn't consider it the "first").

It's legit oolong tea from good companies, and the temp and times are right on I think.

>> No.7552607

you can order it on Amazon. I was about to try it or the Twinings Assam, but went with Harney and Sons bagged keemun English Breakfast.

>> No.7552623
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This is some of my stash with my pot

>> No.7552809

>Literally drinking tarantula legs

>> No.7552821

>wasting the rest of the tarantula instead of gulping it down too.

>> No.7552825

You can and should eat fresh, high quality tarantulas after being done steeping them.

>> No.7552833

I find that if your doing it western style then its only good for 2 steeps before its over for me. Starts to taste a little weak and unappetizing after that.

>> No.7552922
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Has anyone tried tisanes? Pic related, this is a tisane called King Crimson and it is a hibiscus blend made out of roseships, lemongrass, licorise root, and citrus flavor.

Any other tisanes recommendations?

>> No.7553753


What are your ratios? Try brewing it gongfu style if you can, that is usually how the chinks do it to get their proported "five to six resteeps."

3-4grams in a 95ml gaiwan, water 3c hotter than you would normally use for that tea, flash it at 30-40 seconds and drink.

>> No.7553755

Ugh, purported, I hate misspelling shit

>> No.7553824

flor de manzanilla, chamochille i think is called in english.
also yerba mate

>> No.7554064

Is it possible to buy really cheap tea from China just similarly to how it works with electronics? Or do they export to a higher standard?

>> No.7554069

China exports to all levels of standards. They're the biggest producer in the world.

>> No.7554080

Any good sites to buy cheap shit from? I drink mostly bagged with some herbal loose leaf here and there and really want to expand my tastes without breaking the bank.

>> No.7554085

Just buy a box of 100 bags off Amazon or similar site. It'll be five bucks at most.

>> No.7554091

I figure I can get better quality Cheap shit from China then anywhere in the US, or is that complete Bullshit?

I guess what I'm really looking for is a place to buy the same tea that poor/middle class Chinese plebs buy.

>> No.7554200

Got some first flush darjeeling, tried it in a cup with infuser and in gaiwan, cup tastes like nothing compared to the gaiwan.

>> No.7554219

Do you have any chinese/asian groceries around you?

They usually sell cheap big bags of chinese tea - the same kind of stuff that you would normally get in a chinese restaurant.

>> No.7554249

Nope, live in bumfuck nowhere flyover state US. Hoping to find an online option.

>> No.7554436

any good brands my grocery store might have? Currently drink 'steep' by bigelow, the green tea line in that. It's good, but I'd like to try some other ones

>> No.7554446

Any recomendations for a budget Jasmine tea?

My supermarket only carries the Lipton brand, but its weak shit.

>> No.7554453

Celestial is good for bagged tea, don't get the hype about Bigelow, tastes nasty imo.

>> No.7554470

dragon tea house on ebay
some sellers on aliexpress
taobao if you feel brave

>> No.7554506

How would you describe the taste of it? Is it as light as white tea? It's $6 a cup so I want to try it if I know I would be able to drink it

>> No.7554517

it's chamomile. Manzanilla translates to chamomile, flor de manzanilla would transliterate to flower of chamomile or flower from chamomile.

have you never had chamomile before?

>> No.7554532

How do I into higher level brewing? I have had tea that was amazing at some restaurants and cafes, but I can seemingly never replicate it at home.

>> No.7554545

what are you triying to brew?

>> No.7554557

I'm not sure exactly, I bought a starter pack from my mall's tea shop and a little tea-pot that has space for loose leaf teas. It might sound sacrilegious, but I thought you just boiled water and poured it in the tea pot.

>> No.7554561

I buy herbs in bulk and blend my own herbal teas. I drink loose leaf black tea otherwise.

>> No.7554568

>I thought you just boiled water and poured it in the tea pot.

that is probably the problem, depends what type of tea you are brewing they has a different temp and stepping time.

can you post a photo of the kit?

>> No.7554572

>He only drinks tea from teabags
>He adds sugar

>> No.7554584
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This my kit I guess, plus a generic kettle to boil water in. The little basket goes in the pot, but I am not sure what the black thing on the right is for.

>> No.7554632

The heat of the water and how long you let it steep is quite important for best results.

Generally, hotter water and longer steeping is more likely to produce a dry bitter tea, regardless of what type of tea you are brewing.

Different teas have different sweet spots for temperature and time, but as a general guide if you bring water to a full boil, then let it sit for a minute to cool before pouring over the tea and then steep for 3 minutes you should be pretty safe for good results.

>> No.7554803

Looks like a pot warmer - you put a tea light candle in it and use it as a stand to keep the pot warm

>> No.7554992

>'muh builder's tea'

Why are British so horrible at tea?

>> No.7555192


Comfy kit, that teapot looks like a bitch and a half to pre-heat though.

Whats your tea preference? I'm guessing green

>> No.7555345


The worst teafag is still 100 times better than the most cultured coffeefag

>> No.7555622

Is there a general guide for what temperature/seep time to use with different tea types?
I like Green tea and Chai. What is pre-heating?

>> No.7555631


Pour in hot water to heat up the teapot/gaiwan/whatever, pour out hot water, add tea leaf, pour in fresh hot water at desired temperature.

Think of it this way, as soon as you pour hot water into a vessel, the vessel heats up and the water cools down. So say you have instructions that say to use 90c water, but you pour it into a cold pot. That water temperature will drop to below 85c before it has a chance to steep tea.

>> No.7555633

Will 5c really make that much of a difference? Do I need a thermometer for my kit?

>> No.7555636


Depends on the teapot. For my standard 95ml gaiwan the temp diff is around 2c. Bigger vessels made out of different material(anything iron leeches an insane amount of heat) will drop the temp even more.

>> No.7555658


No need for a thermometer, but if you had a kettle with temperature control it would up your tea game a lot.

The difference in taste is pretty significant for higher quality teas if you fuck up water temperature.

>> No.7555691
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I just spent a lot expensive tea
>2 oz Bourbon Puer
>4 oz Bourbon Ceylon
>1 oz Ruby Black Tea from YuChi (pic related)
>4 oz Breakfast
>4 oz Genmai Cha

I don't really do oolong

>> No.7555695


How much did the Ruby 18 cost? I have some and I disliked it, but 3 people who's opinion on tea I respect think it's top tier.

It definitely has a very unique taste, can't really be mistaken for anything except a Ruby. I think it tastes like camphor and vicks vapor rub th ough.

>> No.7555700

it was $16/oz, but they made some for me to try and I liked it.

>> No.7555714


Yeah that's about right. Stuffs fuckin' expensive.

>> No.7555772

nice set m8, what kind of tea are you brewing?

>> No.7555904

nope, I never had. Is it worth trying?

>> No.7555912

Does anyone prefer getting their tea made by trained baristas versus actually steeping the tea yourself? It just feels more special I guess

>> No.7556041

Every time I have had cafe tea they made it terribly, or used tea bags etc. So no, hate it.

>> No.7556045

I like it for the atmosphere, but it the long run, the cost and convenience mean I don't do it much.

>> No.7556049

I wouldn't do it at just a coffee shop though, they fucking botch it, but tea shop in my town also function as a tea bar, I go in there as often as I can afford.

>> No.7556060

We don't really have 'coffee shop' vs 'tea shop' type stuff where I live. Its all just 'cafe', so its a catch 22.

>> No.7556157

sugar is inexcusable but a splash of milk is alright if you brew it quick and strong like teabags do

drinking teabag ceylon without milk is horrible

>> No.7556671

I recently tried cold brewing tea. First attempt is Dragon Mountain green tea with a small pinch of Gunpowder. Steeped in cold water for 4.5 hours, then added a tablespoon of raw cloverfield honey diluted in hot water. Second attempt is a tisane, a mixture of lemongrass, blackcurrant, raspberry, dried ginger, strawberry, cranberry, hibiscus and rose hips. Steeped in cold water for 2.75 hours, dumped in some chia seeds and freshly quartered strawberries, in the fridge for an extra hour. That may have been my best attempt yet. I'll add a whole sprig of mint leaves next time and a lemon and see how that will go.

Who here coldbrew?

>> No.7556688

I have been. Just brewing my morning tea and then putting the leaves in a drink bottle and filling it with water. Tastes good and is quick on the go tea.

>> No.7556698

Sounds like a good way to reuse tea leaves. I don't know about quick though, it usually takes a few hours for flavour to infuse. Do you use warm water or live in a warmer area?

>> No.7556741

Chilled water, and its gets flavorful enough in about 30min. Its not like drinking hot brew tea but its nice in its own way.

>> No.7556752

Neat. I've got to think of ways to reuse leaves more, I usually get 2 or 3 resteepings on it when I know I can get up to 5 or 6 for some of them. I usually take them for granted, working for a tea house and all. It's wasteful

>> No.7556950

Long jing leaves I just eat out of the pot when I'm done steeping - they're delicious. Puerh leaves I toss into my stewpot to add flavour.

>> No.7558458
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Okay. Holy shit am I a believer now this thing is fucking amazing. Pure, filtered tea right in my mug. I could just as easily steep another cup with it too. Cleaning it is okay, I can probably just toss some vinegar in overnight to clean stains when they come up

My only regret is not spending a little more on the bigger one but I have no friends to drink tea with so it is okay.

The second flush da jeering from David's tea I had was alright. My pallette is kind of shit, so I should probably have steeped it a bit more. Very earthy though.

>> No.7558461
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>puerh in stew

Not sure if trolling, but intrigued.

>> No.7559490
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Just got my gaiwan set on the mail the other day, pretty happy considering it was dirt cheap

>> No.7560058
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i'm a newbie tea drinker, but reading this thread and looking at this picture...i'm going to get into tea. considering starting with gear like this

can't wait to sip nice quality tea in a cozy environment : )

>> No.7560089
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Make sure to grab a novelty strainer off aliexpress for a buck or two for when you're in a /plebtea/ mood

>> No.7560649


>> No.7562459
File: 121 KB, 373x336, uncle iroh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend a Ginseng tea?

Got a Ginseng Green from Adagio but found it only has "natural Ginseng flavor".

I just want to try Uncle Iroh's favorite tea.

>> No.7562477



>> No.7562500

Broke my fourth teapot today.

Fuck it. I'm sticking to infusers directly in the teacup from now on.

>> No.7562523

You have awful taste in TV shows lol.

You should do a little research on Ginseng, ya redneck hick-ass hillbilly.

>> No.7562532

Do you find it has a similar effect on the libido as licorice? Because for a day after drinking ginseng I tend to find I'm not much in the mood for rumpy pumpy.

>> No.7562544

i have no idea, i'm still trying to find some lol didnt u read my post xDD

>> No.7562556


I'm confused, do you want stronger ginseng flavor or less ginseng flavor? Are you looking for artificially flavored ginseng tea? Or a ginseng tisane(no tea leaf.)

>> No.7562565

Well I'm guessing when someone says "Ginseng Tea" they mean green tea + ginseng, same as when they say Jasmine Tea.

I'm just looking for some Ginseng Green Tea.
I thought I bought some, but it turns out it's just ginseng flavored green tea.

>> No.7562580


ah I see so you want actual pieces of Ginseng + tea leaf.

The company I work for briefly sold something like this, but it turned out to be too much of a hassle to grind and blend the tea until it was acceptable for sale. It tasted pretty good though.

I would suggest sourcing your own ginseng, grinding it in something like a coffee bean grinder and adding it to your favorite tea. American ginseng tastes better and is cheaper than red ginseng(this is the stuff found in china and korea.)

>> No.7562643

Is that something a grocery store would carry?

Good infos.

>> No.7562663


Yes, most asian super markets will have an area devoted just to ginseng. Red ginseng is typically $30-40 for 100g and white ginseng is $10-20 for 100g.

Get the dried stuff, perfect for grinding right out of the bag. If you want to ghetto it you can use a mortar and pestle.

You don't need a lot of ginseng, the ratio should be maybe 10-20g per 100g of tea. 20g is probably too much, you won't be able to taste the tea flavor much at all.

>> No.7562677

i live in the biggest asian super market
they call it houston

today, anon was not a fag
he even gave me a recommended blend ratio

>> No.7562683

How in the sweet fuck do you break one teapot, let alone four?

>> No.7562691


1. make tea for friend
2. they ask for lots of milk and sugar
3. smash teapot over their head, kick them in the balls repeatedly
4. ???
5. buy a new teapot, repeat

>> No.7562706

you know when you've got a really good joke going but then one guy just keeps making it and everyone just kinda winces.

>> No.7562710


>britbong being cunty while paki cucks him

>> No.7562935

just keep rolling around in your own shitpile i guess then

>> No.7563116

Get Korean panax ginseng granules.

>> No.7563118


>> No.7563123

They're made of breakable material and I'm a rough and ready blue collar worker with no time for delicate gestures.

>> No.7563126

I enjoy Wizza tea with sugar and cream. It is just about the only tea I have liked so far.

>> No.7563142

Why are you yelling?
I'm right beside you, it's unnecessary.

>> No.7563368

Where's a good place to buy a tea pot?

>> No.7563381

It's the same damned material that all of your mugs, bowls and plates are made out of.
There's indelicate and then there's flailing like a retard.

>> No.7563385

taiwanese ginseng oolong

>> No.7563577

I always cold brew if I only do one regular hot steep with my morning greens. I just put it in a glass bottle and put in in the fridge. Then I drink it the next day or so. I really like it.

>> No.7563794

Dont know about ginseng but good quality jasmine tea doesnt contain jasmine flowers, the flower pelals are layed on the tea(green normally) leaves to infuse them with the aroma overnight, they are then picked off, this process is repeated several times.

>> No.7564069


You seem like a shitty person, stop being a disappointment to your parents

>> No.7564676


Try this and see if it's even close to your current batch of Ruby? It's fuckin' 6 bucks per ounce with fast shipping if you have prime


>> No.7565309

Get a fucking cast iron teapot and break the floor instead.

>> No.7565330

Anyone happen to have any recommendations for non-floral Oolongs? The ones i've tried have been way too perfumy.

>> No.7565364

I'm not sure exactly, I bought a mix called samurai chai cause it smelled good.

>> No.7565417

>8 grams for that little water
It's like you want to waste your money and tea.

>> No.7565538

you realize he infuses it up to 20 times? in a 100ml gaiwan that means about 2 liters of tea

>> No.7565585

I've been into mountain teas Special Reserve Dong Ding- It's a medium roast so it's not to floral and fresh. It's got a great honeyed flavor and spice notes to it. It leaves a fresh, spicy cinnamon-clove after taste.

If you want a very strong cup try their dark roast tie guan yin, Its a little to heavy for me as its oxidized heavily and very heavily roasted.

Also bought their Gui Fei oolong but haven't yet opened it.

I like their green tie guan yin and Jin Xuan, but you've stated you don't like the more floral teas.

Bottom line is if you don't like floral oolongs go with something a little more oxidized, or with a light-medium roast.

>> No.7565618

I see, thank you very much. So both oxidization and roasting makes the tea less floral?

Mountain Tea does seem really good...

I don't live in the US so ordering directly from them seems out of the question unless i'm buying bulk.
The place i usually buy from stocks a medium roast Dong Ding from Mountain Tea though.
Guess i should try that.

>> No.7565683

It really depends on the style, but yes that is a general rule of thumb. More oxidized tea is closer to a black tea, which will bring out those fruity funkier tastes. Not to say it can't still have floral qualities.

A good roast should bring down the floral qualities, as the tea will no longer be so green and "fresh". Roasting tends to add those spice notes to a tea. A heavy roast will taste downright smokey.

>> No.7565725

Sounds like i would enjoy a roasted one more then.

I am really more into green tea than black tea and i'm really curious about Oolong. It interests me how Oolong can be so different from both black and green tea.

I enjoy grassy greens by the way so it isn't the green taste that is the issue.
It's just the floral quality that i find hard to cope with.

>> No.7565845


Not that guy, but I'd rather use 2-3g and get 5-6 high quality brews than dump in that much tea and have the flavor get janky after the 12th infuse onward.

Even the most hardcore gongfu style tea enthusiasts don't use more than 3g-4g max.

>> No.7565897


The taiwanese are absolutely insane about floral teas, if that isn't your thing best to stick with japanese and to a lesser extend chinese stuff.

Iron goddess tends to be grassy, almost pine-like. Only buy Iron goddess grown in china, the higher the elevation the better. Pouchong is probably the least floral taiwanese green oolong, but it's still there. Some pouchings ive tried were grassy, but still not bitter.

>> No.7566048


from where can I buy it online?

>> No.7566059

I too dont use 8 grams, I use, depending on the tea, 3-6g, was just trying to debunk that mith that gong fu=less cost effective and less tea to drink

>> No.7566076
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mfw fellow gongfu patrician on /ck/

>> No.7566156

Ten Ren is a Taiwanese importer that carries excellent teas. I recommend the Oriental Beauty. It makes a superb (sugarless, dammit!) iced tea to boot.


>> No.7566169

>It makes a superb (sugarless, dammit!)
You had me hooked until you showed how immature you were with this.

>> No.7566179


I'm this guy>>7565897

I got my pouchong from tenren, kind of expensive but it was decent.

>> No.7566345


>> No.7566372

have you bought from this seller before? 357g of 23 year old Pu'Er for 8 bucks makes me feel like they're full of shit.

>> No.7566407


Don't buy ginseng oolong that's coated in powder, usually means the leaf is pretty bad quality.

Definitely full of shit, the pu-erh industry is full of thieves and frauds. Shortened history: raw pu-erh aged tastes like heaven. Unscrupulous tea producers that wanted to take advantage of an exploding market for pu-erh in the late 70s started using a new technique to make a fake aged pu-erh. We call this "cooked" in the west and "shu" in chinese. You can cook pu-erh and create something that tastes kind of similar to third-rate aged pu-erh in less than 4 months.

If you see an "aged" pu-erh at that price, I would bet my life that it's cooked, and probably badly at that.

>> No.7566499
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This guy here. Wanted to post about it earlier but was banned.

I did some researching and found these on spoiler: leddit. Ordered a couple and they came the other day. For the price, they seem like a pretty good deal. Appear to be air tight and I have some dry erase markers coming I'm gonna use to label them.

Might be worth looking into if you buy a lot of tea.


>> No.7566674

What do I look for if I want a spicy tea?

Something similar to that leaves you with a burning aftertaste from eating chilis.

>> No.7566691

>Buy favourite tea
> Brew
> Add siracha

>> No.7567044

Maybe some sliced ginger would work for you

>> No.7567057

I'm clearly a huge weeb so I make myself pitchers of Mugicha in the summer and have Japanese-Green tea either powder or loose almost every day.

Powder is my favourite as it reminds me of the stuff you get in restaurants over there.

>> No.7567257

I'm always reluctant to try buying from companies whose website is made for 800x600 and looks pre-millennium.

I mean, if they care that little about their website, how much do they care about the tea they sell.

>> No.7567555
File: 8 KB, 333x333, spin_prod_893818312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Sears has this electric kettle with temperature control for like 30 bucks, and my mom always offers to get me something from sears.

Is this a good deal? Only options I have for heating water is my tea pot + thermometer combo (not really a big deal but slow) or my room mates electric kettle which has no thermometer, and I don't think heats it quite up to 205 F.

>> No.7567646

Very pretentious post! Well done, Anon. You're alsmost, i dare to say, meta-pretentious!

>> No.7567653

Well, obviously. Most people who arent already gourmets in other area cant appreciate. You need to hook them up with some simpler, easier-to-appreciate tastes. I like to suggest Keemun or something - its big difference than common black tea trash found in tea bags, but its still somewhat familiar kind of taste.

>> No.7567672

>and my mom always offers to get me something from sears

Your mom is very nice

>> No.7568882
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She tries. She's kinda sick as hell now and suffered from a lot of problems lately, and I think she feels bad that she really can't do more for me now that I'm in college. I had a bad relationship with her when I grew up, but I honestly try to forgive her now because it isn't worth it and now that I'm older I understand.

Sometimes I struggle with the fact that my parents won't be with me in the future and thar scares the living shit out of me that I will have to deal with that in my lifetime. Really puts things in perspective. It will probably be the first death in my life that isn't a pet to really affect me.

Anyways that's enough blogging. I hope you are having some quality tea time anon~

>> No.7568949


>> No.7569260


Sometimes the hole in the wall aesthetic is what you need to look for. Asian and Hispanic food I've found, the shadier it looks the more delicious it is.

>> No.7569272


Your mom sounds nice, you sound nice too. 10/10 would overlook during school massacre.

As for the kettle, it's probably the BEST investment for a tea set you could get, even more noticeable in tea quality than high end teapots/gaiwan.

>> No.7569771

i have one, they are pretty good for the price.

>> No.7569837
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For 220V areas the single cup water dispensers are hard to beat, 3 kW of power gets a cup fast enough that a kettle becomes mostly superfluous.

>> No.7570027


Hmm, I use a bona vita gooseneck kettle with temperature control. It was around 100, if I could go back in time I would probably buy a cheaper kettle with temperature control.

>> No.7570056
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Can't downvote a shill,,,kid

Thanks anon, you're alright. Don't go to Steak n Shake tomorrow.

Honestly, it kind of surprises me how expensive something that boils water is. I would have expected to find a bunch of really great options for around 50 bucks, but the Kenmore is honestly the only one I've found and even it seems to have some issues.

What's up with that?

>> No.7570067


Yeah it's kind of bullshit. My set up has the bona vita for high quality tea, and a zojirushi 4 liter water boiler for my daily drinking. The kettle was 100, the boiler was only 60. What kinda bullshit is this....

>> No.7570371

Saw this crazy like tea machine where it lowers the basket for a set amount of time and then raises it, all preprogrammed for different teas. Has a wakeup timer so it steeps your tea at the same time every morning and has variable temp control and all this other crap. The whole nine yards.

Was like $400 dollars.

>> No.7570908

Honestly though that sounds fucking awesome. What if you could just fill it with all your favorite teas, press a button, and get nice hot tea of your choice?

To be rich...

>> No.7571772


If you guys are referring to teforia, I've tried it at a tea wholesaler's expo a little while back.

Works well, but I can brew a better oolong. The nice thing about it is that it can take any type of tea you throw at it and spit out a decent to good cup. No need for specialized equipment. I tried a matcha and it came out nice and frothy, even had an option for usucha/koicha style. Tried high elevation indian blacks, genmaicha, pu-erh, and oolong of course.

That said, I'd never spend that amount of cash for it. Doomed to fail.

>> No.7572362

Nah this just looked like a big teapot (almost like a coffee percolator), with a raising up and down basket that raised and lowered based on times you program and its all temp controlled for the water.

>> No.7572991
File: 548 KB, 1641x1277, Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 8.39.38 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most expensive tea is Chinas State Guest House tea, also I collect rare puerhs and have some that are over 40 years old.

Here is a small sampling, .50BMG for scale.

t. oldfag tea snob

>> No.7573101

Why do you have such old puerh? I hear most don't even age that well after more than 10 years.

>> No.7573427

Anyone here drink different teas for different times of the day? Or just your favorite all day every day?

>> No.7573502

I like to drink comfy English breakfast/ or generally British style blacks with some milk in the morning some Chinese or Japanese green before eating at around 12:30/13:00 and some gong fu oolong(just started getting in to gong fu) or perhaps a lighter black or masala chai if I am bored or need some more caffeine

>> No.7573508

Also just bought some English breakfast that said blend of Chinese Indian and Ceylon (pretty cheap ) and also whole leaf unlike most broken leaf breakfast blends and you really can feel a strong keemun aftertaste guessing they use a relatively weak Ceylon like OP1 some keemun and a tiny bit Assam its pretty comfy and not too strong

>> No.7573612

c-can I post here? I'm pretty non-picky about my tea, but I do like tea.

I brew cheapo Ahmad Ceylon OPA ($8 for a 1 lb box at the local grocery store) a pot at a time through my drip coffee machine; I load the (loose-leaf, I'm not a complete plebeian) tea into those disposable paper baggies. It works better than you think, I promise.

I'm pretty happy with the Ahmad Ceylon; it's fuller leaves than most of the other cheapo loose leafs I've tried. Brews a great strong liquor quickly, without too much bitterness.

It's a good thing my taste focuses more on the strong, black side of things, because without temperature control it's all a bit of a crapshoot. Still though, it's nice.

>> No.7573898

Green tea is nectar from the gods. So many benefits. Then it get's fucking gross at the bottom of the cup. Anyone know how to brew herbal tea so it's equally strong at the top and bottom?

>> No.7573995

What do you mean? Do you not take the leaves out? Or you do but it just gets cold?

>> No.7574672

Green early in the day, Oolong in the afternoon/evening.

>> No.7574676

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7574807

this desu, also black in the afternoon

>> No.7575297

Man english breakfast is bitter. So far I haven't wanted to add sweetner to any teas I have tried except for this one. I'm gonna try Irish Breakfast next but thinking of going back to New Zealand Breakfast for my black fix.

>> No.7575916
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Like this right?

>> No.7576006


And its even on sale. I'm kinda tempted.

>> No.7577554

You're brewing it too hot or steeping it too long if it's bitter.

>> No.7577644

this is cute as fuck

>> No.7577791

this is gonna be the first year where I order some other first flush tea instead of shincha for various reasons
what's a good time to order dragon pearl tea, yinzhen and long jing to get them fresh and all at once? may-ish?

>> No.7578417

>Macintosh Plus

>> No.7579706

>Drip coffee maker

Shit man. Just buy a $1.50 tea ball off amazon. A drip coffee maker will never get you the right steep if you're loading your tea in the filter like it's coffee grounds

>> No.7580139
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this will make me sound like a degenerate but oh hell scew it

i'm from Indonesia and i want to know, do people on other countries drink their tea with sugar?
in here people always drink them with lots of sugar and honestly i'm not used to drink a sugarless one

and added by the fact that the most common tea brand in here (by the courtesy of my friend from china) taste like piss, it's just an acidic mess of liquid i still don't know why it's popular

i don't even know which tea brand is good, but i know for sure which one is bad

>> No.7580165

Gf & I bought some herbal teas from teavana last week. Super pricey white girl shit but man its delicious
It looks like it's just dehydrated fruit so can't I just buy fresh fruit when it's in season & cheap then dehydrate it my oven at like 200F for a few hours & use that for the same result & save myself a ton of cash?

>> No.7580294


>> No.7580339

heh I like that guy. when he drinks good tea I could watch him all day; he's just so happy.

in other news I got my first gaiwan senpai

>> No.7580368

got mine a few weeks ago, feels nice

>> No.7580370


Depends on the country.

In the UK the 'traditional' cup of tea is plain black tea, with a splash of milk and a little sugar.

Although, like you, that's mostly to disguise the shit-quality of tea leaves and the terrible brewing technique most people have. Even if historically the use of sugar was a sign of wealth.

Black tea from most super-market teabags is literally undrinkable, you need the milk and sugar to cut through the bitterness.

>> No.7580399

didnt write anything apart from the link because I was on my phone, yes you can dehidrate your own fruit/herbs, but you probably wont reach the same flavour as the artificially 'charged' ones, you'll get a better one (or worse depending on your taste).
Also I dont know how acurate the video is or how common artificially flavoured teas are, personally I only drink tea with no aditives, natural or otherwise, so I just dont really know, maybe there are good quality teas with fruit around.
Also was able to track down the company don mei was reviewing in the video, maybe someone here has had their tea and can share some input

>> No.7580406
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i like green tea with jasmine

>> No.7580707


dick waving contest?

>my gf making tea
>bought her oolong directly from an organic tea plantation when she was in thailand
>kettle can set temp, of course
>water is filtered before it's used

its the best oolong (and the best tea) i've ever had in my entire life. for some godforsaken reason whatever tea she brews always tastes fucking better than mine. she gets her sencha from her jap relatives, too :/

>> No.7580725



>> No.7580827

Tenren is legit.

>> No.7580862


go to any asian grocery market and buy it there. if you don't have one in your city, take a fucking train to a bigger one.

>> No.7580884


I like your experiments my dude. How was the strawberry one?

>> No.7580888


whered u buy?

>> No.7580894


just buy a fucking ginseng tea without any tea leaves. in korea (and in tcm) they use it as medicine. it's bitter as fuck, but I love it.


>I'm just looking for some Ginseng Green Tea.

try pure ginseng first, then expand to that imo

>> No.7581022

here you go

>> No.7581173


tx boss

>> No.7581813

try dragon pearls tea, it's divine

>> No.7581872

Are tea bags even pretentious?

>> No.7581883

I was thinking about doing this, because it's too much hassle to bring in loose-leaf stuff to the office, but I settled on just finding decent bagged tea.

Really pleased with Harney and Sons for bagged black tea and yamamotoyama for bagged green tea. The H&S bags work out to being a little more expensive than their loose leaf per cup, but I save time on bagging the loose leaf, so it works out.

>> No.7581962
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Does anyone have any recommended tea brands that can be ordered online?

Just wanted to say Octavia teas wasted my money giving me pure dust.

>> No.7582366
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>be pretentious tea connoisseur
>talk to girl about tea
>turns out she loves to drink tea
>finally someone who likes tea too
>ask her what her favorite tea is
>she says Lipton sweet tea or Arizona

>> No.7582396
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Just some herbal stuff.

>> No.7582830

can I ask if plain bagged green tea would have any calories?

>> No.7582957

Does water have calories?

>> No.7583784

So now I've tried both Gyokuro and Sencha. I just can't seem to do it. It doesn't turn out good. And there's no fucking lime green colour at all, just the same yellow-green colour like I get from my Chinese greens. I will stick to my delicious Chinese green tea until I try properly brewed Japanese. I'm very disappointed. How do you guys do your Japanese? Note that I'm brewing western style in a 500ml pot.

>> No.7583802


Try brewing it the traditional way before you dismiss it.

Gyokuro also has a very specific brewing technique with colder water. I even brew mine in cold water for the first infusion, tastes like freshly cut grass smells.

>> No.7583822

I don't have the utensils to brew it traditional style. I imagine Japanese tea being delicious when brewed properly but I just can't seem to do it, and this continuingly failing experimentation is starting to get expensive.

>> No.7583839

A minimal amount. There's not much organic stuff in it. If you're not drinking liters of it, consider it 0 calories.

>> No.7584024

Ordered a tester lot from China, will report if I don't die. I heard from other anons that its legit and so are the prices

>> No.7584052

Chinalife? I'm thinking about picking up some of the young gushu pu erh, another anon posted a video of a guy sampling it. I've never tried pu erh.

>> No.7584117

35 Different Flavors Famous Tea Chinese Tea including Oolong Puer Black Green White Herbal Flower Tea High Quality Gift 215g
(from AliExpress Android)

Idk what to expect but if I can find a green tea I really like that isn't super pricey I will be delighted.

>> No.7584132

Wow nice price, I'm tempted to pick some up myself.

>> No.7584684

personally im kind of doubtful when it comes to ordering tea from aliexpress, ordered some teaware and while I was at it got some tea from the same store, jasmine tea, pretty sure it was artificially flavoured, the taste and smell were exactly alike

Choose FilePost

>> No.7584779

dont brew sencha for more than 30 seconds.
Health Tea House is legit, i have ordered a lot from them.

>> No.7584856

30 seconds western style brewing? Sounds weird. It's already quite bland when I brew it for 2 minutes compared to Chinese greens.

>> No.7585244

Peppermint is one of my favorites. Good for head and stomachaches and, it's refreshing.

>> No.7585251

Yes it's very light kinda like.. Soft or something. Relaxing too

>> No.7585265

No nigga it's not. It's one of the brands that contains pesticides

>> No.7586399

Fug, I thought they were good. Doesn't matter since I'm switching over to loose leaf completely when my last pack is over.

>> No.7586454

they're going for that retro look to attract hipsters

>> No.7586556

>Chinas State Guest House tea
Post pics, also where the hell would you even get that?

>> No.7586686
File: 2.85 MB, 4096x3040, IMG_20160419_004056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to homebrew some of this, it's a premium blend of Chinese and Indian black teas.


>> No.7586696

Enjoying this currently, boiled over hard, definite ginger tones pronounced throughout the sip though they quickly make way for a more traditional black tea flavor, left with some lingering cinnamon notes and an appearance of caramel though it's as though the caramel is someone who looks like someone you know in a cab that drives past you and you think you recognize them but they weren't looking and you weren't really paying close attention anyway.

Bout to dump 20g of sugar in this bitch.

>> No.7586707

Finding a weird sinus clearing property to this, also my ears have immense pressure on them. Will continue to drink, but am getting worried.

>> No.7587497

I just bought some yellow tea and I'm enjoying it a lot, though it is very similar in flavour to a lot of greens I've had

>> No.7588339
File: 340 KB, 1920x1042, Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 / h8

>> No.7588404

if it has actual ginger in it, that could be why it's clearing your sinuses

>> No.7588668
File: 120 KB, 1200x726, teashop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A place recently opened, and it was exactly what I was looking for.
Just for drinking/buying tea, and they brew it perfectly. They have many pretentious types of tea. My favorites for now are high mountain oolong, yunnan gold and purple pu-erh.

>> No.7589112

my fellow chinkposter.
can you recommend some stores in ali?

>> No.7589132

>Health Tea House

Only one I bought from, everything was good quality.

>> No.7589222

I really hate tea shops that are just a counter. I can tolerate sitting at the counter sometimes, but usually between the person on staff or the weird old lady things get awkward. I much prefer having a little table in a corner.

>> No.7589702

Yo, anon who sent me the tea samples, they just arrived today. They are the nicest oolongs I've had so far, cheers for the hook up. Really enjoying them.

>> No.7589878

Post teas tho

>> No.7590234

Where are you planning to get 2016 shincha from and what type?

>> No.7590288

dont know a lot about japanese tea as shipping from japan to my country is ridiculously expensive, but a google search lead me to a seamingly reputable website, maybe other people here have some input on it

>> No.7590342

Mostly green teas basocally

>> No.7590370
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>mfw I just like standard orange pekoe with cut black, with some sugar and honey

>> No.7590390
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Bout to brew this shit, expecting something magic tbqh.

>> No.7590481

Uhhhhhh got doufe?

>> No.7590787

What in the cup or the pack or what? I'll do it tomorrow when I have some more time.

>> No.7591392
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, Cha-Leao-Matte-Granel-250-g-Leao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual here
Just found this, am I supposed to put sugar on it? Is honey supposed to replace sugar or people use them at the same time? What about sweeteners, can someone be a patrician using them?

Plz help
I wanna be part of the tea circlejerk too

>> No.7591454

>am I supposed to put sugar on it?
you can if you like but if your concern is being patrician I wouldnt recommend it
>Is honey supposed to replace sugar or people use them at the same time?
Using both sounds dumb
>What about sweeteners, can someone be a patrician using them?
Not really

Also are you pt or br? never seen that tea around or heard about 'cha mate' so i'll assume br

>> No.7591473

Just made some and put some sugar in it since its kind of weird taste without some.
>Using both sounds dumb
kek I didnt know and used both so the honey did spoiled the flavor a little
>Not really
I see

>Also are you pt or br? never seen that tea around or heard about 'cha mate' so i'll assume br
Im a pleb but after seeing some tea videos on youtube i decided to buy and brew some
This was the first one I found, not sure it is compared to other types of tea, since I didnt know about the many types of tea to compare before.

>> No.7592270

from what i've read its not tea, cha mate is a tisane made from erva mate, tea is from the Camellia sinensis plant

If you want to get into tea i'd recommend the chinalife yt channel, beware of the shilling though, they are a tea shop so they will obviously promote their own products, the teadb channel is also nice, super casual looking but good tips

>> No.7592366

Probably not getting Shincha these year but maybe in the next month or so I'll change my mind. Usually buy from ippodo or o-cha.

>> No.7592460

>it's too much hassle to bring in loose-leaf stuff to the office
No it isn't. Get an IngenuiTea.

>> No.7592463

You must be brand new to pretentious tea.
Because this is every tea-related interaction with the general public.

>> No.7592501

Yerba mate is not tea, it's leaves from a tree in the Holly family, and it is used to make the drink called mate (mah-tay). It's a traditional drink from Argentina, and a few other South American countries have adopted it.
It is really great.


>> No.7592513

They need to get at least 2 more stools.

>> No.7592709

Famalam, what's the best tea to replace coffee?

>> No.7593440

-strong, strong tea with high levels of tannins and lower acid tea

-sweetened condensed milk


this has been my go to all week. im just trying to break the pattern ive been on swinging between builders tea and various oolongs and assams.

>> No.7593482

Russian Caravan

>> No.7593512

Does anyone else get a dry throat when drinking oolongs? Am I brewing them wrong? It's not just one type either.

>> No.7594091

It might help if you told us how you brewed it

>> No.7594098

95c for 2 min, transferred to a seperate tea pot for serving. Thats the temp listed on the tea directions.

>> No.7594105

How much tea are you using? Experiment with different amounts of tea, and with oolong you can go as low as 80c. I suggest more tea and brew at around 85c

>> No.7594115

Hmm I'm rocking around a teaspoon to a pot, and I like the flavour that comes out, but I will mess around with temps. It's always a little annoying waiting for water to cool down that much is all.

>> No.7594127

If you've got a little dosh you can buy electric kettles with adjustable temperatures

>> No.7595459

I need to get me one of those