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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7560839 No.7560839 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7560840
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>> No.7560845
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>> No.7560847

Goddamn that's an old oven.

>> No.7560848


>> No.7560851

I bet you were snickering to yourself the whole time you were taking these pictures weren't you

>> No.7560858
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>> No.7560864
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>> No.7560877

Blew it at the end. Crust is overrated, btw.

>> No.7560879

muh crust though

>> No.7560882
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>> No.7560884

Looks good, what did you eat with it?

>> No.7560889
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>> No.7560894

I'm just eating a steak by itself at 10:30 in the morning like a barbarian

>> No.7560905

Using utensils and a plate is not like a barbarian at all. You are an awful barbarian.

You should be using your bare hands while sitting next to a campfire, gnawing on the bones and grunting.

>> No.7560919

Well done on the edges, blue rare in the middle.


>> No.7560923

Brilliant! Hot pans!

>> No.7560928

Do you ever clean

>> No.7560931

Does the plate belong to your grandma?

>> No.7560937

i will never unerstand why people eat their steak like this
how do you even chew that shit

>> No.7560948

This is my first time cooking a steak

>> No.7560968


Your pan was on too hot, probably medium high heat, and ruined the temperature of the steak. That, or you didn't bring your steak to room temperature before cooking. Keep your heat on medium next time and it won't come out rare. Unless that's what you were going for... then good job.

>> No.7560990

>muh griswold cast iron

>> No.7561004

>Keep your heat on medium next time

It's kind of dumb to suggest something like that since stoves vary so much. Ignore what it says on the knob and use your senses to adjust it as needed. Listen for that "sizzling" sound. No sizzle = not hot enough.
Smoke, burning = too hot.
Adjust accordingly. On my old apartment stove even "high" was barely enough to get a good sizzle. On the stove I have now a similar setting would carbonize the steak.

>> No.7561007


>> No.7561013

>room temperature before cooking
This shit is a myth. I've cooked steaks right out of the freezer on the grill that come out fine.

>> No.7561074


Found the pleb

>> No.7561104


This. But also remember that it's fucking cast iron and will continue to get hotter and hotter the longer it sits on the burner.

>> No.7561127

put it back on, you only cooked it on the outside. its raw in the middle.

>> No.7561203
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>> No.7561225

>ITT buttblasted niggers hating on a perfect rare steak
You're doing gods work opie

>> No.7561257

>you didn't bring your steak to room temperature before cooking

This is a meme, btw

>> No.7561292

what cut of steak is this?

i bought a cooked this cheap round steak the other day and it was pretty good but i'm looking for other cuts to try

>> No.7562299

it's like the 98% chocolate thing or the overhopped IPA thing

children, when they approach adulthood, make mistakes about the feeling of revulsion that children experience when eating things that adults enjoy

they see adults appearing to enjoy things that they find repulsive, such as 75% dark chocolate, or a normal balanced beer at something like say 50-70 IBU and they mistakenly conclude that pretending to enjoy something disgusting is an adult thing to do.

a more intelligent child might rightly conclude that adults prefer different things, but not your average slow-witted co/ck/

so rather than tasting and enjoying a balanced bitter beer, or a rare to medium rare steak (depending on the cut), they suppress their grimace as they choke down a hop bomb made by other man-children for other man-children, or chewing on a bar of baking chocolate that isn't meant for eating, and they ruin steaks by cooking them improperly. they turn steak and beer and other delicious things into a jackass-style exercise in showing what they can "handle" by taking things to their illogical extreme

>> No.7562314


cooked too much on the side you burnt.

>> No.7562316
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awesome write up. how can I sign up for blog updates?

>> No.7562320

Nice, you've managed to find a way to feel smugly self-superior to everybody but those whose tasters lie in a small window around yours, well done.

>> No.7562321

is nobody going to comment on how horribly underseasoned that pan is or

>> No.7562326


doesn't seem like that desu. looks ok to me.

>> No.7562334

the cracked outside? shiny handle and sides? it's not even evenly seasoned haha. it looks like he bought it and just got the wear and tear seasoning and called it good. why even buy cast iron then?

>> No.7562344

Gotta make sure you season the handle

>> No.7562347


who gives a fuck about seasoning the handle? the important part, where you cook food, looks fine.

>> No.7562354

Looks good, crust is fine and anyone who says otherwise is a cuck

>> No.7562359
File: 2.26 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160411_185444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fags, I cooked a steak tonight too. Cooked it sous vide, seared it, Topped it with a gravy I made with sherry, scallions, and mushrooms, and served it over mashed potatoes, with green beans in the side (sauteed in olive oil and garlic)

>> No.7562363

>Nice, you've managed to find a way to feel smugly self-superior to everybody but those whose tasters lie in a small window around yours, well done.

no, that is your neckbeard mindset that tells you that a "real grownup" renounces things like milk chocolate or milk stout or sweet wine or dessert in general.

if you used your taste buds instead of listening to the bully inside your mind that pre-empts enjoying anything on the grounds that it may disqualify you for entry into adulthood, you'd realize that milk chocolate and 75% dark chocolate are both delicious, that botrytis rieslings and dry cabernets are both delicious, that a medium well hamburger and a medium rare flank steak are both delicious.

but not you. the milk chocolate is for baby palate, sweet wine is a bitch drink, hamburgers should literally be a repulsive wad of lukewarm mangled beef where the fat has barely melted and the patty falls apart in your mouth.

because you're a real grownup now and you can handle suffering like a real man. let the children with their child palates enjoy things you are far too mature to like anymore.

that about cover it, anon?

>> No.7562366
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Here's a cross-section.

Yes, there was a little bit of blood still coming out. I like it like that.

>> No.7562367

oh I forgot to inb4 projection. let's see if the post timer lets me get the inb4.

>> No.7562370


because all that is borne out by someone posting a photograph of a steak cooked on the rare side.

>> No.7562410


I'm right there with you, brah.

>> No.7562473
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>Crust is overrated

>> No.7562482

you don't need to leave it on for 1-2 minutes bro. especially if you are using such a thin cut as that. the whole point of having it noce and hot is so that you can form the sear as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE without getting an ugly grey band like that.

>> No.7562485

>still have a noticble grey band

you fucked up mate

>> No.7562783

This 100%

>> No.7562789


>> No.7562843

>Poking cooking meat with a fork
>Barely any seasoning

Probably wasn't bad but could have been way better

>> No.7562879

Can you follow me around a viciously deride everyone who I disagree with?

>> No.7562924

how do you honestly believe that people can't have different tastes? you cannot comprehend the idea that just possibly, somebody enjoys something that you don't, and that maybe it doesn't have to do with their ego or their smugness or their need to feel above everyone else.

you inb4'd projection, but that's exactly what it is. sort of ironic that you'd call somebody else a man-child

>> No.7562944

>disgusting pan
>burned sear job
>cooked blue rare


>> No.7563021
File: 53 KB, 599x415, cook-a-steak-blue-rare-medium-welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue rare
try again my man

>> No.7563025

Looks absolutely disgusting

I'm sure it tastes fine but your presentation needs some serious work, anon

>> No.7563143


why are you serving your steak on a napkin?

>> No.7563174

looks fuckin horrible mate

>> No.7563179

looks like you cooked your steaks while they're super cold, or maybe even frozen.

when i let the steaks sit out and come to room temperature, i always get a perfect medium-rare center after a quick searing on all sides.

>> No.7563180

>this much buttmad over a steak

/ck/, I enjoy coming here for reasons even I don't understand sometimes.

>> No.7563211

What does quick mean to you?

>> No.7563564
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>> No.7563628
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Guess how I cooked it.

>> No.7563674

some day, you might come to understand that between being a picky tendies and ranch "super taster" who throws a tantrum over cilantro, and embracing full fledged nihilistic relativism, there exists a rational middle ground inhabited by people like me.

or, perhaps you never will.

>> No.7563702

I'm with you 100%.

Overhopped IPAs are an absolute embarrassment. I genuinely lose respect for people who drink that swill.

>> No.7563712

A man with experience is not beholden to a man with an opinion.

>> No.7563715

Under the broiler.

>> No.7563718
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had a medium rare on easter at a restaurant(montana's, in Canada)
wasnt bloody at all(no blood dripping)
took awhile to chew it too... tasty due to the steak sauce it had on it atleast.

fist time ever having medium rare was in my teens at a familys place, was so fucking tasty, was bloody drippings and it was easy to fucking chew too. best steak i ever ate.

i dont get it why cant i ever have steak like that again ;_;

>> No.7563747
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>cooking with a fork

>> No.7563761

God I could eat that right now!

>> No.7563766


it depends on the cut of meat, how it's rested and how you cut it at the table.

>> No.7563771

I never understood this. Surely it's how you bite it and not hot you cut it. Why does it make a difference whether or not you cut against the grain when you're still getting a roughly square chunk with the same stack of fibers?

>> No.7563775

Imagine you've sliced an onion in half. You try breaking one of the halves by twisting from the outside in. The other half by twisting from the inside out.

No doubt you can figure this out without even doing the exercise.

It's like that with meat too.

>> No.7563777


how you cut it affects how you bite it.

>> No.7563780

>some day, you might come to understand that between being a picky tendies and ranch "super taster" who throws a tantrum over cilantro, and embracing full fledged nihilistic relativism, there exists a rational middle ground inhabited by people like me.
This really speaks back to my (only I might add) comment here:

>> No.7563781

pretty sure you mean juice

>> No.7563782


Watch from around 2:30.

>> No.7563784
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Sous vide!

>> No.7563839

why didnt you listen

>> No.7563844


>> No.7563908


Panoche. Gayass.

>> No.7564026

we can't all be winners, anon. life isn't like that

>> No.7564618

The grey band is from searing, m8. I like a nice crust, but I still managed to keep an even, tender texture throughout.

>> No.7564635


beat me to it

>> No.7564636


>spend time making "perfect steak"
>cover it in gravy
>so much blood your mashed potatoes are red
>everything soaked in oil/grease even veggies
>gravy, oil and blood soupy mixture in the bottom of the plate


>> No.7564637


i personally think the grey band is fine if you wanna produce a nice crust. most home cooks, even those use who use sous vide, are going to get a grey band because you need fucking stonking heat output, and great ventilation, to develop a crust otherwise, especially if you have shitty pans. the band in that post is honestly pretty thin, too.

i just think the crust in that post is sadly obscured by the mushroom sauce.

>> No.7564638


i fucking love you

>> No.7564682

You're supposed to sear on the pan then finish in the oven
Or at least sear then move to a cooler pan so you don't burn the outside and get super uneven cooking

>> No.7564687

Well done on the outside and rare on the inside doesn't equal medium

>> No.7564736

oh okay, i'm being rused. i thought you were serious for a second

>> No.7564746
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Dark chocolate isn't disgusting you big bertha milk pilled faggot

>> No.7564756

why do i specifically remember a gordon ramsay video where he cooks a steak and turns it every minute and encourages you to do so?

>> No.7565652

>living in an apartment
>not being able to generate STONKING NOCE AND HOT heat on your shitty gimped electric apartment stove

why even pretend you can cook under these conditions

>> No.7565871
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Sure is /tv/ in here

>> No.7565922

>falling for the raw meat meme

I'll take my steak well done, thanks.

>> No.7566065

>falling for the perfectly safe meme
I'll take my steak rare, thanks.

>> No.7566105

reverse sear oven method.

>> No.7566181

season that poor pan you barbarian!

>> No.7566182

>blood drippings
you're not licking a tampon, it's steak

>> No.7566186

i want to fuck your steak

>> No.7566297


what cut is this

>> No.7566336

Humans are an obnoxious and tactless species

>> No.7566397

reverse sear is better

>> No.7566627


Looks like you didn't bring it to room temperature. I always cook my steak on maximum heat for maximum caramelization and it's always evenly cooked.

>> No.7566654

sous vide

>> No.7566658

i cooked the best fucking steak today

>> No.7567037
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>it's impossible to like things I don't like, anyone who does so suffers from some sort of mental defect or self delusion

>> No.7567043


>> No.7567104

Would take small bites to savor

>> No.7567114

Im vegan. I dont eat meat

>> No.7567140


>> No.7567246


it's not fucking blood you imbeciles!

>> No.7567318

That's undercooked, even if you want your stake rare at the very least the fat has to melt.

>> No.7567365

Would it even BE possible to clean that cooktop at this point? Because, damn.

>> No.7568687

Who cares about presentation if you're cooking for yourself?

>> No.7568723

>Who cares about presentation
...Because you're posting it on here?

>> No.7568732

there is one that says so

>> No.7568743

Reminder that "possible" should have been the emphasized word here.

Please do not make this mistake again or we're going to have a fucking problem.

>> No.7570191

but we're not eating it?

>> No.7570235

but in that one he says only to turn it once. which is it

>> No.7570236

Then presentation is even more important, because all we can do is look at it.

>> No.7570411

I like my steaks blue rare, so this looks perfect to me. I like the sashimi-like flavor. It doesn't ever really seem chewy to me, probably because i buy good quality steaks.

>> No.7570415

Triple IPAs are my favorite. Everyone has different tastes. Some people legitimately like what you perceive as "overhopped".

>> No.7570421


it's either, but regular flipping is a less traditional technique so i doubt gordon ramsay advocates it. really thick steaks benefit from regular flipping more than thin ones.

>> No.7570467

only a brain dead moron wouldnt cook his steak sous vide

>> No.7570476


>not knowing about myoglobin in 2k16

>> No.7570483

>blue rare

>> No.7570484

>sashimi-like flavor
I can tell you don't have any idea what sashimi tastes like, maybe you should try some before you make a fool of yourself.

Steak tenderness has more to do with the cut than whatever you perceive to be "quality" (probably some pleb metric like USDA Prime).

If you want to eat raw meat, eat raw meat, if you want to cook your food, cook your damm food. Warming it up a bit on the pan doesn't make you a "real man", it just makes it taste like shit.
Sounds to me like you've just been lying to yourself for so long that you believe your own bullshit.

>> No.7570486

What's the best way to cook a steak on a skillet assuming I can't transfer it to another pan? I've been searing at really high heat for 30 seconds each side then sticking in a 250c oven for about 2 minutes, flipping and then doing another 2. It's very tender but still bloody, about medium-rare to medium according to >>7563021

>> No.7570509


what if you arent a disgusting poor person and you can afford a nice cut?

>> No.7570511


why would that change anything

>> No.7570514


lol why are you even here?

>> No.7570516

Not reading this clusterfuck of a thread, but every time I see that quote it's some neckbeard defending his shitty cooking from someone with good taste.

Congrats that you learned to boil pasta I guess, but some of us have standards.

>> No.7570518


what are you talking about?

do you think sous vide is only for cheap cuts?

>> No.7570520


What quote? What?

>> No.7570523


no i think you're a retard with a shit palate since you dont understand how a nice cut might be better than a shit one

>> No.7570524


but worse for the purpose of sous vide?

>> No.7570525
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>lol u don't think I'm escoffier because I managed to boil spaghetti all by myself? LMAO why are you even here?
This is you

>> No.7570560

That doesn't mean whatever you think it means.

>> No.7570562

Looks like a shitty sirloin.

>> No.7570570


no one uses the literal definition of the term

>> No.7570594


>> No.7570623

>well done on the outside
you disgust me

>> No.7570646
File: 364 KB, 850x638, Photo Jul 25, 7 27 11 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I made steaks I made them with caramelized onions on top, no shot of the inside though

>> No.7570649
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>that pan



>> No.7570652

I don't like sous-vide steak because undercooked meat makes me sick, like throw up sick. I'd rather not eat food and then throw up afterwards, sorry.

>> No.7570661


define undercooked

sous vide doesn't 'undercook' anything unless you tell it to

>> No.7570663

it's a well-used cast iron
what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7570664

Rare steak makes me get sick and throw up, I genuinely cannot handle it

>> No.7570670



anyway set your sous vide at a higher temperature then

>> No.7570675

There is no point in sous-videing a steak if you're going to cook it medium. I just sear it and then put it in the oven like normal. It takes less time, too.

>> No.7570684


>There is no point in sous-videing a steak if you're going to cook it medium.

there's as much of a point if you're going to cook it to any temperature. if you want a precise, consistent result, you should use sous vide.

>> No.7570691

I get the same result every time cooking a steak normally. I bring my steaks up to room temp before cooking them, I have a gas stove and nice cookware. And I time how long I cook them depending on how thick they are.

You know, stuff you learn from knowing how to cook food instead of shoving it in water.

>> No.7570693


ok so you're just one of those people who is really, really stupid.

>> No.7570698

Yeah I'm just a dumb idiot who knows how to cook

>> No.7570700


you might be an amazing cook, but you're definitely not a magician. sous vide is better than you at bringing meat to a consistent temperature. that's a fact.

>> No.7570702

If I'm skilled enough to do it myself in less time, then why bother?

>> No.7570704


you don't need to bother, just stop pretending you know better.

>> No.7570706


>> No.7570707


Sous vide has many uses, but for cooking a steak it's not significantly different from someone that knows what they're doing cooking it in an oven. Steak is not really one of those things that takes advantage of what sous vide can offer and thus I'm not sure it's worth the extra effort.

OTOH, if you're doing something like 72-hour short ribs that's a whole different ballgame.

Anyone else remember the old Japaanese Iron Chef video where the challenger was a sous vide expert? Ingredient was scallops: just like steak, it wasn't anything that appreciably benefited from the process.

>> No.7570708

You're not even listening to what I'm saying. Do they sous-vide in high class restaurants? No, because it takes too much time. If you are a skilled enough chef to get the same results every time and have the equipment to do so as well, there is no point in doing sous-vide unless you specifically want a fully rare steak with a good sear, as you can't do that no matter how hard you try the normal way.

>> No.7570710


>Sous vide has many uses, but for cooking a steak it's not significantly different from someone that knows what they're doing cooking it in an oven. Steak is not really one of those things that takes advantage of what sous vide can offer and thus I'm not sure it's worth the extra effort.

i agree with you, i'm just shooting down the usual shitty arguments against it. i personally don't bother sous viding steaks unless i'm doing large batches.

>> No.7570711

Fucking this. And yeah, slow cooking something like short ribs I could totally see sous-vide being good for, as well.

>> No.7570712

>Do they sous-vide in high class restaurants?

Yeah, they do, actually. Ever read the cookbooks for El Bulli? Noma? French Laundry? Alinea? Fat Duck? Guess what: Sous vide in all of them.

>> No.7570714

That person literally said the exact same thing I said, what arguments are you shooting down?

>> No.7570715

>a cookbook is the same as a restaurant
Have you ever worked in a restaurant?

>> No.7570717
File: 22 KB, 651x429, 1442854876996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do they sous-vide in high class restaurants? No, because it takes too much time.

>> No.7570718


> Do they sous-vide in high class restaurants?


>because it takes too much time.

the amount of time is irrelevant if it produces superior results, that's one of the defining features of 'high class' restaurants, and there are ENORMOUS benefits to consistency when using it for large volumes.

>there is no point in doing sous-vide unless you specifically want a fully rare steak with a good sear

that's really not true. sous vide gives you a consistent temperature. if searing inevitably takes a steak past rare then why would sous vide protect against this? it doesn't protect the meat from overcooking at the searing stage.

sous vide isn't about having 'undercooked' food, it's about having precisely cooked food.

>> No.7570720


>That person literally said the exact same thing I said,

no, he is saying a lot of erroneous shit.

>> No.7570724

In this case the cookbooks literally are the same as the restuarant. Those cookbooks I mentioned specifically detail what the restaurant does. It's not changed for home cooks. Heck, the "El Bulli" books are really just compilations of notes developed by the cooks there documenting their procedures rather than a cookbook of the normal sort.

Sous vide is incredibly useful for restaurants and that's where it's most commonly done. Yes, it takes a long time. But the key detail is that the long-time part can be totally seperated from the finish. In other words, the food can be sous-vided in advance, and then simply seared off or otherwise finished to order.

>>Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
Yes, I have. You?

>> No.7571645

>Do they sous-vide in high class restaurants? No, because it takes too much time.
I can't tell if this is bait or not.

>> No.7571677


Found the Australian shitposter.

>> No.7571699


Best post in the thread right here.

>> No.7571705

flags for /ck/ please

>> No.7571749

And shitting on yourself

>> No.7571824

That looks more like a filet mignon

>> No.7571884

"sous la meme"

>> No.7571918

Between your thigh and the saddle?

>> No.7573868


>> No.7575386

Hahahaha.... great.

You tremendous faggot.

>> No.7575406

I'm sure it tasted great. But that plating made each component look significantly more mediocre. Some finess next time if you're presenting a whole plate on a steak thread.

You were clearly trying/10

>> No.7575447
File: 1.07 MB, 2446x2968, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like my steaks like this. I think this is perfect, to me anyway, and if others don't agree that's fine. I am an adult and am okay with that.

>> No.7575497

Go to a flagged board and see just how long your confirmation bias lasts

>> No.7575518

>muh cuntfirmation bias
>muh strawmun
>muh ad homunum
>muh cognative difficulty
Why do neckbeards think reciting phrases they learned in high school rhetoric makes them sound smart?

>> No.7576345

Steak looks amazing, but your chairs are kind of ugly. I can't eat a steak if the furniture is wrong.

>> No.7576416
File: 1.78 MB, 2340x4160, 20150412_212200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my steak?

>> No.7576636


>> No.7576658


Both caramelisation and the mallard reaction occur on a piece of meat

>> No.7576662


Guess what got autocorrected

>> No.7576679

perfectly cooked

looks like it was seared and then sous vide

>> No.7576691


looks great, tell me your secret...i suck at cooking steak