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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7555774 No.7555774 [Reply] [Original]

>you're making pasta, anon? Here let me help.

>> No.7555779
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>> No.7555782

>dont waste the salt anon, it will boil fine by itself

>> No.7555786
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>hey anon i put some oil in the water so it cooks better!


>> No.7555787

i hope you aren't implying that adding a small amount of salt will make it boil faster

>> No.7555788

>you use too much water, only use enough to just cover it

>> No.7555805

Whoever told you that is correct, unless you're adding fucktons of salt, the boiling point won't significantly change.

>> No.7555814

Alright you autistic fucks. What's the proper way too cook spaghetti? What do you add to the water? sauce mixed and pasta mixed in a big bowl after it's done cooking and then portion it out or pasta portion on the plate and then add sauce on top?

>> No.7555824

haram. penne mostaccioli, penne, or ziti only
add sea salt to water
sauce poured into pot full of pasta after it's drained

>> No.7555858

Is this bait?

>> No.7555871

He didn't ask what your favorite faggy Eyetalian madeup words are, he asked how to cook spaghetti. Good old American spaghetti.

>> No.7555874


>> No.7555876
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Salt in boiling water, put pasta in

Heat prego in saucepan with meatballs

Drain pasta, put on plate, put prego with meatballs on top

>> No.7555899

Reminds me of the other day when I asked my mum to cook me grilled chicken breast, but the stupid fucking whore fried it instead. I chucked that shit on the fucking floor and threw the plate at the wall

>> No.7555906


>heat prego with meatballs

it's so easy to make yourself anon and it tastes so much better.

>> No.7555932

Is whole grain pasta any good? Or is it just a meme?

>> No.7555982

I'm not some posh gourmet, but I quite like it. I think it has more flavor, rather than mostly just being starch accompaniment for the sauce.

>> No.7556025

>100 g Flour/1 egg, a few drops of olive oil
>Thrash the fuck out of it and sit for an hour

Is there a better way to make pasta dough?

>> No.7556192
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>oil in the water

>> No.7556194


Please fucking killyourself you cancerous faggot

>> No.7556195

>implying he is implying that that statement is incorrect rather than that he is implying that that is not why one adds salt to the water

>> No.7556226

>not just boiling in oil

>> No.7556241

>An American attempts to be cultured

>> No.7556247

Don't you mean on?

>> No.7556250


You don't add salt to alter the boiling point, you fuckwit. The salty water is absorbed into the pasta and adds flavor.

>> No.7556257

It's more nutritious. What we do at home is buy 1:1 box ratio of whole grain and regular pasta and its all fine

Whole grain takes maybe a tinsy bit more time to cook, like ~1 minute

>> No.7556284

I cook my whole wheat pasta with just the right amount of water in an elevated pan inside my pressure cooker. It's way faster.

>> No.7556290

Yeah, it's good. Make sure it's wheat or something else other than rice. Brown rice flour absorbs way too fast and fucks with your blood sugar. Whole grains of brown rice are good though.

>> No.7556309

if he wanted to put effort into making dinner he wouldn't be making spaghetti

literally a meme meal

>> No.7556778

>adds flavor
It adds salt.

>> No.7556786
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>> No.7556807
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For some reason I'm such a stickler for proper pasta preparation. Not enough to sperg out when my mother adds oil to the water but enough to openly question why someone would buy spaghetti just to break it.

My best friend is half korean and he eats his spaghetti like an asian. I've tried offering him a spoon so he doesn't slurp but he hasn't gotten the hint yet. Chris if you're reading this you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7556823

What do you have against pregnant women?

>> No.7556831

? breaking spaghetti is part of many preparations. you deemed this impossible? that there only existed spaghetti and meatballs? questioning superstition is one thing, but entirely justifiable techniques?

>> No.7556849

Chem fag here.

You're and idiot.

>> No.7556854

>adds oil to the water
I thought that was a joke. What is the reasoning behind this?

>> No.7556872

I don't do it but why do people care about broken spaghetti? Wouldn't ot taste the same?

>> No.7556875

breaking spaghetti makes spaghettini, it's an entirely different pasta. It's not a legitimate method of preparation in Italian cooking, to my knowledge. I'd be happy to see your recipes if you have any. There is indeed more than spaghetti and meatballs. Spaghetti was just the example I used. My friend eats incorrectly with all long pasta noodles, spaghetti is just the pasta I ate with him most recently.

I believe that it's so the noodles don't stick. It also makes it so the sauce doesn't stick, unfortunately.

>> No.7556879

It's spaghetti tagliati, not spaghettini. Forgive my blunder.

>> No.7556886

You add oil so foam can't form on top of the water, thus prevents overboiling.

>> No.7556892

It's ten trillion percent more American than any of those dago wop greasy goombah guido faggots in the old fucking country could ever fucking dream when they're busy getting Muslim cock crammed down their fucking throats.

So's pizza.

And we're comin' for fettucini alfredo next, you fucking faggot and we'll take that from you too, and whatever else we want because we're the greatest of all time, forever and ever, so FUCK YOU!

>> No.7556894

If you place the wooden spoon you use to stir it horizontally over the pot it won't overboil. Trust.

>> No.7556895

>My friend eats incorrectly with all long pasta noodles,
he came from.a country who invented noodles... long time before Europe (and later Americans) eat noodles... so... who do it wrong?/

>> No.7556910

It seems like you're an Asian that is butthurt that I am not happy with my halfu friend eating pasta (Italian) noodles the wrong way. Korea didn't invent noodles, I understand it to be China that did. I'm not contesting that. Besides being half Korean he is as American as I am.

The way you eat long-stranded Italian pasta is specific, the same as when you eat Asian noodles. I slurp when I eat ramen, but you will never catch me slurping my fettucine. It's as deplorable as someone not slurping their noodles in Asia.

Just because something originated somewhere doesn't mean that it has to remain authentic to its origin indefinitely. Things change as they are appropriated, and you do not eat pasta like you would lo mein. I'm sorry if you are upset by this.

Sage for samefag.

>> No.7556957


>Don't add oil queermos status:

>> No.7556962

He's not making it with sauce there, he's just eating it seasoned with oil. I'd be interested to see how he cooks it when he's adding it to sauce, I'd be willing to bet that it's different. You don't oil and season pasta you're going to add to a sauce.

He also didn't do the twisty thing and that's disappointing because I expected more from him.

>> No.7556966

>white pasta
Why is Ramsay so shit?

>> No.7556999

>I expected more from him.

Mate, he's strung out on heroin.

>> No.7557028
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/ck/ is not supposed to be this autistic.

>> No.7557057

thats so the pasta doesn't stick together dufus.

If you're cooking orzo this is a must.

>> No.7557076

Thanks to 4chan, i've lost my understanding of the definition of "meme"

>> No.7557280

>falling for the bait
>only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7557401
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>here, let me help you out anon!

>> No.7557439

chemist here

you should drop out of school

>> No.7557441

fuck you desu

>> No.7557450
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>> No.7557895
File: 677 KB, 1920x1080, Had Enough of Your Shit Gauls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can(s) of diced tomatoes
>can(s) of crushed tomatoes
>pre chopped garlic
>other spices
can of tomato paste
>salt and pepper
>meat(add lentils if desired/cheap)
>maybe broth cubes of your desire
>pasta of choice into boiled water
How to make it look like you give a shit about food, but just want an easy and cheap meal for a few days. And don't want to spend the rest of your infinitesimal, pointless existence chopping garlic and not masturbating.

>> No.7557917

Drop out here.

Got any jobs you need doing?

>> No.7557966


fucking hell its always on italian food threads aswel...

>> No.7557984

get a garlic crusher you fucking amateur

>> No.7557986

A garlic press is essential. Adds flavor to any dish

No, the jarred stuff isn't the same
No, crushing it with the flat of a knife isn't the same
No, dicing it is not the same

>> No.7557995

I have a garlic press
But I haven't noticed any flavour that I couldn't achieve by mincing, which is honestly more fun and less tedious

>> No.7558002

I've found diced/minced yield less flavor per clove than pressed, especially in soups and sauces

>> No.7558004

Mirepoix base
Whatever red wine you have on the go

>> No.7558010


are you supposed to break the noodles in half?

>> No.7558077
