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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7556621 No.7556621 [Reply] [Original]

what do i have to eat in order to make my shit more solid?

i'm literally shitting exclusively diarrhea for almost five years now

>> No.7556626

Less beer/alcohol

>> No.7556628

Eat some more cheese, no more loose shits for you.

>> No.7556632

McDonalds, every meal, 3 times a day for 7 days.
50 piece chicken nuggers.
Dr. pepper.
McDouble between a McChicken between a McDouble.
Triple Fries, double salt.

>> No.7556681

If you have chronic diarrhea it's probably best to go to a doctor with that. As for nutrition, first of all you want to avoid foods that have a laxative effect, i.e. anything with sorbitol/mannitol (apples, pears, stone fruits). Oligosaccharides can also have a laxative effect, so you should try avoiding wheat, rye, barley, spelt, banana, onions, garlic, leek, beans, lentils, peas and see if that helps. Make sure you don't have lactose or fructose malabsorption that's causing it. You can try bulking-type fibers such as those in corn bran and rice bran (wheat bran works too but it has oligosaccharides). Also try pectin and psyllium

>> No.7556683

this is something you ask a doctor not /ck/

>> No.7556689


>> No.7556708
File: 68 KB, 452x700, Opium mickey mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opium. Not even kidding, opiates cause constipation and opium itself has been given to prevent diarrhea for thousands of years.

Given that you don't want an addiction, loperamide [brand name Immodium] works wonders. It's an opioid that doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier (except under very rare circumstances) and doesn't cause addiction.

But seriously, that's a stopgap measure at best, go see a fucking doctor.

>> No.7556742

you might be one of the actual people with celiac disease. sounds like your colon isnt allowing osmosis

>> No.7556765

eat some fiber lad
like vegetables

>> No.7556767

fiber makes it less solid lad

>> No.7556773


>i'm literally shitting exclusively diarrhea for almost five years now

Sounds like you got IBD lad.

But seriously, bananas

>> No.7556820

>what do i have to eat in order to make my shit more solid?
Psyllium husk..

>> No.7556828

I have some kind of digestive issue too. I have to shit way too often. It's not usually diarrhea but more like those messy, semi solid shits.

I know I should see a doctor but it's hard to bring myself to do it with a subject matter like this.

>> No.7556829

+1 This!
Everytime during a drinking binge I shit what is called "swamp shit". Holy fuck the smelliest of them all because swamp shit is above the toilet waterline! Fuck... dizziness/nausea from lastnight's drinking coupled with that S.O.T.M.S (Smell of the Morning Shit) holy puke!

But when I'm sober they start to "harden" like normal shit. So yeah. being sober helps

>> No.7556856

It's a booze pooze, autist

>> No.7556945

I'm almost afraid to ask what's on the right

>> No.7556951


>> No.7557234

I call them the whiskey plops

>> No.7557238
File: 1.96 MB, 514x205, REEE This Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557248

>but it's hard to bring myself to do it with a subject matter like this
Yes, but they have seen/heard far worse than "I poop too much".

>> No.7558635

more fiber and less fat and alcohol. cutting out fresh dairy like milk and soft cheese wouldn't hurt either

>> No.7558812


>> No.7558822

You had diarrhea for more than 3 days and never once consulted a physician or gastroenterologist?

>> No.7558889

physalis/Sharon fruit

although it is possible for it to block your colon completely, good lick!

>> No.7558945

Go to the doctor you stupid fucking yank

>> No.7559089
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a sip of pepto-bismol or the any generic version of the pink goo

foods with fiber help too, like if you can ever swap whole-wheat bread for white, or green beans instead of any of that crap in the OP pic.

Good Luck

>> No.7559195

You need more fiber. Buy some fiber supplement gummy candies, assuming you like gummy candies.

>> No.7559222

but that's wrong. eating fiber is a proven way to have more solid shits. if it doesn't work for you, seek medical attention

>> No.7559228

Eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day. You may have diverticulitis.

>> No.7559258


>> No.7559350

opiates OP

>> No.7559666


>> No.7559673

Apples or persimmons

>> No.7559703

Well maybe first you should actually tell us what you're eating.

>> No.7559705

take supplements

>> No.7559721

No, it's just to help you go. It speeds up everything through your digestive tract. Which means less time for nutrient and, more importantly in this case, water absorption. You want to eat a lot of rice and wonderbread.

Also reducing the amount of fat in your diet can help.

>> No.7559767

Hey, you better check that pancreas of yours.

>> No.7559771

What? No, you idiot. Fiber slows down digestion, it doesn't speed it up. Fiber is not a laxative. You can learn this with google in ten seconds.

>> No.7559778

>Metamucil is not a laxative

>> No.7560051
File: 55 KB, 862x577, fibers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fiber" has barely any common traits at all. And no, not all fiber is laxative, in fact some fiber is slightly constipating, while other fiber can act against both constipation and diarrhea. The fiber in fruits and vegetables typically has almost no laxative effect, for example, even though those are commonly recommended as good "fiber" sources. The strongest laxative fiber is found in wheat bran. The strongest food-based laxative in general are prunes, which work through sorbitol (not really a fiber) and phenolic compounds (not fiber). Prunes are more effective at laxation than both psyllium husk and wheat bran. Psyllium and wheat bran also help against diarrhea through their bulking effect, so they can work either way.

It is true that some fiber slows down passage of the food through the small intestine but this effect is negligible for the formation of stool since the orocecal transit time for a solid meal is usually no more than 10-12 hours. Constipation and diarrhea tend to originate in the colon unless the small intestine is fucked up (like in celiac) and undigested food gets into the colon where it draws water in.

Even this chart is incomplete and has some slight errors (for example, oligosaccharides can have a decent laxative effect at certain doses). However, no fermentable carbohydrates help against diarrhea because they all draw water into the colon if they are not fermented anyway (which only produces gas that may worsen diarrhea further)