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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7552105 No.7552105 [Reply] [Original]

How many meals (including snacks) do you eat in a day?

>> No.7552106

Three squares a day.

>> No.7552120

Usually once or twice. I hardly ever eat breakfast, just some coffee, maybe a banana or some other piece of fruit. I generally have a large meal for lunch that lasts me through the rest of the day but occasionally I get hungry later that evening and I'll have something light like a sandwich or a bowl of cereal or something like that.

>> No.7552137

What are you doing all day to eat that many meals? When do you wake up in the morning to warrant eating 3 times before noon? Is this some sort of holdover from a society where rich people did nothing all day but talk to people and eat?

>> No.7552146

I usually eat around 5 times a day, in small quantities. I digest the food better.

>> No.7552148

I eat 3 meals of 800 calories without snacks so that there is enough time for the MMC to complete a cycle or two each time (constipation)

>> No.7552161

right now I'm dieting and I've fallen for the intermittent fasting meme. so I'm only eating one 1300-1600 calorie meal a day, 6 days a week.

>> No.7552171
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>forgetting second breakfast

>> No.7552230

2 Meals, sometimes i have an orange or a banana during the day.

>> No.7552241

Could be the regular meals, or one giant meal, or snacks throughout the day, it anything in between. I'm in college with a schedule that changes by the day, so I don't have anything close to a normal routine. Just whatever works at the time. It's probably pretty unhealthy.

>> No.7552246

It's clearly a joke, autist.

>> No.7552294


Does the half a pop-tart I begrudgingly force down my throat after I get out of the shower in the morning count as a meal?

Otherwise, two meals. Bare-bones lunch and a hearty dinner.

>> No.7552355

I'll allow it

>> No.7552640

Recently, I haven't eaten as much since I've been attempting to only eat food I make myself as part of my diet plan along with exercise. I figure that part of the reason that people are overweight is because food is so easy to get. If people actually had to cook at their meals from raw ingredients and bake their deserts and work the effort for it, I honestly think that overall obesity rates would go down.

Strangely enough, I don't feel as hungry. I've been eating smaller portions and overall, feel better about myself.

>> No.7552642


>> No.7552909

Literally one meal a day.

>wake up at 4:30 AM
>can't be arsed to make breakfast because it's fucking 4:30 in the morning
>can't have breakfast at a restaurant unless I wake up even earlier
>besides, most places charge way too much for the simplest shit
>could order fast food at a drive-thru, but you don't need to tell me why fast food is a bad idea
>didn't pack myself a lunch because it's fucking 4:30 in the morning
>eat nothing at work
>could drive out for lunch, but once again, fast food, bad idea, etc.
>arrive home after a hard day at work
>about 3-4 hours too early for dinner
>eat something anyways
>literally eat nothing else for the rest of the day

>> No.7552929

2 meals. No snacks.

>> No.7552940

2 to 3 mostly 2

>> No.7553033

1 meal/day
intermittent fasting!

>> No.7553060

Same here. It seems to have significantly upped my intake of coffee and tea, though, since I want to consume something and it's easy to make with just my kettle. I'm basically at one meal a day, and since I'm already putting in the effort, it's usually a serious cooking endeavor.

>> No.7553065

07:00 bread (+ turkey ham or alone)
08:00 coffee
10:40 snack (2 apples, or half a pack of cookies (60g?)
13:00 lunch
17:40 snack (the other half pack of cookies or whatever)
22:00 bread + tea

that's it.

>> No.7553237

breakfast is my favorite meal of the day because I haven't fucked up yet. so I can eat what ever I want
dinner is the worst because I'm kind of hungry but I already messed up and need to not eat so much

>> No.7553247


>> No.7553326

Usually one unless I have money and/or motivation after getting drunk. I eat a lot of crudite type things such as a handful of nuts or a wedge of cheese or a few mixed veggies pieces every four or five hours though so I think I'm all right. I usually have one day a month I absolutely pig out and get awful stomach pains that sends me back to my normal routine.

>> No.7553343

4-5 small "meals" and one giant binge that gets puked up.

>> No.7553384

Five (breakfast, lunch, snack or two and dinner)
Dinner is the largest meal typically. Six depending on my activity for the day. I'm on a cut but do a lot of cardio so I'm okay with this.

>> No.7553391

12.00 lunch
15.00 mate
17.00 bread with tea or milk
20.00 mate
21.00 some fruit or a snack

>> No.7553750

>didn't pack myself a lunch because it's fucking 4:30 in the morning
You dumb fuck, prepare it the night before. All of this not eating is literally on you.

>> No.7553756

Usually 3 (when I skip breakfast and have a snack later), sometimes 4.

>> No.7553763

There are 8 pop tarts in a box so I eat 8 meals a day. unless I'm stressed and then I have 16 meals a day.

>> No.7553894

i eat all my calories at once at around noon, about 1300 cals a day

>> No.7553941

08:30 Coffee
11:00-12:00 *Maybe* a Croissant and a Coffee
14:30 Lunch
15:00-17:00 Coffee
20:00 Snack
21:00 Dinner

And that's about it

>> No.7553965


>> No.7553993

Light breakfast at 7 am
Solid second breakfast at 11 am
Two course (soup + main course) main meal at 5 pm, sometimes followed by dessert
Light supper around 7-8 pm

Breakfast at 8-9 am
Two course (soup + main course) main meal at noon to 1 pm, sometimes followed by dessert
Pre-evening meal at 4-5 pm, usually pastries, tea, coffee
Supper at around 7-8 pm

t. Polish man

>> No.7554003

around 5, 3 main meals and a couple of snacks

>> No.7554005


>> No.7554248

Breakfast: Tea or Coffee
Lunch: Tea or Coffee
Dinner: ~1400cals dinner, mostly consistent of rice and vegetables

>> No.7554264

1 all the time

>> No.7554311

What is St. Matthews meal and why is it just raw fish?

>> No.7554332


>> No.7554335

Usually 3 meals a day unless I have a huge breakfast or lunch, then it's just 2.

I don't snack between meals unless beer beer counts.

>> No.7554349

i think st. matthew was the guy who taught someone to fish instead of just giving them one. so now you must eat raw fish before dinner.

>> No.7554487

im going to say 1.5 - 3, depending on how much food is in the house. there really is hardly any. most of the time i never eat a full on meal, just a few small things.

>> No.7554520

2-3 meals, and a couple of snacks tops.

I prefer to eat proper meals so I don't have to constantly snack. I despise snacking culture.

>> No.7554524

One, but it's continuous because I have low blood sugar. I even eat in the bathroom to prevent fainting.

>> No.7554529

2 meals on the weekend. Usually eat lunch at noon-ish and dinner at 5-6.

Weekdays I have a small breakfast, big lunch, and big dinner.

>> No.7554531

To qualify:

> Workday
> Up at 5AM
> Too drowsy to eat
> Glass of squash, multivitamin/cod liver oil tablet, off to work
> Somewhere between 9:30 and 10AM, breakfast. Two sausages, a bun, and maybe a fried egg, because it's fucking cheap in the canteen and I need energy.
> Somewhere between 1PM and 3PM, arrive home from work, make something to eat
> Either a sandwich or an omelette, depending on what's in the fridge
> Dinner between 7PM and 8PM, usually something with chips.
> Bed 10PM

> Up somewhere between 9AM and 11AM
> Stagger downstairs, vitamins and glass of squash
> Eat somewhere between waking and 2PM
> Skipping the breakfast, so I go straight to my usual lunch
> Dinner at usual time
> Usually a large snack later if I get hungry.
> Bed sometime after midnight, whenever I get tired.

>> No.7554601

pls b chubbygril

>> No.7555174


eating snacks is for barbarians.

>> No.7556056

between 7am-10am: 750ml coffee + maybe a banana
11am: orange
2pm: some kind of lunch (a salad I made the night before if I still have classes, or I go home and eat some leftovers)
between 6pm-8pm: some kind of dinner (leftovers)

same minus the morning stuff
and maybe an orange or something around 4pm

if I'm drinking I'll probably eat something more.

I think my total intake is 700-1500kcal but I'm not sure since I make a lot of it from scratch (obv more if i'm drinking).