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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7550201 No.7550201 [Reply] [Original]

How do I help my boyfriend expand his horizons in terms of food? It's gotten bloody embarrassing. He likes well done steak, overcooked eggs (like brown omelettes) overdone pasta, refuses to drink wine and he thinks that putting a frozen meal and adding hot sauce into it is cooking.

Last week we went out for our anniversary and he ordered well done steak in a nice restaurant. He asked for fries even though it was not on the menu and the waiter said they don't have those so he had garlic whipped potatoes and he ordered soda. He has the taste buds of a child but we're both 28.

>> No.7550210

if he's happy about his choices in food, why do you care?

>> No.7550219

Wow, way to be judgmental, I'm sure your relationship is healthy

>> No.7550228


Because it's embarrassing and we're adults. If some friends are having a get together and they are having wine he will ask for coca cola.

>> No.7550229

why is it embarrassing to have personal preferences that don't align with your own?

>> No.7550230

Condition him to like "adult" foods.

>> No.7550232


Angry manchildren detected

>> No.7550235

He may eat like a child, but you act like one. Who gets embarrassed over silly things like that?

>> No.7550241


Because it looks like I am dating a child.

>> No.7550247


Culinary pleb detected. She does have a point. People who no repertoire should be put into camps where they learn to appreciate good culture and cuisine.

>> No.7550267

Why is it women feel they need to change a man to fit their own idea of what they should be?
Your boyfriend might have shit taste in food, but he's got even shitter taste in bitches.

Leave the poor son of a bitch alone.

>> No.7550276

Well that's perfectly fine then, because it looks like he's dating a child too.

>> No.7550279


What does her sex have to do with anything?


There are plenty of people in general who feel the need to change other people. This has nothing to do with sex or gender you stupid fedora tipping MRA.

>> No.7550291

Nothing wrong with mashed potatoes

>> No.7550292


ever cheated on him?

>> No.7550293

Is he the type to reject food that you make? If not cook for him. Calling him a child or being passive aggressive will hurt you guys in the long run.

>> No.7550297



>> No.7550298
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>> No.7550299


>Why does her sex have to do with anything?

Because you don't see guys going around trying to shape bitches into someone else, it's always women who do it. Guys are content with just fucking about going about their own business. Chicks want a blank slate they can mold into a slave wage that agrees with them 100% of the time and has to entertain them on a daily basis.

The fact that you even needed to ask that question means you're a chick, because a guy would never ask something so fucking dumb.

>> No.7550305


Yes he is. I once made him a steak dinner (medium steak, grilled veggies like asparagus, mushrooms, and mashed potatoes). He asked me to cook the steak until there was no pink left and he refused the veggies and just ate the potatoes.

>> No.7550309


I'm actually a guy and that is not true at all. I've seen plenty of guys try to mold their nice, vanilla girlfriends into being more sluttier and wild in the bedroom. Don't even try to make this a gender issues, fucking faggot. You are the male equivalent of a feminist and should be shot

>> No.7550313


just answer im curious

>> No.7550319


You're not a guy. You're a bitch pretending to be a guy to try and make a point, because bitches can't let things go and will try to undermind their opponent even if they know they're in the wrong.

Nice try.

>> No.7550325


Once. The first week we were dating I kissed another guy since things were not serious. But I told him right after and he forgave me.

>> No.7550327

You are just going to have to come to term with that. If that is a deal breaker, then good luck.

>> No.7550329

Yeah, Im not buying the whole "Im a guy thing"

>> No.7550330


No I am a guy. Want to see my penis? I'll leave my kik and send you a timestamp photo

>> No.7550334

Maybe you should just stop dating fags.

>> No.7550335
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If he were an alcoholic, this would be perfectly acceptable. Just because he refuses wine - that's not a thing. That being said, he should absolutely order things on the menu at a restaurant.

>> No.7550336

Just post it then faggot.

>> No.7550338

I want /r9k/ and /pol/ to leave

>> No.7550346
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>> No.7550348


blue board, I'd get banned. On kik I would though. By the way I'm straight, you're the one asking me to post my dick.

>> No.7550350

I don't see the problem here, if anything his poorly developed taste in food is going to save you money over time. I honestly kind of wish I hadn't become a "foodie" cause shit's expensive

>> No.7550353

Take the three day ban. It's not like your contributing anything worth value to the thread anyway, nigger.

>> No.7550356

>be girl
>claim I am guy on 4chan
>say Ill send dickpic with timestamp for proof
>immediately text 5 thirsty losers who want me
>ask them to send me dickpic with time stamp I can forward

verified for manipulative femanon

>> No.7550357

All of this (and related posts ITT) is untrue. We CONSTANTLY have threads on this board where anon starts off with "My GF likes shit tier food, what do?" And we all always tell him to get a better GF or make that bitch like it. Absolutely no difference here. Femanon doesn't want a boyfriend with shit tier tastes. I see no foul play here. At least none that we do not already welcome on this board.

As for you OP, just do your best to talk to him (like an adult) and get him eating delicious good food

>> No.7550359


Racist, illiterate, hates women and you're dumb.

>> No.7550360

normal, well-adjusted adults.

normal, well-adjusted adults who expect that other adults can occasionally cease their childlike behavior in a setting that calls for something more upscale.

i don't need a collared shirt to hang out in, but i wear one to work. i don't wear a suit but a few times a year, because i'm at an event that calls for something fancier than simply a decent shirt.

i, and other normal, well-adjusted adults go to a good restaurant and don't ask for that drink of iced tea or soda or orange juice that we might otherwise get if we're eating lunch at the local joint because that's not what you should be ordering there. places like those put a significant amount of thought and time (and product placement) to make better drinks that also serve to compliment the meal.

op's sugar-water chugging bf is an embarrassment to adults because he's an adult acting like a child.

if he's objecting to alcohol on moral grounds, let that go. if it's a taste thing, which it sounds like it is, start him out on things that are typically considered girly drinks. growing up, i hated the standard piss beer (murrican here) and assumed that most beer and alcohol were by extension pretty awful and just didn't drink it. a friend introduced me to cocktails, including an amaretto sour and i was like "hey, this is a fruit juice. i'll take 7!" and kept expanding my horizons into other cocktails, non shit beer, and non shit wines.

that said, if that's the only really bad thing about your relationship with him, and he refuses to change, just forget it and let that shit go. someone's poor taste in food is no reason to end an otherwise nice relationship

>> No.7550364

your containment board is this way

>> No.7550366

That's pretty much all true, but I'm not the one lying about being a man. Atleast I can admit the truth.

>> No.7550372


I'm not a woman, I'm just a guy who is not a total pleb when it comes to food. I mean, ordering soda in a 5 star restaurant? Give me a break. I'm sorry you're so offended that someone insulted your ideal meal. Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.7550375

Never been on /pol/

>> No.7550380

ITT: Whining over the fact that OPs lover likes different foods that don't align with what is considered "good" for arbitrary reasons.

>> No.7550381

normal, well adjusted adults don't care about the personal preferences of other people when it doesn't affect them in any way
you don't sound well adjusted. you sound like you have a superiority complex, based on your desire to belittle somebody over something so trivial

>> No.7550386

This. If the nigga wants a coke let him have a fucking coke. Jesus.

>> No.7550387


Then /r9k/, /b/, some shitty anime board, just fuck off. I hate feminists and their male equivalents. Just face it, you're angry because you have pleb tastes, are probably female repellent and get rejected.

>> No.7550391

I'm sorry, he has shit taste, I'm afraid it's terminal and incurable. Ditch him and take someone else that isn't such a basic babby bitch about food

>> No.7550392


You're obsessed and a total faggot.

>> No.7550395


>> No.7550397

yea, they kinda do when that person is their significant other. and yea, 4chan definitely is good reinforcement that whatever little things might be wrong in my life, it most certainly could be a lot worse.

case in point, this thread.

>> No.7550399

OP Sounds really controlling.
A persons food preferences are up to them, not for their partner to judge and attempt to change.
Ontop of that, OP attempts to justify attempting to force these changes by elaboring how annoyed theor partners tastes makes them, as if that matters.
2/10 would not date.

>> No.7550401

I'm married with 3 kids. I won't call it rejection. I like my steaks rare, and my beer micro brewed. I'm saying she needs to let her boyfriend eat how he fucking wants to because it doesn't really mater to her. I love your rage though. Please keep it coming.

>> No.7550404

>I browse 4chan, because it reinforces my feelings that I am better than all of you
thanks for validating my hypothesis

>> No.7550405

You don't have a broad range of social contact, do you? Men like this exist and are in no way uncommon. Wife beaters are at the extreme end of the spectrum, but there are also plenty of men who try to control their partner's behaviour without going that far.

>> No.7550414

nah, he is just has mad confirmation bias due to his misogynistic worldview

>> No.7550415

Such a self-defeating way of making that argument.

>> No.7550421


i wouldn't be able to put up with that shit.. having varied tastes and the willingness top try new things are very important to me in a partner.

total dealbreaker if they lack those things.

>> No.7550422

My sides are gone

>> No.7550428
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>micro brewed

>> No.7550450

Stop dating below your class level. Sure, guys beneath you seem hot because they're all rugged and stupid until you have to deal with the reality of actually dating them. Then you realize what a mistake it is to get involved with them.

>> No.7550460

>instead, you should date classy gentlesirs like m'self

>> No.7550464

s'ok bud, i'm perfectly alright with knowing i'm better than most of you peons. cuz that's what you are. sucks to hear, but you're people who lack redeeming qualities. glad you've figured out that greentext bit on your own.

the next part is to see if you can redeem yourself by adjusting to your surroundings, rather than expecting your surroundings to conform to your limited experience. do you expand your small bubble, or continue to live life as a second-class citizen who - in the case of op's bf - will never be taken seriously?

this is obviously not to say you have to conform to everything - individuality is part of carving one's path in life. but behaving like a child in an adult setting is something that will quite literally harm one's ability to interact and network with people who can do things like advance your career and otherwise improve your life. if op's bf never breaks out of this shell, anyone who interacts with him on this level will think slightly less of him for the rest of his days.

now he can accept that and perhaps work doubly hard in other areas to overcome that - this relationship for instance - or he (and probably you, too) can grasp that by fixing this character flaw, it will eliminate that need to be stellar in other aspects.

>> No.7550470
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>> No.7550473

Hey I had to learn that lesson when I dated beneath myself. Dealing with odd prejudices when going out was insufferable. It's easy to pretend class isn't so much of a thing until you're dealing with it romantically. Then you realize it's still a thing.

>> No.7550479

>trying this hard to conceal your insecurities
you don't have to prove yourself to me, anon. after all I am just another "peon" from 4chan, sorry I hurt your feelings

>> No.7550482

I'm with the others who have said your boyfriend just has shit taste. If it's really too much of a problem, cut him loose, otherwise, learn o love him for all his flas and foibles, because you aren't going to change him if he's already going to fancy restaurants and trying to order fries.

>> No.7550486
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>Because you don't see guys going around trying to shape bitches into someone else
Now that is some grade-a bullshit right there.

>> No.7550511

Have you actually tried to bring it up with him? Not gonna lie, but based on this thread you kind of sound like a passive-aggressive and incredibly pretentious cunt.

That being said, yeah, I guess it might be somewhat embarrassing that he doesn't enjoy finer foods in certain situations. Chances are he doesn't even want to go to the expensive places you do.

Him not liking wine isn't a problem. Not liking wine is pretty damn normal to be honest. I'd take a nice beer over wine any day. Does he not drink in general? Because that's fine too.

If he REALLY wants to eat his steak a certain way and order a coke, he should. If you're too much of a child to cope with that, you're relationship is shit anyways.

Unless you're hot/rich/both he should get away from you while he can imo.

>> No.7550548

it's perfectly ok to me if you want to actively make your own life harder. i'm simply explaining to you what you're doing and how it will effect you. the choice to make a change is your own - and quite honestly, if you don't, my life is that small amount easier, as people like yourself who make social faux pas make those that don't look better by comparison.

kind of like when i was younger and used to occasionally meet gaming people i only knew online irl for the first time... "you're so... normal!" was the compliment. i'm not some super-end-of-the-spectrum body type. i was never covered in acne. i played sports.

i don't go through life consciously trying to stack the deck in my favor at every possible turn. being a person with broad interests means a small amount happens organically. because i'm a well-adjusted adult (who for some reason keeps conversing with a troll on a senegalese necklace-appreciation website, but we can't all be perfect), you increase your odds to have better social interactions. having some culture, a willingness to experiment and knowledge of others are things that will help you through life. a lack will hinder you. it really is that simple.

>> No.7550553

>meets his online gaymen buddies irl
pick one

>> No.7550556


lol being this mad. Her boyfriend resonates with you huh?

>> No.7550559


>> No.7550574


And guys don't cheat?

>> No.7550576

>posting this on /ck/ - Picky Eaters and Fast Food

>> No.7550580

woah that hit a little too close to home huh? I told you you don't need to "prove" that you're normal to me, I already know you're not

>> No.7550583

Nobody claimed that. Guys who cheat are sluts, and so is OP

>> No.7550589

Not really. I like my steaks medium-rare, and finer foods and whatnot. The only thing that resonates is I don't care much for wine.

I just don't thinks there's any good reason to try to enforce my own tastes on other people.

If she's flustered enough about something petty like his lack of interest in high quality food to bitch about it, chances are they have a shit relationship.

>> No.7550601


It's totally reasonable to be fed up with a manchild who refuses to eat green vegetables.

>> No.7550603

Fucking whore

>> No.7550606

Shut the fuck up you soulless manipulative roastie. I know the game you play well.

>> No.7550610

not particularly. i'm actually enjoying imparting wisdom on the uneducated/trolls tonight. whether you want to take personal experience is up to you

>> No.7550620

If she's fed up with him over something like him liking cheap food, she probably has a lot of other issues with him, and should end it.

>> No.7550622

Oh boy, is this another episode of "/ck/ finds an abusive relationship"?

>> No.7550623

>be me
>dating a cheating skank, but forgive her cause she does nasty stuff in bed that would make her dead grandmother cry
>decide to take her out to a fancy restaurant
>order my steak well done, she looks visibly upset
>"what's wrong, babe?"
>"woah what's the matter with you? nobody's forcing you to eat it"
>gf cries in the middle of the restaurant because I ordered something she didn't like, most embarrassing night of my life

>> No.7550624

What's wrong with not liking wine? Honestly curious.

I'd take a glass of bourbon (or any nice liquor) or a high abv beer over one any day.

>> No.7550631


I'm normie as fuck, and i also side with OP on this one as a complete lack of willingness to try new things and find enjoyment in the interests of an SO are two of the buggest turn offs i can think of, but you come off as a total loser. Tryhard, way too wordy, and condescending.

Like, who are you trying to convince here?

>> No.7550634

probably nothing. if you asked if there was a nice scotch somewhere (and were in turn, willing to share some when the party is at your place), but then settled for the wine, that'd be socially acceptable.

declining and asking for soda is just childish (again, forebearing any allergies or silly, but acceptable moral/religious reasons for skipping alcohol).

>> No.7550637

This thread would've gone a lot better if you just left the genders out of it. You would've gotten the circlejerk of "ur gf is a dumb bitch, hit her and she will like ur food" shit you wanted. Instead you got a slap to the face, which is what you deserve. You knew he was a manbaby before, I'm not sure why it's such a problem now. Get your priorities sorted out dumb cunt.

>> No.7550641

Did OP mention if the bf doesn't drink in general, or just dislikes wine?

>> No.7550644

i'm not really trying to convince anyone. i doubt anyone's gonna read anything written here and actually change their life for the better. on the off-chance someone does decide to better their lives by broadening their horizons, great. i expect nothing to come from this however.

and yup, i'm being condescending as fuck to either a) trolls or b) ignorant people. ignorance is curable if they so choose. i'm willing to go along with the assumption that i'm not being baited and they genuinely don't know.

>> No.7550646

nope. that's a very important qualifying factor imo

>> No.7550652

>"not now, mom! I'm imparting my wisdom on my internet friends!"

>> No.7550660

Yup. Some people either just don't drink, or only drink very circumstantially. Getting mad about him turning down wine if he's not really into alcohol isn't cool.

>> No.7550662

Please continue, oh wise one.

>> No.7550673

sry brahski, my own apartment. thanks for projecting tho.

>> No.7550683

I can't tell who's trolling who anymore

>> No.7550688
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save it for future use

>> No.7550691
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>>hes emberassing me in public.
I fucking hate basic eaters. but you are a god damn stupid slut. everything you bitched about is all about image, you fucking hate that he has the taste of the child not because you want the joy of experiancing new things with him and to have that energery and excitement when trying out a restaurant, but because you're such a fucking preppy bitch that it looks bad when he orders something like a 8 year old. you aren't bitching about how he's turning down the effort you are putting into cooking for him because you thrive on making creative, colorful and fun meals, you're doing it because you can't stop cringing at his eating habbits.

here's some advice. quite while you're ahead and break up. he'd obviously be better off without you. because you are offering nothing but contempt for the weird shit he does, even if it doesn't personally affect you. How do you think this is going to go down 5 years down the road? what weird shit do you do? Either offer him some kind of relationship incentive thats meaningful, like how much it means to you to explore new things together with a loved one, or shut the fuck up and stop bitching. You're always going to find something to complain about.

god damn, fucking straight girls.

>> No.7550694

>maybe if I use words like "brahski" the anons on my burmese scarf knitting forum will think I'm normal and therefore better than them

>> No.7550696

you're not even trying anymore. take 5 and try again

>> No.7550716

if he likes well done steal, maybe get him to eat beef jerky or biltong then you can pretend you're dating a man.

Also maybe try pairings with craft beers, you don't just have to be a winefag to act refined.

>> No.7550717

This, without all the anger I guess.

If you dislike his eating choices because they embarrass you and make you worry about your image, not because you want to let him experience finer things in life for his own pleasure, there's something wrong in your relationship.

There are far worse habits that a SO could have to embarrass you than them liking simple and cheap food. Hell, some people never even have the money/chance to experience or worry about fine dining.

You two seem to have fundamental differences, that I'm guessing go beyond your cuisine choices.

>> No.7550718

>Refuses to drink wine
I am willing to bet you can't reliably pick out a $30 wine from a $200 wine

>> No.7550722

>Also maybe try pairings with craft beers, you don't just have to be a winefag to act refined.

this desu. or high shelf scotch/bourbon/whatever honestly. you don't have to like win to drink fancy.

>> No.7550752


do you REALLY think if this chucklfuck who won't even drink wine when out at a nice place will be able to stomach straight liquor?

lol, god damn. you're all so stupid.

>> No.7550798

I should make it clear since you linked me that I was not saying soley for his own pleasure, it should be something that matters to her in a relationship between the two of them. something that actuall affects her. For example. if they got kicked out of that restaurant by his behavior, it would be his fault. but everything so far is just something that made her squirm a bit. what are you going to do when you share the bathroom and have to deal with eachothers dhiarea scent? or when he sees you didn't shave today because its a fucking chore and you're wearing pants? what about when they hate that song you love? are they going to throw a hissy fit every time you sing it?

If small things like this bother the shit out of you you need to stop trying or find someone just as banal and whiny as you.

>> No.7550801

>wahhh he won't drink
Grow up.

>> No.7550814

Im willing to bet you cant

>> No.7550823

Never claimed I could. Wine elitism is a farce.

>> No.7550840

Jesus... I just got back from bandaging the cuts from all that edge.

If someone is healthy, enjoys their food, and as long as they aren't jerks about it to other people, who cares? Yeah OP's BF was difficult about his fries, but in general, does it matter in the long run? You really can't be "right" in an argument about personal preferences. lol

>> No.7550846

Obvious samefag, please.

Were you violently molested by women when you were a child or something? Mommy never gave you the attention you wanted?

I cant imagine what kind of horrible things must have happened to a person to make their personalities so absolutely disgusting

>> No.7550852

So people arent allowed to enjoy it? You are a fucking moron

>> No.7550856
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found a picture of this guy

>> No.7550857

All you can do is find a boyfriend that's as stuck up as you. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks about you? You sound like a high school student. I know plenty of guys who matured at a young age, got their lives together, either started their own businesses/made a name for themselves, have great taste in clothes, make smart financial decisions, but they like food such as chicken fingers with ketchup and Dr. Pepper and won't eat anything remotely "complex" or "refined.

Also, You have no right to try and control his life when you have your own shit to fix. This dude has a personal preference that clashes with your own. YOU either think it's okay to cheat or don't have the willpower not to, which is sad because it's just something that normal people don't even battle with. Pretty big compared to food tastes.

>> No.7550858

lol REKT

OP is dead everyone.

>> No.7550870

>He's an embarrassing child and I can't even deal with how serious of an impact this has to my image and our relationship, but I cheat, but it's okay because I'm a woman and am allowed to be fickle. No one would question that or look down on me. I'M THE VICTIM HERE! I'M THE ONE SUFFERING!!!

>I said I was sorry and even though I didn't tell him about any other times, he thinks I'm honest because I admitted to an "easy one", so it's not the same thing okay???

Some people...

>> No.7550872

>not reporting shit unrelated threads like these
>bitch about how /ck/ has become

Guess I'll keep waiting for some nice inspo/cookalong thread

But you people would get better "conversations" on r9k or adv

>> No.7550990

Cookalong threads are no better. Why would I want to see how some random fuck cooks his shit when I can watch how real michelin star chefs do it?

>> No.7551208

>>Also, You have no right to try and control his life when you have your own shit to fix. This dude has a personal preference that clashes with your own. YOU either think it's okay to cheat or don't have the willpower not to, which is sad because it's just something that normal people don't even battle with. Pretty big compared to food tastes
wow, you are so wrong you are fucking laughable. but don't worry, along with infidelity, being a stuck up cuck who thinks theyre better than other people and that people who are not like you are the rare minority or the degenerates is also pretty fucking normal.

25%, and thats the people in marraiges, not in relationship, and its only the people who didn't lie. a quarter of humanity is not only not normal to you, but people who even have to struggle with such thoughts aren't normal either, the number, understandably, will climb higher despite your preposterous's claim's already infeasability.

>> No.7551253 [DELETED] 

Im gonna post an OC thread in the next two days, gonna be making some pastries

Keep your eyes peeled

>> No.7551258

>asking for government subsidised high fructose corn syrup with your meal

>> No.7551288

Don't take for granted things will stay the same, be it him, you or your relationship, especially if you want it to last long. I got my gf to loose the 40lbs she had put on, she now cooks well and eats healthy. But I still have higher standards and try not to bitch her too much about it.

>> No.7551408

Wow your a cunt.

>> No.7551425

No I don't you lieing sack of shit. Hopefully he smartens up a bit and ditches you before you break him down.

>> No.7551426


tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.7551429

>le epic /b/ may mays
you've never seen a tit in real life, have you?

>> No.7551469

>Refuses to drink wine.
Literally nothing wrong with this.
Some people hate the taste of alchol. You are not magically more sophisticated for drinking fermented fruits.

>> No.7551477

You seem to think that one has to drink alcohol when going somewhere upscale. Soda isn't a good idea, but I really hate your insistence that alcohol is mandatory.

>> No.7551914


good comeback faggot.

are you watching what your boyfriend eats because you wanna see color color coats your dick?

>> No.7551922


let him enjoy his welldone steak. you sound like an autist cunt.

>> No.7551935

jaysus chris! There is no hope for this guy, if his taste is that important to you, just drop him. Other wise learn to live with it.

>> No.7551939

This guy is a massive fag who is right okay with pedophilia also he sucks his trousers and laughs about it.

>> No.7551947


you sound like the worst kind of faggot

>> No.7551949



>> No.7551962

I don't drink wine really. Like at all, I'm just not a fan. I'd take a strong Imperial Stout, glass of bourbon, scotch, brandy, or whatever, over it any day.

I'm fairly certain I can handle liquor much harder than wine, and I still choose not to drink it. You're literally retarded.

>> No.7551967

That's not what he said dipshit. People can enjoy wine, but the elitism aspect to it is dumb as hell.

>> No.7551976


>muh grapes come from ancient french dirt
>$10,000 a bottle
>plebs just won't understand how fancy i am and how i am better than them

>> No.7552007

>reading comprehension

>> No.7552042

>this whole thread
jesus the picky eater defense force showed up today

sorry OP you revealed far too early that you are either a faggot or a women. As others have said you should have stayed gender neutral or said "girlfriend" or "wife's son", any of those three would have devolved into the shitpost thread you so desire

seriously though if you love him drop it for a while and try to ease him in to more adventurous food over time
if you dont love him and it bothers you that much just break up with


>> No.7552442

your existence makes me cringe

>> No.7552669
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This. My guys not big into wine I pair nice beers with dinner and there is always a good bottle of scotch in the house.

>> No.7552684

Id take my time to respond; but this thread and /ck/ has been swamped with 99% of people having the pallet of a god damn toddler

>> No.7552689

>implying steak and fries isn't a perfectly legit high end dish that is representative of a patrician pallet.
Fuck you OP

>> No.7552690

Fucking this. Women don't want you, they want their modified version of you.

>> No.7552741

How so?

Most replies agree that the BF has a bad/immature/pleb taste in food. They just believe OP is a cunt for thinking it's a big deal and getting pissy over it.

This. Different people like different liquors. Some people just don't drink at all. Not liking wine means very little in this day and age.

>> No.7552770

and here you are, criticizing us

>> No.7552785

I don't generally drink and yes I'll order a coke with a 'fancy' meal.
Alcoholic drinks are overpriced and I don't need them to enjoy my food or my company.

>> No.7552791

>not patrician tier water
Stay plebe

>> No.7552797

I would legit break up with him. So yeah, do that.

>> No.7552835
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>dear cu/ck/s board
>my boyfriend sucks
>what do?

>> No.7554224

This sentence confuses me

>> No.7554371

I disagree with everyone else and completely understand being uncomfortable if he wont drink wine around the buds, it's just immature. If I were you I would legitimately break up with him unless you're somehow financially dependent (which you probably are)

as for the taste in food it's not that bad, really. Some people just like stuff well done, if he doesn't have a taste for more fancy foods that's just they way he is.

>> No.7554387

Good god, the only people I have encountered that would genuinely get pissed about someone refusing alcohol were unhappy women who would piss and whine until they got their own way.

I have been in a lot of drinking environments - frat parties, Las Vegas, and festivals, etc. but even in these situations I have never seen someone genuinely upset for someone who refused alcohol.

>> No.7554402

Dump him and jump on my dick


Seriously though, anyone over 21 pretty much has their personality set, so stop wasting time trying to change them.

>> No.7554415

Thank you. I have tried suggesting some wines that I thought he would enjou but he ALWAYS makes some excuse about his parents and their problems with alcohol. I honestly want to tell him to grow up. I mean my parents drank alcohol and they're completely fine. Sometimes I really want to call up his parents and tell them their son is too afraid to drink alcohol! I brought it up with a couple of friends but they all thought it was a terrible idea. Though I think I will take the chance once I wine myself up a bit..

>> No.7554421

i mean, my bf hasnt ever gotten to eat really good food on a regular basis, so his tastes match that (cheap, fast food etc.) i'm heading off to culinary school this year and i've been cooking stuff that he wouldn't usually eat, and he likes most of them. as for not liking wine, some people literally just dont like wine. it can't be helped. overall this post is kinda weird. its not a big deal op.

>> No.7554449
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>all the grills here with manchildren bf's willing to cook for them and make them happy
>have superior patrician taste in food and excellent culinary skills but forever alone

>> No.7554450

your answers is you are dating a pleb with no taste or class. he seems closed minded so changing him will be near impossible. gl

>> No.7554454

Get him to go vegan. Nothing helps your tastes mature like going vegan

>> No.7554467

seriously everyone that has replied to this thread has seriously made me think hiw Fucking stupid and retarded /ck/ is. Fucking mouth breathing mountain dew addicted neckbeards. don't listen to anyone here ever again plz unless you want to end up living in your mother's basement with a bunch of Its on your face and defending the eating of well done steak and soda.

>> No.7554474

Your friends are right - it's a terrible idea. And you're a terrible person for trying to force alcohol on someone who isn't interested. Your parents and your childhood experiences with alcohol aren't his, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. But there is literally nothing abnormal or wrong with not drinking - trying to force someone to drink is more socially unacceptable than it.

It's not immature at all. He doesn't drink alcohol. There's nothing wrong with that, and I highly doubt anyone but his GF cares.

Even if he did drink, and just disliked wine in particular, that'd be fine too.

>> No.7554485

I fell for the bait, but tell me exactly what's wrong with liking a nice scotch or bourbon, and not wine? Or what's wrong with just not drinking alcohol in general?

>> No.7554499

Tell him that although you will never have children with him, your sons will view him as their father.

>> No.7554507

How AM I the terrible person? I give him the opportunity to enjoy the finer things in life and all he does is refuse my suggestions. He should at least try to show an interest in what I like and be a better person. I'm practically giving my knowledge to him.

>> No.7554512

maybe your excessive wanking about "muh palate" and your use of phrases like "super patrician" is turning them off m8
having expensive tastes in food is NOT a skill

>> No.7554526

You're a terrible person because you are trying to force somebody you are supposed to love to drink and possibly relive harmful memories from his childhood of his alcoholic parents. Getting somebody with alcoholic parents to drink alcohol is not making somebody a better person, and you're absolutely delusional or a troll for saying otherwise.

>> No.7554540

Try telling him.

>> No.7554551

Straight liquor pairs as well with food as bicycles do with swimming pools.

Wine and beer is literally the best things to pair with food, ordained by God and gifted to man.

>> No.7554556

>wine and beer is the best thing to pair with food



Seeing a billion beer commercials on television has brainwashed you.

>> No.7554566

OP, get a food boyfriend.

Find a good friend that loves to dine out and is ok with having a platonic relationship based on loving food and drink. You can get that kind of satisfaction from someone else without having to train your retarded boyfriend.

I call it food-cucking.

Just be sure to throw a BJ to the guy once every few months, for gods sakes.

>> No.7554567

>I'm practically giving my knowledge to him.

pretentious as shit

did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want your "knowledge"?

considering the severe lack of perspective taking skills I suspect you have ASD

>> No.7554581

are bait threads infrequent around here?

>> No.7554583

How exactly does having a refined palate make somebody a better person? Serious question, not trying to antagonize you here. The way I see it, unless you have a career in the food industry it only serves to make you poor.

>> No.7554588

I can't decide if this is a troll, or if OP is really just this much of a bitch.

>> No.7554591

So.....you want your boyfriend to be exicted about the two of you go to YOUR friend's house for a "OMG WINE NIIIIIIGHT" and take duck face selfies with wine glasses?

Maybe he just doesn't want pictures of him chugging wine plastered on Instagram

Maybe he doesn't like your friends

There are multiple reasons

>> No.7554592

Post boipucci pls.

>> No.7554599

Firstly, I must please ask that you avoid being a moral relativist right now, please, seriously, it's bad.

Is it better that people who enjoy good music exist? Because of them, good music has a market to exist.

Because of people that like good movies exist, good movies are made. If not for them, everything would be an Adam Sandler movie.

The whole reason we aren't shoveling porridge into our mouths three times a day is because people are compelled to eat good food. The best food, food that can be pleasing, exciting, surprising, unique, or all of the above, exists for and by people who love food and have a refined palate to enjoy it

>> No.7554602

Some Adam Sandler movies are considered kino.

>> No.7554606

You didn't answer my question. I get why good food exists, I'm asking you why preferring it makes somebody a better person than someone who doesn't.

>> No.7554609

kino is a shit meme and you should really, seriously, consider offing yourself for using it unironically or even ironically

>> No.7555025

>wild in the bedroom
not washing?

hunting down animals dressed in the nude?

eating bugs?

>> No.7555029

in what way are these posts politics? moran

>> No.7555087

>he thinks they discuss politics over at /pol/

>> No.7555090

Ha! Translation: yes

>> No.7555092

sounds like he's the only responsible one there, also, who still calls it that, its just Coke

>> No.7555175

wonder how many replies this thread would have gotten if it had been "How do I help my GIRLFRIEND expand her horizons in terms of food?"

bunch of beta orbiters on this board.

>> No.7555184


>> No.7555205

>makes some excuse about his parents and their problems with alcohol
haha, that's some preddy good bate

so his parents are alcoholics/problem drinkers, and he doesn't want to be one?

>> No.7555211

just keep saving your GBP bro

>> No.7555215

>(((Adam Sandler)))

>> No.7555230

I've had people I wouldn't date because they were picky eaters. This one fella I know won't ever order anything other than fries at any restaurant we stop by. If they don't have fries and coke, he gets nothing at all.
Being able to try and enjoy many different kinds of foods is pretty important for me in a relationship so I wouldn't put up with someone who demands fries at a restaurant.
But you're being a dick to complain about him not drinking.

>> No.7555244

I had a quick look, seems mostly to be about the election

>> No.7555275

No, the top 5 threads right now are about racism. /pol/ discusses mostly race and to a much lesser extent homosexuality, there are only election threads there because the election affects the aforementioned issues

>> No.7555296

racism? hmm, I should look into it then

>> No.7555297

You should, and you should stay there

>> No.7555302


Stop drinking wine at dinner for fucks sake. Why do girls do this? It just just leads to trouble. Three glasses later and your mom is telling your mother-in-law that she thinks you're autistic (completely untrue despite being a 4chan poster), and you have to carry your wife home who's passed out drunk.

>> No.7555307


This doesn't make any fucking sense, there's nothing classless about being an abstainer. I swear to God man these females just want any excuse to drink wine. And not just alcohol, WINE. Sloppy, gossiping whores desu.

>> No.7555352

aww did something trigger your sjw ptsd? who would have thought that some people don't think diversity is awesome, that some people think that Whites should be allowed their own countries, just like other races are. can you name one White country not predicted to become minority White in teh next 100 years? what!? not one? wow, sounds like genocide. you're not for genocide are you?

>> No.7555356

Not triggered so much as annoyed, you idiots are obsessed with race and drag it into conversations where it has no bearing on anything

>> No.7555365


you saying you DO support genocide of Whites?

it's ok, they're the only group that you can't be racist to, and they get last pick at jobs, promotions, university, etc. in the countries they founded and built

won't it be wonderful when they are all gone

>> No.7555387

is this a sjw parody?

>> No.7555402


You literally just described liberals.

Did you hear about this left wing push to get multiracial emoticons on phones? Well they made them, and guess what? The very next day you have a black SJW writer writing an article how the new black emoticons are problematic because now she HAS to use the black emoticon. There's just no winning with them and they are absolutely obsessed with race.

MTV is literally the White Guilt Network now. It's disgusting.

>> No.7555406

Right, and I'm just as annoyed with sjw liberals as I am with you /pol/ morons who won't leave social issues out of any conversation. The only difference is sjws don't show up here nearly as much.

>> No.7555420

yeah, nothings ever good enough for them

give an inch and they take a mile, then still play the fucking victim and moan and bitch

>> No.7555429 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 592x560, nessun dorma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just as annoyed with sjw liberals as I am with you /pol/ morons


you just want to be left alone? so did we. it's coming, and you will have to pick a side

>> No.7555441


I apologize for the off-topic post, I didn't initiate the political turn of conversation and I just couldn't help responding to an anon saying in all seriousness that he believes the right wing is obsessed with race. It was just too absurd and untrue to pass up.

>> No.7555451

He's right though, /pol/ is by far the leakiest board on the entire website. He didn't say that the entire right wing is obsessed with race, just /pol/ and I have to agree with him there.

>> No.7555679

maybe it's time for a reality check?
I've read two lines of you and I already dislike you.
you brag about your taste in food. how would
anybody want to cook for you? you can only
make it wrong for guys like you.

>> No.7555985

that's like saying people are too obsessed with their families, what is a race, but your extended family? why would you prioritize other peoples over your own? do you invite the neighborhood kids to eat while yours go hungry? if so, why?

>> No.7556006

>it's coming, and you will have to pick a side

yeah yeah just like every other decade in history the race war is just around the corner :) better convert now before the end times happen!

how are you any different from the religious again?

>> No.7556019

Why did I read this in a british accent

>> No.7556020 [DELETED] 

saged and reported

>> No.7556022

>how are you any different from the religious again?
our worldview is based on observable, provable, facts

if we are wrong, which White countries are still projected to be majority White in 100 years? any? Which ones are not having millions or tens of millions of foreigners imported? Which ones are at or above the sustainable fertility rate of 2.11 per woman? any?

please do answer these questions, and don't deflect

>just like every other decade in history
there was no threat 100 years ago. If you take the USA as an example, it was over 90% White from its creation(by Whites) in 1776, until the Immigration and Naturalization Act was passed in 1965. Since then it has been reduced to 60% White. Are these facts? Can you refute them?

>> No.7556033
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>it was over 90% White from its creation(by Whites) in 1776

wrong lol 61.6 + 95.9 / 2 = 78.75%

>> No.7556039

ok, lets say 80% then, are you going to attempt the other questions? or just blatantly disregard them again?

>> No.7556143

your silence speaks volumes

>> No.7556188

If somebody kept bringing up their family in conversation when it didn't relate or pertain to anything then yes, they are obsessed and they should stop

>> No.7556210

care to attempt >>7556022

all questions please, no deflection

>> No.7556221

No, I don't care to read your blog post and refute it. Talk about these things on /pol/ and not here, thanks.

>> No.7556223

I rate that as a deflection, gg

you agree with all the points because you could not refute them

>> No.7556227

>that kindergarten level of reasoning
you're an embarrassment to our race

>> No.7556228

oh, you refuted them?

sorry, I must have missed it

>> No.7556231

That's a yes.

>> No.7556612

Whats your obsession with the percentage of a country being a certain demographic. too many whites are impotent/beta males, how are you gonna blame non-whites for white women wanting non-white men. And still, so what? Everyone country/Civilization has its time. Whites had theirs. No go back to not having kids and blaming black people

>> No.7556620
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>> No.7556622

Find something similar to what he likes and surprise him. Then find something similar to that if he likes it then surprise him with that. In a month, you'll be able to apply this more easily and you can get him to really get adventurous. Or let him like what he likes, I don't care.

>> No.7558725


>> No.7559452

>another person's food preferences make me look bad
>being this self centered
he should dump you, your sexual market value aint worth that cancerous

>> No.7559473

>he should dump you, your sexual market value aint worth that cancerous

Kek, implying a guy with the palate of a 5 year old has a non-zero sexual market value

>> No.7560425

why is it embarassing again? because you care about what other people think?
you should grow up and stop caring about what others think

>> No.7560435


Learn how to be a well adjusted adult and mature member of society you stupid fucking manchild. This guy has the tastebuds of a fucking child but he is an adult who is too much of a sheltered, pussy to have any shred of enthusiasm to try new things. Who the fuck still refuses to eat their greens at age 28? Besides the fact that it's embarrassing for his partner, he's really embarrassing himself. Coke, fries, and well done steak in a fancy restaurant? God I wonder how the staff at the restaurant reacted. There comes a point in a persons life where they need to grow up. Having a diet of a fat child is not adult like.

>> No.7560440

it's only embarrassing if you care about others opinions.
either way, i do eat a lot of greens, i normally drink wine at restaurants and all that stuff but i do it because i like those things, not because of other people's opinions.
you seem to misunderstand what growing up means

>> No.7560444

>if I order my steak how I want it, the waitstaff might judge me, oh god the horror
grow up, why the fuck should some stranger's opinion about your food factor into what you order?

>> No.7560452


>it's only embarrassing if you care about others opinions.

Oh god the real world has not hit you yet huh?


What the fuck is the point of going to a 5 star restaurant and ordering dry meat, fried potatoes and sugar water? Besides being the epitome of a pleb, you think ordering items that are not even on the fucking menu is ok?

Just face the fact that you're mad because OP's boyfriend is probably like you and you haven't grown up yet.

>> No.7560480

What's wrong with not drinking wine? I usually just have water or iced tea with dinner. Not everyone likes alcohol. Not everyone CAN drink alcohol, actually.

>> No.7561172

He probably didn't even want to go m8 his gf made him in all likelihood. While I agree it's in poor taste and that I personally would not do it, I would also not give a fuck if somebody at the restaurant, regardless of if I know him or not, did order those things. I don't have to eat them so why should I care? Seems like you're the one who hasn't grown up yet if you care so much about other people's decisions that don't affect you at all.

>> No.7561283
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>> No.7561373
File: 56 KB, 600x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could be so much worse than I am now.
>Look at all these people being worse than me.
>Stop judging me for being a horrible person!

The standards for being a conscientious and decent human being aren't relative. Everyone around you can lie to you, but I can see in this post you're having trouble lying to yourself. If you're screaming so loudly on an anonymous cooking board that this food thing is the reason- no, excuse- for you to cheat I'm pretty damn sure you know on some level just how fucked up you've made this scenario.

>> No.7562159
File: 225 KB, 962x641, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP got btfo

>> No.7562186

that's genius, actually

...anybody want to see my penis?

>> No.7562251


1 suck his Dick

2 swallow Dick-cum

3 ask him to try the taystiest wine/drink/beer/whatever that you genuinly belevenhet he would like.

Repeat nutill suxess

>> No.7562293

So petty and hateful. Why do I come here?

>> No.7562324

On this tombstone, it is writ
Of when OP was blown to shit
A simple sentence brought his death
And here he lies, forever REKT

>> No.7562339


>> No.7562345

And how was Chad?

>> No.7562346

You should at least try to get him to try some wine. It is infantile don't listen to the NEETs on this board.

>Half of /ck/ now is fast-food /junk food

Maybe even with hold sex or do a compromise

>have fancy dinner
>then next date at chuck e cheese

>> No.7562376


Just make him happy orderingång something he likes. You vant just complain tjat you dont like hes chice in foods and drink. Get working on figuring out ALL the staff he could like and buse/make him the top 2 things in the while world that you beleve he would like.

Also blowjobs

>> No.7562842


Hardly. The only thing you guys succeeded in doing is reaffirming the fact that the majority of this board is made up of manchildren who don't know how to cook, have shit taste and like to eat fastfood.

>> No.7562853


fuck your stupid iphone nigger

you type like a

>> No.7562855

who's the manchild here again?

>> No.7562863


Great way to completely invalidate your argument and make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.7562884

>All the man-children ITT that support not trying things

She said he wouldn't even fathom trying a whole list of things. To me, that is a sign of more hidden issues.

Being picky and legitimately not liking food is one thing. But refusing common foods because you won't even try it [and it has nothing to do with dietary restrictions or religious preference or alcohol. Criticizing on wine is a bit far, unless he went to a wine tasting and asked for a Coke] probably hints to more undesirable quirks or even hidden issues.

It is one thing to not like a bunch of stuff, but it is another to just not try it. That IS childish and stupid.

>> No.7562898


They just hate women because they are bitter about being rejected. I hate modern feminists but the type of misogyny in this thread is what fuels them.

>> No.7563689

Fucking hell, OP just got slain

>> No.7563694


i'm the anon who posted about it being crazy that a guy who won't drink wine w a meal will be able to appreciate the subtleties/intricacies of hard liquor past the obvious, initial harshness/burn of it.

the faggot isn't gonna hop from coca cola to mccallan at the drop of a hat

>> No.7563695

What's your media preferences, OP?
I bet you listen to things, watch things, and read things that other people consider the taste of a little kid. Get over the fact that he doesn't have an interest in food as something more than 'eating stuff that will make me stop be hungry that im used to eating'.

>> No.7563701

How did you marry 3 kids?

>> No.7563703


he's a cucked faggot, that's how

>> No.7563841

that's correct, asians and aficans never developed the special enzymes that europeans have to break down large quantities of alcohol

>> No.7563852

>They just hate women because they are bitter about being rejected
do tell me how you know this, was it discussed in one of your feminism classes where you were also told that being a massive slut and lusting after shekels was more valuable than having a family and raising children?

>> No.7563864


I've never taken a feminist class and I'm a dude. I don't like feminists. If your reading comprehension was not shit then you'd realize that.

But all the talk in this thread which targets OP sex (calling her a dumb cunt, slut, whore, etc) has nothing to do with the issue at hand yet here you guys are giving feminists fuel for their views.

>> No.7563869

Move out of America and find someone with real culture. You wont find any where you are

>> No.7563874

>do tell me how you know this >>7563852

do you agree that feminism promotes slutty behaviour and lusting over shekels rather than having a family and children?

>> No.7563878

This is very clearly a meme. I remember something exactly like this on /v/, just that the bitch complained about her boyfriend's taste in games.

>> No.7563880

Well to be truthful he sounds like a complete cunt. Then again she is still with him so more fool her

>> No.7564170

immolate yourself roastie

>> No.7564668


The media supports slutty behaviour. We live in the 21st century not the 1950s. Don't try to write off your inability to get a woman on feminism.

>> No.7565331
File: 162 KB, 800x651, 2015man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and who owns the media?

and who owns feminism?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Feminists_by_religion what's that?! 2% of the population, but well over half of all leading feminists?

>We live in the 21st century not the 1950s
this is a statement of fact, well done

>Don't try to write off your inability to get a woman on feminism
when did I do that?

>> No.7566607


You're dating a loser lady, fucking dump his ass or cuckold him for revenge.

>> No.7566678
File: 40 KB, 300x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt has already cuckolded him a few times. She stated so in the thread. Which is why everyone is calling her a slutty sjw feminist.

>> No.7566681

Wine is for snobby faggots.

>> No.7566715

Surprise surprise, a pedo on 4chan

>> No.7568552


>It's all a conspiracy!!!

Go be a redpilled MRA faggot elsewhere. You're the male equivalent of a feminist. Take your identity politics and jump off a bridge.

>> No.7568672

confirmed for reddit tier pleb

how do you explain the article I posted?

>> No.7569027

People like you are why I am MGTOW. You should try and understand how you are ruining the world.

>> No.7569073

Is this whole MGTOW thing just a tongue in cheek joke? Or are there people who buy into this shit sincerely? I really don't want to believe this...

>> No.7569150

you posted this on /adv/ and everyone told you to fuck off bc you act like a bitch you bitch
break up with him and stop posting this shit