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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 615x416, biscuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548919 No.7548919 [Reply] [Original]

So I've lived off fast food for literally years and am fixing that.

I fear my heart may have seen some damage so I want to eat heart healthy for awhile.

What exactly should I avoid?

I know red meat, anything fried, butter, and shit like Mayo.

>> No.7548931

Biscuits are less healthy than Wonder bread.

Red meat, butter, and mayo are all fine in moderation. If you're trying to kick a fast food addiction it's probably best to lay off fried foods for awhile.

Best thing to do is avoid refined sugars, especially HFCS, and try to eat more fresh vegetables whenever you can. It's less about health than it is rewiring your brain to make you want to eat healthy foods.

>> No.7548978

I'm considering making my own soups.

chicken and vegetable soups mostly as soups are the most delicious way to eat vegetables imo.

>> No.7549015


anything on the frozen aisle of the grocery store

anything with high fructose corn syrup

snack foods/junk foods

>> No.7549032

>anything on the frozen aisle of the grocery store
I usually only buy Vanilla Haagen Daz from the frozen section

I wonder if Haagen Daz uses HFCS, ingredients says no and no GMO.

>> No.7549036

What about frozen veggies?

>> No.7549040


those are OK.

I assume the other poster meant any food that's pre-made and then frozen for you to heat up.

>> No.7549041

>anything with high fructose corn syrup

you're a fag and what you meant to say was

>anything with added sugar

>> No.7549049


Maybe start more basic, with the "no snack/junk food" part.

Stop buying cookies, chips, ice cream, and especially soda. That's the kind of shit that fatties consume throughout the day without even realizing it.

There's nothing wrong with the frozen aisle. The problem is buying mass produced, pre-made meals. They are made with the worst possible ingredients as cheaply as possible. Try to make at least half your meals from fresh ingredients and you'll gradually develop a palate for real food.

>> No.7549054


>> No.7549057


frozen veggies lose most of their nutritional value. don't be a lazy fuck and just buy the fresh ones, its cheaper and they have a decent shelf life. its not hard to take 2 minutes to rinse and chop up some veggies.

>added sugar

good luck finding anything that uses sugar instead of HFCS.

>> No.7549062

Once your palette has gotten used to everything not tasting like fried chicken, cheese burgers, coke and chocolate milkshakes you will be happy eating majority vegetables and salads

>> No.7549068

I'm actually not (that) fat, only I'm 5'9 and 174 pounds.

I plan on eating better but vanilla ice cream is my favorite sweet thing I cannot drop

I don't like cookies really, and I only drink soda when I'm at a restaurant now.

I don't like candy either unless it's like home made, honestly I'm super picky with sugar the problem is I fucking love burgers, chicken, pizza, subs, and the like.

>> No.7549069

>frozen veggies lose most of their nutritional value.

Lol, what? that makes no sense at all. Citation please.

>> No.7549072
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>good luck finding anything that uses sugar instead of HFCS.

Easy. Pic related has no added sugar of any kind--HFCS or other.

>> No.7549082

Eat one meal a day thats only veggies and fruit. 5 colors of veggies or fruit a day. No salty or sweet snacks. Replace butter with olive oil. Dont salt your food on the plate.

Other than that, make sure to take a multivitamin and get a check up with the doctor.

>> No.7549088


you missed my point. i was saying that anything in the US with added sweetener is 99% HFCS because its way cheaper than sugar

>> No.7549097

Actually, fresh veggies that are loaded up on a truck that gets 120°F + for hours to days at a time lose their nutritional value the soonest. Frozen veggies retain their nutrition longer than fresh, they just dont taste fresh because they are frozen a few hours after being harvested.

>> No.7549102

Fructose is sugar, dipshit.

>> No.7549104

my original point was that your body can't tell the fucking difference between sugar and HFCS

>> No.7549107

In terms of insulin response, sure.

But that's not the only factor to consider.

>> No.7549108

>tfw gained 30 pounds after quitting fast food
>was previously skinny

don't do it

>> No.7549111

I'm like 5 or so pounds overweight, if I lost 30 I'd be on the lower end of healthy weight.

Fine with me,

>> No.7549115


>> No.7549116


>all sugar is the same

fructose - glycemic index 25
HFCS - glycemic index 70

>> No.7549123
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>> No.7549124

Oh gained.

That would suck ass, I'm already a teeny bit over.

How did you gain weight though?

>> No.7549138


>unrelated article

>> No.7549192

idk, I think it was just because I was more conscious about how much I ate when it was fast food just because it was "fast food, aka literally satan in edible form"
also I usually never at fries/chips (waste of money imo, and usually shit) so I think my carb consumption was actually lower back then.
I think you'll be fine if you just keep track of calories.

>> No.7549194
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>>7549068 (Cross-thread)
You sound as if you are in a similar situation where I was in December.

I used to live off fast food as well, I gained 50lbs and couldn't fit into my clothes. I only drank soda at work, once or 2x a week. I didn't eat too much candy either, maybe a piece or two every other week.

I have made the switch from a nutrient deficient to one full of nutrients. I've dropped 3 pants sizes in 3 months.

I incorporate as many greens, beans, onions, and mushrooms as I can into my cooking, and I snack on berries and nuts and seeds. I cook my own food 90% of the time and I've found that not only is cooking healthy food easy, its also vastly cheaper than fast food. I'm spending on average $1.00 per meal.

I eat two meals a day, with lots of tasty snacks in between.

Also, there is no reason to eliminate meat entirely from your diet, I eat meat 2-3x a month and it is always freshly prepared high quality stuff and in smaller portions.

Eliminate bread from your life, and if you cant do that, eat only whole grain bread. Bread is mostly carbs, while carbs are not inherently bad, you don't want them to be a major part of your diet unless they are accompanied by nutrients.

If you cant make your own bread, be careful which bread you buy as most "whole grain bread" is just normal bread with a touch of whole grain and brown coloring.

refer to this pyramid for eating advice, also read "eat to live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. If you are lazy, watch this video instead, it outlines most of the key points in the book. Ignore the fact that it starts out as an infomercial, its not really. The video is more like a college lecture.


>> No.7549211

>Also, there is no reason to eliminate meat entirely from your diet,
Wasn't my plan, I did think of giving redm eat up for maybe half a year or so and living off chicken and turkey as my main meats.

Bread can be greatly reduced, I love burgers but I plan to take a break from em until I undo some of the damage, and no more fast food burgers unless absolutely necessary(Long road trip, etc)

>> No.7549235
File: 2.54 MB, 4128x2322, 20160327_124413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to live off greens and beans mostly. eat LARGE salads with balsamic vinaigrette. Make a bean and mushroom soup as often as you run out of it.

Learn to use vinegar more, it is not only healthy, it can make some really intense flavors.

Try using fresh herbs too, I never would have guessed it, but I LOVE dill.

Good luck anon, after you get into a routine a change of diet is much easier. Took me about a month to get used to it.

pic related is one of my favourite things to eat.

>> No.7549240

>fruits 40%
heck no

>> No.7549242
File: 2.55 MB, 4128x2322, 20160325_205936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too.


toasterovenlove com/mango-sriracha-potato-veggie-bowls/

>> No.7549245

okay, why? what is bad about fruit?

>> No.7549247

I'm a borderline carnivore, I can't even eat vegetables unless their mixed with meat like in a soup, stew, sandwich, etc

Chicken/turkey vegetable soups/stews in bulk sounds good for me, light on sodium.

I can eat salads but there has to be meat in every bite I take.

>> No.7549248

then you are on a difficult path, friend.

>> No.7549251
File: 65 KB, 736x460, 85aa9519bb44581418ccd1afb65e8d60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I was similar when I started shifting fat but a man's gotta do what a man does.
Or you can do shit loads of exercise to expedite the process

>> No.7549264

I just plan to eat a lot of poultry, protein and low calorie.

>> No.7549268

I don't really see how.

I can endlessly eat chicken/turkey breast mixed with vegetables.

>> No.7549270
File: 778 KB, 245x190, ah there it is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I also have done no exercise and always feel full and happy, yet still the weight drops.

I posted the furhman stuff btw

>> No.7549272

hey man its your life, if you changed your diet you could have faster easier results.

>> No.7549439

Trans fats, refined sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), refined grains/flours. You can't always completely avoid these things, but you can read food labels and make better informed decisions.

>> No.7549484

vegetables. fish & poultry in moderation as you can get protein through vegetable sources. lay off the carbs, fried food, sweets, fat, soda.

>> No.7549531


>lay off the carbs
>first thing suggested is vegetables

Figure out what the words you use mean before spouting fad diet garbage to someone who has no idea how to feed themselves.

>> No.7549545

what is fucking context. carbs high in the glycemic index obviously (white bread, pasta, baked goods, sweets). and moderate intake of fruit/veg with high amount of glucose. the whole point of going out of your way to avoid bread and pasta is because you can get enough carbs you need through veg. holy fucking shit mate.

>> No.7549551

probably talking about refined carbs.

>> No.7549565


>to someone who has no idea how to feed themselves

It's still just a fad diet in any case.

>> No.7549590
File: 113 KB, 640x640, 1445190705044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this image trigger anyone else? Why are there vegetables touching raw meat?

>> No.7549615

stay fat you dumb autist

>> No.7549622


>if you eat bread and pasta you must be fat

Good luck with your fad diet. Maybe next time just try eating less and getting out a little more.

>> No.7549644

why would vitamins and minerals leave the vegetable while being frozen i don't get it

>> No.7550001

Same thing happened to me. I ate much more food because it had a flavor i wasnt used to, less satisfying. But as i grew into the diet, even raw broccoli tasted appetizing.

>> No.7550040

>It's less about health than it is rewiring your brain to make you want to eat healthy foods.
This. All day long.

The bit about avoiding refined sugar will help immensely. You don't have to go cold turkey with the sugar, and slowly stepping down will help make it less noticeable. Cook with nothing but olive oil or canola at home unless you need something different for a recipe, it'll help with your omega 3-6 balance which helps reduce inflammation- the ultimate cause of heart disease

Avoid the center of the grocery store, the perimeter contains produce, meats, dairy, cheese, etc. You know, actual food that has little processing. With the exception of frozen vegetables and bread, everything else in there is NOT what you want on anything close to a regular basis.You need to redefine what you want to call "food" and what you want to call "food like substances"

>> No.7550049

Fructose is only part of refined sugar (sucrose), which contains glucose and fructose.

Corn syrup is just glucose, and now you know why we use HFCS to substitute sugar. Personally I like soda with real sugar in it, I can taste the difference.

>> No.7550148

Help me out /ck/, fat and poor. What meals could I make consistently over a week to lose weight? Right now I'm thinking miso soup, red curry, and cheap salads. Anyone know any easy soups or anything cheap and healthy they like?

>> No.7550378


>> No.7550566

Fit here
Stop being a stupid nigger
Drink water, gallon a day
Eat vegetables and get important micro nutrients and fiber
Full up the rest of daily calories with anything that is not sugar, a subsititure or derivative of sugar, or coated in oil
Done. Healthy.
Eating cholestoral, fats, red meats, not bad for you at all and 100% harmless in moderation
Micro nutrients are important

>> No.7550575

Your body probably needs to start restocking all the nutrients you've been depriving yourself of, so be very careful about food with a high fiber content.

>> No.7550627

eat only lettuce and chickens
No vitamin supplements either

>> No.7550663
File: 98 KB, 410x494, 1434103981470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avoid the center of the grocery store,
as someone who can spend hours in the grocery store and loves doing it, What the fucking hell are you idiots always talking about when you say this? the meat is always in the fucking back, the dairy is either in the back, next to the deli, or on one or the other end of the store. the frozen food isles similarly are on the end. the middle rows are where you're going to find things like grains, canned vegetables, occasionally bread, staple grains and foreign food. sure theres juice but who the fuck buys warm juice? the only healthy thing that hangs out outside the center of the grocery isles are the produce section and thats it.

>> No.7550674


Also, I truly mean this, but stop jerking off. I completely believe that there is a link between jizzing and sugar craving.

>> No.7550676

why would veggies be put in a baking hot truck for days

they make refrigerated trucks you know

>> No.7550687
File: 50 KB, 720x540, i see right through your bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Dr Kellogg.

I jerk it 1-3x a day and I barely eat sugar ever.

I'm the anon preaching Fuhrman.

>> No.7550697

I think they don't sell those vegetables it's just there for decoration. still dumb though.

>> No.7550701


Everyone is different. What do you primarily crave then after you jizz? Maybe your body is simply better at making jizz out of other stuff.

>> No.7550709
File: 25 KB, 300x495, semen nutrition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water. Thats it, and that is probably from the dry mouth.

jizz is made up of such a tiny amount of sugar that your theory is ridiculous.

>> No.7550732


Again, you're being close minded and ignorant. Semen can be different colors, taste different, and be composed differently

Some people's are higher quality due to better life choices while others are shitty, just like yours probably are, since you masturbate so frequently. Ever hear of quality over quantity? :)

>> No.7550774


Sperm use sugar to propel themselves.

>> No.7550794
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