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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.22 MB, 2000x1381, deathrow-mctcampus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548498 No.7548498 [Reply] [Original]

You're on death row.

What'll be your last meal?

>> No.7548508
File: 106 KB, 2000x1516, Mcdonalds-90s-logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something from the McDonald's dollar menu please!

>> No.7548510

A massive bowl of chili , followed by few cups of milk , then ex lax

>> No.7548516

>You're on death row.
I'm white, I walk.
Give mine to Tyrone in the next cell along.

>> No.7548547

An assortment of candy and junk food I guess.

>> No.7548682

I actually had a double quarter pounder and chicken nuggets before I was about to kill myself by jumping in front of an Amtrak train. Changed my mind, obviously.

>> No.7548714


Was it the nuggets?

Also thanks for not delaying the train with your corpse.

>> No.7548727

Is alcohol allowed? If so then I will want some premium spirits.

>> No.7548730

Ooooo I love these threads.
>buffalo wings 6, well done extra crispy spicy
>buffalo wings 6, well done extra crispy, garlic parmesan
>buffalo wings 6, well done extra crispy, plain with spicy dry seasoning
>celery, carrots, bleu cheese dressing with extra chunks
>tator tots, crispy as hell, buffalo sauce and bleu cheese dressing for dipping
.... and a salad

>> No.7548732

Old eggs, they fuck my insides up something fierce, so I'll be able to gas those fuckers right back.

>> No.7548734

>bleu cheese dressing
I wish they would execute you, sheep.

>> No.7548735

A few pounds of seared foie gras

>> No.7548736

Surinam Roti Lamb with madame janette sauce. Then I could go out in peace even if I know I was not guilty of the crime.

>> No.7548739


>has never had smoked wings

fried wings are for plebs

>> No.7548746


>> No.7548748

I never understood why these people get a last meal that is not just regular prison slop because they never gave their victim(s) anything except an early death

>> No.7548753

Blue cheese with wings or go fuck your Mother !

>> No.7548754
File: 564 KB, 1412x1567, 12-09-01-tangy-barbeque-sauce1-mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the nuggets had no effect on my mental health. If it makes you feel better about the train being delayed, I wrote an apology note to the engineer.

>> No.7548758

it's a way of appearing civilised while being complete moronically uncivilised. It's a way of coping for the guards, the families etc.

>> No.7548766

I'd want my killer or the killer of my family member killed the same way I/they were

>> No.7548803


>> No.7548991

Okay Hammurabi.

>> No.7548999

>Ingredients: High Fructose Corn Syrup, ..
stopped reading there

>> No.7549018
File: 52 KB, 615x407, steak and fried chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appearing civilised while being complete moronically uncivilised
This familia.
I've read that the last meal is also in place as a way to garner cooperation with the inmate before execution. People are more willing to go along with things quietly if events seem planned, like a play or grand final act.

If I had to be executed my last words would be to let the family know that an eye for an eye doesn't bring their loved one back and that they'll feel like shit about their grief even after they act out their vengeance through the state.
^ Assuming I killed someone with pure intention and I wasn't high or drunk out of my mind or some shit.
>pic related would be my last meal

>> No.7549090
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of these threads has several faggots making the same lame ass joke
>I'll eat something diarrhea-inducing to get back at the people executing me!

It's not even funny. It doesn't paint a funny picture in our heads. When you are executed you are in a room by yourself, wearing a diaper under your prison clothes. You're not going to expel liquid shit on anyone and the one or two people cleaning up your corpse afterward likely won't even have any trouble removing your diaper and wiping your ass.

If anything, a little liquid shit might leak out of your diaper and make a stain your pants. But nobody will notice, care, or become angry or grossed out about it. You'll just look like a fucking dumbass dead guy who forced himself to eat a shitty last meal rather than eating something good, then spend your last night alive with uncomfortable with stomach cramps. Way to go, dipshits.

>> No.7549110

I wanted to make this post but I lacked the energy. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7549121

the antedote

>> No.7549526

Dumb frogposter

>> No.7549543

I'm going out so full and sick I'll wish I was dead

Whiskey meatballs
Wetern Bacon Chi
Banana Split
Rum and Coke
A pint of beer
Tequila Lime Marguerita

>> No.7549580

Roast lamb with roast potatoes and gravy. Ice cream and peaches for dessert.

I used to eat this every Sunday after church until I was about 10 years old.

>> No.7549588

cooch pickles

>> No.7549648

what's the antidote to 20,000 volts of electricity?

>> No.7550365

dode, don't even play, pickles made with cooch microbiota would probably be better than normal pickles.

>> No.7550407

Zoey Deschanel

>> No.7550412

a thick full body rubber suit

>> No.7550419

You sure know tons about shit. Family job?

>> No.7550481

Whatever the last guy had

>> No.7550739

The heart of the one who framed me.

>> No.7550770

Beef carpaccio with capers and truffle oil served with fresh bread, lamb korma with garlic naan, grand marnier creme brule.

>> No.7550773

You come across a huge faggot.
Those of us with an innocent sense of humor still find potty humor funny.
Yes, I'm young, immature and innocent.

>> No.7550780
File: 749 KB, 1944x2592, 1354520995295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing because some joker pulled a goof and now last meals are not allowed in Texan prisons.

>> No.7550796

Crab legs with melted butter.
A cup of Oolong tea with no additions (with refills).
An 8 oz steak.
Some buffalo chicken wings.
A slice of pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream.

>> No.7550803

Oh, and some mashed potatoes and maybe a biscuit or a muffin.

>> No.7550817
File: 179 KB, 1000x800, 1431427216935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats something I'd like to do, I never respond to these because the idea of death is omniterrifying to me, but telling someone that "i'm saving it for later" would be pretty based way to seem crazy and mysterious.

>> No.7550821

They are. Its just you don't get a choice
Steak dinner is what you get

>> No.7550824

He was crazy though.
Didn't understand what was about to happen to him.

>> No.7550833
File: 1.20 MB, 1124x1600, 1431253471282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe to an absolute non superstious person. to someone more inclined to baser human instincts, it can seem as if I know more about what is going to happen than them, and that I can't really be put down. a fantasy of course but a fun one. I guess if I had to pick, I'd order some Cheese, an Apple, Rasberries, a slice of pumpkin pie, and a whole green melon, split in twain. I'd leave the Melon.

>> No.7550836

My prison warden's wife's asshole

>> No.7550842

Oh really? I hadn't heard that. I remember the guy ordered a metric fuckton of food, ate none of it and then the charitable organization that provided those meals was barred from providing last meals.

The more you know, I guess.

Figure that means I'll get some """"""""""steak"""""""""" cooked to leather consistency with some boxed mashed potatoes and canned corn on the side.

>> No.7550851

At least you didn't post the melon split in two and a tube of super glue meme.

>> No.7550855

Corn isn't allowed as it can be fashioned to make shivs.

>> No.7550891

Don't jump in front of trains, asshole. Last time that happened everyone on the train was stuck for eleven hours.

>> No.7550902

This. You have to be so selfish to traumatize others for your own mental instability.

>> No.7550908

The world's rarest truffle. While they spend their time looking for it, I would find a way to escape.

But then I'd miss out on eating the world's rarest truffle...

>> No.7550916
File: 28 KB, 620x310, lis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good you changed your mind, anon. Have a hug.

>> No.7550917

10 buckets of kfc, 5 portions of chips, 2 litres of pepsi.

>> No.7550919
File: 19 KB, 267x196, menuImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFC fully loaded box meal

Because I'm a nigger.

>> No.7550924
File: 341 KB, 1836x3264, 20141219_222901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive Garden's unlimited bread sticks.


>> No.7550926

That doesn't sound like a very pleasant meal at all.

>> No.7550951

All the different kinds of apples.
My final notes will be a "dead man's guide to apples".

>> No.7550955

you realize that "saving it for later" wasn't some joke, but he hoped he would get pardoned

>> No.7550957

I would request a mess of live catfish. Try it out. Eat live catfish. You're going to die anyway so there is nothing to lose. Go be absurd.

>> No.7550976

I did a similar thing, except instead of giving myself a nice meal, I just decided to starve myself.
After four days of water only, I was so desperately hungry and delusional that I grabbed some offal from the fridge and ate it raw.
Over the next few days, I really did wish I was dead.

>> No.7550994

fuck, that image bums me out.

>> No.7550999

posts like that probably just makes depressed people more depressed since they don't actually receive a hug and instead get a cold image on the screen reminding them of what they don't have.

>> No.7551000

Chicken parmesan with a root beer float for dessert. No tricks, just really enjoy both things.

>> No.7551003

>implying I'm depressed because I don't get hugs

>> No.7551038

Depression as a result of a lack of human contact is a relatively common cause.

>> No.7551062

I'll have whatever the other prisoners are having, because some asshole ruined the whole 'last meal' thing in my state.

>> No.7551080



>> No.7551088


moule frites with sun-sauce mayo
mint choc chip iced cream

>> No.7551098

desu if I were to kill myself I would like to inconvenience as many people as possible

>> No.7551270

I live in a country that doesn't murder it's citizens.

>> No.7551278

I'm in Texas. We just executed a 6th inmate by lethal injection last night. I think there have been 11 executions nationally, 6 of those in Texas.

That fucker slit a kids throat, drank his blood, then cut off the kids head with a shovel.

>> No.7551282

Doesn't warrant capital punishment.

>> No.7551285

Woooh lad

Dat bait

>> No.7551291

It isn't bait. No crime should be punishable by death in a civilised society.

>> No.7551296


That's nice.
Supreme Court thought it did. His appeal was denied and he was was executed.

>> No.7551300

Well no shit, america is barbaric in that regard.

>> No.7551323

I don't think such a society exists yet

Some people can't be rehabilitated.

What is ethical and moral about keeping around people who prevent us from being that civilized society?

>> No.7551328

you can lock them up forever, or until behavior modification techniques advance enough to make them right
no need to kill anyone outright
also if you're out for revenge, a life in prison is worse than lethal injection

>> No.7551329

What? Tons of societies don't execute anyone, are you for real?

Lifelong imprisonment is ethical, it removes unrehabilitable persons from society. Murder can never be ethical, this includes execution.

Plus there are tons of practical reasons against capital punishment.

>> No.7551330

>Supreme Court thought it did.

That guy thought it was okay to kill the kid, too. Apparently though only one of those two is a barbaric monster. Go figure.

>> No.7551337

Fuck that shit I'll ask for a chinese buffet

>> No.7551339


>> No.7551340

No retard, stop twisting words. They guy is a horrible, vile person and deserves live in prison. He is the worst kind of human. However, capital punishment is unjustifiable.

>> No.7551342

Can you not read? No crime deserves capital punishment.

>> No.7551345


How is it that you can consider capital punishment to be unjustifiable, but locking someone up for life is not? I would think that locking someone in a cage for the rest of their life is just as, if not more, cruel than outright killing them.

>> No.7551348
File: 906 KB, 1500x1001, all-life-is-precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morgan pls go

>> No.7551354

Imprisonment isn't more cruel. Death is the worst thing that can happen to a human. No one but the person themselves should have the right to end someone's life.

And again, capital punishment is horribly impractical.

>> No.7551358

Well, I guess they could have beat him up really good first, then slit his throat, drink his blood while he's still concious, and chop his head off with a shovel instead.

>> No.7551360

>And again, capital punishment is horribly impractical.

In what way? It seems that keeping someone locked up in a cell for decades is pretty cumbersome too: think of all the concerns and costs involved with that.

>>Death is the worst thing that can happen to a human.
I think that many people would disagree, including prisoners. Why do you think that prisons go out of their way to restrict what prisoners can have in their cells in order to prevent suicides? Not to mention the idea of "suicide watch". I know that if I was facing a choice between a bullet to the head vs. life in prison I'd take the bullet, no questions asked. And no, I'm not suicidial. Not even close. It just seems like a far easier choice than being locked in a cage for the rest of my life.

>>No one but the person themselves should have the right to end someone's life.
Yet suicide is illegal, and the law spends a lot of effort preventing it in prison?

>> No.7551365

You may be surprised, but many Americans agree with you. My problem with capital punishment is not wether someone deserves to die or not, but the fallibility of any justice system. You can release someone who has been exonerated by new evidence, but you can't bring them back to life, and even one innocent person killed is unacceptable. The last time the Supreme Court heard a capital punishment case it was a 5-4 split in favor, with the dissent quoting the eighth amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. Please, realize not everyone in the USA is pro death penalty and that it is an issue that has a lot of contention surrounding it.

>> No.7551369

Capital punishment is absolutely barbaric desu, anons in this thread are right.

No crime justifies capital punishment no matter how severe.

And to keep thread on track, my last meal would be Ragu Bolognese with garlic bread and a bottle of red wine

>> No.7551374

I really don't want to eat just bottle of cold,fresh water.

>> No.7551375

Suicide is illegal? Not here it isn't. And if you were to be imprisoned for life and wanted to kill yourself, I'd support your decision. But if that decision is made for you, I couldn't support that.

It's impractical in a number of ways: With all the appeals, judical decisions, court dates and the high cost for the chemicals used in executions (which many countries do not export to america due to moral objections), capital punishment is actually more expensive than life without parole. There is also allways the chance of wrongful convictions and even if I wasn't against executions to begin with, I'd rather see every single criminal left alive, than a single innocent person put to death.

>> No.7551376

Inb4 this guy gets hot wings instead of throws a huge faggy fit.


>> No.7551379

Oh, I agree and I'm aware than many americans do, as well.

>> No.7551388

this guy is a fucking faggot

>go to some terrible fast food restaraunt
>expect perfect service


>> No.7551391

He's so fucking punchable.

>> No.7551394

>>Suicide is illegal?
In most countries, yes.
In the USA (which is where I assume this thread is discussing given the mention of "death row") it is.

>With all the appeals, judical decisions, court dates
That applies to imprisonment as well.

While they are difficult to get due to refusal of sale on moral grounds, they're not expensive at all. Check out prices with, say, Sigma-aldrich. Costs less than ordering a pizza.

It's life imprisonment that's terribly expensive: decades of guard supervision, medical care, food, legal costs, etc.

>> No.7551397

The don't deserve to be fed at the cost to good tax payers.

I live in Canada's murder capital. Prisons are a revolving door for degenerates to put up their feet for the winter.

Getting rid of the worst ones would only help society.

>> No.7551402

>watched 40 seconds
fuck sake this guy is a total fuckwit equipped with a camera

>> No.7551410

>stop twisting words

I will when people who support capital punishment stop twisting the meaning of "You shall not murder."

>> No.7551414

>In most countries, yes.
>In the USA (which is where I assume this thread is discussing given the mention of "death row") it is.

Huh, I honestly didn't know that. Can't say I agrew with that.

>>With all the appeals, judical decisions, court dates
>That applies to imprisonment as well.
>While they are difficult to get due to refusal of sale on moral grounds, they're not expensive at all.

After checking up on that, I guess you are right. Faur point.

>It's life imprisonment that's terribly expensive: decades of guard supervision, medical care, food, legal costs, etc.

But with the lengthy process of approving execution, criminals often spend years on death row. How expensive each is depends on the case, I'd say.

Still, as >>7551365 said, as the judical system isn't perfect, I don't think executions are justifiable. Reasonable doubt is not enough in this case.

>> No.7551420

Do you mean the people who don't support capital punishment? Also, my aversion to state-sanctioned murder does not come from christian values, which you seem to imply.

>> No.7551422

I would literally knock this guy out if I was sitting next to him, the transit guards can't legally do it but I'd do it for them then hop off the train immediately so they can claim they couldn't catch me

What a fucking sad cunt

>> No.7551423

>Do you mean the people who don't support capital punishment?

No, I meant precisely what I wrote.

>> No.7551427

Oh fuck, I thought you were arguing in favour of capital punishment. I misread your posts, sorry.

>> No.7551428

Have you ever been executed? Fucking frogposter.

>> No.7551430

>But with the lengthy process of approving execution, criminals often spend years on death row.

Yeah, that's certainly true. But I would state two things here:

1) Imprisoning someone for years on death row is still cheaper than imprisoning them for life.

2) The amount of time on death row is not necessarily tied to capital punishment in general. In many other countries there is no years-long wait on death row. It happens fast: Trial. Appeal. Execution. In other words, it is possible to implement capital punishment without an absurdly long wait on death row.

>>Still, as >>7551365 said, as the judical system isn't perfect, I don't think executions are justifiable

I agree with all that. I just fail to see how life imprisonment is any better. From a suffering perspective it seems just as bad if not worse than execution.

>> No.7551433

Well you killed somebody, so that's a given.

>> No.7551440

>Imprisoning someone for years on death row is still cheaper than imprisoning them for life.

That is the opposite of correct:


>> No.7551442

>I agree with all that. I just fail to see how life imprisonment is any better. From a suffering perspective it seems just as bad if not worse than execution.

That's pretty personal, so I don't think either of us are going to convice the other on that point. (And that's fine)

But at least you can try to reimburse someone who spend their life in prison despite being innocent. Can't do that with dead people, them being dead and all.

>> No.7551459


That's discussing the cost of the "case". E.g. the trial and court costs. That is misleading for two reasons:

1) Death penalty cases tend to be "serious" ones. So is the cost arising because of the death penalty itself, or is arising due to the seriousness of the case and would be equally high if a different penalty was sought? Without any way of comparing the cost of the SAME CASE with both death penalty and without we will never know.

2) It is not discussing the total cost of incarceration, etc. And it doesn't take a genius to understand that imprisoning someone for 10 years and then executing them costs less than imprisoning that same person for 40 years (or whatever their natural lifespan might be).

>> No.7551461

>That's discussing the cost of the "case"

The cost of the incarceration is also includes in some of the studies. It's dense reading but it's there. There's also plenty of other studies that come to the same conclusion: long term incarceration is, on average, cheaper than the entire trial & appeal process of a death-row inmate.

>> No.7551474

Assuming that is true it must be due to some silly technicality that could be changed. Just because we happen to spend more money on the death row process doesn't mean that extra cost is necessarily tied to capital punishment in general.

For example, if someone were found guilty we could take them back behind the courthouse and put a bullet in the back of their head, Gestapo-style. That would clearly be cheaper than any alternative. While I am NOT advocating that, it certainly establishes the fact that capital punishment is not necessarily expensive.

>> No.7551495

Some people never grow up

>> No.7551716

I'd have a good burger and some fried chicken on the side.

>> No.7551809

From wiki

>For his last meal, he left the pecan pie on the side of the tray, telling the corrections officers who came to take him to the execution chamber that, as has been already noted, he was saving it "for later."[8] The rest of the pecan pie was not disposed of until Rector had been executed.

>The rest of the pecan pie was not disposed of until Rector had been executed.

>> No.7551814

A steamed lobster.
I'm confirmed to be allergic to crustaceans so fuck getting lethal injections.

>> No.7551819


Rector shot himself in the head but survived. He had brain damage

>> No.7551820

His name still sounds like rectum, at least there's that

>> No.7551822

>implying death row inmates get sent to the chair anymore
It's all lethal injection, and in one or two states firing squad.

>> No.7551831


Hotwings and stuffed crust garlic sausage pizza
cocoa pebbles and fruity pebbles with heavy cream

>> No.7551832

Look at you with your Wikipedia breadth of knowledge

>> No.7551844

I believe the last inmate to visit an Ol' Sparky was in the 70's or something. It's more or less inhumane when compared to a bullet to the head or unconsciously poisoned.

>> No.7551845

Last time was 2013

>> No.7551846
File: 163 KB, 303x566, 1427593346644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried to execute me but for my last meal I requested a big bowl of beans and a gallon of ice cream (I'm lactose intolerant). Then i pooped all over the guards and all the witnesses that came execution! The executioner himself was so overwhelmed by the smell of my gas that he wasn't able to properly administer the lethal toxins and so I lived. I'm posting this from the prison computer. I overheard the guards talking about rescheduling my execution but they're too scared to execute me after what happened last time. They know I'm a trickster!

>> No.7551850

Only he's actually wrong.

>> No.7551852

I haven't exactly kept up with every death sentence since then.

>> No.7551853
File: 22 KB, 533x477, 1431754045906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you!

>> No.7551854

canned corn. as in, sweetcorn. not on the cob. i'd like to see you shiv someone with a corn kernel

>> No.7551855

do you think they're gonna care when they cease to exist?

>> No.7551859

I'd like to see you shiv someone with a cob.
I could imagine using one as a ribbed dildo, a shiv though would be hard to make.

>> No.7552291

Loaded nachos with a triple bourbon and coke if they would let me have it. Maybe a fried ice cream for dessert

In all honesty I would probably be too anxious to even want food. I'd just want to get it over with.

>> No.7552296
File: 262 KB, 850x1183, sample-ac0bdcd6ddf8e8d2827dec68585f9aad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had another meme in mind

>> No.7552301
File: 16 KB, 400x165, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be hard but fuck if inmates aren't crafty.

Pic related is a toilet paper roll shank.

>> No.7552312


At least I'll be comfy during my last hours.

>> No.7553955
File: 39 KB, 500x400, 1431206310319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start a fantasy thread about last meals
>becomes raging shitstorm about the ethics of capital punishment

thanks guys

>> No.7553958

Wow, chicken nuggets, you should have gone through with it

>> No.7554019

Large Thick Slices of Raw Fugu

>> No.7554072

What did you expect?

>> No.7554076

these threads happen sometime between weekly and monthly. i have literally not even read this thread and expected that, it ALWAYS happens

>> No.7554082

>while being complete moronically uncivilised
just kill your self

>> No.7554089

michelle obama's mean monkey pussy

>> No.7554093

Yo but niggas shit, would you try some human if you only had a few hours left and had no family left?

>> No.7554121

Jokes on you. I'd whistle the whole way home after having some animal executed.

>> No.7554134

Stupid piece of shit. This is why we all want you gone.

>> No.7554141

The shepard has a responsibtiy to cull the flock.

>> No.7554171


I water fast for 5 days a week every single week and only eat on weekends. You don't go crazy and start eating raw meat.

>> No.7554206
File: 75 KB, 960x540, thrashers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two large buckets of these with vinegar and ketchup, still hot

>> No.7554213

>Implying your mind won't be trying to trick you into eating in the very first 24 hours
>Implying you're not delusional on the second day of nofood

>> No.7554214

OP's mom

>> No.7554620

Doesn't human meat give you prions?

>> No.7554627

But the sheep don't select the shepard from their midst. By your own logic, only a higher being would be allowed to kill humans.

>> No.7554628

It could give you prions if the person you were eating had them (not very likely), and if you consumed their brain or spinal tissue. (prions are not found in normal flesh).

But why would it matter if you were being executed shortly? Prion disease takes many years to manifest.

>> No.7554636


>> No.7554642

A large supreme pizza from Pizza Hut, orange Crush soda, and some hot buffalo wings with lots of ranch.

>> No.7554644

In-n-out double cheeseburger

>> No.7554745

Tell your wife's son I said hi

>> No.7554764

The gassiest meal of them all, obviously. I'm not going out without a blast.

>> No.7554771
File: 316 KB, 738x775, Twi'lek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-2 Triple cheeseburgers with bacon
-A lot of fries served hot with ketchup on the side
-Pint of Snicker's ice cream
-2-liter ice-cold A&W Root Beer

Actually spent a bit of time thinking about this. This might actually be my last meal someday.

>> No.7554904

>Killing yourself
>Simply inconveniencing a few commuters instead of going for the high score
Fucking normies.

>> No.7554914


They'll never catch you, Mr. Zodiac.

>> No.7554917

Whoa, is that really what he had?

>> No.7554978

>saving it for later

>> No.7555043

This made me laugh more than it should have

>> No.7555072

Chili Cheese Fries
Coke, no ice (if you actually get ice in resturant drinks, you're a dumbass who enjoys paying for half the amount of soda he should be getting)

>> No.7555073

>In September 2011, the state of Texas abolished all special last-meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a huge last meal and did not eat any of it, saying he was not hungry. His last-meal request was for a plate of two chicken-fried steaks with gravy and sliced onions, a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet with ground beef, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, jalapeños, a bowl of fried okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecued meat with half of a loaf of white bread, a portion of three fajitas, a meat-lover’s pizza (topped with pepperoni, ham, beef, bacon, and sausage), a pint of Blue Bell, a serving of ice cream, a slab of peanut-butter fudge with crushed peanuts, and a serving equivalent to three root beers (normally non-alcoholic).

god tier troll

>> No.7555186

Yep. They literally have all the time in the world sitting in their cells to craft their shit.
Which is why guards have to do routine cell searches and keep microphones turned on inside the cells at all times to listen for any constant, repetitive scratching that might be someone sharpening something.

>> No.7555210
File: 97 KB, 732x549, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant plate of poutine topped with pulled pork, Italian sausage and bacon.
And a 2-liter of Coke to drink because fuck it.

>> No.7555237

mcdonalds chicken nuggets and a bottle of heinz ketchup.
a mixing bowl full of whipped cream, cookies, chocolate chip ice cream, brownies, hot fudge, cherries, birthday cake ice cream, marshmallows, gummie bears, cheesecake, cheesecake ice cream, sprinkles, and caramel.

>> No.7555261

I thought this

Was the reply to this


Would have been an underrated post.

>> No.7555330

elephant grade laxatives

>> No.7555428
File: 104 KB, 640x430, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas Prisons End Special Last Meals for Inmates After 'Ridiculous' Request
Lawrence Russell Brewer, who was executed Wednesday for the hate crime slaying of James Byrd Jr. more than a decade ago, asked for two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover's pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. Prison officials said Brewer didn't eat any of it.

>> No.7555439
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Pic Related.

>> No.7555496

>Scottish fish and chips with that brown sauce they put on it.
>Full rasher of bacon.
>White Castle sack of Chicken Rings with the Zesty sauce
>Cherry Pepsi

>Three layer white cake
>Glass of ice cold whole milk

>> No.7555537

A large bag of andy capps hot fries
A quart of whole milk with ice in it

I want my last meal to make me think of my childhood home

>> No.7555547

Based frogposter truth bomb

>> No.7555576

9 kg of chicken curry.

>> No.7555579

Something disgusting, something I don't even like. I'm gonna die, i don't want to regret the life i'm leaving, i will not go anywhere so i don't need good energy and nutrients.It's over. I won't need gains and protein for where i'm going.
Seriously, just a glass of water, some shit bread you can find in self services of schools, a meat, some vegetables i dont like. A yaourt. Done.

>> No.7555583
File: 264 KB, 626x626, alarmed_badger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd ask for a massive plate of calamari. I love those things and normally i only eat a few of them as an appetizer before my meal, but even if I had to put up with feeling unbelievably full I wouldn't hesitate to eat it all.

>> No.7555589

But what did he have to drink?

>> No.7555620

Jalapeño burger and a spicy chicken sandwich

>> No.7555649

I wouldn't eat at all for 3 days or so. it's disgusting that you shit yourself while dying.

tip with a rip!

>> No.7555719

>s disgusting that you shit yourself while dying.

Nah. Asshole paralyzed.


>> No.7555726

That's what you want to do as a last insult to the pigs who keep you locked up.

>> No.7555867

Suicide's illegal but just in a way that helps people prevent it, like a police officer can stop someone from committing suicide by entering their house without a warrant under the assumption they're committing a crime or stuff like keeping people from helping people kill themselves, which makes them liable for being part of a crime.

>> No.7556363

Suicide isn't illegal in the USA.

>> No.7556421

just another day in 4chan

>> No.7556453

So the dumb cunts went through the trouble and expense of getting ALL of that shit anyway, but presumably only took issue with it because he didn't eat any of it? The net result is the fucking same; he eats it and it's wasted when the guy is executed, or he doesn't eat it and it's wasted because it goes into the trash (or the guards get to divvy it up or pass around to the less shitbag prisoners or something). Figures.

>> No.7556499

Peanut butter + apricot jam sandwich on white bread.

Satay chicken noodle stir fry.

Some nuggers.

Glass of coke.

Maybe a brownie for dessert.

>> No.7556567
File: 243 KB, 1000x750, CastleCraveCaseSamples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An entire crave case.

I wont live long enough to regret it but i'll probably be ready to die at the end.

>> No.7556633

The wardens wife's pussy

>> No.7556685

Filet Mignon(rare) with a cup of whiskey and a cup of black DeathWish Coffee

>> No.7556692

make it a pint each, you're not going to live to regret it.

>> No.7556694

Good point

>> No.7556709

no matter how pants shitting scared i am, if im being killed by someone i'll try to keep a smile.

not even a creepy joker-esque smile, a happy one, like that image if possible.

i wouldnt want to show weakness or even anger, but also i would hope to leave a lasting impact on whoever killed me.

>> No.7556848


Why did they get him all of it in the first place, it's not like somene could eat all of it. Their own fault, really.

>> No.7556969

shit this was your death wish. i need to change my diet. i have this almost everytime i go there feck.

>> No.7557032

I'd request a steak that was cooked on the electric chair itself.

>> No.7557080

that would kill you faster than the lethal injection


>> No.7557138

No no, I'd just rather have her to myself for a couple hours than any meal.

>> No.7557239

lobster and caviar curry. i made it recently and it was fucking heaven.
easy af too:

put into a saucepan: (ALL FROZEN) cauliflower, peas, spinach, onions, asparagus, cabbage, leeks, peppers, jalapeno, turmeric, hot curry powder (schwartz ftw), paprika, garlic (lots), cumin seeds (lots), salt, pepper, olive oil, shredded coconut (small amount), 1 teaspoon peanut butter and a pinch of two of ginger. put on the hob at 400 degrees, cover the saucepan, leave to cook for 1 hour, stirring halfway through. now add king prawns, lobster tail cut into bitesize chunks, put back on the hob, this time at 600 degrees, with the saucepan no longer covered. cook for a further 15 mins. remove from heat, mix in fresh, roughly chopped coriander. squeeze a few drops of lime over the top, and finally add the lumpfish caviar, stir, serve.
this was so delicious and worked out so well that most days since i made it, i make the same thing, but without the lobster or caviar, because i'm too poor to have that every day. just king prawns work really well, in fact all meats i've tried thus far come out delicious.
holy shit i'm hungry.

>> No.7557265


>tfw going to Ocean City later this month speciically for Thrashers

Oh man, I can't wait.

>> No.7557383

crunchy tacos from Taco Bell and a pot of mashed potatoes

>> No.7557532

Because human morality you fucking edgeknob

>> No.7557535

That's why you're not in charge of anything

>> No.7557606

>letting degenerates live
>literally letting your tax dollars go towards making sure convicted killers, rapists, pedophiles, ect. get three square meals, clothing, heating, and health care


>> No.7557910
File: 29 KB, 348x348, veal liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Three or four classic Danish smorrebrod recipes:

Dyrlægens Natmad,
Sol over Gudhjem

And a nice veal liver.

All washed down with plenty of akvavit.

>> No.7558030

Last meal?

Spaghetti and chicken drumsticks, with an ample amount of ketchup on the side as well as some battered squid (for the clever part.)

>recieve meal
>eat chicken down to bone, secretly fashion bones into many tiny shives
>tie spaghetti together, forming a large rope/lasso
>await guard to pass
>use lasso to steal keys without him noticing
>escape cell
>sneak through prison and use one of my many chicken-shanks to kill Well-Done Stealshitter, leader of my rival prison gang
>head for the door, chickenshanking anyone I see on the way out
>leave prison and tie door shut with spag lasso so the guards can't chase me
>leave small trail of ketchup to the body I stashed ore-incarceration with an ID with my name on it
>flee in the opposite direction of body
>guards get out and follow trail of blood (ketchup) to fake body
>I'm already miles away
>get on a bus out of the state
>take out battered squid
>enjoy a tasty seafood meal on the bus ride to freedom while the other death row fags eat their faggy last meal

>> No.7558119


>> No.7558140

Shame about that, you changing your mind I mean.

>> No.7558146

A succulent Caribbean seafood platter, like 80$ worth of fish and mollusks piled high, with a side pitcher of Gulden Draak.

>> No.7558147

Pussy. Has anyone said pussy? I'm probably not the first

>> No.7558150

Now for phase one of your plan, get sent to death row

>> No.7558174

can they get seafood

>> No.7558213

it costs more to execute them than it does to house them you retard. unless you throw out the appeals process (which is unconstitutional - and totalitarian) it's always going to be like that.

>b-b-but I wanna be muh little emperor and control everyone's 'cause everything revolves around me like le sun king :((((((

>> No.7558439

3 double-doubles from In N Out
3 orders of animal fries
3 big California burritos