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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 439 KB, 960x445, vegan-1091086_960_720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7546241 No.7546241 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a Vegan for about two weeks now. What are some good foods and recipes for me to try?

>> No.7546246

Roast beef LOL vegans suck dude!

>> No.7546247

kek #GotEm

>> No.7546248
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>> No.7546254

Just keep eating vegan whatever. You're a week or so form food starting to taste good again. Then start looking for good recipes.

>> No.7546260

But I'm not vegan and lots of food without animal product tastes good to me. Soups would be an easy starting point.

>> No.7546275
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How about some of this, OP?

>> No.7546290

Go Indian. Dals are awesome. And khichri.

Also, butternut squash+beans+avocado is a great starting point for dinner.

>> No.7546301

Just realised that excluding breakfast (milk in my coffee), my entire day was vegan.

Here's a simple recipe for Hungarian-style beetroot soup (called céklaleves). Unlike borscht, it's very simple and typically doesn't include bones for making a stock nor does it include carrots (per se; they're used in making stock). It's typically soured a bit either with sour cream or lemon juice. I prefer lemon juice and as you're opposed to dairy, that works for you just fine.

Per serving:
Beetroot, 1 average sized
Onion, half an average-sized
Oil, 1-2tsp
Salt, as needed
Water, 2 cups
Vegetable stock, 2 cups
Dill and/or parsley, a handful of leaves/fronds
Lemon, as desired

Peel and grate the beetroot and put into a pan.
Peel the half-onion, slice it thinly into half-moons and add to the pan.
Add oil to the pan and set to high heat.
Salt generously and toss about a bit until the onions start to take on some browning (watch closely, as the red of the beetroot may make it difficult to see).
Add a third of the water, toss about and reduce the liquid back out.
Toss about, listening closely for the telltale sound that the liquid has reduced out completely, then add half the remaining water and repeat the process.
Toss about and reduce the liquid back out, listening closely for the telltale sound that the liquid has reduced out completely, then add all the remaining water for the third and final time.
Reduce the liquid back out for the last time, then stir in the veg stock.
Bring to the boil, adjust salt to taste and add the herbs (chopped or not; up to you).
Add lemon if/as desired and serve.

To make a tasty vegetable stock, try to find a central European market wherever it is you might live for dried vegetable mix. While Hungarian brands are difficult to find abroad, there are products from other countries that are just as good and I use a Polish brand called Kucharek Włoszczyzna ("włoszczyzna" literally means "Italian" in Polish, for some reason).

>> No.7546328

>two weeks


>> No.7546368

How does being a vegan for two weeks make me a faggot?

>> No.7546443

It makes you a faggot for the last two weeks.

>> No.7546453

A bullet

>> No.7546459
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>good foods and recipes

>> No.7546520

Eat what this guy eats

>> No.7546646
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a nice tender juicy steak

>> No.7546906

But that isn't vegan. Vegan means no meat, eggs or dairy.

>> No.7546920

Well that's no good, is it?

>> No.7546927

I'm doing it for weight loss. It's working wonders so far.

>> No.7547045

Still a faggot

>> No.7547104

How is being a vegan the same as being a faggot?

>> No.7547107

There is a certain je ne sais quoi - oh, so very special - about a firm, young carrot.

>> No.7547126
File: 63 KB, 355x300, IMG_0499 Grimmway Farms Cut and Peeled Baby Carrots 1lb bag-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>firm, young carrot

I fail to see what baby carrots have to do with the situation.

>> No.7547161

try sucking on a railroad spike. it permantly curbs hunger

>> No.7547242

should vegan lifestyle be considered as a mental illness?

>> No.7547340

as an evolutionary biologist I believe so.

you see, we have the capabilities to consume and digest animal proteins and even other animals milk AS WELL AS nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits. as omnivores we hit the fucking jackpot. animal meat is so calorie dense it would have been considered absolute lunacy to not consume it had it been available years and years ago when food was scarce. this is why I whole heartedly believe that the reason why vegans are shunned by the average person or at least considered "weird" is because it is a reflection of their fitness as an organism. instinctually we deem vegans less fit and less sexually attractive because not consuming animal meat when you can is a weakness. in this way vegans are actually betas. veganism is just a product of first world luxury were people have unlimited access to beans. they would never have survived to reproduce long ago

>> No.7547354

I wonder what psychologists think about veganism. No doubt they have enough vegan patients to have interesting opinions.

>> No.7547360


Look up ketogenic diets.

It's much more effective for weight loss.

>> No.7547363

Anyone eating cheap mass-produced animal products is a psychopath.

>> No.7547368

>1 container of passata
>a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter
>1 onion
>1 onion
>1 can of chick peas
>some spices you like, maybe some cumin and some chili
>serve with rice
>put some cashews on top

>> No.7547463

I'm sure pretty much every vegan will agree with you. If it were necessary to eat meat to survive, all of the sane people would, but it's the fact that we don't NEED meat to survive anymore that spurs people on

>> No.7547475

try eating your own shit

>> No.7547485

Exquisite reference

>> No.7547519

Majors in biotech, chem, and psych here, as evol biologist said, very true, not only that, but it was meat that literally allowed us to evolve the amazing mental capacities that we have.
I can't speak for all psych's, but yeah, vegans are fucking retarded, this is why I don't do counselling psychology and stick to research.

>> No.7547692

>I'm paying attention to what I eat, eating nothing but veggies and I can't eat fast food because of my diet restriction
Yeah I'm sure it's the vegan part that's caused you to lose that water weight

>> No.7547728

Y u mad bros? Where did the vegan man touch you?

>> No.7547777

Putting your body deliberately in ketosis when you aren't dying isn't healthy. Your body loves carbs.

>> No.7547909

is this a bait thread?
do vegans actually post here?
im so confused

>> No.7547938

A vegan would never leave its natural habitat: its tumblr blog.

>> No.7547942

/ck/ will shit all over it, but carrot hot dogs. Fucking miracle in a bun if done right.

>> No.7547957

Why are people trolling all the fucking time about being vegans? Not even leftistburnie-cucks are this fucking artschoolforlyfe-retarded.

>> No.7547983
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I like to make samosa. I prefer to bake them in the oven instead of deep frying them. Try to look for a recipe that suits you. :)

>> No.7548048

are you near an oriental market? you can get tofu bricks for $1 or less. look for mushroom bouillon, you can use this as a base for soups and broth. you can also try making beer-battered cauliflower nuggets if you get the hankering for chicken tendies.

>> No.7548083

Suggestion for filling:
Mashes potatoes, peas, soybeas(blended), leek.

Remember to soak soybeans for atleast 18 hours before you boil them for about 45 minutes.

Use whatever spice you like - I prefer chili, cumin, cayenne pepper, pepper and curry.

>> No.7548109

>veganism is just a product of first world luxury were people have unlimited access to beans

Totally agree.

Sort of related - vegetarianism doesn't fall under this category, does it? I know that a good portion of India (for example) has vegetarian diets, and has had them for hundreds if not thousands of years. It seems to me it would've been possible to be vegetarian in times past, even with relative food scarcity in some areas. Thoughts?

>> No.7548130

Livestock agriculture is more a luxury than beans.
A waste of ressources is what it is.

>> No.7548159

we domesticated cattle over 10,000 years ago.

regardless, the point is not needing to consume meat is a luxury. the availability of foods in general is a luxury but the fact that we can turn our noses up at meat in this world is a major luxury.

>> No.7548171

its all dependent on whats available, and i totally get that if meat wasnt available for much of a cultures life and they developed a lot of vegetarian meals then thats their culture. but if they are vegetarian for religious purposes, thats retarded in itself. not even trying to be fedora, but following an organized religion in this day and age (especially one that restricts your life) is just a reflection of ignorance. im not trying to bash religious people, but anybody with even minor knowledge of other cultures quickly realizes that all religions are the same sham. everyone has a book, everyone shares the same myths, etc etc. though if they are happy, they're happy. i suppose i can't compete with that.

>> No.7548194

Waste of what resources? Grass? Pro-tip, animals that we raise eat the plants that we don't eat! And, they even then prove fertilizer for the crops we do eat in return.

>> No.7548222
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Watch Cowspiracy - A 1,5 hour long documentary.

>> No.7548233

oh ok. you're a non american shitposter
id rather spend 1.5 hours eating mcdonalds

>> No.7548248

Can someone please explain why veganism is so offensive? OP just asked for recipes, he wasn't being preachy or anything of the sort but yet half the kiddos are acting as if veganism is just awful. Truly confusing how dietary restrictions can throw some people up in such a tizzy, not even a vegan desu senpai

>> No.7548250

Seen cowspiracy, does nothing to negate my completely factual claim.

If you want to compare the worst of the meat industry to the best of the produce industry, then you are being purposefully misleading.

A properly raised herd of cattle on your own open land (or bought from a local farmer), that roams and eats it's natural diet of grass and flowers, and only killed after it has reproduced and lived a long life is a perfectly sustainable system. The issues with your wal-mart tier brand of meat is no different than the problem with your monsato-tier gmo frankencrops that are continuously grown on the same soil depleting it of nutrients, and prayed with harsh chemical pesticides destroying the local ecosystem.

The issue with these type of vegans films is that they paint the best of the produce industry and only the worst of the meat industry.

>> No.7548294

Nigga what?
The animals we raise eat corn and wheat which is what we eat

>> No.7548307

They also eat grass as he said. Also, he didn't mean that we don't wheat and corn, but that (at least before globalization) animals eat the excess wheat, corn, etc. that we don't need for ourselves and would otherwise be wasted .

>> No.7548312

Nigga what? Animals we deomesticated to raise DON'T eat that shit. Thats half the problem with the meat industry. We shove down grains they are not meant to eat, they get sick, we pump them full of antibiotics, repeat. Actually learn something about agriculture before trying to talk.

>> No.7548475
File: 137 KB, 800x800, mallmafss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better a faggot for the last two weeks than a faggot all your life like yourself.
go vegan you fat stinky ogre

>> No.7548481

>starving your brain and cells of glucose, it's main fuel source
that's why you're a stupid fucking idiot.

>> No.7548501

why do humans get heart disease from eating meat? if we evolved to eat meat like true carnivores then cholesterol wouldn't be a problem.

what is lactose intolerance?

lmao stop talking about all this sexually attractive and physically fit shit when you're on a board that literally has multiple threads for garbage junk food, fat, cholesterol and hormone laden recipes.

how fat are you? you only say this shit to make yourself feel better about your double chin

>> No.7548520

you know it takes more resources for "grass-fed beef" than it does for your factory farmed? sorry but eating meat isn't sustainable. i wouldn't say shit about destroying local ecosystems, do you even know how much rainforest and other land is reserved solely for beef?

>> No.7548525

>you know it takes more resources for "grass-fed beef" than it does for your factory farmed?

It's also expensive enough that it would imply smaller portions. I don't see the problem here.

>> No.7548530

Cholesterol is not a problem. you obviously have no scientific background in nutrition as we have been working to redact the defunct notion that ingesting cholesterol is bad for you.
>Literally using 70's science that has been linked to the obesity crisis as an argument for your claims.

Lactose tolerance has been o the rise for a long time and one of the major issues with milk consumption is consuming pasteurized milk in which the lactase has been deactivated
>What is evolution. What is natural selection.

If having people discuss fast food automatically makes everyone here unhealthy and fat than by your own logic having a man discussing nutrition on here automatically makes everyone fit. I myself am quite a health buff. Do not lump me in with your own insecurities about your body image
>What is projection.

>> No.7548536

i had a spiced lentil soup today. pretty good stuff.
i did replace the coconut milk with the lower fat version though and it tasted pretty good.

i'm probably going to make a massive poo in the loo later tonight though.

>> No.7548541

It also takes more work to grow organic produce than non-organic produce. Yawn. More cherry picked arguments.

Rotation based grazing is a completely sustainable method that has millions of years of proof because that is how nature works.

Do you know how much land is destroyed and reserved to grow crops in general?

>> No.7548545
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Are you that cuck that posted the other thread about how your wife was gonna leave you if you didn't convert to veganism? Haha, cuck.

I'll say it again, KEK!

>> No.7548559

except that for people with more money it doesn't imply that at all.

i'd agree cholesterol is no problem but when i say that, i'm saying that in regards to cholesterol naturally produced by any human.
if ingesting cholesterol isn't bad for you then explain to me to atherosclerosis. your bro science isn't going to work here.

you know over 60% of the corn and 50% of the soy grown in the us is fed to livestock? along with over 98% of animals raised in the US are raised on factory farms. in the us rotation based grazing isn't a thing.

>> No.7548562

what is moderation? if you drink enough water, your brain swells and you die. is water all of a sudden bad for you?

what is evolution? we evolved to be tolerant to lactose. lactose intolerant people are at a disadvantage compared to lactose tolerant people. they are less fit.

it has nothing to do with physical fitness. but seeing as how you dont even know what biological fitness is, im sure this will be going in one ear and right out the other.

>> No.7548566

Despite all the memes and innuendo YOU actually took that thread seriously?
>protip: You got cucked by /pol/, faggot.

>> No.7548570

im not any of the people you are replying to but growing crops is just as wasteful if not more so than the beef industry.

the reason why? overpopulation.

>> No.7548600

drinking water everyday for every meal isn't going to give you heart disease you fucking

i can cycle around 4w/kg.
i weigh 64kg at 178 cm.

i agree for the most part, but if there's no necessity for meat then why feed crops and water, etc to it than just straight up eating the crops?
i do agree that the world is pretty overpopulated, if i could have it my way i'd cap world pop at 1 billion but that's a pipe dream and will probably never happen.

>> No.7548653
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When in doubt, lie about empirical truths.

>> No.7548689

everything you say and the way you say it screams misinformed and unintelligent. I guess that's typical of a vegan though considering you just piss away all the nutrients in your brain until your skull caves in.

either way, food for thought, considering we have more than doubled our life expectancy, dying at 75 and gorging on 5lbs of red meat a day seems worth it to me. but again, it's about moderation. but obviously you don't know what that means. I'm not suggesting you eat meat everyday at every meal. I don't think anyone with a GED would tell you that that's healthy. but eating meat in moderation is in no way unhealthy. please stop trying to justify your weird obsession with being a social outcast. we get it. you are a unique snowflake with the worlds best interests in mind. we know, you are saving the world. thanks.

>> No.7548693


>> No.7548694

Is Veganism just a way to mask an eating disorder?

>> No.7548700
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nope. vegans are healthy well adjusted adults

>> No.7548703

While I don't deny that I'm odiferous, I am neither fat nor an ogre, you dick-infested man-mattress.

>> No.7548778
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This thread inspired to make a vegan meal. I really don't know what it is, but I can list ingredients.
1 Can Coconut milk
1 Onion sliced thinly
2 cloves Garlic minced
Red Pepper Flakes
1 small box of Mushroom sliced thinly
2 mild Jalapeños, sliced thinly
3 medium potatoes
1TBS grated Ginger
Lime Juice
Lemon Juice
Dehydrated Green onion (please use fresh if you have)
I sautéed mushrooms, half of the jalapeño, half of the onion, and the garlic in hot chili sesame oil. I then delgazed with some lemon and lime juice. Added water and coconut milk before adding potatoes, remaining onions, and remaining Jalapeños. I then seasoned it. I'm just going to simmer it until the vegetables are all soft.

>> No.7548810


>1 can coconut milk
Is this why so many vegetarians still look like hamplanets?

>> No.7548864


>> No.7548872

That looks like some kind of Tom Kha soup

>> No.7548956

Thank you! I was thinking of Thai food while throwing this together, so I'm glad that got through.

>> No.7548971

Anon why did you have to throw in the random misinformed atheist rant? Your post started off so well. This is a cooking board not a church for Black Science Man.

>> No.7548986

>keeping the worlds best interests in mind
>not realising that eating more meat is part of the solution


>> No.7548998

I can go without meat easily but I refuse to give up eggs and dairy.

>> No.7549034

>you know it takes more resources for "grass-fed beef" than it does for your factory farmed?

No it really doesn't, see>>7548986

>> No.7549065

how did you not grasp the sarcasm in that post?

>> No.7549100

well the anon I responded to inquired about cultures that have a large majority vegan diet because of their history. the only way I could see a history of vegan diet being prevalent is either from lack of available meat (first sentence) or because of religion (much of the rest). he inquired this after my post about why I think that vegans are considered less fit even in modern society. so even if cultures were largely vegan up to let's say even a few years ago, and they suddenly have access to animal protein, despite no classic, historical, or cultural dishes I believe it'd be in their best interest to start incorporating it into their food. not doing so for ideals that are justified because of an old book is just foolish IMO. But as I said, I'm not trying to bash on people who are religious. I just think organized religion is a sham. I'm not even an atheist, I choose to believe what I believe and it leaves me open to change. long winded I know, and I knew that post would come off the wrong way, I was just trying to explain if and when I think it'd be acceptable to refuse animal protein and a religious belief shouldn't be one of them.

>> No.7549101


>> No.7549103

Sometimes I try vegan deserts because they're creative and usually contain unique ingredients.
Other than that just be a vegetarian, veganism is retarded

>> No.7549145

>I know that a good portion of India (for example) has vegetarian diets,

While this is often repeated, it's often misunderstood.

The majority of Indians--about 80%--self-identify as Hindu. Assuming that they are devout and practicing (some smaller % of the total), they cannot eat beef. However they can and do eat other meats, as well as dairy products derived from beef. The only prohibition is eating beef flesh.

The next largest religion in India is Islam, at around 14%. Devout Muslims will not eat pork or shellfish but other meats are on the table.

Bhuddists are often quoted as being vegetarian, but there are two gotchas here:
1) India is only 0.7% Buddhist.
2) The "vegetarian" concept in Buddhism only prohibits the eating of land animals and birds. Fish and shellfish are allowed. Furthermore, Buddhists CAN eat meat and poultry so long as the animal was not specifically killed for them specifically. If there is meat around that was slaughtered for another purpose and there are leftovers then a Buddhist can eat that meat.

>> No.7549177

>not one capital letter.


>> No.7549213

To whom are you speaking? I was not aware I needed to exercise proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation on a Japanese image board made infamous by the salacious antics of pedophiles. You, sir, can locate the nearest phallus promptly sit atop it.

jk but I actually am a practicing evolutionary and behavioral biologist

>> No.7549222

"practicing" evolutionary biologist

what do you practice

>> No.7549244

I suppose professional would've been the more appropriate word.

I'm currently doing research involving predatation and how prey have evolved to use interference signals to increase their chances of survival. I'm afraid if I'm anymore specific about what species I'm studying and/or where you could easily do a Google search and find the department at which I work.

>> No.7549333


Why do you lie on the Internet?

>> No.7549371

>muslims are forbidden from shellfish
when will people stop thinking that mohammedans are the same as jews?
many can and do eat shellfish and quite often, at that.
shellfish is makruh (not good, but not disallowed either) not haram (forbidden).

>> No.7549398

you keep getting trips

and what about that implies I'm lying? and why would I lie about it? it's not exactly a sexy field.

>> No.7549411

Everyone suffers from confirmation bias like vegans get especially considering how much something like a diet affects your life

>> No.7549414

Is it possible that many generations of strictly vegan diets in human populations could cause devolution in mental capacity? Is there any evidence of evolutionarily diminished cognitive ability from diet in a human population or in another species?

>> No.7549434

At this point we are entering the realm of speculation, as I am not aware of any major study done on such a long term form of diet (as I don't think it is even possible right now, would actually take hundreds of years to start one). But I think it is very clear how diet does and can affect populations. For example the Asians, notoriously short, small, and effeminate in several ways, could be linked to their extreme ingestion of soy which has known estrogen-like compounds. Conversely the Europeans that consume a lot of farm animals tend to be bulkier in stature.

>> No.7549442

Not unless food becomes scarce and people start starving.

Lower brain power = lower energy requirements

People need to start starving before there could be selective pressure for lower intelligence.

>> No.7549459

You research it yet you can't spell it.

>> No.7549472
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pinterest is yr best friend

>> No.7549502

diet during childhood certainly affects how a child develops mentally and physically. but so does many other aspects of their environment. it'd be a tough sell to convince someone that a vegan diet alone has a significant affect on intelligence. the only way I could see it being generally accepted is if it resulted in some form of retardation or mental disease from a chemical imbalance or nutrient deficiency. plus the evolution of the human brain is over 100k years old. humans are so variable at this point that you'll find vegans on either side of the curve at all ranges. if we were able to give newborns a fully vegan diet and raise them identically and give them same education then compare them to omnivores raised the same way we would be able to make a claim like you are suggesting. although, I'm sure someone more qualified in the effects of diet on the brain would have a better idea or at least more educated opinion. if there's a link to anything it's that mentally unstable people choose veganism. but veganism doesn't cause mental instability

>> No.7549514

oh whoops I added an extra "at." I didn't even notice when you greened it lol. I've been on mobile though so these long winded posts tend to get more errors creeping through on average. good catch, I guess I'm a liar

>> No.7549518


>> No.7549519

That's why I was general in my assertion about India, because I didn't know a lot of the info that you posted. Thanks for the information anon.

(I could swear that eating shellfish is acceptable in Islam but I could be mistaken)

>> No.7549934

They probably have patients with brown hair and patients that watch hockey
Lifestyle choices are not related to mental health treatment unless they're abusive or additcive

>> No.7549950

Eating meat has been sustainable since the dawn of life. Over population (human) is what isn't sustainable

>> No.7551072

bump because I'm an agent of chaos

>> No.7551312

What a load of shit, if you're actually an evolutionary biologist I'll eat my fucking hat

I don't remember the last time I saw a post so laden with pseudo broscience. "Betas" lol

Not even vegan, I just hate you on principle.

>> No.7551325


when will this meme die? It's literally on par with the "only eat boiled food" meme

>> No.7551359

Not within your lifetime.

>> No.7551701

it's not broscience. admittedly I threw "betas" in there to stir the pot a little. dominance hierarchy really have nothing to do with it. but the fact remains that vegans are at a disadvantage and therefore less fit than omnivores.

let's pretend that there is 3 sources of food and 2 organisms. organism A is an omnivore and consumes all three sources of food. organism B is a vegan and can only consume food sources 1 and 2. now let's say a natural disaster occurs and wipes out food sources 1 and 2 leaving only food source three. organism B dies out while organism A thrives. this disadvantage of not being able to consume food source 3 compared to organism A makes organism B "less fit."

the difference is instead of 2 different organisms, you have a 2 phenotypes in humans which (most of the time) are determined by choice. so it is my opinion that willingly lowering your fitness is responsible, at least in part, for why vegans are hated or considered weird (instinctually) by omnivores.

adding on to this. not to the same degree, but in the same way, that being gay and suicidal is a mental disease, being a hardcore permanent vegan is probably related to some sort of mental deficiency, disease, chemical imbalance, or some other defect at birth or during development. because since the 2 most basic instincts are to survive and reproduce (suicidal, gay), not utilizing the ability to digest animal protein is likely indicative of some other mental development issue possubly caused by genetics. I'm curious as to what vegans family history regarding mental disease is

>> No.7551750

you didn't even attempt to refute anything that was said in the post. you basically just went "LOL broscience! hamiright!?" good job.

>> No.7551783

>tfw vegan
>people automatically assume im a left wing cuck, even though im part of a right wing political party

I...I just want to protect his beautiful Earth from the destructive nature of animal agriculture. God help us all when China is a fully developed first world country that will want to eat steaks and fish all day. Goodbye Amazon rainforest, goodbye oceanic biodiversity.

>> No.7551785

My niggas.

Not my nigga.

>> No.7551788

Can someone please explain how having someone else raise and kill your meat that you buy from the supermarket is considered alpha?

Isnt self-discipline and limiting yourself from meat more alpha? Meat everyday just isnt good for you at all.

>> No.7551793

In moderation, you can eat it everyday.
You could also raise your own meat. It's a bit cheaper per lbs.

>> No.7551804

why is eating meat and eating every day considered the same thing?

I don't think a single person on here, vegan or not, believes eating a fuck ton of meat every day is good for you. the access to meat we have now is something we never had even 100 years ago. its somethin so new to us that it'll probably be thousands of years before we see humans who are significantly more tolerant to large lifetime portions of animal product. no one is saying it's no different than eating celery. but in moderation it's able to be eaten risk free. and that's the point. vegans just avoid it totally. do you avoid vending machines because of the odds they'll topple over and kill you?

>> No.7551805

You can have a steady diet of tater tots and soda, yet still be vegan. Plenty of vegans are fat and unhealthy as fuck because they still eat pre-made, packaged bullshit instead of real food.

>> No.7551811
File: 605 KB, 1086x553, lolvegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551813

I believe that there will be a calculated world war in order to thin the worlds population. it's something we will never read in a history book. the ulterior motive will be to thin the herd. but I'm betting that it'll be so poorly executed because once it begins no one will want to come out the loser and it'll actually start a real war.

>> No.7551818

try some salmon under the broiler with teriyaki sauce

>> No.7552122

Anything with meat in it.

>> No.7552138

I'm a vegan and I sometimes come here for recipe ideas and stuff, I just don't normally bother mentioning it because people can be meme-spouting-shitlords

>> No.7552639
File: 2.74 MB, 2717x1801, fiery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trick to decent veg threads is to not post dumb images. just find something vaguely related to your post.

people see VEGAN in giant green letters and come to shitpost when they otherwise probably wouldn't have.

>> No.7552646

not vegan but that looks amazing

>> No.7552654

I'm preeeetty sure tofu is vegan.

>> No.7552868

Cyanide and bleach souffle.

>> No.7552876

Fuck off you vegan fag. Can't wait to eat you in the end of days.

>> No.7552877


>entire chiles
>not chopped at all
>seeds inside uncooked
>all the flavor in the seeds

shame.. the rest looks good

>> No.7552883

raw vegetables are best
eat them raw, no need to cook
ask doctors for detailed instructions how to eat raw vegetables

>> No.7552889

The best way to eat vegetables is however you'll eat the most, besides fried. Fried vegetables can be a net negative healthwise.

>> No.7552998

Pretty sure that guy meant he's not a vegan.

>> No.7553009

The okara resulting from large scale soymilk/tofu production becomes cheap animal feed. You are effectively subsidizing animal agriculture every time you buy tofu. And it's less healthful than whole foods such as tempeh, edamame, or natto.

>> No.7553590

Jesus Christ you fucks are insane.

>> No.7553635

Eating meat isn't alpha at all, but crying over the fee-fees of mindless beasts is incredibly beta.

>> No.7553995

I am going to prepare some bean burguers right now.

The bread is not vegan tho, i made it with milk and one egg...

>> No.7554048

Neato! This morning I baked a boule of whole wheat sourdough. I'll be making some pudding with all my excess bread when I need a small caloric bump in a couple days to maintain weight.