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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7535996 No.7535996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My brother has anorexia, but ever since we got him weight restored and making meals on his own, he's had the same thing for dinner every night: microwaved chicken breast with no seasoning, microwaved potatoes, and frozen green beans. He cooks everything in a microwave and never even uses salt or pepper. He also puts the food straight on the bottom of the microwave, no plate or napkin or anything. The potatoes he makes come out hard as a rock.
He then proceeds to eat like a cow, which is ironic since he's afraid of getting fat. He sucks in food whole off his plate with his mouth and tongue.

/ck/, do any of your family members have eating habits that confuse or disgust you?

>> No.7536008

my brother eats slices of kraft singles right out of the wrapper. He also chews with his mouth open and breaths through his mouth like a sub-human.

>> No.7536022

lol hes just manifesting a family problem that no ones dares to acknowledge.

>> No.7536024

my wifes son puts his fingers deep in his
full mouth sometimes and stops eating for
a while fumbling around. after that he
doesn't clean his hand and proceeds
touching the table and stuff. sometimes
he pulls something out of his mouth and
places it in front of him clearly visible for
everybody. then he shouts at it. he's six month.

>> No.7536025

He most likely still has anorexia. I work in a mental health unit in the UK dealing with anorexic patients. What you're describing is indicative of anorexic behaviours

>> No.7536026

As a male former bulimic and anorexic, I very much hope that your brother is getting psychiatric help.

>> No.7536027

My friend eats pizza every night.

>> No.7536054

He is. >>7536025 is why I said he has anorexia, not he had anorexia.
How did you manage to recover fully? How long did it take? Just curious.

>> No.7536069

Not the poster with anorexia here, but in my experience it differs wildly, for some it's just a phase that lasts a few months, others have it for life. I know a 70 year old woman who is anorexic

Monitor your brother closely and get them help because that shit can easily kill you

>> No.7536070
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>my wifes son

>> No.7536089

Last year he got very sick and went to a treatment center for anorexic kids. Ever since he got back he hasn't tried to lose weight. He just talks about it a lot and does gross things with his food.

>> No.7536106


My brother went through this phase as a kid where he wanted to be 'weird' like he thought htat shoudl be his defining personality trait. so for a full year he ate ham sandwiches with etiher peanutbutter or marshmallow fluff.

>> No.7536109


my friend eats almost only mac and cheese and pizza. his gf is trying to expand their meals but she burns the kitchen a lot

>> No.7536112

*holds up spork*

>> No.7536114

I was anorexic for one year. Spent sophomore year of high school terribly depressed eating only carrots. I did a complete fucking 180 and started gorging on pop tarts every day. Then started binging/purging from 16-20. I was also very depressed. My psychiatrist literally guilted me for my eating disorder and my Mom ignored it for the most part. Recovery was very gradual. By 20 I was only purging maybe twice a week until I managed to stop completely. Fortunately, through all this I was teaching myself how to cook as it's something that I love to do. The act itself put me in control of my dietary habits in a much healthier way than purging.

>> No.7536138

My coworker has no interest in learning how to cook, so he eats out every. single. night. Just lazy as shit.

>> No.7536142

I myself went through a couple years of bulimia and I shit you not, the only thing that cured me was when I started lifting. Creating a situation where food was used as fuel and I was losing fat in a healthy manner was what it took, but I will admit I have temporarily relapsed into bulimic behavior in times where I had to be away from the gym for more than a week.

>> No.7536147

Not really disgusting, but my brother has some odd habits.
>only eats burgers with just meat and ketchup
>always had a separate batch of unseasoned ground beef with his spaghetti when everyone else had bolognese
>puts vinegar on almost everything savory

>> No.7536149

Man, I only ate fuckin carrots when I was super eating disorder'd and I read a book about an anorectic chick who ate nothing but carrots.

wtf is it with fucking carrots?

>> No.7536156

I guess I would just add that it'd be a good thing if your brother saw a nutritionist. I never got proper outside help for the disorder. Recovery, was partly due to my crazy teenage brain mellowing out in adulthood. It was mostly due to my learning to cook and learning to eat right. Eating disorders in part come down to control. I look at it now as me self-harming to feel in control. Becoming knowledgable about food gave me that control in a less destructive way.

>> No.7536157


that was pretty much it, except it was like 3rd grade. he dropped it by middle school.

>> No.7536193

>disgusting eating habits
Yeah, and suicide is a disgusting dying habit. On that note, kill yourself.

>> No.7536211

Not my family and not quite disgusting so much as odd, but I used to work for a Mormon branch president/bishop, cooking for his family. Their son, a guy just a few years younger than me, has Tourette's and OCD. He'd take a fork or spoon of food, put it in his mouth, take it out of his mouth, put it back into his mouth and, finally, chew and swallow. With sandwiches, he'd put a bite-to-be in his mouth, take it back out of his mouth, put back into his mouth then bite and chew.
He also meowed from time to time.

>> No.7536249

As a recovering anorexic, this guy does have a point.

Op, your brother has a mental illness that goes far beyond "eating habits".

Try to love him through it.

>> No.7536254

I spent my juior year in highschool only eatung a cup of ramen and plain yogurt a day. Ended up passing out and getting sent to the hospital for a severe iron deficiency.

>> No.7536256

It's not that he doesn't eat food. After tons of treatment and regular visits to doctors and nutritionists, he eats normal amounts, but in a pretty gross way. Chill.

>> No.7536285 [DELETED] 
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My wifes son, only demands medium rare steaks. If I don't make them for him he beats me.

>> No.7536286

wtf? Is he queer or something?

>> No.7536542

woah, I ate mostly carrots when I was anorexic too wtf

>> No.7536952
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Another carrotfag reporting in, jesus christ

carrots and coke zero, it made for the nastiest vomit

>> No.7538219
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>my wife's son
Top Cuck

>> No.7539236

My friend fucks lasagna.

>> No.7539238
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>being this new

>> No.7539242

Hoooooly shit, I ate almost exclusively carrots and diet coke.

These carrots, man.

>> No.7539470

1st world problems, this shits me so much, if you don't want to eat just fucking die.

>> No.7540044

My dad takes cabbage, chops it up, throws out the dark green parts and then throws in the white pieces in a vat with a bunch of black pepper, garlic, water, and vinegar. He makes two gigantic bowls full of it and only eats maybe half of one of them. It smells like gasoline.

>> No.7540068

>1st world problems, this shits me so much, if you don't want to eat just fucking die.
It's about their having control over something. It's not even about food. Just another symptom of a personality disorder.

>> No.7540318

My mother cooks everything into unseasoned rubber. She also drenches salads in half a bottle of cheap ranch dressing. I'm shocked she's not a planet.

>> No.7540319

Tell us about your charitable exploits to help the oppressed, impoverished, and malnourished by posting here

>> No.7540726

My cousin eats with only 'small forks' because 'the big ones poke the back of her mouth all the time'

How can people allow themselves to exist with poor coordination?

>> No.7540728


I'm interested in what Bulemia can do for me. Any recommendations?

>> No.7540765

He should add carrots, chunks of lamb, potatoes and onions to that shit anon.

>> No.7540770

What the hell did ya do to him as a child?

>> No.7540774


Binge eat, feel guilty as fuck, then vomit and exercise. It's what I do and I'm 5'11, 133-5. Any higher and I'm in fear of returning to a state of fatassdom. Only exception to the restriction is water weight

>> No.7540778

I drink alcohol almost nonstop and barely ever eat. Maybe a small meal every other day at most and usually not even that. I'm used to the diarrhea so when I do eat solid food and it comes out solid shit it fucking hurts and rips my asshole up. Is that an eating disorder or something else? I just don't ever want food and I have to force myself to eat once I get to where I keep wanting nothing but sleep with only half a drink because of lack of energy.

>> No.7540831

I would also like to know the answer to this. I uhhh... don't get the liquid shits though.

>> No.7540844

Tease him about his weird food until he changes his ways!

>> No.7540850

Your body and brain have become so dependant on alcohol that it considers it to be your primary source of energy instead of food. If you stopped drinking cold turkey you would go into sever withdrawals, potentially even death via a seizure. If you want to get out of this you will need closely monitored and medically supervised rehab or you will eventually die from it.

>> No.7540868

That's alcoholism

>> No.7540869

how many dicks has she sucked to kill her gag reflex like that?

>> No.7541539

My brother, 29, chews with his mouth open, smacks his lips, cannot chew gum quietly, and tucks food into his cheek(s) to talk whilst his mouth is stuffed.

My dad cuts all his food with his fork, but that's not really disgusting in my book.

>> No.7541729

My brother (10 years old)
>packs a lunch of pepperoni slices and ketchup with a side of pickles for school every day
>eats a hotdog drowned in ketchup for dinner at least 6 days a week
>refuses to eat anything torn or broken
>Will not eat food that touches

He has a bunch of other really specific requirements for his food.

>> No.7541774
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My flatmate chews with his mouth open, and he adds a shitload of butter to everything.

Coffee? Butter
Stews? Butter
Pasta? Butter on the noodles and butter and olive oil in the sauce
Pastries? Butter
Meat? Butter
Veggies? Butter

He usually goes through 4-5 sticks of butter a week. Fucker is 5'4 and weighs 210+

>> No.7541791

>be me
>anorexic bmi of 16.5 while 2 fucking m tall
>can't vomit after binging
>only restrict
>drink salt to induct vomiting
>cant vomit salt
>drink 2l of water to dissolve it in a tummy
>tummy hurts
>head hurts
>black out
>wake up on ER
>still binge, dont vomit, 25.5 bmi, can't stop, fml

>> No.7541970

>Coffee? Butter

Why though? I've tried this combination before and it doesn't even mix, its just coffee with melted butter floating around in it.

>> No.7541988

my self has bulimia lol ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.7542002


me again, stop hating on your bro OP having an eating disorder can make food really fucking scary. how old is he? he needs some support, and given that he has an eating disorder in the first place i'm guessing it's not gonna be your guys' parents that are gonna give it to him.

you may not be able to understand it like he does, but understand as his sibling. you need to accept the fact that him having his "safe foods" is better than him not eating at all. it's hard for him. you need to set a good example (aka be OK with yourself and have a positive attitude about food and life in general) and be patient with him, even when he doesn't seem receptive.

>> No.7542003

People eating with their mouths open grates on me so fucking much.
People who went to private schools and from wealthier families do it and clank the cutlery on their teeth like a child with no motor skills.

>> No.7542013

People put the hot brewed coffee and butter in a blender to emulsify it. Milk or cream is easier because the butterfat is already emulsified, but some people have an issue with the lactose, I guess.

>> No.7542018

I developed an eating disorder due to my Crohn's. Crohn's flare would have me throwing up everything I ate for a few weeks, but after I recovered I still couldn't face the food even though I was perfectly capable of eating it. The sensory experience of exciting food or being near cooking would immediately cause me to start to vomit. I tried to go grocery shopping and I passed out on the floor in the grocery aisle.

Eating disorders are real, even ones that don't fit neatly into common labels.

>> No.7542020

No one eats apples louder that my brother.

>> No.7542029

This seems to have become an eating disorder thread.

My flatmate is on a no carbs diet, so for "dessert" he mixes cocoa powder and salted butter to make a pudding like paste. I don't find it gross, just odd.

Very little about food grosses me out, except people who eat noisily and or with their mouth open. Whenever I would take my lunchbreak at work it would always be at the same time as this fucking arsehole who'd buy chips from the canteen, cover them in mayo, then eat them with his mouth open. I used to pray I'd avoid him in the staff room because he'd put me off my food.

>> No.7542031

>Is that an eating disorder or something else?

It's alcoholism, please seek help anon. The long you wait to get help the worse it will get.

>> No.7542033


Mix some food supplements on your booze

>> No.7542053

>Eating disorders are real, even ones that don't fit neatly into common labels.

That pretty much applies to the entire spectrum of psychological disorders. Usually it's a combination of labels/diagnosis, very rarely is it a clear cut issue.

>> No.7542061

>my brother eats slices of kraft singles right out of the wrapper
nothing wrong with that
>breaths through his mouth
you have to kil your brother anon

>> No.7542063


>My flatmate is on a no carbs diet, so for "dessert" he mixes cocoa powder and salted butter to make a pudding like paste. I don't find it gross, just odd.

Doing keto right now, but wtf. That sounds fucking gross.

>> No.7542082



>> No.7542088

A couple squares of dark chocolate is fine, too.

I don't know if your flatmate is gonna make it. Eating a stick of butter to try to have a psychological dessert sounds like deeply ingrained fatty behavior issues. Whatever though. People do interesting things.

>> No.7542094


actually if he uses sweet cream butter specifically, doesn't sound too bad. maybe add some artificial sugar at least, though.

>> No.7542099

>deeply ingrained fatty behavior issues

if you love shitty food you just need to embrace that, bro. find as many substitutes as you can.

you're not gonna make it if you try to reject your inner fat kid. just make it work. or you know, eat terrible things in moderation (i get that doesn't work if you want to stay in ketosis, but for normal diets and shit).

>> No.7542101

I used to eat steak with my hands when I was a kid. My family members are pretty good with their table manners though.

>> No.7542141

I'm not fat. I do keto, don't count calories, and eat what I feel like. I have never felt like eating butter mashed up with cocoa powder to replace a dessert I craved. I guess my point is your point. Butter person probably isn't listening to his or her body's natural food nutrient cravings, but an old psychologically learned behavior to supplant this natural craving with a sugary dessert-food substitute that isn't going to hit the spot.

>> No.7542217

keep an eye and ear out for bulimia

>> No.7542232


hm, i tried listening to my body's natural food nutrient cravings and was miserable. so i figured out how to hit that artificial spot and now i'm happier even though i eat like crap. i do exercise thugh and i'm breddy healthy overall (medical records confirm).

>> No.7542245

>"as a _____" qualifier
Your opinion isn't any more or less valid than anyone's, go back to tumblr

>> No.7542252

My little sister used to dip her ham sandwiches in milk.

>> No.7542254

Hurts my teeth just thinking about it

>> No.7542333

As a guy who got sent to a military academy for the better part of my adolescence I have to say the two things which were most insufferable was shitting without privacy and everyone at mess chewed and talked with their mouth open.

>> No.7542376

My brother only ate rice, black beans and bananas for at least 18 years. Also ramem. No meat, no veggies. Not even pizza.

>> No.7542494

Why the fuck are all ya'll anorexic niggas on /co/?

This is the real reason the board sucks now.

>> No.7542590


My brothers will pick apart their food. Like for pizza they'll pick the toppings off, eat them, then eat the cheese then the crust. They get it all over their hands and they remind me of troglodytes.

>> No.7543629

I thought u said anorexic not autistic

>> No.7543641

i was an anorexic too and also only had carrots for days

>> No.7545135

That's autism, like legit autism not meme autism.

>> No.7545612

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I'll try harder. But my parents are very loving and have taken him to therapy and payed for his medical care through all this. What makes you think they might have a hand in his ED?

>> No.7545630

My father will sometimes take 2 pieces of white bread, toast it a bit, then SLATHER them with butter and then sprinkle some generic cinnamon on top, and put it in the microwave for 30s

He also has this amazing habit of not drinking the bottom 15% of literally every drink he has. Soda, beer, tea, juice, water, etc. Doesn't matter. This is a habit he's had since before I was born

>> No.7545642

If you don't get help in the near future you will likely die. Please seek help anon.

>> No.7545695

>being bad at eating

how useless of a human can you be. One of the few things we actually have to do

>> No.7545706

My mom and grandma both have a really disgusting habit of talking with their mouths wide open and showing everyone their food. I've made it a conscious habit to let the other person wait until I'm done chewing before I answer a question as a result. I don't care if they have to wait 30 awkward seconds, they shouldn't ask me a question right when I put food in my mouth.

>> No.7545720

>disgusting living habit

>> No.7545737

My mother puts meat in fucking everything.
I'm not vegan/vegetarian but I like variety and I will sometimes go for extended periods of time without eating any meat or eating minimal amounts of meat just because. Every meal has to center around meat with her. She puts bacon in coleslaw. She'll complain about a salad if there isn't a fuck ton of ham on top of it. She thinks anything ordered in a restaurant is a rip-off if it doesn't have enough meat included with it. Also her portion control is horrendous and she will eat great gobs of food, usually going back for seconds, and then later she will be hungry again and I'll catch her snacking on something within a few hours of a meal. It makes me a little sick at times. If I get myself something special as a treat like a singular box of girl scout cookies or a pastry from a nice cafe I like to enjoy it slowly, but I find myself having to hide it if I want to eat more than one cookie/a bite of the thing because my mother will complain that it needs to be eaten and will go bad if it's left alone for more than a day and will take it upon herself to eat the whole thing.

>> No.7545745

>Ex went to private school. Chewed with mouth open.
>Coworker comes from wealthy family. Chews with mouth open.

You may be onto something.

>> No.7545750

I eat standing up with the plate in my hand still more often than not

>> No.7545752


my parents are very loving and have taken him to therapy and payed for his medical care through all this

so did mine. in fact, they basically forced me into therapy (when i was young enough to be legally obligated to them), paid for all of it... and constantly criticized my eating and neglected my emotional needs. oh they sent me to therapy but were they ever there with me, even when i needed them to be? fuck no.

eating disorders are generally--in part--the result of a bad parent model, be it a micromanaging/intrusive one, an overly critical one, emotionally neglecting or abusive... you get the idea.

>> No.7545763

My dad usedta do this too.

>> No.7545772

there's literally nothing wrong with eating meat every meal

>> No.7545779
File: 9 KB, 200x200, I+really+could+have+gone+on+living+my+life+without+_4dcd5fcbb4b1a8308802cc6775b08672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 12 year old brother is obese. Every time he eats something he makes 'pickle fingers' which basically means he puts a sliced pickle on each finger, glued on with caramel and eats his food bare handed. Parents are very lazy and don't tell him no. It doesn't even matter what it is. If it is cake, or fries, or chicken, he has to have his pickle fingers. I've tried to fix it by taking the pickles away from him mid-meal but he just acts like his fingers have been ripped off and starts screaming. Its fucking disgusting. Sometimes he buys KFC and eats a huge meal by himself then starts joking that 'its pickle finger lickin' good' as he eats his pickle fingers.

>> No.7545811


money management, but that's about it

>> No.7545820
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>'its pickle finger lickin' good'

>> No.7545829

I don't believe you.

Especially the caramel part.

>> No.7545830

Didn't even give me a chuckle

>> No.7545831

>glued on with caramel
Something doesn't add up.

>> No.7545835


>> No.7545840

your brother sounds like he needs to see a doctor

>> No.7545845

Toast with butter and cinnamon sounds kinda good tbf

>> No.7545892

Well that's too bad kiddo

>> No.7545896

Butter cinnamon toast is good desu

>> No.7545905
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>'its pickle finger lickin' good'

>> No.7545910

My buddy lives in Cambodia and does charity work there, when he came back to visit a while back he told me that they put cooking oil in there coffee. It just sits there, they have to swirl it around before each sit.

>> No.7545921

My mom always undercooked chicken so now I cook it to at least 185°.

>> No.7546043

Bravo for using the correct word, anon.

>> No.7546071

My brother stands in front of the open fridge eating oreos and drinking milk right out of the carton.

>> No.7546088

Me and my brothers used to see who could jizz the fastest Into our cereal. Seems kinda hot now desu.

>> No.7546104

>Food that touches?

U wot m8?

>> No.7546341

I'm sorry for you, but that's not how my parents are. My brother's eating disorder probably stems from being sexually abused by around 4 different people, which, I'll admit, is probably my parents' fault for not watching who their kids hung out with.

>> No.7546361

This is /ck/ not /co/

>> No.7546423
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>> No.7546431

Problems in the first world are no less problems just because they occur higher on the hierarchy of needs.

>> No.7546439

>we tip with a rip
Fake as fuck but god that's hilarious.

>> No.7546462


you need a blender to get it right. a tiny bit of sugar and a pat of butter in coffee is fucking delicious.

>> No.7546492

Sounds like she came form a poor family or has suffered from poverty in her past. My mother is like that, except also on a literal criminal level in other aspects not related to cooking and food.

>> No.7546529
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my mom and grandma both cook with the only seasoning being coarse ground black pepper. they refuse to use salt or any other seasonings. one time i was helping my mom cook chili and i seasoned up the ground beef when i cooked it.

>mfw i turned around and saw that she put the hamburger in a colander and was rinsing it off in the sink

>> No.7546565

What the fuck man.

>> No.7546601

>controlling food
>being in control of my food

You're still dealing with anorexia, you're still dealing with the behaviors that lead to it.

You've just channeled away from purging, but you're still doing something that is considered a hallmark of anorexia.

It doesn't just fix itself, you don't just mellow out of it... it takes 5 years of never feeling the need to control, engaging in a controlling behavior, binging, or purging... before you're considered free and clear of anorexia by the mental health community.

>> No.7546653

My brother is 24 and he's still this way.

>> No.7546671

Chewing. This goes for just about anyone else too. If someone is chewing food when I'm also not chewing it makes me want to slap them across the face and tell them to chew quieter.

>> No.7546681
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>tfw dad tells me I slide my fork across my teeth with every bite
>realize I'm the one with annoying eating habit

>> No.7546689

i hate eating with other people in general.

i know im a gross eater, i dont want to subject others to the pain of being around me.

when i eat something i just want to go to down and eat it like a caveman.

>> No.7546752

If this isn't a troll post, you are in dire need of rehabilitation and medical supervision. Seek help.

>> No.7546760

I'd hope if you did that, you'd vary up the types of meat and not just eat one type. That wouldn't be very fun.

>> No.7546778

fuck you thats nasty. fuck that noise.

>> No.7546781

how do you not feel like you're wearing out your enamel?

>> No.7547649

>tryhard the post
kill yourself faggot

>> No.7547926

My guess? It's a tasty and filling food, while at the same time being healthy and mostly water. To me, that sounds great for someone that has problems eating because they're afraid of eating anything because it might make them fat.

>> No.7548217

>weird pickle finger ritual
>starts screaming
I have just diagnosed your brother with autism

>> No.7548225

I want to fuck your mom.

Assuming she's not a fat porker

>> No.7548231

Can't believe I wrote that. Your mom is obviously a fat porker.

>> No.7548232

how is this disgusting? your brother obvoiusly doens't value eating as much as your fat self. he's doing what he needs to stay at a weight he is comfortable with. he values his health more than pigging out. that takes will and determination, somehthing you celarly lack fatso

>> No.7548246


Sounds like you should find your own place to live

>> No.7548252

your mom sounds like a bro. everything SHOULD have meat in it. gotta get those sweet protein gainz

>> No.7548261
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I had a "bulimia" as a kid. I was fat as fuck and lost a good amount of weight by throwing up.

Didnt think there was anything wrong with that, could eat all I wanted and lose weight.

Parents found out and sent me to the psychiatrist. I stopped throwing up that after being there, mainly because I didnt want to worry my parents.

I still do it sometimes as I live alone. Eating a lot of shitfood sometimes.

>> No.7548348

My brother is one of those "one thing at a time" eaters. He starts with something random on his plate and won't so much as LOOK at anything else until he has completely finished it, rinse and repeat.

It drives me mad because when I cook dinner I intentionally try to cook complimentary sides or soup that make the experience better, but its absofucking wasted on him. Even worse is when he chooses to start with bread or rice so by the time he gets to the main dish its already cold and he's mostly full since he's not a big eater in general.

Oh did I mention he eats slower than a Siberian molasses? I'm already done cleaning up by the time he's done.

My boyfriend is the opposite in that he practically dumps his plate straight into his mouth and barely chews or savors anything. So many times I'll ask how something was and he'll say he can't remember. He loves to pig out but more to get feel full and gluttonous rather than appreciate good food. Surprisingly not a fatty though.

Oh but he is super autistic about eating and asks me retarded shit like "So what am I supposed to put this gravy on?" or "Am I supposed to slice up this quarter pound of solid meat or eat it whole?" He also hasn't heard of common foods that everyone should know about. Like some sort of alien.

>> No.7548353

i ususally eat one at a time
but i wouldnt eat rice by itself if it comes with some sort of topping/side, what the fuck

>> No.7548579
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Hahahahhah my brother in law from England has a similar problem where he can't use 'pointy' forks because he stabs himself in the back of the throat all the time

>> No.7548613

My dad is like the opposite of your brother which is equally obnoxious and infuriating. He takes a little nibble out of each piece of food on the plate until he has a little of everything in his mouth, then he finally will chew (with his mouth open) and swallow. Even things I cut up bite sized he does this with.

Plus usual obnoxious things like dragging his fork across his teeth, slurping soup. He won't eat ground meat no matter what and he doesn't like any meats anyway but chicken, turkey, and beef.

And then he always leaves a small bit of everything on his plate at the end, only to go get potato chips or hard pretzels out of the pantry while the rest of us clean up. I'm always like, was my food not good enough for you that you had to waste food so you could pig out on shit?

>> No.7548620

My dad always wants to add corn to everything. He's always like hey i gotta can of corn in the cabinet think im gonn throw it in there

>> No.7548631

You win. That sounds much worse than my brother.

>only to go get potato chips or hard pretzels out of the pantry
my boyfriend without fail always has room for potato chips after dinner. he has the courtesy to eat everything on his plate, though.

>> No.7548633


Not him, another "former" anorexic though. Most of my friends are models/worked in the industry or as artists, so I was completely surrounded by other twigs with EDs.

I didn't want to recover until my girlfriend at the time also became anorexic, was a real eye opener because I didn't really consider myself sick until I saw her get really bad.

I started cooking really fancy meals for us both and we started smoking weed, trying to associate food with good feelings instead of, well, suicidal depression. Also adopted a stray cat, which helped a lot.

Now I've started working out, actually struggling to eat MORE, which feels so fucking alien.

I wish you all the best of luck, especially the ones close to someone suffering from ED - be careful, it's easier than you think to get sick yourself.

>> No.7548776

I dunno.. I don't think that I'd trade my dad for your brother.

I wouldn't even mind the chips if a. he didn't eat them at the table (because chewing with his mouth open) and b. if he wasn't wasting food. My brother is 17 and is on the track team so he's ALWAYS hungry, and he'd love to have been able to eat the food that my dad wastes.

Luckily my boyfriend is pretty normal as far as eating, he just grew up without much variety so I'm still constantly introducing him to new foods (seriously, how does someone get to 21 years of age without eating any kind of bean? And he'd never had a peach!!)

>> No.7548845

My brother is a walking crime against culinary nature

>Uses too much oil to cook with
>uses oil even when it's not necessary
>Eats the same thing ( a sausage or three, frozen vegetables and french fries) every night for the past 2 years
>Cooks at 11:30 PM
>leaves his food unattended to burn
>Stinks up the place with a gross concoction of oil, sausage grease and BBQ sauce which he fucking uses on everything
>eats everything charred black unless I intervene and save his food
>two hours later he back up, making a disgusting burnt toast with pepper, ketchup, and cheese powder for popcorn,
>Nothing is safe from his hands, will eat whatever anyone else buys (in example, buy ice cream and he'll eat two bowels a night and drink a water of a 4 liter jug of milk as well) Will rummage through the drawers as well
>God forbid if you take even a little from him. He will have an autistic rage.
>Makes greasy Popcorn with oil, cheese powder and butter (which he nukes in fucking drinking glasses rather then a bowl
>two bowls of cereal -more milk gone
>every couple days He buys nacho chips and then uses half the cheese in the fridge. Does not use an oven, uses the Microwave.
>On top of everything, he doesn't even wash the dishes. From one side to the other side of the kitchen is a disaster zone at five am. This is every day. The sound of him dumping a pile of dishes into the sink, stamping away and then him giggling to Kevin Smith's podcasts about batman is my wake up call. I end up cleaning so that there is no drama.

His worst sin, absolute worst sin is that he knows I know how to cook, and have offered to teach him. He get gets furious and turns into a defensive retard about it and figures on occasion he's stronger because he's male and a lanklet. .

My only solace is listening to him wheeze as he struggles with walking up a hill or stairs, watching his metabolism slow down. He's getting a pot belly and already has a double chin if he looks down. Little things keep me going.

>> No.7548876
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It's very funny how I there's huge similarities between anorexia stories
Got to a BMI of 15 with no muscle beforehand so shit was fucked, heart was giving out
Trying to manage depression, got a lot better a few months later with prescriptions

I can attest to the comfort of carrots
Carrots were the safest, comfiest, friendliest food

>> No.7548890

How old are you guys?

>> No.7548891

Also, weird stuff, some of which stays with me:
Dry roasted peanuts with milk
A particular Irish brown soda bread, dry, with milk
Strain tomato sauce off baked beans during anorexia cos of muh sodium
Peanut butter and mayo on sambos
Put chips in strawberry milkshake

>> No.7548894


18 in college and poor as sin

he's 21.

>> No.7548934

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7548967

And your only option is getting your food eaten and cleaning his shit?

>> No.7548995

>complaining about 1st world problems on the internet
1st world problems, this shits me so much, if you don't want to hear about 1st world problems then move to the deepest jungle of Africa.

>> No.7549020


My other option is going nuclear and not doing it. I suppose that would be the quickest way to ruin his shit.

I don't know, I could confront him about it, but honestly he goes from this quiet person to a stark raving lunatic and it frightens the fuck outta me, yeah he's getting fat, but he's a foot taller and prone to rage. As soon as I scrap together enough money for at least a deposit and a couple months of rent, I'll be out. Heh, maybe I'll start taking money from him as compensation for him being such a shithead.

I love the guy, but I hate him so terribly much between late night and early morning.

>> No.7549031

>pastry from a nice cafe
>will go bad if it's left alone for more than a day
Yeah, anon, a pastry probably won't be good if you leave it out for an entire day.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.7549050

>leaves a small bit of everything on his plate at the end
My girlfriends mom does this too. She doesn't want to be seen as a pig or something. Even though she only takes a small portion to begin with, she never finishes it. She'll leave 1 bite on the plate. I've been with her for over 2 years and I have yet to see her mother finish a plate of food.

>> No.7549070

>The sound of him dumping a pile of dishes into the sink, stamping away and then him giggling to Kevin Smith's podcasts about batman is my wake up call
Top kek

>> No.7549080

>Dry roasted peanuts with milk
>Put chips in strawberry milkshake
Do you mean chips like crisps or french fries?
If the latter, nothing wrong with that, strawberry milkshake and fries is literally the best combination.
If it's the former then what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7549081

My family eats radishes.

My mom eats canned stewed tomatoes. My grandfather loves canned vegetables, especially creamed corn. I don't know why the fuck anyone would voluntarily consume that shit.

My dad cooks all his meat into leather and boils the crap out of all vegetables. My mom boils chicken.

Ex's family used to eat a giant serving of beef or pork with a pile of that shitty packet instant cheesy noodles, not mac n cheez, the other shit like "alfredo". Then top it with a twelve pack of cheap beer each. They were planets.

Housemate mixes ranch, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and bbq sauce together then leaves it uncovered in the cabinet with the clean dishes. He also does that with other leftovers like rice or curry. just on a plate or in a bowl, in the clean dishes cupboard. He leaves leftovers in a giant pot uncovered on the stove for a week at a time as well. I've watched him eat fifty chicken wings.

>> No.7549087

Kek, I'm 115 lbs. I eat a healthy varied diet. Of course he doesn't value eating, do you know what anorexia even means?
Before he had anorexia, he had binge eating disorder and weighed 150 pounds. Something in him snapped and he's never been able to eat a balanced diet for the past 3 years or so.

>> No.7549091

>stealing from your own family
Lowest of the low.
Start exercising with him if you're worried that he's getting fat.
Prepare meals for him more often and get angry if he refuses.

>> No.7549112

I'm not anorexic in the disorder sort of way. I just have never had an appetite. Sometimes I eat bland meals over and over again just to get more calories into my body. Not because I'm hungry, but rather just to not lose weight.

>> No.7549163
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>'its pickle finger lickin' good'
>this whole post

>> No.7549212

My dad eats with his mouth open and makes this godawful noise like a cow chewing cud or some shit. I stopped eating dinner with my family when I was like 12 because the noise makes me sick when I'm trying to eat.

He's conditioned my sister into eating the same way and I can't fucking stand it when we're at a restaurant.

>> No.7549261

I make hamburger helper hamburger macaroni without milk or meat. Then I add 99 cent store pasta in with water and stir, I've been feeding this to my girlfriend for 5 months now and she loves it. t. winston

>> No.7549353

I am onto you farce-poster. The end is nigh.

>> No.7549377

>my wifes son
If I can just be spared this in my life, I'll be happy.

>> No.7549675

You sound like a prick. Your mom sounds fucking awesome, is she into black dudes?

>> No.7549799
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My mother will chew up food to get the flavor, take it out of her mouth and put the chunk of food back on her plate. I can't tell you how many times I mistook her flavorless chunks of food as a piece of food and took a bite. I learned my lesson to not eat from her plate after doing it a few times.

Also, my sister will make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and then separate the pieces after the pb and j mashed together. She then licks each slice of bread of its contents.

>> No.7550075

>ham sandwiches with marshmallow fluff
That sounds delicious.

>> No.7550221
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 1798638_10152443380065888_6185892823645036102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit put your brother back in the therapy oven, he's not done yet.

>> No.7550409

>Coffee? Butter

>> No.7550520

I wish my mom was like that.

She was an anorexic bitch that only ate romaine salads and tried to stunt my sister's growth

>> No.7550538
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>Housemate mixes ranch, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and bbq sauce together then leaves it uncovered in the cabinet with the clean dishes. He also does that with other leftovers like rice or curry. just on a plate or in a bowl, in the clean dishes cupboard.

Fucking pig disgusting holy shit. How do you tolerate that?

>> No.7550712

Your mom might have eating issues. Chewing and spitting food is a way people try to get the flavour without the calories, usually they have an eating disorder or are on the way

>> No.7550764

I had neighbors who did this. No one in their family cooked. I could only imagine how much money was wasted.

>> No.7550792

Eating food one at a time and starting with the most filling part of the meal is a good way to watch your weight because you'll feel full faster.

>> No.7550848

Is that a milksteak?

>> No.7550885

you sound like a bitch to be around, let them enjoy their food lol

>> No.7551037

thanks doc

>> No.7551074

Why not suck him off while your at it?
Fuck that, just keep your.head down and deal until you get out. He's lazy, not retarded so he can fucking fend for himself

>> No.7551084

My brother-in-law puts ketchup on everything and eats with his mouth open. It's fucking disgusting and to be quite honest, embarrassing as all hell.

>> No.7551231

One of my grandmas chew with her mouth open and making a lot of noise, no matter what is the food. it makes me want throw up.
It makes pretty hard to have lunch/dinner with her, wherever I point that out to her she just laughs and proceed to do it again.

>> No.7551295

my cousin's obese gf stays with him in our spare room sometimes. she always says she is on a diet and refuses to eat normal meals, instead snacking on quiches which she brings with her and thinks are healthy.

every time they leave there are literally a hundred treat wrappers in the room from her eating in secret late at night.

>> No.7551367

this made me laugh really hard for some reason

>> No.7551432

The kid is just misbehaving and the family is enabling him. Beat it out of him.

>> No.7551487

I actually hatched the idea for this eating disorder when I was younger

I never started actually doing it though

>> No.7552509

Cheapest pastry there is. Mix a little granulated sugar in with the cinnamon.

>> No.7553040
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>my sister dips buttered popcorn and toast in milk

>> No.7553069

Hnnnnngh yes yes yes, and a big fuckin mug of black black coffee, darkest goddam roast you can find. Best comfort food breakfast on a shit winter or cold rainy day.

>> No.7553174

Welp, I found my 4Chan nugget of wisdom, I'm done sifting through garbage for the rest of the week

>> No.7553187

You can microwave a chicken breast and have it come out as a fully cooked piece of meat?

I always assumed because of the way microwaves heat shit, that doing something like this would cause for small areas inside the chicken breast to remain undercooked.

>> No.7553218

Does your dad tip with a rip as well?

>> No.7553265

I used to have Mainland Chinese landlords who ate fish heads for every other meal fresh out of the pressure cooker.

Many an evening I'd hear them suckin' on fish heads.

>> No.7553710

hey, i feel you anon, it's not our fault our teeth are fucked up.

>> No.7553723
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>lol hes just manifesting a family problem that no ones dares to acknowledge.
Under-fucking-rated post. You have bigger problems to worry about then how he eats his meals.

>> No.7553766

One of my best friends, 28, eats with his mouth open, even at restaurants. We worked in the same company for a while and had lunch together on a daily basis, and he talks with his mouth open still full of half-chewed food, and this shit cringes me out so fucking much (especially while I eat) that I have to look away when he talks. It's a revolting habit and I can't imagine how a grown man still does this.

>> No.7553791

Fucking lol

>> No.7554177

>will not eat food that touches
this is a behavior observed frequently on autism kids

>> No.7554203

step sun

>> No.7555391

>eating disorders are generally--in part--the result of a bad parent model
that's a stunning claim

>nothing is my fault, all everyone elses

>> No.7555395

>Sometimes he buys KFC and eats a huge meal by himself then starts joking that 'its pickle finger lickin' good' as he eats his pickle fingers.
you were doing good till this, ya faggot

>> No.7555410

some cultures have this wierd thing where you don't eat everything on your plate because it implies whoever gave it you left you hungry

>> No.7555411

>in the clean dishes cupboard
you have a dirty dishes cupboard too?

>> No.7555484

Guys I love food, I love all sorts of aromas but I feel an enormous sense of guilt and feeling of fatness all day, it occupies my mind. I wouldn't call it anorexia right away but I'm sure it has a name.

And even though I spend most of my day worrying about what I ate last and fast for days after gorging on a huge meal I'm still not really skinny and I look disgustingly fat when I look myself in the mirror dispite my BMI of 18.

How to get back on track?

>> No.7555525


Sounds like Body Dysmorphia and Bulimia.

I have the same sort of problem. My BMI is between 18 and 18.5 myself (down from a whopping 41.1). I love to eat, but whenever I do I feel guilty as fuck. The only time I don't feel guilty while consuming is drinking large quantities of water. I look in the mirror after a large meal session and see a fat bloated piece of sit, then not long after someone will ask why I'm so thin and that I should eat more.

>> No.7555528



>> No.7555811

somehow this was a thing for my group of friends in highschool in CA too (not drinking the bottom of your beer)

i got called out for it when i was 22 and was at some peoples house in florida and everyone called me a san fagcisco snob, until then i thought it was something everyone did. now i make it a point to get every drop.

>> No.7555953

I hate people who don't drink the bottom of their drink, then brag about how much they drink

what a waste, a big fat mistake. many such cases, sad

>> No.7555959

just judging by other responses ITT, several people have said they cured it by going to the gym, and that made them feel they were getting fit rather than fat, when eating

>> No.7555980


I go to the gym every other day, I run 10-15km a day. It's helping me physically, sure, but not in my head.

>> No.7556001

I'm not an expert, that sounds like a positive though

I'm planning to go back to the gym next week, finally got some new trainers. I am definitely overweight though, I get out of breath doing short walks, and that 3months of doing nothng much has definitely had an effect.

do you still think you are fat, when everyone else(including the scales, and BMI) say you aren't? I don't know how that is fixed. presumably you've looked into it. how do people suggest it is cured or alleviated?

>> No.7556024

>my wifes son
never gets old

>> No.7556065


I am >>7555525

I realize that to others I am at a spooky skeleton mode (especially true now that I have gone from the largest member of my family, to the smallest) but whenever I eat, I start to panic and one or three things in the aftermath.

Get depressed and hate myself
Exercise hard
Purge if I think something in particular was too much.

It's who I am now, and nothing short of counseling will stop it. Thankfully I do have enough sense to know when to never fall under a certain weight level. Not quite the delusional anorexic, just a self-hating but aware bulimic

>> No.7556068

In other countries it's custom to do this, and considered rude if you eat everything on your plate, implying there wasn't enough food provided

>> No.7556090

>Get depressed and hate myself
that sounds like the root, or most of it. it's difficult not being depressed with all the shit going on inthe world, how dishonest and corrupt our governments have got, coupled with personal failures that often seem to haunt us. Not to mention this bullshit privilege culture that has been foisted on us, that tells you if you succeed it wasn't because of you. that all males and whites and straights have some inbuilt systemic advantage, which allows us to be disenfranchised in work and academia. In the countries we BUILT! and they use the technologies we created.

the best advice I ever had about depression was to ask yourself if you would treat a friend the way you would yourself, if they had done something wrong/bad. you need to be nicer to yourself. you can be your biggest critic or your best cheerleader, try and make it the latter

>> No.7556186

It's okay to be a pleb, anon. You'll never understand fish heads, and that's okay. It's not your fault you're retarded.

>> No.7556470
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good thing you have all those minorities, women, and foreigners to blame your personal failings on

>> No.7556479

My mother is literally a garbage disposal for unhealthy food. Her diet consists of tasty cakes, Bagels, coffee, hot dogs, hamburgers, cookies, soda bottles, well done meat, etc.

Needless to say, she has diabetes, has had to have operations on both of your eyes so that she can see you again, is morbidly obese, and is bedridden.

>> No.7556483

Same here. When I was coming off heroin, literally all I could eat was carrots.

>> No.7556550

My friend refers to the abandoned 1/3rd to half full beer bottles at parties as "fallen soldiers" and sometimes drinks them out of pity for their neglect. He is ultra poor and I see nothing wrong with it.

In fact after I throw parties at my house, I have done this before. But only with drinks of people I personally know.

Millennials are so fucking wasteful...

>> No.7556554

That's actually really cool.
As long as you know the people and their hygeine, I'm sure it's still healthier than Chinese food or KFC.

>> No.7556784

When my mum makes "Spaghetti Bolognese" (a problem in and of itself) she gets creative and adds baked beans, bacon, barbecue sauce, and just whatever she finds really. Sometimes crushes up an Oxo cube (stock cube) and adds it.

also uses a powdered garlic that we've had forever that tastes awful and some sort of pre-grated parmesan that is obviously not cheese because it stays in the cupboard instead of the fridge. It tastes dreadful. Like dust.

Having an Italian BF has taught me that food doesn't need to be dreadful

>> No.7557561

>talked with their mouth open.
Oh no! Normal people talk with their mouths closed.

>> No.7557680

Anorectics spends huge amounts of time in the gym. It only reinforces their behavior when they see how much they burn and it occupies their time so they don't think about their hunger, gives them something to do and excise gives out endorphin which is comforting because they're filled with self-hate and shame. The gym isn't a good problem solver if you're obsessed with food / your weight.

>> No.7557691


>> No.7558340

40% of this thread consists of your exact post. Eating with the mouth open isn't THAT bad, but more importantly it's not funny. Please be more funny.

>> No.7558348


Almost took the bait

>> No.7558377
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Just got back from a restaurant where I ordered a Hangover Pizza with a side of Sour Cream, and a cup of soup to start. Fuckin waitress brings me soup, with a side of sour cream. I assume the pizza's cooking because I have the cream, and eat the soup. Nope. People I went there with finish eating, so I ask about the pizza.

Wasn't cooking. She thought I wanted soup with sour cream. Wtf..

>> No.7558382

Pizza with sour cream?

>> No.7558395

Well, it is Hangover pizza. Had Bacon, Potatoes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, and Cheese on Hollandaise Sauce. So with the potatoes, add a bit of sour cream and it kinda tastes like a perogie. Fuckin good shit bud.

>> No.7558466

why the fuck are you posting this in a thread named
>Family members with disgusting eating habits

>> No.7558476

Because this whole thread is off topic and I don't give a shit. Shut up and have a beer.

>> No.7558674

you haven't refuted anything I said

you really think it's my personal failure that caused affirmative action?

>> No.7558676

> Bacon, Potatoes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, and Cheese on Hollandaise Sauce
god that sounds good

>> No.7558689

Honestly it sounds his anorexia was a coping mechanism for some kind of anxiety/need for control, and now that control has gone from controlling all food intake to controlling all aspects of a meal.

Whatever stress/problem that was the underlying cause of the anorexia clearly isn't gone yet. Hopefully he is trying some kind of CBT.

>> No.7559418

I'll bet this was written by an Asian

>> No.7559428

are you actually retarded?

>> No.7559479
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>but he just acts like his fingers have been ripped off and starts screaming

>> No.7559485

It is that bad. Adults who do it should learn not to do it or simply die, because they don't belong in this world. And more importantly, it's disgusting. The thread title isn't "make up the next best fictional dining experience maymay."

>> No.7559910


>> No.7559988

laughed too fuckin hard at this post. sorry to hear about your gasolinedad tho.

>> No.7559990

its something country people will do often, though its going the way of peanuts in coke

>> No.7560033

What is it with people and heroin now a days? My brother has been a crippling addict for 3 years now and I don't know how to handle him anymore, I just cold shoulder him 80% of the time because he disgusts me and steals whenever he can

>> No.7560048


Not all, but a lot do it.

>> No.7560083

With a side of jellybeans, raw of course.

>> No.7560100

I have a friend that is adamant that toasting Hamburger buns then adding 2 spoonfuls of Mayonnaise onto them is a patrician food item that he calls "MayoBuns"

When not eating that he eats microwave taquitos and downs Mountain Dew

>> No.7560187

>raw jellybeans

>> No.7560216
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>mfw I read CBT as cock & ball torture

>> No.7560384
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Fuck what that other anon is talking about, do that. Some lessons have to learned the hard way, like the lesson of getting his ass kicked out and being forced to survive on his own. Once you move out, your folks will be setting him on his way as well when they learn about the sink routine. He's 21 for Christ sakes, you shouldn't have to baby and cook for this nigga.

>> No.7560449
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what the fuck

>> No.7560459

Sister used to be bulimic and anorexic.
>Will now cook baked beans so >much they become a sludge.
>cooks Weetabix by pouring the milk over them, the pouring the milk out into the sink, squeezing the remaining milk out, then microwaving them until they are rock solid.
>wont eat anything with butter or minced meat (which I can understand)
>Nothing with spices in it
>Nothing with cheese
>so much salt you cant even taste the food on everything
>will steam all of her meat if she can, no matter what it is.
>will eat 3 whole steamed cabbages in a day
At least I can go out to dinner now with her cause she's calmed down, which is nice

>> No.7560464

Not necessarily food related,

But my brother burps really fucking loud in public. it's disgusting and embarrassing as shit

>> No.7560765

My sister de constructs burgers and eats them layer by layer

>> No.7560787
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>> No.7561426

My dad is a great cook but he can't make mashed potatoes at all, instead of a whisk or the potato masher I bought for him he just pulls out a hand blender and just destroy the potatoes until it's more like a soup than anything else, no bite, no fluff, just fucking liquid potato. I've offered to do it so many times but he always says it's incorrect and gets the fucking hand blender out again.

>> No.7561427

My brother hasn't eaten fruit, vegetables, or meat in 10 years. He literally only eats chips and ice cream. He used to go through two bags of doritos every day.

>> No.7561489
File: 270 KB, 591x358, zetsubou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have four obese cousins
>aunt used to be obese too but got a bypass and now looks just old lady chubby
>brag about her weight loss and the importance of eating healthy constantly
>literally appeared on national news saying kids should eat healthy
>go to their house for dinner
>they're all eating frozen pizzas and the kids are putting a thick layer of ketchup and remoulade on top of their pizzas
>in the middle of the table there's a untouched plate of carrots as "the healthy" option

I wish I didn't have to deal with these people.

>> No.7561529
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>All of family is from Germany
>because of that learned to eat quickly
>never letting my fork or knife out of hand fast
>go to restaurant with friends
>finish first, wait 15 minutes for everyone else to finish

I need to eat slower but I can't. Old, ingrained habits are hard to kick

>> No.7561547


just dice the potatoes (skins on) and use a fucking fork to mash the potatoes after they are cooked. don't know why you need to do any of that other faggotry.

>> No.7561551

>this person has a girlfriend

>> No.7561558

Decades of history alternate between cocaine and heroin. Look it up. We're currently in a heroin decade I believe.

>> No.7561562

"Eating Disorders"
Must be nice to have such a privileged first world problem

>> No.7561573

i didn´t know eating fast was a german thing. i am a very fast eater but wouldn´t say it´s because of a cultural background

>> No.7561577

of course it´s nice. i´d rather cry in a lambo than on a bicycle. stay mad, 3rd worlder

>> No.7561583

Whenever I eat over at my Oma's house she always says to me that she knows I'm a true German by the way I eat.

I don't know for sure if it's just an isolated family thing or not.

>> No.7561758


fuck mate so did I.

>> No.7561781 [DELETED] 

>My brother has anorexia

disgusting nu-male cuck fuccboi

>> No.7561782

life has a way of making more and more problems when there should be none

no matter how rich or well off you are life finds a way to fuck with you. Hence why people who seem to have everything can be depressed or people with access to all the food they want can be anorexic

Eating disorders are by no means a first world problem that implies that it is manufactured like the problem of there is nothing on tv or there are five different brands of peanut butter and I can't decide which is the best.

But in the end this problem actually effects peoples lives and is therefore a real issue.

I suppose next you'll tell me that all mental illness is a first world problem and that no one is a Schizo or depressed

>> No.7561786

>male with anorexia

what a silly girly fuccboi, learn to be a man and eat meat

>> No.7561889

I am almost at this point myself and it is horrifying because I know how dangerous my lifestyle has become. I can't get help though. It's a long story, but I'm just not at a place in my life where I can take the time off for help.