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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 231 KB, 1000x1000, black-pudding-041_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544156 No.7544156 [Reply] [Original]

i couldn't bring myself to try it. who has such horrible ideas? do people really eat that for pleasure? how?

>> No.7544170

>i couldn't bring myself to try it.

Poor widdle babby can't try new things before decided he doesn't like it?

Go back to your nuggies. Nobody cares about your picky eating habits.

>> No.7544198

Shit tastes like a rich sausage with a softer texture, its fucking great
I'm tempted to try white pudding but I have no idea what the texture is and since its made of fat I'm worried it'll have the grimest texture

>> No.7544199

OP is a mess

>> No.7544200

Its lovely. Also now classed as a "super food" so all the hipsters are eating it now.

>> No.7544202
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Why is it off putting, compared to animal muscle?

If you were killing your own food, you'd probably come up with a way to eat the blood too.

>> No.7544204

Why are there so many threads complaining about Black Pudding. Hot, cold, fried and Microwaved on bread is great.

>> No.7544205

>omg something i haven't tried is so gross omg ewww!
fuck off

>> No.7544231

it's pretty nice desu

>> No.7544236

4 cups fresh pig's blood
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 cups steel-cut (pinhead) oatmeal
2 cups finely diced pork fat (or beef suet), finely chopped
1 large yellow onion, finely chopped
1 cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground allspice

1. Preheat the oven to 325°F and grease 2 glass loaf pans. (If you don't have glass loaf pans, line metal loaf pans with parchment to keep the blood sausage from reacting with the metal and creating an off-flavor.) Stir 1 teaspoon of salt into the blood.

2. Bring 2 1/2 cups water to a boil and stir in the oats. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes, until just tender, not mushy.

3. Pour the blood through a fine sieve into a large bowl to remove any lumps. Stir in the fat, onion, milk, pepper, allspice and remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons salt. Add the oatmeal and mix to combine. Divide the mixture between the loaf pans, cover with foil, and bake for 1 hour, until firm. Cool completely. Seal in plastic wrap and wither freeze for extended use or store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Not seeing the problem famalam

>> No.7544241
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Post your regional blood dishes!

Some pig blood, diced after clotting and then roasted.

>> No.7544248

I have the exact same bowl as that
Mine is chipped though

>> No.7544262

By not being a 12 year old.

>> No.7544267
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Ñachi or ñache is a Mapuche food from Chile, prepared with fresh animal blood and dressings.

Blood of lamb or pig is preferred. The blood is mixed with coriander, merken or chilli, salt and lemon juice. As soon as the blood coagulates, it is cut in cubes and served with bread.

>> No.7544284

Americans need to be range banned. I'm so sick of their shitposting.

>> No.7544291
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petit fours made out of pig blood

>> No.7544355

>not cooking the blood too

I have never had this. But I love eating cooked blood, make sausages, hell I squeeze meat that's not for me so it gushes blood that'll cook beside it and midway I get it out and eat it. Sometimes I spice just that blood on the pan. What I'm saying is black pudding sounds amazing I will search that shit out.

>> No.7544363

the reason it's so soft (apart from the fact that it's mostly made out of pig's blood) is cause they add i bit of what essentially is a cow's muffintop.

White pudding is as delicious, but heavily seasoned with orphan tears

>> No.7544438

that "blood" you see coming out of steak is actually myoglobin, not blood.

>> No.7544452

Are there any dishes that combine blood and chocolate? I'm curious about how that would taste.

>> No.7544461


I don't know of any classic or traditional dishes that do that, but I do recall seeing something like that on an episode of No Reservations. It was from one of the last days that El Bulli was open. No Reservations, season 7, episode 12.

>> No.7544534


Try it before you bash it. It's just blood, grain, and fat. It's not like you've eaten worse in chicken nuggets. They put all sorts of shit in those, aside from the bone-scrapings, floor-sweepings, and chicken skin.

>> No.7544560

Good with lingoberry jam.

>> No.7544563

Svensk upptäckt

>> No.7544572

I'm pretty sure there's a traditional dish kind of like a chocolate pudding that's made with blood. I don't know the name of it or remember what region it was from. I think somewhere nordic.

>> No.7544912

this bowl is from tang brother export, you have them all around the world in asiatic markets
I'm in france and I own a complete service of them

>> No.7544922

It's usual to eat it hot with apples

>> No.7544925

I know they make blood pancakes in one of the Nordic countries but I can't find anything about a dessert.

>> No.7544936

I think having a genetic memory of living in a starving farmer country for hundred of years helps eating stuff like this.

This is why pickled herring is delicious.

>> No.7544953


I think they made a chocolate and blood dessert in Hannibal (the TV show)

>> No.7544958
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forgot pic

>> No.7544975

The food on that show looks so delicious.

I found a recipe for blood ice cream! I would love to try that honestly.

>> No.7545001

I really enjoy it. My local shop makes blood sausage and it almost tastes like a very mild summer sausage.
Good pickled herring is excellent.

Next up on the list to try after that is Liverwurst.

>> No.7545012


Well, there is "black pudding", but that's a bit of a misnomer as it's actually a sausage, not "pudding".

>> No.7545021

I found the chocolate/blood dessert I was thinking of. It's called Sanguinaccio Dulce.

What's the texture of black pudding like? It looks crispy. I wanna try it.

>> No.7545023


>> No.7545031

Stop being a limp wristed faggot.

>> No.7545033

It's actually quite dry and crumbly.

>> No.7545059

That doesn't sound bad

I'll just have to find a place locally that sells it. I don't want to make it just yet in case I end up not liking it.

>> No.7545083

Where do you live?

>> No.7545089

Southwest Florida

>> No.7545094
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Does pate made of liver count?

>> No.7545095

Might struggle to find it then I guess.

>> No.7545101


>> No.7545106


I never like white pudding as much, its always got garlic in it which I find too overpowering.
Black pudding is elder god tier.

>> No.7545107

Does it count as what?

>> No.7545147

Sweet thanks

>> No.7545154

White pudding is superior, everytime I get an irish brekkie or brekkie roll I just ask for only white pudding

>> No.7545159

Oh shit, black pudding & apples? Yeah I can totally taste that.

>> No.7545162

Don't make me post the etymology of the word "pudding"

>> No.7545167

>Does pate made of liver count?

As what? Delicious? Who doesn't like chicken liver pate?

>> No.7545170

I'm a firm believer that any food a population of people legitimately like can be enjoyed by anyone that doesn't have a deadly allergy or some weird rare genetic thing like with cilantro. You just have to eat it enough times

I'm also a firm believer that people who are completely unwilling to even try new foods are massive pussies.

>> No.7545230

cucked by you own preconceived notions again

>> No.7545420

Just pretend you're a vampire and go to town

>> No.7545436

'Pudding' used to mean something different. Try steak and kidney pudding sometime. America's missed out on that, as well as the glory that is meat pies.

I'm not much of a fan of black pudding, but not because of 'ewww its blud'. It just tastes strange to me, and has a slightly odd texture. It's kinda nice, but not something I can eat very much of.
Goes well with breakfast.

>> No.7545443

See but the difference is, you've actually tried it and have a valid reason not to like it. Unlike the OP who is just a baby.

>> No.7545455

>'Pudding' used to mean something different
Yes, I know. But it was clear that the person I was replying to was using "pudding" in the modern sense given that he associated it with chocolate.

>>Try steak and kidney pudding sometime
I have; my father is British and I have been back many times to visit family. It's delicious.

>>as well as the glory that is meat pies.
How so? Americans love their "chicken pot pies" They're as ubiquitous as pizza in the frozen foods section at any American supermarket.

>> No.7545476
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black pudding is the shiet. Here in León (Spain), we usually only keep the insides and spread it on bread or alone. Yes, it looks like shit. But its delicious.

>> No.7545736

That looks like it has chilli or paprika in it? Looks good desu.

>> No.7545756
File: 88 KB, 1280x852, 22022015-_PEL2062_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure about whats in it, but yeah its great heated up. And in a croquette too

>> No.7546675

I prefer scrapple but they are very similar

>> No.7546678

nope, Fin

>> No.7546726

damn, looks good but super fatty

>> No.7547270

you need fat to survive in the north

>> No.7547389

Where do y'all buy blood for these dishes?

>> No.7547400

Asian markets should have it. Check both the butcher counters and the freezer section.

>> No.7547468

Will I look wierd buying it? I don't want the employee to think I'm some weirdo buying frozen blood and pocky.

>> No.7547477

If they sell it then they wont think its weird.

Don't let normie social rules dictate how you eat famalam

>> No.7547559
File: 171 KB, 1200x797, Mustamakkara_black_sausage_Finland_Tampere[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood sausage with lingonberry jam, often served with potato mash

>> No.7547560
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, calm down ladies, its not what it looks like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just blood.

>> No.7547588

most blood sausage I have tried is good, but black pudding is kind of bad

>> No.7547590

That sounds and looks so good right now.
Never considered having a sweet preserve with it before

>> No.7547595


>> No.7547896

That stuff isn't bad, had some in Saigon. The texture is the weirdest part, it isn't like tofu or jello.

>> No.7547921

>who has such horrible ideas?

Peasants, and then the peasant's son's son's son's wife's son's son's son's son's son's and so on and so forth until it's a "cultural" thing that ma' and pa' used to make and you just love it.

>> No.7547961

Oh fuck off, I'm sick of you Americans and your arrogance.

It is a fucking pudding and has been called such longer than your colony existed.

The nerve of you people.

>> No.7547968

Nothing arrogant about it, bro. We know the origins of the term but language and its uses evolve with time. These days when people say "pudding" they mean dessert; especially when mentioning chocolate in the same context.

>> No.7547969

I am surprised at the number of British themed businesses here.

I wonder how many of them get firebombed every 4th of July.

>> No.7547973

Again with the fucking arrogance. When people say pudding they mean pudding, odd concept I know.

I'm so sick of you people.

>> No.7547977

I bet whatever shitty little country you are from has a United States military presence and is likely reliant on USA led collective defense. Sounds like you are the colony.

>> No.7547982

God damn, do you people all read from the same script? That completely unrelated damage control was weak as shit.

Grow up, kid.

>> No.7547988

I can't tell if you are joking or are really this shit headed when you Americans make posts like this.

>> No.7547992


I still don't see how "arrogance" is involved at all. It's simply a matter of observing how people use the word in question. This isn't something that *I* decided and am trying to ram down your throat; it's simply a matter of observation.

>> No.7547994

You don't see how arrogance comes into it when you take a term that has existed for centuries, change the meaning of said word in your little corner of the world and then state that your change in the actual meaning of the word and everyone else is wrong?

You people are just another level of shitty.

>> No.7548005

we can do whatever we want, the world is ours. sorry that has you so upset.

>> No.7548018

Ah, so you are just shitposting, how out of the ordinary for an American.

>> No.7548050

posting facts isn't shitposting, soreass-chan. cheer up though, I'm sure you muslim overlords will allow you to have some blood "pudding" or whatever garbage food you like, once you prep the bull that is!

>> No.7548061

Yep, nothing but shitposts. America ruins yet another thread.

>> No.7548073

>you take a term

I didn't take or change that term anon. It's not "my" change. It's a collective change made by millions of people over hundreds of years.

>>and everyone else is wrong?
It's not an "American" change anon, it's everywhere in the Anglosphere.

Check out a website for a British supermarket like Sainsbury's or an Australian one like Cole's and punch "pudding" into the search box. With the exception of Yorkshire pudding and the Black pudding we are discussing here, everything is a dessert.

Language changes with time. Sometimes that pisses me off too. But it's not something that you or I did, nor is it anything that you or I can do anything about.

>> No.7548076

whatever you say, kiddo

>> No.7548086

Pigs blood? I don't think so. Muslims drain the meat of blood, it's what halal means. We will be stuck with curried goat.

I'm not really bothered what you call black pudding, apologies for my countryman (I think) chucking all his toys out his pram. It's good the diversity in our shared language. Here in scotland it will remain as black pudding as it's too ingrained in the language and culture.

Haggis is also a pudding.

>> No.7548094

Kill yourself, Riley impersonator.

>> No.7548097

why are scots always so bro-tier on 4chan? And why are the english always so faggy and whiny?

>> No.7548101

People usually buy the finished product. You'll look original when asking for blood. Have a recipe or two in mind before going.
Most butcher can order some if asked (or redirect you to where to buy some.) Asian/foreign stores are more likely to have some ready and not ask questions (besides "hey gringo, you sure you want to buy blood?")

Maybe there are local regulation on raw blood of some animal, ask google and/or your butcher.

>> No.7548103

Nobody likes a self hating faggot sucking off foreigners who are being arrogant twats.

>> No.7548104

let me finish cumming on your little sisters face and I just might :^)

>> No.7548107

even your own countrymen think you're a faggot, ha

>> No.7548108

I'm Scottish, you ad hominem spouting cunt.

Let me guess, muh heritage!!!!!!

>> No.7548110

Yes, we are riddled with a lot of stupid people, just like America and you.

Not to use a meme, but he is being a cuckold.

>> No.7548115

Get tae fuck, ya yank cunt.

>> No.7548122

oh man now I am reading all of the stupid shit you post in that hilarious accent you guys have. thanks for the chuckles, laddie-boy!

>> No.7548129

I didn't read any of this.

>> No.7548137

>I didn't reply to this post
>I'm not butt devastated
time to river dance into loch ness, me hearty. it's over, ACH!

>> No.7548138
File: 428 KB, 550x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese blood sausages. Made with pig blood and innards stuffed into its own intestine with herbs, then steamed and smoked.

>> No.7548140

Me on the right.

>> No.7548144
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There is also this dish made with raw blood. Tastes like coin flavor jelly.

I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.7548153

I want to make blood popsicles like in that one hipster vampire movie

>> No.7548173


>> No.7548428

Black pudding is great.

>> No.7548591

>horrible ideas

It's fucking delicious you fucking pansy

>> No.7548597


>raw blood

enjoy your brain parasites and possible death

>> No.7548614


It's quite a bit sweeter than black pudding, but not as sweet as our pancakes. In Sweden we usually eat it with sugar-mashed lingonberries and pork.

>> No.7548615

OP is a big fat waste.

>> No.7548644

I'm not American, but that's what a cultural victory is.

England spread the language, and now the unruly child is distorting it.

>> No.7548651
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bow to the offal champion

>> No.7548652

Dinuguan is probably my favorite food of all time

>> No.7548738

Haggis is so fucking delicious. It's all nutty and creamy and stuff. GOAT.

>> No.7548958

You know zombies don't exist in real life, right?

>> No.7548982

Amazing. Hearty and well spiced haggis is great.
My dad would microwave it as steaming it took 3+ hours but it was still good

>> No.7548984
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>Gets flustered, and continues to insist on calling the sausage a word that has no definite meaning in his language, because he doesn't know what else to do.
Wew lad.

>> No.7548988


What do zombies have to do with anything? There are other blood-borne parasites other than fictional ones.

I recall Anthony Bourdain and Andy Ricker discussing it while eating Luu (a dish containing uncooked blood) in Thailand on one of Bourdain's more recent episodes.

>> No.7548989

If you guys could just settle on an actual definition of the word like we have, there wouldn't be any problems.

>> No.7549037



According to Dr. Daniel Schar, an American veterinarian based in Bangkok, zoonotic pathogens—those capable of transmission from animals to humans—potentially transferable via the consumption of raw meat products include “trichinosis—a parasitic worm contracted by eating raw meat from an infected animal, usually domestic pigs, wild boar, or bear—and Streptococcus suis, a bacterial disease contracted during slaughter, or consumption of raw meat or blood, from infected pigs.” Dr. Schar adds that other zoonoses one can expect at the party include “anthrax, brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, salmonella, rabies, tapeworms and taeniasis, a parasitic tapeworm linked to consumption of raw pork (Taenia solium) and beef (Taenia saginata).”

four documented fatalities in 2014 in Thailand linked to Streptococcus suis alone—and government-initiated public awareness campaigns (one recent campaign enlisted Mike Piromporn, a Thai pop star whose father died from eating raw meat), Thais continue to consume raw meat, motivated by taste and tradition, and often remaining unaware or even skeptical about the potential consequences.

>> No.7549729

Probably from improperly raised animals

>> No.7549795

>Shitposts and shitposts and shitposts

Fuck off yank.

>> No.7551466

I want to attempt blood meringues, blood ice cream, blood everything. I should do it and write a blog about it.

>> No.7551475


Yep. But still no zombies.

>> No.7552522

Guaranteed feminists have already done it all with period blood

>> No.7552920

Well you're a faggot then. People eat it because it is delicious.

>> No.7553054

look like > tb h

>> No.7553496

How do the mosquitoes stick to the pot?

>> No.7554095

It's not even that I don't like it. It's that I don't like MUCH of it.
It's tasty, just... Strange.

STEAK pies. Shortcrust pastry, steak, gravy, maybe some cheese, beer, or miscellaneous organ meats. I get frozen ones from a nearby farm shop as emergency no-effort foods. Pull out freezer, unbox, put in oven, cook chips to go with.
It's just so solid and hot and satisfying. Especially when you drink a pint of cider with it. There's nothing like that slightly over-full slightly drunken buzz.

>> No.7554097

Scots are just like that, unless you're english. Even if you are, they're fairly okay if you don't come off as too useless or upper-class.
Or if you offer them booze or greasy food. That's basically the best way to befriend a scot.

>> No.7554163

>why are scots always so bro-tier on 4chan?
You honestly have no idea.

Scots tend to be the whiny ones full of 300 year old grudges and the need to assert themselves as better than the English, when in fact they are left-wing Sweden tier complainers.

Haggis was actually invented in England and black pudding is very much an English thing, especially in the Midlands and Lancashire.

>> No.7554191

What the fuck is it with you faggots in Europe, this is such pleb nasty

>> No.7554212

This why Americans should be IP banned on a cooking board.

Have you ever tried it?

I wouldn't recommend eating a whole one as it is very rich, but a few slices (and Yes! your A1 sauce is acceptable as it goes quite well actually).

Try it first . . .. then complain eh?

>> No.7554603

they are afraid of black people

>> No.7554613


>Banning Americans on an American site...

Really? Salam Alaikum my European "friend." I'm not that guy but I have tried it. Several times actually. You know what. You have got to be a troll post with you mention of A1. Fuck this, I'm out.

>> No.7554622

Not him, but I have tried it. I have liked plenty of delicious blood sausage but the black pudding I had while in England was pretty damn mediocre. Not disgusting or anything, but mediocre enough that I have no interest in eating any more of it

>> No.7554804

>i enjoy congeled pigs blood

>> No.7554969

Pudding: a medieval word for offal. Related to boudin, a sausage or small parcel of meat and/or offal .

>> No.7555007

>cow's muffintop

>> No.7555892

>WWWWAAAAAAH I can't handle people not liking my shitty food IT HAvES TO BE AMERICANS!!!! MUH BOOGEYMANNNNNNN!!!

By the way your shit pudding tastes like coppery asshole.

>> No.7556066

there was a place outside san francisco that made awesome boudin noir, i liked to pan fry it with some scrambled eggs and flour tortillas. amazing hangover breakfast senpai.

>> No.7556075


>> No.7556113

>see picture
>immediately remember my experience with kidney
Do all kidneys taste like piss, or was I just unlucky?
>the cats loved it though

>> No.7556398

befor I was 5 I never ate blood pudding, I mean seriously? it looks hideous!

we often had to helped my grandpa when they butchered a pig back then. lots of work I tell you.
one time my aunt gave me a bowl and told me to catch the blood after they slit the throat.
grandpa slit it and told me to catch every last bit, put my hand in the bowl and swirl it around.
really weird feeling and when he told me to bring it to my grandma I lifted my hand out and on my hand was a huge lump of whatever makes the blood falter.

at that point I thought to myself: well, I already put my hand in it so might as well taste the endproduct.
that's when I started eating blood pudding.
love it cold with mustard or fried in a pan with some apple bits.

>> No.7556403

one of the most amazing things ive ever experienced in life, is exactly how consistently ive heard people say blood pudding is by far their favorite food. such a thing is so foreign to me

>> No.7556525

My brother loves it to death(i's challed Choriço here for whatever reason), but every time I try it I just can't swallow more than a few bites.

>> No.7556654

How similar to sausage does blood pudding taste like? I don't generally like sausage so I've never gone out of my way to try it.

>> No.7556745

Pudding is so generic. You could shit on a pile of broken glass and call it a pudding. I agree with USA bro

>> No.7556756
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sorry john. did achmed cancel on you and your wife tonight?

>> No.7557872

Unlucky. I never had acidic kidneys.
You're sure the restaurant staff didn't piss in it?

I never tried this shit pudding you're talking about, but I've eaten both blood pudding and arseholes, and they definitely don't taste the same.