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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 433 KB, 1083x720, egg-whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544070 No.7544070 [Reply] [Original]

I know most of you fat fucks only come here to talk about candy and McDonalds but I need some good recipes for hardboiled egg whites. I like hot food, none of that cold shit.

>> No.7544075

I bet a hot, fresh Quarter Pounder with egg would taste amazing!

>> No.7544076

you wont get any help with that kind of attitude

>> No.7544078

There are no recipes that use hard boiled egg whites.

You will have to invent your own.

Sometimes in the places we worked at I used Egg as a topping for smoked salmon but that is the best Info I can give you about hard boiled egg whites.

>> No.7544081

Soto ayam

>> No.7544083

Try a Sausage and Egg McMuffin from McDonalds!

>> No.7544091

Egg salad or eggs with buttered noodles

>> No.7544099


My nigga, but even in Soto ayam we use the egg yolk as well, hard boiled egg white can be used as a cheap salad condiments tho.

>> No.7544105 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 640x428, DSC_01091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with yolks. God I hate ex-fatties, they are like ex-alcoholics, constantly projecting their personal failures onto everyone around them.

>> No.7544106

How about a nice hot gofuckyourself?

>> No.7544111

>Needing to eat hardboiled egg whites
Sounds like the fat fuck is you

>> No.7544139

touch your cooch before boiling the eggs, guaranteed results.

>> No.7544145

tuna egg pasta salad

add a lot of tarragon

>> No.7544162

just make deviled eggs or some shit

>> No.7544238


It's got muh gainz, lardass

>> No.7544243

1) boil eggs
2) grab them straight out of the boiling water and peel
3) sprinkle salt
4) eat

>> No.7544252

>putting your hands boiling water

>> No.7544258


>> No.7544293


so do whole eggs

>> No.7544296

Boil the WHOLE egg until it is as firm as your father's drumstick.

Cut in half, discard the central yellow treasure to receive Boiled Whites.

>> No.7544298


poach them

>> No.7544302

in water

>> No.7544305

I just dislike the fact that they can't understand the concept of eating in moderation.
>be moderately thin/fit guy from EU living in US
>most of my neighbours are fatty fatty two-by-fours
>many of my friends here are, too
>"how do you cook with lard and butter and eat ice cream and deep-fried stuff and not be a fatty-fat fat-fat?"
>few seem to notice that my portions are about a third theirs
I eat about 2000-2500 kcal daily and that's nothing to sneeze at. They eat at least double the calories I do and their meals are always very meat-heavy.

Try curry. My mother used to make a curry of boiled eggs when I was a kid and I still make it from time to time. I'd bet it'd still be relatively okay with just the white part. We use smaller eggs for it.

>> No.7544349

Just because you're not 600 pounds like your mum doesn't mean being 400 pounds on a egg white cut makes you slim. Compared to your normal meals egg yolk won't make you gain more. Just cut the sugar from your diet, you'll shed easy

>> No.7544357


No you retards I'm not going to eat the whole egg because the yellow part gives me nasty ass gas

>> No.7544399

Mash them up and spread em on your toast. Add salt and pepper.

>> No.7545883

I like to add a sliced hardboiled egg to my beef ramen, Other than this I really dont use eggs in anything else.

>> No.7545929

>There are no recipes that use hard boiled egg whites.
What are deviled eggs

>> No.7545943

make some salads

egg whites are good salad protein

>> No.7545988

sous vide

>> No.7546092

I wonder if you could put some kind of candy on top of egg. Maybe some kind of salted caramel

>> No.7546133


how many other ways were you wrong today?

>> No.7546232
File: 52 KB, 575x319, cholent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he means there arent any recipes with hot hardboiled eggs, and that would be mostly true except for cholent and a hot scotch egg afaik

>> No.7546236

Shove them up your ass with the shell on.

>> No.7546324

sprinkle some lawreys seasoning on your hardboiled eggs, done

>> No.7546358

I just make a dozen hardboiled eggs at a time and stick them in the fridge. I eat a clif bar and one hardboiled egg for breakfast and I'm out the door. Otherwise I eat one or two throughout the day as a snack.

It doesn't need to be complicated my man.

>> No.7546635

my nigga

>> No.7546654


8 to 12 minutes depending on soft-hardness.

>> No.7546968
File: 109 KB, 960x720, friedafterboiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP's insane, but I'd try that. For that matter, I'd try this. What if OP sliced the boiled eggs with an egg-slicer and fried them like a sausage in some bacon fat? Yolk or not (let's face it, by frying them in bacon fat, I'm already doing OP's cardiovascular system a thousand times more harm than just eating the egg), but I think it'd probably be pretty tasty.

>> No.7546977

I can feel my heart stopping just looking at that. I bet it tastes divine.

>> No.7546994

What is the point of that? Why not just fry the eggs in the first place?

>> No.7546998
File: 372 KB, 1980x1002, muh egg yolks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wrong

>> No.7547018

just eat them? Sometimes I chop em up and add tajin

>> No.7547034

I have no idea, I just did a GIS for fried boiled eggs and thought "Fuck, that looks tasty."

Maybe, and I'm stressing the "maybe" part here, it's that you could do that with a deep fryer and serve 10 pre-peeled/hardboiled eggs (in pic, I guess picture taker ate one or two) in the space of 2-3 minutes of frying.

>> No.7547046

I want poached, deviled, fried and then grilled eggs

>> No.7547098


>citing one study
>study is covered in opinionated judgements that aren't the study itself, biasing further

Nigger do you even science.

>> No.7547574

In oil. The higher temperature will cook them through quicker while leaving the yolk soft.