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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7542151 No.7542151 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so I live off of instant noodles. Dirt cheap and just throw it in the microwave and you can survive. That's all I need really.

But genetic blood pressure problems are popping up in me, so I need to cut waaaay back on sodium.

What is super cheap with little or no preparation and is at the very least tasteless (if not tasty) and won't kill me? I need to be able to buy in it bulk and have it not go bad for at least two months.

sidenote: if it requires so much as boiling water i cant do it

>> No.7542178

but you boil water for instant noodles.

>> No.7542191

the microwave does that i think. can i use that to boil other things?

>> No.7542195

beans and rice. you can buy the beans canned and get a simple rice cooker if you really want it easy.

also: canned tuna, sardines, other brands/types of instant noodles that have less sodium.

>> No.7542210

>sidenote: if it requires so much as boiling water i cant do it

Guess you're gonna have to pick between a heart attack or starvation then.

>> No.7542218

Anything you buy that requires less preparation than boiling water is going to have a lot of sodium in it

>> No.7542234

I could just continue to eat nothing but ramen, but cut my overall intake of food in half. That way i'd starve or get a heart attack, but the time it takes for either to happen is halved.

>> No.7542237

If you eat nothing but ramen you're literally going to get scurvy.

>> No.7542241

Continue using instant noodles, but throw out the flavor packets. Instead, mix up your own spices in big batches, keep the dry mix in a jar, and add to noodles in place of flavor packets. Those packets hold most of the sodium in those instant noodles.

>> No.7542249

Tuna, you can eat it separate or mix it in and its pretty cheap, look at the prices of some precooked ham, I just got a bone in something or other for around $1 a pound, all you need to do is refrigerate it

You probably shouldn't use the whole flavor packet

>> No.7542253


>> No.7542257

Use vegetables to make it more filling and nutritious, celery is good

>> No.7542271

I dunno man, I literally just came up with the idea.

Maybe something like....

>Garlic powder
>Ginger powder
>Onion powder


>Chili powder
>Lemon pepper
>Cayenne pepper
>Celery seed

Any mixture you end up using should have a little salt though. Not a lot, but some.

>> No.7542284

That seems like a good idea.

I don't like tuna, but I like tilapia. Can that work?

In my experience vegetables and fruits don't last long even in refrigerator. I don't think freezing them would be a good idea either, but im dumb.
Tilapia and rice sounds good now that I have heard some suggestions. I can work with a rice cooker since it does everything for me. Could I just throw some tilapia in with it and have it work?

>> No.7542289

tuna salad: open can of tuna, put mayo and/or honey/dijon mustard, salt and pepper
egg salad: make a huge batch of hard boiled eggs and peel them, they last forever if you keep them in vinegar. Then put some in a bowl, crush them with a fork and repeat tuna salad steps. Very filling, nutritious and tastes good unless you're retarded.

Also buy frozen veggies like edamame peas and brocoli. You can just dump them in boiling water to give a healthy side to any soup or ramen.

>> No.7542290
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This and this.

I was like you once, but cooking isn't really that hard once you try it out.

Some super cheap and easy meals are: spaghetti, salads, sandwiches, eggs, steamed/cooked vegetables, assorted fruit (how easy is that?), and more salads.

Also try buying bulk bags of frozen chicken from the frozen aisle and cooking them. Some really basic shit: you can grill chicken by frying it in a pan over vegetable or olive oil five minutes or so, then frying it on the other side for two to three minutes. Put it in the oven for three to five minutes at 400° to finish and you have a meal. Alternatively, you can make baked chicken by putting a chicken breast in the oven for 20 minutes at like 450°. Make sure the chicken is thawed before trying either of these, which can be done via microwave, and wipe the excess liquid off with a paper towel before cooking. If you want some flavor to it, you can sprinkle salt and pepper on it before cooking, or rub premade seasonings over it.

I believe in you anon

>> No.7542295

Also the reason I cant actually cook anything is because i have a problem where i dont pay attention to anything which goes very badly with cooking

>> No.7542296
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I just use a half packet, or as little as I can use without it tasting like nothing, then add other things like pepper and garlic powder. Also frozen bags of veggies like peas, carrots, and corn last forever and you can just pop them in the bowl with your ramen before microwaving

>> No.7542297

I use a fourth of the seasoning packet when I make ramen and it tastes the same.

>> No.7542313

I thank you for believing in me, regardless of how misplaced your belief is.

Cant actually cook anything because >>7542295 will lead to my inevitable fiery demise as well as that of others in my arpartment building.

I used to eat sandwiches but for some reason they would never fill me so i kept eating them and gained a lot of weight. still working it off ever so slowly.

I would sometimes plop an egg into my ramen before microwaving whenever my protein was too low. I might mix that in with the rice + tilapia idea I had >>7542284 if it can actually work.
Thank you for advice everybody.

>> No.7542324

Those instant ramen dishes aren't good for you

At the very least crack an egg into it for protein or something...

>> No.7542329
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Hey there are these things called skillet meals and they are amazing. A frozen bag with literally everything you need, you just dump it into a pan and let it cook for like 10 minutes (stir at least once, I just set a stir timer for 5 minutes into cooking if I'm feeling super forgetful) and it's ready.
These Udi's ones are even gluten free and they taste awesome.

>> No.7542332


You dont need to cook with a flame. There are entire dishes dedicated to being cooked in the microwave.

>> No.7542335

I used to go to the store and they'd have seasoning packets for pasta or chili or gravy or whatever. Still I eat almost nothing but pasta and chili

>> No.7542340

if it takes that little time I might be able to do it.

are there any more bland ones? i can't deal with complex flavors after subjecting myself to a year of basically nothing but ramen.

im getting better since ive been doing a bit more variety since the news of my possible agonizing death, but things like that are a bit much for now. are they also cheap?

>> No.7542342

>blood pressure problems

>throw an egg in there!!!

>> No.7542395
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Yes, they are about 6-8$, I do shop at an incredibly discounted place called Grocery Outlet, though, so I don't know how much that changes things. There's also all sorts of brands, like right now I have some Bertolli and Dining Smart ones that are both also great. As for flavor...I don't know how to help you there. There are ones that are Chinese takeout (orange chicken, teriyaki, etc) if that's more your speed, and you could always buy a one button rice cooker. I have the Oster one pictured and it is literally fool proof (biggest tip: assure the bottom of the bowl is completely dry when you use it) White rice will bland the hell out of a meal (in a good way)
In my experience they make at least 2 servings. If you're used to eating only one ramen packet you could definitely make one of these into 3 meals.

>> No.7542438

6-8$ for a meal is way out of my price range. i've gotta live on a $1200 montly welfare check. rent+utilities is $800 and 3 meals a day for 30 days at 6 per meal is over $500. With ramen and eggs I was spending under $50 a month. I like to add to an emergency savings and if I don't have at least a small entertainment budget i might as well off myself before the sodium does.

How much is bulk rice, like giant bags or boxes?

>> No.7542457

>welfare $ 1200.00 month

WTF? Are you raising a family. How are you getting that much money if it's just you?

>> No.7542463

Potatoes you just stick em in the microwave, cheaper than ramen. If ur feeling like you need protein stick a hotdog in one

>> No.7542474

living expenses in my area are usually fairly high and that is factored in. im just a cheap bastard so i can get around it.

attention problem being bad enought to keep me from working (last job it almost killed a girl) combined with no family members for support = high welfare payout for a single white dude

>> No.7542495
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Can't you work from home or telecommute or something. That's fucked up man. 1200.00 a month because of "attention problems." Everything paid for, food, shelter, etc With enough left over for you to save some (tax payer money) and still have money for entertainment. Fucking Unreal. Triggered!!!!!

>> No.7542525

I said welfare check, but it's really welfare + disability and + unemployment because I actively look for work.

I can't work because im usually late and i sometimes forget to leave. i can never meet deadlines and i sometimes forget what im even supposed to be working on. the best I did is when i was a web developer for a shitty home business and i screwed that up too. then throw in safety hazards.

I'd like to work so i can make money to do things i wanted to do with my life.

but this isnt a thread about you whining about people getting free rides through life or me complaining about my own situation. this is a thread about cheap easy food that wont kill me and id like to keep to that ples

>> No.7542532

Where are you

>> No.7542536

>but this isnt a thread about you whining about people getting free rides through life or me complaining about my own situation. this is a thread about cheap easy food that wont kill me and id like to keep to that ples

Oh wow, the disorganized, lack of attention span, lazy, neet faggot CAN stay on task.

>> No.7542539

outskirts of pittsburgh where it's cheaper, but the calculations use cost of living of the inner city.

>> No.7542562

its not an inabilty to stay on track. its actually a result of a sleeping disorder where my body sporadically enters that drowsy state before rem sleep kicks in.and comes out similar to the post rem state without the restfulness of having actually gone through rem. sometimes it feels like an entire day has passed in the course of about a minute, maybe two.

i cant refute your other insults.

>> No.7542569

Drink tons of water. If you can afford internet access, you can afford to eat something other than ramen noodles. Make some beans and cornbread. That's what people way poorer than you have been living on for centuries. All you need is a programmable slow cooker, no attention required (the cornbread will require an oven and timer, but surely you can manage that).

Maybe even get off your ass and go hunt and fish. You can easily come away with 20+ fish if you find the right spot. A deer will feed you for weeks. Along with giving you some probably much needed exercise. Just know that one slip up with a gun can kill you or someone around you extremely easily, so you might consider a bow instead.

>> No.7542577

the slowcooker could work. From what i understand they just cook it until time is up, then keep it warm. thats basically perfect.

I sadly cannot manage an oven and a timer.

cant really hunt in pittsburgh and giving me anything other than a knife is a good way to end someones life, likely my own.

>> No.7542591

what is this disorder called?

>> No.7542592

What? I have schizophrenia and I was denied because It wasn't until I was 27 that I developed the problem.

>> No.7542602
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OP you seem like a cool guy, would be friend with
Also I'll go with salad, cheap, easy and healthy
>cut a cucumber
>cut some tomatoes
>cut some feta
>eat with bread
Now you have to use a knife and cut some, so idk about your abilities

>> No.7542610

get a better caseworker, probably

>> No.7542647

Find basic things to add, canned lentils, beans, corn, broccoli, mushrooms, pretty much anything canned will work and only adding one at a time won't really give it complex flavors but it will increase the nutritional value

After Ive cooked my ramen I like adding something to it like chips, pork rinds, beef jerky, summer sausage, bacon or a slice of cheese right before eating. Kind of like you I don't want to put much effort into it but for me its purely laziness but I don't eat ramen as my staple meal, you need to try to add as many fruits and vegetables to your diet as possible

Try dry kale or something else that's supposed to be super healthy

You can also microwave something like oatmeal and add dried fruit to it. Canned peaches are good on there own too

>> No.7542728
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ITT : OP forgot that he made the thread

>> No.7542803

no i went to the wal mart, which is always a near death experience in itself.

i bought a bigass bag of rice (ziplock seal is nice), some frozen tilapia, a carton of eggs, and some microwave tendies i wanted to try for the sake of being able to post on 4chan about my tendies. and some grapes because they are good.

should hold me over for a bit over 2 weeks

>> No.7542813

Thank you friend.

I can use a knife just fine. Biggest risk is dropping it on my foot, which ive done before and isnt the worst injury i can get.

>> No.7542821

I dont rtemember the doc giving me a name, she just explained what it was. all of the paperwork that proves my condition is on record, so i never need to handle it.

for all i know it doesn't exist, im crazy, and the doc is fucking with me.

>> No.7542843
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>> No.7542852


oats, beans, rice, ramen without the seasoning packet and put some other shit in it for flavor with less sodium

>> No.7542878

>you can easily catch 20 fish
Yeah if you're fuckin trawling with a big ass bet
You've obviously never been fishing

>> No.7542922

op update:

i successfully made rice and tilapia without killing anyone. it was good.

there may be hope for me yet

>> No.7542927

and i got dubs. today is good day.

>> No.7542928
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>> No.7542995
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>projecting this hard
Sounds like you just suck at fishing. One person catching 20 fish (from the shore, not a boat) isn't a stretch where I go. Of course, on an average trip 10-15 is more likely, but if you're there at a good time you'll be catching them almost every other cast.

Pic related. Caught these by myself in one trip. They were delicious breaded and fried. Screenshotted from phone gallery because filesize.

>> No.7543767

Replace salt with MSG.
Less sodium, more taste.

>> No.7543824

Try cooking dried mushrooms.
They won't go bad, and they aren't pickled in salt.

>> No.7543861
File: 31 KB, 400x400, eelballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody ever try this I just bought at the asian store for a dollar. Don't know how to cook it though anybody have experience with sanma kabayaki it's like eel in sweet soy sauce

>> No.7544112
File: 71 KB, 490x500, namja ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever had this?

Looks tempting to try it out.


>> No.7544214

Microwaved jacket potatoes, then you can put anything you want on top
Chicken is cookable via microwave
Slow cooker stuff is great for memory problems, as are rice cookers
Perhaps invest in a microwave cookbook

I relate to you to a level anon, I have mental health issues with concentration and memory issues as a symptom, I'm pretty good on computers due to constant visual prompts but I'll forget I'm talking to someone IRL because of the second break of silence or looking away

>> No.7544338

Exercise in bulk. Heart attack and starvation go down significantlly

>> No.7544344

that sounds delicious

>> No.7544358

Yes. It was better than the more popular red Shin.

>> No.7544371


>2 minute prep
>one of the healthiest carbohydrates

>> No.7544537

i never even thought of that. ill give it a shot if rice and tilapia gives me problems

Just having too much sodium risks the warm embrace of death. no amount of exercise can counteract my all ramen diet.

ill probably invest in a slow cooker soon. a really nice one that wont kill me. yeah memory and attention problems suck, but we could always have something worse. like genetic blood pressure problems aparently.