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7534986 No.7534986 [Reply] [Original]

Daily al/ck/y thread

How are you bros doing currently? I'm a week sober after quitting cold turkey and finally not feeling any w/d's.

>> No.7535136

Parents are making me go see a therapist, anyone ever done that? Seems uncomfortable

>> No.7535158

Is your current life comfortable?

>> No.7535168

I dont think theres been a day that i have not had a drink in the past 4 months. Cant stop but im afraif ill get cancer.

>> No.7535178

how do you mean?

>> No.7535206

havent drank in 6 days... also havent slept in 6 days

>> No.7535249

How much/long were you drinking prior to that? Also, have you tried any OTC sleep remedies such as melatonin or dyphenhydramine?

>> No.7535841

>tfw seem to have successfully moderated my drinking by having nothing in the house but red wine

I actually like the stuff but something about it makes me slow down compared to how I drink beer and liquor, probably because it has such a 'full' flavour. As Jimmy Joyce said, it looks and tastes like a liquified beefsteak.

>> No.7535861


>> No.7535872

i only have a few beers a night, almost never day drink unless college football or special event. I homebrew and a 5gallon batch lasts me around 3 weeks or so.

am I an alcohol?

>> No.7535965

Define "a few beers". And the question is, would it be difficult for you to stop, either physically or emotionally? I know some people who only have 3 or 4 beers a night, nothing more, for quite some time and had pretty decent withdrawals just from that small amount

>> No.7535991

>tfw you can only eat 800 calories because drinking consumes the rest i am allowed to have

>> No.7536208

>tfw that's usually my plan, then I end up shitfaced eating an entire pizza

>> No.7536210

fat fuck

>> No.7536221

I used to be extremely /fit/, was into bodybuilding and in the best shape of my life. Then I became an alcoholic. I weigh the exact same weight I did when I started drinking heavily 2 years ago, except I replaced pretty much all of the muscle with fat. It's depressing as fuck

>> No.7536277

Made it through another weekend, only with the pressures of a girl leaving me and my aunt being hospitalized with what is sure to be a bad alcohol related disease. I think I broke this shit.

>> No.7536298
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I fucked up on about 120 days of sobriety this weekend.
I met my good old friends Rye and Bourbon again.
For those who are seriously trying to quit, don't do it by yourself. Get help.
Local druggies clinics and Ativans helped me a lot.

>> No.7536307

just a minor speedbump man, 120 days is impressive, don't let one lapse get you back into old habits. If you've got any left, pour that shit down the drain and get back on that wagon

>> No.7536348
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Yeah, same here. I considerably fucked up my life over 2-3 years and after an argument with my dad, I told him, that I was tanking a bottle of boose a day. He told me I was a moron and I should get help and he'd call me everyday until I see a doctor.

I did saw a doctor who gave me Ativans for withdrawal and joined a local free addict centre (I went to AA a couple times but it wasn't for me). At the centre I saw a therapist for a few months and she helped me, but she was half my age and I didn't want to tell her my problems, so I didn't really benefited from her help, but just having regular appointments made goals for not drinking at the beginning.
So yeah you should go see a therapist or seek any form of outside help.

>> No.7536359
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Get back on training wheel slowly and aim for long term goals.

>> No.7536363
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You know who wants to hear your sob stories about booze? I'll give you one hint: it's not /ck/.

>> No.7536374

>I didn't want to tell her my problems

That's my main issue with seeing a therapist, I know I need to change and think I can do it on my own, but don't feel like dishing out my life to some random person

>> No.7536375
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Your mom cries on my shoulder when she speaks about her son.

>> No.7536389
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Yeah I can understand that. Try AA for a couple of meetings. You don't have to speak about your life, but hearing about other's, you'll realize people have probably the same problems as you have.
AA pissed me off at some point but it's a really good start to drop the booze.
I went to my first AA completly hammered with my car in a shitty part of town and met some solid life wrecks there, but I had the same problems they were having. But I kept on going and it helped me a lot in the first weeks of withdrawals.

>> No.7538002

Am I an alcoholic if I drink a glass or 2 of Gin Tonic every day after work? I don`t feel I need it but it`s more like a ritual that my free time has begun.

>> No.7538031 [DELETED] 

Slippery slope

>> No.7538048

Really? I used to binge eat, stopped that, smoked a joint, stopped that, smoke a pipe stop that and now a glass of Gin Tonic.

I feel like I have an addictive personality but not to the extend that I get really drunk or really high or really stuffed. Just a little but for rituals sake.

>> No.7538057 [DELETED] 

Get yourself addicted to something that rules out heavy drinking or smoking. I suggest exercise. Then the only thing you need to worry about is when you injure yourself or one of your joints wears out, sending you into a spiral of depression and relapsing into crippling alcoholism.

>> No.7538058

Started going to gym 3 weeks ago. Relapsed 5 days ago, been drinking 1.75L of vodka per day since then. Sometimes I don't even have enough energy to get out of the bed so I just wake up and chug 0.3l of vodka while in bed before getting out of it. Life is pain.

>> No.7538084

I used to avoid drinking from my early teenage days to my mid twenties because my father and brother are heavy alcoholics. I never feel I have to catch up to something or that I missed out but I can`t shake the feeling I get from a nice strong Gin. It feels amazing desu. I should try and excercise more. I just bought a bike so I should get out and pedal a bit after work. Instead of having a drink.

>> No.7538555

I'm trying to explain to my ex-gf that there's a difference between being an alcoholic and having a drinking problem.
She's not dependent, but she has serious issues every time she drinks including a DUI that almost killed her

>> No.7538578

haha what a stupid bitch

>> No.7539121

congrats man. its a long road and doesnt end here or ever. There are more things to do and enjoy in life

talking about things can really help. be honest with them if you expect to get anything out of it.

>> No.7539148

>1.75l vodka per day

shit man, when I'm at my worst I'm going through a handle every 2 to 3 days and even that seems way more than excessive

>> No.7539153

many people would consider binge drinking a form of alcoholism

>> No.7539164

lol this

>> No.7539166


Went on a bender accidentally and ended up in a hospital, I had no idea how I got there and woke up right before they tried to put a urine catheter in my dick... I panicked and begged them not do it, they also stole all my money and weed since I was so out of it I couldn't possibly remember a thing. When they brought me my stuff there was no mention of money or marijuana even though the doctor told me I had packets of drugs with me, he asked me if it was that fake synthetic weed, I told him that he's retarded and that was weed, then when I got my clothes there was 1 gram still in my pocket which they probably missed, fucking assholes are somewhere now smoking up 60 euros worth of my weed, stole all my money and on top of that I have to pay a hospital bill after being robbed... And the worst part is that I was just drunk and when I'm drunk it's impossible to wake me up, I hadn't slept the previous night got drunk and passed out somewhere, that was around 18.00 or 19.00 they took me to a hospital at 21.00 and I was already up and could easily go home at 21.30. Bottom line those doctors were fucking retarded, had no idea what weed looks like and can't tell a person who is just drunk as fuck or needs medical help, as soon as I woke up I felt fine but was forced to stay there til 1 pm. Not going to drink outside of the house ever again.

>> No.7539297

How about next time don't get so fucked up drunk you end up in the hospital. Some random person most likely stole your money while you were passed the fuck out before you got taken to the hospital. They're probably required by law to take any drugs on you, but I doubt they'd take your money. Then again, you did mention Euros, so who knows what shithole country you live in

>> No.7539528


Been thinking about bringing this up with my mother.

But even if I did, I wouldn't know where to look or who to go to. Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, who knows? I don't want to be pumped full of "shoot up a school drugs" or be pandered to by some 20 something "just be urself" bitch.

Also, I've been in and out of mental hospitals a few times years and years ago. I'm afraid if I let something slip I'll be hauled off again. But then if I have to watch what I say, it defeats the entire point of talking to someone.

I'm not sure what to do about it.

>> No.7539560

havent been drunk since monday night. had 1-2 beers tuesday and wednesday to help with withdrawals.

feeling much better now. blood pressure was through roof. scared the shit out of me.

i seriously need to take a few weeks off or just quit outright. maybe some light beers every few days. but shit... 12 beers a day has gotta go.

good luck to all of you

>> No.7539575
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>quit drinking for a month
>feel like a million bucks

>> No.7539580


If I would have gotteb robbed while I was passed out I wouldn't have had my phone and weed. When they brought back my stuff they had taken out all my credit cards and basically ransacked everything, also I know that they took my money and drugs because the report about what I had on me didn mention money or weed, they left behind 1 gram and I find it very hard to believe that there wasn't even a single cent in my wallet.

>> No.7539584

The one I talked to was from a "counseling company" and was a licensed psychologist. From the drugs perspective, she couldn't prescribe drugs and only if thought it was necessary would refer me to a doctor for another opinion about if drugs were necessary. And basically anything I told her was in confidence, except unless of course that I murdered someone or something then they're required by law to tell, but other than that I wouldn't think they'd "haul you off" to a mental hospital. Oh, and even if you say you're suicidal they can't do anything, however she said if you told her you had detailed plans on how you were going to kill yourself, then they're required to have someone step in

tl;dr, it's probably beneficial to just talk to someone

>> No.7539587

I'm starting to worry I'm becoming emotionally dependent on drinking, how long does it take for the physical addiction to take hold? could I already be fucked? I've been drinking nightly for a little over two months now, after only drinking socially before. I really don't want my life to be even more fucked but I'm not sure I can stop at this point.

>> No.7539595

how much per night? Even a few beers per night for extended periods can cause physical addiction. For me it's usually at least 3 days of heavy drinking straight that brings about withdrawal. It really depends from person to person though, try stopping and see if it's an issue

>> No.7539604

I only drink around once or twice a month. My idea is don't let it become a bad habit but don't let it interfere with your fun either.

>> No.7539605

I've been drinking a decent amount each night, I'd say I get fully drunk half the nights. I don't tend to have as intense physical addiction as other people to anything but I know alcohol is really shitty to quit. I'll try tomorrow though to get a baseline of how my body holds up

>> No.7539619

you most likely have some mild physical addiction already, but I doubt it will be much more than some restlessness and maybe some anxiousness if you stop. I've found that physical addiction really starts to set in when you start drinking during the day. I can get fucked up every night and be sober during the day and it's fine, but when I start drinking during the day, even just to keep a mild buzz on all day without getting fucked up, that's when you really start becoming physically addicted

>> No.7539624

Almost been a week. Trying not to drink for general health and not for addiction, though today has been extremely boring. Can anyone suggest me a vidya before I decide to break out some gin?

>> No.7539625


Got drunk, ate pills, woke up three days later.

Car totaled, concussion, dui.

Thank fuck nobody was hurt. I know what I did, I know it was stupid. There will never be any excuse for that.

Not sure how long I've been sober. Alcohol free for more than a week. Keeping it that way from now on. Working on quitting smoking now.

>> No.7539628

what system

>> No.7539636
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I had trouble seeing a therapist as well for a multitude of issues about two years ago. Think about it this way - speaking honestly to a stranger has less repercussions than speaking to a friend. You're supposed to think selfishly during that conversation. What I found was after getting everything off my back I would drive home and reflect on it in a different way. Sometimes it was positive other times it was negative. Either way I was making progress.

>> No.7539639

hope it works out. may want to try nicotine gum to quit the smokes. worked for moi

>> No.7539661


Thanks. Have some gum left over from trying to quit in the past. I need some convictions to stick to. I appreciate it.

>> No.7539673

I got a 3DS and a PS 1-3. It's mostly RPGs and a few of them are obscure, but I'm up for any suggestion.

>> No.7539688

Play some Dark Cloud

>> No.7539742

The first time I was able to drop a whole month, I dove into LA Noire. You need to play something that intrigues you. Skyrim has been helping me lately. If you are not engrossed, it won't help though.

>> No.7539766

Wow, I have none of those games. I picked up Fates a bit ago so I'm going to try to get through Conquest Chapter 25.

>> No.7539828

I turned 21 today so now I'm going nuts looking up stuff to try.

>> No.7539832

>I turned 21 today so now I'm going nuts looking up stuff to try.
How about some swill, it will be fine. Based on you looking it up I assume you have no friends.

>> No.7539838

Only friends I got either don't like booze or just buy anything hard to get them plastered.

>> No.7539839
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yep the rimming of the sky will keep you busy for weeks.

>> No.7539848

>or just buy anything hard to get them plastered.
Go this route, my dad told me somthing that never even applied to him.
If you want to drink to get drunk, don't drink the good stuff, because when you are broke and want to drink you won't be able to afford it.
I've never gotten to that point, but that was some pretty good advice IMO.
It's cut my booze bill down

>> No.7539856

>playing skyrim
>walk into an extremely cosy inn
>people offering me some nice ale or mead
>get thirsty as hell

>> No.7539926

Been there brother. In fact a lot worse, injured myself and a passenger when I was blackout about 8 years ago.

That was my bottom. Sobered up after that. Most I'll have is a glass of wine or on rare occasions a cocktail. My rule now is one drink and I give the keys up. You can do it too.

>> No.7540084
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friendly reminder that there is a solution

>> No.7540105


Quiters never win anon.

>> No.7540270
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yeah, but you can also just buy those on amazon, next day shipping, you don't even need to wait 1 month etc.

>> No.7540378

Am I an alki if I drink a 40oz and a 24/oz of malt liquor a night? And have been for 3 years now?

>> No.7540433

alcoholism isn't about the amount you drink (although you are drinking too much) it's about how it affects your life

>health problems
>social issues
>monetary distress
>slave to a habit

>> No.7540448

it's literally about the amount you drink
in >>7540378 case, yes, too much, you are an alcoholic by DSM standards

>> No.7540451


so I heard AA is basically like a cult

what's it like, niggaroni?

>> No.7540476

not the same person.

it's like a cult in the sense that it's a group with a specific set of rules that you have to for the rest of you life.

and there are group homes (compounds) and chants (chants) and a higher power (high power)

>> No.7540485


>> No.7540497

here's your (you). happy?

>> No.7540517

i don't know about happy... appeased maybe

>> No.7540521

seeking (you)s from a slow moving board is risky behavior. luckily i have nothing better to do.

>> No.7540571

>But even if I did, I wouldn't know where to look or who to go to.
Ask your local alcoholics. I know I'll get hate for next link, but look at the side bar of https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/ (from a computer, not sure how it looks from a phone), there may be a local subreddit in your place with info.
Open a throwaway account (you don't need a working email) and ask there, you'll get better answers than here.

If you're looking for a sub where you can post when drunk, https://www.reddit.com/r/cripplingalcoholism/

>> No.7540582

it's weird.. you have to shop for a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist

this isn't something that you really think of because you don't "shop" for general practitioners or dentists really.

imagine for a minute your wife is pregnant and you want to find a pediatrician that is pro vaccine/anti circumcision , think of it like that

>> No.7540591


This. I went to a meeting once, ironically enough the idea came to me at 11 am after a few glasses of whiskey. Before I went I called the volunteers who assured me that it's not about religion etc. So that same day at 6 pm I was there and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life. Everyone was extremely nice and welcoming and wanted to talk to me, then the meeting starts and everyone makes tea with a lot of sugar and there are 2 huge baskets of candy, the leader gives a theme what to talk about that day and everyone gets like 2-3 minutes and there are like 30 people there, basically no one gave a shit about the theme and talked about their own shit and looking for excuses for why they do what they do. After the meeting the baskets of candy were empty and pretty much everyone except me and abother guy had eaten like 5-10 pieces of candy and cookies, then everyone holds their hands and says - Thank you, sober today! Which is their cult like tradition, also they say the same thing after one of them is done talking. The whole thing was about higher power and chanting and of course a lot of sugar to stop the cravings I guess.

>> No.7540610

it's weird. the familiar chant "it only works if you work it" is true.

you have to totally be into it.

the higher power thing can be really christianity orientated depended on where you live/what meeting you go to.

in liberal areas, the general idea is that submitting to a higher power. just means understanding that life happens, whether you think it's god's master plan, or fate, or random chances, you can't control everything.

it seems cultish because good habits help people break bad habits.

eating oatmeal every morning and saying aloud "oatmeal is great, oatmeal is good" and talking to other people that eat oatmeal every morning is a great way to make sure you don't eat poptarts.

>> No.7540635


I guess it might work for some people but the thing is that I was at least 10-20 years younger than everyone else and it was really difficult to associate with them. I went because I know I have a problem and it's all my fault but the issue is that everyone there was trying to excuse themselves or to pass the blame on someone or something else which I didn't agree with.

>> No.7540659

think about that for a minute...the only people that are sober and actually do the program properly are older.

that's because young people are flakes and/or in jail.

really the same as complaining that only older people are married or have a good job....

>> No.7540876
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I'm 25 and 9 weeks clean (polytox). The supportgroup i go to is 10-12 /alc/s and they are all age 50-85. First i thought "what the fuck do these old fucks know about my life". Allthough we can not fully identify with each other in every aspect, addiction is addiction. One of the things that put me in the place that i am was thinking i know everything better than everyone else. I find it very helpfull to hear advice (not only drugrelated) from people who are sober for 10-30+ years. And they find it helpfull to see their younger selfes in me, be reminded how they started out and get another view of this generation, most of them have kids or grandkids my age. Sure, i first felt ashamed when i talk about childhood/parents/friendship and relationship issues because it's chronologically close and relevant to my current situation and they might think 'fucking newfag, prolly can't even triforce with his kiddiepwuablems'. But you'll be suprised how welcoming they are. Just remember, they've been through the same shit and would've been glad to have the insight earlier. Of course, sometimes one of them talks 20 minutes about how his tow feels 'kinda weird' but if that's what they want to talk about so be it. Take out of it what you can.

>> No.7540893

I have to be at work in a few hours and I'm fighting the urge to head down to the package store.

I've already knocked back five shots.

>> No.7540907

first things first you should switch to light beers. hard liquor, especially during the day, is the worst thing a drinker can do.

>> No.7540913

Quit for a week, if you can do that no problem then you're no alcoholic.

>> No.7540929

am i an alcohol if i am sober and productive during the weekdays but drink every friday and saturday evening alone in front of my pc till i black out?

>> No.7540936

Beer is for queers...I've already rolled down to the package store for a fifth of bourbon. Rand Paul was on my local talk radio and was giving props to the FBI in regards to Apple.


>> No.7540940

You're a weekend warrior not an alc.

>> No.7540945

Good jorb anon, "only" had 1 drink this morning, a didn't go cold turkey bc I'm a little bitch in terms of withdrawls .next week is my deadline to stopped entirely, Going to start working out again too. Keep it up mahnica

>> No.7540947

Fuck alcohol

>Drink the Koolaid :^)

>> No.7540954

If you continue you will literately kill your organs and perhaps yourself entirely. Taper it down and put the extra money towards something beneficial for you
Been there before bro, it's important that you be honest with yourself, don't go to a therapist and not tell them the truth, it could be way of ignoring problems

>> No.7541233
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>what's it like, niggaroni?

It's really quite variable depending on which group(s) you hang out with and your attitude towards the program. I tend to view it as a program of self improvement that is largely impossible to do while drinking and a social network of people who also don't drink.

There are parts of the program like admitting that I was utter shit running my life, making an honest list of people I fucked over, and doing what I can to make it up to them that are pretty damned uncomfortable. There are also plenty of people in AA who have some really kooky ideas about religion and stuff. But, for the most part, it's just a bunch of people who sucked at drinking and want to try a better way of life.

As far as the "AA is a cult" thing... I totally understand why people feel that way. AA is an organization with explicitly spiritual ideas about life and a more or less orthodox approach to implementing them. BUT it's also unlike a cult in that: a) they don't require you to give them any money, b) they won't try to prevent you from living a "normal" life and associating with your friends and family and c) people who stay in the program tend to get better rather than worse over time.

I'd also like to point out that in my circle of AA acquaintances I know people who are Christiqans, Jews, Satanist, Muslims, Deists, and more than a few fedora-tier Atheists. I myself am a Pagan. If the spiritual aspects of AA are the only things preventing you from giving it a try you might want to consider that.

>> No.7541289


Like most alcoholics I've always had a profound distaste for any group or organization that would try to tell me what to do. I had to literally be on death's door before I would give AA an honest try because I was diametrically opposed to the notion that some pack of drunks following a seemingly arbitrary set of principles written 80 years ago had any useful advice for how to improve my life.

Over the course of my drinking career I'd ruined most of the significant relationships in my life, totaled 2 cars, been to jail a few times, and woken up in pools of my own puke and/or piss more times than I care to remember. It's remarkable to me now that none of this was enough for me to say "hmm... I had better stop drinking by any means possible before things get worse."

There are many ways to get sober and I hope they all work for the people who want them. I don't think AA is the only way or even necessarily the best way, but I am 100% sure that is the way that works for me.

>there are group homes (compounds)

Not only is this false, AA is strictly prohibited by its own rules from operating such things

>> No.7541294 [DELETED] 
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Whoremel! What's up bro?

>> No.7541336
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>> No.7541340

Damn dude what did that anon say to you?

>> No.7541354

he posted cheese pizza and called me a dirty name

>> No.7541357

Haha okay dude I gotta go right now but I'll bless you with a fresh nutsack a little later on

>> No.7541603

i know that feel dude.
i quit oct 10th 2015 and i've been so happy without alcohol in my life. AA helped me quit, i'm not even religious or even anything, but going to see the pain alcohol has caused and how much I've dodged when i was drinking to not at all. its insane and i have become thankful for a group that meets on a wednesday.

Therapy is really good, it helped me stop for a little and get some stuff off my chest.
relapsed so hard i went to AA and it helped me more than therapy

>> No.7541666

I cannot do that. I tried. Only time I did was with the flu

>> No.7541704

>been tapering down the last month or so with some success
>down to 1-2 beers a night
>was doing 8+ beers a night for about a year or so
>have a lot of stress/anxiety in my life right now, so its tough
>wish i could drink myself to sleep
>overall low energy levels, but feeling better about myself in general
>gotta keep it up
>will probably feel much better once the stress passes

>> No.7541928

just remember that the stress can also be growing because you're not drinking as much. maybe things arent' that bad and alcohol is really effecting your overall mood.

just some food for thought.

>> No.7542044
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How do I quit drinking guys?

It's killing me.

I left work to meet a girl for "lunch" and ended up having like 4 beers and a couple cocktails. Then instead of going back to work I went home and I'm on my 2nd 24 oz.

I probably shouldn't drive so I can't go back to work. I hate myself and my life. How do I get this monkey off my back?

>> No.7542065
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So, what does it feel like to be addicted to something like alcohol? What makes you want/need it?

I've never smoked or drank or really had any vices at all, when I hear about someone trying to stop drinking/smoking, I always think, "why not just stop buying that shit?" And I feel like a huge dick for it.

Someone help me understand please.

>> No.7542067

meds can help take away cravings. ive noticed that when i take my lexapro daily i dont have nearly as much interest in drinking. its not been hard to go a week this time, because ive been taking it regularly.

without it i would be toast. history has shown that. talk to a doctor, do yourself a favor.

>> No.7542068

now is a good time to take vitamins with your breakfast or dinner. also try benadryl for sleeping. its over the counter.

>> No.7542073


and it goes on and and on and on until i cave in and buy some. then i regret it again and the cycle continues.

>> No.7542086

Just imagine being really hungry, all the time. You WANT to eat food. If you have food, you will probably eat it. If you don't have food, you WANT to go out and get it. Until you get food, you will be thinking about it almost constantly, thinking about what you can get, and how you can get it.

>> No.7542091

good job anon

>> No.7542103

yeah, that's a good point. things are definitely more stressful at work right now, but my anxiety might be multiplied by the lower consumption levels.

i've been doing multivitamins pretty consistently for awhile now. i'm sure they're helping a bit. i've used benadryl in the past for sleeping and it really does knock me out. only problem is i have a hard time getting up for work if i took one the night before. maybe i'll pop one or two for weekend recharge sleeping though. or if i can remember to take one early enough in the evening maybe i'll be okay. thanks for the tip.

>> No.7542132

Can only speak for myself but I was a virgin because even if girls liked me I would get incredibly nervous and fuck it up. Then I started drinking and that anxiety disappeared. I started doing really well with women.

Then it just became a super ingrained habit. Even when I'm trying REALLY HARD to be sober... If I have a date or know I'm going to see a girl I'm into, I'll go have a drink or two first.

I've slept with girls sober, but never for the first time.

Basically, I'm afraid I'll never be able to get a girl if I quit.

That's just me tho. I suck.

>> No.7542145

It's basically like when people have "that one girl" who they're madly in love with and can't get over, despite her constantly shitting on you. You tell yourself "I'm gonna forget about her and won't text her that day, it'll be easy, I just wont do it". Then you're keeping busy trying to distract yourself, and then you encounter something that reminds you of her or something you guys did together, and your mind races thinking about the good times. You can't stop thinking about her and eventually give in and text or call her. It's kinda like that, just with beer

>> No.7542146

Similar to me, except I needed it to be in any social situation. Got prescribed benzos for my anxiety and did really well at first, then started drinking while on them and well, you know how that story ends.

Quit everything now, and life is really boring but much better than before.

>> No.7542153

is it easy to get addicted to benzos? My social anxiety is destroying my life and I really want to get a prescription, but due to my addictive tendencies with alcohol and other things it probably wouldn't end well for me

>> No.7542201

Different anon (the one he quoted) don't start benzos man. Esp if you're already a drunk. They'll ruin your life and you'll black out all the goddamn time.

I've kicked all my drug habits but i can't kick drinking/smoking cause they're legal and socially acceptable and fucking everywhere.

>> No.7542209

That sucks anon. I'm ok in general social situations. Even if I'm anxious or don't have a great time... I don't need to drink... I just don't mind it much.

But if it's a female I'm interested in... I HAVE to drink to loosen up. Not being smooth is unacceptable. Sometimes I drink TOO much and it goes badly too, but I'm drunk so I don't care.

Ironically enough I could probably do better more of the time if I was sober but I find it reeeeally hard to not drink beforehand.

>> No.7542926

I had one beer tonight and no more. Small act of self control but i'm proud of myself

>> No.7542968

So I generally drink two 1.75L of bourbon a week. The only side effects ive noticed is I struggle to sleep if I don't drink before bed. Right now my goal is to only drink on the weekend and limit myself to 1L at that.

How bad am I?

FYI 6'1", 24, 200lbs, no drugs but I do smoke 2-3 packs of cigs a week.a

>> No.7542992

dont get on benzos if you're an alcoholic unless you're in detox and absolutely need it. that shit is just as bad. ive been an alcoholic, addicted to benzos and opiates all at once. got rid of the benzos and alcohol. still working on the opiates as i am in a methadone clinic currently.

the fact that alcohol and benzo withdrawl can outright kill you was my motivation to stop. its scary as shit and i honestly have a hard time on deciding which one sucks more. couldnt sleep and was hallucinating from both. shit isz awful

i give anyone who got off successfully props

sadly the hard part isnt so much getting off as it is staying off for good. good luck everyone. dont ever be afraid to get help, it's better than being dead in most cases.

>> No.7543023

currently trying to manage my alcoholism by drinking one day and taking another off. after about 24 hours with no alcohol i feel shitty. no shakes or anything, just shitty. Around 36 hours no drinking I can barely think until I get a beer or 4 in me. I've had worse problems, I used to drink daily and in excess to my own personal and financial ruin, but fuck. Irish/Cherokee indian heritage, i feel as if I am destined to have a problem with it.

>> No.7543207

Honestly man, if you're going through that much throughout a given week...you're most likely going to start seeing some withdrawal symptoms. Are you continuously drinking or is it mainly at night?

>> No.7543222

That's awesome, man. Keep it up. Don't give in...just remember that any temptation you feel is simply the death throes of a demon trying to pull you back in. Alcoholism starts to feel desperate when you don't give it what it wants. You can beat this

>> No.7543336

>ruin, but fuck.
>but fuck.

>> No.7543355

Im kinda with this guy>>7540433

>Doc - you have a problem
>anon - What is it?
>You consume more alcohol than we arbitrarily decided was ok because other people have had problems with drinking too much
>Anon - Is there a problem with my health
>Doc - no, your numbers are fine
>Anon - I have a great job, a great healthy family, awesome friends, money in the bank a clean bill of health, am happy and fit and live my life the way I want. So whats the problem
>Youre consuming more than an arbitrarily decided amount of alcohol because other people have had problems
>Anon - Oh, I see, I do have a problem, my doctor is retarded

>> No.7543377

You wake up in the morning or go to bed and think

>I dont need that shit anymore

Then you walk or drive to the store thinking, Im fucking retarded, I dont even want to drink. Sometimes you even gag at the thought of tasting booze while you pick it up and take it to the cashier. Then you buy it and start drinking thinking about how stupid you are. Then it kicks in and you feel better for a while.

Rinse and repeat

I think that most of the time its a result of a lack of healthy coping mechanisms. Just a means to escape, feel less pain or just feel different than when you are sober. I believe that is the trick to quitting. You cant just quit because then you are giving up the only tool you know how to use to feel the way you want to feel. This puts you in a position of loss without the tool you have been leaning on. In reality you need to find the right tool that you never used before so that you can leave the useless crutch behind.

>> No.7543394

Name one person who exceeds the arbitrary numbers and has all that. He doesn't exist. The closest you'd get is being married to another drunk and have a bunch of drunks for friends and kids who have a terrible life but are too afraid to let you know how your drinking is affecting their lives.

>> No.7543403

I'm currently going on a weeklong alcohol binge. I can't wait to become an alcoholic.

>> No.7543442

ya its pretty fun

>> No.7543476

I scare myself away from slipping into alcoholism using statistics. I've been keeping a spreadsheet of my drinking habits over the past few months. Daily consumption as measured by standard drinks, rolling averages, etc all on a chart. Oscillating trends certainly become visible. It also tells me how much money I should anticipate to spend on alcohol based on prior data, rather than allowing myself to guess and overrun my budget.

It's probably not going to help you much if you're too far gone, but if you're worried about any overconsumption I highly recommend starting your own spreadsheet. The one caveat is that when you start doing it you'll be so desperate to have interesting data that you might end up drinking more.

>> No.7543481
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Drinking? [Y/n] Y.

I am currently unemployed. Got out of the Army six months ago.

Today, I go through a handle of 40% abv per week. 1.75L = ~60oz. Out of my 2oz Army Strong shot glass, I'll have about four shots a day, seven days a week. 2*4*7=56. Assuming one is a heavier day, I go through about a handle per week. I prefer Evan Williams, which I can get for $20, but will drink Kentucky Deluxe for $12 on occasion.

While I was on active duty, living in the barracks, working in S3, I'd go through a handle every 3-4 days. Life was hell. I had so little time to myself I'd do a 2oz shot every 15 minutes after work for the first hour, then steadily until I blacked out.

I am still drinking, but I am doing MUCH better on portion control. I'd like to be sober and lose a bunch of booze weight, but I'm still working some mental stuff out.

For the curious: I started at age 28. I am 34 now. I wouldn't recommend starting booze or the military for anyone.

>> No.7543489

This seems stupid as fuck. A cup of ambrosia tea is sleepy time x2, but add milk foam and it's light R&R? It's like they didn't even read their own picture.

>> No.7543503

Just comply and keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.7543504

What are good ways to maintain a heavy drinking weekend while minimizing calories?

>> No.7543508

Don't fuck with benzos. I blacked out while drinking on them and woke up in jail because I guess I decided it would be a really good idea to go up and down the street stealing change out of unlocked cars. Xanax will get you arrested faster than anything else, even if you normally don't do shit like that.

>> No.7543510

Drink cold vodka straight. Mixers are where you get a lot of the calories. OJ/soda will put weight on you, but alcohol by itself is pretty calorie heavy.

>> No.7543514

who /AA/ here

I think the men's meetings are actually the best ones. Women fuck the whole dynamic up because it just degenerates into everyone trying to get laid, and there's usually only a handful of women in AA meetings, so everyone is trying to one up each other.

>> No.7543537

Its ridiculously easy and the withdrawals are some of the most hellish and deadly out there.

Also this >>7543508
I fucked up my relationship with nearly every member of my family while blacked out on benzos and booze. When I finally sobered up I was homeless with no recollection of why.

>> No.7543547

Also you might feel like a god when you take them but to everyone else you look like a zombie with fucked up speech and coordination. Similar to being drunk but you don't even feel impaired usually

>> No.7543585

>had a resolve after easter (happens every public holiday)
>went for a week without booze, which was better than normal
>goal was a month at least
>probably got about 8 hours sleep all up for that week and was a zombie at work
>soon as i got a couple days off i relapsed because fuck sitting at home with literally nothing to do.
It's time I faced up to the fact I need a fucking hobby apart from masturbating, videogames and pirating tv shows. I've been contemplating archery for a couple months cause I dabbled in it as a teenager. There's a place like 15 minutes drive from me and I actually have the cash to afford a bow etc now. I don't exactly know what is stopping me.

>> No.7543587

Fuck AA, too regiously-focused for my liking.

>> No.7543589


Keeping sober as I have final exams for the next 10 days. After that, I am taking the Summer off. Going to work out again, write, study for the MCAT and learn a bit of a new language.

Also trying to do away with the hard stuff just going to try to stick with wine but we'll see.

>> No.7543734

if i have like 10 beers every night, how much damage am i doing to my organs? i don't black out or anything and i feel totally fine the next day. it just helps me relax and sleep

>> No.7545088


I'm in a similar boat, gone from a beer or two a night to half a 70cl of gin or whiskey and a few beers most nights.

I feel alright most of the time, not much of a hangover and fine during the day.

However I am going to try and cut down. Tonight is actually the first night I am actively going to be completely dry. Currently 7.40pm and I fancy a beer, but I'm not going to.

I know I'm nowhere near as bad as some, but I want to get it under control before it does any real damage.

>> No.7545370

I haven't a drink in about 13 hours, that will end soon enough.

>> No.7545870

Holy shit.... you are so fucking right..

>> No.7545939
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I just bought this today. Haven't had a drink in over a month, but it's really good;.

>> No.7546006

Feeling absolutely terrible. Been struggling with anxiety and depression which has made my whole life a totally shit show. How the fuck does anyone deal with life? I have no motivation to do anything and anytime something gets sorta difficult I get thrown into a fit of rage which gives way to a feeling of absolute hopelessness

Well either way I've been drinking about a 40 a day for the past month just so I can relax at night.
If I don't drink I have trouble sleeping and can't relax because I hate my self
I also smoke a lot of pot

>> No.7546024

same here bro. same here.
drink at night, hangover/anxiety in the morning, drink in the morning, get pissed midday, drink, dinner, drink.

i am thinking of hiring a private boxing/kung-fu instructor so I can feel stronger. maybe that'll work. but yeah, im feeling shit again right now brb going 7-11 to grab some cans o beer. shit!

>> No.7546151

You ever take an exam buzzed? It actually works well assuming you studied (and drink quite often). Some studies have shown that a bit of an alcohol buzz can actually lead to better test results, since you tend to not over-think things or change your answers. I took a few of my finals last semester after a couple Steel Reserves and ended up nearly the top of the class. All of my normal excess thinking and nervous energy went away and I just remembered the correct answers

>> No.7546158

pls don't drink Bernie Sanders, you haven't lost yet I love you

>> No.7546161

How do you even become an alcoholic? I mean I can smoke at work so I understand smoking but I can't show up drunk

>> No.7546174

People either have jobs with little direct contact with a boss, like people who work out of their home, or they just have a drink or two during the day to feel normal and ward off withdrawals, then get shitfaced immediately after work and all weekend

>> No.7546177

Still, being drunk makes me a mess. Sounds like the worst addiction when thinking what effect it has on everyday life even compared to meth and coke and stuff

>> No.7546325

I quit at the end of january and only had 2 slip ups since then. Meaning I only drank 2 nights in the last 3 months. I can feel my body begining to heal all the damage I did to it with alcohol, and feel great desu. Both those 2 times I drank for the next few days I felt terrible, like my body was trying to get rid of a poison, which obviously is exactly what happens when you drink.

I was drinking daily for a few years and had become absolutely brain dead. Could barely form sentences or articulate myself, had crazy heart and anxiety problems, all of which are slowly dissapearing since I quit.

The first month or so was pretty terrible, feeling depressed as hell every day, but if you can make it through that you eventually start feeling normal again, which at the time you quit does not seem possible, which is why I barely made it a few days before going back to drinking so many times before when trying to quit.

it really does come down to quitting for 2-3 months before you start to feel normal again.
and seen as you were used to feeling so shitty from the alcohol all the time, feeling normal actually is almost like a high in itself because of how much better you feel in general.

Getting sun, lifting weights, doing carido eating healthy (lots of vegetables), drinking lots of water all noticably boost the mood significantly.

I highly recomend it to anyone who is struggling and wants to quit.

>> No.7546342

What about when your worst behaviors are when you're sober
I drink a lot and I'm starting to feel I've reached the tipping point where I've admitted to myself that alcoholism is a possibility, whether that means currently or further down this slippery slope.
But the worst incidents of rage and violence in my life were years before I started drinking, or at times where I was overtly not drunk.

If I were a perfectly nice guy sober and a real bastard while drinking, as so many seem to be, at least I could stop drinking. What if the problem runs deeper?

>> No.7546354


Then you should start seriously analyzing yourself, your thoughts, and the reason you feel the way you do about certain things.

One thing that has helped me is I have made an effort to try and be more open to ideas I dont agree with. instead of hearing an opinion I think is retarded and instantly writing it off like I used to I now really try to understand and see things from a different perspective from my own.
Trying to actively have compassion for things and people I normally just wrote off as idiots,assholes,stupid etc etc.

It has made me a better person desu

>> No.7546362

It's worth admiring that you let your slip-ups be slip-ups.
Too many people say, I drank last night, so fuck it, I'll drink tonight and the next night and the next.
It's understandable, on a level, because it's an addiction, but letting a misstep be a misstep and not heading all the way down that road is a healthier way of living, and it's great you could do that.

Fucking right on, man. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.7546369

I haven't gotten smashed in a long time. Lately I've just been having a beer every couple days.

Sidenote: what's your favorite word for "being drunk"?

>> No.7546387


"Loaded" sounds really good to me, but I never think to say it, and it sounds like an appropriation of a cocaine term. Lit was cool, until it became co-opted by Twitter.

>> No.7546389

got depressing news

i'm half a month sober

it's not worth it to pick up some vodka "just for a night to get over it" is it, lads?

>> No.7546396

>dad's side of my family are alcoholics
>fraternity life = become alcohol
>feel alive when I'm drinking and boring when I'm sober
>started drinking before classes and mixing with opiates
I should stop before I do something really stupid like driving

>> No.7546398

"tore up"

>> No.7546401

that would be punishing yourself. no need to kick yourself while you're down.
take care of yourself, be healthy, get what you have to do done, and then go to sleep. no need to hurt yourself any more.
take care dude, and sleep tight. in the morning, you'll feel better at the very least having the knowledge that you didn't break.

>> No.7546402

"Sloshed" is one of my all time faves.

"Hammered" comes in a close second though.

>> No.7546404

It's not.

>> No.7546410


>> No.7546415

Smashed. And

>> No.7546424


hammed and smashed are the best imo

>> No.7546430

Getting bunged up is my favorite

>> No.7546591

Just picked up some Charles Shaw

You niggas know...

>> No.7546617

I recommend some FF12 with plenty of gin.

vidya and alcohol go hand in hand

>> No.7546623

Games are boring to me now unless I'm drinking. I like getting shitfucked and playing World of Tanks.

>> No.7546625

Nice bro, any pickle juice for chase?

>> No.7546633

Not him but I'm a straight vodka drinker. For me the best chaser is a sip of chocolate milk. I know it sounds gross but it really works well.

>> No.7546670


If you have one near you, try Aldi's Winking Owl. I personally like their pinot grigio, it's usually the same price as three buck Chuck, although in my area it's 20 cents cheaper.

>> No.7546688

Therapy is great for people with little to no self awareness. Keep in mind that treatments for addiction are statistically ineffective and extremely old fashioned. You are still in control of your own life, even if it doesn't seem like it. Drinking or not drinking isn't going to change that on it's own.

>> No.7546731

Aldi around here doesn't sell alcohol, because my state is stingy with licensing

>> No.7546747

I just drink straight, no chasing

>> No.7546785


Any of you guys seen 'Leaving Las Vegas'?

Does it potrary alcoholism well?

>> No.7546795

yea, infographics are garbo

>> No.7546797


>> No.7546814


Thanks guys. Felt like a faggot closing my eyes as I passed by liquor stores on the bus ride back from work but made it home without giving in

>> No.7546883

said i was going to taper down from 3 40ozs a night to 3 miller lite 40ozs or mickeys. still buying steel reserve. and now eating a hungry man dinner

>> No.7546916

That movie is the bottom, bottom, bottom, like Mariana Trench level bottom of how bad it can go. but yes it happens.

>> No.7546939

>gag at the thought of tasting booze while you pick it up

This is when I realized I had a problem. I'd dry heave all day until I had a drink or three.

>> No.7547256


>> No.7547954

Longest straight time you managed to stay dry

Me is 4 weeks

>> No.7548230

I'm 32 and been drinking since 19. I work graveyard so I drink in the morning, but lately I have been trying not to drink during my work week. I've managed to only have 4 - 6 tall cans a week now.

>> No.7548367

Just got a bottle of Canadian Club rye

its really smooth, so smooth i wish the liquid was thicker. what should i mix in?

>> No.7548402

Downed a 40 of steel reserve and only got halfway through a second one. I hadn't eaten anything and I barely remember grilling burgers and going asleep. Good times

>> No.7548418

>i wish the liquid was thicker. what should i mix in?
starch? powdered mashed poatoes?

>> No.7548466

What's your opinion on Blue Moon?
Are any beers you can get at a market worth a shit?

>> No.7548497


>> No.7548540

Bad. At a party with a blue moon keg, downed so much I ended up throwing up into a natural ice box. Never again

>> No.7548557


blue moon is shit.

magic hat is probably my fav supermarket beer. just had their summer variety pack this week and enjoyed everything in it.

>> No.7548561

Nicolas Cage studied his own drunk behavior for 2 weeks when preparing for the role (he went on a 2 week binge in Ireland with a friend and a video camera) so it's more accurate than most Hollywood portrayals of drunkenness. Often they get it wrong because it's so much more subtle than how it's usually done. I do recommend the film. I sort of liked it when I saw it but I really liked it when I thought about it afterwards.

>> No.7548568

What do you think about some stores having those build-your-own-six-pack sections? Anything good usually come from those?

>> No.7548573

Get st ides or go to the beer thread

>> No.7548583

Oh shit, whoops. I thought this was the beer/alcohol thread. My bad.

>> No.7548593


build your own six pack i usually just go for the six highest ABV beers and feel like i cheated the system because the 6 pack is cheaper than it would have been buying them the normal way.

>> No.7548604


>bunch of faggots talking about sours
>"good" sours literally taste like drinking vinegar

yeah fuck that thread

>> No.7548664

yes, aside from the cute hooker misaki saviour

>> No.7548678
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it's noon...time to decide what to drink today.

any suggestions?

>> No.7548684
File: 13 KB, 480x343, 12241473_10208262463578711_4430238191687179195_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a sour that tasted like nail polish remover. Bartender said it was their most popular beer.
>mfw first sip

>> No.7548708


worked with this snobby fucker with a culinary degree for a couple years back as a kitchen bitch while i was in college. would go out to drink after work and he would always buy some $20 bottle of fucking sour beer and sip on it for two hours and talk about how great it was.

wanted to put something new one the menu. "maybe it will be cool... lets see what he makes"

croque madame

drinking vinegar beer and eating gravy sammiches is still the most meme foodie bullshit ever that i will never respect.

>> No.7548713

going to the bar for happy hour, then coming home to 2 40zs of steel reserve. living the life

>> No.7548745
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>walk home from work
>stop by the supermarket, get some rice, healthy food for a change since I was in the mood to cook
>decide I will get couple of energy drinks instead of beer because I need to do some stuff later and stay up late
>continue to the veggie store after
>this 10/10 gorgeous looking girl comes in, literally best looking girl ive seen in months
>buys something and goes out
>its like an anomaly from another world, something that doesnt quite exist in my lonely fucking life
>immediately think about the guy who is waiting for her in the car and who is gonna cuddle with her tonight and do all kinds of lewd shit
>buy my shrooms and walk home
>feels hit in
>regret that I didnt get beer instead
>some kind of retarded teenage-tier selfdestructive mood kicks in, really want to get drunk

why are we here, just to suffer

>> No.7548781

for the guys in here that drink 1000+ calories of alcohol a day - have you gotten fat? or are you able to mitigate all of those calories by not eating much and/or exercising a ton? or maybe you still have your excellent young person metabolism? personally, i gained about 20 pounds over a couple years while drinking heavily. i am now cutting back and have lost half the weight.

>> No.7548802

Yes i have massive beergut

>> No.7548815

i regularly hit over 1k beer calories a day. i just don't eat the other days. my BMR is pretty low ~1250 so it sucks.

not fat yet, about 10lbs over where i wanna be, but i'm still thin at 20 bmi

>> No.7549190 [DELETED] 

Every since the "Drunk texan with kitties getting drinking and cooking" threads, I've gotten quite fond of useing the term "getting dickered

>> No.7549206

I've actually lost about 12lbs since I went full on alcoholic, but that's just because I was in great shape and very muscular before. I stopped lifting, lost all of the muscle I worked years for, and am now starting to gain it back in fat. I'm lighter than when I started drinking, but my body composition is now shit. It's depressing

>> No.7549209

Ever since the "Drunk texan with kitties drinking and cooking" threads, I've gotten quite fond of using the term "getting dickered"

>> No.7549517


>> No.7549594

From a clinical perspective it probably is. But I still wouldn't consider some ditz who only drinks three times a year but manages to get hammered and fuck up her own shit an alcoholic. More of a regular idiot who just can't handle her alcoholic or suffers from the delusion that that is the only way to party, not at all uncommon. If she were going out at least once a week and blacking out to the detriment of herself, yes, absolutely that is alcoholism.

>> No.7549596

Had virtually the same experience a few days ago, except for the beer part

>walking home from a doctor's appointment
>spot this absolutely gorgeous girl from behind
>longest legs I'd ever seen, black tights (my fetish), petite body
>extremely short black skirt, literally just covering her ass
>by chance walk into same store as her from two different entries
>get a glimpse of her face
>the most delicate face I've ever seen
>I am stunned
>take almost half an hour to get the one thing I want
>go to the cashier
>suddenly, she's in line behind me
>don't even know what she bought
>barely know what I'm paying for
>stumble out of store and wait for bus
>watch her leave store and carry this epiphany of a body away
>go back and buy beer

>> No.7549791

i would because alcoholism is only a problem if it affects your life (economically, socially, health. mentally, etc)

binge drinking to me implies possibility of:

>spending food money (college kids eating ramen to afford beer)
>alcohol poisoning (technically hangovers are a sign of alcohol poisoning, but that's for pussies. but proper alcohol poisoning def exists)
>ending up in the drunk tank, dui, underage drinking arrest
>"accidentally" cheating on yr gf/bf

that's what i think of when i hear binge drinking, so it matches "affects life negatively"

but what doesn't?

idk if that makes any sense, coincidentally, i'm drunk.

>> No.7549843
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i like a good wheat beer

>> No.7549871

I'm speaking from an Austrian perspective and binge drinking is basically a defining feature of students here. It definitely does affect their lifes negatively, but at the same time, it affects their lifes positively: the fun and socialising of drinking definitely weigh out the burden it places on their finances and their health. I don't think there's a social burden unless you regularly puke into your friends' flats, fuck their girls, and just fuck up as a whole. It's probably more a social faux-pas not to drink.

>> No.7549877

Yes and it sucks 2 40s are like 1400 cals plus I get hungry as fuck and snack on takis I've gained lots of weight

>> No.7549880

It's like that in America as well. I think the problem is often that binge drinking habits tend to continue even after students graduate which is when it really becomes a problem

>> No.7549945

Good man. What wheat beer do you usually drink?

I like Weihenstephaner, Paulaner, Schneider, and Urertl. Not much else available here.

>> No.7549966

I haven't drank any hard liquor in over a month. I still pound a few steel reserve's every couple nights but I feel a lot better without a constant vodka buzz. There was a point when I didn't have a solid shit in over a month, basically anything I ate I could see undigested as it spewed out my ass. That was a pretty solid hind I needed to cut down

>> No.7549994

First night of not drinking in a year, my nose has been started bleeding almost everyday for months that's a sign of liver disease right?

usually drink a pint of vodka a night

>> No.7550011

yep. i think this is greatly evidenced by the bragging about how much you drank phenomena.

"oh man i killed that keg last night' "shit, jager is the worst, i had a hang over from hell" etc

that's all a product of binge drinking and having binge drinking as your defining feature or hobby.

everyone's done it, but a lot of people can't let go of it. which is the concern.

>> No.7550014

that's a sign of being dehydrated.

also pray chance do you snore/sleep mouth open when you're drunk...there ya go.

but also you have liver disease ;_;

>> No.7550021
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admit there is a problem and really take a look at your life. go to aa or lifering or something like that.
i have 6 months in a few days.
make sure you just really really look deep.

>> No.7550031

don't snore, I grind my teeth at night and I stay pretty hydrated.

i've been trying to eliminate potential causes.

>> No.7550088

don't know...my nose bleeds a lot too, assumed it was dehydration. or the coke....

>> No.7550128

Does drinking to make shitty feelings go away work at all, or does it just make them worse?

>> No.7550158

Only on occasion, but it's a slippery slope my friend. Sober life has it's problems that alcohol is able to temporarily numb, but becoming dependent on alcohol brings about a whole new world of problems. Things like drinking after a breakup, or after a bad day at work are one thing. Drinking to escape an overall shitty life in general means there are way more underlying problems that need help, and alcohol will just compound them in time

>> No.7550161

It works until you sober up then they come back even worse. So you drink more the next time and so on.

>> No.7550162

>Does drinking to make shitty feelings go away work at all

>does it just make them worse?
Also yes, just when you stop or drink so much that you cant really get drunk any more

>> No.7550164

purify every gram you get, fuck caffeine in your cut. also, it gives you a better high

>> No.7550175

So if my plan is to just stay numb whenever possible, I'm on the right track? Or should I look into something else?

>> No.7550176

Yes, dealing with your problems.

>> No.7550194

If you mean you're on the right track to becoming an alcoholic, then yes. Try other drugs/methods friend, alcoholic lifestyle is destructive as fuck. Find out what it is that makes you have "shitty feelings". Is it anxiety/shyness? In that case look into Kratom, that has kept me off alcohol a lot more than I used to and much less destructive

>> No.7550215


No I have not. But I once did go to a bio lab drunk and did pretty well. Luckily it wasn't chemistry and there was no way I could burn my face off.

>> No.7550251

Alcohol was a godsend for my grades in college, especially during presentations since i'm socially awkward. My last couple years I ended up having to give project presentations in front of 100-150+ person lectures and I get social anxiety even introducing myself to a room of 10 people. I'd practice the fuck out of my presentation, get a solid buzz on before giving it, then nail it and crack some solid jokes during the presentation without caring. I got way better grades when I was drinking than I ever did before

>> No.7550270

>alcoholic lifestyle is destructive
I don't really care if it's destructive, so long as it keeps me numb. And if it shaves several years off my life in the process, that sounds like a win-win.

>> No.7550304

That's fine, but I hope you realize it's not just destructive to you, alcoholism can basically destroy every family and friend relationship you've ever had. I understand you're self deprecating and hate yourself, but it's really not worth bringing those around you down with it. Trust me, I've been there

>> No.7550358

Most of my relationships are dead/dying anyway, so I think I might give this whole alcoholism thing a try. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7550393

In that case...cheers friends, your next shot is on me

>> No.7550398

oh boy, I had some pretty odd shits in my alcoholic days. I don't know how your body manages to still function when you're drinking the way I was.

>> No.7550417

how long/much were you drinking, and what were those shits like if you don't mind me asking? Like I said, after even just a month of hard boozing I never saw a solid shit, I can't imagine what it's like for people going on years

>> No.7550418

complete water-splat shits confirmed.

>> No.7550510


>> No.7551097

Reminder that being an alcoholic is pretty effay on paper. Good job, everyone.

>> No.7551142

You shouldn't underestimate the sheer physical pain and mental anguish that comes with being a drunk. You'll just become more depressed and heave and shit everywhere and shake and have headaches and insomnia.

>> No.7551181


No one becomes an alcoholic by trying to do so, you just wake up one day and realize it.

>> No.7551188

Then spend the next 12 months plus thinking every evening and morning "I will quit tomorrow"

>> No.7551281


Just to update this, I haven't had anything at all to drink for the past couple of days.

Feel pretty good actually, been trying to eat healthily instead of eating a bunch of crisps while I am drinking.

A few of my mates are going out tonight, so I am going to try going along and drinking sensibly, i.e. 4 pints max.

Usually I would drink a lot more than they would, and when we all went home I would keep drinking until I fell asleep.

>> No.7551724

>so I am going to try going along and drinking sensibly, i.e. 4 pints max.

good luck man, I'm not able to "drink sensibly" even when I try, once I start I say fuck it and get drunk. It's a lot easier for me to stay sober than to just have a couple beers

>> No.7551755

said. a few pints in and you´l think "eh, since i´m already drinking" and then go on as ever. would be better if you just stay home, just give them a bullshit excuse

>> No.7551932

iktfb. got invited to a bar with a big group last night, many of whom i don't know. had a couple of beers before i left because i have bad social anxiety. figured i'd have a couple more at the bar. ended up having five more at the bar.

>> No.7551979

age 0 - 12

>> No.7552691


I kind of succeeded.

Went to the pub and had 4 pints and 2 whiskys. Had that brief moment of "fuck it, lets go out and drink until the sun comes up" but I came home instead.

Have a small buzz and am tempted to open some beer, but I am going to bed instead.

Had a good night, and will have a good nights sleep. First time I have passed up on a big night out for as long as I can remember.

>> No.7552710

Sober since Wednesday. I'm 6 tall boys of Budweiser in and my gf will be here shortly with some vodka. i have a decent job, my own place and it's Friday. I'm getting drunk.

>> No.7552776

4 pints and 2 whiskys is still quite a bit, but if that's a lot less than you normally would have then you dun good son

>> No.7552796
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Just $3.99. Kids eat free.

>> No.7552843

Unless you're Gordon gecko a fucking nurse isn't going to risk her job to steal a few dollars

Someone probably took your cash as a fee for saving your life. No point taking the phone unless you're a professional criminal who knows how to sell them

>> No.7552849


>professional criminal that knows how to sell them
>literally drop boxes that are unattended where you put the phone in and it gives you cash

>> No.7552851

>>literally drop boxes that are unattended where you put the phone in and it gives you cash

Where do you live that they have these? I've never seen that

>> No.7552854


>go out in public
>black out on the side of the road
>doctors are fucking stupid man

sounds like you are on a fast track to success.

>> No.7552861



super shady atm like shit where you just go sell stolen phones no questions asked

>> No.7552865

How does the device know if the phone works or not?

>> No.7552886
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It used to be that I would give myself a beer after every time I went running or worked out, mainly because it helped motivate me. But it's gotten to a point where I'm gaining weight because of it.

I've now switched to flavored seltzer water... which honestly, has been completely awesome. I don't get the drunk feeling, but I still enjoy drinking it.
I'm still having one beer a day (and I don't plan on giving that up any time soon), but at least I've nearly halved the amount that I drink per week as a result.

>> No.7552904

Is it normal for an IPA to contain malt?

>> No.7553454
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No questions asked while it takes your photo and thumb print and checks the serial to see if is lost or stolen

>> No.7553674

I have the exact same issue right now. Everything has been boring the whole week since I've been sober and I don't have much of a life outside of the house. All I can think of is going for walks again, but that only takes up so much time and I'd be alone with my thoughts. On the other hand, I'm starting to realize I don't like the majority of people I converse with in my town. What hobbies do you guys have?

>> No.7553682

I made the mistake of switching from my usual bottle of bourbon to some shitty premix cans and now have really fucking painful gout. Went to the doctor today and got some naproxen, seems to be slowly working but have been stuck in the house all day

It's only ever premix that does it to me, last time I had it was 7 years ago

Fucking preservatives or something, it has to be nasty shit in those cans

>> No.7553718

lol yes

>> No.7554813

Picked up a couple 40s tonight, I had to take the GRE this morning so I'm rewarding myself

>> No.7554825


Uncanny. My previous band, the one where I developed my drinking problem, had those as song names

"Smashed Hammered and Stoned" and "Bung'd Up"

>> No.7554963

>rewarding himself with 40s

>> No.7554965

you can do it anon

>> No.7554967

had a blood test done a while ago and received the results. I drink oftern, but as much as I used to. apparently meds & alc have wrecked some havoc.. not sure what to do as I find it very hard to unwind after work -.-

>> No.7555003

Drinking this today, tastes like water but it was the cheapest beer they had and I just wanted to get my moneys worth in regards to alcohol content.

>> No.7555008
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forgot image, obviously getting kinda fucked up already.

>> No.7555106

i was sober for 3 weeks, now i got drunk. hi all

>> No.7555294

I can tell I'm slipping into alcoholism and I don't care. Currently mixing Smirnoff green apple with Mountain Dew. If I'm feeling adventurous I might make a trip to McDonald's later.

>> No.7555831

I actually frequent r/cripplingalcoholism, it's the only thing on reddit I like to read. /alc/ threads are somewhat infrequent here and I love reading about people messing up their lives with booze, there are some true degenerates there

>> No.7555850

imagine the color and consistency of your shits in a few hours.

>> No.7555958
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>going clean as of today
>saw this thread
>usually go through a 6 pack a night or red wine, demolish a case of the weekend easily
>feel shit
>put on 30lbs from the beer
>looking forwards to being fit again and having a clear mind.

It really doesn't help when you were fit, because a bit of fat looks like ALOT of fat.

Now I will just have to work out how to sleep at night. Reading or 4chin will probably suffice, but I don't think I will get much sleep for a few days.

Wish me luck.

>> No.7556163

benadryl, or "diphenhydramine" (the generic name), works great for sleep. got me through more than a few withdrawals of various substances.

alcohol withdrawal is basically toothless after 3 days. good luck.

>> No.7556171

starting to be anxious and sleep poorly on days where i have no alcohol

is this the end

have i finally reached alcoholism

>> No.7556180


its mild alcohol withdrawal. if you just sleep poorly its mild. try laying bad with techno songs pumping through your head for eight hours while you stare at the wall. thats not even bad. it gets much worse. your hands tremble, you puke, your blood pressure is so high each heartbeat shakes your body, etc

>> No.7556182

*laying in bed

>> No.7556185 [DELETED] 

Drinking white wine with my niece and her friend. They are 14. Someone is getting to fuck some teen poon.

>> No.7556214

Has anyone experienced severe withdrawals after only drinking for a few days in a row? I was drunk for about 5 days and when I stopped my shit got way fucked up. Can post more in depth story if interested

>> No.7556222

5 days is absolutely long enough to develop a tolerance. Your central nervous system is fighting the depressant drug (alcohol), and all the chemicals it puts out to fight it end up really fucking you up. That is hangover/withdrawal. Your body literally gets used to the alcohol being normal.

Don't stay drunk more than a day or two in the future.

>> No.7556311

Had a few tonight, just a couple IPAs and a shot of rye and now sipping Jameson before I retire.

Loss is a fact of life, we all lose our loved ones with time and we lose some of our dreams. But I want to help build a country where our losses are overwhelmed by our collective gains.

A toast to solidarity!
A toast to collective advancement!

>> No.7556337

bernie pls I'm an alcohol and I would stop drinking for you. Lets put our losses behind us and not have another drink until tomorrow night.

>> No.7556341

Just read this:

It's difficult to put that behind me. How can I deal with tomorrow? How?

>> No.7556360

Fucks i do nto want this

Bit this is the only way I can take ite easy and not be angry a

How do I regulate myself to prefvent depensecy

>> No.7556370

By not being a fucking retard?
>oh noes, a socialist may never run my capitalist country!


>> No.7556378

I have to agree with M. Bakunin.

It's a tad depressing.

>> No.7556379
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Let us have a toast. Someday....

>> No.7556391
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I disagree with your insistence on trusting the knowledge and experience of the peasantry and workers for the formation of new social an economic institutions when, in my opinion, the goal is to cut the throats of the nobles and their lackeys...nonetheless, I will gladly raise a toast to you, my esteemed comrade.

>> No.7557683

yup, I went on a 4 day bender a couple weeks ago, about 750ml of vodka per day, and I had bad withdrawals for about 4 days afterward

>> No.7557693

The best part about cutting down on my drinking is my tolerance reverting back to as if I was in highschool. I had a 4 pack of steel reserve cans last nigh which used to just get me a little buzzed, and it got me totally shitfaced

>> No.7557699

smoke some pot for a few nights to relieve the DT's. I sober up every 3 or 4 months for a while so I don't die, and even though I don't typically like pot, it helps to get through the first 2-3 nights.

>> No.7557823
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Am O going to make i

>> No.7557923

After drinking for days on end and detoxing, does anyone else get this weird, uncomfortable "heavy" type feelings in their legs/feet?

I have almost no clue what this feeling is, but a side effect from a medicine made me feel the exact same thing and it was called Lactic Acidosis.

Not sure if it's the exact same thing or not.

>> No.7558064

>190 proof

shit son

>> No.7558122

Never heard of "heavy leg" related to alcohol. Are you a female going through menopause?

Wikipedia says Lactic Acidosis can have many causes. Maybe stopping alcohol (and other changes of habits, you probably changed diet while you were DTing for example) had an influence on something that caused lactic acidosis.

I heard of legs and lactic acid in another case : after running endurance when you're not used to, if you don't walk while you cool down, you get cramps due to lactic acid. You have to walk while the body eliminates it, it normally takes a few minutes.
I imagine it's what causes you this feeling, only with a constant low dose of acid. Maybe some physical activity can help. Try walking a mile or two, it cost nothing and can't hurt. At worst you have slightly heavier legs tonight.

>> No.7558173

I'm 23 and I've never had any hard alcohol, only a few beers at parties. When I was younger my dad and all of his siblings had drinking problems that broke up two marriages out of the four of them. My childhood is full of randomly spending the night at my friends' and family's houses because my dad was acting up. I remember him busting holes through walls a few times. He's a great person, but when he falls off the wagon he get pretty bad.

I don't know if that could happen to me, but I never wanted to risk it.