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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7536906 No.7536906 [Reply] [Original]

>Female yelp reviewer calling a sandwich a, "sammy".

>> No.7536908


>> No.7536912

Why is this even allowed?

>> No.7536913

what's up with the dramatic lighting?

>> No.7536915

>Female yelp reviewer
>5 star review
>Tons of exclamation points and stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****

>> No.7536917


>> No.7536918

You forgot,
>All have a picture of them with sunglasses.
>All Asian.

>> No.7536919

Not gonna lie, that sammy looks good as fuck.

>> No.7536920

>the food was amazing
>service was incredible
>hubby devoured every last bite
>had to park at the back of building
>1/5 stars, disgusting

>> No.7536926

It does indeed but its a sandwich.

>> No.7536927

Based jackfruit sammy looks based.

>> No.7536932

It's vegan.

>> No.7536941

Even more based when I add a chicken fried steak in the middle then.

>> No.7536943


>> No.7536945

As a vegan, I don't much care for meals built around jackfruit because they have poor macro ratios. I like to have about 12% of calories as protein, and jackfruit is about 4%. So I still need to eat another meal afterward.

>> No.7536946


>> No.7536947

I like meat and stuff but I'm not above trying something vegan.

>> No.7536955

Why are most yelp reviews written by females are awful

>> No.7536957


Give me one of those sammies right this goddamn minute

>> No.7536958

>Why are most yelp reviews written by females are awful
>written by females
You answered your own question.

>> No.7536965

Terrible looking sammy. Ps I just yanked it to your picture. I feel strangely comfortable about it.

>> No.7536969
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>> No.7536972

I literally say "yummo" when I taste black coffee.

>> No.7536993
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Also, I read one that said "scrum-diddly-umptious"

>> No.7537057

>Why are most yelp reviews written by females are awful
>yelp reviews
You answered your own question.

>> No.7537072

Fucking Yelp.....
I used to love it, it was incredibly helpful to me when I moved across the country to a city I'd never been to before. So, I joined, and mostly just read reviews, then slowly started posting my own reviews, which I did very fairly and justly (I was journalist, so I always keep my integrity when I write a critique or review of something).
But now, people have turned it into a social media platform, posting pictures of themselves instead of the meals or restaurants, and leaving 1 star reviews because "wah, they didn't get my special snowflake kid's autist meal right" or "we went to this bar at 11 pm and it was full of drunks!! ONE STAR!!"
I fucking HATE the general public.......

>> No.7537115
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>> No.7537147
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>> No.7537266


>> No.7537506

Am I the only person who saw Trump in the thumbnail?

>> No.7537516

I thought it was a cabbage patch kid

>> No.7537517

>Food was amazing but the waitress didn't give enough eye contact 1/5, would never go back

>> No.7537522

When i would go out of town, i used to just quickly look up whats well reviewed around me and try that. Now I have to go through and read their bullshit.

>why did this place change their hours???
>1 star
>the food is great and we got ok service I guess, but our waitress was FLIRTING with the other customers instead of getting us more refills
>1 star

>i got sick from the chicken here once but they are really friendly
>4 stars

Why hasent someone made a program that filters out all female reviewers?

Ive seen stupid shit from male posters but its way less common

>> No.7537550

Holy shit this pisses me off so much. Most people are fucking either retarded or insane or both, I swear. I go to a lot of sort of "ethnic" "hole in the wall" type places (according to yelp) because I am in the downtown area in my city where all of the immigrants live, and yelp reviewers are always complaining about the service and how they aren't treated well enough, or the restaurant isn't attentive enough....

Sorry you over privileged liberal, some brazilian or paki place isn't going to cater to you as hard as fucking chipolte or panera or wherever you go to feel safe.

>> No.7537558

Why are you looking at a vegan place on Yelp instead of HappyCow?

>> No.7537561
File: 10 KB, 214x317, MV5BMjMzNTIzMTkxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODc3MTY0MTE@._V1_SX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I go to a lot of sort of "ethnic" "hole in the wall" type places
muh lengua

>> No.7537568 [DELETED] 
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>I ordered something I've never had before and I didn't like it so 0/5 do not go to this place
>I was in a bad mood and had to wait longer than I anticipated to shove food into my fat face 0/5
>the food was good but the location and decor were things that I am not exposed to on a regular basis 2/5
>the menu had things from a culture I am not familiar with so because I felt silly ordering them I was uncomfortable 1/5
>an act of god outside of the restaurant's control caused an inconvince for me and my party, 0/5 this place sucks

>> No.7537569

>according to yelp
Please learn to read. Did you literally stop reading mid sentence? I don't call them that. The people who go to them and complain about service and the parking and order the plainest thing they can find do.

>> No.7537587
File: 33 KB, 400x400, aa835e1b826be1afd436f3cbdb8f7e86_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is what happens when females are allowed to use computers
the muslims have the right idea, carve out their sin clits to prevent bad behavior, and lock them up as extra insurance
women are literally responsible for everything bad that happens in this world
yelp is hardly even the most extreme example, just one of the more hilarious and harmless ones

>> No.7537613

0/5 I couldn't get a table atmy preferred date and time at short notice.

>> No.7537620
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i unironically agree. Letting women on the internet was a mistake

>> No.7537624 [DELETED] 


I was at a Mexican restaurant I go to occasionally on a sunday, I had just gotten my food when a huge dinner rush came in. The fucking computers went down at the bar I was sitting at so there were about 30 people just standing around waiting to order food and drinks, and the bartender couldn't do anything.

this one couple, some dudebro who didn't talk much and his girl, this fucking cunt in a really nice expensive white sweater, were siting next to me, asking the guy if the computers were online and if they could order yet.

She had her boyfriend whipped as fuck, ad she kept saying to the bartender in a really slow, drawn out valley girl voice "oh don't worry, it's not your fault, it's fine, yeaaahhhh....whatever" and as soon as he turned his back she would just bitch and fucking moan about how much of an asshole he was. "good that guy is such a dick i'm so hungry, why can't i order anything omg this place suuuucks fucking douche bag omg"

Women are vile fucking creatures.

>> No.7537628
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>> No.7537643

Were women always this stupid or does the internet just make the stupid ones more visible? I can't tell.

>> No.7537650

dude women built the pyramids with their minds

>> No.7537654
File: 41 KB, 521x384, T'Pol_auction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were always this stupid

>> No.7537663

>Be restaurant near large park with tournaments going on for multiple sports unbenknownst to us.
>Get hit upon opening
>3 FOH, bartender, GM, and server total and 3 BOH, dish, cook, and kitchen manager.
>Most of prep done
>Multiple Double digit groups come in without reservations
>"We need to be out of here in a half hour"
>"I ordered this burger without lettuce"
>Making orders inhumanly quick, eyes hurting from trying to read so many tickets.
>fryers and grills all full
>ticket printer keeps going, no room for them on rack
>prepped food getting depleted
>Customers yells at server that is already overhwelmed
>GM checks yelp, whole table posted awesome reviews,
>One 1* review, complained food took too long, server forgot about their ranch, and lack of parking.
Women shouldn't be allowed to review.

>> No.7537738

T'Pol is cute! CUTE!

>> No.7537753
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Puffy vulva

>> No.7537764
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>super tasty

>> No.7537767

>an act of god outside of the restaurant's control caused an inconvince for me and my party, 0/5 this place sucks

Oh god, this.
>The power went out due to the huge storm raging outside. The owners apologized profusely, waived the bill, and gave us a $20 gift card for next time.
>I will not be returning, however. 0/5 I only got to eat half of my meal :(

>> No.7537819

All females are deceitful whores who should be socially censored.

>> No.7537855

man why this monkey look like thom yorke?

>> No.7538007

the internet makes the stupid ones more visible

>> No.7538015
File: 92 KB, 382x381, 1508590910[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on food.com or similar
>read recipe reviews
>woman cooked this for her "hubby," and he liked it

This word triggers me so fucking bad, it's like a snot-nosed little kid who still thinks he's "cute" even though he's growing too old for that shit

>> No.7538019

why the fuck is it called pulled pork still?

>> No.7538026
File: 6 KB, 200x178, stan02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for recipe
>find a blog with decent version
>blog written by "busy Mom"

>> No.7538039
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>when you get bad service because youre pretty and single

>> No.7538043

Either that or the occasional 0 star review when the waitress wasn't friendly enough.

>> No.7538054

holy victim complex

>> No.7538059

>Had a great evening the restaurant was perfect
>Taxi driver, that had nothing to do with the establishment, wasn't very nice

This is a real tripadvisor review on my own restaurant. I even e-mail my contacts at tripadvisor to show them how ridiculous this shit is and they refused to pull that shit down.

I got no issue with the other bad reviews because some of them were warranted but, this vegan bitch. We bent over backwards to accommodate her shit.

>> No.7538076

I hate women so much

>> No.7538079

Yelpers are insufferable pricks.

>> No.7538085

Fuck off Rachael Ray.

>> No.7538187


>> No.7538246
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>> No.7538269

no, no, stop it

>> No.7538270

Can't people decide for themselves that this review is bullshit? And considering such reviews are rare they shouldn't affect the overall score

>> No.7538274

i thought it was the obnoxious baby from dinosaurs

>> No.7538275
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I love the melodramatic ending of this one

>> No.7538281

>beautiful restaurant
>exquisite service
>tantalizing food
>hubby loved his deconstructed salted caramel sriracha foam
>only two ice cubes in my iced water
>disgusting, will never return and I'll be contacting the management 1/5 stars

>> No.7538338


She wasn't in the wrong tho.

>> No.7538411

women make mistakes just like the rest of us but no need to get all R9k about it

>> No.7538430

are you a qt?

>> No.7538440

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female coo/ck/, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

>> No.7538562

nice pasta, here's an upvote for you

>> No.7538586

>single, attractive women in our late 30s
>attractive women
>late 30s
Also just look at the monster in the thumbnail.

>> No.7538608

lmao, why would attractive women receive bad service? if anything they'd receive better service for being hot and a woman. Also judging from the thumbnail this woman isn't attractive at all and most likely got bad service for being an impatient insufferable cunt. Women are truly terrible creatures.

>> No.7538671

I just use Yelp to see what's in the area, then pull up the city's website to check out the restaurant's health report before trying it.

>> No.7538778
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lel she looks late 40s

>> No.7538821

she looks like a man tbqh

>> No.7538944

I was thinking the same thing. This review is just baffling

>> No.7538947

That's low 50s