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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 610x313, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7534385 No.7534385 [Reply] [Original]

When did Coffee become a total meme? Every I turn in my city there's a hipster coffee shop on every corner, I think there's more of these than Starfucks

>> No.7534392

Another shit "meme" thread

>> No.7534396

what is this 2007?

>> No.7534397

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.7534398

These places survive because there's always people who want to sit down and relax in an uncrowded coffee shop.

>> No.7534400

Kill yourself

>> No.7534413

coffee is literally the only thing hipsters are good for.

>> No.7535518

not sure whats worse. hipster coffee shops or people that whine about hipster coffee shops.

>> No.7535523


>> No.7536480

Gotta give the liberal art majors jobs you know

>> No.7536484

ITT op samefagging with an iPhone

>> No.7536486

well memed

>> No.7536489

"Hipsters suck hurrr coffee" is a meme, and a tired one. It peaked in 2010, and you're still holding onto it.

Coffee is good, and people who take their coffee extremely seriously are fine to do as they please. I love my hipster coffee shop; blows starfucks out of the water.

>> No.7536495

When was it not? In my lifetime it was a high powered businessman thing, then it was a yuppie thing, now it's a hipster thing.

I hope the hipster places totally replace Starbucks, anyway. At least they tend to put a bit of effort into their coffee.

>> No.7536498

Coffee shops were huge when Sir Isaac Newton lived. It's not a fad
People just like coffee.

>> No.7536620

Slayer is damn good.

But from all the grinders I've owned, I haven't really found large conics (like the robur) especially good.

>> No.7536652
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It's what American teenagers do. Probably to disguise their simple consumerist craving for a certain product as something that gives them identity.

They did the same thing to the humble European avocado.

Also bacon and sriracha sauce.

Think about it.

>> No.7536665


>> No.7536683

OP is mad he can't be one of the cool kids

>> No.7536698

>European avocado
honestly painful attempt, feel bad giving it a (you)

>> No.7538669

coffee has always been a hipster thing. u ever hear of the beatniks?

>> No.7538748


You got all the buzzwords, good job!

>> No.7538768

Coffees about as hip as slurping sone cum covered noodles. Pretty hip if you ask me fellas.

>> No.7538773


but anon a meme is a meme

>> No.7539744
File: 56 KB, 608x648, 1459657358799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I went to one of those hipster places I got sick

>> No.7539750

Good to know getting a coffee isn't a normal occurrence in Flyoverville.

>> No.7539792

>Hurr durr STEM means moneee :--)

Turn down your Pearl Jam CD, gramps. It's not the 90's anymore.

>> No.7539815

It's impossible to go for a drink legally in the US with current drunk driving laws, unless you live in a purely pedestrian area.

Going for coffee has become the new cultural norm for a group or personal gathering over food / drink.

>> No.7539818

spotted the theatre major

>> No.7539820

It doesn't mean being rich, but it sure as fuck means more than your english degree

>> No.7539823


Because skilled baristas making single drip coffee out of their own blend of beans actually tastes pretty good black. I went to a starbucks on saturday for a coffee for the first time ever and took a sip of their black coffee, and then thew it out, not to mention it was 3.10CAD.

Worst coffee I've ever had, no wonder they mix it with so much sugar and cream.

>> No.7539824

>It's impossible to go for a drink legally in the US with current drunk driving laws
um, you can definitely drink a beer without being legally drunk. 2 even. 3 is probably pushing it

>> No.7539829

Not in the US. One drink is drunk driving. Zero tolerance.

>> No.7539835

Yeah, thats not true

>> No.7539837

Are you black?

>> No.7539840
File: 57 KB, 600x665, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I get spacer earings then they'll think I'm hardcore
>if I get tattoos all over my arms then they'll think I'm hardcore
>these glasses sure are thick, bet that'll make them think I'm hardcore
>better shave my head just to make sure they understand just how hardcore I am

>> No.7539849

>Sir Isaac Newton
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.7539850
File: 6 KB, 160x180, scott_rick_thumbs_up_300x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, stay in denial with your philosophy degree

>> No.7539851

i mean it's easy to not get caught but seriously

if you think police tolerate this AT ALL

you must really not live in the land of the free

>> No.7539860

yeah, the legal limit is 0.08% BAC
The cops can't just make up the law

>> No.7539870
File: 332 KB, 750x750, oldschool meme coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Humanity has been hype about coffee for centuries and it's probably not going to stop any time soon.

>> No.7539872

You stood out. They knew you weren't one of them, so they poisoned you with their Hipster potions. Your lucky they didn't put a curse on you too.

>> No.7539878

So I'm
They 100% can, they can't make it stick, but they really can do what they want, if they want to claim you were "impaired" because you "admitted" you had one drink.
If you have a lawyer you will be fine, if you are some random nig you might get rolled/ forced into a plea.

>> No.7539881

STEM's are worth pursuing though. But I do agree that most STEM fags need to lighten up. Most aren't even willing to accept geology or biology into their elitist clubs. I think it's because both have too many women tbqh.

>> No.7539883

They aren't going to pull you over in the first place unless you are not driving like a normal person

>> No.7539885

>Not in the US. One drink is drunk driving. Zero tolerance.
Nope. It's somewhere like 1 and a half servings. Two can be pushing it depending on your body weight. So, just calculate the 1/hour rule in your mind, and when you reach "sober" even if you metabolize it slowly, you'll be 1.5 or less for sure.
Try this calculator to understand it's not exact science to do the 1/hour rule.

Of course that's not to say that 1 drink doesn't affect your reaction time, and 0 drinks is the safest driver. I'm sure it's like the same time as being a touch tired or even so-called non-drowsy daily use antihistamines.

>> No.7539887

Plate scanners will pick up expired/unregistered plates. I assume you are going to say those are part of "driving" though.

>> No.7539893

If you're out late night they're very happy to stop you for questioning. I'm white in a white neighborhood and they do this shit just for walking down the road.

>> No.7539897

They surely are. If you are driving illegally, its not the fucking beer's fault

>> No.7539907

Cops don't just randomly stop people because it is night
Where do you even live? I have literally never heard of someone ever getting it trouble for drunk driving undeservedly, or just randomly stopped while not drunk and not driving poorly or illegally

>> No.7539910

That is incorrect, the act of driving (a car) or piloting (a plane) are both control methods of a machine. The plates/regulations of the plane/car are unrelated to the action of driving/piloting.

>> No.7539921

When would anyone even be in a situation that they are driving an unregistered car?
How does that even happen? Is this a common enough occurrence to even discuss?

>> No.7539924

>Cops don't just randomly stop people because it is night
That's exactly when they randomly stop people. How do you think they make drunk driving arrests than stopping randoms at night? It's certainly not behavior.

I'm in a posh upstate NY town.

>> No.7539934

>That's exactly when they randomly stop people
I have literally never heard of anyone just being stopped randomly at any time of day.
>How do you think they make drunk driving arrests than stopping randoms at night? It's certainly not behavior.

Why would you possibly assume its not behavior? I can't think of any other plausible reason.
Do you seriously think cops are just randomly pulling people over and then giving them DUIs for drinking one beer? This is just not a thing

>> No.7539937

While unrelated to the driving/piloting thing. This happens quite a bit more than you might think, and they go super hard and happen to have no license or a suspended license. And no insurance. I have uninsured motorist because they are more likely to randomly hit me.

>> No.7539941

>They aren't going to pull you over in the first place unless you are not driving like a normal person
Not necessarily. They actually perform checkpoints most of all, right down the street from popular drinking establishments (or neighborhoods) just to make their life easiest. You have to realize that police see so many wrecked people, so many accidents, they're all behind the designated driver idea, not your rights to be a little tipsy legally speaking. No tolerance. A checkpoint is a thing where they stop you at a light, shine a light in your face and flat out ask you if you were drinking. You can say whatever, but their "opinion" will now be that they looked at you closely/heard you, but have a feeling you are impaired. Everyone stops at lights on the way home. So, yea, they do try to grab expired plates as the legal reason to pull you over, but blowing through any moving violation or just a lie that you were driving too slow, too fast, whatever, is enough to get you to test. They actually saw you drive off from the bar afterall. Alone? Of course you were drinking. How they nail you is just the formality of it.

>> No.7539942

I feel like it is entirely appropriate for a cop to pull over an unregistered vehicle with someone illegally driving without insurance

>> No.7539947

So it's not driving you are talking about, it's traveling.

>> No.7539953

>They actually perform checkpoints most of all
I've seen those on TV as plot points but never actually heard of a real one
I am pretty sure this whole concept you have is made up. I'm not particularly old. But I have been driving for over 10 years mostly in high drunk driving areas and never heard of someone getting stopped randomly or anyone getting charged with a DUI or OWI after only drinking one or two beers. Almost every case I am aware of they were pretty fucking drunk and driving very poorly

>> No.7539965

You lost me, what exactly is your point? That people should be allowed to drunk drive in unregistered cars because it is not necessarily the driver's responsibility to register the car?

>> No.7539981

The definition of driving. You are pulling people over for not driving like a normal person.
You were attempting to say behaving suspiciously, acting erratically or "likely to be a non law abiding citizen."
Registration is not related to the act of driving. I may sound pandemic, but this is how playing the "law" game goes.

>> No.7539987

DUI checkpoint is a very common practice in the US and if you are driving on a common road it's very likely that you'll be caught in one at some point regardless of overt lawbreaking.

Welcome to the USA~

>> No.7539989

I genuinely don't understand your issue. If the vehicle is on the road illegally, why would it be inappropriate to pull it over?

>> No.7539990

apparently the word isn't pandemic.
It's extremely unlikely, it happens rarely.

>> No.7539993

nothing wrong anon

just show me your papers


>> No.7539995

Fine with me. Cagers should be in camps anyway.

>> No.7539999

>DUI checkpoint is a very common practice in the US
Is this a regional thing? I am in a very high drunk driving rate area and have never seen such a thing. Surely they are not common if they actually do occur

>> No.7540001

Look your statistical probability based on "what you heard" from other victims is stupid. People don't like to talk about their crimes. Having a police blotter would be more indicative of what they do around you. Try befriending a police officer/sheriff locally and just asking some frank questions. This is how you hear "oh yea we hang out near Frank's bar, probably pull in 15 or so every weekend" or whatever it is you want to hear, from the horses mouth. Try working somewhere where DUIs/any arrests are immediately reported to your boss and can result in lose of certifications/job. See how often people actually do get in trouble with the law.

Not actually hearing about a checkpoint is your lack of life experience, or maybe some benefit to your locale. Try going out, traveling or something like a concert venue one night, and see if you don't exit the parking lot in a single lane with a forced single lane, with police "cones" set up a block away. They're not just directing traffic. Try living somewhere like miami beach, festival season, and try to take the causeway home, and get stuck in that single lane with paddy wagon up a block and several cars pulled over testing drivers. You can see that daily for 4 months out of the year in several places from Palm Beach to Miami. locals know about it. You can't always detour just to miss the slower traffic jam of it all. When I lived in D.C., saw it often as well. I contend, honestly, that you just don't have much experience in various cities, not out at the right hours. But, I will tell you the frontal lobe is your last part of the brain to develop. Youth always think their odds are so awesome, until that random is you. You don't get a DUI for 1 drink, but once they have pulled you over for any reason, you can be sure you get a sobriety check, and there's no "he's pretty sober so let's let him go rule" it's whatever the meter states.

>> No.7540004

I genuinely see nothing wrong with that. If you are drunkenly driving a car that cannot legally be on the road, why the fuck shouldn't the cops take action?

>> No.7540005

They aren't going to pull you over in the first place unless you are not driving like a normal person
I hope this is a language barrier?
The vehicle being road legal isn't related to how you drive it. If a sober person would drive it in the same way a drunk person wold drive it, the registration wouldn't be related to how you drive the vehicle.

>> No.7540014

>This is how you hear "oh yea we hang out near Frank's bar, probably pull in 15 or so every weekend"
There is a huge difference between pulling over legitimately drunk people and what you were previously suggesting

Guess this whole checkpoint thing is just in shitty areas, people would not stand for that shit around here

>> No.7540019

So i'm not even trying to defend it, but I don't think there has ever been a drunk driving check point outside of a vineyard that offered wine tasting.
Also 15 a weekend would close that bar in a hurry.

>> No.7540020

Normal people do not drive cars that are not road legal

But thats kind of beside the point. Do you really think we have an epidemic of cops pulling people over who are breaking no laws besides not registering their cars and just giving these people DUIs because they feel lie it? Your whole conspiracy plot sounds fucking ridiculous

>> No.7540027

I just googled it. DUI checkpoints are illegal in my state

>> No.7540036

>cops pulling people over who are breaking no laws besides not registering their cars
Absolutely, they are breaking the law, it is unrelated to how they are diving their car.
>Normal people do not drive cars that are not road legal
Not related to pulling people over for DRIVING like a normal person.
A person driving an unregistered vehicle is more likely to be a DUI.

>> No.7540039

I think maybe you don't understand the point of it all. Police are supposed to have a legit reason to pull you over. That would be the law part of it all. Some areas don't allow some laws to be legit reasons, such as handsfree laws or seat belts/helmets are primary reasons to stop you. Registration/tags being expired, broken tail light, something unsafe in your vehicle, like cracked glass, or some true or untrue manner in which you were driving, a lack of a full stop at a sign or light before a right turn, failure to signal, or driving "off" is more their subjective word. They can and do make those judgement calls when they see an obvious problem ftw, but also when they think they might get lucky, they will hope they see something else wrong when they pull you over without the legit reason (up to you to prove in court you didn't run that stop sign afterall, probably won't pay a lawyer to pull their dash cam, which they know). Know your rights, ask why you're pulled over, don't allow them to get permission for a search or incriminate yourself....but don't think for a second police are looking out for public interest all the time, and not actually hoping to nab random wanted people when the lights cause a chase, or they catch some DUI guy by hanging out at the next light up from an establishment. Their sergeant thinks they are working when they make things stick. They'll find a way to bring some tickets home for the night. It's only a naive person who thinks police aren't ticket writers day in and day out, esp troopers.

>> No.7540041

>epidemic of cops pulling people over who are breaking no laws besides not registering their cars
Anon pls most tickets go to people for not sorting their shitty paperwork

You're a month late in your bribe so fuck you pay me

>> No.7540043

>A person driving an unregistered vehicle is more likely to be a DUI.
So dumb people do dumb things?
It makes complete sense if you are so fucking dumb and irresponsible that you are driving an illegal vehicle that you are also irresponsibly driving drunk. I am seriously trying to understand your point but I am utterly lost

>> No.7540074

>That would be the law part of it all. Some areas don't allow some laws to be legit reasons, such as handsfree laws or seat belts/helmets are primary reasons to stop you. Registration/tags being expired, broken tail light, something unsafe in your vehicle, like cracked glass
>those are non driving related items.

>illegal vehicle that you are also irresponsibly driving drunk
If why driving drunk you are driving it correctly, you are driving it properly.
The best part is you guys are gonna wind up like
It won't happen to me guys, i'm legit.

>> No.7540362

> be me
> drink huge amounts of coffee, a pot or 2 a day
> tastes like shit,I don't care
> couple years go buy
> parents gift me a coffee machine with grinder
> tfw most coffee taste like shit now
> down to a few cups in the morning
I never enjoyed the whole caramel syrup fad they've got going now, tastes like chemicals.

>> No.7541895

I love coffee places. I got sober last year and this is how I meet women.

>> No.7541915

A roof over your head isn't everything

>> No.7541948

>/ck/ hates starbucks
>/ck/ complains when there are more independent coffee shops than there are starbucks

Maybe just go NEET and stick to your instant stuff, OP.

>> No.7541991

there's two reasons for tons of coffee shops to exist:

1. caffeine isn't a meme, it's a drug. people don't do whatever the dietary equivalent of shitposting is, they get addicted.

2. if you want to get out of the house, coffee shops are the cheapest way to get some space where you can sit and talk and hang out, or to work if you want to leave the house but think you're too cool for a public library and you don't want to pay money for space in some workspace-sharing building.
hipster shops proliferate because big coffee chains tend to burn the shit out of their beans so once you're down the addiction rabbit-hole hipster coffee starts tasting significantly better than starfucks or dickin donuts

>> No.7542005
File: 5 KB, 209x251, 1313242866611s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee and cigarettes used to be the bomb

can't smoke anywhere

coffee is all burnt like Starbucks


>> No.7542072

Read some good article recently about how opening a coffee shop meant pure profit and how having an established coffee shop meant your own business would get more customers, can't remember the link though

>> No.7542920

Step brother had giant spool earrings like that. One of his ear lobes ripped open. Had to get surgery.

>> No.7542932


It became a part of pop culture... Pretty much every civilized country is now filled with hipster coffee shops, all over America and Europe you can see the same thing - Coffee shops filled with hipsters, then there are underage teenage girls who drink coffee drowned in marshmalliws and whipped cream, then there are people in striped shirts and raybans taking up tables with their macbooks out doing nothing. It's just pop culture now, if you don't like being around all of that just don't go there.

>> No.7542974

>When did Coffee become a total meme?

When the Turks invaded Austria and got their Mohammedan asses handed to them outside of Vienna you stupid fuck.

>> No.7543277

It means people have gone for coffee for a long time.
And you need coffee shops to do that.

>> No.7543424

People back then literally meme'd harder than people do today.

>> No.7543443

Find a hipster joint near you. They almost always roast their coffee lighter than Charbucks. Or just get some fresh beans, grinder, and a french press and DIY.

>> No.7543739

>A roof over your head isn't everything

It's one of the fundamental cornerstones of being able to care for yourself, so yes, it kinda is part of the "everything" package.

>> No.7544360

found the hipster

>> No.7544431


Will drinking coffee to follow some trend is retarded, coffee shops have been doing well for hundreds of years.

>> No.7545104

The moment it was anything other than black.

>> No.7545149

Then you have to deal with hipsters, neighborhood is flooded with depressed know it all clowns, purposely going out of their way to comment create some type of conflict or controversy, even when you're minding your own business.

>> No.7545519

grow up m8