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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 419 KB, 680x637, eXSEhp7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7530669 No.7530669 [Reply] [Original]

this is pretty sweet

>> No.7530677

No, it's salty.

>> No.7530695


>> No.7530697

i don't get it

>> No.7530700

I wash my forks in salt-water, so my forks are like this by default.

>> No.7530713

go back to r.eddit you fucking faggot

>> No.7530721 [DELETED] 

wew lad

>> No.7530724

Sounds unpleasant

>> No.7530845

>salt is bad
I want this meme to die. There's a reason why you crave salt - it's a message from your body that you have a lack of it.

>> No.7530857

tfw you touch a filling

>> No.7530895

You need to brush up on your body language. Your body wants you to eat salt constantly because it's a nervous nelly and thinks you could lose access to salt at any moment. Dum dum body is ignorant of salt mines, intercontinental shipping and grocery stores.

>> No.7530899

salt is ok, the issue is that everything manufactured nowadays has a ton of it so people eat way more than they need.

>> No.7530909
File: 69 KB, 380x247, 1158434639464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's so mad at his failed life he has to shitpost on a Palestinian horse grooming seminar to fill the void

>> No.7530923

>he uses the [nationality] [action] [location] meme
pure other place

>> No.7531005
File: 16 KB, 360x288, 1160955190033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's mad he doesn't have a reaction image

do you think reddit misses you?

>> No.7531015
File: 683 KB, 680x264, 1301467631030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using images from 8gag
>judging others

>> No.7531016

You jest

>> No.7531019

>japanese food is so bland they have to electrocute their tongues for flavor

>> No.7531031

pardon my autism but that is 100% an april fools joke

>> No.7531345

>Being this upset at a harmless joke

Calm down m8

>> No.7532045
File: 353 KB, 800x600, stouffers_salisbury_steak_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt is ok, the issue is that everything manufactured nowadays has a ton of it so people eat way more than they need.

True, my buddy gave me a bunch of frozen Stouffer's meals when his mom died and some of that stuff was 50-60% of the recommended daily salt allowance and none were less then 25%.

I'll also add that the stuff made me shit 10 times per day...

>> No.7532069

>tfw my stainless steel cutlery taste like salt and metal
Probably the dishwashing powder

>> No.7532146

Thanks for defending me, fellow anons

>> No.7532162


Dear Mr. Ree,

It's a play on words, with the punchline implying that OP meant the spoon was literally sweet and not figuratively sweet.

>> No.7532195

Sounds like it would literally taste like salty coins.

>> No.7532225
File: 11 KB, 250x214, 1426249138566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else has a salty taste?


>> No.7532242

what a pointless piece of shit

>> No.7532243

But OP wasn't being salty at all. He was actually being positive about it.

>> No.7532299

>There's a reason why you crave sugar - it's a message from your body that you have a lack of it.

>> No.7532305

There's a reason why you crave heroin - it's a message from your body that you have a lack of it.

>> No.7532314

>There's a reason why you crave green vegetables - it's a message from your body that you have a lack of them.

>> No.7532315

Whoever thinks this is dumb, this isn't a product for you. Just imagine all the people having to watch their sodium intake enjoying this product though. I think it's pretty neat.

>> No.7532397
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 1399250125155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>salty as a euphemism for one's disposition

>> No.7532419

I've most quit added salt and now I no longer have vague unquenchable thirsts. I still sometimes put miso in whole pesto and stew.

>> No.7532424
File: 427 KB, 200x198, 1338976447164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miso in pesto


>> No.7532433

came to post this. first post best post.

>> No.7532462

2 cups fresh basil leaves
1⁄4 cup freshly toasted walnuts
2 cloves fresh garlic
1⁄4 of a peeled lemon
1⁄4 teaspoon lemon zest
1⁄4 inch of fresh turmeric root (or 1⁄4 teaspoon turmeric powder)
1⁄4 cup pinto beans
1⁄4 cup water or liquid from bean can
1 tablespoon white miso
Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth. Scoop onto a cup and a half of cooked whole-grain pasta.

>> No.7532507

>instead of eating a balanced meal with moderate amounts of salt instead of processed over-salted crap, let's create some retarded fork that simulates the taste of salt!
I hate this fucking world so much. This is on the same level as people eating chocolate and then substituting their meals with weight-loss shakes

>> No.7533494


I can't speak for everyone else here, but the concept of shocking my tongue with an electrical pulse just to taste salt seems a little unsafe to me.

>> No.7533498

Just eating *whole* foods is way easier than reductionist shit like calorie counting. Why do most people never think to try it?

>> No.7533500

Stop posting about whole foods. It's really obnoxious.

>> No.7533528

>using counterfeit anime
You're going away for the term of your natural life, fucko.

>> No.7533619
File: 51 KB, 450x597, japanese-inventions-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japan kind of has a monopoly on the whole stupid and pointless invention thing.

>> No.7533627

That's actually a hair washing shield.

>> No.7533628

whoa that sounds super similar to that time i either dipped my fork in water or licked it and then dipped it in salt


>> No.7533629

They even have a word for it.


>> No.7533697

>Palestinian horse grooming seminar

Anybody who uses this stupid fucking meme always has the most reddit tier opinions. I've never seen a poster on 4chan who wasn't a complete loser post this meme.

>> No.7533704

Pretty much. It was slightly amusing in its earliest incarnation, but it's become 9gag-tier autism

>> No.7534100
File: 62 KB, 200x233, 1433026085361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking dumb

>> No.7534119

Who is this Japan man and why isn't he next to Einstein in the history books?

>> No.7534122

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7534218
File: 31 KB, 400x400, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you salts are ok
Dont go to the sea tomorrow

>> No.7534344

Underrated post.

Imagine old fashioned metal braces.

>> No.7534435

more like your body wants a dopamine hit

>> No.7534469

Except it probably works like shit even for them

>> No.7534590



suck my fucking dick.

>> No.7534682

I love this post.

>> No.7535116

Nice projections, faggot.

>> No.7535124

You realize salty can be used for more than shitposting right?

>> No.7535151

wew lad

>> No.7535156

What do you think a craving is?

>> No.7535163

>OP said it's sweet
>The image description said it's salty
>Anon corrected OP
>You mad

>> No.7535570

>When you wanna bukkake but just got your hair did

>> No.7536517


>> No.7536967

Either japan isn't smart enough to realize that zinc and copper give the exact same effects and zinc/copper silverware are for sale or..well they're stupid enough to buy electric forks