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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7528144 No.7528144 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods you hated/despised as a child, but love now as a man child.

>> No.7528152

why? it's so fucking messy, packed with sodium, and doesn't even come close to filling you up.

I hope you change your life around anon, I would hate for something bad to happen to you, please try to eat better for your sake.

>> No.7528157

Not him. But you need to chill the fuck out. Won't hurt to eat once in a while.

>> No.7528179
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I love it.

>> No.7528573
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>> No.7528613

Fast food? It actually does hurt to eat once in a while. I wouldn't wish McDonalds on starving kids in africa.

>> No.7528618
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>I wouldn't wish McDonalds on starving kids in africa.

>> No.7528622
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>i quote people and attach a redditor's photo to the post

>> No.7528686

>blue cheese
>dark chocolate

>> No.7528716

Is that what Big Macs look like now?
I knew they had to cheapen it out someway, but holy shit.

Look at how much bread, and look at how little meat you get.
Looks awful

>> No.7528817
File: 10 KB, 505x336, Asparagus-505x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7528843


>> No.7528877

McDonalds has stepped up its game BIGTIME in the past 5 years. I actually enjoy some of their food now. It's also the only fast food joint that doesnt make me feel icky inside after digestion

>> No.7528888



>> No.7528901

hahahhahahahahah gtfo shill. garbage stepping up to trash is still pig disgusting

>> No.7528971

Pretty much anything.
Used to find pretty much anything disgusting but now I'm fine with pretty much everything.

>> No.7528981

0.5 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.7528990

This 100%
I fucking love asparagus>>7528843

>> No.7529002

But they haven't done shit to their food, it's the same old garbage it's always been, you just get less of it

>> No.7529305


Big Macs are good, but you got to order it with an extra piece of cheese. I mean, come on. 2 patties and only 1 piece of cheese? Plus it comes with a middle bun? Come on McD.

As for me, probably vinegar and vinegar based sauces, like buffalo sauce. Vinegar has grown on me through the ages, though I could live without the smell sometimes...

>> No.7529373


>> No.7529378

Pretty much everything.
I was a fucking picky kid.

>> No.7529382
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>> No.7529384

> Jesus, Lindsey

>> No.7529387

Olives and olive oil
Most shellfish

>> No.7529389


>> No.7529405

i usually dont complain about this, but the fucking mcdonalds posts have been so goddamn annoying recently. whether it's a fucking marketing team doing it, or teenage fatfucks, it doesnt matter. pls ban people from posting threads about fast food, mods.

>> No.7529408

I think its reverse trolling by acting like a shill thread.
It is actually making me mad too.

>> No.7529448

Cook some pasta, when pasta is nearly ready chuck in some chopped up florets of broccoli.

When broccoli is cooked, drain the lot in a colendar and leave to drain in sink.

Crumble up a 200g block of stilton and add half to the pan you cooked the pasta and broccoli in, add some crushed black pepper and return to the heat for a few seconds. Don't leave on the heat for too long.

Chuck the pasta and broccoli back in the pan and stir vigorously until the stilton has melted and coated everything.

Serve the pasta/broccoli/stilton mix in a bowl and sprinkle the remaining crumbled stilton over the top.



>> No.7529473

>whether it's a fucking marketing team doing it
Do you seriously believe this is plausible?

>> No.7529744


>> No.7529756

Oh shut the fuck up with your nonsense. Those poor kids wish they can eat a delicious mcchicken. Fast food is ok to eat once in a while. But if its part of your diet then its bad health wise.

>> No.7529802

I can't stop eating this stuff.

Made a total 180 on mushrooms, too. The shitty ones you get on pizzas really give them a bad rep.

>> No.7529814

Onion, capsicum, cabbage, mustard.

>> No.7529842

As a child I was actually disgusted by McDonald's cheeseburgers due to the fact we had no McDonalds in my home town.
My parents would often go on road trips and bring them back for us which dad would nuke in the microwave.
Now I love them, quarter pounders even more so.

>> No.7531837

My nigga

>> No.7531854

I used to fuckin HATE potato salad/macaroni salad/coleslaw when i was a kid and military school changed that for me. Used to hate white rice too but that changedafter the WYA too

>> No.7531877
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I never liked steak as a kid, but now I love it.

>> No.7532138
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>> No.7532156

purple onion best onion

>> No.7532158
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this is next level retardation

>> No.7532235


>> No.7532238

Used to hate pizza, now I make some nice ass pizzas myself

>> No.7532263

Same. But it's only because my dad couldn't grill for shit

>> No.7533305

Pan fried noodles

>> No.7533318

I used to hate mustard and now i love it on pretty much anything.

>> No.7533350

You look awful, Brett.

>> No.7533369

>200gs' of cheese for yourself

>> No.7533397

Onions: Hated that shit when I was a little kid
Peppers: Didn't like them before but now I love those cock suckers

>> No.7533402

Mushrooms. Me mum overcooked them in stroganoff until they were small, rubbery and made me think of slugs.


>> No.7533418

String cheese. Thought it was gross as a kid but now I nom on it like it's kindergarden snack time

>> No.7533424

Steak gristle. Back when I was a kid, I'd cut that stuff off any meat that was served to me. Now, I can appreciate that chewy, savory goodness.

>> No.7533675 [DELETED] 

green olives

>> No.7533730
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Only reason I hated it as a kid, was the constant reinforcement from cartoons and adults, about how bad it was and how much kids hated it.

>> No.7533733

Seems to me that McFaggot marketing managers finally found /ck/ to shill on. Hell they're not even paying anything compared to advertising on tv/radio/ etc..

>> No.7533736

I'm sure they'd post the worst looking pic of a Big Mac® found at your local McDonald's.

>> No.7533739
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>> No.7533746

>I'm sure they'd post the worst looking pic of a Big Mac

See? You're not brainwashed by their "worst-looking pic" but you're brainwashed by that "i'm lovin it" subliminal faggotry. Learn to think for yourself, mindless slave

>> No.7533751

touché :(

>> No.7533842

Another McDonalds marketing thread. Why does /ck/ tolerate such threads?

>> No.7533871
File: 551 KB, 1536x1024, pickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickles. I hated these things so much that I'd pick them off my McDonald's burgers.

Now I can't get enough of them. I snack on kosher dills all the time. My favorite pickles, though, are half-sours, which I can find at certain hot dog joints and Jewish delis. Wonderful crunch and flavor.

>> No.7533876
File: 23 KB, 360x327, Mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, also mushrooms. I think the reason I hated these is because the canned kind were all I ran into as a kid. Once I got older though and had fresh button mushrooms, portobello mushroom sandwiches, shiitake mushrooms... mmm. Good stuff.

>> No.7533889
File: 22 KB, 640x440, eggruhlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't serious.

>> No.7533890


>Being this new to 4chan

pro-tip yes. Being one of the largest and most influential websites on web culture, and being entirely anonymous, many companies purposely shill their ideals/products on here.

That said on topic:
Sardines, anchovies, olives, and tomato.

>> No.7533913

Try make a thread about something you like on any board that has a market behind it.
You can't discuss anything you like without being accused of shilling.

THAT pisses me off more than if companies actually did viral marketing here.

>> No.7533926

no shill but honestly mcdonalds is the biggest and most widespread "restaurant" in the world, especially in america, some discussion makes sense

>> No.7533943

>It's also the only fast food joint that doesnt make me feel icky inside after digestion
That's because you get less for the same price

>> No.7533946

Yes, but not on a board about food.

>> No.7533951

why are you cooking pasta in a pan?

>> No.7533961

I didn't like 'em either when I was a kid.
Now that I know they are great for bulking & I learnt how to properly cook 'em I love them

>> No.7533962

Beets. Roast them, peel them, chop them, add some crumbly cheese. Delicious.

>> No.7533964

if you were a real human being i wouldn't wish it on you either

>> No.7533989

what do you mean 'part of your diet'? is once a week part of a diet? also I'd like to know why is it so bad

>> No.7534071

I used to hate melted cheese, so I would avoid anything with melted cheese on it, even pizza.
Now I put cheese in dishes that I probably shouldn't.

>> No.7534280


>> No.7534286
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I love these carrot now

>> No.7534292

Grits. Couldn't stand the texture as a kid.

>> No.7534307

Veggies in general (I've been known to just eat a plate of steamed green/yellow beans when lazy).
Eggs kinda (went from absolutely hate to don't mind if cooked properly).

>> No.7534315

Of fucking course.

>> No.7534333

People cry shill way too often, but yeah.. it's reasonably likely some jackass is being paid minimum wage to talk about McDonalds on the 4chan.

There's companies dedicated to internet marketting and many large companies have all kinds of positions with social media related job titles.

>> No.7534357

Really sad thing is that this shit probably works. It's pretty standard marketing that more exposure to an impulse product increases the likelihood of a sale down the road.

People see McDonalds discussed multiple times on their favourite website, most are gonna be unaffected.. but some are going to immediately think "damn, I actually could go for a burger.." and some it's gonna sit in the back of their mind and may come back up later when there hungry.

If you get enough new sales to cover some poor students $9/hr it's probably worth it, and a site this big you probably do.

>> No.7534404

I used to absolutely hate "pure" eggs, as in scrambled or cooked eggs, omelettes and so forth.

Recently I made some Schnitzel and had eggs left over, so I tried them again and was surprised how nice eggs can be. The only thing I still don't like are cooked ones. I think it has more to do with consistency than actual taste.

>> No.7534613

Brussel Sprouts, how these motherfuckers have transformed

>> No.7535344


I, too, like the taste of ogres

>> No.7535374


>> No.7535510 [DELETED] 
File: 687 KB, 674x441, 1456313379048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish Kike media made me think broccoli was disgusting
>grow up, finally try it
>it's my favorite vegetable now

What are some things I can prepare broccoli in other than just eating it by itself? God I love this shit but I doubt it goes well in curries

>> No.7535618

according to McD Website a bigmac menu has 2.3g salt, which is about 1g sodium.
That equals half a teaspoon of salt. It's probably even less than you would have when you cook something else for yourself.

>> No.7535714


>> No.7536085

stupid fucking mcdonalds shill. i actually want a fucking big mac despite too much calories for something that isn't filling

>> No.7536103

>add a half teaspoon of salt to anything I'm cooking

ruined, gtfo

>> No.7536145

You're using too much salt, man. Are you a smoker or alcoholic?

>> No.7537327

This board itself moves pretty slow though i cant imagine enough people visit for it to be worth it. I'm pretty sure its just my fellow 'merifats trying to troll the eu crowd...and it works

>> No.7537377

Means being eaten on a regular basis, then yes its bad for your health unless you want to be a fatass.