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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 887 KB, 788x1400, Makin' poached eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7521575 No.7521575 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever made something that is shit and eat it regardless?

>Be neet
>It's lunch time
>Decide to make poached eggs
>I have never made poached eggs before but I guess there's a first to everything
>Skim read a tutorial for half a minute and get to making me some poached eggs
>Get all the shit ready to make some poached eggs
>Crack the eggs into the little plastic things I saw my mum use when she made poached eggs
>See two yolks emanate from the egg that I cracked
>Take this as a good omen for the poached eggs I am about to conjure
>Put the heat on medium high
>Everything going good so far
>Waitin' for the shit to cook
>Put on some music on the phone as I wait for the eggs to do their magic
>Pretty good
>A few minutes later notice the water's bubbling out of the pan
>Turn the heat off and prepare some tea and toast to go with this undoubtedly class A meal
>Notice that the eggs are a bit jiggly
>I've always like my eggs with a runny yolk
>Besides, it looks white enough
>Can't wait to serve this up
>Notice that the eggs are a little too runny whole
>Wait, is this UNDERCOOKED?
>I already put the pan on the sink for washing so I fucking hope it isn't
>Get the toast and tea and I serve the bad boy up in it's finest
>add salt and pepper to the mix
>I'm about to eat this shit.

>> No.7521577

yes everybody who cooks at all has eaten something that didn't turn out right.

>> No.7521578

not reading that

>> No.7521582
File: 633 KB, 563x1000, This is my meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I push my fork into the whites and notice that it immediately falls off
>I think this is under cooked but I gotta eat this regardless
>Remembering the thread about microwave spaghetti I didn't want to waste any food so I eat it, even though it is shit
>The toast makes it some what durable but overall the yolk is way too runny, and so is the white itself.
The salt and pepper did not help at all to make it taste any better so I'm stuck with buttered toast and under cooked eggs
>Unless I put on some ketchup, ketchup makes everything edible.
>It actually made it a little bit better
>A little bit being absolutely nothing so it's still shit but shit enough to eat through.
>All while this is happening this fucking song is still playing
>This is the life

>> No.7521588

i mean i can't fault you for trying to entertain us but damn nigguh you think you're the first person to eat an undercooked egg

>> No.7521592
File: 792 KB, 675x1200, I'm done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manage to eat through it all
>Fucking finally
>See the mess I made
>The taste is so fucking bad in my mouth, holy shit
>Chug down mug of tea, eat a few grapes and some chocolate to help wash away the taste
>None of this helps with the fact that I threw up two days ago
>Go to sleep
>Wake up a few hours later to post about my degenerate neet meal on this board.

>> No.7521597

looks like they're fully cooked. I think your just an idiot

>> No.7521599
File: 162 KB, 1300x975, Feijoada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reheat the fucking pan.... man
Yesterday I tried to make Fiejoada like my mother-in-law used to in Brazil.

It tasted 'good' but it was miserable in comparison the Fiejoada I had on my honeymoon or the meals my mother-in-law used to make me. I find it hard to get my hands on cassava or macaxeira so I cant make a lot of my favourite dishes from over there which use them in a lot of recipes.

I pretty much butchered the fucking recipe with missing ingredients but I missed it so much. I make bad cooking videos for a laugh but one thing I wish I could get right it Feijoada


>> No.7521601


>> No.7521620

Btw feijoada just means bean stew, any stew with beans as the main carb is considered a feijoada. In brazil they mainly eat that kind but in portugal there are a ton of other kinds with different beans and meats

>> No.7521636

That I didn't know.
I have a sentiment to this type though. fuck man I miss it so much.

>> No.7521883
File: 573 KB, 621x672, 1424769380929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just crack the fucking eggs into the water ya dingus.

>> No.7521904

Roast Garlic and cheese bread

Use half the flour to make a smaller loaf
Forget and use double wet ingredients
Try and salvage by adding flour
Baking gods not taking pity on me and I run out of bread flour and use cake mix flour
Knead the dough for 20 mins getting it to the "right" texture
Roll it out
Spread cheese and garlic on top roll it up and shape it
Didn't cook for long enough shit comes out like an arctic roll
Slice it up and hide it in the freezer
The taste isn't so bad but it's fucked. I would throw it away but the garlic was too good.

>> No.7521922

I did some hashbrowns and pulled pork, wanted to make a sauce for it that i had made before.

sesame oil
rice vinegar
chili crisp

I mixed it, seemed a little too liquid.
"oh well, the hashbrowns will kind of soak it up"
>poured onto plate
>soaked everything with a not-very-good sauce that had way too much rice vinegar

>eat everything cause i hate food waste
should have tasted it first.