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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7519755 No.7519755 [Reply] [Original]

Menu from a cheap as dirt diner near me. What would you get?

>> No.7519757

A ride to a less shitty restaurant.

>> No.7519758

Tfw I haven't seen those kinds of prices for over a decade.

>> No.7519762

>prices exclude tax

>> No.7519769

Are you sure you're not a time traveler from the 1990's?

Double cheeseburger, large zippyfries. Cheap as fuck so you might as well eat big.

>> No.7519774

Pancakes with coffee and a quart of Rice pudding.
That has a nicer menu than most shitty diners in the town centre

Also what is the meat side order?

>> No.7519779

In what alternate universe do you live in where the breakfast items cost more than lunch/dinner?

At those prices I'd get a world famous hot dog, a couple deluxe zippyburgers, and a large zippy fries, and just take home whatever I couldn't finish for the same price as a happy meal.

>> No.7519782


>what is the meat side order

Presumably means a side order of either ham, sausage, or bacon...

>> No.7519785

That makes sense. Still, the idea of a mystery meat side order amuses me.

>> No.7519786

Famous Lunch in Troy.

how many RPI studs have you banged, OP, you slut.

>two eggs scrambled
>rye toast
>extra cooked sausage
>slice pie

>and a 5 mile jog

>> No.7519793


Found it. Zippy Burger.

571 Melville Ave, University City, MO 63130

En route to grape OP. I'll just target most obese person in restaurant.

>> No.7519795

I got a ride out of the 1990s.
The breakfast items are a meal and come with a drink and sometimes a side whereas the lunch and dinner items do not.

>> No.7519798



>> No.7519822



>> No.7519832
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>hotdog omelette

what the fuck

>> No.7519836

Tell that to the fat guy I just raped. The deed is done.

>> No.7519838

There used to be joint like this in Lodi, NJ. The burgers weren't half bad, I'll take 2 hamburgers.

>> No.7519842


Don't dis Borneo's favorite childhood food without trying it.

>> No.7519843

Hey, don't talk shit about hotdogs and eggs. motherfucking breakfast/lunch/dinner of champions right there.

>> No.7519844

OP is scared as fuck

>> No.7519856

Two breakfast sandwiches w/ egg, both with cheese, one with sausage and other with bacon

>> No.7519927

Well since the price is cheap, ... double cheeseburger with bacon and a fried egg or a BLT chicken sandwich. dunno what zippyfries are I guess i'll try it. Slice of pie for dessert. Oh and its to go.

>> No.7519931

I'd get a world famous hotdog. It must be pretty good to be so famous.

>> No.7519932

>le hot new see kay may may

>> No.7519935

Hot ham and cheese with a medium coffee.

>> No.7519937

>on a roll
>hash browns covered in hotsauces

>> No.7519943

>on a roll
>hash browns covered in hotsauce

>> No.7519946


Glitch in Matrix?

>> No.7520043

actually, >>7519786 is right.

>> No.7520059

for breakfast i'd get a sausage and bacon sandwich or meat and cheese omelette with homefries

for lunch i'd get a chicken sandwich and fries

for dinner i'd probably get a double cheeseburger and zippyfries

>> No.7520081

>vegetarian omelette
>side meat
>quart of rice pudding

>> No.7520082

Those prices look like NYC mid '80s diner level, wtf you trying to pull here? Do you notice anything funny with the staff maybe? Like the grill man has his ankle chained up somewhere behind the counter and the wait staff look defeated or like they're wearing or tagged in the ankle with some tracking device and what not?

>> No.7520085


I used to drive across the country and plan out where I was sleeping each night. Troy seemed like a logical option a few times, but then I looked it up and it sounded like a fucking ghetto I wouldn't want to spend 6 hours at in a cheap motel with all my shit parked outside.

>> No.7520097
File: 314 KB, 500x489, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Famous Hot Dog

>> No.7520101

Western omelette. Jesus christ those prices are fucking fantastic. I would kill to find somewhere around me with those prices. That's literally 1/2 the price of IHOP and all of those other breakfast chains. Even WaHo seems to be more expensive after a meal than it used to be.

>> No.7520113

Been doing this for the past year. Been on the road a while. It's amazing how many shit towns are in random, bumfuck areas of the country. TripAdvisor is a godsend. When I'm getting tired and want a place to crash, I just look up hotels near by. If they all seem like total shitholes, I just drive to the nearest national forest and camp. You can usually find decent places within an hour of you anywhere in the country though. Except maybe way the fuck out in nowhere TX or Montana or something. Even then I usually had good luck. Just stopped my traveling... I've gotta get back to a normal, adult life unfortunately. But, brand new state and city so it should be fun.

>> No.7520128

Enjoying Shirley Ann fucking you in the ass?

>> No.7520138

Western breakfast sandwich with a side of home fries.

>> No.7520152
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She's fucked me plenty but if you knew what she had planned for the next decade you'd understand why I'm happy that my ass only has a few fissures.:^)

Unless there's a revolution I don't think this place will exist in 20 years.


Honestly, I don't know how they do it either. As best as I can figure, they have a legion of blue collar customers from the area. The place could make a killing catering to drunks, as it's within 5 blocks of a couple good bars in a college town, but they close at 10 pm. I assume they've had some bad experiences.

>> No.7520335

Well fuck us then, huh? I wonder how much our degrees will be worth when that happens.

The right answer to your question from the start is a stack of hot dogs with the sauce and then drive up the hill to Muza's. You'll have to shell out more, but it's worth it. I miss that place a bunch and I request to go there when I drive up to see friends. Also good is the Flying Chicken. The Brown Bag can go fuck itself.

Enjoy Troy while you can. I lived in a bunch of places after I graduated, but I still miss Troy a little. The Farmer's Market was always a pick me up.

>> No.7520432

World Famous Hot Dog

>> No.7520459

E. coli.

>> No.7521680



>> No.7521910

No need to jog after you eat. With those prices, the tapeworm will help you work off those extra calories in no time.

>> No.7521919

Ham and cheese breakfast sandwich (assuming it's toasted), and a cup of tea.

Or just tea and toast.

>> No.7521929


Zippy Burger bowl of soup and a soda

>> No.7521946

They're mini-dogs.

>> No.7521972

#2 breakfast special
Double cheeseburger deluxe with bacon
place eggs on cheeseburger
2 hot dogs

>> No.7522041

What's a Western Omelette supposed to be?

>> No.7522048

probably cheese+peppers

>> No.7522056


ham, bell pepper and onion all cut to the same small dice

>> No.7522071

Sounds good enough. I'd take that as a breakfast with tea instead of coffee.

>> No.7522077


that's a denver omelet

>> No.7522079

>denver omelet
things that don't exist.

>> No.7522092


How the fuck does this place stay in business?

>> No.7522098


oh you're an idiot

my mistake.

>> No.7522106

It's two names for the same thing.

>> No.7523756


100 yr lease for ultra cheap rent, cost control, and volume.

do the math. even buying retail groceries, 2 eggs, 2 slice of toast with butter and coffee is about $0.45. They get volume discounts which push the capex for that cover down to probably $0.30

they charge $2.25 for it and it probably takes around 1-2 minutes actual labor to produce. If base costs(real estate, power, water, sewer) are low, they clean up. Maybe not get rich, but enough to be solidly middle class.

this is how all immigrant restaurants function, it's capitalism 101. the fuck ups and flame outs happen when the base costs are too high and the margins aren't there.

I'll bet money this place closes when a)the original lease is up b)the elders die and the youngers try to up the take c)the city or state fucks them on utility costs somehow

>> No.7523765

double cheeseburger with a soda and some fries
Chicken sandwich, coffee, and a doughnut for dessert.

no tax on food, at least in Maryland. Dunno where OP is.

>> No.7523772
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Whaaaat the fuuuuuuuck?

>> No.7523776

Honestly, it all looks awful.

>> No.7523783

Bravo. You're ready for your McKinsey interview.

>> No.7523786


>> No.7523791


they are mini dogs, you can eat them in one bite, it's a regional thing brah

>> No.7523795

>not getting the world famous hot dog

>> No.7523796


I don't understand the reference.

>> No.7523801

Hear that? He doesn't even understand the reference.

>> No.7523803

Google "McKinsey interview"

>> No.7523805

I would order 2 muffins and home fries

>> No.7523806

Google it. You'll get it then.

>> No.7523812

>McKinsey interview
>a company unrelated to food

I still don't understand the reference. This is basic restaurant math, if you can't understand this, you should not be a businessperson.

>> No.7523815

It's just a basic test to determine whether your AI is communist.

>> No.7523817

Like many nitwits you are fucking uppity. The point is that your original post demonstrated the types of answers that would get you hired at a top consulting firm. Too bad about your subsequent posts...

>> No.7523821


>> No.7523823

Breakfast Special #4 with bacon.


>> No.7523824

yeah i will have the french toast w homefries and a cheese omelette

>> No.7523828


Do you even understand what tax is you retard?

>> No.7523842

>Is the full menu available all day? Gimme French toast ... with sausage for the side ... and, uhhhhhhhh ... a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.7523847

Yeah. There's still no sales tax on food in Maryland. If you go to a restaurant and the menu says 3.99, you pay 3.99 and not a penny more.

>> No.7523849


>Doing retard level math gets you hired at a top consulting firm

>> No.7523850

two whole fried chickens, and a coke

>> No.7523855
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>implying no tip

>> No.7523858

And what method would you use to eat said chickens?

>> No.7523860

and some dry white toast

>> No.7523863
File: 133 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-03-31-05-42-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523865


If you cannot understand what i posted you should ask for clarification, but it is elemental math, and you should not be involved in the food industry if anything i wrote seems opaque.

i still do not understand the reference at all, McKinsey appears to be an IT staffing firm, nothing to do with food. My post was specifically about food and food costs in reply to someone that wondered how it could be so cheap at this restaurant.

>> No.7523867


>> No.7523869

what's the difference between standard burgers/fries and their zippy variants?

>> No.7523890

I'd get two hotdogs, two double cheeseburgers, a chicken sandwich, two orders of chips, two slices of pie and a jumbo chocolate milk

>> No.7524133

i'll have the #4 pancakes with bacon and coffee and #3 two eggs, with sausage and toast & coffee

>> No.7525459
File: 25 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zippy sauce