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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7519652 No.7519652 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of coffee does /ck/ brew? I feel like I can do better than this cheap stuff, but at the same time, I don't wanna break the bank just for a caffeine fix.

>> No.7519665

I buy the coffee beans in that big ass bag.

>> No.7519672

It's weird that people still buy pre-ground, cheap grocery store coffee in a can.

I can't remember the last time I saw that in someone's house, let alone walked down that aisle of the store.

>> No.7519675

Why is it weird?

>> No.7519680


buddy i just want to throw that shit in the maker and have it done in three minutes, i've got busy mornings, man

>> No.7519713
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I usually buy pic related, but I'm not too snobby about my coffee. Its dark and easy to drink. Not overly bitter or smokey.

>> No.7519721


Because decent quality coffee beans have been widely available for over a decade and people are more aware of the differences in quality now more than ever before. Saving a couple bucks to drink oil sludge is dumb.


If your mornings are so hectic that you can't spend an extra minute to grind your beans, grind however much you need the night before.

>> No.7519731

Grind it the night before.

>> No.7519737
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what if i don't have a grinder and have more pressing financial priorities than spending money on one, and also don't wanna have to wash my whole damn blender every day

like if "good coffee" and "pre-ground" is mutually incompatible, then whatever, so be it, but then what's, like...the least bad option I have otherwise

>> No.7519747


Stop at your coffee shop each day and ask them to grind as much as you're going to need for the next morning.

Wa la, pre-ground.

>> No.7519807
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I don't even wash my coffee grinder

>> No.7519924

Most days, I just drink folgers, though eight o clock coffee is pretty good too, it has a more nuanced fruity taste, I think I'll buy a large bag of that when the folgers runs out.

I fell for the "freshly ground" meme, and frankly, it's not worth it, I tasted zero difference, and it's much more work overall.
Granted, I was grinding while the water boiled, it's still too much of a bother.
Also, my whole beans actually went stale after 1 month, I didn't even finish the bag. This has never happened before to my preground coffee.

>> No.7520080

I'll catch hell for admitting this but I use Wal-Mart's 'Great Value' ground coffee, and it's just fine. I've had great coffee and shit coffee before and neither has come from this brand. It's low-cost, smooth and caffeinated.

>> No.7520098

Just look around for a 100% arabica ground coffee, try a few, your tummy will thank you.

>> No.7520118

what does unbranded generic coffee taste like?
I've always thought they just mix the scraps of whatever is left over from other companies.

>> No.7520146

It's a mild roast, pretty smooth using heaping 1/3 cup grounds to 10-12 cup coffee pot. Not bitter or burnt. I used to add a little sugar to my coffee but I like this brand without. If you want a bolder flavor add an extra tablespoon or two of grounds.

>> No.7520153

Me again.
I used to think generic coffee was "swept off the production floor" of major brands

>> No.7520169

How would they get away with that that's unsanitary

>> No.7520213

he doesn't literally mean off the floor, mr. literal

>> No.7520770

Freshly roasted beans ordered from Happy Mug and pre-ground lavazza.

>> No.7520872
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>and also don't wanna have to wash my whole damn blender every day

>> No.7520929

New England Coffee is good but I'll buy whatever is on sale.

I just find coffee snobbery a little ridiculous, as long as it's not the absolute shit stuff like Maxwell House or Folger's it all tastes about the same.

>> No.7520951

Just bought some of that since it was on sale. Pretty good. I like melitta but lately don francisco has been getting me with their flavored stuff.

Anyone drink chock full o nuts or whatever it's called? I kinda want to try some.

>> No.7522582
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>implying every city/town is like yours
where i live there are no coffee shops, not unless you are counting c-store gas stations as coffee shops. a burr grinder will cost a pretty penny.

i can just buy pic related and get a bretty good, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

>> No.7522588


I'm sorry that you can quote TP yet not find decent beans where you live. It seems like bumfuck middle of nowhere places have fresh roasted beans available these days for affordable prices.

>> No.7522596

I like to grind beans, but I don't go out of my way to get them. Green Mountain Mexican Select is a bit pricier, like $8 for a pound, but I think it's worth it, a rather coarse grind and this is one of the best cups of coffee I have had.

Wicked Joe is pretty good, but some of their varieties suck and they are expensive.

>> No.7522598


Hand crank grinder takes less than 2 minutes, costs about $20 for a quality grinder that will never break, and should be cleaned like once a week to clear out build-up. It's not a huge commitment.

>> No.7522811
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Like the taste of Major Dick in the morning, eh?

>> No.7522818

This stuff's cheap and tasty. I used to be a coffee snob, had a burr grinder and French press and used to buy the $12 a pound fancy shit from Whole Foods.

Then I got a full time job and realized the value of being able to groggily spoon pre-ground into the Mr. Coffee and press a button at 7:30AM when I don't feel like dealing with making 'le perfect cup'.

>> No.7522822
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Fuck, forgot pic

>> No.7523102

I drink this stuff and it's pretty solid. Probably the best among the preground supermarket stuff. I only drink it because I get it for free with the groceries, and can't afford to just drink from my supply of the good shit. Get you some freshly roasted coffee from happy mug.


>> No.7523380

anyone know if Kroger is any good

>> No.7523407


I started grinding my own beans after getting stale coffee at the bottom of coffee cans. Whole beans just last longer and that saves money in by itself.

>> No.7523437

The green Costco bag is my go to for coffee. I grind beans every other day. However I'll drink Peet's Alma de la Tierra or some Peruvian coffee (Perla) my mom brings back as a gift whenever she visits.

>> No.7523466

Is there a good brand of "plain" coffee to get? I'm all for buying great quality kinds like I normally do, but is there a good, cheap kind to get? Cheap like, I can go to Wegmans or Shoprite or something and buy it for 6 dollars per tub.

>> No.7523469

I have a friend who works at Starbucks and gets me free coffee beans, so that's what I drink. It's alright.

>> No.7523471

I drink the free coffee at work, and often cheap black tea in the morning before that. Can't be arsed to bother with coffee anymore, but I do enjoy the occasional espresso or latte

>> No.7523490

you can buy a skerton for like $30 you dumb nigger

>> No.7523520

I started buying bags from a brand called Sun Coffee Roasters after I saw it at Big Y. I'm not sure if they're just local but I like their snickerdoodle (cinnamon) coffee.

It's kind of weird when you jump from the really shit-tier coffee to something decent, it tastes completely different.

>> No.7523532

I wake up at 5:30am and leave the door by 6:00am.

I have a really fancy intricate espresso and pourover setup. The process does more to get me started than caffeine ever did.

>> No.7524178

yea i get that sometimes, or yuban whichever is cheaper at the time, they are both pretty good.

as someone above said they dont know why people drink cheaper brands when there is all the beans etc now, well in that same not, those cheap brands have had to get better as well.

>> No.7524189


>> No.7524437


poorfag here living in appalachia eastern ky, those $30 pay for my food and other needs for the week every week, currently need to save money more than i need to spend it on gear. the lavazza can is $5.99, sometimes $4.99. Beans cost double that around here, more if I look for fresh roasted.

used to drink bustello when it was $3.28 but they raised it and its almost the price of the lavazza so I rather have it.

>> No.7524445

Let me add the following. I count myself fucking lucky to have access to lavazza, it has showed up on the shelf of my local grocery store only a year ago. When I had my other job and I had the opportunity I'd buy illy moka grind from Lexington for $8 and it was pretty amazing. This part of the USA may as well be Georgia the country, there are lots and lots of things not available here unless you drive 50 to 100 miles.

>inb4 you can order coffee online
at more than double the cost of beans you can buy in a grocery store which because it is a low population area only carries starbucks beans.

>> No.7524670

Also more than twice as good as anything in your grocery store.