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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7508449 No.7508449 [Reply] [Original]

In general, how much do men care about a woman's cooking skills, really?

>> No.7508456

Depends on where you grow up and how you were raised.

I care a decent amount because cooking is my hobby.
I grew up in a small town of 3000 people, it is still the culture to have the woman stay home and be the housekeeper. Cooking is pretty important part of that gender role.

Moving away I know a lot of women who have never cooked in their lives, and they arent pushing dudes away because of it.

>> No.7508477
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I care, but it's also cute to have a gf that knows nothing about cooking so you can teach her stuff and cook for her.

>> No.7508482

In my experience women who can't cook always have dogshit parents with not being able to cook just being the tip of the iceberg of all the other vital life skills that they were never taught. On the opposite end of the spectrum women who are excellent cooks usually come from better families and are more mature well rounded individuals overall.

>> No.7508489

It would be a great plus finding a girl that can cook, but most of them either can't or they think they can but they don't, so I just don't care anymore.

Men are way superior at cooking because we can focus, and women's minds are all over the place.

>> No.7508490
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In the US, we don't care for the most part, but if a girl made me some badass dish, I'd start thinking about long-term stuff.

It happened to me once. I was kinda surprised I validated the rumor without even thinking about it.

>> No.7508492

I don't care at all, I am a selfish eater and a lone eater

I often eat meals alone, when I cook it's usually for my self and I rarely eat meals other people cook...this probably came from being anti social the greater part of my life but it's just the way I am

I also don't care to be cooked for because I eat what I crave most of the time, I usually have very specific cravings and won't want to eat anything but that.."i feel like burgers today, having burgers" "feel like pasta today. having that" "Oh. you dont want that? fine, have whatever you want, but im making that for myself"

>> No.7508493

personality is best. The thing is a woman that knows how to cook will not be as big as a drain financially, and will be healthier and less likely to turn out obese a couple of years down the line.

I prefer mates that can cook because it's an interest we can share, especially if we are from different cultures.

>> No.7508499
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>being an adult that can't even do something as basic as cook a decent meal

I don't understand how anyone could ever not consider that to be a massive red flag

>> No.7508502

It was very important to me and one of the reasons I married my wife. That woman can cook. I'm from the south and that's just how I was raised. My wife and I fit that stereotype of her staying home and taking care of the house, kids, meals, etc. I work.

This isn't for everyone but For us, this is what we both wanted. My wife does have a degree though. It was important to me and her that she have a way to support herself and the kid if anything every happened to me or if , God forbid, we get divorced. She's a good woman

>> No.7508507

>Men are way superior at cooking because we can focus, and women's minds are all over the place.


>> No.7508508

Can I fuck your wife?

>> No.7508511

I don't really care, my girlfriend is a decent cook, but at the end of the day I'd rather do the cooking because I like it more than her and if I make it I know I'll like it more. I'd prefer she just clean up because i can't stand doing dishes.

I do appreciate she does stuff I don't, like make mochi

>> No.7508517

>implying I'm wrong

>> No.7508523

>dating girl
>first thing parents ask me is if she can cook


>> No.7508532

Well as a chef, I should say not at all. I care more about her eating habits and food preferences than her ability to prepare them.

>> No.7508535

Don't talk about his sister like that, asshole.

>> No.7508541

implying you didn't just make a very unprofessional generalization

>> No.7508556

The question is more "Are women with top-tier cooking ability significantly more attractive than women with only basic skills". Obviously if someone can't cook at all there's something wrong with them, regardless of gender.

>> No.7508559

They should have basic skills, just like any functioning adult. If they aren't interested in it enough to get really advanced, then that's no big deal.

>> No.7508577

I don't think its a matter of focus, cooking is very sexual and many women just aren't as sexual as men.

>> No.7508592

I only care that you're able to cook for yourself if need be.

>> No.7508642

I couldn't give a rats ass how her cooking skills were as long as she had an amazing palette.
I'm the cook here, and she'd be a blank slate I could work with.

>> No.7508812

Personally I believe there are only two types of women worth dating:

1. Those who are good at cooking, cleaning and other household chores

2. Career women who bring the bacon home for their (future) husbands

They can be mutually exclusive, and it can be either one or the other. But if a girl conforms to neither, she needs to rethink her fucking life. A girl that can't do either of the above is a girl with nothing to give and everything to take.

>> No.7508846

She's going to be a stay at home mom and cook for me so she better be good

>> No.7509597

>I care more about her eating habits
Not a chef, but this. I like to cook and there aren't many things I wouldn't eat; I expect my women to be as adventurous with their food as I am. If she can prepare good meals as well, I'm even happier.

>> No.7509639

I couldn't give less of a shit. Now, if we're talking about a long term partner she had better know how to cook. I'm not going to be her bitch and be making dinner for her to come home to after she's "just hanging out with friends."

>> No.7509667

Not as much as they care about their dicks.

>> No.7509700
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I would rather the people around me are somewhat good not really because I want others to feed me their shit but because I want them to give me good feedback on the shit that I cook since the creator is hardly ever objective. Saying "JESUS THIS DESERT IS AMAZING" really doesn't help me get better at my cooking.

>> No.7509730

I tend to dislike anyone who can't feed themselves with a reasonable degree of quality and nutritional value. I just can't shake off this perception I have of them as being childish and incompetent.

>> No.7509777

Good cooking is indicative of good care-taking skills. If a woman can't cook, she's probably a shitty mom. Don't blame me, blame evolution.

>> No.7511247

Yes, if I get married I would like for my wife to know how to cook. She doesn't have to be a gourmet chef or slave over the stove all day but It's a basic skill that everyone should have.

My current GF can only make pancakes, tacos, grilled cheese, salad and ramen. She at least tries though.

>> No.7513115

This but beware of what seems like the holy grail of both. Those women end up on cocain or add pills

>> No.7513120

>if you're getting married
It should be high on your list, since you'll be paying half your life assets to her when she gets bored and leaves you
>just dating
more than adequate, including clean up afterwards

but I'm gay and don't do girls or that stupid shit, you guys need to expect more of your wives.

>> No.7513135

Depends on the dude. But it's always a plus. Even if a guy says he doesn't care if he finds a girl that can really cook well he'll love that.

Personally I used to not give a damn but after dating a girl that cooked amazing I just can't fuck with girls that cook dog shit.

>> No.7513359

i actually dont care, as long as shes curious.
completely newbie to cooking is cool when shes open to it and tries to learn with/from me.
decent cooking skills still suck if she just repeat stuff from her grandmother and is completely against experimenting with new stuff

>> No.7513378

Like everything else about her, it should get better as time passes.

>> No.7513383

I don't want a girl who cooks. I want a girl who works.

>> No.7513393

I don't know. I've never been in a position where I could afford to have preferences.

>> No.7513459





>> No.7513504

It's a huge plus if she can cook, because if not that means 1 of 2 things. Either A: we eat out a lot. This gets expensive fast.

Or B: I cook all the time. I'm a good cook, but fuck that. I'm not going to cook all the time, I work too much for that.

>> No.7513547

It's less of a "a woman's place is in the kitchen" thing with me and more of a "if you can't do these simple things to keep yourself alive and fed then I don't want anything to do with you."

>> No.7513552

yeah well I want a girl who does both. cooking is a basic life skill, part of taking care of yourself and adulting.

>> No.7513564

It depends on how you were raised. I do, a lot.

>> No.7513592

You people sure like saying that. Cooking has always been a uncommon skill beyond barebones not poisoning yourself. Not a single woman in my family has cooked since my great grandmothers and they're all perfectly alive. Most people don't know how to cook, and in the society we live in that's fine.

>> No.7513611

>my parents didn't have basic life skills so they couldn't teach me, but hey they're alive so it's ok
it's not fine at all anon, and I never said shit about being some gourmet chef, I said knowing how to cook is a basic life skill, and fucking opening a can and turning on a burner does not count as cooking. it doesn't have to be fancy or complex but I consider at least a basic level of cooking beyond hurr I haven't given myself a serious case of food poisoning so it's all good

>> No.7513629

My dad knew how to cook, and he did teach me.

>> No.7513639

don't tell me you're one of those people who think as long as one of the couple can cook it's all good? if so well you have canned soup to look forward to when you're sick instead of some home made chicken soup or chicken and dumplings. and what about if you have kids, and you don't always have time to cook? are you fine with the wifey feeding the kids sketti ohs and shit like that?

>> No.7514104

Yeah. It's fine.

>> No.7514185

Depends on your income really. Poor as fuck people better learn how to cook scraps that taste good. The well-off give zero fucks because their personal chef is doing the cooking.

>> No.7514226

I don't give a shit, I'd rather not have anyone else cooking my meals and I don't want to cook for someone else either.

>> No.7514764
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>> No.7514778

I'd rather cook so I don't care

It's fun cooking with her sometimes though

>> No.7516742
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It doesn't matter in the West anymore because women are men and men are women and our society is basically finished.

>> No.7516815

Anyone who can't cook is missing an important life skill, and anyone with bad taste in food is going to eat lots of garbage, because that shit is everywhere.

The only time it becomes relevant to a woman specifically is if she's going to be the one raising the kids. Then cooking is important if she isn't married to a particularly good breadwinner. Because a girl who can't cook well but knows what good food tastes like can still feed her family pretty well if she has the budget to just buy everything ready made from posh places. But if she doesn't have the budget to do that or the cooking skills she'll just fuck the family up with shit food.

I'm a dude, and in my domestic situation I cooked dinner most nights, and did most of the shopping when the kids still lived with us. Both me and the wife worked, and she was more likely to be the one making breakfast and helping the kids with their homework.

Now that it's just the two of us at home she bakes and I cook. I spend more time in the kitchen, but there's always loaves of homemade sourdough whole wheat and rye bread around, which is fucking priceless to me.

So I guess my answer is I care that a woman can pull some weight in terms of feeding the family, but if both parents work she sure as fuck doesn't have to pull all or even most of it. Because at the end of the day I'd much rather cook and shop than do the laundry or clean the bathroom.

>> No.7516824

I kind of hope your kids died, because if you've raised kids to adulthood and come to 4chan that's really sad.

>> No.7516836

I like this post

>> No.7516846

My older son was an SA Goon back in the day (we paid the $10 for him). He's moot's age, and laughed at me when he found out I was visiting 4chan back in 2005. Both boys are successful, as am I. They've become technophobes, because their careers do not require them to be online much. My wife and I still have tech oriented careers, so spending some off hours here isn't really that weird. I see it as keeping in touch with the stripe of pop culture that's relevant to what I do. Plus I still have some interests in the food/restaurant/wine industry.

>> No.7516858

I would appreciate if my eventual girlfriend could cook, or at the very least be willing to learn to make basic shit so she would know how to feed herself without having to spend a shit load on readymade, or prepackaged stuff.

>> No.7516868

Cooking is a basic life skill and the lacking of basic life skills is a red flag.

>> No.7516877
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I'd marry the fuck out of a girl if she made some amazing dishes.

>> No.7516880
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>he doesn't come to 4channel to practice his bantz and continue honing his BTFO skills
Hows it feel to be obsolete anon? I bet your son makes YOU fetch the newspaper

>> No.7516890
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I'd marry Ina Garten and have no qualms with pounding her, but beyond that dream life, I couldn't care less about my partner's ability to cook. I'd even let her abuse me. In fact I'd demand she abuse me.

>> No.7516912

>fetch the newspaper
What century are you living in?

>> No.7516927

Your little tablet isn't much good for reading while sitting out in the sun.

I mean that shiny thing in the sky that provides warmth and light outside. That's the area beyond a building.

>> No.7516954

Rather be active outside than just sit there, unless it's a Japanese garden or some shit like that.

>> No.7516963

I cook myself, so not much at all. Although it would be a nice to share a hobby.

>> No.7516975
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By my standards, she should be able to do at least better than Twitter/Instagram-tier bullshit.

You know what I'm talking about.
>made dinner 4 my bae!
>food itself is trashy as fuck
>often uses very incompatible ingredients

>> No.7516979

Thanks, anon. I'm glad I don't browse twitter and instagram once again.

>> No.7516985

a woman unable to make a decent deal is a pretty shitty woman, to be honest.

>> No.7516988

Knowing how to cook is one of those basic things about a person that reveals how much they generally give a shit about life.

Like on a scale from gourmet cuisine to living on soylent, let's say.

>> No.7516992

>Obviously if someone can't cook at all there's something wrong with them, regardless of gender.

women should be ahead in that area. no excuses.

>> No.7517000

On one hand, I know she will never be as good t cooking as a man. On the other, I don't always feel like cooking and if I work I REALLY don't feel like cooking.

>> No.7517011
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I like Jewish women, too.

>> No.7517016


give me milana any day, buddy bro.

>> No.7517047

My mom taught me how to cook simple things when I wasn't yet 10 years old

I was told that being independent and feeding yourself is one of the skills that everyone needs

Imagine my surprise when I still haven't met a single girl that can use more than the microwave. It seems in our new progressive society, being able to cook and clean is seen as oppression. Imagine how big a turn off it is coming home to a messy ass house and some dumb bitch who can't turn on the stove, and knowing that it'll never get better

>> No.7517628

It has nothing to do with men or women, I think people in general who have no cooking skills really should learn, and I don't respect them quite as much as people who do know. It's an immeasurably valuable life skill.

>> No.7517640

My boyfriends can't cook. Like he tries when he has to, it will feed him, but beyond that not really. My mom taught me how to cook starting when I was 9 and I've been doing it since then. I think most chicks who are proud of not being able to cook are ridiculous. Its not feminism, its being ignorant to a basic life skill. I take a lot of pride in knowing how to do things like bake bread and cook good meals out of whatever you have lying around.

>> No.7517647

A lot, it's really fucking important. I've broken up with two girls because of shit cooking after things had gotten fairly serious (also they were 'picky eaters')

>> No.7517651

I meant boyfriend, singular, but....

>> No.7517674
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I don't really care, myself. But, I had a girlfriend who could cook better than I could. Had more numerous and more elaborate dishes memorized, and could pull them off. However, she almost never bothered doing it without prompting, for various reasons. So the desire to use the skill is also something to think about, I guess.

>> No.7519190

I don't care about girl's cooking skills as long as she'd be willing to learn some basics. I don't mean to turn her into Julia Child 2.0 but teaching her some basic shit so when i come home from work i'd get a warm plate of something home made instead of "i bought you couple McDoubles" not that i hate on McDoubles. They're awesome.

>> No.7519211

I guess it's a vague benefit, like any other skill. Things like having a degree from a good school and/or a good career are essential, while other stuff like cooking falls by the wayside. I'd rate it in the same level as having a good sense for decoration or fashion. I guess it'd be dumb if someone couldn't fry some eggs or something, but I've never met anyone that incapable.

>> No.7520698

I don't care if she does cook anywhere near as much as I care if she can cook. I'm not going to be in great health every day of my life, I get the flu about three days a year. If I'm sick and she can't cook soup and toast, what's the point?

>> No.7520721

With a constitution as shitty as that, you don't deserve a partner.

>> No.7520881

Do things my way, stay out of my way, or stay out of the kitchen.

>> No.7521404

not at all. I do the cooking. But what I want is a good eater, not a childish, picky one.

>> No.7521423

>implying he's wrong

>> No.7521437

If I let a woman cook for me, she might put poison in it. I learned that from csi.

>> No.7521451

sounds like you just want someone who pulls their own weight

>> No.7521675

Being able to properly cook is something I would consider a big plus in a partner. However her not being a vapid cunt that does nothing but facebook and tumblr all day is a much more important feature. If she can make something edible then that's good enough.

That's only if she's working too though, if she wants to do the housewife thing then she sure as fuck better know how to cook and cook well or learn to do it quickly.

Isn't that what we all want in a partner? I like the idea of making enough to enable my wife to stay at home all day but if she's going to have that luxury, she better be cleaning and cooking and shit because I'll be working 60-70 hours a week and would much rather spend that time with her, not doing my fucking laundry.

>> No.7521689

In this day and age that's more than most women can bring to the table.

>> No.7521692
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