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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 296x300, Screamin-Sicillian-Pizza-Coupon-296x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7510486 No.7510486 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ i've been told that this brand of frozen pizza is particularly good shit.

is this true? right now i think freschetta is probably my favorite out of the kinds of i've tried

>> No.7510491

They're good but expensive for frozen pizza. Usually like $8 or so, but they're better than any other freezer pizza. Better than most cheap chain pizza too.

>> No.7510502

the box triggers me something fierce. I'll never buy it out of principle.

>> No.7510503

Overpriced, average frozen pizza. The only thing that sets it apart from the rest is the design on the box it comes in.

>> No.7510504

hmm, i'd be cautious of a product that uses meme packaging like that

>> No.7510509

Really? I've seen it for 5-6 bucks where I live pretty regularly

>> No.7510539


I don't normally ever use the term meme, but this is meme pizza.

It's overpriced mediocre pizza that relies on its packaging to entice people.

Sicilian my fucking balls.

>> No.7510561

The fuck is wrong with Totinos you bitch?

Microwave and eat that pie as a taco all day

>> No.7510584

looks like a meme desu

never tried it tho

>> No.7510591

is meme just a thing people use for anything that's outlandish and trying to get noticed now?

>> No.7510610

No just an overused and meaningless word, like cuck

>> No.7510615

its basically red baron in a flashy hipster box

>> No.7510719
File: 318 KB, 1142x1080, newmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my go to

>> No.7510723

Shitposters have desperately been trying to make this their new home board

Mostly unsuccessful campaign. Still some chasms of autism however

>> No.7510738
File: 185 KB, 1600x1200, 1455494383089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Actually on /ck/ everything is a meme. You like it? Meme. You don't like it? You are memeing. Restaurants are a meme, cooking is a meme, fast food is a meme. It basically has no meaning on this board.

>> No.7510756


Get a load of this memelord.

I want the world to burn.

>> No.7510765

I bought this and they load some much fucking oregano in the sauce that I hated it.

>> No.7510766

Me too. I think they're supposed to be $8 but yeah they're usually around 5-6.

>> No.7510770

I don't actually like frozen pizza, and will generally turn it down when offered. There's either too much/little flavor, weird texture, etc. But a friend gave me a slice, told me what it was, and it wasn't bad at all. But I had Bessie's Revenge with the large chunks of mozzarella. I have yet to try the others.

>> No.7510810

Aren't you a pretentious, special snowflake.

>> No.7510848
File: 3.10 MB, 4200x1872, Red_Baron_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga pls

>> No.7510856

I miss living in the US, Canada has shit frozen food. I just want to get drunk and eat frozen pizza for the rest of my life.

>> No.7510932


I'm not a fan of frozen pizza anyway, but even if that's great frozen pizza, that box makes me want to punch a puppy.

>> No.7510936

wtf is going on with that y

>> No.7510994
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, kingjack_the_pain_of_ruling_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's good, it's Ja/ck/'s favorite!


>> No.7511046

m8, it LITERALLY has a perforated mustache on the box that you can punch out and hold in front of your face

it is meme fucking pizza in meme fucking packaging

>> No.7511073


Ok what get instead? Yes I find the hipster packaging stupid. The only frozen pizza I have ever thought was "good" was a over priced one from American flatbread Co. That I bought at Whole Foods and it cost like $9 and was small.

>> No.7511095

Box is stupid, but they crisp up nicely and the toppings aren't like your typical frozen pizza toppings. They taste closer to a cheap chain pizza which is anyways good with frozen shit.

Just remember you can actually buy a chain pizza for the price of it though.

>> No.7511097


Digorino Pizzera! Won the Cooks Illustrated taste test last year.

>> No.7511103

I've had one, it's fucking garbage

>> No.7511108


Fuck my life can you kings of frozen pizza please post your alternative recommendation. It's frozen pizza it generally sucks this is well known.

>> No.7511112
File: 558 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooks Illustrated 2014

>> No.7511113

The meme pizza is worth trying, it's all hot garbage though. I only eat it because I'm lazy

>> No.7511116

>red baron

It's a sponsored list, guaranteed

>> No.7511130


I don't doubt it. But since no one is offering their recommendations otherwise (including you) I thought I'd posit it. This whole board seems to revolve around the following post cycle:

OP: Food X is great I love it!

Every other comment: food X sucks duck you hipster meme cuck faggot!

>> No.7511164

You are asking for good frozen pizza, it's all shitty.

I buy a locally made frozen pizza, I buy 4 cheese tombstones when they are on sale . That's it, I'm long past the frozen pizza every night phase you hit when you first move out.
It costs way too much for the quality of food you get

>> No.7511165
File: 1.96 MB, 514x205, REEE This Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He triggers me so much

>> No.7511190


Same he is not verbally proficient enough to explain what he is tasting. So is useless.

>> No.7511199
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bad person I went out and bought one. I have to know. $8 at Kroger

>> No.7511203

It'll be OK, up to you to decide if it's 8$ good

>> No.7511222


I won't eat it today I have Easter ham and hot cross buns to prepare. Maybe later this week.

>> No.7511230

>i've been told that this brand of frozen pizza is particularly good shit.

I like the one with meatballs on it.
Its essentially a tombstone pizza with higher end toppings on it. When you buy the one with mozzarella balls on it, its not blanketed in toppings and you can really tell that its just a frozen pizza.

The toppings make up for it though

>> No.7511234

Better be good pizza for having such reddit-tier packaging art.

>> No.7511307

Tried it once, the one with the half meatballs on it. Something about it just tasted... off. I can't really explain it, like maybe it was too heavily spiced and the dough had a weird texture.

>> No.7511445

The packaging is meme-tier in looks but shit tier in quality. It's just a cardboard box without any glossiness. Shit packaging is usually a sign of good products.

It is actually pretty good frozen pizza. If it goes on sale for $5-$6 I'll usually get one

>> No.7511528

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.7511563

We are just getting old, its going to get worse.
I can only imagine how my parents feel

>> No.7511591

Yeah I was turned off by the box but decided to take a chance when Publix was pricing them the same as the other major brands. I wasn't a huge fan and for their regular price I would rather order a real pizza.

>> No.7511609

I've tried these before. They really are not that good. Very greasy, overpriced, and somewhat bland.

Better off with

>> No.7511796

Not that great. Digornio shits on all frozen pizza and lots of restaurants too.

>> No.7513712

It be good shit hommie