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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 800x450, Salted caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7509846 No.7509846 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Meme flavours

>Salted Caramel

>> No.7509848

>Pumpkin spice

holy shit my autism

>> No.7509854

>red velvet

Why is this a thing? Its just chocolate dyed red.

>> No.7509862

OP not killing himself

>> No.7509863
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>> No.7509872

I thought it was beetroot.

It tastes like beetroot and chocolate.

>> No.7509911

It should be done with cocoa powder, not chocolate. And "Red velvet" means it has to have cream cheese.

>> No.7509912

Salted caramel is the shit fuck you
It's always the best shit that gets called meme shit
I hate the meme of calling stuff meme stuff

>> No.7509920

This so much. It's made conversations on 4chan even dumber than usual. The only good thing about it is that it's made idiots and shitposters easier to spot and ignore.

>> No.7509923

>anything made into a drink flavor at Starbucks
>mint chip for example although that shit is dank tbqh fampoo

>> No.7509966

mint chip has always been a flavour though, I've seen mint chocolate chip icecream for decades, don't be a faglord

>> No.7510020

Wrong. Real red velvet has beetroot in it and a cooked icing, not meme cheese

>> No.7510029

fukkin this. "scientists identify it as an extra flavour! it's the savoury morish flavour of-"


>> No.7510054
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>> No.7510072

>fatty meats

All meme foods

>> No.7510153

originally it got the color from a chemical reaction from natural, aka not dutch processed, cocoa powder and buttermilk.

>> No.7510181


>> No.7510188

"Korean" BBQ

what the fuck are you doing american companies

t. korean

>> No.7510189

as much as I love bacon, this excessive bacon meme is pretty tiresome.

Bacon mints are awful.
I got some bacon jelly ( I am sorry) and I am a little hesitant to try it.

>> No.7510195
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>> No.7510216

You're saying my non-dutched cocoa will turn red if I mix it with sourdough hooch?

>> No.7510575
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Don't worry, all BBQs are meme flavors

t. Memphian

>> No.7510693

what the fuck is that

>> No.7510725
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literally rebbit: the pizza

>> No.7510735

>It's always the best shit that gets called meme shit

Sriracha, nutella, and bacon are not "the best shit"

>> No.7510755
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>> No.7510822

no I do agree,

Sriracha is okay at times, but its a situational thing.

>> No.7510839

i love that salty-sweet combo.

chocolate-covered pretzels.

kettle corn.

hell to the fuck yeah. shit is delicious.

>> No.7510854

Vegan detected

>> No.7510858

Don't care, still good

>> No.7510866

calling it meme food is just your way of trying to feel superior to food thats popular and mainstream. and food doesnt usually make the mainstream unless its something good (the superfood thing might be an exception here)

you guys are just contrarian hipster faggots who have too much unwarranted pride to realize it

>> No.7510874

Or autism. But seriously, if your eating preferences are dictated by avoiding what is popular for the sake of it being poplar, you should eat a bullet.

>> No.7510877

And if your tastes are dictated by what's popular, you should also take a long walk off a short dock.

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.7510879


More like salted caramel tastes just like caramel.
Pumpkin spice just tastes like shit and nutmeg
Red velvet cake just tastes like chocolate cake with store bought creamcheese icing on it.

I don't understand why they are popular, but its not because they are popular I don't like them, its just they aren't that special.

>> No.7510882

>More like salted caramel tastes just like caramel.
>Pumpkin spice just tastes like shit and nutmeg
>Red velvet cake just tastes like chocolate cake with store bought creamcheese icing on it.

all subjective.

its almost like people have different preferences and tastes or something. what a bunch of faggots, right?

>> No.7510888

I enjoy eating new foods every now and then; getting outside of the tendies bubble that so many idiots live in expands my knowledge of what taste pallets I actually enjoy.

Salted caramel a good example of that. Tried it, tastes like batteries to me.

>> No.7510897


>> No.7510905

Chocolate and chilli. The stuff I've had has probably been executed badly. I can see how it would work though; beer and curry. Bitter, sweet and hot. Chilli flavoured beer.

>> No.7510913

>milkshake + fries
>medium rare

>> No.7510953

Am I allowed to make a pumpkin pie smoothie?

>> No.7511044

It will turn to a rusty reddish color yes, not super bright red like what we get now with cakes colored by beets or dyes.

>> No.7511079

Both yes.
That said, if something explodes in popularity at some point...why not try it?
The chorizo explosion of 2011 is a good example. Shit got put on everything, eventually calmed down, but now you can get tasty chorizo everywhere.

>> No.7511151


>> No.7511163

This isn't a flavor, but "muh gluten free" is a meme that needs to die already.

>> No.7511173

Avoiding gluten can be coincidentally healthier because it eliminates white flour. Why don't people have the sense to do just that?

>> No.7511706

If i eat gluten i get mad diarrhoea. I wasn't meant for this world.

>> No.7511750

>but its a situational thing

Thats any food ever.

Home made mayo wont be tasty on raspberry sorbet, but that doesnt mean it sucks.

>> No.7511752
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All these micro-breweries have popped up over the past decade and instead of making quality beers, they're turning out this bitter hop water because it's somehow cool and it sells. I get the sense that people are slowly coming to their senses and getting off the "moar hops" bandwagon.

>> No.7512796

It has both. The original version was made by combining beetroot with American processed cheese food, hence 'Red Velveeta'.

>> No.7512835

While I like bitter beers, I agree that the "moar hops" bandwagon has gotten out of hand.
The best beers strike a balance between hoppy bitterness and the complexity that can be added with good malts.

>> No.7512841
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hops are delicious though fagget, deal with it

>> No.7512853


>> No.7512863

le getting mad on the internet meme omg lol xD

>> No.7512911

This so much.

IPA's are boring for me at this point. I prefer drinking European and American pilsners, stouts are also very good. Hell I like lagers.

It's funny because when I started drinking 5 or 6 years ago it was basically ground zero of IPA memeing and that's what I started on. Now those beers don't really interest me.

>> No.7512930


>> No.7512933

Fucking told

>> No.7512938

that's why something becomes a memefood

>> No.7513002


they're all pretty awesome, actually. and now you've got me wondering what it'd taste like to put all three together.

>> No.7513107

A gustative memegasm.
Objectively taste like shit, but may be OK if sweet bacon doesn't offend your sense of right and wrong.

Replace nutella by cocoa or dark chocolate.

>> No.7513113


sweet bacon is amazing.

have you never eaten chocolate with bacon pieces baked in?

sweet jesus has risen.

>cocoa or dark chocolate

yeah no thanks, i have an insatiable sweet tooth.

>> No.7513148

if you think this you just don't know what red velvet is and have no room to call it a meme flavor

>> No.7513159

>making maple syrup bacon cus moosefucker
>add a pinch of salt when they come out of the oven
same affect as salted caramel
GOAT bacon

>> No.7513183

>adding salt to bacon
moosefucker pls

>> No.7513203

Underage detected.
Okay, I'll give you those.
>fatty meats
Go fuck yourself you shitnigger.

>> No.7513295
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>> No.7513323

Avocado flavored anything is bullshit
It's mostly just a filler
It's butter with less guilt

>> No.7513652


I get the best color by using both the cacau powder unprocessed and food coloring.

Someone can do a little test and make a vert like they do with cookies with different ingredients.

>> No.7514163


I mean come on really? You're a grown ass man so stop eating like a child.

>> No.7514208

>pineapple & ham meme toppings
>literally every pizza place has them as them as toppings since pizza invented
fall on something sharp

>> No.7514471


>> No.7514681

Are you a time traveller from the mid-2000s? The fad of betting on hype and thus market share by making huge IPAs is long dead. The continuing proliferation of IPAs in the market base is bottom up, consumer driven demand.

>> No.7514731

Aw damn I love salted caramel
It is a massive fucking meme tho

>> No.7514736

why what and how? I don't understand how it qualifies as a meme?

because it's popular? Isn't that what a hipster is? Insincerity through forced counterculture?

>> No.7514750

The whole "I liked it before it was cool" cliche is erased from the definition of hipster by the average /ck/ poster, because then they'd have to come to terms with their hypocritical and irrational hatred of the hipster- they both worship at the altar of obscurity.

>> No.7514754

suck my cock motherfucker

>> No.7514777

>pan fried

Unless it's deep fried, just say "fried"

> hand cooked

What, you held it in your hands until it was piping hot?

>> No.7514832

Salt is a meme seasoning

>> No.7515097

>Nacho cheese
Litterly just chedder with a Mexican styled seasoning. Why not just call it "Seasoned Cheese Flavor"?

>> No.7515233

Well, the Aztec used to mix cocoa and chili. Not always sweetened though.

>> No.7515243

>he's behind on his memes
IPAs are no longer pronouncedly bitter. The new meme is juicy, fruity IPAs, which are beyond delicious

>> No.7515311

Deep frying has become so common that with certain foods, you feel as though you have to specify. I never deep fry anything but when frying chicken, I always say pan fried since fried chicken for some reason always means deep fried.

>> No.7515760

What's your problem with salty/sweet?

>> No.7515829
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>> No.7515898

Not really a flavour, but it seems like every single fast food place, pub, or barbeque restaraunt has an angus burger now. Like its literally just a larger patty and they call it an angus burger. At this point it just annoys me.

>> No.7515906


You know Angus is a breed of cow, right? It has nothing to do with the size of the burger; they're telling you what kind of beef the burger is made from.

>> No.7515910

Yes I know that angus is a breed of cow, and I'm telling you that it is not angus that they serve you. they just give you a larger patty.

>> No.7515915
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>> No.7515927

>telling you that it is not angus that they serve you

How would you know? It's not as if the breed of cow is an indicator of quality. Like any meat there's plenty of other variables involved.

>>just give you a larger patty
That's probably co-founded with the "Angus" beef being used. A specific breed of beef is selected because it creates the illusion of a better product--a "premium" burger. And since those burgers are often larger than normal burgers anyway, the size is easily explained.

>> No.7515953


Their original suppliers most likely do not carry angus beef, and most of the beef supplied to restaraunts is angus anyway as it is one of the primary breeds within the Americas.

Holsien beef is generally cheaper than angus, as it is a lower quality and is what you find at most restaraunts that aren't specifically looking for quality. And i mean the difference is like 3 dollars a pound so you could imagine why.

As someone who has worked in the meat industry for several years, someone who understands what actually goes into your meat, and someone who knows the loose regulations on how meat can be sold, I can tell you with confidence that you're most likely not getting angus beef when you get an angus beef burger, and you're just getting a larger patty, because it costs too much to get angus beef on a regular basis.

>> No.7515970

You guys realize they didn't just make up the fact that umami is a different taste right? People literally have different receptors for it on the tongue, thats why its a different taste.

>> No.7515971


I'm not trying to be an ass here, but I'm having trouble reconciling two of your statements. First you state that Angus is very common and most restaurant beef is Angus. Then you mention that most burgers that might be labeled Angus are not. Why is that? If Angus is really that common then isn't there a good chance that a random burger would be Angus even if it didn't say so?

>> No.7515981


We know. People get upset for two reasons:

>waaa Umami sounds like a weeb word
>Waa, we already had a word for that, why not just call it Savory like everyone else?

Umami and Savory are literally the same thing. The technically correct name is Umami: The Japanese get to name it since they were the first to prove its existence in a scientific manner. But they (and the rest of the world) have known about the "Savory" taste for centuries, it just wasn't proven until the Japanese published the "Umami" paper. For some reason that "renaming" bothers some people.

>> No.7516160


>> No.7516226

Savory refers to any combination of salty and umami. You're all fags for not even considering this.

>> No.7516332

Salted coffee.

>> No.7516338

is that real?

>> No.7516367

salted honey

>> No.7516381

As long as you don't buy Pumpkin spice flavor from StarBucks you can do what ye want

>> No.7516414

I love salted caramel done right, but I swear to fucking god it nearly always tastes like it's 50% salt by weight.

>> No.7516419


I know, right? I also love a fresh 'za with bacon and sriracha! XDD

>> No.7516450
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Fucking garbage.

>> No.7516725
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>> No.7516756
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>> No.7516968

asiago cheese

>> No.7516987

>Vanilla coke/pepsi/dr.pepper

>> No.7517025

vanilla coke is fucking delicious

>> No.7517753

>tfw I am legitimately gluten intolerant but never tell people cooking for me because I'm afraid they'll think I'm just pretending
fuck you hipsters

>> No.7517929

Fucking pineapple on pizza should be illegal.

>salted chocolate
>chili chocolate

>> No.7519072

Kill yourself. That goes for anybody responding to the OP with a "meme flavor."