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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7509246 No.7509246 [Reply] [Original]

As a African American I noticed that most black people hate the idea of medium rare. Like, anytime I get it someone has to make a snide comment about it being "not done" or "undercooked." Why is this?

>> No.7509253

I thought blacks didn't eat steak.

>> No.7509258

*black people

don't be a dick

>> No.7509262

Niggers complain about everything and have no understanding of decorum or compassion. Also they all like the simplest, most unoffensive food so they char everything to hell. They have no understanding of fine dining. Its funny, I would think animals would like eating food the closest to freshly killed meat they could. Bloody and red.

>> No.7509263


>> No.7509264

Whats the difference?

>> No.7509270

Because black people in their slave ancestry often had the cheap, less well butchered and therefore less sanitary offcuts of the meat. Kind of hard to have a "I eat steaks rare" culture when you don't get to have steaks.

Even after slavery ended, black people were often packed off into quasi-slavery of blue collar jobs which go hand in hand with high calorie intake. Very hard to fry a steak medium rare.

I suspect there is also a lot of intersectionality within black culture where people judge and segregate themselves on their perceived "blackness" and "different shades of black". The person making snide remarks are not making one about how cooked the steak is in and of itself, but that you think you're too good for what's obviously good enough for other black people, that you are pretending to be not black.

>> No.7509271

Wasn't trying to be. You people get mad if we call you black?

>> No.7509276

cause niggers can't let go og their 3rd world mindset and think everything thats fresh makes you sick

>> No.7509294

Meant for>>7509258

>> No.7509320

How fucking new are you?

>> No.7509355

I didn't call him a fucking nigger, dipshit. I called him black.

>> No.7509388

I'm Asian and everybody in my family (except for my sister and myself) eats their steaks well-done.

It's honestly embarrassing sometimes.

>extended family is visiting from overseas
>take them out to a nice steakhouse
>waitress asks how we want our steaks done
>mom says well-done
>dad says well-done
>grandma says nothing but my dad tells the waitress she wants her well-done
>aunt says well-done
>cousin says well-done
>uncle shouts "BERI OOH-ELL DUN"
>dad changes his order to "very VERY well-done"

I hope whoever made our steaks wasn't some kind of weird steak enthusiast, because we made them ruin six perfectly good steaks.

>> No.7509392

As an Italian American, I haven't a clue.
Lack of basic chemistry knowledge?

Why are you moolies are always sensitive about your label?

>> No.7509402

What are native Asians doing ordering steak in the first place? They hate that shit, except the segments of Japan that like to imitate American stuff.

>> No.7509408

you're an idiot

>> No.7509410

>They hate that shit
I wouldn't doubt it, because my family can't eat that shit unless it's burnt to a crisp.

>> No.7509420


During my stint in the industry i learned some very common characteristics of tables of Asians.

>obligatory old man/woman who never says a word
>they will order specials like "fish of the day" or "chefs soup" without even inquiring what it is
>they will not need refills on drinks
>the teenagers will order for all, being the only one who speak english well
>they fucking love steak
>nobody gets their own dish. always family style
>the will tip $8-10 on $72 every. single. time. i dont even know how regardless of the size of the party, their bill is always $72

>> No.7509428

I know that feel, when my mom orders anything she always says "very well done", and when I was a kid she would always answer for me.

>> No.7509453

But they're not black. And they're not people

>> No.7509461


>> No.7509549


Look at this fucking cuck

>> No.7509570


You're not asian. Asians will eat anything rare or medium, and that includes beef, chicken, seafood and pork.

>> No.7509602

>eat raw fish
>beef must be charred into oblivion

>> No.7509616

I want /b/ to leave.

>> No.7510008




>> No.7510049

what do you mean "you people"?

>> No.7510062

Underrated comment.

>> No.7510778


>>they will tip $8-10 on $72 every. single. time.

lotta asian countries don't even tip so stop complaining. lucky you even got a tip.

>> No.7510811

My mom and dad are the same way except they're mexican. I think I was the first from my family to go down to medium rare (my brothers would stick to medium well). Could it have something to do with growing up poor and thinking any meat that diesnt have the pink burned off will cause food poisoning?

>> No.7510814
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Fuck, that almost got me. I should go to bed.

>> No.7510831

Medium well for me pls.
Medium if it has a herby crust.

>> No.7510843

Its usually to do with how wealthy you are. Are all the blacks you hang out with lower socioeconomic range?

>> No.7510849

For me (I'm black if it matters), I'm already hesitant about eating a steak I didn't make myself. For some reason I'm fine eating a medium rare I made myself, but fuck rare though.

>> No.7511027

No, he is right, I'm asian as well. My parents are pretty "westernized", so we eat their steaks medium rare, but all my other asian friends and family always want well-done.

>> No.7511058

I tell my mom I east my steak rare and told her that it's supposed to be better, she didn't really get it. I ordered a medium rare steak at a restaurant once for my birthday and everyone at the table was like MEDIUM WELL, RARE IS RAW. I shouldn't have listened. The only beef most of my family eat are burgers.

>> No.7511083


>> No.7511102

Probably because in their culture it is not yet safe to eat most meat, without thoroughly cooking it and every thing it it dead. Even if it is, it might been told to them by their parents, since they still struggled with raw meat.

>> No.7511183

Nope, it's darkies or jungle bunnies.

>> No.7511193

Niggers gonna nigg

>> No.7511255

They are uneducated cretins who think rare beef is dangerous

>> No.7511564


>> No.7511788

You're a coon. Go roast yourself and show up at Cletus' shack so he can get his daily possum fix.

>> No.7511795


Am I being memed on right now?

>> No.7511933

Probably comes from traditional African cooking and is simply a carry over. Africans today and in the past rarely eat young animals like lambs or baby goats and rather keep them in the flock until they stop producing lambs/milk. Only then do they slaughter the ewe, and moist, slow cooked dishes are the only ones that will produce an edible meal from this meat. This is an uneducated guess simply based on observation from the internet.

>> No.7511965

It is in most countries though. As soon as you're out of America your go-to motto should be "If it ain't charred black, send it back"

>> No.7511971

Just like huts made of cow shit, un-necessary violent physical confrontations, AIDS, and the obsession with wearing reflective material.

>> No.7512176

I like your uncle already. Tell me more of this man.

>> No.7512302

unnecessary post

>> No.7513021

Good post

>> No.7513066

People like to say it's blood because it's red, but it's not blood and doesn't taste like blood. It just tastes like meat juice.

>> No.7513074

don't know how that sounds like complaining you window licker

>> No.7513524

waiter scum detected

>> No.7513879

As an asian, I can testify to this too. My mom is scared of eating any kind of raw or "under-cooked" food, whether it's beef or fish, but my dad and I can usually pressure her into eating a medium rare steak. Anything past that and she considers it raw.

>> No.7514137
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>> No.7514184


>> No.7515123

You just described american culture

>> No.7515170

I only know one black guy and he never ate steak in my presence
Hope this helps

>> No.7515187

Protip: Always order your steak medium well, so that when the chef invariably slightly undercooks it, it comes out medium, the way God intended.

>> No.7515197
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>African American
Were you born in Africa? No? This meme needs to end.

>> No.7516039

Most cultures have some form of cured meat which isn't cooked at all.

>> No.7516078


>Not from America
>visited there and everyone referred to me as the "African-American gentleman"

I have never been to Africa and my family as far as we can trace back have never been to Africa.

>tfw probably the first people dragged over to the west indies and these crackers who just arrived are still calling me African.

>Started calling my white associates "English-American" and the spics "Spanish-American"
>They didn't find it funny.

>> No.7516083

>be Polynesian (Samoan) in America
>"wow this is the first time I've seen an African-American with a tan"

>> No.7516091

>they didn't find it funny
Good, if they can't handle the bantz and get triggered like faggots, then fuck them.

>> No.7516094

Niggers are animals, animals love raw food, they're trying to change the way people view them so they're going polar opposite of what they actually crave in order to seem less primal.

>> No.7516099

>they didn't find it funny
They're trash, I find that funny

>> No.7516103

Medium for me and most of my negro friends.

>> No.7516378

>uncle shouts "BERI OOH-ELL DUN"
>dad changes his order to "very VERY well-done"

Fucking LEL at your dad. Was he trying to one-up your uncle or what?

>> No.7516385
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Got a steak but I've never eaten or cooked one before. What do? Do I just take the plain steak and slap it in a pan and let it sizzle for a few minutes or what?

>> No.7516426

Salt, pepper, sear on both sides until desired doneness.

>> No.7516453

That simple? Well at least I can't mess it up

>> No.7517072

That's funny as hell. So you prefer black or darkie?

>> No.7517216


Fuck off nigger.

>> No.7517220


It's pretty common in the US for people to generalize and stereotype so I'm not the least bit surprised.

>> No.7517975

take it out of the packet and air dry it in fridge for 1 or 2 days
take it out of fridge and let it rest til room temperature
scorching hot pan (not nonstick)
flip every 15 seconds until desired doneness (usually 2 minutes for medium rare)
salt (don't pepper until after it'll burn at that high heat)
let it rest for 10 minutes

>> No.7517980

>Black people hate the idea of medium rare

As another black guy, I haven't noticed this. Every guy in my family gets it either medium or medium rare. All the women get it well, but I figured that was just a girl thing.

>> No.7518024

Another Asian here. My parents are well-done plebs, and that's how I ate steak until I moved out and ordered my own damn steak. My peers generally get theirs rare to medium rare, plus the occasional medium. My gf thinks it's icky and gross, and doesn't much care for beef to begin with. No idea what I'm doing with her.

>> No.7518040

>racism on a blue board

>> No.7518119

>White as fuck
>Both parents only eat beef well done
>Instill fear of pink steak in the core of me
>Become adult
>Discover the world of medium rare
>Parents tell me I'll get sick and die
>You're not the boss of beef now
>You're not the boss of beef now
>You're not the boss of beef now
>And you're not well done
>Steak is real good

>> No.7518124
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Yeah I forgot they can't eat rare steak in Europe

>> No.7518127
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>He thinks the FDA are the pinnacle of food safety standards!

>> No.7518136

>racism on 4chan

We're all shocked right along with you.
Perhaps you should take some time on the safe -space board.

>> No.7518157

>air drying steak in the fridge

is this a new meme

>> No.7518234

Sorry, I meant chimps.

>> No.7518235

I think the confusion here is with language. They think "well done" means well cooked, instead of burnt to a crisp.

>> No.7518240

How to cook like Heston meme.

>> No.7518270

My family is pacific islander and they always do that shit too.

I think they thought it was for sanitary reasons when they lived on the island.

My mom always swore up and down I'd get sick from a rare steak.

>> No.7518279

this is now offensive?

>> No.7518281

calm down gook

>> No.7518283

>they will not need refills on drinks

Refills really only seems to be an American thing, anywhere else and people won't be chugging down 10L of coke refills with their meal.

>> No.7519565


Can you not?

>> No.7519574

I feel ya man. I'm like, a 4th generation Italian and my family won't shut the fuck up about it. Like "Yeah mom, grandpa was a reeeeeal wop growing up on hamburgers and fucking beer."

>> No.7519608 [DELETED] 

Back to le >>>/reddit/ xDDDddddddd

>> No.7519642
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>>Started calling my white associates "English-American" and the spics "Spanish-American"
>>They didn't find it funny.

Fucking kek

>> No.7519849


youre retarded my good friend

>> No.7519852


english american is actually pfunny tho

>> No.7519861


dumbest thing ive read today

>> No.7519864



>> No.7519866

Kill yourself.

>> No.7520032

Blacks just char the shit out of everything which is why it's all bathed in those magical seasonings white people apparently don't use. They turn everything into tasteless gunk.

>> No.7520051

Putting ketchup on food is barbaric

>> No.7520067

Another ASian here ching chong choing bing wong waa no ticket no shirt

>> No.7520087

Are you African, or American?

>> No.7520093


How about coons?

>> No.7520161

This chart is useless without a cooking temperature.

>> No.7520166

you aren't supposed to call niggers coons anymore, you should be polite and call niggers darkies now like they want

>> No.7520185

i don't get butthurt when people say "whites"
don't see why saying "blacks" should be considered offensive

>> No.7520375
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>> No.7520562

Very hard to fry a steak medium rare??? WTF???

2 min a side boy. Nothing could be easier.

>> No.7520579

this jigaboo sho is sensitive.

>> No.7520845

Pretty sure American beef has superbugs from all the antibiotics they eat.

>> No.7520849

>don't see why saying "blacks" should be considered offensive

Only because some people use it dehumanize, but that's a problem with tone and a person attitude's, it has nothing to do with the word.

>> No.7520866
File: 133 KB, 594x396, hockey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, would you like to know why African Americans don't ever play hockey?

>> No.7520877

Meat juice sounds like another term for blood to me.

>> No.7520905

they have enough sense to stay out of the freezing cold?

>> No.7520911

I guess african americans are way different from other niggers because sweden is being flooded with niggers.

>> No.7520912

I guess?

>> No.7520957

Well I'm not american so I really wouldn't know.

>> No.7520960

and I'm white and live in minnesota, which is just about the whitest place in the united states.

>> No.7520963

I trust European beef more than American.
And I eat my stakes either rare or medium rare.
Hell, if I knew the source of the meat and knew it was high quality I'd eat it raw.
Nothing like some ground chuck with salt and pepper.

>> No.7520972

>I eat my stakes rare or medium rare
Do you generally have your rare stakes crafted for you by an artisan stake crafter or do you go spelunking in ancient tombs for super rare stakes to sate your high quality tastes?

>> No.7521034

That's interesting, please go on.

>> No.7521038

probably a lack of interest+not many ice skating rinks where they live

>> No.7521084

>That video where the reporter keeps calling the guy African American where he keeps telling her he is French and hasn't ever been to Africa or America

>> No.7521410

Americans hate the idea of "undercooked" meat in general.

>> No.7521655

This is /ck/ no need to be edgy

>> No.7521688

Cook your damn food.

>> No.7521913

Absolutely anywhere you see peopl ebeing described as "whites" there are some salty faux-intellectuals in the comments talking about "HOW COME IT ISN'T RACIST WHEN PEOPLE ARE MEAN TO MEEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.7523734


>> No.7523889

10/10 post
Thank you for your service

>> No.7523911

niggers being retarded thread?

>grocery shopping
>every other aisle has a black family in the middle of the aisle
>they dont ever move when they see me coming
>politely ask them if i can get by
>they make a show about how its such a big deal that i interrupted them

every. fucking. time.

>> No.7523926

I believe the proper term is negro or negroid

>> No.7523983

I was told it was nigger.

>> No.7524042
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Hot damn man ya fuckin got em

>> No.7524340

whitest post on all of 4chan

>> No.7524348
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>> No.7525184

It isn't. The meat juice is the water, fats and proteins that were in the muscular tissue. The actual blood is drained after the animal is killed

>> No.7525218

Well. I have a theory. Black people claim that they don't eat pussy. A Rare or medium rare steak looks like a black cunt. Ergo; connection between the 2?

>> No.7525224

It's just a lack of education and obviously becomes more common among blacks

>> No.7526175


>> No.7526195

expensive as fuck and like many winter sports, unless you're born in ice skates you're not gonna make it very far. plus, would you want to join a basketball team if the entire team was black except you?

>> No.7526196

It's mainly because niggers are stupid. Also their taste in everything is broken.

>> No.7526259

Thinks poverty porn is 'Africa'. American detected.

>> No.7526267

So /ck/ can we all agree blue rare is the best type of steak? I mean the flavor is just fucking amazing. Fucking medium babies need their shit cooked. Get the fuck out if you like medium you can't even call yourself a real steak man if you don't like it blue rare. Even rare is approaching ruining the fine steaks.

>> No.7526275


>> No.7527309


>> No.7527336

That's Japan only. At least get your stereotypes right, Cleetus

>> No.7527365

ya because they are drinking 2 liters of wine or beer instead

>> No.7527391
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>> No.7527440



>> No.7527445

coloreds aren't usually educated

>> No.7527536

Am I the only one who doesn't actually like the pink?
All the flavour is in the maillardy seasoned surface. The fleshy metallic inside is eh.

>> No.7528554


>> No.7528638


>> No.7529016

I got this one. Improperly cooked food is an easy trip to the ER that could be avoided. That shit is expensive. Easier to overcook food than risk a hospital trip.

>> No.7529057

I thought it was a cooking bread, and I read and read and read and nothin' but cuck thread in here; all those assholes comin up with sdubid comments on goloured people.
Go suck your trap dicks bunch of racist faggots.
>B4 Nigger blah blah... I'm white. Just not amerifag and not Eastern European faggot

>> No.7529281

For real, why the fuck do black people do that? Everything overcooked, and salty as fuck. It's like they are Puerto Rican or someting.

>> No.7529313

on a more positive note, black people often possess the uncanny ability to grill meat and poultry that is simultaneously extremely well done and also juicy and flavorful. I dont mind a well done steak cooked this way at all.

I call this the Black Dad Grilling Phenomenon and have seen it on action in countless backyards and parks.

>> No.7529344

Yeah because if they did they would get sick and die of vitamin deficiency

>> No.7529347

Minnesota has a very high middle eastern population compared to most states because obama shipped some refugees there when it all started

>> No.7530192

Medium's my default. Fucking rarefags never shut up about how I've ruined my steak because it's not bleeding all over my plate.

>> No.7530206

Same. I like medium rare best but it gives me the shits and bad gas. Medium is a good moderate steak. At restaurants though I'll normally order medium rare because they'll give you a medium anyway if you ask for that.

>> No.7531410

>They didn't find it funny.
I did.

>> No.7531593

Not eat steak? You are an ignorant. I hope you ain't one of the stupid lame as trolls and racists on all these boards, but that is almost as ridiculous.

>> No.7531669

You know how I know you don't watch hockey?

>> No.7531709
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I'm white for the record.

If most black people are like the ones I lived with growing up then none of them could afford cuts of beef that would be any good if under-cooked, so it's probably just a habit from childhood.

Just thinking about it makes me hungry...
Giblets, gizzards, liver, turkey neck, oxtail, ham hocks, liver and onions

Can we get a soul food thread?

>> No.7531796

>>racism on a blue board

I'm from /k/, another blue board. Is that not normal or something?

>> No.7531820

/k/ is mostly bitter paranoid white males who unironically think that people who don't like to say "nigger" in a professional work environment are effectively declaring a race war to annihilate all whites. pretty much the only other board that comes close is /g/ which thinks that if you've ever worn deodorant or ironed your shirt, you're some kind of extremist feminazi who wants to make tech no longer a "safe space" for socially awkward people with aspergers.

it's really not a good idea for you to use /k/'s idea of normal as a standard of normalcy elsewhere, or /g/.

>> No.7531822

Very VERY well done post.

>> No.7531832

Detroit here...this is sad but true. There's a lot of good restaurants here ran by black people, but the majority seem to eat the absolute shittiest quality food and never complain. Go get fast food anywhere in Detroit and see what happens. Go to a black-run coney island. You'll probably end up with a sloppy, greasy, old shit meal that's garbage even by fast food/diner standard because they just don't care.

It's sort of like how when I go out to the suburbs the food is relatively well-made but for whatever reason they fucking drown everything in mayo.

I love me some Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches, and these are my two choices

Old soggy maybe-fully-cooked piece of chicken on stale bread with a white lettuce stem and a tomato end-piece (if you get tomato at all), placed in a wrapped and tossed in a bag without actually being wrapped

Delicious, fresh, crispy piece of chicken on a soft warm bun with a nice piece of lettuce and TWO good slices of tomato ... everything soaked in mayo, which is literally leaking from the carefully-wrapped package

>> No.7531836

would negro be more acceptable?

>> No.7531847

>bitter paranoid white males who unironically think that people who don't like to say "nigger" in a professional work environment are effectively declaring a race war to annihilate all whites

m8 you have them confused with /pol/. /k/ is the place full of traps and gays, where the black men wear diapers and carry their Galil rifles to defend Bundy Ranch.

>> No.7531853

Obama pls leave

>> No.7532400

hit the nail right on the head. I'm black and I eat med rare as well and my entire family gives me shit for it. After ten years it just sounds like white noise :^)

>> No.7533299

I'm a college student working at a dining hall and only black girls ask with an intense expression to have the most well-cooked bacon.
Idk if its racism or just normal pattern recognition but I notice racial food patterns all the time.
Like I worked at a dunkin donuts and black people had blueberry donuts and hazelnut coffee wayyyy more than anyone else

>> No.7533354

0/0, I kekled merrily

>> No.7533447


If they're anything like my parents, they probably order things well done out of fear of getting food poisoning. Mind you, my parents came from a semi third world country where eating food that wasn't thoroughly cooked would ravage the bowels and give tapeworms.

>> No.7533455

>black """"""people""""""

>> No.7533540

Isn't heckling/roasting/bands just a black trope?

>> No.7533546

Oh wow. Thanks, op. This thread reminded me that a friend's birthday is coming up. Last year we went to a Brazilian steakhouse where they go around with slabs of meat to your table and cut it. Though this year is gonna be a Japanese grill at your table thing.

Anyway, they had medium on one side and more well done on another.

It usually depends on how good a restaurant it is and how well known they are for steak.

I remember I got to go to one for my dad's birthday that was like a forty to fifty dollar steak entree and I got that one mooing. So fucking tender.

>> No.7533680


sorry for the slur, nigger

won't happen again

>> No.7533727

Some of the best barbeque pitmasters are old black guys. All of the best barbeque techniques came from old southern black guys.

>> No.7534125

Protip: when blood comes out the top of the steak, you have medium rare, regardless of the heat of the pan or how cold the steak was.