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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7502985 No.7502985 [Reply] [Original]

~12 pounds of chicken thighs
15 pounds of taters
5 pounds of onions
4 pounds of carrots
2 bunches of green onions
chicken bones
4 pounds of green beans

>> No.7502991
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some salt and sugar in these disposable roasting pans

>> No.7502993
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dissolved the slat and sugar in some hot water

>> No.7502996
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I packed the chicken in the brine

I only needed two of the pans, which was nice

>> No.7502998

/acg/ - alcoholic casserole general

>> No.7503003

how many people you feedin lol?

>> No.7503006
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wrapped them up and parked them in the fridge

>> No.7503011
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>brining in aluminum

>> No.7503015


This. Provide context as to why you're cooking so much.

>> No.7503027
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A new guy moved into the house who says he wants to cook so this lil nigga is going to help me process all these green beans

twenty to forty, the turnout is pretty variable for these parties

not making a casserole this time :(

>> No.7503031
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rinsed and trimmed all the beans

>> No.7503032
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it was a fucking LOT of green beans

>> No.7503036
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bringing a huge pot of salted water to a rolling boil

>> No.7503041



>> No.7503043

What's the point of making a lets cook of just meat and veg?

>> No.7503050
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blanching the green beans for 2 minutes

I had to do 2 batches

>> No.7503053
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blanched on the left, raw on the right

just to show what blanching does for veg

>> No.7503055
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after both batches were blanched and cooled I wrapped the pan up in foil and put it in the fridge too

>> No.7503060
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heating the oven to 400

>> No.7503064
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the chicken bones before they go into the oven

>> No.7503079
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after 35 minutes in the oven

>> No.7503114
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in with a gallon of water over medium heat

>> No.7503138
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so everything up to this point has been prep for tomorrow

I decided to whip something for dinner tonight while my stock simmers

italian sausage
sweet peppers
red onion
alfredo sauce

>> No.7503145
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removed the sausage from the casing and cut up the sweet peppers and onion

>> No.7503253
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i usually don't fuck with pre-made alfredo but the ingredient list on this brand seems pretty ok

>> No.7503258
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cooking the sausage

>> No.7503271
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the onions and peppers

>> No.7503307
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chopped some garlic

>> No.7503323

christ man looks good so far but are you trying to feed ethiopia? what are you cooking that much for?

>> No.7503351
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the garlic and yellow squash

Every Friday my house hosts a party for several dozen guests. Some of the stuff I've cooked tonight is prep for that and the rest is dinner for about six tonight. If you read the thread you'll probably figure it out.

>> No.7503354

i'm not a clever mad i was following the behind the scenes foodporn images mostly.

>> No.7503367


for reals tho

>> No.7503387
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the sausage and peas in the pan

boiling some water for the pasta

my brine contains no acid whatsoever dipshit

>> No.7503461


Aluminum reacts with salt, bruh. Chem 101. No need to be hostile about it.

Good luck with that early onset Alzheimer's.

>> No.7503483

Sorry, I can't here you over the sound of five dogs analog baritone my daddy used to limes force meat again over beyond why the dang old last lady in our gucci meth lab took the needle off a dirty old old rig and sucked a thick 50 up in the barrel and had him squirt it up her brown eye not the one that wink the one stink but then he sucked it back out of her rectum and she got mad

>> No.7503495
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added the sauce

>> No.7503498

>Every Friday my house hosts a party for several dozen guests
why exactly? context? story?

>> No.7503500
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stirred the pasta into the sauce

>> No.7503512
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served the pasta with a little freshly grated nutmeg on top

well... I live in house with 9 other men. We're all recovering alcoholics and/or drug addicts. It's not a halfway house (i.e. no one supervises us) we just live together to save money and help each other. The house is huge. We have 2 full kitchens with 4 fridges and 3 stoves between them, 3.5 bathrooms, 10 bedrooms and over an acre and a half of back yard

On Fridays we host a big AA meeting around the fire pit in our back yard then serve dinner and have karaoke and games afterwards.

>> No.7503524

do you pay for the ingredients out of pocket? how much do you spend on the dinner weekly?

>> No.7503529

I saw this setup on men.com before.

>> No.7503554

You do know you can buy packaged ground sausage separately, right? Surely you aren't this retarded

>> No.7503563

>well... I live in house with 9 other men.

Do any of you guys fuck one another

>> No.7503567

Perhaps he wants the casings as condoms for his orgy?

>> No.7503568

maybe op likes to eat sausages both in their case and out of it, cased sausages are definitely more versatile. nothing retarded about it anon

>> No.7503576
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The stock reduced by half

do you pay for the ingredients out of pocket?

>how much do you spend on the dinner weekly?

usually between $60 and $100 but we make most of it back in donations. Not tomorrow but next week we're transitioning to a supper club model with a $5 per person suggested donation to see if we can maybe turn a profit on the deal.

I had never heard of the website until just now. I was not shocked to discover it's a gay porn site.

If my house did gay porn it would be the worst gay porn ever. Just imagine a bunch of broke down middle aged fuck ups miserably buttfucking each other for money...

The kind in the casing were on a really good sale so I bought a bunch to keep in the freezer. It was a great deal.

>Do any of you guys fuck one another

No but sometimes when the guy in the room above me fucks his gf I beat off to the sounds.

>> No.7503580
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I added fresh water to the stock and reduced it by half again.

I'll repeat the process once before sticking it in the fridge.

>> No.7503744


>> No.7503762
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i dont get that. you had broth and then water evaporated through the steam. then you add water back for it to evaporate just like it did the first time. the only thing thats left the pot is water. it would be exactly the same if you did that twice or ten times.

>> No.7503798

hot water extracts collagen, gelatin, glutamates, nucleotides, and other desirable chemicals from the bones and meat

some of the water evaporates as steam as the stock boils but some remains, resulting in higher concentrations of the desired chemicals

adding fresh water allows the process of extraction to continue. if I didn't add fresh water the fluid in the pan would eventually all disappear leaving me with just some crud burnt to my pot.

>> No.7503870
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strained the stock

>> No.7503881
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I'm going to stick it in the fridge for a while be straining it again and removing the fat.

>> No.7505284

wheres the updates bitch

>> No.7505319
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I'm eating lunch atm and will start cooking and posting just as soon as I get back home


>> No.7505637
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searing the chicken

>> No.7505653
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button mushrooms

shiitake mushrooms

portabella mushrooms

>> No.7505680


>Big L

Mah nigga

>> No.7505699

Damn dude, hats off to you guys being so fucking communal. If I may ask, why are you doing all of the cooking? I assume you work just like these other guys?

>> No.7505724


I hate those tongs with the stupid locking ring you have to slide up to use so goddamn much, every time I scroll past one of your threads they make me angry.

>> No.7505730

I have those same exact tongs. What's your problem with them?

>> No.7505735


That stupid fucking ring that keeps them locked closed.

>> No.7505744

>pick up from the end and flick up
ta da, it's unlocked and ready to use

>> No.7505754
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cut up the shrooms

anyone here like Dan Carlin podcasts? I love to listen to them while I get my cook on.

I work from home so I have more time to dick around in the kitchen plus I just like cooking. We just got a new guy in the house who's on disability income for being a crippled faggot and he's been helping me

>> No.7505788


>> No.7505814
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tossed the shroom with oil and salt and popped them into a 450 degree oven

>> No.7505940
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chopped 4 onions

>> No.7505975

don't call me a bitch, bitch.

>> No.7506001
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a pound of celery and a pound of carrots

>> No.7506024

Lurking as well.

>> No.7506080
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The mushrooms after roasting

>> No.7506087
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sweating down the mirepoix and degalzing the smaller pan with bought chicken stock

>> No.7506110
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the chicken, mushrooms and mirepoix in the roasting pans

>> No.7506119
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The stock I made last night

This shit is thick enough to float bullets

>> No.7506126
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8 tablespoons of butter and 8 tablespoons of flour

>> No.7506189
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cooked down a nice blond roux

>> No.7506198
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hit it with 4 cups of the chicken stock I made last night

then added the deglazing liquid with some packaged stock to make six cups

>> No.7506202
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two more cups of stock to bring the total liquid up to 8 cups

>> No.7506217
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seasoned with black pepper, cayenne, salt, and dried parsley

>> No.7506225 [DELETED] 
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What's up whoremel

>> No.7506232
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>> No.7506243

What did that anon say to you?

>> No.7506258

poured the sauce over the chicken and stuff

posted a picture of human male testicles

>> No.7506262 [DELETED] 
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Damn dude that's fucked up

>> No.7506263
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>> No.7506304
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wrapped tightly in aluminum foil and popped into my filthy 300 degree oven

>> No.7506353
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cooking a little bacon

>> No.7506356
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sliced an onion a shitload of sweet peppers

>> No.7506370

sounds good

>> No.7506397

>says hes not making a casserole
>makes one

>> No.7506401

You live in a halfway house dont you

>> No.7506464

literally drooled on my keyboard

>> No.7506472

cut up the taters and started them on the stove in salted water

it's not a casserole

i already addressed this issue

>> No.7506475
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>> No.7506489
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cooking the onions and peppers in the bacon fat

>> No.7506492
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chopped the bacon

>> No.7506494

Pray tell, what are female testicles?

>> No.7506496
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added the bacon pieces, butter and some chicken stock

>> No.7506501
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once I pulled the beans out of the fridge I immediate realized one pan was not going to cut it

>> No.7506505
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Cooking them over very low heat

>> No.7506526

Is this going to turn in to some kind of chicken cottage pie arrangement?

>> No.7506630
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Mashed the taters with butter, salt, pepper, milk and cream


>> No.7506633
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Everything ready to serve

>> No.7506636
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Wah lah

>> No.7506734

I like your threads, nigger-roni. But this one isn't doing it for me. I think i prefer when you cook for one or two rather than these large meals. Just my 2 cents. Still good OC. Keep it up, niglet-roni

>> No.7506772


Agreed. I just don't like what you did to the chicken. I do get that it was for a lot of people. But dumping a bunch of chicken gravy and mirepoix over it sounds like something that would be served at a retirement home. It's like a blander chicken a la king (which is already bad) on top of potatoes instead of noodles.

Put those mushrooms and that stock to work and make something slightly more complex, like coq au vin.

>> No.7506844
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So here's the thing... I have the kitchen and equipment you've seen here, a day and half of prep, up to $100 and little to no assistance to prepare a meal for 20-40 people including children and picky adults that will please as many as possible and offend as few as possible. Also, everything I cook for these get togethers has to be able to hold up to being held hot for up to an hour to serve everyone.

I think being able to pull it off at all is rather impressive.

While the meal I cooked tonight was neither innovate nor particularly special to look at it was delicious.

Those of you who follow my threads have seen that I often cook more elaborate and adventurous dishes when I'm working for a smaller crowd and have a larger budget.

I am VERY open to suggestions for what to make next week.

Bringing alcoholic beverages into the house (even just for cooking) is an obvious non-starter so coq au vin is out lol.

>> No.7506888


>Bringing alcoholic beverages into the house (even just for cooking) is an obvious non-starter so coq au vin is out lol.

I'd suggest cheap cooking wine, since that stuff is nigh undrinkable. But for one thing, I don't know what caliber of alcoholics you're dealing with. For another, most cheap cooking wine contains so much sodium/chemical that not only is it undrinkable, it's very hard (if not impossible) to make palatable. Maybe there's some decent non-alcoholic wine that'd work for cooking, idk.

How about a variation of chicken with forty cloves? Maybe buy the garlic pre-peeled, 'cause that'd be a lot of garlic.

You just need something to give some oomph to a sauce like that, is all I'm saying. A flavor profile. Doesn't have to be costly, just...not plain chicken gravy with boiled mirepoix. It takes me back to when I was 17, stuck living with a bunch of bums, and trying to learn how to roast a chicken, fucking it up all the way.

>> No.7506916

yeah my man, cooking wine is pretty much useless.

The chicken with 40 cloves is a decent idea, I'll try something like that soon.

Btw, sweated and braised =/= boiled. I'm sorry you had a traumatic experience with chicken gravy but don't push your baggage onto me.

nice trips

>> No.7507007

I hate these fuckers too.

It will only ever 'open' fully when I'm trying to use it 1 handed and want to set it down. Without fail.

>> No.7507034
File: 102 KB, 940x500, recipe_main_87140505_06585_tomates_gemista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Gemista.

You take Tomatoes, Peppers, Courgettes, Aubergines and Potatoes, gut them (save the insides, except those of the peppers).

Then you blitz the insides and mix them with arborio rice (for risotto), chopped onion, lots of olive oil, lots of parsley, a bit of mint and dill, salt and pepper.

Stuff the gutted veggies with the mix, put the "lids" back on, dizzle over with the some more blitzed tomatoes and olive oil and cook in the oven at 180*C for 1.5 hr

Optionally substitute SOME but not all of the rice in the mix for couscous or bulgur wheat. Serve with lots of Feta if you can find it or whatever salty white cheese you can get your hands on.

It's really easy and simple to make, really really cheap and as you have many different types of veggies, everyone will find one that they like. My guess is the pickiest of kids will have no trouble eating the potato ones.
If you want a recipe with quantities follow this one, you only need the pictures and the ingredients list really so don't worry about the translation.


>> No.7507043

Looks a lot better than the stuff you made the other week.

>> No.7507050

Fuck now I feel like making a chicken casserole too.

>> No.7507072

This is fucking awesome, thank you

>> No.7507097
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You're welcome. Make sure to post it when you make it! My personal suggestion is to add some paprika and some tomato paste to the mix but don't over do it. People also make them with beef mince (sometimes with added pine nuts and raisins) or both rice and beef mince which is more filling and means you don't need feta. But it's more expensive and more complicated. Pic related

>> No.7507119

peas with sausage...squash with sausage...wtf

>> No.7507124


>> No.7507131
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>uses paper plates
>meal ruined

>> No.7507153

If you're focusing on what the food is served on rather than the food itself, I think it's safe to say you've never had a good meal in your life.

>> No.7507158

i don't see what the problem is

nutmeg is a classic seasoning for cream sauces bro

yeah there's no fucking way I'm going to serve 40 people on proper china, sorry

>> No.7507208
File: 595 KB, 1594x897, 20160326_153009_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently cooking some chilli

beef chuck
smoked paprika powder
cayenne powder

browned then 2 cans diced tomatoes added and brought to boil

>> No.7507211
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now in the oven for 3-4 hours

>> No.7507230
File: 142 KB, 800x600, dtblackrimplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the dollar store and buy the reusable hard plastic plates.
They look like glass but are durable, cheap as fuck.
Mine have literally lasted 12 years.

>> No.7507235

Why no oregano and cumin?

>> No.7507237

thanks for the tip, I'll grab some

but for our big friday night parties I'm still going to use disposable plates. It's just not worth the hassle of washing that many plates by myself.

>> No.7507243

I don't know why the majority of posts ITT are negative. OP did a great job considering the amount of people he has to serve, and the amount of labour that went into his meal, the pasta with nutmeg looks especially appealing.

>> No.7507248

People always talk shit to niggaroni. The fact is he usually does a decent job.

>> No.7507253

i'm a retard, all out and cbf going to the store will see how it goes

>> No.7507254

RIP in peace OP

>> No.7507273
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having some ice cream in bed to celebrate another Friday night successfully completed


>> No.7507291

nice, OP

>> No.7508928

dude he bought premade alfredo sauce and dosen't even seem to have parmesan, this is shit.

>> No.7508942

I think it's safe to say that you have never had a meal served on a non-disposable plate.

>> No.7508972

Yah its great background noise for cleaning and cooking get to learn about kings n shit

>> No.7509021

yeah, but, like, just cover the pot though?