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File: 399 KB, 1554x1240, Ribeye-Steak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7503097 No.7503097 [Reply] [Original]

What are your best strategies for a newbie to not fuck up a steak?

I've gotten pretty into cooking, but still suck at getting steaks the right temp in the middle while being good on the outside. I do have a meat thermometer if that helps, I spent $12 on a decent ribeye so I'm more looking for the best way to not screw it up, rather than the best way overall to cook it

>> No.7503121

sear until internal temp is 112

rest for ten mins

serve immediately

>> No.7503143

bake in the oven until internal temp is what you want, then sear the outside

>> No.7503144

Boil it for a few minutes to kill the bacteria and then roast it at 350. Baste it will bbq sauce every 15 minutes.

>> No.7503178


get the pan smoking hot

make sure you flip it a few times

>> No.7503223

Alright, this is the way I do it.

Get your steak. Drizzle a bit of oil on top. Use the most neutral, high-smoke point one you have. You need it oiled up, but try not to have it swimming in the stuff. Then go a bit heavier than you think you need to with kosher salt. NO PEPPER, at least not now, that shit easily burns and goes bitter.

A little bit of the same high-smoke point oil goes into your heaviest pan, just enough for the steak to sort of rest on. Get that shit as hot as it can possibly get.

Steak goes in. Wait 45 seconds to a minute. Flip steak. Wait another 45 seconds to a minute. Repeat this as necessary until you get the "base of your thumb" doneness test like you want it (or if you can't accurately gauge it that way, use a meat thermometer until it hits the desire point, but please be gentle with the poking).

Flipping continuously gives a better sear,more even cooking, and keeps more moisture in than flipping once (ever noticed the moisture seeping out on the raw side of the steak if you do the flip-once method?). Also, I like to rub some unsalted butter on the upside surface on the steak before each flip after the first, it gives a fucking beautiful caramelized crust that way.

Take that shit off the pan, a good amount of black pepper goes on. I'm an argie and some days I want my steaks with some chimichurri, which I put on at this point if using. Rest at least 5 minutes. Eat.

>> No.7503230

>make sure you flip it a few times
This is trolling. Don't listen to him.

>> No.7503236

you're actually retarded. multiple independent experiments have confirmed that maximum flipping results in the best crust and most event cooking.

>> No.7503237

Anyone else let it air out in the fridge overnight?

>> No.7503247

No you are. Might as well tell the guy to cook it well done and have it with ketchup, troll.

>> No.7503265

>most event cooking
I've seen that. It's a thing Heston popularized iirc
>best crust
I've never heard that before. I'm dubious about that part

>> No.7503268


also cooks illustrated, and harold mcgee have both come to the same results.

>> No.7503279

Rib eye is a tricky one OP, it takes some skill to achieve a nice medium rare whilst rendering the fat down enough to make it taste good. The best rib eye I ever had was seared well in a smoking hot pan then switched to the oven to finish off. It was magical.

>> No.7503301

this is actually the easiest way for a newbie to cook a great steak, sear it in a HOT pan with butter or on the grill when it's done in the oven

>> No.7503303

I've seen some "famous" chefs do that as well, is there any accepted time frame for the oven after searing? Also, how does oven first, then sear like this guy >>7503143 compare to sear then oven?

>> No.7503305

Steak is easy, just practice

>> No.7503313

reverse dries it out, with the oven method the only point of searing is to get a nice char, not to cook the meat inside

>> No.7503334

Things that are easy don't need practice

>> No.7503413
File: 1.94 MB, 2144x3808, IMAG0067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get cast-iron pan as hot as possible
>rub room-temperature steak with canola (or safflower, or something else with a high smoke point) and lots of salt, put in pan
>flip every 30 seconds (but DO NOT press down on the steak) until just a little under desired doneness
>remove from pan, top with pat of butter and cover with aluminum foil or a lid
>let rest 10 minutes
>cook some veggies in the still-hot pan while steak is resting and deglaze with something to get dat tasty fond
Pic related is a steak I cooked this way and sliced up for sandwiches.

>> No.7503434

i'm sure it tasted good, but that looks awful. get a better phone/camera

>> No.7503450

I do this method and it's fucking great



air dry on cake rack in fridge for 24-48 hours
let it come to room temperature
fry on high heat and turn every 10-20 seconds
let it rest after desired cookness

>> No.7503453
File: 51 KB, 490x295, A5 Beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best strategies
Use good quality beef.

>> No.7503484
File: 1.34 MB, 468x512, 1455984264042.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try this anon.. thanks for the tip

>> No.7503502

Do the strands of muscle even stay connected after all that fat melts away?

>> No.7503511

op here, gonna try something similar to this since I wasn't planning on making the steak tomorrow. Question though, let's say I let the steak rest out in the open for 24-48 hours like this in the fridge, but decide to cook it a different way. Will it still benefit from that?

>> No.7503520

pan sear with butter, baste with juices. toss it in the oven for 3-6 minutes medium-medium rare, longer if youre a bitch

>> No.7503528

it should, it should dry the outside a bit and concentrate the beef flavor and make a better crust

>> No.7503549

Yes. You always want to start cooking your steak when it's reached room temperature regardless of how you cook it in the end.

>> No.7503562

I didn't mean the part about resting it to room temp before cooking, I meant letting it rest in the fridge for 24-48 hours before cooking

>> No.7503571
File: 1.38 MB, 1068x801, The worst ribeye ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course not. cuts of beef for Tajima Waygu cattle from the Hyogo Prefecture of Japan are considered the most unpalatable of all cuts of beef.

pic related

>> No.7503603
File: 231 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-6245544590200872962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sear in pan
Finish in oven till it's as firm as the bottom of your thumb

Here's some I made about a month ago

>> No.7503611
File: 299 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-2552461337654126618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a before

>> No.7503871

your method sounds fine, but that looks like shit

>> No.7504350

Looks great desu
Was gonna say well done
But I think saying good job would be better ;)

>> No.7504406

If I want grill marks and it is a thick cut. I flip it three times for even cooking.

OP to not screw up a steak and having a tasty steak is, nicely charred and NOT overercooked. So get that char with charcoal lumps if you can. and DO let it rest for ten minutes . I don't care how you consider over cooked. Get a thermometer. I like mine rare, but I don't recommend cooking it above medium well. And you will want to pull the steak off the heat about ten degrees F. Before your desired temperature. It will rise while resting.

Don't be mad bro if I dip it in ketchup. Peace

>> No.7504703
File: 19 KB, 204x309, 1387014298890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I make mine

>rub with garlic clove
>rest while setting up grill (charcoal)
>hueg pile of coals on one side only
>once coals are ready, put a few off to other side
>couple of minutes on each sider over hueg pile of coals
>move to other side until steak feels right to me (you'll learn how a steak feels when it's the temp you prefer, practice perfect etc;)
>pull off grill, butter/herb butter, covered with foil, rested for 10min or so
>enjoy with salad/potatoes/whatever
>if made in pan, make a pan gravy, don't waste drippings

>> No.7504728
File: 301 KB, 1600x900, 20160226_181622-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer charcoal grill to pan sear/oven, but it's easier to fuck up if you haven't practiced with the grill

>> No.7504735


>> No.7505716


>> No.7505933

1. Get really thick steak, like inch and a half tall minimum
2. Cut to whatever length and width you want. Keep it big.
3. put it in the cold oven on top rack
4. Set oven to 400 degrees
5. Bake for 20 minutes
6. Take out and eat. Perfect medium rare steak

>> No.7505959

What's the best cut of meat?
I usually just get a NY Strip.
Also choice or prime?

>> No.7506190

cube steak

>> No.7506209


Cook it well done unless you like e-coli/the shits

>> No.7506224


This is the way god wants you to eat steak.

>> No.7506268

tube steak

>> No.7507904

The only way to cook steak is sous vide until desired doneness, I usually do ~125 for a general crowd pleaser, then sear on extreme heat (shoot for 800+) either on charcoal or a cast iron pan. Finish to a little butter.

Even a king soopers choice steak will put steak houses that don't sous vide to shame with this method. Check it out on youtube and try beer cooler sous vide if you dont want to spend the 200 bucks on it to start.

>> No.7507906
File: 7 KB, 114x124, tumblr_24chan_2tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sous vide steak.


>> No.7507913

Has anyone used a whiskysauce for a steak? Also how to cook an entrecôte?

>> No.7508675

>resting steak
