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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7502587 No.7502587 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, why do blacks and other minorities say that "white" food is bland when the vast majority of restaurants with stars are operated by white chefs?

>> No.7502595

They don't if they have went to one of those restaurants. But that's not the issue here, you just want this thread to devolve into shitposting and /pol/faggotry

>> No.7502597


Most "white" people originated from northern Europe. Cold climate = relatively few herbs/spices and certainly no hot peppers. So the traditional foods of most "white" people would be fairly bland compared to the cuisine for equatorial regions.

>>restaurants with stars
The world of high-end restaurants has very little to do with what the average person eats. It's not relevant to what most people eat.

>> No.7502599

because like the SATs, the michelin star system was created by white people for white people.

>> No.7502603

The same thing applies to the average restaurant in your neighborhood. They're all run by white chefs with maybe Mexican kitchen staff.

>> No.7502605

who cares what they think? they are objectively wrong in every regard

>> No.7502608

Because the MidWest has Scandinavian descendants.

>> No.7502613

Inferiority complex. They know this isn't true but they try to use it as an insult to make themselves feel better. Just like the "white people smell like wet dogs" thing. Everyone knows black people smell like garbage and they're trying to makeup for that by insulting whites.

>> No.7502619

I live in the suburbs, so there aren't much here. Anyways, yes most chefs here are white but it doesn't change the fact that food can range from shit to fantastic. It's the price range that pushes most away from better ones

>> No.7502622

The anons pushing the, "white food" meme aren't black.

They are first or second generation immigrants with grandmas who have done nothing but cook the same shit for their families that their grandma's taught them how to cook, and then go to Chipotle and make a sweeping judgement on "white people food".

>> No.7502626

Honestly, besides the South, which has kept their food culture due to poverty and French influence, everywhere else is content with disgusting processed foods. I mean the English and Irish are not known for their good cuisine.

>> No.7502636

soul food is such overrated garbage. Wow Mac and cheese and fried chicken. What a delicacy.

>> No.7502638

White isn't a race. And a lot of "ethnic" foods feature bold flavors like chilis, garlic, herbs, and spices that are more assertive than continental cuisine. sage because this thread sucks

>> No.7502647

Because most white people (the ones who are not superwealthy with offshore accounts and household staff) do not eat that kind of food. They eat flavourless frankenfood from mondelez. Meanwhile even ordinary Malaysian or Sri Lankan folk eat delicious food with incredibly complex flavours.

Pretending that white people from zip code 10021 have eating habits that represent their race is like saying Qatari playboys crashing La Ferraris in Beverly Hills represent the typical fun time activities of Muslims.

>> No.7502649 [DELETED] 

Assmad shitskin detected

>> No.7502665

Asians statistically destroy whites in SAT and GPA

There is a reason Asians have stopped answering the race question when applying to top tier schools. Whites got mad when they lost at their own game, and put in caps on the number of asians allowed.

>> No.7502677

Because it's not an exam that is supposed to keep other races down.

>> No.7502694

because they have a massive inferiority complex and will look for anything, even if it's a stretch, to feel a little better about being black

>> No.7502701

No, that's because of affirmative action. Black and Mexicans get to go to universities even if they didn't try as hard. Guess who got pushed out: Whites and Asians.

>> No.7502725

There's quite a bit of truth in this, but it goes even deeper. For a long time in America mild tasting foods were considered "classy", and pungent, spicy or even strongly flavored foods (usually brought by immigrants) were looked down on. This really didn't start changing until the 1980's, when Mexican and SEA food started becoming popular across the country. My mother grew up without garlic or hot peppers of any kind in the house. Her family ate stews, casseroles, sandwiches and roasts on Sunday. Soup if money was tight, going out for fried seafood if money was good. The food wasn't lacking in flavor because bacon grease was the primary cooking fat, and grandma always kept a coffee can half full of it next to the stove.

Back then (1960's) Italian food was exotic. Olive oil was exotic. You couldn't find fresh chilis in the newly opened supermarket. You know what was exciting back then? Frozen food. Meals were meat, potatoes, vegetables on the side and a salad of iceberg lettuce in a mayo based dressing like Thousand Island.

Things were a little different in the South, where the climate and culture led to an appreciation of spicier food. Mexican influence in the southwest and Afro-Caribbean influence Louisiana, Mississippi and the Atlantic states. But even there spicy food was seen as a Mexican or African American thing. When southern blacks came to traditionally white parts of the country during the Great Migration the food seemed bland as hell to them. Just like it did to immigrants from countries with strongly flavored cuisines.

So if by white people food you mean the kinds of home cooking dishes most Americans ate up until a generation or two ago then yes, it was delicious, but definitely on the mild side.That's changed during my lifetime, but not across the country. In some backwaters liking spicy food makes you a class/race traitor.

>> No.7502728

>In some backwaters liking spicy food makes you a class/race traitor.

>> No.7502734

>In some backwaters liking spicy food makes you a class/race traitor.

show me one example

>> No.7502737

The same reason that /ck/ has a fixation on British cuisine, postwar working and lower middle class cooking.

>> No.7502743

Of course it does. All you have to do is bring up the topic of Indian food to wind up the racism here.

>> No.7502756

>Indian food is the only food that can be spicy
Your argument is shit

>> No.7502758

The most balanced food is from Europe. Places like France, Spain and Italy have very balanced and varied cuisines and use all the ingredients around them.

The rest of the World due to often cultural or religious reasons limit what they eat and so have less food to choose from. They tend to concentrate on salty or spicy or sour or bitter or even combinations of these, which often don't allow the main ingredients to speak for themselves.

>> No.7502778

I'm just saying spicy food usually comes from places where people are a more brown than Northern Europeans, so talking about it attracts the kind of posters who use terms like "shitskin".

A very common way to reinforce racism is to assert that "their" food is disgusting. "They" can be Indian, Chinese, African, Middle Eastern or whatever. Doesn't really matter.

>> No.7502784


you're making up things out of your ass and backpedalling. tell me what backwater place calls you a race traitor for enjoying spicy foods. tell me when you actually saw this happen irl

>> No.7502804

You mean Asians. Whites just need to wiggle their large noses and say "daddy graduated so let me in too"

>> No.7502833

Food rots in hot humid climates, to mask the taste you use a lot of spice. That's no longer an issue but the culture and traditions remain. Almost all foodculture stems from curating and storing food for longer time, from wine to cheese to gravlax to chocolate.

>> No.7502839

Shit like this is still going on today even in places like LA, it's just more coded:
And in NYC:

Even in Upstate NY I have met people who won't eat Indian food because "those people" smell bad and aren't clean. This shit is totally common.

>> No.7502857

"White food" excludes traditional American cuisine such as fried chicken, burgers, bbq, etc that are eaten by all cultures

When people say "white" food they usually mean food only eaten by whites, such as boiled chicken and boiled cabbage, toast sandwiches, etc, and a general lack of seasonings other than salt or ketchup

>> No.7502868

>refusing to eat at an ethnic restaurant with health code violations is racist and you shouldn't blame their food if you get sick
Literal SJW shit. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7502870

those articles are shit tier typical self hating white people garbage. maybe you have shitty people in new york but there's no "backwater" of people going HURR I AINT GONNA EAT NO SPICY NIGGER FOOD like you want so desperately to believe. The irony of super liberal places like new york is you think you're so above us plebs in the midwest but you are the most racist and bigoted humans alive. Stop projecting.

>> No.7502882

It's because they are comparing to white flyover cuisine. They aren't comparing their fried chicken and tacos to michelin star haute cuisine retard.

Poor minority food > poor flyover food

>> No.7502885

>using the term "SJW"
Why not just come out and say it makes you angry that being a bigot is becoming less and less acceptable?

>> No.7502887

>backwater shit holes that think eating spicy food makes you a race traitor
>posts an article where a cuck is telling New Yorks to stop giving ethnic restaurants poor yelp reviews just because they're dirty and have health code violations

>> No.7502888

>being a bigot is becoming less and less acceptable

except against white males

>> No.7502893

The article you posted is complete horse shit and doesn't even support your argument.

>> No.7502894

This is bait.

>> No.7502895

This. Also most Americans get the context of "white", it's usually Europeans who get mad about things like this.

"White" in a certain context among Americans is basically slang itself for bland, plain, or boring.
"Damn girl, your dance moves are sooooo white"
Said by a white girl to another white girl, this is common slang, stupid yes, but it's all about context

>> No.7502897

>Do you think an ethnic restaurant caused your food poisoning? You might be a little bit racist.
God damn, can someone please just kill us all

>> No.7502900

>self hating white people garbage
Written by an Asian?

>> No.7502908


it's written for white people

>> No.7502921

Even worse. They're literally bitching about their dirty restaurants receiving poor reviews. I thought Asians were supposed to be smarter than that.

>> No.7502925
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This is the guy who wrote the slate article

>> No.7502928
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The issue isn't refusing to eat at restaurants because of health code violations, but they're conflating the reason for that with their demographic identity which is unrelated.

There's nothing wrong with saying "I won't eat there because the health inspector hasn't visited / gave it a bad grade / it smells / it's dirty / I saw a roach / the service is bad / the food is unhealthy"

It's impolite to say "I won't eat there because the health inspector hasn't visited / gave it a bad grade / it smells / it's dirty / I saw a roach / the service is bad / the food is unhealthy, and this is because it is run by Chinese / Indian people".

If you want to be racist, there are outlets for that online.

>> No.7502935

>they're conflating the reason


YOU'RE conflating the reason. YOU are assuming people are racist to fit your assumption.

>> No.7502949
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There's going to be a lot of misinformation and bullshit conjecture in this thread.

Let's assume we're only talking about the US, since OP mention black people.

1. There isn't a lack of herbs in places where most white Americans have ethnic ancestry from: The Atlantic Isles, the Germanic nations, Italy, Spain, etc. Every herb we used today, and many many more were used all throughout Europe and the colonies.

How many of you have used savory or sorrel for example?

2. Colonial Americans weren't any more afraid of using spices than the people who lived in the old world.

Black pepper, lemon zest, cinnamon, clove, ginger, chili peppers, nutmeg/mace, allspice, dried garlic, dried onion, on and on and on. All of these have been used widely every since they were introduced in the west, or they were already here.

It's not like more spices than this were available to African slaves in the Western Hemisphere before whites - without whites, the spices we have in the Western hemisphere today would have never been imported. Europeans fought wars over these spices.

3. Herbs and spices aren't always listed in old recipes because they expected people to know what to use/use what was available.

4. Poor people historically didn't have much to cook with, poor access to herbs and even worse access to spices. Most people historically have been poor.

5. Poor people's recipes weren't written down nearly as often as they have been in the last 300 years. The poorest segments of societies couldn't afford what they can afford today, and the need to purchase so many cookbooks, enjoy prepared foods, etc. just wasn't available to the average person until the 1800s or so in the west.

6. The restaurant wasn't really a concept until the 1800s either. When people ate out, it was at taverns, inns, pubs, brew-pubs, etc. It wasn't fancy food, so things like herbs, sour flavors from fermentation/vinegar were far more common than using spices until spices became available.

>> No.7502950
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>No, that's because of affirmative action. Black and Mexicans get to go to universities even if they didn't try as hard. Guess who got pushed out: Whites and Asians

Do you have any idea what a drop in the bucket affirmitive action admissions are?

Especially in STEM subjects where whites and asians dominate the classes? Especially when blacks grow up in absolute shit neighborhoods in an absolute shit community?

If you're disappointed you didn't get into your choice uni you really need to blame virtually everything else before you blame the marginal preference given to 3 black students who applied out of a class of 75.

>> No.7502952

But that's not what they're saying. The white author of the slate article did his own research by searching Yelp reviews for the word "poisoning". 40% of his final results were chineses restaurants. Nothing about these people blaming the cleanliness of the restaurants on the ethnicities of the owners. You came to that conclusion on your own. You are a racist.

You are so fucking stupid. Again, this doesn't even support your argument when this is being done in New York City.

>> No.7502960


>The review keeps going, though, with Steinthal saying he's "glad" that this "pair of non-Chinese Chinese food enthusiasts" decided to open a restaurant. It's totally okay that chef Josh Grinker is white. It's his right to cook Chinese food, and on my own visit to the restaurant I learned that he does it well. That's not the issue here. The problem is that Steinthal sets up Grinker's non-Chinese-ness as a positive attribute, right after his put-downs of ethnically Chinese restaurateurs.

The reviewer is chalking up the fact that the restaurants are gross to the fact that they're run by racially chinese people.

>> No.7502962
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7. Fermentation and sour flavors are the unique strange flavor of Europe, a flavor that has mostly disappeared because we don't need it to preserve flavors anymore.

People all over Europe used to eat a lot more of these fermented foods

8. The inventions of refrigeration both harmed and helped cuisine in the west, especially among the working classes.

9. Commercialization of the American food industries during WWII harmed food culture, as a narrow selection of items became very cheap and out competed other industries. Less variety, less interesting food being cooked by the people.

10. The above also resulted in blander varieties of animals, vegetables, and fruits becoming the primary food available to most people.

11. Most white Americans are either the descendants of English colonists, or German immigrants. During WWI, many culturally traits of the MASSIVE German-American population were made illegal, or demonized, etc. Further more, a huge part of German-American culture - the beer hall - was made illegal during various state and eventually federal prohibition. Guess what happens when you stomp out the culture of that many people? That's one of the biggest reasons why food sucked so much in the midwest US until the last decade or so.

>> No.7502969

A single review. Wow. Also that is not on the slate article we were discussing here and this still does not support your backwater spicy food argument.

>> No.7502984

>Serious question, why do blacks and other minorities say that "white" food is bland

Hi, I'm black and so are most of my family members. I've never said that, and I've never heard that from my family or any of my black friends. In fact, I've never heard that from anybody I know. You're taking the Aus/Euro shitposts too seriously.

>> No.7502987

>wahhhh the reviewer likes a clean, white owned, Chinese food restaurant better than dirty ones owned by actual Chinese people
How butthurt can you be? The review wasn't in the least racist. Please kill yourself so you don't accidentally create more retards.

>> No.7503001

I am curious, what is your definition of racism.

>> No.7503022

The reviewer isn't even saying that they're dirty because they're Chinese. He's saying cheap restaurants in flushing are dirty, he's saying greasy takeout food makes him feel lazy. The author of the article is trying as hard as possible to make that an attack on Chinese people.

>> No.7503030

>speaking negatively about an ethnically Chinese restaurant you had a bad experience with is racist
Hello cuck

>> No.7503034

I'm sure Basketball-Americans got into college because they were so smart.

>> No.7503039


>> No.7503045

Nah, the anons pushing the "white food" meme are white people with white guilt

>> No.7503065

>people this up in arms over black Twitter memes

Can you faggots grow up? Please? I mean you live in a time where you can cook and eat anything you like, and you decide to get angry when people talk shit about fucking boiled chicken and potatoes.

>> No.7503081

>it's only a meme
>it's just a few people on the Internet, no one takes it seriously
The whole SJW movement does have power

>> No.7503088

>reality is bait
spot the self-victimizing neckbeard. you're smarter than all those college kids, you just didn't apply yourself, is that what you tell yourself?

>> No.7503098

only on college campuses,

>> No.7503100


>> No.7503101

>unfamiliar with the state of sweden

>> No.7503104

Sweden is a country you dumb fuck

Nice 'murrrican education, amirite?

>> No.7503107

you should see what white people do when they get a job teaching engrish in japan and discover they're considered an unsavoury minority group. the second they realize that their presence is not desired in a certain establishment it's like their brain implodes at the speed of light.

>> No.7503108


>> No.7503111

>higher education system that touches most young adults doesn't matter
>unfamiliar with the whole Syrian refugee situation
>the confederate flag bans
>the past 8 years

>> No.7503118

>confederate flag bans
removing an infamous symbol of racism as the official state insignia isn't quite the same as banning it, cleetus

sherman should have finished the job

>> No.7503120

I taught English in Japan for 3 years and never experienced this. I felt like a rock star when I was there, it was great.

>> No.7503126

>rewriting history is ok
>New Orleans taking down Robert e Lee and other confederate statues isn't happening

>> No.7503132

So when the Americans tore down statues of Saddam Hussein that wasn't an attempt to "rewrite history" in your view?

America has virtually no history. Removing a 200 year old statue of an unsavoury character means nothing. Hitler statues and portraits aren't still in Germany because of a "fear of rewriting history".

>> No.7503133

that's not what "ban" means, cleetus

ask a german about the laws concerning nazi insignia, that is what "ban" means

not some municipality taking down a statue of a loser who got his ass handed to him by the better half of the country

>> No.7503135

>not some municipality taking down a statue of a loser who got his ass handed to him by the better half of the country


>> No.7503139


>> No.7503140

>straw man

>> No.7503146

uhhh how are these bans?


Governor Nathan Deal apparently wants to redesign the state's license plates. (June 23, 2015)


On Wednesday morning, governor Robert Bentley ordered the flag removed from state capitol grounds. (June 24, 2015)

>> No.7503149


niggers need any reason to hate the superior white race because they secretly know how worthless and troublemaking they are, so instead of actually making an effort to fix their communities and provide for their families, they loot, rape, steal and complain about why they are always "oppressed" despite being given more welfare and support than any other breed of "people."

They've literally taken the chicken and watermelon meme and reversed it because they are envious faggots.

>> No.7503151


>> No.7503152

Please show me where I celebrated or even mentioned Saddam statues being torn down. The confederate statues and flags being take down were direct responses to SJWs on the Internet. You can't deny their influence.

>> No.7503154

Why the fuck are you starting a fucking Race War on /ck/?

>> No.7503156

Because white people need to fucking die

>> No.7503158

It is deflection. A sign that anon has no argument.

>> No.7503159

Since it's kind of on topic, gf's roommate is a bitchy cuban girl who bitches about bland white people food all the time. What should I cook at her place to most effectively trigger the young lady?

>> No.7503161

Issues with the confederate flag predate "SJWs on the Internet".

It seems reality began in circa 2010 for you. I suggest going outside and not using the internet as a substitute for socialization or a metric for the views of society.

>> No.7503167

>posted in a white country on the white internet from my white iPhone using white communications infrastructure and white technology out of the relative white safety of a white society

Somewhere in Glorious Africa a pygmy is being hunted down to be eaten for "magic purposes" and a black virgin is being raped by an HIV+ black man so he can be cured

/black lives matter

>> No.7503170

>It seems reality began in circa 2010 for you.
in general I've found it's pretty safe to assume anyone who thinks social justice is bad was probably born around 1997. reminder that if you were born in 1997 and posting on 4chan you are not actually violating any rules of 4chan. yes, do the math, it's true!

it's like these people on /ck/ who think they should stop eating bacon because of internet memesters, twitter has been around for 10 years and it's warped a lot of young minds

>> No.7503171

Again, you're straw manning me. I never said there weren't issues with the confederate flag before 2012. They only were taken down now because of people on the Internet signing petitions and making such a big deal about it.

>> No.7503185

The social justice movement isn't even about freedom, it's completely censoring other view points and putting quotas on everything. There's nothing free about forcing companies to hire women or award a black actor an Oscar just because they're black.

>> No.7503188

>Again, you're straw manning me.
Welcome to 4chan. We are arguing via ephemeral posts, not constructing an article for peer review.

Get outside more. And yes, that's an ad hominem.

>> No.7503192


get a job you fucking strain on society.

>> No.7503204

>h-heh, it's o-only the Internet you n-nerd
I like how you had to resort to this when you had no real points to argue here.

>> No.7503219

>p-p-please argue with me seriously, this is all I have going on tonight

I know buddy, I know.

>> No.7503228

Congratulations on proving that all liberals are 10 year old cry babies.

>> No.7503251

>it's bad when people call attention to systematic human rights violations, this is a form of censorship
this is what the twitter generation actually believes

>> No.7503270
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The only informative post in this bait thread

>> No.7503274

do black lives matter /ck/?

>> No.7503277
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500 years is no history?

500 years of the fasting changing time in history, with 99% of scientific advances, the birth of a global economy in the 1500s, the first modern democracies, the greatest cultural exchanges, exploration etc of all of mankind, and that doesn't count as history?

You're retarded.

>> No.7503285

>not giving a black person an oscar is a human rights violation
this is what fucking retards actually believe

>> No.7503290

Did'nt someone show that the number of awards correlated with the actual percentage of black people in the population anyways?

That's pretty fucking good if you ask me.

>> No.7503297

Didn't help that one of the highest paid actors (white or black) and his family was yelling for DIVERSITY. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7503302

>I'm simmering with white rage about kardashian-related ''''news'''' and why it means there's a war on free speech
this country is doomed

>> No.7503310

>crying when a grown adult doesn't win a trophy and calling it a human rights violation
we are doomed

>> No.7503380

nice dubs, can we ban this nigger meme? he is ugly as fuck. also good post. now stop posting that pic,you nigger

>> No.7503482
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Lol he is ugly isn't he?

>> No.7503570
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>he thinks 500 years is a long time

>> No.7503590
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> he thinks most people in Europe were speaking a language he could understand 500 years ago

> he thinks most countries in Europe even existed 500 years ago

>He thinks that America's history isn't just a branch off of Europe's history

>> No.7503597

Don't strain yourself with that reach, m8.

>> No.7504447

I think for a lot of people white food = Anglo/German food.

>> No.7504475

American food, soup can recipes, magazine clipping casseroles and the such. American's forgot how to season and think for themselves when cooking.

>literal pinch of salt

>> No.7504902


I live in new orleans. Every one can cook. This is a dumb fucking thread