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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7498547 No.7498547 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Overrated shit

>> No.7498573

welcome to nostalgia hype.

you will never get it.

>> No.7498605

I tried one. It was pretty awful. And at the same time I could tell it tasted like it used to. I don't know why I used to like the stuff.

>> No.7498698

I don't like the taste very much, but the caffeine's enough to help me push through some really shitty work days. I'm a caffeine junkie.

>> No.7498710

This pretty much. I do enjoy the taste but I encountered one where the syrup settled and it was gross as shit

>> No.7498732


Pick none

>> No.7498734
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Kale, just eat some spinach and not look like an autist for Christ's sake

>> No.7498771

your favorite food

>> No.7498795

It doesn't taste as sweet, but i dont have an old nutritional facts to see if they changed the sugar content.

But the fountain surge was best surge.

>> No.7498807

>But the fountain surge was best surge
My first job was in a hotel that had a soda fountain for its employees. You could partially press the dispenser and get pure surge syrup. I made myself sick doing this on a few occasions. It was awesome.

>> No.7498839


>> No.7498906




>> No.7499116
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>> No.7499167

Found the fat fuck

>> No.7499171

Who the fuck puts non-pickled jalapeños on a burger?

>> No.7499200


Wait what? Five Guys only has non-pickled jalapenos?

>> No.7499353

Yup, which is tarded because they taste like nothing except the seeds.

>> No.7499362
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>> No.7499473
File: 618 KB, 1333x1000, Himalitas-Authentic-Himalayan-Salt-Block-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a time /ck/ was filled with users using their salt blocks. Y'all using your salt blocks still?

>> No.7499489
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cheetos are way better

taste less salty and don't give you toothache

>> No.7499506


I can't imagine eating more and one or two of those at a time, they taste bizarre.

>> No.7499525

I eat both, but kale is cheaper than spinach so if I were to choose one I'd choose kale.

>> No.7499603

I love the lime taste in takis and flaming hot limon. I rarely eat shit like that, but it's good stuff.

>> No.7499658
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>> No.7499713

While kale is hyped up now since it became the next fad health food, it's still a solid leafy green. Plus it serves a different purpose to spinach, I wouldn't use it to make eggs Florentine or stuff ravioli/tortellini. Same as I wouldn't want to put spinach and mashed potatoes with a roast or stewed meat dish

>> No.7499724
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W-what is that. Grilling on PHS is a thing?

I don't even.

>> No.7499731

I eat these until my tongue is raw and I shit red for two days.

>> No.7499747
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>> No.7499749

I made some dulce de leche at home last night. I don't wanna eat anything else in my life (takes forever, though)

>> No.7499768


A few years ago a guy found a box of original Surge syrup, divided it into 2 ounce bottles, and sold them for $15 a pop on eBay. All you had to do was add 10 ounces of carbonated water, and stir to combine for original Surge.
I got some fizzy water fresh from the fountain at Taco Bell and tried it right there. It was Mountain Dew with a little more citrus flavor. That's it.
Ordered some off of Amazon last year and tried it. Same flavor. They haven't changed it at all.

>> No.7499770

I used to eat Chipotle most days a week. I might've just burnt myself out.

>> No.7499874
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I order grilled ones when I go to FG

>> No.7499901

I could make a better burrito at home

>> No.7499963
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>> No.7500256
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>> No.7500258

>he wasn't alive when it first came out

>> No.7500260
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all the cool kids in grade school ate these. i never understood.

>> No.7500264

>Normies in food form

>> No.7500835

Ask for them grilled, removes like 50% of seeds and gives them more flavor

>> No.7500864

Depends on what kind of Nutella you have. Polish Nutella is better than original Italian Nutella which is waaaaay better than American Nutella. Every country uses different ingredients and ratios

>> No.7502372

Name a decade worse than the 90s, even millenials aren't as bad as 90s kids.

>> No.7502379

>millenials aren't as bad as 90s kids
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.7502392

It's the exact same thing

>> No.7502416

I think most 90s kids are millenials who think being born in 1995 makes you a 90s kid.

>> No.7502445


>> No.7502465

>Name a decade worse than the 90s

The 80's

No style, shit music, and the very real threat of all out nuclear war. What a time to be alive.

>> No.7502487

80's had plenty of style. It just sucked.
80's had a lot of crap music but a lot of great stuff too. Autotune hadn't been invented yet, and that's fucking important.

>> No.7502514

Im with you on this one. Had many people rave about it, i tried it and it was mediocre at best.

>> No.7502679

This. Moe's blows them the fuck out of the water.

>> No.7502714
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Ate at four different ones in four different places in Texas.

Each time it was shit.

Big surprise, Texans pretending that their garbage is good.

>> No.7502738

Lel my sister says this too. I live in NC and there's few of them close to me, only been there like once and barely remember it.

>> No.7502766

But but you can smoke weed out of em

>> No.7502794


No shit, they also think Lone Star and Shiner are great.

>> No.7503084
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>> No.7503225

Their burgers are average at best, but their fries are good-tier.

>> No.7503238

Angry texan detected.

Don't get mad at us because your women look a lot like your cows.

>> No.7503579

their fries are average at best, but their burgers are good-tier.

>> No.7503593

Different anon, same experience. I've been to many different locations, even one in Florida. And they're average at best.

>> No.7503605

>which is tarded because they taste like nothing except the seeds.
You might have retarded taste buds

>> No.7503613

>Had many people rave about it, i tried it and it was mediocre at best.
The quality of Five Guys is dependent on the workers there. You must have went to one with shitty workers.

>> No.7503626

Wot m8
Worst fries I have ever had
Way to salty and soggy as fuck

>> No.7503634


Best I went to was the one on Norfolk Naval Base. You can order a burger at 8 in the morning and the fries are crispy. The workers are super nice too

>> No.7503638
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I don't get the appeal of these. They're just kids sweets.

>> No.7503641


>> No.7503725

Why do Europeans eat that instead of peanut butter which has way higher nutrient density?

>> No.7503756

I make a small batch for myself sometimes when I'm feeling it. Imo they're only good fresh or at most a day old

>> No.7503768

What are those?

>> No.7503790

>implying you can beat white cilantro rice, black beans, steak, sour cream, pico de gallo, & cheese in a burrito
But other than that you're right

>> No.7503792

The appeal is they're yummy, and nothing makes them "kids" sweets more than anything else, they're just sweets.

>> No.7503796


>> No.7503804

I'm struggling to see why you don't think all those criticisms apply to today

>> No.7503806
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People are jacking off to this, aren't they?

>> No.7503832

Sorry, these.

What are those?

>> No.7503876

Pretty patties.

>> No.7503883

I bet you eat at In N Out because you're too broke to afford real fresh food.

Five Guys serves fresh toppings you stupid fuck. Stick to Mc Donald's and such if you want that constant food poisoning.

Every human being with a fucking brain knows you eat fries ANYWHERE fresh out of the fryer, not after 30 minutes when the paper bag was sealed up, stupid fuck.

>> No.7503884

Welcome to 4chan. I hope you are enjoying your very first day here.
Just above the thumbnail you can see the file name. Sometimes there's a clue about the content of the image in there.
There's also the ▶ to the right of the post number, which you can use to access, among other things in a menu, Google Image Search.

>> No.7503898
File: 209 KB, 1161x725, double-double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paper thin patties
>Fries full of starch
>Shakes not made from scratch

>> No.7503933

Hey, is that one purple?

>> No.7503958

Purple is my favorite color!

>> No.7503967

the fries I've gotten at multiple 5 guys locations have NEVER been crispy. They look dark as fuck too, like the oil is always dirty. Ick.

>> No.7503977
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>> No.7503980


They're just bland as hell to me.

>> No.7504161
File: 1.48 MB, 500x283, 1457661350719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw the one time I ate these my shit was on fire and red

>> No.7504170

Found the raging faggot. Why yes, I'm upset from a stranger's opinion on a Thai fingerpainting forum.

>> No.7504178

I used to love hot cheetos until I had these.I love the hell out of em but only walmart has them during the summer

>> No.7504231


My local Walgreens started carrying these things.
I've been tempted to try them.

Going to do it now just to spite you in my mind.

>> No.7504252

I am not into spicy food, have always had a girly tolerance for heat.

Bought those on accident one time.
I kept eating them through the pain because I am cheap and was hungry.

After a little while they started getting really addicting. I ate most of the whole bag in one sitting.
I then had the worst heartburn and diarrhea ever.

I havent had them since, even though they were pretty good.

>> No.7504380

the Hot Fries are way better

>> No.7504381

>complaining about starch in a potato product

What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.7504795

McDonald's fries are below average. And they always have been. Same for their chicken nuggets. Just no flavor at all.